Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Liberty giveaway

I've been on-line friends with Anna for years and years. We met in real life way back in 2010 (!!!) at Quilt Market in Minneapolis. She is a gem and she takes gorgeous photos. Today, I'm happy to team up with her to bring you a really fun giveaway! A giveaway that will cheer up any cold, dark, dreary January day. At least that's the hope! :)
Anna recently started carrying Liberty of London fabrics in her shop. If you are unfamiliar with Liberty tana lawn, it is fabric of the highest quality. If I had only one word to describe it, it would be "fine". It's really, really lovely! I've worked with Liberty fabrics in the past, and even though they are fine, they are easy to work with. I made a cute little mini HST quilt that currently hangs in my hallway. I also made this little mini (tutorial included) that now lives at Mary's house. It's the kind of fabric that you use every last bit. Oh wait, I do that with most fabrics. Ha!
Anna's goal is to make Liberty more affordable for everyone. Thank you, Anna! If you are in the market for Liberty fabric, be sure to check out her shop. You can buy it by the yard (starting with a 1/4 yard) or in bundles.
Now...for the giveaway! If you would like a chance to win a 10 piece bundle (each piece is 9" x 13") of Liberty of London tana lawn fabrics, please leave a comment on this post. In your comment, I'd love to hear what you are working on today. I will pick a giveaway winner in a few days!

As for me, I'm working on writing a pattern for my WIP bags...and the zipper measurements are kind of kicking my tail at the moment. :P Here's hoping for a break through soon!

Happy Wednesday!


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Jeanne W. said...

Wow! I have never had any Liberty fabric but have been wanting some for a long time! I am in the middle of several quilts and two little baby dresses for some friends.

Shelia said...

Oh, how lovely!! I'm working on a jelly roll quilt. I began sorting the dark/light strips last night while watching the 1940 version of Pride and Prejudice.
Shelia from Tennessee

KJR said...

Quilting on the MMQG 2014 mystery quilt. It may (or may not) be done for tomorrow's meeting!

Pedal Sew Lightly said...

Prepping for my first quilting retreat this weekend! g fahrion at comcast dot net

Unknown said...

I am working on two throw pillows using flying first time with flying geese :)

Anonymous said...

I am working on a scrappy Pineapple Block! Where could I have gotten the idea for that?....

Anonymous said...


Lynn said...

Oooo, nice give away! What am I working on today - finished giving a program to my church ladies group this morning and now putting the finishing touches on the program I will give to my quilt guild tomorrow night. When it rains it pours I guess!

Michele @ Undiscovered Optimist said...

I have two minis for swaps on my table now, and a bee block to do! After those are done, I can't wait to continue working on quilting my star quilt.

Dawna said...

I am binding the frayed edges of my husband's denim work shirts using my new binding attachment for my Janome. What a great little tool this is! I usually patch hubby's jeans and when his shirts started to get worn and frayed at the bottom edges he asked that I put "something really funky" on them, so off to the scrap bins I went. He is definitely the "funkiest" welder at his paper mill :)

Thanks so much for the opportunity to win some of this beautiful Liberty fabric.

Dominique said...

I am working on a Christmas quilt inspired by your quiet Christmas quilt, I kid you not. And I usually work on avoiding giveaways, but you said "Liberty"...

Gemini Jen NZ said...

I am in the throes of planning to make YOUR easy chevron quilt actually! Am away to get the fabrics should be cutting and sewing tonight!

Quilting Grannie said...

I am working on a Cathedral Window quilt as well as Amanda's Trees quilt.

Lori said...

I'm machine quilting my QAL from Quilt Doodle.

elizabethlineberry said...

I would love me some of this fabric! Today I'm cutting into my feedsack stash to start working on a quilt that will be used as my wedding guest book!

Jocelyn said...

I'm working on a Schnibbles pattern for an upcoming Blog hop. Love the Liberty fabrics :-)

Quilt Monkey said...

I have two mystery projects that just started in January. I'm working on pulling fabrics for them. Mysteries are so difficult to pull for! Once I make a decision I can jump in. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Love the fabric! My WIP is a pincushion with embroidered flowers with six 2x4 pieces of Liberty lawn! Hope to win or I'll need to use something else in my scrap bag x

MareMare said...

I'm working on the binding for my medallion quilt! It's going to hang in a show at a local quilt shop along with other quilts from our guild medallion program from 2014.

Kristal said...

Wow, nice! Today I'm waiting out sore shoulder muscles - anxious to get back to arranging my new sewing room!

RKeefe said...

These are so gorgeous! I am currently working on an alphabet quilt for my 6 week old baby girl - it's already her 3rd quilt ;)

tahoe34 said...

I just finished quilting an 80 X 80 quilt on my domestic machine and am so proud of the finished result. Tonight, hand sewing the binding!!! Love the Liberty fabric and would love to win!

Doris said...

I could use a january pick-me-up. Currently working at work work.

Jodi said...

just finishing up a Christmas wall hanging for my sewing room - better late than never, and there's always next year!

Sharon said...

Such beautiful prints!
Today I finished binding my 96" squareScrappy Trips quilt. It was a long overdue finish!

Melanie said...

I have "mommy" sewing to do today....mending Nike shorts and a teddy bear.

Paige said...

I am working on my Modern Building Blocks quilt top today. Thanks for the chance to win!

Erin said...

Love the fabrics. Currently working on a wonky star quilt for my daughter. I'm definitely going to check out her shop.

Shirley said...

Today I have been working on a small wall hanging with wool applique. Those are absolutely beautiful Liberty fabrics. What wonderful possibilities. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.

donna said...

