Tuesday, November 24, 2009

measurements for a filmstrip quilt

I've had some requests for a tutorial on the filmstrip quilt, so here goes....

The filmstrip quilt is made of two different blocks. For block A:

Start with a 5" square of a colored fabric.
Cut 2 pieces 2.5" x 5" of white fabric. Sew to the center square using 1/4" seam allowance. Press.

Cut 2 pieces 2.5" x 9" of white fabric. Sew to the top and bottom of the block. Press seams well.
Square up the block to 9" if necessary.

For block B:
Make the blocks the same as above, but in the reverse. Start with a 5" square of white fabric, surrounded by a 2.5" colored border.

To make a baby size quilt, the fabric requirements are as follows:
1.5 yards of white fabric
1.5 yards of assorted prints

Make 15 A Blocks and 15 B blocks. The layout will be 5 blocks wide and 6 rows long.

The quilt will measure 42.5" x 51."

For the larger version the fabric requirements are:
40 charm squares (5" squares)
1 jelly roll (or 40 strips 2.5" x width of fabric)
3 yards of white fabric

For this size, you will need to make 80 blocks. 40 A blocks and 40 B blocks. The layout will be 8 blocks wide and 10 blocks long.

(shown horizontal)
The finished size of the quilt will be 68" x 85".
If you make a filmstrip quilt, I'd love to see it!


Kate said...

Great quilt and perfect name for it!

Kimberly said...


Angela Nash said...

Thanks! This would be a great way to use one of my extra Figgy jelly rolls.

CJ said...

Thanks for the instructions!

Rene' said...

Thanks for the tutorial. I've always admired your film strip quilt. My friend has requested a toddler boy's quilt for Angel Tree...I think this will be perfect. Thank you.

Leslie said...

Oh goodie! I loved this quilt the moment I saw it. Thanks for sharing!

Cheri C. said...

Thank you so much for these directions. I am not one of those people that can figure things out by just looking at them (and so, I don't steal anyone's pattern).

I LOVED seeing your finished quilt and am so happy now to be able to make my own!!

This is one thing I'm thankful for this week - thank you, again!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

judy b said...

Happy Turkey Day .....your tutorials are so down to earth and easy to follow. Thank you over and over for doing them for us. I check your site all day long for your next clever thing. You are one special person and I would love to be able to meet you and be at a retreat. Please keep us posted on your travels. Stitch on.

RosaMaría said...

brilliant! thanks for sharing!!!

kelly jeanie said...

So pretty!! Thank you so much for these instructions. I love the fabrics you chose for that first quilt.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting another great tutorial together. Your quilts are amazing. Another idea I will add to my personal "AmandaJean book" of works in progress:)

CitricSugar said...


Suzanne said...

Tutorials take time to write. Thank you for spending yours to write this one for us!

Laural said...

Thank you for writing this! My son picked MoMo's Odyssea for his teacher's quilt and I really think it needs white to separate the colors.

Nanette Merrill said...

Lovely. so so Lovely.

Lurline said...

Love the tutorial - it is filed in Favourites/Tutorials, thanks!
Hugs - Lurline♥

beth said...

a very purty quilt! thanks for the details!

JG said...

Wow! It is so pretty. Thanks for the tutorial.

Rachel said...

Oh I just love this. Add another project to my to-do list. Sigh.

Thanks for sharing the pattern and photos. Just beautiful!

Jessica said...

Thank you so much for sharing the pattern!!! I'm looking forward to trying it someday--it looks like a great scrap buster!

One Flew Over said...

PERFECT!! I have a recess charm pack just screaming to be made into this quilt. Thank you!

PegS said...

Thanks much for the tutorial. I can't wait to try this for a baby quilt. Just wondered whether you have ideas about what types of fabric designs work better for this pattern. From your pictures, it looks like all-over prints with small to medium figures work best. Also, have you done this quilt enough to know whether it would work just as well with only 2 colors (besides the white)?
Thanks for your expertise!

blueberrymoon said...

Your such a smarty, I love this !!
Can't wait to try it.

Amanda Jean said...


I haven't done this quilt using only two other colors besides the white, but I bet it would be stunning! If you try it, I'd love to see it!


