Monday, September 14, 2009

ticker tape

ticker tape
I don't know why, but I'm almost embarrassed about posting this quilt. It seems a little...obsessive. Ok, it seems a lot obsessive.

I started making it about a year ago. It uses the littlest of scraps. Most pieces are about 1" x 2". The quilt measures 35" x 46". I didn't dare count how many scraps I used. A lot.

The binding is a lime green print that I had in my stash. I would have preferred a solid lime green, but I didn't have any on hand. I thought about orange, but that would have looked hideous against my red studio wall, which is where this quilt is going to live. And I've decided that I'm going to stop apologizing for hanging quilts on my walls. :)

For the backing, I used a funky fabric that I picked up at IKEA. I thought it would suit this quilt nicely.

To make this quilt, here's what I did:

I made a quilt sandwich (backing, batting and white muslin for the top), then I pin basted it. For the patches, I picked a fabric snippet, and sewed it onto the quilt sandwich with my walking foot. I removed the basting pins as I added a block. All the fabric edges were left raw. So it was quilted and "pieced" at the same time. I had to shove the quilt though the machine 4 times for each little block that I added. Intense, yes, but I am pleased with the results. Next time, I'd make it doll sized, though.

Since this is hanging on my studio wall, I haven't washed it yet, but it would be fun as a baby quilt. Each washing would just add to the texture of the raw edges-perfect for a wee little one.
Thanks so much for your gracious replies to the quilts of valor call to help. I am working my way though the emails. Hopefully by the end of today you will have received one from me if you left a comment. I'm excited to be undertaking this project with your help! xoxo


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quiltchick1 said...

So cute! But i love all your quilts. you are truly inspirational!

Anonymous said...

I love it, I love it, I love it!
Got to make one, it's adorable.

Anonymous said...

I love it, this quilt is so standout and the perfect scrap quilt project. I will heed your advice and go smaller though!!!!

The Calico Cat said...

I feel so much better now that I know those edges are raw!

Mama Urchin said...

Oh my I love that quilt. Love it. And, I'm in a scrap using mode so I might just have to try to make one!

Mama Pea Quilts said...

Omigosh! I'd call that quilt a work of art. And I know it just had to involve a lot of finagling to get it to look so visually pleasing. What a unique method you used to make it. Bravo!

MandMStudio said...

Love it:) That quilt is simply amazing

jane said...

Just lovely

Kama said...

That is great! I love it! I have seen that fabric at IKEA and I love it as well. It's so cool! Nice job. Might have to try that sometime myself.

nettie said...

wow! love it.

Emily said...

Oh.MY.Goodness.That is the coolest thing ever! Looks like mosaic tiles.

Amy said...

I love it as much, if not more, as your Snippets quilt! It's gorgeous!! Hope I can get around to trying something similar some time soon.

mokkakissa said...

Heheh! :) Now THAT is quilt!

Missy Ann said...

I love it. It really is fabulous. And a very easy idea for me to steal, er copy. :D

Libby said...

Love it! Perfect for a sewing room wall!

Dorrie said...

It's definitely post worthy! I did a table runner in a similar fashion only I used one of the decorative rotary blades to go around each piece before I stitched it down. It's a great way to really use those scraps and I dig it out for birthday's because it's so festive! I love yours!

MichelleB said...

I love it! You must know how fabulous it is. I think I would have cheated and not used the walking foot - just free motioned around each piece. You are a master of patience.

Sarah Pead said...

love this idea. it's a perfect way to utilize scraps.

Audrie said...

It's beautiful!!! I love how you used your scraps for this :)

Anna said...

I absolutely love this! I have been keeping my tiny scraps in a fabric store bag.... now I know what I want to do with them!

I'm thinking a series (3? I like things in 3's) of minis to hang along the wall where my machine gets to live.

Thanks for the inspiration!

carol said...

