If you are interested, please read the specifics carefully:
I am requesting that you make a maverick star block. There is a tutorial here.
I would like the blocks to be made from red, white and blue fabrics. (or red and white, or blue and white, or red and blue....you get the idea.) If you use white, it doesn't necessarily have to be the background color.
Please Please PLEASE make sure that the final block measures 12.5" unfinished. If the block is not 12.5", I reserve the right to alter the block or to omit the block all together. I'm not trying to be mean here, but I don't want to struggle to assemble the tops with various sizes of blocks. I've been there, done that and nearly pulled my hair out.
I would like the blocks to be mailed back to me by the end of September. I realize that is not a lot of time, but if you are like me, a deadline is good. And a short deadline is even better. :)
Anyone interested? Questions? If so, please leave me a comment which includes your email address. Thanks in advance!
I'd love to help out! And I work much better with short deadlines. :)
I would love to make a block too.
I'd like to make one. email me teaginny at gmail.com
I would love to donate. I feel the same about deadlines:)
happy to help - lyndag6185@aol.com
Hey AmandaJean, that's an awesome idea. I'd be more than happy to chip in.
teenytinyquilts (at) gmail (dot) com
I'll do one!
Love to help! I just happen to be working with red, white and blues right now in my ongoing effort at stash reduction. Toni
Oh, I'd love to join in! I was just thinking earlier today about wanting to try some wonky stars... :) evelyn.chambers@gmail.com
I'd love to participate! What a great idea! email me at deirwin76 at yahoo.com
I'm interested! Michelle - michellefox@gmail.com
This is perfect for me. I was just asking on Flickr the other day what everybody does with all these quilts we make and someone had suggested Quilts of Valor and I always intended to learn to make the Maverick star so this will be my first attempt. Thanks for starting this!
Oh! I can do this, I can make one star piece, totally doable, and not at all overwhelming! What a wonderful and inspiring project.
kandsbowerz @ hotmail.com
I'll do one block for you... I've been wondering about using some of these for another project so it would be just perfect to practice for a great cause!
I'd love to help out :)
I would love to make a block...or two...or three.
mystrandz (at) gmail.com
Count me in!
Count me in!
my email is: n0ahnut@yahoo.com
I will make you a square. It will be my pleasure to do so.
For all you do for us, one wonky star is not too much to ask. I'll send one on its way soon.
Would love to help!
Count me in too. SMooreCT@gmail.com
AMANDAJEAN, I would love to do a block for you! It is a great cause and I once wrote you for help on a quilt that I was making and you were so sweet and nice to help me! BTW the quilt turned out great and I became the favorite Aunt! Thanks again, Libby dillard@numail.org
Absolutely. Count me in. Annette
I would love to help you out. Email me at phenry71 at gmail.
count me in. misshb@gmail.com
I would love to make one for you!! My email is jfletcher82@gmail.com.
I would be happy to make one for you. I love your quilts!
ABSOLUTELY! I am IN! Thank you for including us! blueberriebuckle@gmail.com
I'd be honored! Janice_Mathis@comcast.net
I'll do one!
michelledpetersen @ gmail.com
Being a part of a Quilt of Valor is especially meaningful to me today. Would like to make a block for the quilts. quiltinggranna@tx.rr.com
I'd love to make a block as well!
Yes, I'd love to make one too. :)
I'd love to help out...I just recently followed that tutorial and it is a piece of cake.
Me too!!! This will be my first attempt, also, but it's completely doable. Love to help out...I stalk your blog daily! ~grin~
What a great idea! I'm definitely in!
I would love to be a part of this! my email is
I'd love to help! michaelamckitrick@yahoo.com
I've donated several QOV, and I'd love to help you! I'm in.
I'm in!
oops - kcquiltr@gmail.com
Quick question...I press my seams open because I think it makes my blocks neater. I know a lot of quilters don't do that, though. Do you have a preference?
Sign me up, I'd love to help!
Yes Amandajean....I would love to make a wonky star!:)
great idea! I'll send you one.
I think this is a great cause! Sign me up! jacquelinederuyter@gmail.com
You bet.
I would love to stitch and donate a block.
I'd love to help! Count me in!
I am in! I have scraps from a QOV our group made last year so I have plenty of red, white, and blue to choose from. :)
abbyreed3 @ yahoo.com
Me! Me! I'd love to make one, too!
I can make one too!
Yes! I will do it. This is going to be fun!
I'd like to help.
I see that you already have 55 volunteers and that you need 59 blocks, so I will volunteer also to make a block (#56?).
Bonnie @ brsquilt@comcast.net
I would love to send one.
I would love to help you with a block or two as well.
arnden at yahoo dot com
Count on me!! Email me cavjav@cox.net. :o)
I forgot to put my e mail addy.
francysfancystitches@ yahoo dot com
I'd love to contribute to this effort!
shari at vdgrijn dot com
If you still need one I would love to make one for you. This is a great idea!
fzuerner at gmail dot com
i don't have time to make a block.. but i have lots of red white and blue that you can use in the setting, borders, backing etc.. i'm gonna take pics & e/m them to you.
Me too
I would do one as well...
grammaretta at yahoo dot com
I previously left a message at 7:20
forgot to leave you my email
Will you email the address to send it?
If you expand beyond 59 please let me know, I'd love to participate. I made this block for the Brushfire project and loved it!
opps...address is auntspicy at gmail dot com
I think I'm too late... but I'd love to send you a block. I don't know if there's enough time to send the block from Brazil to the US... but I could manage to post it next Monday or Tuesday.
i think i missed out - let us know if you want more, and i'll send you one!
Count me in! I do best with deadlines! Katie - knitsalot@comcast.net
I can make one!
