Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Art Quilt Collection

The Art Quilt Collection: Designs and Inspiration from Around the World is a gorgeous and inspiring book. It is mainly filled with photos of beautifully made quilts by artists from all over the world (as the title states :) ). Each quilt featured has a brief write up about the inspiration behind the quilt and the materials used. In addition to the beautiful quilts, the book includes brief step by step sections explaining some of the techniques used. Some of these techniques include: pleating fabric, adding color photographs to fabric, oil-based painting, how to make free hand fabric blocks, and more. For me, (not being an art quilter), it was very interesting and informative to read the how-to sections. I actually hope to try out a few of these techniques in the future.

Some of my favorite quilts from the book are:
I loved the tiny windows in each block. And the use of color is excellent! The grey borders really appeal to me as well.
I love, love, LOVE blue and green together, so it's no surprise that this one would be on my favorites list.
This one just blew me away. I makes me want to grab all my neutral scraps and get piecing. It is amazing!
Oh, this one might be my very favorite. I love the depth that this quilt has and I love all the color! (It's made by a fellow Wisconsin quilter. Woo-hoo!) And I love the name of it, too. It's good, good, good all around!

I have enjoyed this book very much. I am sure that it is one that I will look to again and again for inspiration.

If you would like to win a copy of the book, leave me a comment on this post. The publisher, Sixth and Spring, will be giving away a copy to one of my readers. I will pick a random winner sometime on Thursday.


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Andrea said...

wow!! the quilts look like paintings!

Sonia B said...

I've had my eye on this book! Thanks for the chance!

nettie said...

Such great quilts.

Anita said...

This looks like such a wonderful and inspiring book.

Anonymous said...

Looks like great inspiration!

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

What a great book. I am a bright color kind of gal and this book has that in spades. The neutrals quilt looks like fun too, tho. How to choose !~?

robin said...

I'd love to win a copy of that book! Thanks for the chance. :)

Dedra C said...

count me in on the contest please!

Alissa said...

I've seen "Castle Wall" in person before (at the Long Beach Quilt Festival) and it was amazing!! (No need to enter me for the book just wanted to mention that... Hope you're well!)

Leisel said...

Wow! That is awesome! Fingers crossed. . .

dixiestitches said...

Awesome! I would love to win, I've been in a "slump" and could use the inspiration!

Melanie said...

that basketcase quilt is absolutely stunning! especially b/c it's made from a fellow wisconsinite. :)

Chris Daly said...

I'd be honored if you chose me. Thanks for hosting this giveaway :)

Brenda said...

each quilt was you pictured was my new favorite, until I saw the one after. wow, lots of great quilts. thanks for the chance to see it in person.

Tamar said...

what a wonderful book.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! It looks like an awesome book!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I'm a complete basket case that would love a copy of that book!

StuffandThings said...

I love quilting books! They are like candy. This one looks wonderful.

Ladybug said...

I was blown away by the quilts from the book you previewed. I can only imagine the additional inspiration those pages hold.

Rebecca said...

Those quilts are stunning! Castle Wall is incredible! Thanks so much for sharing - what a great book!

Wendy said...

What a fantastic book! thanks for the opportunity to win.

Steffanie said...

I'm fascinated by art quilts. I'm terribly intimidated by them, so haven't even worked up the nerve to even THINK about trying to make one, but wouldn't it be cool? My husband keeps telling me he wants me to get 'artier' with my quilts (he's 100% artist, through and through).. maybe this cool book would help me get past my fears? Inspire me? It'd be fun to find out!

Thanks for the opp!

Phoebe said...

I'd love to check out that book. thanks!

Debbie said...

My favorites include the ones with a lot of color, too, Amandajean. Thanks for counting me in.

Annie said...

This book looks amazing I love all the colors in it. great coffee table book

anne said...

One of my goals is to learn to make art quilts. They are lovely. But for now I enjoy reading about them and making more traditional quilts..

Peggi said...

I'm with you - I like that last one best.

