I love using up every last bit of fabric whenever I can. It has become a sort of personal challenge for me. Or you could say that I'm learning to fully embrace my craziness. :) This includes using the leftover triangles that you trim when you join binding strips* together. I keep them in a little drawer on my desk. I've collected quite a few, so I've come up with a few projects to use them in.
This is the start of a little quilt using the triangles. To make it, I started with 49 white 3.5" squares, and added a triangle to one corner of each block. It is constructed somewhat like a snowball block, but a triangle is added to one corner only. Then the white fabric is trimmed off from behind the colored piece. Once I made all the blocks, I arranged them to form little bow ties. If I wanted, I could also make them into little butterflies by stitching in some antennae. It currently measures 22" square, so think I will make this one a little larger by adding some borders of some sort. I love the start of it.

This little quilt measures 18.5" square. It's made up of maverick star blocks, like in this tutorial, but instead of starting with 4.5" blocks as the tutorial directs, I started with 2.5" blocks. I've found that 2.5" blocks match the triangle size quite nicely. Each star block finishes and 6". Smaller=cuter!!! This one will be going off to a blog friend soon.
I realize that this is hardcore scrap quilting, but I do love it!
as always, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your work!
Great ideas! I love seeing all the scraps get used up as well. Of course, you generate more white scraps as you make these... ;)
What a great idea! I love it!
I think these are great! I hope to one day quilt (or sew) enough to have these types of "problems" to solve. :)
i love that quilt with those mini mini stars! it's so lovely!!
I used to *gasp!* throw away my small scraps....blogland has taught me, if nothing else, that there truly is a good use for every small piece!
Love your ideas!
so very awesome. I thought I was the fanatic on saving scraps, but you have inspired me. Great idea!
Great idea! I'm always saving those little triangles but rarely using them!
Darling and innovative! Love them.
so smart and sweet--like little kisses:)
Such beautiful scraps! You really have to put them to good use.
What do you do with the little white triangle scraps that are cut off? :-)
I think it's great that you use every last bit of fabric. Waste not, want not, right?
Very cool! I can't figure out what to do with yardage of fabric, much less a tiny little triangle ;-) You're fabulous!
So inspiring, ALL the time! LOVE these darling little uses for scraps. YOU WIN if there ever was a contest for using scraps!! [is there?!?!?! ;) ]
Oh how adorable...:)
I love it! I'm going to have try those. I love using up the small pieces of fabric, especially if I can make a nice mini quilt.
I love it! I'm going to have try those. I love using up the small pieces of fabric, especially if I can make a nice mini quilt.
Oh, so cute. I keep wondering how small my scraps have to get before they are not usable. Apparently they can be pretty teeny and able to go into a smashing quilt!
That is totally genius! I love fabric, sometimes so much that it pains me to cut into it. So many techniques for cutting blocks have you cut strips and then subcut them - waste!! But not with your techniques. I'm going to save EVERY SINGLE SCRAP from now on. Anyone questions it - I'll tell them to look at your work.
Me, I'm just going to do the collecting, the actual sewing I'll leave to you for now - but at least I'll have an excuse!
so...do you then toss the white part that you trim off of the original square?? hee hee...can't help but wonder! love the block though!
so...do you then toss the white part that you trim off of the original square?? hee hee...can't help but wonder! love the block though!
I love both those. I haven't been saving those triangles left from making binding, but I will be now! Thanks
I'm going to have to read through your blog and see if you posted somewhere how you sort and organize your scraps because once again, you have me convinced that a great quilt can be made with every little bit. I have saved those little triangles too but didn't know what to do with them. May your fountain of inspiration never run dry!
Yes, you are definitely hard core! I am going to box up my scraps & send them to you to see what other madness you come up with! You amaze me with your creativity.
You are amazing Amanda!
Clever, lady.
Hi Amanda, I just completed a quilt and blogged about it, linking to your blog. You unknowingly REALLY helped me out. Thank you from across Blogland!
Love the maverick stars!
You do have some of the greatest ideas! I too am a collector of the cut off corners, selvages, and tiny scraps, and love using them! Waste not--want not!
I love the bowtie quilt. I think the touches of color with all the white is amazing. Thanks for another great use for scraps. I am definitely going to use that one in my quilting.
My SIL in loves Butterflies and I think I cold make it into a butterfly! SO CUTE!
Those are incredible & you have enormous patience! The stars just make me smile - adorable!
Chris x
hardcore scrap quilting is right.. but i give you props for doing it!
this is gorgeous- you are so creative!
Lucy x
I actually have a drawer full of these little triangles myself. I've been not knowing for sure what to do with them. Some I have just done half-square triangles with other, lighter colored triangles. I LOVE your ideas -- esp. the maverick stars. Thanks!
I actually have a drawer full of these little triangles myself. I've been not knowing for sure what to do with them. Some I have just done half-square triangles with other, lighter colored triangles. I LOVE your ideas -- esp. the maverick stars. Thanks!
these are just too cute! I was just looking at my huge pile of scraps this am and thinking I needed to do something to control the mess. Now you've given me some inspiration to do just that! Thank you!
