Monday, September 18, 2017

starting a new series

I've been kicking around the idea of doing a series of 10 solid quilts for a few months now, so I guess today I am making it official! This is going to be a long term project, but it's one that I'm very excited about. I love having a challenge with parameters. The main reason is because it helps me focus! (And that's a very good thing.) Having limits is actually good for cultivating creativity...I've seen it time and time again in my own work. I enjoyed my one-a-day pincushion challenges, and before that, I did the 101 scrap project challenge. (Twice.) I'm looking forward to stepping it up a notch and doing a series of QUILTS.
My parameters are very simple:

-I'm going to try to make a series of 10 quilts from solids.

-The quilts can be any size, baby size and up.

-The majority of them will be from the scrap bin, (no shock there!) but I'm allowing myself to supplement with my stash if need be. It would be amazing if I actually ran out of scraps!!!

-They may be quilted by me or by someone else.

-The quilts may also contain shot cottons, linen, chambray, denim and the like, as long as it reads as a solid/near solid.

-I will allow myself to work on other projects as I'm working on this series.

I think that's it! No need to make it complicated! :)

I haven't come up with a good name for my challenge yet, so if you have any great ideas, I'd be interested in hearing them.
Yesterday afternoon I cut off a piece of batting from the roll and started laying out a BUNCH of 2 1/2" squares. I'm making an alternate version of my hot & cold quilt from my book No Scrap Left Behind.
I chose to use batting rather than my design wall so I wouldn't have to clear everything else off...realizing that it might be awhile before I get around to finishing this top up. So far I really love this quilt! I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the dividing line between the warm and cool colors, but thankfully I have a few hundred squares to arrange before I have to decide! Ha!

Have you ever worked in a series or gave yourself a personal sewing challenge? What did you think? Did you like it? Would you do it again? If you haven't, but would like to, what would your challenge be? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the subject!

Happy Monday to you!


grammajudyb said...

My stash does not have a lot of solids as of yet. But I have 2 quilts in the wings that use solids, so I will have some. I have tons of 2 1/2 inch squares. I wonder if I could follow your lead and see what develops, just using the prints that read solid from 3 feet away. I may layout on some batting and see what it looks like!

Alison V. said...

I have some solids in my scraps, but it seems like I have very little variety of color in my solid scraps -- mainly whites/cream/grey/black left over from background fabrics.

Sherry said...

As far as a name for the series. . . how about "No Prints Charming"?

That was the first thing that came to my mind when I was reading your post.

Tami Von Zalez said...

How fun! I am always learning something new from you.
My suggested name "Solids A Go Go"
Nearly all of my projects are personal challenges, either to do a new block or a new way to quilt.
Right now I am preparing for the
Where quilters interpret pieces of artwork into representational fabric art. I have my quilt top done (or nearly if I decide to alter it further). I so love this event and am honored to be a participant.

Lisa Boyer said...

The name that jumped into my mind was "Solidarity." I love your idea of a series. Beautiful colors here!

the momma said...

You are off to a great start :-) I especially love the warm section ~ sooo cheery!
I did a series of 3 (different) quilts this summer all out of Sleeping Porch fabrics, after being inspired by my friend Hydee who was doing a series of quilts using the same pattern, but different fabrics. It was fun, but I'm not sure if I'd do it again or not - I have so many quilts I want to make...
I'm curious why you chose 10 for your series?
(If you want to see them, here are my quilts: )

happy sewing ~ Tracy

chrisknits said...

My current challenge is 22 bags in 3 months time. Just in time to have gifts for all the ladies in my immediate families-brith/married. First one done today, 2nd one in the making. I am well on my way!!

Laura said...

Solidified. :-)

Emily said...

Rock solid!
Sometimes I challenge myself to finish something I'm dragging my feet on before I start something new, or challenge myself to use up some old fabric before buying new. That's about it. :)

I love the start of your quilt! I don't think I have enough solid fabrics to do something like that but I love the colors you have going so far! I would make the line between the two sides not a straight line, and have them blend in a bit. :)

Teri said...

This should be the "Rock Solids" series!!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Do me a solid :D Love your start!

tisha @ quiltytherapy said...

Great challenge. Wonder how many scraps you will actually get through or at least see the bottom of bins.

mascanlon said...

