I want a new bed quilt.
But I can't decide what colors to use.
Or what pattern.
A few weeks ago I was going to use this stack.
And make a candy bar road quilt.
(But making the blocks larger than the pattern calls for.)
Then I got nervous about my color combination.
I wasn't feeling it.
But a few days ago it came to me.
Use my lovely Denyse Schmidt fabrics.
(I will be able to see them every day!)
To make a bento box quilt.
With lots of white.
Now I had better cut into this fabric.
Before I change my mind.
These colors are wonderful. I think you'll be really happy with it! I love that part of your decision making process was that you'd be able to see them every day. I think we all have fabrics that we are holding onto because they are so precious -- but to see them every day! What a bargain!
i like your new combo a lot! and anything with white in it i'm all for! can't wait to see what it looks like!
I can't wait to see the finished product. Bento box is one i've been wanting to try for a while.
The original colors were wonderful as are the new colors. No matter what you decided to go with, I think you would have a winner. Can't wait to see the Bento Box Quilt!
WOW, that is exactly the colorway I have chosen for my king size quilt!! I've only picked a couple fabrics so far but the blue-green-brown thing is solid. Lovely!
I love that stack of fabric, it will make and amazing quilt!!
Ooooh, the bento box will be gorgeous in Denyse Schmidt!!! Can't wait to see it.
Ha! Why does that all sound so familiar? I think you are right though, get cutting or you will never commit.
I can't wait to see it finished:)
Love the fabrics AND the pattern. It will be gorgeous.
where do you get your white fabric..and do you only buy muslin?
I'm loving the Bento Box too. I'm thinking of trying it again although a bit differently this time. These colors will be beautiful. However, I loved your pinks from a few weeks ago too.
Swoon - those fabrics and colours are delish, I can imagine many sweet dreams snuggled under them!
You can't go wrong with that stack of goodness!
OOH! MY COLORS!!!! if you don't want it went your done, I'll take it!!
HI, I am one of your friendly blogstalkers...and I couldn't help but comment today. I was so struck by the beauty of the stack you set out...aggghhhh I will have to start sewing something tonight! Thanks for giving me the bug.
Oh my goodness I love the pattern almost as much as I love the fabric! That will make such a beautiful bed quilt!
Love it! This sounds lovely!
Droolworthy fabric. I'm sure the quilt will be fantastic.
At least your husband could live with these colors, they don't have pink in them. lol. These are so gorgeous you really can't go wrong with them.
Yes, love the colors, it will be beautiful.
I love them both. You can't go wrong with either in my opinion!
I can't wait to see the finished product! Everything you do is so beautiful. BTW, I am having a giveway this week to celebrate my 1st blog birthday. Come by and enter!
i hope you don't mind, but i drooled all over your fabrics too.
i can't wait to see this quilt come to life.
i love quilts with lots o' white in them!!!
I am eager to see how this comes out. Although, if you need another idea, there's always a nine-patch... ;)
start cuttin'! i love the combination. you really can not go wrong with her fabric!
Who says you only have to make one bed quilt?! Make them all, if you wanna. :D
I liked your 1st stack when you 1st blogged about it. However, I really love the stack from today's post.
Oh, yeah. This stack is speaking to me. You're going to rock this one, I just know it.
Have you seen the improv bento box on the Flickr group? Not to confuse you more...
Get goin' girl! You deserve it. I only have 1 myself of all the ones I've made too. Oh, and if you need a home for the cast aside fabrics from your original pick, let me know. I will love them and squeeze them into a fabulous home.
It looks sooooo great!!! I can't wait to see it come together!!!!! I can't wait to get going on mine!!
oh yes!!! these colors definitely. so, they are my color choice in life, other than red, but that's ok - we should share something that is good with others, right? i keep wanting to make a quilt for my bed, but after making a monster bed quilt for my mom, i don't want to handquilt one for me.
I love this choice. I can't wait to see it!
oh yes I love that new stack! love love LOVE!
I love the box quilt. I really loved the 'original stack' but think what you have chosen to go with will look awesome too. Can't wait to see it all done!
Love the stash... and your Bento Box uilts always look sooo pretty!!
Have fun and don’t change your mind!
That fabric is wonderful -- what calm and lovely colors to see every day!
i love the color combination. it's going to look great!`
Love it! It will be wonderful. Don't make a change... it's perfect!
I loved the first fabric stack, too, but I think this is better for a master bed. Calmer and more grown up. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
That will be very pretty. Have you finished it yet????? :-)
I think both quilts with the associated colors were good ideas! I know how you feel, I agonize, for weeks sometimes, over color and pattern choices.
Love it!! Hope you already started :)
Oh, that will be absolutely gorgeous!
Your quilts are such an inspiration for me. I am working on my very first free-motion quilting project right now and I'm finding it so enjoyable. Thanks for posting such pretty things for me to aspire towards!
Your bento box will look similar to the one that I want to make...
Yours will have more brown...
Ooooh, can't wait to see it! And as speedy as you are, I figure by now, you've got the top all pieced!!!
Love the new combo, and they will look brilliant in the bento box pattern. Thank you for your constant inspiration and motivation!
I can already tell that I'm going to love it! Great colors and great fabrics!
that is going to look great! i have been itching to make a bento box with lots of white for quite some time now. i have some amy butler set aside waiting for when i have some time.
