Thursday, July 21, 2011

i'm blue, too

After coming home from the retreat last week I was going to write a blog post about how much I need to regroup, as far as my blog is concerned. I wrote several versions in my head but none of them made it to the page. When it comes down to it, blogging is a whole lot of work, and to be honest, I'm burnt out. Again. The difference this time is that I'm not (quite) ready to give it all up yet. I have so many ideas, so much I still want to do and so much that I want to share with you.

This week, after several comments surrounding my current quilt along, I feel like I just got kicked while I was down. Let me tell you, it feels horrible. Don't people realize that I am here to share my love of quilting with others? That's why I started blogging in the first place. I draw no salary from my blog. When people are demanding of "their" free stuff (who don't even bother to say thank you), and when people feel free to criticize my approach, it makes me think, "why on earth am I doing this anyway?!?" It makes me feel foolish for sharing so freely.

I've lost way too much sleep over this. I've shed some tears over it, too. I know people say you need to have a thick skin, but I don't buy into that. I think that is just giving other people permission to be mean and rude.

I've been debating all week whether or not I should blog about this. I've never written one of "these" type of posts before. I could have written plenty of posts throughout the years concerning people using my photos without permission, rude (and a few downright mean) comments. I could have ranted about people using my patterns to teach classes or lead quilt alongs without asking permission, or about people stealing complete tutorials and reposting them on their blog. I could go on and on. I've bottled it all up until this week. I feel if I don't write something at this point, I'm just being a doormat. I realize that compared to some other friends, I have it easy. But still, I needed to lay this all out here before it ate away at me any further.

I've had some great friends and a neighbor check up on me and see if I was ok--they were very concerned for me. (Which also gave a lot of validity to my feelings.) One friend was downright outraged for me. I can not tell you just how much that means to me. So, if you are one of those kind people who offered concern and encouragement throughout this, thank you. You know who you are. I am so thankful that I have you in my life. It gives me a glimmer of hope that there is still some worth to blogging.


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Kelly said...

Please, please, please don't let a few spoiled brats upset you! You have inspired me and delighted me lo these many years of blogging! I am a quilter, too, and a blogger, too (tho not as many people read my stuff.) There are always "Nasty Nellies" in the world, please feel the love, admiration and gratitude coming from me, and you other friends. Thank you!

Dedra C said...

I love your blog. You've taught me so much. The blog world will have a whole in it if you stop blogging. That being do what is right for you and yours. Sometimes a break is just what is needed.

Thank you again. I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner.

Sharon B said...


So sorry to hear about your "blogger" problems. I am quite new to both following and blogging, but I have seen several posts like this. Don't let it get you down enough to make you quit doing something you love. I read a blog the other day from a "new bloggie friend" who when she was sick got no comments of encouragement or concern.

I think people need to remember that blogger also have a "real" life that should be considered and remember to be just as thoughtful of their "bloggie" friends as the ones they see everyday.

I enjoy your blog - Hang in there

Hugs, Sharon B

Missy said...

Your blog is my favorite on my list. I check a couple times a day. I'm a little behind on my blocks cause I haven't gotten the fabric yet, but I'm super excited to get started soon. Your instructions have always been clear and concise, and you're great at answering questions. Please, keep blogging, I will be a faithful follower.

Michelle said...

i'm so sorry that you are going through this. i love your blog, i appreciate all the time and effort it takes to share your pictures, tips, tricks and tutorials with us. i have learned so much from you.

Kristine said...

Amanda Jean, if all you do is share the beautiful quilts you have been working on, I will be satisfied! Your work is always inspiring to me. I haven't blogged enough to get strangers commenting (which is what it takes to get the hurtful ones). I don't know what I would do. Please continue blogging!

Angela N. said...

Im not sure what is going on, but i wanted to tell you that i look forward to your blog every day! i swear i hit the refresh button several times watching for your blog to update!
My mom once told me that when it comes to words the only person with the power to let them effect me is me. It has been a good source of wisdom when i hear negative things.. i have to think "im not giving them the power".
Please take a minute and reflect on all the wonderful followers you do have, who do enjoy you!! We would miss you terribly.

Melodee said...

I so want to give you a hug right now. I know which posts you are referring to and I was taken back by them and felt your pain. I hope those that wrote them will think before posting anywhere again. There is a WHOLE LOT OF LOVE out there for you. I hope you don't let those few bad apples spoil the whole bucket for the rest of us. I am following the QA and find your method the best for me.

Char said...

I don't know what happened, but I would sure miss you if you stopped blogging. I'd just started reading your blog when you stopped before and I'm very happy that you decided to blog again.
Please don't let the "crazies" get you down.I'm very certain there are more people like me, than them!

imagrandma2five said...

I'm sorry some people just have to be such crabs! I love your blog and your quilt alongs...I have a beautiful 9 patch to prove it. If it were me, I'd vanquish the naysayers and only surround myself with nice people. Life's too short to put up with crabby people!
Hang in there!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I, too, don't know who said what but they were cruel. Writing a blog is very hard work as are prepping pictures and all else that is involved. I know it's hard to ignore those that are unkind but you would be very missed if you were to quit blogging. Do you know that you can block individuals from you blog? I hope that we who care outnumber those malicious back stabbers.

Christine @ Punkin Handmades said...

It makes me so sad to read this! Your blog introduced me to this community and has taught me SO much about quilting and sewing and for that I am very thankful. You are an inspiration to many, many women out there who love you and your blog. I am terribly sorry you are going through this, but keep your head up and just know you have supports like me out there you look up to you and can't wait for your next post! I will keep you in my prayers.

deebriese said...

Oh my gosh..I know how you are feeling..I am so sorry. People are thoughtless and selfish and everyone wants something for free. I would hate if you gave it up but I would understand. I think about giving up my blogging some of the same reasons. Big hugs!

Monica said...

I completely understand how you feel. I love your blog and appreciate all the effort you put into it. So just keep doing what you're doing. You're doing a great job!

Angie said...

Wow, I had no idea. You are on my favorite bloggers. You make an incredible amount of quilts, which are all very different, not the same pattern over and over. You have also taught me a lot about quilting through your tutorials (specifically binding and fmq.) I would be very sad if you stopped blogging (again.) I do hope that the good outweighs the bad. And, wow, I hate the "you are so sensitive" when someone hurts your feelings. Seriously, how am I supposed to take mean comments?

stitchinpenny said...

I am not an official follower, but you have brightened many days for me since I read your blog often. The bitterness and anger some people feel so willing to share go against the way I was raised and the way I raised my children. I occasionally say something stupid and hurt someone's feelings, but I hope that I have never done that to you. You have contibuted so much to the blog quilting community and have given freely and as far as I can tell quite well. I don't read the comments to your blog, but I have read some snippy blogs written in a way that I believe the writer thought was funny and a little provocative. I don't know what was said to you, but please know the positives are rarely written and every bad thing gets immediately jotted down. You are great, your blog is informative and fun and you have taken time from your life to give joy to others. so to quote a line from a bad song from my youth - You can't please everyone so you've got to please yourself. Lots of other people enjoy your work, the mean are just louder.

Angie said...

Left out the most important part of my comment! THANK YOU!

Quilting Corner said...

I have been following your blog for a very long time. I'm saddened that you are having these problems with your blog. Remember there are good quilters out there and you mean a great deal to them. I hope you will continue to be an inspiration to other quilters by continuing your blog.

Rachel said...

As I told you privately, you are an awesome asset to the blogging world. You add value to the quilting community. Some people just don't "get" how they "sound" It is THEIR loss. You have a right to your feelings (whether someone validates them or not), don't let anyone tell you that you don't. I mostly lurk on blogs...but I truly value what you add to my quilting world.

grendelskin said...

You don't know me - I'm just another follower of the blog - but as an intelligent person and customer service professional I can tell you that some folks are just.plain.mean. It doesn't matter how giving, kind, enthusiastic and talented you are (and you are all of those things, in abundance), those people will try to hurt you anyhow. It's THEM, not YOU.

Do what is right for your own self. I truly believe that most people are good, but some days I have to cling to that belief with outstretched claws.

Anonymous said...

It's concerning how hostile the online quilt world has become. It seems like every week there are new attacks on not just art and designs, but also the artists and designers themselves. For some reason the anonymity of the internet gives people permission to say things in a careless, assuming that it will have no negative consequence. Even though the internet is endless, our crafting community is relatively small. Comments and blog posts to the Internet are permanent. If people wouldn't say these things to the person face-to-face, they shouldn't say them on the Internet. So sorry that the people who give the most are also the most criticized. Don't let it keep you down, your work is amazing and you are a kind and generous person. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

There will always be rude and mean people around (they are just really unhappy) but there are also nice, compassionate people out there. When someone does not have any sense of manners and say something hurtful and uncaring just be like a duck...and shake it off..dont let it stick to you...sounds simple but it is not so easy to do..but it is doable...try to remember that there are a lot of people (of which 1 of them is me) that do like your postings, use your tutorials and your knowledge and experience has been very helpful to.
Thank you for taking the time to write all those things down and keep doing what you are doing becasue you do it well.

Angela Nash said...

I saw your comment over at Aneela's and worried it was getting to be too much for you :(

I was thinking about a quote that Amanda Soule had on her blog : Do the best that you can where you are, and be kind.

I wish that the blogging community could take that up, while also adding in the corollary of be respectful of others work.....

Laurel H. said...