I'd love to win this eye candy!

inkywu said...

What a great book. Thank you for sharing.

Amy from Our Dish said...

Holy cow those are amazing. I think the Manhattan one is my favorite. Although really, how can you chose???

Elisabeth said...

OMG, the "Castle Wall" quilt is amazing. I would love to read about how that was made.
What a fabulous giveaway!

Marg M said...

I would love to look through this and to have one of my mine too wonderful :-)

Lisa Merkley said...

Oh, pick me! I could sit and look at books like that for hours!

Leah said...

Amazing the time and energy that go into those beautiful quilts! Can't wait to see what else is inside!

Camilla said...

Love the colours, what an inspiration.

Pat V. said...

What a gorgeous book! This is just the kind of book I pore over for hours, and come away filled with inspiration!

Puk said...

That would be an excellent gift for my MIL who is also an art-quilter. She would love the book (and I would love a chance to read it before giving it to her)

Gill said...

I would love to win a copy of this book!

Jittina said...

Wow, Castle Wall looks like fotograph, not a quilt!
I also like the quilt on the front cover with the trees (right upper corner).
I would love to win a copy of this book, thanks for the chance.

Jittina, the Netherlands

Janny said...

The book looks great! Thanks for the giveaway.

Coffeebean's Dailies said...

Thank you Amanda Jean for bringing this new book to my attention! It looks awe inspiring!

Betty said...

Great book,
great quilts,
great blog!

sarahbethe said...

Wow, the quilts are AMAZING!

Penfield said...

What an inspiring book, and what an inspiring and helpful blog you have - especially for someone who has had a 20 year pause!

Dawn S. said...

wow! What gorgeous and inspiring quilts. Thank you for sharing a copy of this wonderful book.

Michelle said...

i would love to win a copy of the book... it looks gorgeous!!

Karen said...

Very cool book. It would be so much fun to try out some of these new techniques.

Unknown said...

wow - that basket case quilt is amazing. Mind you - so is castle wall - it looks like the tower at York castle. How the heck did the quilter manage to make it look so real. Truly awe inspiring!

Unknown said...

the book looks fasinating, something I would love to own.

Lotte said...

Oh, yes, I would like to win :-)

Deb said...

Beautiful artistic quilts, thanks for the chance to win.

Impera Magna said...

Wow... what incredible quilts... thanks for the give-away! I would love to spend some quality time with this book!

kay said...

This book looks fabulous! What a riot of color and design! Thanks for the giveaway.

Mama Spark said...

looks like an inspirational book! That first quilt looks kinda like something I have seen before!

ktquilts said...

Wowsers!!! Love!!

Mary said...

The Caste wall quilt is really spectacular. I would love to have this to look at the pictures. Thanks for the offer.

FrancisMoore said...

Love the quilts that you chose to show us. The book would be well-loved in my home.

patty a. said...

There is a lot of inspiration in this book just with the quilts you showed. Thanks to the publisher for sponsoring this giveaway!

Peggy said...

books and quilting. Two of my favourite things.

stitchinpenny said...

I doubt I could ever create an art quilt, but I would still love to look.

Carol said...

I love that castle wall quilt! Thanks for sharing. What an inspiration!

trouble said...

I hadn't seen this one yet --- looks wonderful!

Stitching At Stone Cottage said...

such inspiration...i love the castle...

Katie said...

I've been playing around with art quilting and would love this reference!

Connie said...

I think my favorite one of those you show is Castle Wall. I'd love to see the rest of the quilts in the book. -- Thanks.

pinsandneedles said...

Amazing Art quilts! Beautiful!!

Amy said...

Can't wait to read this book!

Anya said...

The book looks great! Thanks for the chance!

Suzanne said...

There is a whole lot of inspiration in your post. I bet the book is amazing.

Esch House Quilts said...

I love your favorites! Especially the blue and green one where the green goes off the edge of the blue part - genius :) Thanks for the giveaway.

mcregan said...