I'd love to make one if you go beyond the 59... let me know!
I would also love to help with one if you go beyond 59- what a wonderful cause. mgdevenney@gmail.com
I'd be happy to help with a block or two, but it looks like you might have plenty of help? Let me know if you would like more.
wow it looks like you got a great response. I'd love to make a block
And, when you wrote your previous post on quilt shop fabric, I immediately thought of QOV. I had wanted to make a quilt for them a year or so ago, but was kind of turned off by the instructions on their site. It made me feel like my quilts weren't good enough for their charity. I could just start with one block, though!
i can do one
Looks like you have lots of people, but if you have a back up list I would love to be on it :)
I would be willing to be a back-up as well.
I'd love to make one or two or more! :)
OMG, mavrick stars are my FAV!! I'm in! You can email me at quayandco at gmail.com
Am I too late? I am from Singapore and wish to join, may I? Let me know at keroropi@hotmail.com
Best wishes, Lily
I would be happy to help if you go past 59. LET ME KNOW.
I'm throwing my name in the hat. Please let me know if you still need help. Thanks. queenofhearts.denise@gmail.com
I'm on board - military wife stationed in Germany!
I'd really LOVE to help too Amanda. I love your site and have learned so much. I can't help but want to help back. You are amazing. Maybe with all these responses, you will be able to make two?
I'd love to send you a block.
I'd love to send a block...What a great idea!
I would love to help too. lucheluch at gmail dot com
I am amazed at how everyone is pitching in ~ I'd like to volunteer, too! debgiro at wildblue dot net
It looks like you have all the help you were looking for, but if you want more, I want to make one! My email address is notyetvegan(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you!
Ill do one. Will you make two ? mjlarson@wisper-wireless.com
I see that you have more than 56, but if you decide to put together two, count me in!
Wife of a veteran.
If you still need blocks, I'd be glad to make one. I love your blog and think the Quilts of Valor idea is fabulous.
My email address is asiyah[dot]kurtz[at]gmail[dot]com.
If you still need blocks at this point, please let me know.
It looks like you almost have enough for two! If you still need more, I'd be honored to help.
Count me in if it's not too late! dmcl.lecompte@comcast.net
do you want me to make another quilt with the extra blocks?
let me know. we have a quilts of valor group here too. beth.shibley@earthlink.net
I work for the Red Cross and have seen these quilts distributed. It's a great thing.
I'd like to help. krista.fleckenstein@gmail.com
I'd be glad to make a block! Great idea, asking for help.
I'd LOVE to help out with this! Count me in~
looks like you have plenty of blocks but I would like to help! please let me know!
I'd love to make one, I just made my son a quilt with red and blue starts! it would be perfect. mrstracymartin at gmail .com
If you still want help, let me know..
I will make one if you still want more.
Let me know.
Looks like you have enough to make two quilts. Wow!
Looks like you might full-up already, but if you need more I'll get a block or two out to you.
I will make a square.
At this rate you will have a ton of quilts. I'd love to help too.
Do you need backing fabric or batting? I'd love to donate if you need these things too.
What about quilting? I know QOV has other volunteers who can do that, but I have access to a 20 ft. Long Arm machine and batting, and it might be fun to post pictures of the finished quilts?
I would love to help! jenn @ jennicakes.com.
What a great idea. Happy to help. Just let me know. quiltedcupcake@gmail.com
I would love to help!
ann @ guestbookstore . com
Love to help.
ha! do you want one from me??
;-) I just got home. I'm more than willing looks like you'll have TWO quilts done in no time!
I'm not too good at those crazy stars so how about I send you two spools of your favorite thread so you can sew all these marvelous generous blocks together???
I would love to make a block too! Let me know if you need more blocks, I will make one and send it to you!
One day later....Oh yeah, my email: katcastaldi@sbcglobal.net
Just realized I never left my e-mail address: nanci@moment.net
Looks like you have plenty of volunteers, but count me in if you want to make a 3rd or 4th quilt! :)
fantastic call-to-help!! i make QOV's and ship them off to wounded sailors (no pun intended!) and am using my august block swaps to put together more quilts. i'm usually the only one making all of it, so the swaps have helped out.
it looks like i read my blogger roll a little later than most, but if you still need more blocks (even though you have 100+ responses already) i'd be glad to make one. just let me know.
Same here, Amandajean. I have been wanting to donate a quilt to QOV too. I would love to make a block to send to you. You seem to have more than enough volunteers so let me know if you want my help anyways. :)
I'd love to help as well.
Sounds like fun, and looks like you may get way more than 59 so I'll pass. I've got to get caught up on my 9-patch quilt along. :) Can't wait to see them when you are all done.
I'm in if you still want one or two!!!! Janet greencheek@nycap.rr.com
It looks like you have more than plenty, but I'd love to do one, too. Leslee
It looks like you have plenty of blocks coming your way. If you want to do another quilt...or have a back up list...count me in. I would love to help.
From the wife of an active duty servicemember...Thank you for doing this. It is a GREAT cause.
Looks like you have lots of volunteers to piece blocks, So how about if I volunteer to quilt them on my longarm. Then you can do the binding and deliver them to your shop. Oh yes, I also have plenty of batting here to cover that part too.
You already have my email addy.
Great idea calling out the troops for this united effort. I can make a block if you still need more...
How about I send some backings and batting.
are you sure your nickname isn't Tia?? I'd be glad to make one!
Looks like you may already have enough. But if you still need another block, I'd love to do one!
where do we mail the squares?
I guess you probably have enough but if not let me know. I'm on a wonky star kick at the moment anyway.
please send me an email and i will email you my address back to you.
thanks so much.
if it's not too late...I'm in.
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