Blogging is such a crazy concept. We as bloggers engage in what is, when you think about it, a rather narcissistic pursuit. We discuss our lives, our hobbies, our daily pursuits. We take such a great risk by making ourselves vulnerable to all of the good and bad that comes our way in the form of comments. We gain followings which consist, theoretically, of those who enjoy our daily journaling and want to hear about every event that we post.

And, of course, there are those who are not quite so enamored. And that is fine, but then why must they read our blogs? They are more than welcome to go elsewhere. Geesh.

So, to be a blogger means to expect that there will be some less-than-positive comments. But it doesn't make it any easier to read them. You are definitely justified in your feelings on this.

DON'T give up on blogging again. Please.

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

I love your blog, and all your great ideas that you generously share.
Thanks so much! I hope you don't stop blogging!
But, listen to your heart and do what you feel is right.

By Hoki Quilts said...

It never fails to suprise me how people who suck the knowledge from others and take every ounce of kindness from them seem to think they have the right to criticise the givers and teachers of this world. What sad lives they must have and what tiny minds with even smaller brains.
You kep on doing what you're doing those that don't accept you as you are don't deserve the right to participate in your life. Just block their names from your followers, I've done it to a couple it's very empowering.
huge grateful hugs
from NZ.

the momma said...

Oh, AmandaJean ~ I am so sorry!! I rarely comment and never read comments, so I'm really clueless what you've gone through. I also rarely tell you how much I appreciate you, because, well, I figure you get that a LOT. But, most of what I have learned regarding quilting has been from you. You got me started in quilting 2 1/2 years ago & while I've only made a couple of quilts - I LOVE quilting and am SO grateful that you have taken the time to so freely share with us.
I don't know why people can't just be nice!
YOU are a prize in my book!!

The Woodbury's said...

I'll admit that I don't get to follow your blog as often as the other readers do, but it's only because I rarely get to do much of anything since I started babysitting my grand-daughter. However, when I DO get the chance to read blogs, I absolutely LOVE reading yours. I am trying to learn to quilt myself (one of those things I'm going to do "when I have more time"), and I find inspiration and practical knowledge in your blog. I was so sad when you took a break before, and so very glad when you came back! If you want to stop because you just don't feel up to it, or there's a crisis in your life going on, etc., I can't argue with that. But don't let some knuckle heads run you off. That's like giving away your power. Just remember the old saying, "You can't please all of the people all of the time...". But there are so many of us who find your blog a wonderful treat for the senses and the imagination, so please hang in there for as long as you still find joy in sharing your passion with us!

Carol said...

I just walked away from my sewing machine -- where I was stitching up a couple of 36 patch blocks -- to see your post. I hope you can let any negative comments bounce off and continue with your inspirational quilting posts! I enjoy your block daily and love that you share so much, not for money but just for the love of quilting.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE you. You are one of the few blogs I hang onto! I've seen your stuff ripped off! Your wonderful Ticker Tape idea morphed into someone's Bottled Rainbows. A whole lot of credit for your very ORIGINAL idea should have been sent your way. I want you to keep doing what you do because I am selfish. But I am BLUE too for what you have to deal with!

Kimberly said...

With great blogging comes great responsibility... just kidding!

I think that your creativity is what we all crave and that's why we read your blog! If someone offered another way of doing a block, then it's simply another way of looking at things. Me, I've always been a 'sew a square to another square' type of girl and look forward to trying both options when I give your wuilt a go.

And I just noticed... the word verification says 'salam'... I wouldn't take it as a slam if a commenter shares their opinion... we can all learn something new whether we choose to try it or not! Hugs, Kimberly

Debbie said...

ooh dear. I'm sorry, too, that you've been treated badly. Not good. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and hope you keep at it. What an unnecessary price to pay for generously sharing your gift with others!

Doris said...

I just sent you an email... then I came back and read these sweet comments. All good, kind things, so much truth here.

Go-Go Kim said...

I am so sorry that a few people have been so awful (((HUGS)))) I will say that YOU are one reason I started quilting...I followed (lurked) and what you have done gave me courage to try something I have NEVER tried before!!!!

Please,please please do not give in to those who are not very appreciative of your efforts. For those few there are thousands more that need your virtual love and guidance.

You are appreciated, you do an awesome thing and I hope that you will continue :o)

alicia said...

I love your blog,it´s one of my favourite blogs,please don´t stop blogging,it would be too sad for me because I love to come here and read you and see the gorgeous things you....excuse me for my bad english and thank you so much for your work and your generosity!

Cyndi Frailing Nelson said...

I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your blog and your creative process. I have gained a lot of knowledge, being kindof a newbie, by reading your blog and thoroughly enjoy all you have to offer and share. I've been in your shoes in other areas of my life and I feel for you. I read some of the comments and found it troubling to me, not to mention how it makes you feel. Just know there a A LOT of us that see you as an inspiration!

Allison said...

love this post. I have those moments too....especially with cranky people who are so off put that I sell patterns and they are not free. It's a tricky thing to be a blogger and feel run down by it. I hope you start to feel better...there's nothing much to say except I hope you will keep up your blogging and do it for yourself! And tell those other ones to shut up. I'll tell you what I said in an email to a cranky lady last week...but it wasn't very I'm not leaving it in the comments section. :) -Al

Mary said...

Mean people SUCK!!! Hey mean people, if you don't like what you see, than don't come here! They are so jealous that the only way they know how to act, is to attack. There are plenty of us that really enjoy what you are doing and how you share it. It's pretty apparent that people are no longer taught how to act, meaning no manners. So sorry, and I for one hope you continue posting on your blog.

Samantha K said...

Oh, no, it saddens me to read this post. I haven't been following your blog for very long, but I would dearly miss your blog. You have awesome tutorials and I've learned quite a few tricks from you, as I'm pretty much a self taught quilter. I'm terrible sorry there are hurtful people out there. I hope those people who have said negative things or tried to suggest other ways of doing your 36 patch blocks are reading all of this now and taking note of how bad they hurt you. I cannot quite beleive how in the quilting world of mostly women, of whom you think are so kind and caring, can be so hurtful and rude. I pray that others realized what they said, that people apologize for their actions, and that you can be strong and overcome this and continue on for all of us that thoroughly enjoy your blog and look forward to your new posts. You have inspired me quite a bit, and I would truly miss you if you didn't keep up with your blogging.

Tina H. said...

Amanda Jean,
The thought of you not blogging (again) makes me sad! I've said it before, your blog is undoubtedly one of the very best. You write with great style and professionalism. You have provided so much inspiration and great directions. I hope you will continue and am sorry that individuals commented in a hurtful way. I really enjoy what you do!

Vio said...

Amanda Jean, you are an amazingly talented lady! I was quilt-curious a few months ago and your quilts and blog are what inspired me to quit being curious and start doing something about it! I check your blog everyday, several times a day, and I'm so excited to call you my personal mentor *even if we've never met ;)* I hope that the beautiful people who are checking on you and loving you through this can help you overcome the blues and you can come back to us stronger than ever!

Prof. S (the enchanted bobbin) said...

I don't know what you had to deal with exactly, but I do understand how hurtful those kinds of comments can be. As a university prof, I have to undergo evaluation by my students every semester -- and even if they are 99% great, fantastic, wonderful, it is always that 1% of spiteful nastiness that stays with me...for a while anyway. And then I have to shake it off and continue, both for my own sake and that of the 99%!!

99% of your readers -- myself included -- appreciate tremendously all the work you do to keep up your blog. Your work is so inspiring and beautiful...I hope you will feel motivated to keep on sharing it. Whatever you do, please know that there are 1000s of readers out there who love what you do!

Camille said...

Amen sister. I've come to the conclusion that 99% of people are pure awesome. The other 1% just plain suck. They seem to be the ones who love to leave those special comments. I had a nice reader leave a link to a pinterest sign that said "Don't try to win over the haters. You are not the jerk whisperer." Love it.

Sorry I don't leave more comments, but I've read you for years and adore you. Keep on quiltin' on.

Amy said...

Please don't stop blogging! We love you!!!!!

Camille said...

ha ha... I left that comment before the one above mine posted. I think we should be friends, yes?

Ania said...

Your blog is great!

Anonymous said...

I too am another one that reads lots and comments rarely. I agree with everyone else.... there are people out that always feel the need to criticize and complain.... steal and abuse. The majority of people aren't like this. I'm sorry that there are people like this making you feel this way. But take the good stuff from the good people! I have loved following your blog for a long time... you are a REAL and APPRECIATED person! :) Please don't stop. Block the idiots!

celene said...

I have never commented before, but my goodness, you seem like the most lovely person in the world! I have learned so very much from your blog, and have pointed friends in your direction to see great tutorials making the impossible seem doable. It is truly revolting that people take such advantage of each other and the negative comments are beyond the pale. I am so sorry to hear your story and that of the fabric designer you link to. This is the danger of the electronic relationship, people feel "safe" saying things because it's not face to face, leaving them free from judgement. It leaves you feeling attacked and betrayed--not cool. After all you've given in terms of education and your charity quilts, it's just shocking that this could happen. I will pray for you and your heavy heart.

Tessa H. said...

I also check your blog multiple times a day and wait so enthusiastically for your posts. They are very inspirational to me. My husband and I are having a VERY hard time financially, and I have no stock pile, so I dream of doing the things you do when we have a little more I can spend. Until then, I just live vicariously through your quilting :D Truth be told, yours is WAY better than I would be able to do anyway. I agree with a comment made earlier. Blog for yourself. Not for us followers. Blog what pleases you and how you are feeling. I love this raw post. I will be praying for you!

Michelle said...