Holy moley, Amandajean! When I first looked at this, it appeared as if you pieced all those tiny pieces of fabric and I thought, EIKES, she finally "went over the deep end". I'm sure glad you made it the way you did!! LOL It's wonderful and only YOU could think of something this creative!! Bravo again!!!

Heather said...

This is such a great idea, but pushing a quilt through your machine 4 times for each scrap piece???? I think you need a different hobby! lol

It looks amazing!

katrina said...

this is AMAZING! definitely my next-up plan for my scraps!

Care said...

It's gorgeous!!

Have you ever used a darning foot? That's what I use for my machine quilting. If I were ever crazy enough to attempt your quilt (and TRUST ME, I AM!!), I would use the darning foot and freehand my way around those little squares. Or stars. Or some other completely INSANE shape! In fact, I've already done one -- with flowers!!

........Ooooooooh, IDEAS!!!!

Anonymous said...

This quilt made me gasp out loud. I *love* it! You are so inspirational - thanks for sharing.


Michele said...

I love it! It will be stunning on your wall! Won't it be fun to see and recognize all the fabrics you've sewn with?

Lynne said...

Love it - I'm saving all those tiny scraps from now on.

Diana Beverlie said...

Oh, this is awesome. What a great way to use those little pieces!! I think I will try this except I will do it in four quandrants so can rotate my pieces. Then I will use binding strips to attach them together.

Such a good idea!! Never be embarrassed about your quilts!! They are such a great inspiration!!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

That is really cute, even if it did take forever and a day to make. Love it!

Also, L-O-V-E the background fabric! I was at IKEA a few weeks ago and wanted to look at fabric, but there were tons of people crowding it. :(

Lauren The Artist said...

Those are some really small pieces! They look great on the not-grid of the quilt, too. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Wow-you did a fantastic job. I love watching each of your creations and this one is certainly no exception.

jabeybaby said...

I love that little quilt! It looks so awesome!

West Michigan Quilter said...

I love this quilt. What a great way to use your scraps. I like being obsessive. Nothing wrong with it to my thinking! ;0)

Cristin said...

Wow what a cool way to make a scrap quilt! From the flickr photo it looks pieced like a normal quilt! I LOVE that you quilted/pieced it all in 1 step! GREAT Idea!

kelly lautenbach said...

Delicious in every way. :) LOVE it!

Thimbleanna said...

Holy Crap - you've lost your mind!!! I LOVE it!!! It's perfect and it's YOU. Now I want one. Slow down -- I can't keep up!!!

Philigry said...

this one is awesome. i just love how it is pieced and quilted at the same time. do you think it would work if i did this and sprayed a little bit of basting spray on each piece, then did the sewing/quilting?

dutchcomfort said...

One word: Stunning!

Potpourri said...

I'm gonna make one of those as well.
I love how they are randomly placed.
I hate throwing out ANY scrap of fabric no matter how small.

Tara said...

It's fantastic! I love it!

Kimberly White said...

I think this quilt is beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration!

Brenda said...

it's lovely, but I'm relieved to find the scraps are appliqued and not pieced in. that would be truly obsessive. it's great, great, great!

Quiltin Jenny said...

I love it! Truly a work of art!

Anita said...

I love this quilt! I'm never throwing away any scaps!!

CitricSugar said...

This quilt is awesome. You've made excellent use of scraps, reduced bulky seams, and introduced me to a way of piecing and quilting at the same time. Thank you.

Now, had you pieced the whole thing, randomly and obsessively and then stitched in the ditch around each and every snippet using your walking foot, and made it queen-sized, then you would be walking that fine line between Martha and Insane.

And even if you'd have done that, I'd still have applauded it. (Because it's totally something I would do....)

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh - don't be embarrassed - I made one just like this - except I didn't quilt as I go. I may try that next time! :)

What could possibly be embarrassing to a quilter? ;)

Unknown said...

I am a beginner quilter, but an experienced mosaic artist. This quilt is like a big fabrci mosaic. I LOVE it!!!
Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Chrissie Grace

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

So cool! Glad to hear you did not piece it; that would probably be regarded as obsessive:-)

beth said...

