Friday, April 15, 2016

maine morning mitts and procrastination

Welcome to finish it up Friday!

This week has been super busy, which hasn't left much time for sewing. I'm trying to go with the flow, but sometimes that is easier than others! Last evening, desperate for a finish, I pulled out my mostly completed fingerless gloves and knit the thumbs. Knitting thumbs isn't my favorite (at all), thus the procrastination.
Even though the weather turned warm this week, (we had our first 70 degree day! hurray!) I'm a Minnesota girl, so I wouldn't be surprised if I still need these a time or two this season. It's just the way it is!
The pattern is called Maine Morning Mitts and it's available for free here. These were a stretch for me....because 1. I had to follow a pattern and 2. I had to make two objects that were close to the same size. They aren't perfect, by any means, but I am reasonably happy with the results. The mitts are so cozy! I'd definitely recommend the pattern and I will be trying them again.
I'd like to do a giveaway today! If you would like to win a handful of my PDF patterns, please leave me a comment in this post. In your comment, I'd love to hear about a project that you are procrastinating on and why, if you care to give the reason! It would be fun to hear all about it. :) I'll pick a winner on Monday.
Here's another one of my procrastination projects. I've decided it's time to clean up all the odds and ends around my craft room, so I'm going to make a orphan block quilt. I've been nervous to sew it up because there is no rhyme or reason, so fitting everything together might get a little dicey. I'm excited and nervous all at once. I just hope it doesn't end up looking like a hot mess. Haha! I guess we will see! :)
Now, it's your turn. Please link up your finishes for the week! Thank you, as always, for joining me for finish it up Friday!


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Gloria said...

I have been procrastinating making a solar system quilt for one of my grandsons. The design is drawn and the fabric is bought so I am committed, but I do not like applique! This weekend I am home alone so I am determined to get started!

DKB said...

Its not a sewing project. I procrastinate when it comes to taxes, I wait until the end to gather the info and complete them just enough to file an extension, and when October comes I file right at the deadline, it's ridiculous, really.

mangozz said...

Love those mittens! I procrastinate all the time so it's hard to choose one item. Mostly, the hardest part for me is quilting the quilt top. I love doing the piecing of the blocks and seeing it all come together. But then I stop. I've made many quilts but never quilted a large quilt before and am afraid I will screw it up. So, I put another quilt aside and continue piecing others. I wish I could get over this fear and complete these quilts without just tying them. I want to see them quilted, but can't afford to have them done for me.

Unknown said...

I'm procrastinating on 2 quilts. One I decided to hand-quilt (ha!) and another that I decided I wanted to quilt the border in Baptist Fan (by machine). I'm not good at either, and find them both SO tedious, and now I hardly love the fabric/quilt anymore. Aaaarrrggghh.
I'd love to win ANY of your patterns! (Because I love to start new projects!)

Mama Mel said...

I have a Swoon quilt in Christmas fabric that I started last July. Part of the reason I'm procrastinating is because it's for me and those projects always seem to be set aside, but it's also because Christmas passed and isn't for a long time so I want to sew other things. It's taking up my whole cutting mat so then I just haven't been sewing anything.

Ariel Davis said...

A wedding quilt for my sister! Seeing as she's not engaged yet, I think it's ok that I'm procrastinating. ;)

us said...

procrastinating on starting a very simple quilt for my granddaughter's 3rd birthday next month. It is because I am not wanting to take the time to dig through stash for all my yellow bits (her favorite color). But I will get it done!

Gotta hurry as we have another grandchild due TOMORROW 4/17 and since no one knows gender, most of my "making" has been put off till child is born.

Donna W said...

Love your mittens - and like you (I live in Wisconsin) know that we will probably need them again before summer it here. I have been procrastinating on starting a kit that I bought. The fabric is pressed and starched and ready to cut----but, I can't seem to make that first cut. Not sure why? I know, I have to get over it and just make that first cut and everything will be alright.

Anonymous said...

I've been putting of the finishing of 2 baby quilts. Blue and Pink for twins who just turned 2. Don't know why, just can't them finished. Thanks for the give away!

Cherie said...

I have a challenge project due next month. I've only had the blocks for a year. The reason is that it is an embellishing challenge and the blocks we have been given are all unique. I'm afraid of doing the wrong thing and ruining the blocks. At some point I am just going to have to jump in and either sink or swim.

Verna LaBounty said...

