Monday, October 19, 2009

a winner and a new project

The giveaway winner is Jessica from Idaho. Thanks for playing along. I enjoyed reading each and every comment. I sure learned a lot! I'm excited to give some the suggestions a try, starting with quilting gloves. I've never tried them, but I'm not sure why.

Over the weekend, I did a fabric pull from my stash for Katie's Values quilt along. (Which is also why I needed my new design wall.) I'm not holding back for this one. I'm going to be using my most hoarded fabrics. You know, all the goodies that I normally save for "some day". I keep reminding myself what good is fabric if it's sitting in a drawer, right? This one is going to be a stretch for me, as it's not in keeping with my normal design process, but I'm excited to be expanding my horizions. In the back of my mind I think, if I mess up all this gorgeous fabric, at least I can make a scrap quilt from the leftovers. How's that for confidence? :)

Good day to you!


Anonymous said...

I got my quilting gloves at the hardware store. A light weight, breathable knit glove with rubber tipped fingers. They work great and cost a lot less. I think I paid $6.

Chase said...

I am having hard time to cut down the gorgeous fabric! I have a fear that I won't be able to get more if I really like them! :)

Happy Monday!

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

Oh yeah, gloves are a must for me. A friend shared that tip with me years ago. I can not free motion with out my gloves. I just can't grip my fabric. I love your fabric stacks!! Such a beautiful sight, isn't it?

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

love the values quilt... wish I didn't have so much on my plate I'd love to do one.

I bought the FP gloves from Joanns at a recommendation from an online friend... I just haven't quilted anything since to try them!

Anonymous said...

Oh well I am not up to need the gloves yet, but I will have that tip under my belt. It is great to jump out and try something different. I have too many 'something different' things started now.

Audrie said...

Gloves are something I need to get for sure! And I have a huge problem with cutting into my coveted fabrics too but I'm learning to let go... slowly hehe!

Unknown said...

Sadly, I don't have a coveted fabric stash. When i started quilting, my husband made me promise that I wouldn't hoard fabric like his mother (she has 2 bedrooms full) so I only buy what I need for specific projects. Oh, to have a collection. Sigh.

Cheryl Arkison said...

Remember that we don't cut big pieces for the Values quilt along... you will have lots of that special fabric left.

Jennifer said...

Oooh, I know how hard it is to use those "special" fabrics. But... when I did use some of mine, I was so pleased with how it turned out. I can't wait to see the finished quilt!

Purple Paisley Patch said...

Congratulations to Jessica, what a treat to win FMF fabric! Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway.
I'm loving your gorgeous display of hoarded fabric. Think how much you'll love the quilt that contains a little bit of each of these beauties. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
Kelly :-)

beth said...

Love your yummy fabrics. You can also get cheap gardening gloves at 99cent store or dollar tree.

Heather said...

I just love your little stash here. There is just something about rainbow colored fabric I love. The little project you are doing looks great. I've always been drawn to that style of quilt...with the color values. I'm excited to follow along with you.

Renee said...

Your fabric stacks look gorgeous! I'm excited to see them cut and pieced. Is this quilt for yourself?

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

The colors! Ijust love it. You'll make it into some beautiful; never fear!

CitricSugar said...

That fabric has probably been wondering what is wrong with itself watching you take all the other fabrics first. :-) It's like giving someone a quilt and watching them not use it because "it's too nice."

Plow into that stash! Give it a "nothing to lose" attitude! Isn't it fun to try something new?

Katherine said...

Yay! I can't wait to see your "hoarded" (didn't know you did that... I always thought you had no hang-ups cutting into beautiful fabrics ;o) treasures made into a new quilt.
hee hee... love your thinking that you can at least make a scrap quilt from the leftovers...oh, how I can relate!

Carla said...

I've been wanting to start this Values quilt along but something always comes up. Good luck with yours! I use light weight gardening gloves for quilting, if that helps any.

Mama Pea Quilts said...

I've tried lots of different gloves for quilting and a couple of years ago found the ones I can't do without. They are called "Machingers" and I got them for $8 at that time. What a difference they make for me. Trying to quilt without them makes my fingers/hands cramp up (can you tell I must be a little tense while machine quilting?) but with them, I feel no strain at all.

Stretching, working outside the box, expanding our horizons is good for us, right? And I have no fear that no matter what happens, you will not waste that fabric!

Maria Harrits said...

Love your fabrics!

Kris said...