This is such a FUN must be a FUN gal!
good job!

MommaMari said...

love it! I'll admit I saw the pic and definitely thought you had piece it a la snippets. Then I read your description, breathed a sigh of relief, then came back to my senses about having to turn the quilt for each little block. That is gorgeous though and your pics seem to be swaying me to try . . .

Sherry said...

Wow you wrote this 50 min ago and look at all the coments. I just love the look do you mind if I print a copy so I could keep it to remember what it was that I really wanted to do. Thanks for sharing

HMaas said...

Genius - I love this idea and once my scraps accumulate - you can bet I will make this - love it!!!

Ella said...

I really like this idea! Do you think it would look good if you quilted the sandwich first with a quilting machine then went back and did the pieces over it???

craft-crazed said...

I love this!!!! thanks for the fantastic idea!!!

Unknown said...

Wath a great idea. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for a little while now even though I don't quilt. My mom does a little and I'd love to learn. Anyway I wanted to tell you that this is the most beautiful design I've seen, you did a fantastic job!!!

Suzanne said...

Amandajean, your brain is always working and so are your fingers. Could I guess that for the placement of the snippets you started at the center and worked your way out? Did you randomly reach in your scrap can and add to it but occasionally hunt and peck for a certain color? It is a wonderful piece of art and deserves to be hung on your wall.

Chase said...

Love it! May I make a similar quilt? I have so many little scrappy fabric and sometimes, it is hard to put them away for trash. Thank you for sharing, as always!


Kris said...

Oh my gosh, this is awesome! I want to make one!

Anita in Florida said...

SPECTACULAR!!! I, too, thought it was pieced...and couldn't figure how you did it as the rows are not straight across...then I read your description and thought "'s actually doable". I'm going to have to try it...but will free motion the little scraps. Beautiful job, thanks for the inspiration!

Cindy said...

Oh, I LOVE IT. This is so cute!

Evelyn said...

It's fantastic! I love the mosaic effect. Beautiful!

Ariane said...

I love it. It is so nice. A perfect way to use small scraps of fabric. Don't appologize!! It looks amazing. Fabric is expensive and this is a great way to use every last scrap.

Brioni Greenberg said...

That's fantastic!! I LOVE little pieces of fabric - that is the most amazing scrap busting quilt i've seen!

Nichole said...

this looks amazing! i can't see why you were ashamed to post about it. :)

Laura said...

My first words when i saw this were, "oh my god!"
i am a brand new quilter and i LOVE your work. it is beautiful, quirky, modern and traditional at the same time, and heartfelt. Love it.

Corinnea said...

I love this!

MissesStitches said...

What a cute quilt! And a great way to use up scraps. I can definitely see myself doing one of these.

Renee said...

Very cute!!! ...but what a lot of work, wow. Worth it though, it's lovely.

Anonymous said...

Ah, this is so cute! I love it....but I see mounting it on my long arm with a bag of tiny scraps beside me and just pulling them out one at a time and quilting as I go along! That would make it really quick.

Thanks for the inspiration!


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

You amaze me! It turned out beautifully and it is sure to delight you anew every time you see it, so that makes it worth all the hard work, doesn't it!

martameiga said...

Oh my God!!! This is sooooo beautiful!! I love it, and I love the idea!!
You keep on surprising me everytime I read a new post in your blog!


PS. By the way... why didn't you use your free quilting foot for sewing-quilting the pieces????

Leila said...

Marta took my comment! :) but really, before I start my own is there a reason I shouldn't free quilt it?

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Love it! That one is so crazy, it's awesome!

Sara said...

That is too cute! Way too cute! I have got to try that - maybe on a smaller level...

And, don't you know I just threw out a bunch of small little pieces away!!!

Debbie said...

Just lovely! But, next time if you make it doll-sized you won't use up nearly as many snippets!

bee*in*the*balm said...

i just saw an antique quilt in a museum the other day that would fit on a full sized bed probibly and was made entirely of postage stamp sized squares. hand sewn too! let's see you beat that!