Amanda ~ As you know, I am new to quilting and even newer to blogging. Rene' and I were talking just this morning about some of the comments on your tutorial. I felt so upset on your behalf. You have such a generous spirit, as evident in the time you take to put out all this wonderful information. For selfish reasons, I hope that you NEVER stop. You are one of the best resources to quilters...both inexperienced and experienced!! Bless you, from the bottom of my heart!!!

roxi said...

Just like everyone else that has commented, you have more than inspired me. I had not quilted for over 15 years & I was at a turning point in life(empty nester) & felt lost until I found your blog accidently. I now have refound my love of quilting & the amazing way the internet has connected us just blows me away!

I am so excited to be apart of my 1st quilt along & like others keep checking for updates because YOU have us so excited!!

Thank you for what you do!

Alli said...

I hope you feel better soon! I love reading your blog and looking at your gorgeous quilts. I've been unable to get to sleep on time for a couple of nights now because I've been thinking about what color combinations I want to use when I start on my 36-patch quilt! :)

Thank you for your tutorials and your fun quiltalong! (I'm going to start on it right after I finish my sister's placemats.) I hope your Thursday just gets better from here!

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

I haven't read through the comments (positive or negative). I always appreciate that you make what you love, that you are sincere, that you are talented, and that you are generous. I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch--I hope you keep blogging. I remember how delighted I was when a post showed up in my google reader a year or so back, saying you were back. Happy sewing.

Ruth said...

Don't stop, please. I love your work!

Just say Piffle to the bad ones; they're not worth another second spent on them. Piffle! to useless people.

Kelli said...

I am sorry people have been bringing you down. The thing I always go back to and did when people were ripping all over Aneela is that the internet is anonymous for so many people. Because you are not face to face and seeing someone's response, people feel brave to just "word vomit" and throw it all out there. I try to remember (and am not always perfect myself, of course) that conversation is conversation, no matter the medium. And if I wouldn't say to your face I don't care for something, I won't say it online either. Please know that there are many who care about you and read your blog for what you offer from your heart and not what you offer up in freebies and tutorials. I read your blog because I like seeing what and how you create, not what you can do for me. This world has many who take what they can get...but we need to remember that the world would be better if we'd all give what we can give.
I will now climb down from my soapbox and put it away for another day. Keep your chin up, there are many of us who love you for you.

Robin said...

I only read two quilt blogs, one of which is yours. I love that you are so real and down to earth, like we could be good friends. I have always been amazed that you keep up your blog, knowing how much work that entails. You are so loved and appreciated so I think you should do what feels best to you. We would all miss your blog, but would also be understanding if you needed a break. Blogging isn't always worth the heartache it can bring to such good people. You are amazing! Hopefully you feel the appreciation of the majority of us who just love to read and learn from your blog. (Maybe one of us should review the comments before you and just delete the negative junk. And the rest of us could scan all other quilt blogs for people who have stolen from crazymomquilts and call them on it. You just need your blog friends to police the internet for you and all will be well again!)

Quiltn Mama said...

I emailed you, but cleaned it up a bit to leave a comment here...

People, even quilters (whom most non-quilters assume are sweet even-tempered angels), can be schmidts. I've known a few and they can ruin your whole day if you let them. I'm really sorry it happened, but I'd like to believe they're just jealous of your fabulousness. Keep your chin up, Mama!

Heather G. said...

You ARE the BOMB, Amanda Jean. And those that try to portray you as anything other than that are the ones that cannot control their jealousy or selfishness. Obviously, they haven't been raised with manners - if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Chin up, are the best of the best!!!!

Jeanna said...

Amanda Jean, I have been enjoying your blog for years and I don't think I have ever said thank you. THANK YOU! I have learned a lot from you. I was sad when you stopped blogging before, and one day, just out of the blue, I checked it again, and there you were, back sharing and making people happy. Remember how many more positive comments you have had than negative ones. Blogging is tough and takes up a lot of time - I accomplish much more because I need to have something to write about. I am hoping you will keep blogging, but if you need a break, take it and come back when you are ready. I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog a few months ago and I love it. I am new to quilting. I just started about a year ago. I look online to try to find helpful hints and also different patterns to try. Your blog has become my favorite quilting blog. I hope that you don't stop blogging. Don't let a few rude, insensitive people ruin things for you and for those who enjoy what you have to say.

Tivoli West said...

Don't let the mean people get you down. I was sad when your blog left the last time and I just kept it on my blog list and then you came back. Delete the nasty comments and forget them. Hang in there, it's looks like there are a lot of people that love what you are doing. :)

dutchcomfort said...

Sorry to hear about this. Unfortunitely it’s not the first post I read this week about nasty comments.
I still read your blog and follow your flickr pages, though I don}t leave comments very frequently anymore.
I told you before that you are my first cyberspace quilting teacher. You learned me so much from which I still benefit.

So, please, stay!



Kelly said...

I enjoy reading your blog, keep up the good work.

Laura said...

I make it a rule not to read comments in general, and I rarely leave them. I just want to tell you that I found your lovely blog during your hiatus of 2010 and, as a budding quilter, have craved the inspiration you provide FOR FREE. You do good things. Your blog is good for me. Thank you.

Crafty Caitlin said...

I don't usually leave comments, but I am a regular reader and just wanted to say how much I appreciate your blog. I'm sorry you are going through this! Let your fans know if we can do anything for you. :)

Sewcando said...

That is a shame to have to deal with that. Kind of spoils the fun don't it.
I know I appreciate your blog and your willingness to share ideas. Heck,I have a stash I need to cut down on so I love borrowing your ideas. :) Thanks for all you sharing and hard work on the blog.

JHNickodemus said...

It has only been in the last two weeks that I've become aware of blOg bully's. Well poop on them and delete report delete. And more shame on them.
Also, I quote and share your blog more than any others. I'd be really very sad to lose you again. I celebrated when you came back!

tina said...

No dejes de escribir, Amandajean. Hace tiempo que sigo tu blog y es maravilloso. Gracias. Thank you!!!

blessedspeedy said...

Love your work and your blog - please dont give up - bless those who do the bad stuff and move on - you are better than that!

Unknown said...

everyone has said it better than I could ... haters gonna hate but those of us who love your blog are gonna LOVE what you do ...

Nancy D. said...

I hope you don't go away! You were the very first blog that I signed up for and thoroughly enjoy your posts. {it's also the one that pops up when I need to sign into Google Reader}. I am planning on doing the QAL but I work full time, so I usually try and catch up at night and weekends. I think people don't realize that just because they can post a comment that they should - especially in such a rude way. If they questioned your methods they could have emailed you instead of trying to belittle your way of presenting YOUR QAL. Silly little mean girls who need to learn a little etiquette should not participate...

Anyhow, please know you are loved by many and virtual hugs are not the best but that's what I'm sending you ~hugs~ from Texas {yes, I'm cheesy, but well intending}

I'm guilty of not saying thank you to so many of the great bloggers out there. I truly appreciate your time and efforts to share your creativeness with those of us who need a little push. THANK YOU! You are an inspiration!
Take care!
Nancy :0)

Sharon said...

Oh my goodness, reading your blog today was something totally unexpected. I love your blog, have it bookmarked and check it daily. Everytime I order fabric from Connecting Threads, I silently send you a huge thank you for bringing that site to my attention. I would miss your "happy blogs" immensely if you decided to quit. I'm quite sure that anyone who would dare to critize is just a jealous soul who wishes they could do what you do so well!!!!!!!

Patty said...

Wow, I never would have guessed what was going on “behind” the scenes!
This is too bad because I think most readers love you and really enjoy reading about your quilts and how you make them.
Personally I enjoy looking at your work and reading through your blog.
Perhaps you could have a monthly rant; it’s good for ones spirit to unburden to others.

Wendz said...

I've enjoyed your blog for sometime now and would be saddened if you gave it up. My own blog is currently neglected due to inner conflict about blogging. A couple of months ago I noticed that there was an upset in blogland but did not know what the source of it all was. I've now followed your links and am absolutely horrified. My parents taught us: "If you've got nothing nice to say, then say nothing!"
You have every reason to be proud of what you have produced and everyone who has the oppurtunity to use your tutorials should gratefully consider them a gift and not a right or entitlement.

Kim with a K said...

PLEASE don't stop blogging!!!
I am new to your blog (you redid a binding awesomely!) and I adore you!!!
Lots of great pictures and know how!
I am astonished that people can be cruel to someone who is so sharing and kind.
Please do not cry or loose any more sleep over this...and shame on hurtful people.

Kelly said...

You make me happy that I get hardly any comments on my blog! If people are like this about quilting, I can't imagine what they'd really like to tell me about what I blog about! You just gotta learn to use that "don't publish" key ;-P
Sending His love your way...

Jen said...

Well I hope you read this comment. You are one of the "popular girls", in my opinion, in the quilting blog world, so I'm not sure with all the comments you get if you ever read them all or not. But anyway I'd like to share something with you. I started quilting a couple years ago. I had no idea what a blog was nor did I know how to sew. I'm self taught in that I've never taken a class. I've learned everything I know from fellow bloggers. Yes, I also started a blog. Your blog is what inspired me to even try to quilt. I'm still new to all of this and still learning. I hope that me forwarding links to your tutorials on how to do labels, bindings, free motion quilting etc. is ok. I always share the link when I've used something I've seen somewhere and give credit where credit is due, so I think I'm in the clear. But seriously, when I have friends that want to learn anything about quilting, your blog is where I send them. Your binding tutorial is perfect, as with all the other tutorials you have on here. I'm sorry that you've had a hard time with mean, disrespectful people, but know that YOU are the one who inspired me to start quilting and now I'm fully addicted and love it so much that it's become a passion I've never had for anything else. So thank YOU for all you do and all the help you provide!

