Tutorial can be found here.
A few weeks ago I was contacted by Moda Lissa (isn't that the BEST blog name ever?) about being a contributor to the Moda Bake Shop blog. Would I be interested?
(Nancy, can you imagine my excitement over this?) I have been a long time fan of Moda fabric-ever since I discovered it about 7 years ago, I suppose. Being asked to design projects for their blog sent me over the moon. :)
My first project, as you can see, is a simple baby quilt using charm squares. From start to finish this quilt took me just two days. It's the perfect project for a last minute baby gift.
So, go check out the Moda Bake Shop. There are plenty of cute projects designed just for your pre-cut fabrics!
wow - what an honor! Great quilt & wonderful tutorial!
I saw it already...and said to myself, how did she get to post on there? Congrats - that's super exciting!
Wow! Congratulations to you!
Congratulations! How wonderful. And a great quilt, too!
Congratulations! Love the baby quilt.
love the colors you picked!
congradulations!! that is super exciting, and love your stacked coin quilt. i love using charm packs for the coins, they make it so much faster. :)
I saw your quilt on Moda's blog. I had one question. It said to cut the charms in half and it seemed like there were a lot more 1/2 pieces than would be available when using 2 charm packs. Did I misunderstand something?
I saw that on Moda Bake Shop just a while ago and was so excited for you!!!! Way to go.
Congrats! How exciting :) I made a quilt just like this a couple weeks ago... same fabric and everything. I love that fabric line!
YEAH! congrats! (wish me luck on monday!)
It turned out FABULOUS!!! Great job once again!:)
if you use 2 charm packs (36 in each) you will have 72 charms. if you cut those each in half you should end up with 144 rectangles.
hope that helps!
Congratulations! Can I ask why you iron your seams all to the white? I am sure that there is a reason and I would like to understand it!
i pressed toward the white because it will lay flat more easily. if you ironed it toward the coin strips, you would have all the bulk of the seams to deal with. does that make sense?
Thank you for such beautiful inspiration! And congratulations!
Great quilt! I will be making this one.... we'll just add it to my ever growing list of projects ;)
Congrats!!! It looks great :)
you are sooo lucky!! i just went and took a peak. you did a great job and it is such a cute quilt too!
This is very pretty. I know my sister is going to love this! She has lots of charm packs. I'd like to put a link for this tutorial on our blog if that would be okay. Linda
I love your blog, all your quilts are amazing! I am expecting my 4th baby and so want to make this quilt! Congrats!
Congratulations! Oh, and I love the quilt, too! :0)
WOW! I am impressed! The quilt is SO pretty....you can never go wrong with Moda fabrics. I do need to try using charm squares soon. Have fun on this new venture.
What a thrill to be chosen. Congratulations. The charm quilt is adorable.
I am so excited for you! You deserve this! what an honour, after all of the tutorials and sharing you've done with us. Hooray for you! :-)
Doing a happy dance for you! Congratulations!!!! I'm so delighted for you, Amandajean.
The baby quilt is just adorable.
What a thrill and honor for you! Congratulations! Your blog is one of the first one's I ran across when I started quilting in October and I've loved reading it!
Congrads,......just jumped over to the Bake Shop....great job.....!!!
CONGRATS Amanda Jean!!!!! You totally deserve it! Your work is amazing and deserves to be seen by as MANY people as possible!
Congratulations Amanda Jean! You so deserve to be writing tutorials so that more people can benefit from your experience and your beautiful work. Chinese coin is such a good stand-by for last minute gifts and the one you made is a beauty.
That is quite an accomplishment! Congrats! Your patchwork dress made with charm squares should definitely be a feature too.
i am so thrilled for you, amanda jean! congrats - and the quilt is darling!
Congrats, Amandajean ... btw, thanks for the post on the scraps. Glad to know I wasn't the only one thinking it ... now, I've got some fabric to sort.
Congrats Amanda!
your post is right on time. I have two charm packs that I need to make a baby quilt with and I am going to use the stacked coin pattern and tutorial over at the bake shop to make it. Thanks so much. Your quilt is beautiful as usual. : )
Congratulations! I'm a big Moda fan myself. The quality of their fabric is always great.
congratulations! this sounds like an awesome opportunity!
that is so great! i love this quilt! beautiful.
Congratulations! They are lucky to have you. You are a seriously talented quilter, and I am really happy for you.
amandajean, it's perfect. i love this quilt...congratulations. i love moda too.
Hi AmandaJean. Your Moda tutorial is wonderful. Love that baby quilt. Congrats again on being chosen to design for Moda's bake shop. WooHoo!
Yay You!! Congratulations! When (not if) you write your book, I want an autographed copy!! Have Fun, Libby
Congratulations!!! I love Moda and the Bake Shop!
Congratulations!! What a special request and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your stacked coin baby quilt. Thank you for sharing the link.
Good for you!!
That is so great! I love the projects on the moda bake shop and I was excited when I saw your quilt. I will definitely be making one!
Nice!! I'll be checkin' it out!
Congratulations! I saw that over there today and thought to myself, wow, that looks just like a quilt I'd see over at crazy mom quilts. Not even realizing that it was actually yours! Great way to use up charm packs and a lovely pattern!
I saw it earlier today and was impressed. It is lovely and easy. Congratulations
WOWEE!! That is exciting! You deserve that honor for sure :D
Congratulations!! What a wonderful thing to have happened. I am sure your family is so proud!
Beautiful quilt and congratulations on the invite.
This pattern would make a nice and easy quilt for charity quilts.
That's awesome CrazyMom!!! Congratulations!!!
Congrats!! I'm so excited for you!! :)
Way fun Amandajean! Congrats. It's a super fantastic quilt! ooxx`jodi
Conbratulations and thank you for the tutorial. I think, I have some charm packs on stash. Have a great weekend!