I loved visiting Animal Kingdom at Disney World with my daughter so I've been collecting African animal prints and have a panel of major large animals. I've been procrastinating because I have no clear vision of how to put all these pieces together. I take them out and look but end up putting them back in the cupboard. The panel is currently up on my design wall so I'm hoping for inspiration to strike.

Unknown said...

Hi Amanda Jean,
I have a circle quilt that is king sized that I am procrastinating on. First it was because I want to quilt it in circles and needed a tool to do that. Since I have the tool now, the reason is because I have done so much travel in the last two years, but this is my next project. Hopefully I will get it done before we move in 10 weeks.

I love your posts and your style of quilting. God bless you.

Unknown said...

I love fingerless gloves, have knit many pairs for gifts & myself. I like that these are longish toward the fingers too. Procrastinating ... I have a long list. Looming on my horizon though is completing a row by row quilt. Then, "miles to go before I sleep ..."

jo said...

I have a beautiful knit scarf have not knitted on for over 2 years due to trigger finger. Had surgery to correct but now am afraid to start knitting again LOVE your mittens. Gorgeous color!

Unknown said...

I am procrastinating finishing a baby quilt because I don't have enough fabric for the back. Last night I figured out a way to use the fabric that I have for the back by cutting it in half and inserting another fabric in between. Of course I couldn't just have a simple solution - I decided to use the Moda letters to form the baby's name and use that for the fabric in between the backing. Now onto engineering those letters. I'm hoping to finish this before the kid gets to High School!

Carol Andrews said...

Love the fingerless mittens!

My procrastination story started when I decided to go to my first ever Quilt Retreat. I had never quilted by machine, but had done some hand quilted when I was young. The location for the retreat was in Barkerville, BC so I was thrilled to be staying in such a historic location! When I got there I saw the quilt and thought "how hard can it be?" Silly me! The quilt was Barkerville Spools. Yes, you read right....hundreds of 4 inch spool blocks! I loved the challenge, but never did finish the top. Instead, I used the spools as a border in several quilts and have even played with using selvedges as the thread portion of my blocks. I keep promising myself that "some day" I will finish a quilt using only the spools!

Anne Simonot said...

I have a BOM project I have been procrastinating on putting together for ummm, 12 years? Don't know why, I just didn't love anything about it. My oldest UFO.

ZoeH said...

Currently I'm finishing a quilt for my daughter; fabric was bought over 20 years ago when we lived in Kodiak, Alaska! Yikes! Also working on the second knitted sock; the first sock is always fun, the second, ehhh, not so fun. Love to hear I am not alone with procrastination!

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

It's going to look amazing! Those two sewing machine blocks are so cute!

I don't like binding so finished quilts sit around a long time without binding. When I finally get around to it I do several in a row and then I have lots of finished projects, which feels great!!!!

vernagrace said...


JoAnne in southern California said...

The mitts you made are beautiful, just thinking about them made my hands feel warm and cozy. I am looking forward to seeing your progress or finish on your orphan block quilt. I've been thinking about doing that. One thing we know, your is going to be very pretty!

Jan said...

Oh, I must admit to procrastinating on the final border on a queen size quilt. It is all pieced, and ready to pin & sew. No good excuse.
This is a fun question, and a generous offer. Thanks!

Simply, Sarah said...

I'm procrastinating on finishing some quilting projects because I've got a nasty cough/cold.

Carol E. said...

I have a "word" quilt, inspired by Tonya Ricucci, which was to be in honor of my 60th birthday. I have procrastinated for the same reason.. I was afraid it would turn into a hot mess. My 64th birthday is in September, and I'm trying hard to get it done by then. Love your mitts. Some day I'll try that pattern, too.

Debbie said...

I started a crazy quilt with velveteen And satin and hand embroidery. For my sister. She is such a perfectionist that I get overwhelmed and have to set it aside.

Deborah said...

I seem to be procrastinating on doing anything quilty. I am in a gray funk and I will plan to accomplish something, and the next thing I know it is almost time for my husband to get home from work and I've done nothing but look at the blogs I follow and hating that I am not working on the thousands of projects, UFOs and just sewing. Today I started making the flying geese for a Bonnie Hunter quilt called Talking Turkey. I took her class in Jan/Feb. One day my mojo will come back, or at least I keep hoping it will. poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com

Beth said...