Diane said...

Reading blogs is a freebie ... a privilege you might say ... I am thankful for all who write blogs as they motivate me, give me ideas, and help me improve my skills. THANK YOU!! Keep on Bloggin' :)

liz said...

Crazy Mom Quilts was the first quilting blog I ever discovered and I come back to it almost daily. I have learned a great deal from you and appreciate your generosity in taking the time to post tutorials, photos, all of it.

The negative Nellies might seem to be the loudest "voices" in blogland but I don't believe they represent anywhere near a majority.

THANK YOU for inspiring me week after week!

CAlili said...

Oh my goodness, I don't know what was said by whom but darn it all, it makes me mad. Why do people have to be so mean? I discovered your blog shortly before you decided to stop blogging and it was one of the first I had ever read. I was disappointed when I saw that you had decided not to continue and elated when you decided to begin it again. Although I don't "know" you, I feel as though I do and I enjoy the sewing and craft projects you post. I look forward to each of your posts. I just don't understand how folks could be anything less than appreciative of your generosity and kindness in providing creative inspiration and tutorials. It seems courtesy and good manners are becoming all too rare these days. And yes, it is a struggle to continue to greet the rest of the world with a smile and an open heart when it seems some folks, whether with intent or not, are unkind and unappreciative. I don't think most people are this way but those are the ones us sensitive types let ruin our days. I read a children's book that contained a story about a monk and his companion who help an old lady over a mud puddle by carrying her. Afterward, the lady complained about how she was carried and never gave any thanks. The 2 monks continued on and one said to the other, aren't you upset by how that lady you carried treated you? And the other monk's response was, I am not carrying her anymore, why are you??? I keep these words in mind when I am trying to let go of the disappointment I feel when others don't play nice. It is hard to let go of the unhappiness that comes from not being treated fairly and kindly. I hope that you will keep the rest of us who greatly enjoy your blog in mind and continue blogging. I think you do a wonderful job!

Mary said...

Amanda Jean... I haven't heard any negativity and imam glad. I loved fabric all my life and wished I could sew like my mom but your blog inspired, encouraged, and educated me. Yours has always been my fave blog. I am going to have a quilt in mccalls soon and you know what??? It would not have happened without you and your blog. Please don't let people get to you because it will rob 10 times as many willing learners from a great, empowering teacher. Thank you for helping me find my passion and giving me the courage to try new things. From the bottom of my heart, Mary

Hayley said...

Hi Amanda, I started quilting several months ago, and came across your blog a few weeks ago. I have very much enjoyed reading your tutorials and browsing through your finished quilt pictures. To me quilting is fun, exciting, and an escape from the hectic things in life. In quilting, I found me again: something I enjoy doing everyday, and take pride in. It saddens me that there is so much competitiveness to a hobby that is relaxing and fun to me. I hope you don't get discouraged, but when something isn't fun anymore, its never worth it. Thank you for all your wonderful posts!

Shaunab said...

I am a crazy mom quilts lover. It makes me so mad when people think they can be so rude. I for one have learned alot from you and hope you continue blogging.

Leslie said...

Dear AmandaJean,
Remember those days back in school...maybe it was 3rd, 5th or even 9th grade... back when you realized that not everyone was going to play fair, speak kindly and be your friend? I remmber those days like they were yesterday. So, here's my advice...
Remember who you are. Rmember that you are making a difference everyday, in all sorts of ways. You are touching the lives of your family and friends and all your "virtual" keep your smile on and puch through. I've read through alot of the comments you've gotten, and face it, your blog "peeps" love you! Thanks for all you do. Leslie

Frogdancer said...

Wow. That's amazing. It's the tall poppy syndrome at work: people feel you're a celebrity and therefore it's ok to cut you down "to size".

How awful for you. Hang in there!

The Titmi said...

I have used your tutorials and patterns a ton- I tell everyone about how easy your are to follow and I always link back to you. I love you!!

Toni said...

Everyone has already said it, but please stay! I'm so sorry that some people choose to be punks and feel like it is okay to say rude things in this seemingly anonymous world of the internet. You are wonderful and when I was just flipping through my inspiration folder, several of the quilts I saw were yours. I know the same could be said for many other people out there. So thank-you so much for all that you do, and I am sorry that it has taken something bad to happen for me to comment!

Greta said...

Amanda Jean-I'm so sorry to hear this again this week. I think I must be missing something that's in the air in blog land because between comments on flickr and on the blogs there is obviously some meanies out there posting and making people feel bad. This breaks my heart for you guys. I've never had a mean comment left on my blog but I think if I did I would be hurt too. All I can say is thank you for sharing so freely because without you I probably wouldn't be nearly as far along on my own quilting journey. I've had a great time with your quilt alongs that i've been a part of. And always find tons of inspiration on your blog. Thank you!

Leanne said...

I'm sorry to read you have been upset - People sometimes write things not how they would of said them - not meaning to be rude. Others write to be rude cos they would never say them to a persons face.
Comments that tick you off - just delete. With such a popular blog - I think you are gonna sadly get comments from people who wish they had thought of YOUR idea for their blog etc... etc...

MOST of us just love and adore what ever you post and I have found your tutorials soo helpful

THANK you for sharing and making the blog world a great place to visit with me cuppa.

Lots of Love Leanne

Anita said...

I know I am only one person, but I certainly hear you! I'm so glad you have good friends nearby to pick you up when things are down. I've had mean people say mean things to me as well and I know how that feels. Sending big hugs and prayers!! In light of eternity... well, there is so much to be said in light of eternity. Hang in there.

christi said...

Please dont let other people influence what you do. I am not a blogger but I always check yours. I learn SO MUCH from you, and you always inspire me to keep learning and quilting. So, thankyou for sharing your talents!!Blog land is kind of superficial, but I feel like I know you and would want to be friends.

Liz Jimenez said...

I've been blogging for 5 years, and I still don't understand the trolls and lack of common sense and decency some people have.

You are a delight. The fact that you share your enthusiasm and talent with us is a gift. You don't "owe" anyone anything, and I'm appalled that anyone would think otherwise or say anything negative to you.

I don't want you to stop blogging, because I would miss reading so much. But if you decide to close up this space, you would have my full support. It's not worth the stress or aggravation.

Hugs to you, friend. I hope I get to sew with you again one of these days.

Kim said...

the last time you took a break I missed you terribly.
Don't let a few rotten people spoil it for the rest of us that think you are TERRIFIC!
I am amazed at how hurtful others can be, I'm so sorry for your pain.

Thinking of you and offering quilty love and support.
Hugs too.

Anita in Florida said...

I am so sorry that you are going thru this...just TRY to ignore the bad and concentrate on the good...bloggers I mean! I love your blog and your quilt alongs....please, take a deep breath and RELAX, you are doing a wonderful job ! THANK YOU !!!

QuiltinShrimp said...

Your blog was the first quilting blog I discovered. I was searching for how to bind my quilt and came across your blog. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a quilting blog! Now I follow about 40 and yours is the number one on my list. I check it religiously! Please don't' stop blogging! I was so sad when you took a break last time. I love to see your new ideas. I'm sorry that you haven't always been treated well and I hope that you won't stop writing!

tracy said...


I don't know what is going on and really don't have time to go figure it out. I really have grown weary of petty (mostly women) on the internet complaining about people they don't even know and needing to get a life! I'm sorry they are getting to you and so proud of you for calling them out on it.
You are kind and loving, you love your family and you love quilting. You share so freely and I am so thankful.
I quilt today in large part because of the FREE work you have done. I say I am a self taught machine quilter but that is not really the case, I learned from your blog and the 365 blog (that you actually sent me to).
Thank you for being real and sharing this, you are a real person with real feelings and put real time and effort into what you share on your blog.
THANK YOU for sharing everything you have, I love quilting and I love your blog!

Cindy said...

It's too bad about what has been happening to you. I love your blog, but I rarely post. i know it takes a lot of the bloggers time to read the posts, and so I am one of the guilty ones who maybe take and go without saying thank you. I'm very sorry about that. I promise from now on I will thank the blogger who has spent so much time making a tutorial, or doing a quilt along. I am new to all this, and have never done a quilt along, but I sure study the tutorials and have learned a lot from you. We all would be lost without you, but you need to do what's best for you and your family...hopefully that includes us in at least a small part! All of us lurkers love you.

DianeY said...

I think you probably have gathered by this time that we all love you, your blog, your quilts, your spirit & your sense of humor. If you were to quit blogging again, I would understand, but what a great loss for us all it would be.Yours is one of the first blogs I started to follow & you've been a tremendous inspiration!

Bethe said...

So sad to hear that people have been so mean. I've been reading your blog since right about the time you retired last time (I was so glad you came back!), and you have inspired me to be more adventurous with my quilting. I don't have any friends who do it, so I love seeing your regular updates about your projects - your work is beautiful and it gets me even more excited about quilting! Please know that you bring a lot of smiles to many, many readers!

Renate said...

Hey. just to let you know, I've only just started quilting, and your blog is one of the best ones that I have found!
Thank you for all the inspiration that you share here. It's a shame that some people take advantage of that to use you.
You are really awesome!

susan said...

one more voice saying that i am so very sorry that you've encountered unkindness here. i think you have a gorgeous blog and a really friendly blogging voice which makes you one of absolute favorites - i have you on a feed so i get an email every time you post. i don't want to miss anything! i feel bad for being a lurker and come out of the closet now to tell you that you have (yet another) fan in me. xx

Renate said...