Sonja Hoyle said...

It's GORGEOUS!!! What a wonderful way to use up the scrap basket! What was your inspiration for this quilt? I would love to give this snippets quilt a whirl!! THANKS for all your brilliant ideas!

Quilt or Dye said...

Ah! This is my type of quilt! I love using all the fabric including the little pieces everyone else throws away! I need to post one of my scrap quilts so you can see what I do. Maybe tomorrow...

Marianna said...

I think this is a lovely quilt and a great idea.

This gives me and idea for a quilt I could make. I would change the snippets of fabric to ovals or circles and use the free motion foot. By going around the snippets more then once with a contrasting thread this would be a great way to practice my free motion quilting. And make cool colored rocks all over the quilt.

I enjoy reading about your quilting adventures and admire your creativity and your lovely work, you are a quilting inspiration.

Ashley said...

oh amandajean, i just love it! it's really the perfect piece of art for your studio (and i really love that those lovely little scraps don't go to waste!)

Unknown said...

I really do love this! I can see that a doll size would be a bit easier to maneuver :) It's interesting to see the colors in there - seems like a lot of green scraps made their way in!

stacey said...

it is adorable! love it. LOVE YOUR BLOG!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

That backing is adorable! Did you get it online or from a local store? Who knew IKEA had fabric??? So cute!

Anonymous said...

Amazing Amazing Amazing!

Aimee said...


Cara said...

I love, love, love this.

Shelina said...

It is so beautiful. And a wonderful idea - much better than sorting and storing all those tiny pieces of fabric. I think I am going to make one of these!

Dresden Quilter said...

This is fantastic. My daughter uses my scraps to sew together in one big line. I am going to show her this quilt.

Kristi said...

You've done it again and it is brilliant! I love it and am amazed at how the colors and placement flow so well.

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

I love this quilt! Awesome use of scraps!

Erin Joy said...

That is FREAKING awesome!!!!!!

I love every quilt you make. =D

Jessica said...

That quilt is amazing. You are making me run to my scrap bag right now!

AnneElizablog said...

Amanda = Creative!

Angie said...

I love it.

Jessica said...

what a fantastic quilt...i think it's the perfect use for those smallish scraps we all have too many of...and i think it's a great artistic jumble of color that will look amazing hanging on a wall!!

thanks for the inspriration...i can imagine a small version of this above my desk....

Ann Ferguson said...

This is fantastic! Thanks for the instructions. The quilt sandwhich idea is brilliant - I can seee lots of posibilities... Do you mind if I use it? Thanks, Ann.

Lana said...

It's beautiful! I love how all the colors came together so well. You are truely an inspiration!

carolyn said...

suxh a fun quilt...I'll bet if you cut the scraps with pinking shears it would fluff as it's washed :D

Clair said...


Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

embarrassed to show it? are you kidding me?? it is such a beauty!!

Lissy said...

You are amazing! I love it!

Heather - said...

That's beautiful!! I would love to have/make a quilt like that. And I LOVE me some scrap-busting!

As always, you're an inspiration.

peaknits said...

Wow - now THAT is amazing. Really great work!

Brittney said...

You are insane and incredible. Now I have to try this... knew there was a reason I was saving all those tiny scraps :-)

pratima said...

Such a cute quilt! Great project for scraps. It'll look really pretty in your craft room :)

heather said...

I. LOVE. THIS. QUILT!! Aren't you glad you took your time and did it all over???? Just a section wouldn't have been enough. I think I want to copy this!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! Nice job!!!

Unknown said...

What a great way to use all your scraps!

Janice said...

This is beautiful! Well worth the time and effort it took you. please post a photo once it has been washed a couple times!

EmileeHope said...

Love it!! You really don't waste anything!! I applaud you for it!

Brenda said...

Love what you have done with your scraps.

Sooz said...

love love love this....better than the CONFETTI quilts I have been trying lately!! Oh it is gorgeous..

