Monday, March 17, 2008


I finished the green quilt on Saturday during my virtual quiltathon with Anina. While I was uploading the photos to post about it, I realized that it's St. Patrick's Day today. Ha!

I'm not crazy about this quilt. Maybe I'm just not a green girl. I do like this version better than the first version, though. I like the gradient thing that's going on. It is about 42"x45". The backing is flannel, which I feel puckers extra well.

I usually have one quilt a year that I don't just love and I guess this one is it for me. Kind of early in the year to get that out of the way, but hey, what do you do?

Next up for my monochromatic challenge will be blue.

Happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

I love this quilt. Wow!!!

Anonymous said...

i think it's beautiful! but i'm with you - i'm not much of a green girl either. and now that you got the one quilt done that you're not entirely pleased with, think of all the quilts you'll make this year that you will LOVE!!

mariarrosa said...

I love it. It's a pitty you don't like so much, because y think it is very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Love the green quilt! I can't wait to see the blue one!

MichelleB said...

I love all of your stuff. I love that you FINISH all of your stuff. Something I'm so bad at. I'm looking forward to seeing the blue one.

Anonymous said...

i love the backing fabric you picked. the whole thing is gorgeous even if it's not YOU.

blue is next? blue? really? (hee hee, just teasin!!!)

i'm sooooo waiting for the purple one! ;)

Anina said...

I think it turned out really nice. When you put all these together they're going to be stunning. I can't wait for blue (and pink, of course).

Dawn N. said...

I love this quilt! I am just learning to quilt and this one is such a fun looking one. :-)

Thriftin and Craftin said...

I know I'm not the only one to say this, but since this one isn't your favorite, I'll be happy to adopt this quilt for you. LOL! Seriously I love it. I liked the first version too. Green is one of my very fave colors, and I love this style of quilt. Happy St. Patty's Day!

Roxanne said...

She's a beautiful lass! Happy St. Patty's Day to you. I love how this turned out!!

Barb said...

I think I may just have to follow suit ~ great way to use up left overs. I'm just afraid mine will never look as good as yours!

dutchcomfort said...

I’m not a green girl either, but I love the quilt!
I’m curious about your blue one. I love blue!

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence that you finish the green quilt today!
I also, must commend you on the number of finished items you have. Do you have a long arm quilting machine? Or do you do everything on your regular sewing machine?

And how do you ever find the time to do such wonderful crafty goodness? I have one wee person, and she takes up all my time! I would love to know your organizational secrets!

Anonymous said...

I like it a lot and how cute that you finished on St. Patrick's weekend. Great job as usual!

lera said...

That is too funny that you finished your green quilt in time for St. Patrick's Day!

It's beautiful.

*~hj~* said...

I LOVE It! I'm a green girl:) Happy St. Patrick's day!

Anonymous said...

I can see where your coming from.
If your not into green well then it will probably be a least love.
I love the pattern. Can't wait to see a blue one.
Happy St.Pat's Day!

carolyn said...

your bummer looks nice to me :)

Teri H said...

I think it's beautiful! And quite appropriate for today!

Cami said...

I think it turned out fantastic! Love the green, but I am a green kinda girl! I love that you finish so many projects, it is so inspiring.

Lina said...

Well I love it if it's any consolation - especially the bright, spring like greens. I have to ask, what do you do with all your quilts, I'm assuming many of them are gifts?

Lissa Jane said...

I am not a green person either but I like this quilt... its the perfect size for a snuggle quilt for your little people!


Danetta said...

I thought yellow would be my favorite until I saw this one. I love this green quilt! I love it!
How perfect for St. Patrick's Day too. I also like this version best of the two.

kawagamanana said...

I love it and of course everything you do. How did you do the quilting? On the machine I suppose with a quilting arm? I have just finished my first quilt. It certainly doesn't look like yours. It does have some blood spots on it where I put the needle through my nail and finger, yep it did hurt a whole lot. But the thread didn't go through and that's a good thing. I am in love with quilting and will do another and finish it a lot better than the first one. My granddaughter who loves orange, loves her quilt and the fact that she can get DNA from it in years to come makes her that much more happy. When I figure out how to get the photo out there is space, I shall post it.
Nanci aka Nana

Beth said...