Hey. just to let you know, I've only just started quilting, and your blog is one of the best ones that I have found!
Thank you for all the inspiration that you share here. It's a shame that some people take advantage of that to use you.
You are really awesome!

Renate said...

Sorry, about the double comments, it told me an error had occured, but then it hadn't if you follow what I mean...
You're still awesome!

Unknown said...

Ugh, I'm sorry you've had to deal with any of this! I don't do lots of tutorials, but when it do it never fails that someone wants to tell me how to do it "better". Sometimes I want to scream, "I've been quilting for 9 years, I like to do it this way!" But I don't. :)
I enjoy seeing your projects, and I hope you don't stop blogging.
Oh, and as for the thick skinned comments, those annoy me too. Why should I have to become thick skinned? Why shouldn't others be more compassionate? Sigh...
I like that you put this out there, though!

Denise said...

I am sorry there are people out there that are mean; didn't there parents teach them "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"?! Honestly! I want you to know yours is one of the first quiltly blogs I ever started every reading and you have inspired me many times along the way!

KatyK said...

OMG! You are a constant inspiration and one of my favorite reads. Please know that a tremendous number of readers love you and your blog and send nothing but positive thoughts and love your way

With virtual hugs,

GIO said...

I don't think you should stop blogging (and being inspirational and nice and... well, being yourself) because some idiot leaves stupid and mean comments... Sadly our world is packed full of idiots... we should learn to ignote them. But sometimes it's difficult, I know. Fortunately friends cani help, and in your case also followers. Just read our comments (the positive and supportive ones) and keep doing your magic!
Love, Gio:)

Julie said...

I have been a lurker, but wanted to come out of the shadows to say, "Stay the course." I appreciate your efforts and looking at the comments today, many others do too. You are creative and inspirational. Thank you for your hard work.

Anne said...

I am not sure what happened, but it pains me that it has been painful for you. I have read you for some time and I look forward to and enjoy every post. As for those who have been rude to you... Let go, go on. Chin up sister. We, your gentle readers, LOVE you.

mammafairy said...

Dear, dear Amanda jean please do not stop!
If it hadn't been for your blog I would never have started a quilt at all!

you are a wonderful sharer and carer, and I thank you so much for sharing with me and so many others.

We love you, and want to hug and make you better.

Lots of love


Jill said...

I've learned through my own life that people are mean and rude and condescending when they are jealous. THANK YOU for your tutorials, quilt alongs and just general willingness to share with people like me that want to learn. I hope you feel better soon and know that you sharing your talent with strangers makes you amazing. And to everyone that says otherwise...screw them!! :)

Robyn said...

Your sad post brought me out of my reader and onto my computer to read and leave a comment! I have nothing original to add, (here or in the blogging world unfortunately!) but I love your blog and was sad to see you leave it before, and happy to see you come back to it when you did. Whether you go again or stay, you have been inspirational to so many of us. I too was encouraged to attempt quilting by your blog stories and pictures. I have always loved your color and fabric choices, and look forward to your posts to see what's new. I don't know how you've been able to be so productive - I'm still working on the spiderweb quilt you inspired me to try, (it will be beautiful if I ever finish it!)

So anyway just know that whatever you choose to do you have made a mark and will keep making one and no one can take that away from you!

Michelle said...

I've been quilting for about a year and just found your blog when I was searching for tutorials. I bookmarked them immediately. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I don't know who has said what to you, but it's BS. There are bad, mean people out there, and there are OK people who get lazy and make bad choices. I hope you don't let them get you down too often. All I have to say is, without your blog, my daughter would not be getting a quilt next weekend. So, do what you have to do, but thanks for what you've done.

Cille said...

I dont want to go back and find out what and who said what... But I'll tell you that you're such an inspiration to me and I love your quilts. I have only recently found the online quilting community and have to admit that it is one of the biggest gifts as I see it. I am constanty inspired and I appreciate the feedback given and all those wonderful tutorials and inspirational quilts I have seen. Your blog is one one those I have stared most often meaning that i want to remember and be able to return to many of your posts. Please do not stop blogging. We love your blog.

Vicki said...

Amanda Jean, your blog was my introduction to the quilt blog world a few years ago. I was quilting before then, but my sewing life has been greatly enriched by this whole internet side of things. I love how productive you are with quilting, and blogging. I appreciate your quiltalongs and tutorials. You have a link in one of your tutorials, to one of my tutorials, and I appreciate that. I love the 9-patch quiltalong and have made 2 so far (you commented on one of them, like yesterday I think). I gave one to my sister, again inspired by you. Anyway I think you are amazing and I understand if you need to take a break or slow down the blogging for a while, but it would definitely be a loss for quilters if you quit blogging. :) I'm sorry people are getting you down, that's just no fun.

pam Doerge said...

I too, want to encourage you to continue. I am new to the computer world, and have just discovered blogs, and am having so much fun. I would hate to think that the meanies out there could stop something so giving and inspiring. Thank you!

Angela said...

I rarely leave comments, but absolutely love your blog. I made 2 baby quilts about 6 years ago (self taught) and didn't do much else until 2 1/2 years ago after I started looking at quilting blogs. Yours was one of the first I started reading & I have to say is still my favorite. I think partially because you aren't making a living out of this it makes you more "real" to me. Makes sense? I was sad when you said you weren't blogging last year & super excited when you came back a few months later. Any time I'm having issues with quilting I come to your blog to search for my answers first. Most of the time you have helped me solve the problem.

Sorry others aren't kind & hopefully your post will help them remember that most of the time opinions and negative views should be kept silent.

Obviously MANY people appreciate you!

Melanie said...

I know you are busy and probably won't have time to read all of these comments, but...

I thought you should know that I LOVE your blog, and that I will always credit you with bringing the joy of quilting back into my life. I stumbled across your blog one day while nursing my first child. You inspired me to dust off my sewing machine and start quilting again! Quilting has brought some much needed stress relief to my life, and it's all thanks to you! Do what you have to do for your own sanity, but please know that I will be very disappointed if you leave again!

Natalie said...

this post by Allie Brosh comes to mind:

or this one by Megan: (If you read down to the comment section on that post you will see that Megan has reached a status level that has inevitably led to a "hater" comment. (see her comments from "Anonymous" but not "Anonymous Deborah")

Or this one by me:

You are brave to admit you feel criticized and I hope the readers who left comments that were on the critical side apologize to you. I do feel bad for Aneela, you, and other people who have met similar fates. The lesson 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all' may need to be learned or re-learned by some. I'll be the first to admit that I admit I commented on the Stitched in Color post but it was things about myself or what I was doing (i.e. feeling burdened by the responsibilities of running a quilt guild) that I wasn't happy with and not other people. I have since deleted my comment because I realized I was being a brat.

If I could hug you I would. Feel better!

Leslie said...

ugh on THOSE few ignorant people...biggest hugs to you! I LOVE, ABSOLUTELY LOVE your blog... I feel like you have taught me sooo much..I made my first *real* quilt using your raggedy squares quilt tutorial (love that quilt!) seriously have so many people that love you and your teach us so openly and freely and always make us feel like we can do a quilt or a technique...I appreciate you!!! Keep blogging and lets keep our quiltalong going! HUGS! pray you have a good day today! :)

JusticeBlog said...

I know it's hard, but you have to move past the meanies of the world and just focus on the good people and positive energy.

Please don't stop blogging! Newbies and non-creatives like myself rely on wonderful people like yourself for inspiration and knowledge.

jackie said...

Please don't stop blogging! I love reading your blog, and am so thankful there is a blogger out there from whom I can learn the beautiful art of quilting! I am joining your quilt-along for the first time, and it will also be my first real quilt! I am very excited, and know I will learn so much by following your instructions. I'm sorry that some people can't keep their mouths shut and their opinions to themselves.

Everyday Quilter said...

Please keep blogging! I love your blog and it's always the first thing I check everyday! I also felt the comments were rude but you're explanation for making these blocks the way you do made total sense to me since if I sew too many strips together, they end of crooked at the end. I have followed your directions word for word and am very pleased with the results. This is the first of your quilt alongs I have followed but I hope to follow many more! You are such an inspiration - keep up the good work!

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

as you can see from the overwhelming response...we love you!!
I am a new quilter, and REALLY, REALLY appreciate all the more experienced quilters that share their knowledge, and advice. I have learned sooooo much. I am sorry that there are people who feel the need to be rude or uncaring..perhaps they are the unhappy ones and need to lash out.

Needle little Balance said...

I don´t know which comment let you down, but I feel sorry to hear about this. Sometimes I think the problem results that we are not able to see/hear/feel the emotional nuances in a written conversation like in a "real" conversation. I am convinced that half of the "rude" comments were meant to be ironic, funny or thoughtless but come across as really rude. Sometimes it is also only about misunderstandings. Or people are just curious, like why sth is made this way or not another, they just want to ask, without wanting to hurt one´s feelings. e.g.: A few days ago I saw a blog post and really wondered that there was a swastika-block in the Farmer´s wife quilt along, sth. that for me (as a central European) seems strange, so I commented in a blog and asked about it. (I know there are some traditional blocks like this but they are usually taken out of quilting books published in Austria and Germany, not to hurt feelings and I wondered how this is in your country) After I posted my comment I was worried that my question might be taken as rude even it wasn´t meant to be rude, simply curious (but I didn´t get any responce so I´m still not sure :-( )

(Written) language is tricky and I don´t know if I can express what I mean properly since this is not my mother tongue.

