When I posted my list I knew I was setting some pretty lofty goals.
Here is what I got done.

quilt Heather's "Becky quilt"
I worked on this Friday night and Saturday

quilt my 30's quilt
worked on this Saturday and Sunday....finished about 4pm

assemble the green quilt top
finished on Sunday evening
I started cutting out my happy hour quilt. I got 7 out of 25 blocks cut.

binding for my log cabin scrap quilt
made on Sunday evening
(I am in love with this pink gingham. I don't know why I didn't buy the rest of the bolt.)
Many many many thanks go to my husband who didn't complain one single bit about all the quilting that went on this weekend. He is a wonderful man.
Just a few other notes about the weekend...I did go out on Saturday to deliver the quilt to Heather and pick up a pizza. On Sunday I went to church, so it's not like I stayed home all weekend chained to my sewing machine. :) The fridge was full of leftovers so there was very little cooking to be done. The kids played very well in their clubhouse (IKEA tent) set up in the living room and my husband worked on the computer while I was quilting. It was lots of fun.
Thanks to Judy for hosting!
WOO HOO!! You rock!! what a feeling of accomplishment you must have right now!!! I am inspired. The green quilt is awesome, as are all of your other projects.
My goodness you got a lot done. That's amazing! I love the brightness of the "Becky quilt."
I'm starting over on my quilt-a-long blocks. I just can't seem to get them to come out to 12.5 inch square blocks. I guess I'll just turn the blocks I've already made into something else. I'll have to do my own mini quilt-a-thon. :o)
WOW! i totally forgot about the quiltathon *sob* you did fantastic! love the green quilt!
You really had a very productive weekend! I'm jealous!!! Love the quilts, I can't wait to see your "Happy Hour"
Sounds like a very productive "retreat". I love the whole retreat idea.
Loving that gorgeous green quilt! And congratulations on getting SO much done in a weekend!
That’s a good start of a new week, to see so many wonderful quilts! Inspiring!
Sounds like you had a very productive weekend.
I didn't get any sewing done, but went out of town to visit my grandma and my sister so I had a good weekend too =0)
Wow ! You must feel like superwoman - that is so much work and all those things off the list - well done.
Wow! What a weekend! Well done on almost conquering such a huge list. They are all so beautiful too! A quiltathon sounds like just what we need around here!
Wow, you got a lot done.. your quilts are so beautiful!
Congratulations on completing so may projects! Sometimes we just need a little push and Judy is good a providing that push.
Wow, you were seriously productive! I think I need me one of those tents.....
Lots done - that's got to feel GREAT!
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I hope your neck and shoulders aren't too sore from all that quilting.
it feels so great to get stuff done, doesn't it? way to go!
you certainly have quilt mo-jo :)
Good for you :)
Everything looks terrific.
You are amazing and so inspiring! If only I could get so much done. I love the colors of this quilt!
You got so much done.I can't wait to see your happy hour quilt.I have fabric picked out for one also.I have a few projects to finish before I can start it.
Wow - you were so productive! Good for you. I'm envious now. I want 48 hours of uninterrupted craft time. Give that husband of yours a big kiss!
Well done! But I'm not surprised at all. This was definitely your cup of tea.
Wow! So accomplished! That is really cool. Sometimes the only way I make progress on anything is to completely focus on it for days. This weekend I mostly accomplished sitting around on my tush. :)
Great work and a virtual quilt-a-thon. What a great idea! And look all that you accomplished! FANTASTIC!
Great week-end of quilting...I am thinking I really need to set aside 3 days and just get on it all! Thanks for inspiring me...
Beautiful work!! What about the green quilt gave you a problem? It came out just gorgeous! The 30s quilt is lovely too. I'm doing one in vintage fabrics(that my hubby bought for me-4 garbage bags FULL) but pairing some repros with it as well. One day soon I hope to have it made into a queen-size quilt! My favorite you've listed is the scrappy log cabin though, the colors are sweet!
ps, I'm left-handed too.
oh wow. you did get a ton done. doesn't it feel good to get a bunch of stuff crossed off your list? I just love that!
Look at you go!!!
I love the 30's quilt and the pink gingham :-)
Love all the pretty colors and patterns. Wonderful projects and fun pictures to browse.
It's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. How satisfying!
It looks like you accomplished quite a bit! Good for you :)
I like the new green quilt. Great changes!
I love that pink gingham binding as well! I haven't found a quilt on your blog that I haven't liked! When do you think you will start another quilt-a-long? I will definitly praticipate.
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