Circle time is finished! I LOVED using circles. It was a nice departure from all the squares and rectangles I use so frequently in my quilts. The fabric is Woodland Bloom by Moda and I used two charm packs. Thanks Sherry!!
To make the quilt, I first cut out circles using a CD as a template. Then, I laid out the circles unto a plain white sheet, using a very unscientific method of measuring. I used sashing strips and strips of paper (both 2.5" wide) to measure the spacing between the circles. I started from one edge and worked my way to the other side. I'm sure things aren't perfectly straight, but close enough for me. I pinned the circles onto the white background with safety pins, then zig zagged the circles down onto fabric. This required me to borrow a friend's sewing machine, since my Juki has no zig zag stitch. Thanks Therese!
I was on the fence about the borders, but I do like how they turned out. I debated back and forth for a long while-even after it was basted-then one day I decided to quilt it and put the debate to rest. Now that it's finished, I'm glad I kept them as they were. I like that they are a bit unpredictable.
For the back, I used a light aqua polka dot from my stash.
And I bound it in this lovely grass green polka dot.
I stippled the background and the borders, but left the circles unquilted. I like how they pop a little bit.
The circles are very forgiving. The edges softened after washing. I was not sure how I would like the slightly raw edges, but they are really a fun part of the quilt.
After washing, the quilt measures 46" x 59".
Only 18 more WIP's to go. Only. Heh.
My generous blog friend Carol is giving away a quilt top, backing and binding on her blog. You can check it out here. :)
The circles turned out lovely (I'm still scared of trying them though....Circles and applique terrify me). And that binding fabric is simple but perfect.
Good luck with your works in progress! Only nine more until you're in single digit WIPs. :-)
I like it. You really make everything seem so doable!
It does look great. You got me to do triangles ages ago but I don't think circles are in my future. Too stressful!
I love it!! I have also been scared to venture into the circular--but this is too inspirational not to try. It's officially on my 2010 list. Love the backing, by the way--too cute!
Cute cute. As alwayw. I've had a circle quilt in the queue for a couple years. What is it about circles, even as raw edge applique, that makes us pause? But the end result is so cute, I don't know that I can wait much longer to dive in!
wow. have seen circle quilts out there...haven't tried it for myself. They are nice to the eyes though. i have done the soft edge also and love that too. it is very forgiving after the wash.
Very cute!
Very cool CrazyMom! Something fun and different and as always, I love that they're set on white!
Love it! I love the borders - glad you left them!
What a nice quilt. I really like this design. It turned out very pretty.
If anyone can whip out 18 WIP's - it's you! You're amazing :) I know, you know it, we all know it!! Can't wait your next WIP done!
Wow! This is breathtaking!
I love it! The circles look fantastic against the white!
Woo hoo! I was wondering when we would get to see this.
Yay for circles.
Lovely! One of these days, I'm going to give circles a try. And I love that they are not quilted, it really gives it a great texture.
Good luck with the rest of the WiPs!
Really interesting quilt!
Good for you for crossing another off your list. In your honor, I sorted scraps this morning and I'm starting to organize them. To think, a few months ago, I would have thrown them away. I'm truly inspired by your blog and your projects to do something great with them. Thanks!
I love working with circles too. I often just stitch the circles onto the bagground, then I make my sandwich and then I quilt arround the circles 2 or 3 times. This gives a fantastic look on the top and a nice look at the back of the quilt.
What a great quilt!
This definitely makes me to want to try playing with circles. What kind of settings (stitch wise) did you use for the zig zag?
you are so inspiring!
Your circle quilt came out nicely. Glad you kept the borders as is. Thanks for the info regarding placing the circles. I cut out a bunch of circles for a quilt for my daughter, but then she decided she wanted "diamonds" so I am doing something similar with squares turned on point. I was lazy and only eyeballed the placement. I like the way you left the circles unquilted. Another great quilt!! Thanks for sharing!
P.S Your friend Carol has a great blog, too. Thanks for the info.
What a gorgous quilt. When I grow up I want to be as productive quilting as you are! Please keep inspiring us with your lovely creations.
Great quilt. I've used that fabric line as well. Love the colors in it.
This turned out beautiful. I love ths look of this quilt and it is on my list for '10. Thanks for sharing.
it looks wonderful, and all very neat and straight, too! You have such a knack for making things look doable - thank you!
Super cute! love the circles!
Nice job! Certainly on my to-do list, just not sure about the raw edge. CD sized is perfect!
What a lovely circle quilt. You could also take the squares with the circles on them and cut them into fourths and arrange them like drunkards path blocks. Sorta of a cross between applique and piecing :)
Wow This is so beautiful!!
I just wanted to stop and say hi, and tell you what great inspiration I get from you blog! You've made my "to sew" list alot longer!!!
I love raw edge applique!! I think it looks so soft and comfy. I was going to comment on how the circles seem to pop off the quilt, but you said it already. I have a charm pack of that same material and I love it! And you've also inspired me to start using more white in my quilting!!
oh WOW I love this, and the unscientific method! Think I could probably manage this one :)
Very cute! You have inspired me :)
~ Jennie
I love this one, Amanda, and thanks for sharing your highly scientific process. My processes are usually of that type...
I want one! :D This is great! Pieced circle blocks...no thanks, this looks do-able!
I love those circles! Looks like a fun quilt to make :-) You made the right choice for the border too! Really lovely!
Love it! I want to make one too!
Fantastic! and the colors are great too.
I love this quilt!