You have a great blog. You share your knowledge and I´m thankful for that. But please feel free to delete nasty comments and don´t worry about them. One (german) blogger wrote once: your blog is YOURS, it´s like your living room and you you wouldn´t let anyone spit in your livingroom.

Suzanne said...

I love your blog and hope that you continue this wonderful blog journey. I love quilting as do many others, there will always be unkind and hurtful people in the world BUT they will always be outnumbered by the kind and considerate. I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful inspiration and tutorials on this great blog!

Mary said...

I'm sorry to hear you are having problems with rude people. I am guilty of not leaving comments very often, but I enjoy your blog and would be very disappointed if it were to end.

Jill said...

Your blog is one of the first quilt blogs I found that I kept going back to. I have you bookmarked because your tutorials are so good :) No matter what there are negative ppl in the world but the positive ppl have to hang in there to even it out :)

Patti said...

Amanda Jean,
Thank you for writing this post. It is a good reminder to your readers/followers that you're a human and not a commodity.
I am responding from two different points of view.
First of all, let me say that I’m a big fan of yours and your blog.
Especially when I’m looking for inspiration – I start with your blog. I bought a Juki after reading about how much you love yours and a quick email we exchanged a few years ago. I’ll bet you have no idea the impact you’ve made on me and my evolution into more modern styles of quilting.

The other point of view that I have is that of blog-consumer. I enjoy looking at many folks’ blogs for ideas, inspirations, and a feeling of community. It’s a something I don’t get simply working at my machine every moment I can. Also, it’s a great way to take a mental break while working at my day job that has nothing to go with fibers.
My intent is not to make excuses for what folks have said or written to you…. I think, tho, in our consumer-focused economy, many people forget their manners when they’re reviewing or critiquing others’ work.

Please do not be discouraged by the few without manners. There’s a lot of folks who enjoy the things you make, how you write about them, and the community building you’ve contributed to.

Stay strong!

Anna C said...

Your blog made me love and learn how to quilt!! please don't stop. I have a nine-patch on my queensize bed that you helped to make. What I like about your blog is that 1) I really like you're aesthetic and style and 2) I love how real and helpful you are. 3) It's not all about trying to "stash-bust" so we can buy more and more fabric, and get more and more free stuff in giveaways. I can't afford much fabric but your quilts let me do great projects creatively and on a budget. Please don't stop - You'd be sorely missed.

Kristyne said...

I only recently started following your blog regularly and please know that I love visiting you and seeing what you're up to. You have a very unique and interesting voice here in blogland and I appreciate it and always look forward to reading it and seeing your work.

I find you to be a generous, kind and talented quilter. I hope you continue to find joy through this creative outlet as I know you provide joy for others. :)

Pam M. said...


I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Finding your blog this past year brought me back to quilting. Quilting keeps me sane. When I am too busy to quilt, reading your blog keeps me sane. Crazymomquilts is #1 with a bullet in my favorites list! I visit EVERY DAY. I have never commented before but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all you do and all you share with us. It is obvious from all the comments that your talent is tremendously respected and appreciated in this community. Please keep blogging!


pcflamingo said...

I love your blog! I look forward to tips and tricks, and even an old lady like me can learn a new trick or two! Hope you can see from the responses here, that you have a basketfull of supporters :D

Unknown said...

Look how many comments you have! All these people and me LOVE you, and your blog.
Its so sad to hear that this horrible stuff goes on, I hope you never let it get to you!
Maybe all you require is a break?
Hope you feel better soon,

Katie said...

I love your blog too!!! You are an inspiration to me and have given me the courage to try things I never would have before. I think you are awesome!

Anonymous said...

just to let you know that i am sleeping under a quilt of yours that you posted the instructions to on your blog last year when you came back.
When i took it in to my local quilt shop to leave for the quilter, the OWNER OF THE SHOP loved it, and took it around to a classroom of brand new quilters to see, and to show them what could be done with a bunch of fat quarters.
So you see, you never know who will be inspired by your work on this blog. People you've never even met love your work and are inspired by it. Brand new quilters see it and want to make your quilts. and at the end of the day isn't that what it's all about? i think that giving someone who is new to quilting the inspiration to pick up material and make something they will love for a long time, is a worthwhile reason to blog.

nettie said...

Aww, I'm sorry to hear you are blue. My hard drive died and we've been on vacation, so I really feel out of it. Don't let those people get you down, you are my favorite quilting blogger, and I'm pretty sure it's because you are so darn nice. I also love your quilts too.

Jocelyn said...

Wow Amanda Jean, what is it with some people?? Please know that we are grateful for all of your wonderful tutorials and quilt alongs. I would hate to see you give up blogging because of the few, cause look at all these wonderful comments of encouragement :-) Your blogging has been an inspiration to many many people.

Molly said...

Don't go. Please don't go. (I'm singing you the song by The Thompson Twins ....can you hear it?)

I'm serious. You've inspired me and sparked my love of quilting so don't let a couple lousy comments keep you from us!

Carlyn said...

Keep Blogging! You are amazing and it's such a joy to get to hear about your life and love of quilting! Th world is not perfect, especially now, but you have A LOT of friends who love you!

Dianne said...

Don't let the blighters get you down! Stay true to who you are and what you love and let the rest pass through you like the breeze through a window screen. When it comes to others stealing, or using without permission, your copyrighted work jump on em like a hen on a bug. Your work is your work and should be respected. Now chin up, look at the love that has been sent your way and keep on blogging. You are good at it and you obviously love it why in heaven's name would you let some insensitive rude louts ruin your good time? 'nuf said!

Kristal said...

Oh my gosh. I don't know what to say about this plague of the uglies that is going around.
I love your blog. I love you sew the way I sew blocks together. I deeply appreciate you share everything that you have with us readers. Thank you so much for sharing.
If you need to take a break from blogging to regroup and heal your hurt feelings I support you in that choice. I will miss you though. If you decide to slow down your blogging for awhile I would be grateful for your posts.
Oh, big thank you for the star quilt along. I have been collecting fabric to make that quilt. It is one of two that I feel I HAVE to make in my life time.

LaraTalena said...

I have to admit, I was VERY upset by a few comments I read on your last post. This is YOUR quilt along, and you are sharing YOUR knowledge. If they want to do it another way, go for it. But don't post such things on YOUR quilt along. You were not the only one angered, but I can't imagine how you feel. You have taught me MOUNDS about quilting, and have me falling in love with sewing as a whole. God Bless you, lady, and I hope you find a happy medium to all the hard work you enjoy, but all the rest you need!

tracy_a said...

Oh man - some people! I thought it was a nice quilt-along - not something I have time for right now, but inspirational to see how a simple(ish) block is transformed by color combos! You are a generous soul.

Cheri House got bashed for her quilt-along too - so unfair! Some people just completely miss the point. Just wish mean people would stop reading blogs - don't they have schoolkids getting off the bus to trip or puppies to kick? Meanies.

jbr said...

Keep the blogging going. I know how much work it is and I hope all these comments help you to see it is worth it. Just today my Aunt came by to ask about quilting--I showed her your blog and she was excited and filled with inspiration.

Cristina said...

My dear Amanda
You are one of the most beautiful persons I have the pleasure to meet, if you recall it was in 2009 at the retreat in Fort Collins. I flew from Portugal to join some friends and to attend your classes. I love it all and that weekend will last in my memories forever. I came everyday to your blog don't miss a day. I love your work, your writing, you have a way with words that I love. Those who criticize you are mean and they sure envy you. Love Cristina

Anonymous said...

Encontrar este tipo de comentarios negativos en bloguer, no es nuevo creo que para muchas, yo fui victima de ellos, y alejada a la vez, por un sin numero de compañeras -que a favor de mi existencia este medio acercĂ³ cada dia mas, ya que desde que nos despertamos , no esperamos sino un rato libre para acceder a los comentarios que cada dĂ­a nuestras amigas dejan a nuestro crecimiento, se vuelve el pan diario de cada dĂ­a. No te deprimas por esto, seguir adelante con la frente en alto, te hace fuerte ....eso hice yo, a pesar que a mi , me alejaron del mundo del patchwork, por un mal entendido, se alejaron muchĂ­simas amigas que querĂ­a, pero ten la seguridad, que cuando pasan estas cosas, las que seguimos ahĂ­, contigo, somos las que dĂ­a a dĂ­a nos alimentamos de tus enseñanzas, de tu sabidurĂ­a....GRACIAS GRACIAS, mil veces por ser motivo de inspiraciĂ³n para muchas que como yo, no tenemos recursos para recibir capacitaciĂ³n en este tema, y terminamos pegadas de los muslos de ustedes las MAESTRAS, para a fuerza de golpes y chuzones aprender, desde Colombia si....lejitos!!!!!!....jajajaja.
pero te mando el mas fuerte de mis abrazos.

Rockland and Deanna said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I check your blog every day. I am a newbie to quilting and have been looking at a jelly roll that a love on my desk for months. You inspire everyone. I had no idea that this is the price a person pays for being "public" and offering new ideas. I do hope you will find a way through this. It is discouraging but so, so many people love what you do.

Araceli said...

Hello Crazy Mom (AJ)!
I just want to say that I just started reading your blog and LOVE IT!! I am not a quilter (yet) but you have inspired me to start something that I've always wanted to learn but thought it was too daunting!! Your tutorials make it seem so easy. They are simple and easy to follow. I really want to thank you for all of that and don't let ignorant ingrates spoil your love of sharing! Thanks Again!!