Andi said...

So original.
And stunning!!!

Angie said...

I am not sure why you are embarassed by this quilt I LOVE it.

Kristin said...

Oh that is fabulous! I'm glad someone out there is as obsessive as I am about crafts.

Jodie said...

Embarrassed ???? Amandajean , that is a work of art...I am going to think about it all day and then come home from work and look at it some more.... I am going to obsess about it, it is stunning!

Kate said...

Oh, I love it. The coloring and placement are perfect!! That's going to look amazing on your wall.

Gypsy said...

Oh my gosh, Amandajean that quilt is heavenly!
Do you think it would still work if the scraps were top stitched onto the muslin first, then the quilt was assembled as usual and then FMQ?

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said...

Totally insane, but absolutely awesome! Love it!

Annie said...

As soon as I saw the picture and B4 I started reading, I LOVED it and wanted to make one. You are indeed my quilting hero - It is absolutely stunning and I totally UNDERSTAND all those little scraps. I just can't throw any out. I think this will be my next quilt to try and I'll take your advice and make it smaller. I adore quilts hanging on the wall. I have lots. Never feel guilty about that!! It's like sound proofing.

Quilts on Bastings said...

That is amazing - I love it.

bygillian said...

Wow, I love it. I did not know what to do with those tiny scraps. Do you mind if I copy your idea and make one too?

Katie B said...

Love it! The finished product is incredible.

Heidi said...

I think it is great fun - love the finished look. Thanks for posting a little 'how-to' for us admirers :0)

Kristine said...

Of all the great quilts that you've done, this is definitely one of my favourites!

Taylor said...

Wow, AmandaJean! Don't be embarrassed...this is amazing! You never cease to inspire me!

Janet said...

I absolutely love it, worth the effort. What a great way to use the favourite fabrics and it reminds me of the handmade stone walls. I'm so going to have to do one of these one day. Thanks for sharing the method.

Terry said...

How cool! What a great way to use up your scraps! :0)

Katharine said...

Love it, love it, love it.

Truly a work of art. I love your use of colour - well I love all your quilts but this one is special.

Karen said...

How cute this is! Waste not, want not!

Great idea for a doll or baby quilt!

Thanks for the idea.


Kim said...

Oh my stars! That is so awesome. I wish that I had as many hours in a day as you do. : ) I will have to try the doll sized one to hang on the wall. LOVE IT!!!!

Ammieloris said...

This is fantastic! I love the idea to use this as a baby blanket, especially with all those bright colors and tactile edges. Perfect!

Melanie said...

Your quilt is simply stunning! I love it!

Anonymous said...

What great inspiration!

Glad you might quilt along with the Values Quilt. I pounded out a bunch of my nine patches this past weekend. Figure I'm only about 75 days behind.

aseemlylife said...

What a great use of small scraps. I always hate throwing them away. Now I have a use for them. Thanks

Brandi said...

I like this quilt, but def. don't have the patience for it! I love the backing!

Oh yea, where do you get most of your fabrics? we added chickens said...

This is just awesome!

jaime said...

I LOVE the design. But this seems like one scenario in which hand stitching might have actually saved time?

Roxanne said...

While I think you earned your name on this one, it is absolutely stunning! I was relieved to read that you've been working on this for a year, and not just over the weekend! :)

Sorrel said...

LOVE it!!

happy zombie said...

I hope you never, never, ever, ever, ever be embarrassed about posting a quilt.

Every time you post something I want to make it, I gush all over, I become a blubbering fool and you make me want to drop EVERYTHING and do what you do. I also think you're channeling me... I bought that kiddie fabric not too long ago too - not knowing what to do with it, but I had to have it (I think mine was sold as a mutant table runner or drape). Now I know why.

I'm in such awe of this quilt Amanda Jean. It should be in a museum. Awe.

When are you going to get gobbled up by a book publisher? You need to have your genius on paper and bound and in the library of congress. It's for the greater good!

Michelle said...