I love this quilt! It is stunning...
Lovely! I am working on something very similar, but in blues and greens. After seeing your quilt, I'm very excited to complete my very soon. Beautiful!
loved it in progress and adore it all washed and puckered! I will definitely give circles a try.
I've just used that fabric range in a new project with aw edge applique too - they are such lovely fabrics.
I like the idea of raw edge circles - it makes them more achievable for a slow hand stitcher like me!
I have not yet ventured into applique, but this is so enticing!
Very nice! I was wondering how you managed to sew circles (not something I could do in a zillion years) but then saw at the bottom they're raw edges. I really like it!
Circles are just the best - and so underused in quilts. Love the colours and the simplicity. Thanks for sharing.
I love seeing how your designs turn out--the circles are lovely. Such a nice change.
So simple yet so striking. Hooray for unscientific methods!
Ooo, circles are fun! I really like how they're puffy, too, nice little detail there.
I love it. It looks just great!
It turned out so great! Love how you did the borders... very cute!
Love it!
pretty darn fabulous. I just bought a packet of kaffe fasset circles from Canton Quilts and I'm gonna TRY this. THANX!
Great job!
Hi Amandajean,
when I first saw your 'circles' top... i thought the pieced border was a bit disturbing...but now that it's finished with a binding... there's nothing disturbing at all....
lovely as usual....
and always an inspiration!!
I really like it. I think you did a great job. I've done two quilts with circles, lately, they are fun.
Great quilt, and a fun use of a CD! Thanks for the clear explanation. I love what you did with the borders.
Love the circles
fabulous work with the circles! I hope to be ready one day soon to attempt some circles on my quilt. :)
I love it!
It looks terrific, great job!
I love it. It looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing it.
I LOVE this! And am looking forward to playing with circles! I've been collecting thing to play with to dye fabrics after reading Malka's book--look for some before Christmas!
So pretty. I'm amazed at the speed at which you stitch up your beautiful creations.
I love it but then I love any circles in quilts. Your friend Carol has a lovely blog, thanks for sending us over.
love the circles. They are so fun + whimsy.
Love it!
I LOVE the circles and everything else about this quilt!
THIS IS FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LLLLLLLOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEE IT!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!! I want to try one now. But I to would have to borrow a machine with a zigzag foot. My mom might have one!!!!! :):):) FANTASTIC!!!
Just beautiful! Congrats on your finish.
What an amazing quilt. I love circles but am still a little scared of them.
Fantastic that you are crossing one of your list. I'm still contemplating getting one finished :-)
Another beauty! (Why am I not surprised??) Thanks for the "plug" honey, on my giveaway! You do have lovely readers...they have "made" my week!!! You are blessed to have them!!
Sew beautiful. AS ALWAYS!
This is beautiful. I've been saving CDs forever to use on a quilt - starting from when the providers (AOL, Prodigy, etc.) would send you a free CD to start. LOL, like I can't get other CDs now! I still haven't gotten around to making one, but after seeing this, I think I definitely should put my old CD to use so I can throw it away!
Loved your circles quilt - I am definately going to have to try that Love it, just beautiful! Hugs, Mary
Glad I found your blog!!
This is just wonderful. Question.....did you pin them all on before stitching hem...or did you do one row at a time? Keep your great ideas coming....just love them all. Judy
Like the circles...so many works in progress...I have two craft projects in process and it is too much (50 cards for a gift and handquilting something).
I pinned all the circles at once. :)
Hi! Just stopped by and I see you finished your circle quilt to rave reviews! Looks great!!
Every so often I look at the very beginning of a circle quilt I started several years ago and quickly set aside, and debate whether or not I should finish it. Your quilt definitely inspires me to salvage it! Love your circle quilt -- and the great borders.
So pretty! I have some little circles I purchase a while ago. Maybe they should go on a quilt...
beautiful! I still need to try out some circles in my quilting projects
gorgeous love it!!!! I've got a nice collection of charm square packs after our quilt market here in australia and that is just what I need!!!!!!!!!!!!! love the raw edges!
I just wanted to let you know that you talked me into it. I'm making this quilt now. Circles have been cut from African fabric, and the layout is finished. Just working on securing them down.
How did I miss this one in its finished state? It's so cool - so unique! I think it would have driven me crazy to work with round pieces. You knocked it out of the ball park.
So tell me how you get the quilts hung along the gutter like that. Do you have to crawl out a window and onto the roof??
Would you make me a circle quilt? Seriously...I want one. You don't know me but I am a quilter wannabe. I am in Christian radio in Tampa FLorida and am best friends with Lindsay from Five Healthy Hearts. She up'd and left me about five years ago...but I am still one of her BFF's! That is just the cutest quilt and it resonates me...I don't know why...maybe it's because I'm always so busy I fill like I'm chasing my tail. Would love to speak to you personally. My blog is http://www.girlzasoulsista.blogspot.com or you can email me at soulsista16@gmail.com!
Blessings Friend!
how wide was the zigzag stitch? circles intimidate me but this looks manageable. love it
I made one of these! It was really fun to make and I love how it turned out. Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge - I have learned so much from your blog and tutorials. My quilt is here: http://craftyang.blogspot.com/2009/12/circle-quilt.html
Wow! You make this look so easy! :) I feel like this is something I could do. Thanks for sharing how you did this. I think I might make a little wall hanging like this and see how it turns out.
I love very much this quilt... You can see many CD circle design here http://cdhistoirs.blogspot.com
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