It's already evident that your orphan block quilt is going to be a masterpiece! I have a "reverse" procrastination problem.......I have known for a couple of months we will have overnight guests next weekend. My sewing room is upstairs & everytime I go up there to clean up the guest room I wind up playing in my sewing room! Would love to win some of your patterns - Beth in AL

Barb L said...

Your blocks look like they will play well with each other! I'm procrastinating on finishing a graduation quilt for my niece. All I have left is the binding. Need to knuckle down & get it done. She graduates H.S. less than one month.

babiesdoc said...

I finished after several months, a pixelated picture quilt of my niece camille, over 2000 tiny pieces but, I just can't seem to start on the back-- it will be made of 7 pieces--- 2000 + sewed together but, I just can't seem to start the 7 pieces ???

lnfol said...

I love your orphan block quilt! I have an appliqué project that I keep procrastinating. I am waiting for the right "rainy day" to come along

ruthie said...

I made all of the blocks for the first Farmers Wife quilt and have yet to put them together in a quilt top, let alone finish it! I like your mittens. Hopefully, you won't need them this season!

Shari said...

My biggest project that I keep putting off is sorting through and organizing my multiple bins of fabric. It is such an intimidating task that I just keep putting it off....and buying more :)

Unknown said...

I'm so procrastinating on a baby quilt for my new great niece! She is already three weeks old and I can't get into the groove on this one. It is because I love all things little girl, pink and flowers, ric rac and touches of glitter. Mom's nursery is based on a vintage French movie poster of acrobats and hot air balloons. The color scheme is dull tomato red, gray, beige and the palest blue. I bought beautiful French General collections to work with and they are the perfect colors but making hour glass blocks and appliqued balloons in these colors is almost depressing. I've got to get over myself and move forward. Marielle is going to have a beautiful quilt even if it's not to my taste.

Quilt Lady said...

No gloves needed in North Carolina, but I like yours. My procrastination is a quilt called Shine it is paper pieced and regular blocks took 2 months to make the blocks. Finished the top in December. Took me till last week to quilt it in one day it was quilted just needs binding done by hand. In no hurry because it needs to live and be loved by someone else.

Unknown said...

I just can't seem to find the energy to finish a Farmers Wife quilt. I think it's that my colors and style have changed a lot in the last four years. But I want to give it to my DIL this coming Chrustmas, so I need to get my behind in gear.

Daytona Damsel said...

I have a number of projects unfinished but the one I keep procrastinating on is a Quilt as You Go I made for my son. I have everything done except the backing. I can't seem to find a backing I like for it and my son said it was to bright for him so I lost my motive to finish. I want to hang it in my living room if I can ever get going again.

Penny said...

My son just bought his first home and asked me to make him a t-shirt quilt. When he packed his stuff he left me all the shirts he wanted in it. That box of shirts is still sitting there. I avoid it like the plaque. I don't know if it is sewing with the t-shirt fabric that has me worried or if I just hate to cut up all his favorite shirts. Either way, it doesn't seem to be getting done.

Judy said...

I decided 18 months ago I was going to quit beading and do quilting instead. I had never quilted before although I watched my granny do it when I was little girl back in the 50's. So I got the bright idea of making quilts, not lap size, regular quilts for every one of my kids and grandkids.!!!!! That was 25 quilts! 18 months later, I still have about half of them to finish, I do have all the tops done, but I have decided I really don't like sandwiching them and can't afford to send them out to be done. So, me and my home machine will be plugging along all this summer trying to finish up. lol They were supposed to be Christmas presents for 2015, a few of the younger ones got theirs and a few more have trickled in since then, but they were like baby quilts and twin sized. Now I have all of the adults quilts to finish. Procrastinate? nah, not me.

Sharon said...

I'm just learning to knit and loving it! I love your patterns and would love to win some. I am terrible about having several projects going at once. But I guess it keeps me interested. My email is

Tawa said...

I am procrastinating on getting back into my 365 challenge quilt. I have fallen behind while waiting for some fabric to arrive, and now I feel overwhelmed. Tarnia.hodges at

Purple Marbles said...

Reading this in Worcester UK having been up since 5am with my grandson who is 19months I must come clean and own that alongside several unfinished projects for him in my knitting basket, there's a toy knitted for his aunt's third birthday that has never been completed. She is now thirty three years old. Procrastinana

Mary said...