Hey there! That is an awesome quilt! I may have to make one like it with a lovely bunch of scraps I have... oops! I don't think I have enough scraps-I need to go shopping!
I am pulling out the quilt fairy wand, waving it in the air (feel the tingle?)- no more apologies!!! It is your quilt remember - make what you want with what you love - you do a fantastic job! In my house quilts end up on walls, tables, couches, aprons, bags and only sometimes beds! HMMM I wonder if I can make quilt seat covers for my car.....;)

Anonymous said...

What a cool quilt! I'm going to have to try it, too. Wouldn't it also be cool to make into a purse or totebag? Thanks for sharing!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

So amazing- love it!!

Amy Jo said...

holy quilt, batman. I think you might have outdone yourself on this one, and might be my favorite. it's a beauty!

jan said...

I think it looks a bit like one of those broken glass mosaic pieces that you find in gardens - really lovely and a great idea for using up wonderful little scraps!

jeri said...

what a perfect name for this fantastic quilt!

Dena said...

I like this quilt. It reminds me of some old Italian tile.

Alice said...

I too have a tub of small irregular sized pieces that I am determined to make into something. Yours is wonderful!!! And you are a serious inspiration to us all!!! A-

Kacie R. said...

What a fantastically creative quilt - I love it!

allsewnup said...

reminds me of a mosaic...


Lorajean Kelley said...

wow! that is amazing! I need to run to Ikea and get some of that backing.

Maya Sara Matthew said...

You are so clever. I think the quilt is so pretty.

Selina said...

It is so beautiful! Love it!

Pokey said...

I LOVE your obsession! very Happy!!
:-} pokey

lej619 said...

OGM!!! I just love it!! it is awesome.
i think i will try the doll size one first. it reminds me of broken tile that has been reused for something else. it is very inspirational for me.
Thanks for posting a picture and letting us know how you did it.

Journeying Five said...

positively love it!

Kriza said...

actually I think you REALLY are crazy :-), but this quilt is just awesome. I might try it in doll size, I am not crazy enought to to it in full size :-)
lovely lovely lovely!

xstpenguin said...

That is not obsessive, that is just excellent. Simple concept, fabulous outcome and a great deal of tenacity to get there. Well done!

Wanda said...

Great quilt! I think hanging quilts is a great idea. One has, after all, just so many beds and couches. My sister is a framer so of course we all have framed pictures and artwork. I don't have enough walls for everything so an alternative idea would be welcome!

Sandy said...

I can't even explain how much I love this quilt! I can tell it was a true labor of love! Thanks so much for sharing it.

jo said...

This is a very cute quilt. I admire both you design ability and you thriftiness. I have had SO many baby quilts and wedding quilts to make that I am definately going to try this with my scraps and some white fabric. That will make at least one of the baby quilts a little more economical. Thanks for the inspiration.

PS-you should never be embarassed to post anything...if it's not "quilting"'s art.

Ali said...

I absolutely love this quilt. What a great idea to use all those scraps. This is a must do on my list.

Jessica Christensen said...

I don't know why you would be embarrassed or even think this quilt was obsessive. I love that you keep coming up with beautiful things out of scraps. As you know, I save everything, so I need great ideas as to what to do with them. This is gorgeous, and the back is perfect!

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

Great idea! I love the look of the frayed edges.

erica said...

Wow! This is impressive, I would have thought the quilt was much larger with all those patches jammed in there! Great job, I love it!

Amy said...

I don't know why you were embarrassed to post this! It is amazing! My jaw dropped when I saw the picture. I love it!

quilt530 said...

What a beautiful quilt!!! So clever of you to come with this idea! Since I have boxes and boxes of scraps...which are way too good to throw out, of course...I think I need to make one of these! Thank you so much for all the info.

Jonathan said...

I love it! What a great use for scraps!! I am definitely going to be doing this in the near future, my scrap bin is out of control! ;-D

java diva said...