I have a question....does anyone out there know where I can direct my friend to find the Alice In Wonderland fabric? She says it is sort of vintage looking. And she thinks it has only recently been released to stores. But no one seems to have it. She lives in the bay area, and desperately wants to find it to make a quilt for her granddaughter!!!!! Any help would be so appreciated!

Sandra :) said...

It's very hard to cut up and use those "some day" fabrics - they're treasures, like gold, lol! Good luck with your new project!

Alaskan Vaughans said...

I used to keep those special fabrics for someday also, but looking at my mom's stash of fabrics that are so old and out of date; I decided to use them while they are nice and new! I try to keep my stash in check, can't wait for the day I get to go buy exactly what I want for a project because I have nothing left! =D Don't know about the cheaper gloves, but Machingers work great and are less than $10 at quilt shops; they last good and are washable!

Tambo said...

Excellent attitude! I'm sure you'll have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous stack of fabric - good on you for being so strong and cutting into your favorites!

lera said...

The first cut is the hardest. After that, it's easy :-)

diplofam said...

I checked out the Values quilt along link-I could so do that with all of my squares cut for Margaret's Hope Chest-so cool looking. Can't wait to see yours!

Clair said...

Too bad I wasn't the winner. Actually, I went to Perham on Thursday and got the back for my quilt, and on Friday Jenny and I stopped in Rogers at the quilt shop.

dolores said...

My husband brought home a pack of 12...yes 12 pair of gloves for around $6-7 dollars!! They are sort of an open mesh cotton dipped in PINK rubber on the fingers and palms!!! He found them at our local Korean market!! How great is that?!!

Looking forward to seeing what you make out of those marvelous stacks of fabric!!

jacquie said...

i've got mine far as i've gotten with it...good for you lining up all that great fabric! i cut up all my gray fmf for the fall quilt. actually felt good using it.

jacquie said...

i've got mine far as i've gotten with it...good for you lining up all that great fabric! i cut up all my gray fmf for the fall quilt. actually felt good using it.

Anonymous said...

I always freak out a little when I use up a favorite fabric. The other day I was thinking if it was actually in a quilt, then I get to see it whenever I it's not really gone at all.

em's scrapbag said...

I'm sure you will have a beautiful quilt. How can you not with such beautiful fabric?

carol said...

This is sure to be another winner with all those gorgeous fabrics!! Get yourself some Machingers....they'll save your shoulders!! I started with gardening gloves too, but my hands are so small that they'd come right off my wrists as I was quilting and that's why I suggest getting the good ones right off the bat.

ale balanzario said...

Congratulation to the winner,

Im sure you will make another beautiful quilt, those fabrics are great, love the colors,

sulu-design said...

I am so, so happy to hear that you're dipping into the special stash pieces. I'd been holding on to some beads and trinkets that I'd picked up at a flea market in NYC years ago, not wanting to use them, just enjoying their potential. I finally dove into them and made some of my favorite necklaces ever. It felt so good to finally use them. I hope you get the same pleasure out of using your special fabric.

Crystal Hendrix said...

I can't wait to see what you come up with!! I always love seeing your designs and just love your work!! So please please please keep us updated on the quilt!!

Chara Michele said...

You are brave :) Actually the values quilt is probably perfect for cutting into those coveted fabrics :)

Linda said...

OOOH! I'm gonna have to try this one sometime. Right now I'm kind of overloaded, but this could be a lot of fun!

aida said...

GREAT collections...

aida said...

OMG... greetings , i just found your blog and you're really superb!
i really don't know how you do it but your works are fantastic ...i'm loving it!
hope you don't mind i link you :)


Antique Rose Designs said...

There is no way you will mess up a quilt all of your quilts are gorgeous you are very talented. Thanks for your inspiration and help. I finally finished a quilt and even quilted it myself first time ever I've always paid to have them quilted. This was a great learning experience and I'm ready to start the next one. Love reading your blog and I'm looking forward to seeing your new quilt. Take care Carol

Katielin317 said...

Oooh...I just love all those pretty fabrics all neatly folded. You have such a lovely site. It's so lovely that I even gave you an award. Pick it up over at

Sølvis blog said...

Love the fabrics - can't wait to see what you are going to make from them

Let Me Not Forget said...

I laughed when I read this, cause I have several pieces that I've been hoarding for quite some time now. I'm not to the point of letting go just yet. :) It's so hard to make the cut and know there is no going back... but that just means it makes room for new treasured finds, right?