I don't usually do challenges but right now I challenged myself to make the Scrappy Stars quilt. 125 small pieces stars. Way more piecing than I usually do! I started to collect solids last year, also a change for me since my stash is mostly prints. I �� will be looking to you for some ideas in using them.

Mystic Quilter said...

Oh love what you're doing with this quilt!! I haven't done a personal sewing challenge, sounds a good idea, but I working, sort of, on different Kaleidoscope quilts, I also have begun a series of Memory Quilts.

Unknown said...

How about "Solidly Challenged" for a title? I challenged myself to use "Brights"this summer and had a ball. I agree with you about how sometimes having a focus helps the creative process. Enjoy your solid challenge.

kelgurl said...

I am so going to enjoy this play out. You have such wonderful ideas. Inspiring ideas.
There are some clever challenge names submitted. I'll be waiting to read what you choose.
Happy Monday to you too

JenS said...

I would need to do this in small doses or it would drive me nuts!! I envy your patience! I think you should call this "Solidly Challenged"!

Cheryl said...

What a wonderful start to a new quilt. I look forward to following along on your progress through your solid quilts.

Whitney M said...

Love this! After moving and becoming a stay at home mom this summer, I've challenged myself to only see from my stash! Most of my stash is yardage, but I need to be better about using scraps!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like you have A Solid Plan...

KaHolly said...

Lol, I set challenges for myself all the time, but something usually comes up part way through to interrupt my plan! When I am successful, however, and that does happen upon occasion, it's a great feeling of accomplishment. An earlier comment suggested Solidarity as a title for your challenge. I like that!

Baa. xxx said...

A Solid 10/10. 😊

Chris said...

That looks like a fun challenge! I like the beginnings of this first quilt.

Many years ago, after moving and realizing just how much stash fabric I had, I challenged myself to make any future quilts from at least 50% stash fabric. As you said, it stimulates creativity by making me look at combinations that I might otherwise skim past. I don't know how much of a dent I've made in my stash, if any, but I plan to keep this challenge going for the foreseeable future. said...

This is gorgeous already! I thought it was a leaders/Enders project at first. There are so many clever names in the comments that I think you are in great shape. A few months ago, I challenged myself to make an only solid doll quilt.
I love prints, so this hasn't been easy. My first attempt was a quilt called Mango and Celery, but I had snuck in a few prints for highlights. I have discipline issues it seems! I just couldn't stay away from dipping into my abundant stash of printed fabrics. While I liked how it came out, I had to try another quilt to see if I could actually stick to only solids. The second attempt is in blues and is an improv quilt, but I put it on hold for now before "cheating" again. I'm determined to complete at least one pure solid design... and you agreed to ten!!! I can't wait to see how yours comes out!!

CherylB said...

Love it!!
As far as the 'dividing line' of hot and cold... how about there's not really a line.. the hot and cold 'drip' into each other so the line is actually kind of diagonal.

Anonymous said...

I also thought what Jennifer Charlton said! (and I thought I was so original and clever).

What about neutrals as the dividing line, warm and cool neutrals? Not sure if it would work, but that was my first though. Of course it would probably require changing all you've done so far, so maybe not!

I like to challenge myself to finish things, not that I often do. My idea is to try improvisational piecing with a bunch of solids left from a project that's almost done. After that, to use up all the flannels in my stash, and maybe all the "strings" that I couldn't throw away. Some of them are stored in a messy way, so there will be ironing involved first. UGH.

Unknown said...

Salute to Solids!

Unknown said...

Salute to Solids!

MissPat said...

I like Lisa Boyer's suggestion of "Solidarity". I don't use enough solids to make a scrap quilt. I need to challenge myself to just get something finished!

Nancy McC said...

I have recently challenged myself to try landscape quilting. I didn't make it easy on myself though. I am doing a miniature with four little landscapes. One for each season! Love your new solid challenge. No clever name suggestions for you though. Sorry. :-( I like some that have already been suggested though.

Charlotte M. said...

I am taking an on line class that lasts for a year and teaches paper piecing along with precision piecing and I think, applique. New techniques for me, and that is my challenge.Three months left to go, and I'm doing well and keeping caught up so far!

Debbie said...

Love this idea. I have lots of solids. I need to use them up. Ha ha ha. It just seems that whenever I want a solid I don't have the right color. So I need to use up what I do have. Great idea. I will be following along and making small charity quilts. Thanks for the inspiration.