This is one of my favorite quilts I've ever seen. I'm excited because I can do it, too! Once my stash is big enough (newbie quilter/sewer).

Puppenkisterl said...

Oh it's a wonderful idea and it looks definitely gorgeous!

I love it - and the backing of the quilt, I used a similar fabric for my sons quilt and it is so colorful and fancy!

Yours, Karin!

~*Sarah*~ said...

This is AWESOME! I absolutely adore it! And now I feel compelled to try it, and justified for keeping all my teeny tiny scraps that make my husband look at me like I need to be on the 'hoarders' tv show ;)

shellysquilts said...

This quilt is fantastic! Well done!

Rebekah said...

what a great idea! That is such a fun way to use scraps. Beautiful job!

Lisa said...

Wow....another amazing creation :) You have, once again, inspired me....THANK YOU!

BJ said...

Love this so much - your creativity is amazing!

Alli Forsyth said...

Seriously...I love it...I see one in my future!!

roseylittlethings said...

I happen to LOVE it! My hub makes fun of me for liking tedious projects!

Lizzy said...

I so love this! At first look I thought it was pieced separately and then sandwiched and quilted, and I thought, "Oh my, she's really got some patience and some amazing rotary cutting skills!" (neither of which I possess). LOVE LOVE LOVE how colorful it is, and the backing is so fun.

Jane said...

This is amazing!!!
Your posts always make me want to run upstairs and create. If I did this one, and I just might, I would hand stitch all those pieces down because I think it would be faster and easier than 4x in the machine. It would be a perfect project for watching TV in the evening!
Just. Might. Do. It!

Kate said...

this is one of my favorites!!!! i love your blog too!

Shawn said...

I love it Amanda, it is going to look great in your studio! I have quilts hanging all over my house....

KateKwiltz said...

Amanda, this looks fantastic! I, too, am glad to find out these are raw-edged, though I wouldn't have been surprised if it had been pieced. :)
Another very, very cool quilt! I may have to try this with my scraps!

Jantine said...

WOW How did you ever come up with this smart idea! It is a lovely quilt.

sandra said...

I love it! The way you did it is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

nanann said...

I was going crazy looking at this quilt trying to figure out how the heck you did the blocks & rows! AHhh, like Calico Cat w/one of the 1st comments, so glad to see it was done raw edges.

Wendyb said...

What a cool idea.... ingenious!!!! .... leads you to one of those 'why didn't I think of that?' moments.
I'm just off to my sewing bin to look for all those 'little' scraps now!!!
Thanks so much for sharing!
;o) Wendy B

Anonymous said...

So cool!I loved it!

Patricia (from Brazil)

Amanda M. said...

This is an AMAZING quilt. I absolutely love it. Fabulous!!!

Linda said...

It is very cute, but I don't think I'd have the patience for it, LOL Nice work! I love how cheerful it looks.

Aimee said...

Love the quilt, I have hung some quilts too.

I would also be interested in making a block for your Quilts of Valor if it is not too late.

eLLe said...

Such a cute and creative way to quilt and use up those itty, bitty way to cute to toss out scraps! Way to go---and inspire others!

Michelle said...

That is just stunning! I think my favourite of all your quilts. Just perfect! You're amazing :)

Lila Jo said...


Amanda @RusticRemnants said...

This is insanely awesome. I really want to try one, but I think I'd do it doll sized.

Regina said...

Love it!

Alicia said...

I discovered your blog today. You have so many wonderful tutorials! Thanks, keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

I saw this "up close and personal", being her next door neighbor and can't even begin to describe how fun it is.
I used to hand-quit and piece- It's gotten me to think about starting to machine-quilt.
(And she's just as nice and fun in person as her quilts!)

Jolie said...

Oh I love it!!!! Please don;t be embarrassed about posting your gorgeous work!!! I love your style...and I have to confess several of your quilts are serving as inspiration for ones I am currently working on (or at least will be once I unpack the sewing room!)

Anonymous said...

I love this quilt. You are the bomb!
Rhonda in Oregon

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