I have been procrastinating on two projects - making the hot iron kits to use when you're away from home and need to carry it home and the other is a Halloween table runner for a great niece. I'm going on a quilting retreat for four days next week and it would be a good time to get these done.

Caroline said...

I am procrastinating on a small quilt that is nominally done - binding and all - but has less quilting on it that I would like. So I need to break the rules and do some more machine quilting on a piece that is already bound. I just need to hold my nose and jump in. Thanks for the inspiration to go ahead!

Christine said...

Cleaning/organizing my sewing room. I've been getting to it since last Thanksgiving! One of these days...

Karen said...

Love your fingerless gloves! I'll have to try that pattern. I have very cold hands, so I wear them all the time. You have reminded me of a pair I started years ago and put aside because I wasn't happy with how the thumbs were turning out. I haven't done much sewing or knitting lately (health issues), but think I'll pull them out today and finish them. Thanks for the push!

Debbie Sharpe said...

I am always procrastinating. I love fabric and worry finding just the right pattern. Being retired and on a fixed income, fabric is precious to me and not easily replaced. I have some feed sack (reproductions) that I want to use but just can't decide on the perfect pattern. You posts are always inspiring. The gloves are very pretty but we don't get that much cold weather in Florida.

Just Another Quilter said...

I love the fingerless gloves. I have yet to attempt a pair of hand coverings of any type. I have a pattern for mittens that is hand written in grandma's pen that I hope to try one of these days. Thanks for your posts....I just love reading them.

Kat said...

Mending. Reattaching buttons, patching holes in knees, reinforcing loose beads... Mundane stuff that doesn't even feel that great to finish, except that it reduces the pile. *sigh*

sara said...

you did a great job on your hand warmers and that is my most favorite color. I have a paper pieced project languishing because I need to pull all the papers off.


Katysboys said...

I love your fingerless mittens, I have one finished along with one sock. I have my nieces baby quilt partly quilted and last but not least half a sweater knitted. I too am a procrastinator but am hoping to finish the other half of my projects soon.

Ortons said...

I need to finish this t-shirt quilt for my friend's son. It keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the to-do pile, but graduation will be here before I know it!!

nessa said...

Nice job on the mitts - I love knitting thumbs because they are so quick! LOL
Procrastinating on: sewing a zipper into a top, and machine quilting a housewarming quilt.

pingraham said...

I love your mittens! But I hope you don't have to use them until next year! I am procrastinating quilting my first quilt. I have completed my second quilt, but I had made one practice quilt, and I'm still not comfortable with machine quilting, so I'm afraid to jump in and try it. I cheated and stitched in the ditch on quilt #2, then added hand quilting, which I love to do. How silly, to be afraid to quilt a practice quilt, but that's where I am!

Granny Maud's Girl said...

I am not sure if I am procrastinating or if I genuinely have had things get in the way, but I have made embarrassingly little progress on hand quilting my Dear Jane.

Carla said...

Hmmmmmm I think it's Tula's 100 modern blocks. They sort of got lost in the shuffle when I started Patchwork City ; )
Oh! And I opened a yarn shop : /

nettieB said...

I am very bad at tidying up after I have finished a project!
Thanks for the inspiration!

Brynn said...

I've been procrastinating making two twin bed quilts for my nephews for well over a year now. Ugh. They're big, not really my style, and there are some fiddly parts that take extra time. I'd much rather make things I like! But, I promised, and my sister is paying me, so I think they're going to get made. Soon.

SandraC said...

Your mittens look great! I like how your blocks look on your design wall just as they are. In fact, at first glance I thought they already were a quilt top!

Unknown said...

My procrastination project was basting and quilting a quilt for my grandson. The project was finally finished (only about 1 1/2 yrs. late), along with your Row-by-Row quilt for his new baby brother. Everyone especially loves the Row-by Row quilt!! Thank you.

Unknown said...

I have a wonderful churn dash quilt that I have been procrastinating on quilting for at least 1 1/2 years! It's so beautiful that I cannot decide how to quilt it.

Gail said...

My procrastination happens because I love to sew quilt tops but not quilt them. So, I have about 8 tops to finish. Working slowing on those while still making another top...

Burgess said...

Love the mittens! Currently procrastinating on hand quilting a Block of the Month quilt from my local quilt shop. I no longer like the pattern and even though the colours go with my living room they no longer make my heart sing. Le sigh. But my mother always told me to finish what I start..... Thanks for the give away. Love your patterns and colours - they do make my heart sing!

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