What an inspiring book--I would love to own it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Thimbleanna said...

Wow -- those quilts look pretty amazing. All the pieces and planning in that basket quilt -- pretty impressive!

Lynne said...

Wow, impressive! The complete basket case quilt is gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!

Andrea R said...

Love the castle walls! I've always wanted to try to do on of these.

qltmom9 said...

OH, my goodness, is that inspirational. I SO want to work on some ideas those stirred up!


. said...

This looks like an amazing book. Would love to win it, thanks for the giveaway.

Cecilia said...

great ideas!

LT said...

Those are some amazing quilts! I can't wait to see more of them.

LSS said...

Oh! I'd love to win a copy!

Stacia said...

Thanks for doing a giveaway

greelyrita said...

With such a great prize, winning is unlikely but thanks for offering us all the book. It would sure get a lot of looking through and reading here!!

nutterbug said...

Ooo, this looks like a great book for inspiration!

Laurel said...

oh my goodness!

byneedleandthread said...

what an inspirational book! please enter me in the giveaway!

Trisha said...

Incredible quilts! I love the Basket Case one. It totally fascinates me.

Beth said...

They're beautiful aren't they? That "Castle Walls" quilt blew me away!

Miss Lola said...

Truly works of art!

kelgurl said...

ooooohh, what a beautiful and inspiring book. thank you for the chance to win it. Love your blog.

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

The book looks great. I've been interested in pleating in quilts and photography in quilts.
I love the Windows quilt too.

Anonymous said...

love it! C O L O R

Lisa said...

What a fabulous book! Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

beth said...

What a great book! I love that last quilt too!

Kathi said...

I looked at this the other day at the bookstore...may have to go back and pick it up (unless I am lucky enough to win a copy!)

Jodi said...

Wow! Would love a copy!

Live a Colorful Life said...

Manhattan is my favorite. Fascinating quilts.

Jessica said...

that manhattan quilt is right up my ally.. i have a solid layer cake that I didn't know what to do with, but now.. i see windows in my future.

sclangs said...

What beautiful quilts! Thanks for sharing!

Molly said...

I'd love to get a fresh cup of coffee (or glass of wine ... depending on the time of day) and just peruse those pages for hours. Inspiring!

Jess said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful book!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful quilts. I really like the Manhattan windows as well and the basket case quilt is wonderful.

Jane said...

Oh, I would SO love to win this book! I need the inspiration for some upcoming art quilt type projects!!

Rachel said...

I've been leaning toward the art quilts lately. And hooray for Wisconsin Quilters!

Lisa England said...

That book looks fabulous. I'm always amazed at all the different ideas people use in quilting. I hope to win this big collection of beauty.

Chris Ann said...

What beautiful quilts!

Margaret said...

I love these pictures, and would love to ooh and aah over this book.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! You always find the most fascinating books! Thanks for a chance to win!

Amanda said...

Looks like an awesome book! Love the castle wall quilt... looks amazing.

Unknown said...

This would be a great addition to my sewing/quilting library! Love your art quilt choices...

Linda S said...

Castle wall is AMAZING!

Sarah said...

I would love to own a copy of this book. :)

Carol said...

Looks a book to spend hours with, go back through and discover something new each time! Those are just amazing.

WoolenSails said...

So many beautiful quilts. I want to do more art quilting and this would be so inspirational.


Maria said...

Looks like an awesome book full of inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

really cool--I've always wanted to make a few quilts "just because" instead of to use or give away.

Linda E in NM said...

Oh, that looks like a great book that I'd love to have since I'm interested in art quilts and have done a couple.

Tanya said...

That is a very pretty book! I love looking at art quilts, but I have to admit that they are very intimidating. But, that doesn't keep me from looking :)

Jess said...

What a beautiful book.

I'm stuck in bed w/ influenza and my husband is taking care of our 3 little ones.

Despite feeling miserable I'm loving the ability to catch up on blog reading (without guilt). Especially yours...love it.

Jennifer N. said...