Becky J. said...

funny- it does look like film strip! just perfect to eat up a bunch of scraps too.

Janet said...

Thank you, I'm going to save this one. Such simple blocks do they look great together!

Needled Mom said...

Great looking pattern too. Thanks for the tutorial.

Rose said...

I just love this! I have several charm packs I would love to use, may just have to get my hands on some matching jelly rolls!

Diane Bohn said...

I LOVE all your quilts!! and I gave you an award on my blog: dbByDesign.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Hip hip hooray!! I had been admiring this quilt, but dared not ask you to provide a tutorial, given that you have already provided so many.

You are hereby nominated for Quilt Sainthood!! :)
I invite all of your readers to cast a vote for your "Quilt Sainthood" when they leave a comment on your blog. Two votes and it's official :)

Your generosity is beyond words.
Thank you,
Brenda C (Texas)
no blog

Anonymous said...

wow thank you for sharing.

Lara said...

oooh thank you! I am thinking of using this tutorial to make the large size out of a layer pack and jelly roll from Wonderland? Thoughts? I'd love your opinion! Will one jelly roll be enough for a layer pack cut in quarters or should I get another! Thank you :)

M. Regina said...

Thanks for sharing the pattern and photos.Hugs from Brazil.

Annie said...

bugger work and reports . . . I just want to make one right now!

Cristina said...

Hi Amanda
Thanks for the tutorial.
I get my eyes on that one for the prize door, so I think i'm going to make one too.

Crafty Girls Workshop said...

I just started making a similar quilt using 5" charms in white and strips at 1.5" from a honey bun. It looks too busy with all those wild strips but this is the perfect solution! I think I'll go back and add some rows of the opposite which is printed centers with white sashing! Yippee! Thanks for the tutorial and the "solution" to finishing my quilt!

Crystal Hendrix said...

I can't wait to make it!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful tutorial.
The final result is so good.

Thimbleanna said...

That's such a cute quilt! Thanks CrazyMom -- and Happy Thanksgiving!

Marie said...

thanks much -- i wondered and now i know .... happy stitching

Aimee said...

Beautiful quilt - thanks for the tutorial!!

Julie said...

Thanks for the mini tutorial and especially the measurements, I have just the jelly roll and matching charm pack to make this fabulous quilt top.

ellen said...

I'd love to see this pattern done up in some black and white fabrics. Find some fabrics with something like Betty Boop or maybe the Wizard of Oz fabrics that are out now...

Darn, now I want to make one! :) I love that the most simple patterns can be so striking.

leigh7911 said...

This is great, thanks for the measurements. I've been trying to justify buying a Panache layer cake, and I think this should do it. For if my math doesn't fail me, a layer cake will serve just as well as a charm pack + jelly roll, no? Cut the 10x10 in half for two 5x10 pieces. From one of those you can get the 5x5 square for block A, and the two 2.5x5 strips for block B. The other 5x10 will get you your two 2.5x9 for block B. Of course, this wouldn't allow for *any* mistakes in cutting...

Deb from Nebraska said...

Thanks for the tutorial!! I have loved that quilt since you first showed it...now I can make one!! Yippee!! :)

Rebekah said...

Thanks for the tutorial! I love the look of this quilt.

Kelli said...

oh stink. there is not enough time in my day...
I am going to have to stop looking at your blog. You always give such great ideas/tutorials. now I'm going to have to try this one, too. I guess I could always give up sleep. I've already given up on laundry!

Nancy said...

Hi, I was wondering if you had saved the instructions in a PDF file.... if I asked you this already I apologize... it has been a crazy fall.



Delightful Domestic Science said...

A very pretty quilt. I was wondering how many blocks to make for a size in between baby and the larger size shown?
Thanks for being so generous in sharing your ideas, it's a beautiful thing!

Deb said...

I just finished a black version and posted pics on my blog. Thank you for the super easy tutorial!


Avtar Ram Kaur said...

Thank you so much for your tutorial. I made this quilt for my 3 year old daughter just recently! http://shelvesinmymind.blogspot.com/2010/03/filmstrip-quilt-fin.html

Katie said...

For the larger quilt, are the fabric requirements just for the quilt top or for both front and back?