StuffandThings said...

Amanda Jean, Your blog is the reason I have a blog. My niece recommended your free motion quilting tutorial to me and that is how I discovered the world of blogs. (Pretty much the only people who look at my blog are my relatives, and right now I'm glad, because I would hate to go through this nastiness that you are experiencing from some people.) I am one reader that does not care about the "give aways." I value your advice and examples above all and would miss you if you had to stop blogging. I would bet that I am one of multitudes that feel the same way. Terri S.

Cyndi said...

Oh Amanda Jean.....

I have been a quilter for more than 40 years. I had begun to get really bored because I wasn't stretching myself to learn anything new or challenging. So I turned to Blogspot and found you.

You are the first blog I began to follow. Let me tell you what has changed in my quilting life because of you....

1) I have made the Running in Circles quilt (NEVER thought I'd do one -- looked too hard) Your tutorial gave me the confidence to try. I now LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that technique and actually just told someone about your blog today.

2) Couldn't figure out what to do with those big quilt squares everyone has and then I saw your Movin' on Up blog and have made two of that quilt. Love reading how your creative brain took a fairly simple quilt and made it look really complex!

3) I've never, ever done paper piecing. Thought it was much too hard and WAY too time consuming. Because of your tutorial, I'm well into my first Star quilt with the quilt Patis. I actually met Pati at a quilt show and told her about YOU. She was genuinely touched and encouraged that you were using her product and so generously sharing your expertise in how to use them.

My Mom always said "If you can't be kind, be quiet."

Too bad your loving followers can't comment back to the jerks who never learned to keep their mouths SHUT.

If you are one of the "Nasty Pack" and you're reading this, here's what I think about your remarks....

I'm sorry you have a life that makes you so miserable you feel the need to be nasty to people who open their hearts and talents to others. Get some professional help. Seriously.

Whatever you decide Amanda Jean, know that for the time you shared your life and talent with us, we are humbly grateful.

aneela hoey said...

I'm so glad for you that you have put this out. You have provided so much inspiration and know-how over the years and I for one love that you share these FREE tutorials with the tips and techniques in YOUR way of doing things. A lot of us out here would still be making some mighty bad quilts if it wasn't for you!

Love all that you are xx

polka dots and pineapples said...

so. i never.never. comment or even try to win contests or anything. ever. on any site. but this made me kind of angry-for you. and so i want you to know...i check this blog every single day. wether there is new stuff up or not i totally love it. and i'm picky. really picky. but you do good work and i am comforted by the things you have here. this site is a great resource. if you continue or not, you know, thats up to you. but don't feel like you haven't done a good thing. you have. and i really appreciate it. thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

As a stay at home mom of 4 children, ages 2, 3, 10, and 21 (yes my husband and I are nuts), my life does not allow me to get out and quilt with the girls like I would like, so I have turned to looking up and following blogs for inspiration and to see what others are making. I found your blog a few weeks ago by doing a quilt blog search and I have been hooked ever since. About 7 or 8 years ago I was asked to teach a group of ladies a simple pattern that could be put together for donation quilts and I experienced much of what you have experienced on this blog- except the comments were said to my face. I discreetly withdrew from the group and allowed the "comment makers" to take over and as I look back I realize that I allowed them to win by doing that. So I hope that you will take all the wonderful comments that your blog followers have posted, ignore the bad stuff which I know is hard to do and not let them win, and keep putting out that wonderful blog this stay at home mom so looks forward to. Thank you for a wonderful blog


Judith, Belfast said...

Please keep blogging and sharing - you're an inspiration to so many. Jxo

Anonymous said...

I am new too- but your blog is by far my favorite....i love the lack of ads and junk- i love your sweet spirit-and your work is eye candy to me!!!! Someone once said that there are two kinds of people in this world- givers and takers. Thanks for being a giver!

Bloom said...

Hang in there baby :) You are much loved and appreciated, as the previous comments attest to. Please don't lose your generous heart for so freely offering up your knowledge and skill. The world is a better place for people like you.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

like the others I ADORE your blog and do the same thing checking it a couple of times a day (glad I'm not the only one!!). You provide fantastic inspiration and as a new quilter I need all the advice I can get! That's partly why I decided to do your quilt a long. Your quilts are beautiful and I love your blog so much. All the tips and advice you offer are given in such a genuine and helpful way - I truly believe you are sharing for all the right reasons and you are certainly encouraging and teaching me :) Thank you and please keep on writing your wonderful blog.

Angie said...

It truly saddens me that people in this world, blog and in person have come down to being down right rude. I think whatever you decide for you personally or here on your blog needs to be your decision and should not be spoiled by other folks. I will miss you if you go, and I will hope that maybe you can find the enjoyment that I know you have for this art. If you ever need to vent I am available.

Beth said...

I don't think I've ever commented here before - but I read whatever you post. I have no idea who said what - but you know what? They're assholes. People who have nothing better to do than shovel crap at people who are sharing with the universe - are, in fact, assholes. Scientific fact.

Here's a true story: I suck at quilting. But I love it. And most of what I've ventured to try is a result of this blog. In fact, if not for you, I'd probably have a bunch of crappy quilt tops sitting around. Instead, both my daughters had quilts I made and free-motion quilted (which I learned HERE!!) to take to camp. SO my girls were warm because of you.

I don't know you, but I've got your back. And I love your blog.

kmodich said...

I did not know how to quilt until I found your blog. I wanted to learn for over a year, but never knew how to start. My mom was turning 60 and I wanted to give her a very special gift, my first quilt and the fact that I learned how to do it for her. I searched online and found your blog. I made the ragged squares quilt, learned how to baste, quilt and bind it....all from your blog. My first year I made 23 quilts, many from your tutorials not to mention the WIP's not finished in that year. I am sorry for the mean people out there. It must feel like a kick to the gut. However, I would hope it is also a good feeling to know you've helped make my dream of leaning to quilt come true. Someone you've never met, living a state over in MN. Not too many people can say they have done that. I am very happy to have found your blog and I hope you find what is the right path for you.

Greatfully yours...

Rosa said...

Please,don´t leave blog,I love to have a look in your blog.I want to thank you.

whatever you decide,I want to say thanks for sharing!!

Warm wishes,Amanda Jean,here you a have a friend.

puntadas de una peregrina said...

SĂ© tu misma.

Me encanta tu blog, la forma en que lo gestionas y sobre todo darte las gracias por tu generosidad.

Un abrazo desde España.


Candace: said...

I came across your blog last year when you took your hiatus and learned so much from you. Then when you came back to blogging I was so excited to learn even more from you. I am sorry blogging has lost it's fun for you, I hope you get it back. Thank you for all you have shared with us!

Andrea said...

Oh Amanda, don't you know how much you are loved? How much you inspire many of us to create? How much you have sparked creativity in myself and many others, leading to a personal hobby that brings joy and something for just for me? I know there are other ways to do certain blocks, but what intrigues me is how someone else approaches it and why. Just know from the bottom of my heart how you have inspired, taught, and sparked joy in something just for myself. Don't give up, focus on your blogger followers who feed you kindness, love and respect. (hugs)

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Please don't be discouraged. I am very, very sure that the good, positive people that you inspire way outweigh the negative. Your inspiration means so much and I've always been in awe of your talent. I'll quote my Mom here..."just keep moving forward. These things always look better in the rear view mirror." I love your work and thank you so much for sharing.

Mary said...

I read your blog everyday even though I don't blog myself. You inspired me to start quilting a year ago and I made my first quilt. Please keep blogging and ignore those who have to make themselves feel better by trying to bring you down. They aren't worth it. Look how many wonderful comments you have received with just one blog entry. Hopefully you now know how much your talent is appreciated out there in the blog world.

Deborah said...

I'm a new reader, but have been so inspired by you in the short time I've been reading your blog. I just want to say DITTO to the rest of the nice comments posted here today. And I'd also like to say to the people who caused you this pain to please THINK before you comment. There are many ways to do something.
I, too ask you to stay.
{{{Hugs]}} Deborah

Michele said...

I'm so sorry. I once saw a t-shirt with the slogan "Mean people suck". they do, and I'm sorry. I hope you get cheered by all the supportive comments and are able to ignore the jackasses out there.

Brenda said...

Wow, Amanda. I had no idea people had been ugly to you about your blog. I use GoogleReader, so rarely read comments. I love your blog, think your tutorials are great & think you should keep on doing what you do FOR YOU. If you enjoy it- do it. Don't let the meanies win!

Tiffany said...

I'm not sure what some jerk did or said to make you so upset but PLEASE do not stop blogging for them... please stay for us... we love your blog and your insight and all you share with us. We all have different ways of doing things but how are we going to find out what we like best if we can't learn from eachother? You do a great job outlining processes and tutorials and I for one would very much miss your blog.

THAT being said... you have to do what is right for you. Some online sharing tool should not make you stressed and upset... it should be fun or its not worth your time, you could be crafting! :)

LeKaQuilt said...

I'm so sorry for all the bad comments someone have sendt your way !
Please, see all the positiv feedback that your fan has given you.
I find that I'v been lucky that I havent experienced bad comments, but I know a few greate blogs that have been shut down by bad words and bully.....
I have one rule when I makes comments on blogs, and thats: Always be Positive:o)

Jo said...