I love the castle wall ... we have high boring walls in parts of my house, and I would love to see a castle wall quilt up on one of them to break it up. The others look beautiful too.

jennebeker @ gmail dot com

KateKwiltz said...

Wow! That last one is my favorite, too -- but all of them really get the wheels turning, don't they?
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

What an amazing collection! I'd love to see more of them!

Dani said...

I would love this book!

Julie S said...

I've seen this book mentioned elsewhere, and I would love to own a copy of my very own!

Mama Bell said...

Thanks for sharing your great finds! I enjoy your blog!

Tricia C. said...

The creativity is inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing information about this book!

Susan said...

We have a Quilt Museum in the city where I live, and I have been amazed by some of the Art Quilts that have been displayed there. The ones you have shown in today's blog are equally amazing. I would LOVE to own this book and be able to look at it often for inspiration!

Pick me, please!

Mary P said...

Stunning quilts! This would be a great book for inspiration.

Mego said...

I'm with you...I love the castle...I might have to try that! Thanx for the chance!

Kristi said...

I'm with you - I think A Complete Basket Case might also be my favorite of the ones that you showed us.

It is inspiring to see what skilled quilters can do!

AmberLou said...

The Castle Wall is AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

What a great inspirational book to have around. Thank you for sharing and for the chance to win!

Andrea, the little collector said...

Lovely! Isn't it great to see all the ways this craft becomes art? Fun!

gis said...

it really looks like a super book: I suspect I could contemplate and sudy it for a long time! Thanks for the generous offer.

Carrie L said...

Those are some beautiful quilts! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kelly said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Stefanie said...

You could be an art quilter. . . you stretch yourself to do new things. Maybe someday there will be a vision you want to create, and then. . . I can't wait.
I love these kinda books for inspiration.

Sallie said...

Beautiful! Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Those quilts are stunning! I would love a copy of the book :-)

Wendy said...

Wow! That book looks Amazing! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win one. So nice of the publisher. I could really use a book with lots of techniques and "helps" in it.

Angela Nash said...

Wow! Fabulous photos - would love to see the whole book!

cmylime said...

Those are beautiful quilts, thanks for sharing!

sallgood said...

Oh my heck!!! I would love a copy!! I just got back from NYC- and I saw "quilts" everywhere! (Windows, subway tiles,iron work,art at the MET and MOMA, etc, not to mention REAL quilts at Purl, City Quilters, and the incredible red and white quilts at the Armory show. If you haven't seen them already,I'm posting some pics on my blog. What a show it was!!!)

Anonymous said...

Really neat book!! I would love to be inspired more by it! :)
steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Robin said...

I love that quilting is an art form. It makes me feel so creative! Beautiful book!

Jessica Christensen said...

Gorgeous quilts, but very daunting to try.

Bonnie said...

Ohhh eye candy! I would love to win a copy!

Lori said...

What a fun book! Would love to win it:)

emily and logan said...

love love love. i NEED this book!

Renee said...

I've been toying with the idea of making an art quilt...my soul NEEDS to make an art quilt! I would love to own this book!

Shifra G. said...

I have been dreaming of making an art quilt since I first started quilting. This book is awesome and would really help. I would love to win this book.

Average Quilter said...

Looks like a great book - I would love to have it


Wendy P said...

Art quilt inspiration without the cost of buying it? I would love it!

driftwood said...

wow that looks like a treasure trove of inspiration x

Kendra said...

A girl can never have too much inspiration!

Nicole said...

The castle wall quilt is awesome and could be real.....

Laura said...

wow, beautiul!

felicity said...

I would so love a copy of that book! Thank you!

Marcia W. said...

This book looks like an amazing picture book of quilty inspiration! I do not own any Art Quilt books, so would enjoy winning this one to read. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Skye said...

Love the books. It looks like ti would be a great inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Lyndsey said...

Those can't even be real. How amazing!

Pondering said...

I would love to quilt like this! Maybe someday I can spend the time planning. I love the one you picked out with the windows. Cool stuff, I hope I win!

