...making the alphabet out of K'nex.
...watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer together. (I remember being so freaked out by the abominable snowman as a kid.)
...shoveling snow. The boys helped me start on the driveway last night. I was thrilled to see that they are of the age that they can start helping out with some of these big tasks. We had fun shoveling. Go figure. :)
Thanks, Clair, for the reminder to enjoy those little things. I needed that.
And here is a sneak peek of today's quilt project.
I *heart* this quilt.
Fun? We're supposed to have fun? I know what you mean about just surviving. We have snow today so I think some fun is definitely on the agenda.
I loved watching Rudolph when I was a kid! That is definitely fun!
Can't wait to see this new quilt....
And thank YOU for reminding us! :)
Your quilt it looking lovely!
I think it's the little things we do that make days fun. Singing in the car, building things with legos, and just being plain silly together :)
::snort:: "focusing on survival"
and i love your quilt too.
I've been thinking this lately too. Why do I wait for the advent calendar to plan fun things everyday? guilt, guilt, guilt...the fuel of mothers. Regardless, good job MOM!!! The quilt looks cute too btw!!
I shoveled snow with one of my boys this evening. It was very nice. You don't realize a "job" like that can be fun with kids. It's not really work anymore.
Don't forget making snow angels, sledding on the big hills with hot chocolate after! It's always the simple joys of life that make the best fun and remain top of the list of fond memories...let's face it, a safe, comfy home where love is freely given is the very best stuff! You are showing you family that being creative should be part of everyday life, shows them that it is important to play as well as tackling the abundance of work that fills a mom's day.
We watched Rudolph Tuesday night too! LOL I think just knowing our 4 y/o granddaughter was watching it & how much our kids loved it made me (not necessarily hubby..lol) want to watch it. Our daughter used to cry when they made fun of Rudolph...oh the memories! That quilt is looking mighty fine!
Oooh, I see some pink!
I am not trying to make you feel bad when I ask that question...I just know you all have some fun times...like walks in the rain, eating Harry Potter Jelly Bellys, and making collages. It is fun to hear about the fun things that you do. I am fond of the K-nex alphabet, by the way.
Oh I think I *heart* that quilt too! :)
As adults, I think that we we think of fun as planned outings or activities... but kids have fun doing stuff that can seem so mundane to us (that shoveling snow chore comes to mind). From your previous posts about your kids, it's obvious that you deeply love and care for them, and when kids are in such supportive environments, life in general seems fun.
And I'm liking the pinks in that sneak peek!
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