Great idea for all those little triangles.
I love your craziness!
i like the idea of saving all the triangles together. i toss them in my scrap buckets. it would be easier to use them if they were all together. i guess they need their own little special box.
wow, I am seriously impressed. I have never thought to save the triangles cut from binding. I will be now though!
Beautiful work!
great ways of using those triangles. I cut my binding 2" but keep those scraps, too. Not sure If I can actually use them for something without having more seam-bulk than quilt in the end ;)
You scare me so much. I also have all though triangles from my binding making. They are stacked up next to my sewing machine patiently waiting to join a quilt. Now they can become part of a quilt because I am now busy planning their use after seeing your ideas. In Australia we have a program called 'Blankets of Love'. Small quilts are given to parents of babies who are stillborn or having a very challenging start. Next year I had slated to make some more of these quilts now I am armed and dangerous with great patterns. THANKS SO VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOUR GREAT IDEAS!!!!!
Just gorgeous - what a great idea!
I think you should just keep collecting those triangles and keep making that quilt bigger. It would look fantastic full-size.
So cute--you have such patience!!
But I have a question...
AmandaJean, what are you going to do with the WHITE triangles you're trimming off for the snowball-esque quilt? :D *hides*
Oh so cute !!!
Great ideas.Love the maverick star
This mini "starry" quilt is just gorgeous. Love it. Hello from Belgium.
Love them! I save all my little itty bitty pieces but still have yet to do anything with them... I am in awe!
These are fab - what a great way to use up odds and ends! I've been saving tiny bits of fabric but was wondering if it was worth it, but your pics have made me realise I can definitely use them. Thanks for the ideas!
Oh my goodness, I LOVE these! Great idea!
The white background is so perfect for using all those coloured scaps and I admire your determination to use up all the fabric, even the triangles, you are an inspiration!
very sweet star quilt! yes, you're a hardcore scrap quilter! yeah!!!
You ARE crazy, but I already knew that about you, and adored you for it. It was nice to finally see a picture of you.
lol, seriously hardcore, but seriously gorgeous results, too! Damn, I'm never going to get rid of my stash if I start this sort of project!
these are both so, so perfect! and what a fabulous use for those triangles... i always save mine, but have yet to find a fun project! just adorable (and yes, smaller = cuter in my book too!)
The triangles off of the binding.
Step away from the sewing room.
You've gone over the edge.
Fallen right into a BIG puddle of crazy.
I LOVE it! And now you'll have all of us saving those darn little triangle scraps!!!
those little maverick stars are soo cute and that stripe binding is Perfect! Love it - Bonnie Hunter would be so proud of you for "using it up" ;)
Did you see on my blog last week where I posted a doll quilt I made from your tutorial??? Thanks!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
what are you going to do with
"Then the white fabric is trimmed off from behind the colored piece"
the which triangles?
I love these ideas...I too hoard those little triangles. I knew I'd find inspiration for them one day.
Okay, so this does a little bit to prove the crazy part of crazy mom quilts but in a good way! ;-)
i love it too!
Great ideas - I keep my triangles too. They make great little rooves for little houses but these two ideas are wonderful.
Love the star one!!! That is really cool.
Love the bow tie one. I immediately thought of butterflies, too. Would be cute for a doll quilt. Too bad I just don't have time to deal with scraps most of the time.
I am so impressed! I am overrun with scraps of fabric that I just CAN'T throw away. So nice to see how people use up their little pieces :-)
Love it! I think using every scrap is part of what quilting is about
I just have one thing to say....A M A Z I N G !!!!! You go, girl!! Your ideas and scrap busting creativity are non-ending and it flips me out how you seem to out-do yourself with each new quilt. I think you need to write a book!!!
That's darling.
sure its cute. but...what about all the triangles you create cutting off the corners of the white squares? this has the possibility of throwing you into complete and total psychosis? no?
lovely, though. and amazing.
What adorable projects - I just love that maverick star - I really hope to try that one soon!
Scraps come in so handy! The stars are really nice.
Just when I thought that I was being sooooooooo thrifty, throwing away nothing but those little triangles!!!!LOL!!!! Now I feel the insperation. I need to finish a signature quilt by the end of the year that will have lots of lovely triangle left over!!!!! Fun, fun, fun.
Beautiful quilts!!!! Thanks for sharing!
I'm making the kite/butterfly quilt for sure. Of course I don't have the binding strips so I guess I'll be making some.
For me, using EVERY bit of fabric is at the heart of the tradition and art of American quilt making. Quilting developed from the need to make due with what was available, left over scraps of dress goods and other materials. LOVE it! I have been hoping you would post a link for the star blocks! thank you for your blog... love it all!
oh i wish i had seen your blog first! i'm also a little crazy about scraps and i've also been saving those binding strip triangles but i've been sewing them together and they finish out to 1-3/8 (though i'll probably trim down to 1-1/2"). i have bunch of them and don't know what i'll eventually do. but i love the way your quilt looks--all that lovely white space! thanks for all the inspiration.