Tamie said...

I love art quilts although I think making one would be over my head. I'd love to see the how to section and take a bit of the mystery out of them. Thanks for the giveaway.

Alison said...

What beautiful quilts. I don't know whether I would ever have the patience or quilting skills to make a quilt like these shown, but would love the chance to drool over this book and give it a try!!
Thanks for chance to have that opportunity.

maureen said...

Books and Quilts are my two favorite obsessions! A book about quilts is the ultimate!!!!

Gari in AL said...

I don't buy many books but this one looks like it would be very inspirational.

Brittany said...

Thanks for the contest. I would love to have a copy!

Lisa said...

wonderful! thank you, for all the inspiration!

Rachel said...

What an amazing book! I would love to learn some of the techniques you mentioned. I've always wanted to include pleats in a quilt, but have never been sure how to go about it. Thanks for sharing the inspiration!

Patty said...

Castle wall is amazing. thanks for the chance to win.

Becky said...

I would love this book! The quilts are beautiful!

Unknown said...

Oooo, what a great book!

Emma said...

what a great book! that Castle Wall quilt is fabulous, but I have to agree that the "basket case" one is the best. (I may be slightly biased towards Wisconsin but it's really eye-catching!)

CathWI said...

Thanks for the wonderful preview and review of an inspiring book - love your blog too!

Anita D. said...

What a fun book.

Alyssa Grace said...

Wow! I can't even imagine the time that went into these!

Lisa said...

This looks like the ultimate coffee table book for a quilter! The quilts you showed us are very inspiring.

Brenda in Manitoba said...

What great quilts featured in the book. Would love to win it!!

Heather said...

Very cool. :o)

anuradha said...

WOW!Such vibrant colours,would LOVE to own this book!Thanks for giving us a chance to participate.

Anonymous said...

This book is amazing! I would love to have a copy for my studio. I already have a place for it right by my reading chair with mug rug ready for a coffee :)

Pétra said...

Wow thank you for sharing what an inspiring book! Such a great give away.

Rainy said...

Wow lots of inspiration. I too think the name " A Complete Basket case " is a great one.

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous collection of quilts! So much inspiration! (Thanks for the binding tutorial. I bound my very first quilt today, and you helped me every step of the way:)

Lisa H. said...

Wow, these art quilts look amazing! Thanks for giving us a chance to win a copy!

Marushka C. said...

What a treat! Thanks for the book review and the pictures. Now you have me wanting to know about art quilts.. I'm a new quilted and just fascinated by the possibilities.

Paula said...

Whoa! Such fun stuff! Great book review!

hart44 said...

Love the book :) my fav is the basket case pic, the colours are so bright and cheerful :)

Bonnie said...

What wonderful quilts. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

Kristine said...

Oooohh pretties! I love looking at art quilts for inspiration. Funny, since I haven't done an art quilt yet. But I love them anyway.

Melody said...

Beautiful quilts!!

Clair said...

Given my love of books and quilts, I would love to win. :)

Andee said...

Oooh, ooh, pick me, pick me!

Anonymous said...

Amazing Quilts! Count me in.

Laurie said...

I'd love to study the quilts in this book.

Dawn said...

Oh, wow! Such beautiful quilts! Or should I say pieces of art?

V said...

I've never seen quilts like this! Absolutely stunning!

rosangela said...

oi, ficarei muito feliz se ganhar este livro... obrigada pela oportunidade

Amanda said...

Thanks for the giveaway - I love the castle wall quilt!!
winnieayala at yahoo dot com

2ne said...

This bok looks really great :-)

The Rx quilter said...

I would love to win a copy of this book...it is very different than most of the quilt books I own. Thanks for the opportunity to win! Lisa in Texas

Jelinda P. said...

My quilting bee group explores art quilts and this book looks like it has some great examples to stimulate our minds and our creativity. Thanks for sharing!

tisme said...

I am probably too late, but gonna take a chance!

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