Green is not my color either..but somehow this one calls my name. I think I'm becoming a scrap quilter. I HATE all the cutting..but I LOVE the look. I will keep my eye out for the THERE Is a color I LOVE!

tess said...

I love the fact that you've finished even though you don't love it, in my house that would never happen........

Gillian said...

I love greens of all descriptions, but I agree that this quilt misses the mark. I think there are too many mushy/muddy grey-greens in the central panels. They don't really go with the strong, dark greens at one end and the brights and pastels at the other end. They create a kind of dull patch in the centre.

The centre needs some middling greens that are not so bland and greyish.

It's fun to try these one-colour exercises. We learn as we go along.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

wow i have to say i don't agree with gillian in the slightest :D
it's a lovely quilt and it totally fits in with your theme! i like the way the colour grades.

Melissa said...

Beautiful! Love all the shades and mix of greens. Love it!

Emily Cole said...

Amandajean!!!! I LOVE this green quilt! It's beautiful, and I think it's very unique! What are you planning to do with it?

Anonymous said...

I love your green quilt!

Philigry said...

oh, i love this one too! great job!

Sandra said...

I like the green quilt.I have to say I'm a lime green girl myself.I aldo like how you finish a quilt before you start a new one.

Julie said...

WoW! I love this quilt.. I may need to find out how you made this... I have tons of greens that need to be made into something...
maybe i am just partial to green because I am a st patty's day girl.

Amanda Jean said...


I do all the quilting freehand on my JUKI. I do not have a long arm or a quilting frame of any sort.
if you have any other questions, please let me know.


Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Gillian either. I like the different color gradients in the quilt and think it's beautiful. Gillian was a tad bit harsh on you I think.

Heidijayhawk said...

love it as always aj! i know what you mean about not always LOVING everything you make. every once in awhile i'm not entirely thrilled with what i make as well!

Rebekah said...

this quilt is so beautiful! but then again, I am partial to green. Such a great way to use up random scraps. I've got to try this once I amass a ton of fabric : )

mikawendy said...

Ohhhh, so pretty! I love the color gradations and the texture on the front and back.

I think greens are hard to work with because the yellow-y greens are SO different from the blue-y greens. For some reason, this isn't a problem with purples or blues (blue-y purples and red-y purples look nice together, for example), but I always find that the two different kinds of green can sometimes be very different looking, especially the greens with some brown in them compared with the greens that are more bluish.

Anonymous said...

It certainly was a great coincidence that you finished your quilt for St. Patrick's Day. I really like it! I can't wait to see the blue quilt coming together.

cookie said...

as always you are an inspiration..
let me know when you do your blue one, i think i will do one at the same time. my son needs a new quilt and this looks like the one..

Cathi said...

I love the quilt -- but I also love green. To me it says spring. And to post it on St. Patrick's Day -- well, how perfect! :-)

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Very, very nice, just love green, it is my favourite colour...great quilting as well

Anonymous said...


Jodie said...

Oh I just love it - I am definately a green girl. It is heartachingly beautiful.

beki said...

I think it's wonderful!

Jess said...

Green is Great.
I look forward to blue!

sulu-design said...

Hmmm... I'm surprised that you're not more pleased with this quilt than you are, but I totally understand how it goes when you work for so long on something and it just doesn't do it for you in the end. I really think it's attractive, and a nice departure from other quilts with square pieces. The back is just gorgeous. Here's hoping that the blue one leaves you a bit more satisfied!

Alice Grace said...

I dearly LOVE this quilt! I do not agree with Gillian. You do such beautiful work!

Unknown said...

I'm surprised you do not like this quilt. I love it!! What a way to go monochromatic!

Edith said...

really, you don't love this quilt? I really do , maybe because i love green.

Oiyi said...

I am in love with this quilt! I have been really into green this year. How could you not love this?

Jeanne said...

I love your green quilt! Great way to showcase lots of fabrics.

Chara Michele said...

I really liked this quilt... maybe because the green reminds me of spring? Although I am really looking forward to seeing your next one in blue!

chq said...

Your quilts are amazing - excellent use of color!!!

muralimanohar said...

Well, *I* am a green girl, and I think that's gorgeous!! :D

Thanks for the tip about Bac-Out...will have to have a try of it, or whatever the Australian equivalent is!

Anonymous said...

omg, it's beautiful! i love this!

gunnelsvensson said...

this is beautiful!