I think I need maverick stars on my bed. I love it.
I love the star block idea!!! Thank you!
I met a lady in Joann's the other day and I told her I was a "hard core" quilter. She laughed. I guess she just didn't get it, which is sad because she was a quilter too..
I love that you posted this quilt. I have been making a string quilt which leaves me lots of tiny triangles when I trim. It kills me to throw it away so I have saved them for who knows what, until now. What a clever idea. Thanks
...and to think that I throw those little triangles away. *gasp* Well no more! Such cute little quilts!! Love to see all that you do :)
Love the star quilt from corners!!
Brilliant! I've got lots of those triangles I've collected - but never really knew what I'd do with them. 'til now. Thanks!
Beautiful "eye candy" quilts. Great use of all those scraps.
Look at you! Those little quilts are awesome! But seeing what you've done with those is making me feel really guilty about throwing those little triangles away.
You are so good! What a clever and frugal way of using scraps. As always, I'm so impressed.
that is most definitly hard core scrap quilting...but every little bit does count and is pretty to boot!
Love love love these teeny scrap quilts!
I love both the quilts. They really are true scrap quilts. Very clever, maybe I better start saving those small bits.
Wow; I had JUST been saving these triangles, instead of pitching them, thinking that there was SOMETHING I could do with them. Your post is very timely; thanks!
love your scrap quilts! beautiful!
I love it too - you are a true inspiration as always. I always want to see what you're doing next.
Inspired once again ... you are totally amazing!
It may be hardcore scrap quilting but you are sooooo good at it. Love the star blocks.
I love it too! Very pretty...both of them.
What a terrific idea. I love it. I save scraps too and have little triangles that I was starting to think maybe I was crazy to save them. Now I don't Thanks Amanda. I love your blog.
cute ideas! Sheepishly backs away as she admits that she throws away most tiny scraps
I save every little bitty scrap too! I love this! Very dainty. I will have to try this too! Thanks for sharing.
What a clever idea! Love both of these quilts....sooo cute!!
what? you even save those? now I need to star saving mine too!!
Love it, full of color and light! great idea.
Have a nice friday
I've made the same little quilt with triangle scraps, but the finished size of my blocks are 1.5" x 2.5". The triangles are stitched on with the "liberated patchwork" method of Gwen Marston-no measuring and no matching so triangles all vary in angle and size. Just stitch and flip the triangle scraps.
Thanks for showing your bright version of this pattern.
Kathleen C.
You are a woman after my own heart....You know our pioneer great great grandmothers would really be inpressed with the beauty you created with tiny snippets...Kuddos to you!! Please publish where you will be teaching. I'd love to come see you!
gorgeous pieces... it's amazing how such small bits of color make the quilt POP!
Seriously hardcore scrap quilting! But I love it. So pretty!
you are one crazy scrap using chic!! Those pieces would be in the garbage at my house.... :-)
Oh. My. Goodness!!! What a great idea!! Thank you for sharing!!
I love these! Think you're crazy, but they're awesome :-). You must buy white fabric by the bolt!!!
You rock. Wow. I have a jillion little triangles and might try the maverick stars idea...LOVE IT!
Love the second quilt!! I have lots of those triangles that I can't stand to throw away, but I won't probably ever use either.... want them?
Lovely little quilts. And after reading the past posts of your I totally agre - go for it. It is so fun to teach others about our passion.
Ok NOW I think you've gone around the bend, lol. Although I do love that tiny quilt!
You are such a rockstar. That star quilt is adorable. REALLY adorable.
I keep telling you; you're such an inspiration!!!
scrap quilting - or scrap patchworking..is how it all began.
besides...our society tends to waste so much...isn't it a good thing to NOT waste??
as always...
Love it!!! Very creative!!
Hard core scrap quilting - I love it!
You really have some great ideas. i really love these little quilts. I try and make small quilts for our local hospital for Stillborn babies and i think these two would be perfect.
Where do you start with your quilt ideas? Do you sit and stare at the fabric till it tells you what to do, or do you draw a plan to start with and adjust it as you go? I love your style. I don't know how to add unpredictability to my quilts, though. I like how your butterflies grew out of the little triangles you had available.
Thanks for showing us your work.
Very cute. I love little quilts. Great color too.
I will save every scrap and bring the most amazing scrap quilt to next year's retreat....
I love what you did with these little triangle scraps! Great! I have a new quilting blog piecefulness as well as my regular blog. Hope you'll come by and visit!
i love this! and circle time!
You ARE hard core with those tiny triangles! Whoa! But LOVE the mini maverick star! I am thinking that pattern lends itself perfect for a Christmas quilt (someday!) or one for the 4th of July!
Mini stars = Total Cuteness!
You know, I had just cured myself of that addiction ... and then you go and post this! They look lovely, but I will keep on saving my wee fabric bits for my girls to make fabric collages from them. They love it and the artwork makes for lovely pressies.
That really is hard core scrap quilting! Very pretty quilt.
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