It is awful that we are required at times to have as you say a thick skin! People can be extreemly hurtful to others and that is very unfair. I truely enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

Please don't stop blogging! I love your blog and check it daily to see what fun thing you are doing. Mean people are just unhappy and want to make others unhappy too. Haters are weak and you have tons more people who support you! I know I have learned a lot and encouraged to try new things. Thank you for your hard work!

Mary-Kay said...

I saw on a blog where you had to have a password to read and/or comment on the posts. I don't know how to do that but it might be something you'd want to look in to. Don't let all those negative comments stop you from blogging. Some people are just rude and maybe they think if they aren't face to face, they can say whatever they want or if it's on the net, it's free for whatever use they want.

Georgia said...

Ugh. Some people are just bad mannered. I really don't know why people seem to think it's acceptable to be so rude just because they are typing on a computer rather than talking face to face. I love your blog Amanda Jean. I love your work and your generosity. So, a BIG **thankyou** from me. ♥♥♥

cathy said...

I am so sorry comments by others have gotten you. I can understand. You have invested so much of yourself, your time, your creativity, your emotions. And some just don't seem to appreciate it. But I can assure you there are many like me that really, really appreciate it. You have essentially taught me to quilt. I learned I didn't have to make complicated pieced quilt. I can make fun, bright easy quilts, as some of yours are, and enjoy the process and the completed quilt. Thank you so much for that. I sure hope you don't quit blogging but I realize that is a decision only you can make. You make my day every day as check your site. Thanks so much for everything you do.

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

oh this is just such a bummer :( i'm so sorry that you are feeling like this. i'm not sure why all these bad comments and feelings are going around. i love your blog and your quilts. i look forward to each and every post. i thought this last quilt along was brilliant. i have used your FMF quilt pattern countless times, it is a favorite among my friends and family. you are the reason i started my blog! you made it look so fun. i was so sad when you stopped blogging before. SAD! you are so talented and i absolutely love your ad free, no sponsor blog. there is absolutely no reason for any nastiness and i'm not sure what happened, but you are the awesomest! you know that most nasty things said come from jealousy and that's just the plain old truth. it's ugly. YOU ARE AWESOME! I LOVE YOUR QUILTS! DON"T QUILT BLOGGING! KEEP ON SHARING! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!
with much fondness for you, and your fantastic blog-

p.s. you are also one of the more popular bloggers who actually replies to people, even if they aren't "cool". thanks for that :)

Live a Colorful Life said...

From the first time I discovered your blog, I was hooked. When you took your hiatus, I was SO sad, but I kept you on my blogroll and prayed that you would reconsider. And I wanted to be prepared for the very first post, just in can you DID reconsider. And thankfully you did. Somehow we made an internet connection and then I had the pleasure of meeting you for real just two weeks ago, staying at your home (sleeping under one of your quilts!!), spending the weekend sewing together, connecting, discussing. It saddens me for anyone having to go through negativity, especially someone who is warm, generous and most of all the same person in real life that you are behind a computer screen. Hugs from California...

Mom said...

There are as many ways to make a quilt block as there are to skin a cat. Though I think some people were trying to be helpful in illuminating a different method, it is too bad when comments aren't worded softer. You are trying to provide them with entertainment, at the expense of your time. My experience is - be blunt, but not hurtful to your readers when you are offended. Don't candy-coat your feelings, and hopefully they will be gentle to you in return with what they choose to say. Hang in there.

Sherri said...

you are truly an inspiration. I've been following your blog since I first found quilting blogs, and your willingness to share and teach about this wonderful past time inspired me to start my own blog. Thanks so very much for all you do for the quilting community!

Soph said...


Sophie, Down Under :-)

Rene' said...


I hope these supportive comments will help alleviate some of the pain caused by those who for whatever reason (in my opinion there is no justifiable reason) felt the need to leave rude, hurtful and insensitive comments. Unfortunately, it only takes one mean word said to overshadow many nice responses.

Many times I do not read the comments left before (or after) mine, but I did notice the ones left on your quilt along post, and it really bothered me. I did not want to draw attention to them in case I was overreacting and they did not bother you, but I made a little reference on my blog post when showing my first 36-patch block. As Michelle already mentioned, we did have a long conversation where we were upset on your behalf. More than ever I now regret that we ran out of time during the retreat to discuss blogging issues. There was so much I wanted to say.

I am guilty of not saying thank you enough for all you do for the quilting and blogging community. You are a very special treasure, and many owe much to you. I'm sure I'm not explaining my feelings as well as I'd like, but hopefully my comment along with so many others will help make you feel how awesome you are.

Much love and hugs,


Beezus said...

:( I don't really comment a lot on other blogs, and I'm always bummed to hear that another blogger has had to deal with this sort of unpleasantness. I am also a little shocked. So few people read my blog -- and even fewer comment -- that I forget there's a whole malicious world out there, waiting to drag people down. I love your take on the tough skin thing, but I hope you don't let it hurt you too much. People who are negative can only bring you down. Just do your best to eliminate them.

Cindy H. said...

I just wanted to let you know how much I admire your quilting skills. I've been reading your blog for quite awhile and am amazed how many projects you finish while raising three young children. You are an inspiration!

bethanndodd said...

Boo to whomever made you blue. For what it's worth, I truly enjoy your blog and the creativity you so unselfishly share with all of us. I have no doubt that this unfortunate situation will only make you stronger. Big ((HUGS)) from Missouri. Smiles~Beth

Amy said...

I am so sorry that people are cruel. I think you are fabulous! Many times I find inspiration from your blog. I look forward to seeing your projects and so appreciate your willingness to share your talent. Thank you!

Smeeker082 said...

I just wanted to chime in, I don't leave a lot of comments and I am a new quilter (only one quilt not even completely done due to life hehe) but I check your blog regularly. You have given me lots of inspiration and make me think I really can do it! Thank you for all you do!

Jane said...

Your blog is the first one I ever read. Don't know how I found out about it, but it opened up a whole new world...good & bad since now I spend way too much time reading blogs! I really missed you when you stopped blogging and was so delighted when you came back. Bet the nasty commenters regret what they said. Hope they do.

Dorian said...

I'm so sorry to hear these things Amanda. It's so sad when other's are rude and mean.

Have you read Jenna's blog? She has some great posts on keeping your blog safe from those who like to steal.

Take care

Melody said...

I am so sorry for whatever was said. I have to admit there are days I just don't get to but I follow your blog and read every day taht I can -and love your ideas and clear instructions. You have a wonderful blog and I hope you don't let a couple of butts get you down for too long. The rest of us admire you and love your blog.

Karen said...

Amanda Jean - you have inspired so many of us! You have great ideas and your work is wonderful. I look forward to reading your posts and seeing all that you do. I agree with what others have said, some people are just plain mean. Be thankful you don't have to live with them.
You have inspired me so much and I really want you to continue! Try not to let the bad stuff affect you!!

Becky said...

I can't understand why people are doing this to you. If you don't like something pass it up, you don't need to comment. I hope that you know that there are some of us out their in blogland that love your blog. It is the first on my favorites list and the first I check every day. Your blog inspired me to start one of my own. I love your tuts and wish I had the time to do them all.
Mean people suck!! Why can't they keep their mouth shut.

rachelmp said...

I've been a long time reader of your blog and participated in some of the sew alongs. You are so generous with your time and skills I can't believe anyone would say a nasty word. xx

AmyMay said...

DON'T let negative people get you down or hurt you. You are such an inspiration to us quilters. I love your quilts and I love reading your blog. Please don't give up because of some rude nasty people out there. *WE* (the people who count anyway) love you and would miss you terribly if you left.

Anonymous said...

I never curse, but here goes--"bloody bastards" that have hurt you, offended you. Don't take the haters, the crazies, the jealous ones, or the plane ungrateful people that exist to heart. I am reading the books by Rhonda Byrne--The Secret and The Power. In one of the book she mentions that "when you feel bad about yourself, you block the love and instead you attract more people and situations that will continue to make you feel bad about you. Focus on the qualities you love about yourself and the law of attraction will show you more great things. " Just look at all the people that have stepped forward to defend you and thank you for all you do! Don't go away again due to a few people that truly are or should be inconsequential (spelling??). Hundred of quilters/artist appreciate you and the work you put in to the blog. Put your head up, straighten those shoulders and continue on.... your adoring fans await!!!

FrancisMoore said...

I check your blog every day to see if you have posted. Just remember, you can't please everyone. Frankly, I don't know why people have to be so unchristian like. Of course, everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, but hurtful comments should be should not be posted on your blog. You are doing a service for us, and I truly appreciate it. I hope you continue to post pics of your quilts, helpful hints, etc. Thanks.

Lisa said...

I'm so sorry that you have been harassed this way. It is so hurtful even when you do have "thick" skin. Just remember that it is their problem not yours. They are idiots, not you. Your blog is wonderful and you have so many people that follow you and love to read it. Keep putting yourself out there, the is more love than hate! Just delete the negative comments. There will always be negative people out there, the key is to avoid them.

ktquilts said...

Thought you might just need a ton of bloggy love, so I am going to give my pound. Some people just can't survive without conflict. I don't understand, or excuse it. It is what it is. They are welcom to unfollow at any time. The rest of us, hundreds?, would miss the inspiration you bring. I love your creativity. Love what you do. I would hate it if a hater caused you to loose your zeal for your art. Do what you need to do.....but please know that there are many more who are with you!! I will add you to my prayer list.

Bloggy hugs!

Sara said...

Just another voice adding to the many . . . Keep up your terrific blog. Try not to allow the toxic people win!

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