What a thrill! Great job, Amanda.
Congratulations! You are soooooo talented...I am happy that you have been "discovered"!!! Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us!
Mary Jo in Iowa
So exciting! I love love love this! I am going to make one for my grandson...not these exact colors...of course! :)
Thanks for the tutorial & the new blog...
How do you know how many charm packs to buy?
I usually only get one...
Congratulations, AmandaJean! Now even more people will be able to appreciate your wonderful quilts!
Congratulations! Your blog is one I check everyday..you are so talented and provide inspiration daily. This will be my first quilt, and I want to make it bigger...should I just add extra strips with more blocks?
Way to go! And I love that baby quilt.
Your tutorial looks do-able, even for me. (Well, except for the quilting part.) Makes me want to have another baby. Almost.
Congrats, again, on your new project.
Truly an honor, and a well-deserved one. I'm so proud of you - both for being asked and for coming up with such a sweet quilt for the project.
yes, you certainly can make the quilt bigger by adding more blocks and more strips.
Darling quilt. Love the tutorial.
Congratulations on the invitation to feature this @ the MBS. You are very inspirational.
It is an amazing tutorial, another one that makes me want to stop whatever I am doing and create it!
You are the best,
Congratulations and love this quilt!! Great tutorial... thank you!!
Congrats! That's wonderful as your tutorials are expertly done. I love using charms now so definitely want to do this quilt. And yours is beautiful as usual!
Perfect as always-So happy and "Springy" Thanks for sharing. I'll def. have to try one of these.
Hey! I love your blog and I've already tried several projects. I'd like to try this quilt without using a charm pack. Can you tell me how big an individual charm is? I'm new to this quilting stuff and it's easier to ask you than to find out on my own. Thanks!
Another great project by you... I love it! You're just the greatest AJ... it's NO surprise you were asked to contribute there! Oh happy day!!! xoxom
Congrats Amanda!!!! Love the baby quilt!
the pooly tribe,
a charm measures 5" square.
THat is so awesome! I am so happy for you because you write such amazingly wonderful tutorials! You really deserve this honor. I hope you will become a regular contributer to their site. Congrats and how cool is it that now I feel like I know one of the designers!
Congratulations!! I went over, had a look and their site is lovely and I'm so happy you are part of it. Awesome quilt, very proud of you! Your blog is so very inspiring and I thank you for taking the time with the tutorials and sharing your gift. Blessings, Heather
Congrats! I love the tutorials that you create.
Congratulations! Its a beautiful project and a nicely done tutorial. Can't wait to try it out! =)
Congrats! I love everything you do and you would be a perfect addition to Moda. I love their fabrics & their website and habe been a subscriber to it since August. Can't wait to see more tutorials on your work!
HEy, lucky girl!! I can image how happy you felt ! Thanks a lot for your tuto , I have to try !
Such a pretty quilt and a great tutorial! Even though I have been in No-Buy mode for nearly 3 years now, I just HAD to order these fabrics so I could make the quilt.
Looking forward to seeing more of you on Moda Bake Shop.
Very cool! I LOVE Moda fabric too. It is my absolute favorite. I looked at that website...very neat!
I love this quilt and thing it is a fabulous way to use charm packs. I do have one question, though, about the step that says to wash and dry once the quilt is finished. Is there a chance that the fabrics will bleed on each other or the white sashing? Thanks in advance for your response. kelley from kentucky
Great job, congrats!
Wonderful, I can't wait to try it. Thanks again for your inpiration.
Congratulations!!!It's just awesome!
The baby quilt is so cute. Thank you for the lovley tutorial :D
Thanks for the tutorial, I believe I've just found my next project.
Thank you so much for the tutorial. I've got a slew of baby quilts to make this year and this is so going on my list! :) And thanks for pointing the way to the Moda Bake Shop. I cannot believe I didn't even know it existed. Fabulous!!!!
Congratulations Amanda. I am so proud of you. Remember how long it took you to cut into your first package of Moda fabrics? Enjoy being part of the team.
this is brilliant. Began to cut out squares for a blanket as my first ever quilting project but put it all aside as I was completely stumped. At the time I was 8 months pregnant and really thought I'd have a baby blanket done by the time our little one came. She's nearly a week old now and still the squares are in the cupboard awaiting my attention. Now I can actually make headway thanks to your tutorial. Thank you. :)
Congratulations on the Moda Bake Shop piece. It is great! Please don't stop blogging! I am a avid fan of your quilting style and love the work you do and the advice you give. I have learned a lot from your blog and it has inspired me greatly! Diane
Congratulations, Amanda Jean. I love the quilt. I was so excited when I saw it was you who had made the quilt and the tutorial. What an honor for you!
Hi I found your blog through Moda Bake shop and I love your quilt that you had on there! So cute in fact I already made the exact same one. Anyways I own an online quilt shop and would love to have you be a guest blogger! Maybe share this pattern. Will you contact me and we can talk!
My website is www.piecenquilt.com
Thanks, so much!
Looking forward to seeing more of your work for the modabakeshop blog. Loved this first tutorial...so clear and such a fast easy project!
Congrats on the wonderful tutorial. YOu have inspired me and I would love to make a queen size one for my bed. Do you know where I can the info on how to enlarge this pattern? Thank you.
OMG, I just did a chinese coins too and it's heading to the quilters as we speak :)
Yours is gorgeous!!!
Peggy in NJ
Funny thing, I read your blog regularly ... but I found your stacked coins quilt at Moda Bake Shop and started making it before I realized it was yours :) I'm actually making it bigger for myself .. very excited!!
~ Jodie
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