Unknown said...

How about "ROCK SOLID" as the name for your latest challenge. Love the idea and will be stealing it or my own uses as I need more focus....ha ha.

FlourishingPalms said...

This year has pretty much become my "year of solids." Though I'm finish up some UFOs that aren't solids, most of my new makes are solids. Have you tried Painter's Palette solids yet? Oh my! They're fabulous compared to K brand. Painter's Palette solids are less heavy/thick; less ravely; and do not bleed/run color when washed. I can show you my permanently-stained-aqua dryer drum where a K laid as it was tumbling!

I've never worked in a series because it sounds "artistic." I like to work on what I want to work on, so I'm not sure how I'd respond to an established challenge. Of course I'd follow it, but I might not be happy about it. Have fun because it sounds like this will suit you perfectly!

Judith said...

Great Ideas ! I need to finish a series of blocks begun in 2004 - a Thimbleberries block of the month. I have quite a few of them finished but can't seem to finish the whole series. The main Basket Quilt was finished a few years ago but I still have a Christmas one, and a few others to finish. Maybe this will be the year. As far as Solids go, we live in a predominately Amish community in Ohio so see solid quilts all the tine. I guess I need to make at least one!

DeniseClaire said...

Many good title names suggested. My fave is No Prints Charming. Brilliant!!!

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun!

Anika |

tbear said...

Solid Daze

tink's mom said...

Very impressive goal. Great start.

Susan M said...

Simply Solids. I have very few in my stash, may need to go shopping ...

Karen Sue said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this quilt. I have an overflowing tub of scraps, and I throw some tiny stuff out, but save most for applique. It is overflowing into the space too much. I'm not sure I can do enough applique in my lifetime to use them up and as I saw yours laid out, I thought "WHY NOT?" just start pressing and cutting and see what I come up with. Thanks for the inspiration

Unknown said...

I read all the comments and no one asked the question if your laying this out on batting how are you going to handle this when you move it are you glue down the squares?

Marlyn said...

I agree with the "Rock Solid" or Solidarity".

As far as the division between hot and cold, I'd try blending them slowly.

I have and am working in a series with my Fireworks Quilts. They are for a challenge within the Pyrotechnics Guild International's Convention and Art Show, every second week of August, somewhere in the central portion of the USA. There have been twelve so far. Come see them at our show in Oct. 14 & 15 at the College of St. Benedict in the Haehn Center, St. Joseph, MN. I'm one of the featured quilter's and all 12 of my fireworks quilts will be on display.

Theresa Morgan said...

Title: From One Solid to Another.....

I love the idea of cleaning the stash pile out..... I honestly don't think I have that much solids in my stash???? But I can challenge myself on this??? Right??? lol It will challenge me to bring the rest of my material down to its NEW HOME.....Don't mean to sound like Debbie Downer but I have neighbor issues and NOT getting ANY SLEEP.... I get scared going up n down steps with no one here now..... But this is a challenge.....

Clare M said...

I love your idea and this quilt is a gorgeous start. I think I might try this with my hand dyes. Have just started making a quilt up with my 1.5 inch HST's. Mad indeed and I have almost a 1000 of them. Using the book "No Scrap Left Behind" to deal with them. Looking forward to seeing you work through this awesome challenge.

Sherry said...

This is very cool. I don't think I have the patience to lay a whole quilt out at one time, but I can see where that would be the best way to get a coherent colorway.

Unknown said...

Love this quilt! Call it "The Solid Series".

Quebedeaux said...

I don't have a lot of solids, but the other day I went to my favorite LQS to look at their scrap bags and I got 2 that were filled with solids.. Then I read your blog!! I guess I'll tackle at least ONE solid quilt

Cheryl Arkison said...

Your going to need more purple on the dividing line. It can be warm or cool, remember...

Unknown said...

Hi Amanda Jean,
I saw how you were laying out your quilt on batting and wanted to share with you an idea that my friend and I use all the time. We buy cheap flannel backed tablecloths and use them to layout quilts we are going to be moving around or working on for awhile. Then we roll them up on pool noodles to store. I usually put a note inside the corner so I can remember which quilt is rolled up inside. We each have 3-4 either in use or waiting to be used at all times.