That will be beautiful! I'd love to see your final project. I just started making my first bento box quilt with a lot of bright, fun, summer colors. Keep us posted! :)
Those are awesome fabrics - I know it will be great and I can't wait to see the finished project!
Have you seen this wonderful quilt? http://www.flickr.com/photos/11712869@N00/1367478520/in/set-72057594065976657/
I think I might use it for inspiration for the commissioned quilt on my list...
I LOVE that fabric! Can't wait to see what you do with it. :)
Go for it!
Oh my goodness, it's going to be fantastic. I can't wait to see the final version. The Bento Box pattern is one of my favorites. Some day I'll make one, too.
love those colors! I think it'll look great
Yes! Yes! Yes!
A gorgeous way to use that beautiful fabric!
I'm so loving your choices here!!! Can't wait to see the finished quilt.
Lovely clear strong colours! They look gorgeous together.
That. Is a great idea.
I'm loving that bento box quilt! Can't wait to see the finished results!
yep, i have to agree. what a great way to use some of your favorite fabric, so you can see it every day as you go to sleep and then as you wake up!! love it!!
Love that fabric! Can't wait to see the finished project.
So fun! Cant wait to see it.
I also wanted to say I saw this fabric game and thought of you and your "scraps"!
Your stack of fabric took my breath away...is that weird?
Super-trendy-cool palette!
I can't wait to see your bento box quilt. I hope to make one too. Love your fabrics. I can recognize some of them from my own stash.
I'm working on a "triple treat" quilt made from red/blue/brown fabric from my stash. It looks really cool and I can't wait to finish it.
Love the colors. They are some of my favorites right now. I'm very indecisive so that might change tomorrow.
Amanda - I love the colors - makes me think spring! And it makes me want to redeorate a room in my house in fresh colors like these : )
I LOVE those colours! (The green/blue/brown combo.)
Yum - the white will really make those colours pop! Cannot wait to see, please blog your progress!
Super great amazing fabrics!!
I've been afraid to dive into a King quilt, but it's been on my mind forever. I want to use blacks and whites, with red to punctuate. I'm looking forward to watching yours progress!
Funny thing: I have a printed out photo of a Bento Box quilt that I have hanging from the door on my upper desk unit that I want to make ... some day. So, I anxiously await your version. Maybe I should just quilt along with you??? Something about that pattern just called to me.
You couldn't miss with either set of fabrics. I love the Bento Box pattern and haven't yet run across one that has a lot of white. It'll be interesting to see what you'll do with it!
My first reaction to the stack of fabric was "wonderful". I love the colors. I think either pattern would look fantastic with your fabrics! I, too, need to make a new bed quilt. While your fabrics wouldn't fit my color scheme in my room; the patters are up my alley.
Thanks for being such a great inspiration!
Have a great day.
Beautiful! Can't wait to see it come together!!
How pretty. Fabric makes me drooooooool lol. I'm so jealous !
Love, love, love your green, blue and brown stack!! My 3 favourite colours, especially those greens.
Happy cutting!
Perfect pattern. Great colours. Jump right in!
Those fabrics are FABULOUS! ooxx`jodi
Why of course it will look wonderful-you always do such a beautiful job! Looking forward to seeing it all finished! Hope you are having a fun week! Tam:D
Bento box with lots of white!!! I want to see it, I think I will love it.
those fabrics all look beautiful together. I love those colors
Great choice! it's going to be fantastic!
I love the fabric choice, and the bento box is fun and just neat to look at. i want to make another!!
These fabrics will look beautiful made into the Bento Box pattern! I look forward to seeing the finished product!
I'm am regular reader of a year and have yet to leave a comment. However, this post put a thought in my mind that I can't seem to shake after seeing your color combo and pattern choice. My question is this, Would you ever consider a quilt-a-long for this one?
Just a random question.... :-)
Hoping you say "Yes!"
I keep hearing about the bento box quilts and I cant wait to see yours!!
I love these colours! See my coin quilt on flickr for a similar combo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/23550627@N04/3277135014/
Also love both pattern ideas!
hurry, cut, I can't wait to see it. Those fabrics are absolutely awesome!
I have to agree with you. The first color combo was a little much (in my standards) for bedding that you will be starring at everyday...although.. for Spring and Summer it might be good! Ok now I am tossed! I do however like the blues and greens the best!
Yum! Love these fabrics. Oh, can't wait to see these as a bento box quilt..... Yipeee!
I was looking at some jelly rolls today at Grubers in the same colors. :)
Your fabric choices are wonderful!!! I just did a Bento Box using a Pat Sloan line...I have a picture on my blog if you'd like to check it out.
It was one of the funnest quilts to assemble :) Can't wait to see yours.
Peggy in NJ
I wanted you to know that I finally finished my quilt with your first quilt along. I have it posted on my blog. I am so excited. I am just a beginner and it is not great but I am so proud. Thank you as always for everything you teach us. Now I am going to get started back on the star quilt along. I have all the blocks cut out already. I can't wait to finish it.
Love the new fabrics! I can't wait to see the end result!
I've been wanting to try Bento Box. I think I'll go order one now.
I love those fabrics. It will be pretty!
love love love these fabrics! Can't wait to see what you make with them
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