I am hand quilting a doll quilt from English paper pieced hexagons. The quilt is for a baby born on Monday and will need it to keep her dolls warm in a year or so.

Rebecca said...

Oh, I would love some Liberty Fabrics. Currently I am working 1" Yoyos for a stole. My husband and I are traveling full time on a trailerable 25' cruiser and are exploring the Charlotte Harbor Area. A dream life. Next month we are volunteering at a state park so I have my machine waiting in our truck!

amelia said...

I wish I could say I were working on a fun sewing project, but instead I'm just working. I'll have a dinner break in a few minutes, and then it's off to job #2. Thanks for the fun giveaway! A little Liberty would indeed cheer me up!

Pamela said...

I haven't had anytime for sewing yet today. I went to work and picked up the kids, but I hope to see the sewing room soon and work on basting a quilt. Side note: I can't wait for the WIP bag tutorial!

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

How Lovely, I'm working on pincushions right now....

Kim said...

I'm almost finished with my swoon quilt. I have been working on it for a year, but finally got back in the swoon sewing groove this past week. I LOVE Liberty prints.

Emmy said...

I'm working on a king size hour-glass quilt right now. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Susie Sunshine said...

Inspired by your year of descrapping, I'm using scraps to make pot holders for friends.

Sarah@123quilt said...

This giveaway couldn't have come at a better time. Just a few days ago I decided that I MUST make a quilt with Liberty and I have been drooling over all the pretty fabric out there. I'm not working on a quilt at the moment, though. I'm determined to organize my sewing space first. Thanks for the chance to win!

VickiLorraine said...

I am working on a William Morris quilt.

Bettina said...

I am actually knitting today (limited time, limited space, I craft what I can get!)
Liberty is the top, the feel and the patterns are just so mmmhhhhh

Sarah said...

I hope to do some more work today on a modern Texas themed quilt. I am currently making yellow roses and bluebonnets, I hope to get those done and move on to some stars. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Kymberly said...

I'm working on some hand-knit socks to keep my toes warm during this bitterly cold winter.

Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

I finished off the binding on a mini quilt that's been hanging around forever. Another WiP off the list!

greeneggs said...

What a generous giveaway. I'm paper piecing today. Just learning, so no specific project in mind. Just doing blocks.

Patriotmom said...

I am finishing up some binding and working on the Pat Sloan challenge and a mini periwinkle that may take the rest of my life to finish. Thanks for the lovely give away! love reading your blog!

Kari Nitzel said...

I am working on a Stainglass Window quilt for my sister.
A girl could always use more fabric.
Thanks for the giveaway!

JDBrown said...

i just finished a robe for my daughter and haven't figured out yet what project is next. these would be a wonderful inspiration!

Unknown said...

I am working on my scrap stash .... adding to it and over-achieving!
"Give me LIBERTY or give me death" ....... please!

Carol said...

I would love to see and feel liberty fabrics in person. Today I am working on finishing the borders on a quilt.

Sewing In CT said...

I've started a tumbler quilt with Jennifer Paganelli fabrics. The Liberty prints are lovely!

Amanda S. said...

I'm working on motivating myself.

Beth said...

I just finished (and delivered) a baby quilt. Now, back to the dress I've got cut out.

Stitchcounter said...

Ooh, Liberty fabrics! I'm actually just trying to figure out how to organize my time so I can finish some projects, especially the rag quilt for my godson. Thanks for hosting & Anna for providing the fabric!

susan said...

I am trying to keep my New Years resolution and finish some of my UFOS (I have 17) so I am working on some placemats using Chalk board fabric.

Panda Parables said...

My work in progress: some log cabin blocks (I've cut the fabric but haven't started sewing yet). at this very moment - i'm working at my day job :| Thanks for the giveaway!

Ramona said...

I am working on finishing quilting a T shirt quilt for my son today and then on to the binding!

lmno said...

I am working on binding a quilt made up of Liberty fabrics.

Alice Ronne said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I love Liberty prints! They are so....ME! Right now I'm finishing up some bags that I wanted to give as holiday gifts. Life just kinda got in the way so I'm doing my best to get them done and delivered! akronne17 at gmail dot com

Kelli said...

Sadly, nothing quilt related -- spreadsheets and presentations for work :( But I'm hoping to get back to cutting the last few blocks for my Park Bench quilt tonight.

sylvia said...

Im workin on a lap blanket using vintage fabrics:)

beth said...

How exciting!

I'm working on a Christmas quilt today... got the two I gave as gifts done before Christmas, but didn't get the one for me and my husband finished! Doing it now so we'll be able to enjoy it throughout the season this coming Christmas.

Unknown said...

I'm working on getting up the oomph to start some Dresden plates for an off-the-cuff, vaguely-planned baby quilt...

Stephanie said...

Today I was trying to decide if I needed a ditching foot before I start quilting my first full size quilt. So only a few sample lines sewn.

Unknown said...

I'm working on cleaning up my sewing room from all the holiday sewing projects! I have three WIPs that I'm trying to get done too. The tops are done, some backs are done so I really have no excuses!! Thanks for the chance to win, I don't have any Liberty and would love to see it in person!

Sara said...

What a perfect giveaway for a gloomy January day! I'm working on some cheerful place mats to ward off the gloom.

Anonymous said...

I am working on finishing 381 2-1/2" HST's that I need to make 4 pillow covers for my living room. Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

shona hando said...

Liberty Love! I'm stitching the binding onto my version of Jen Kingwell's Steam Punk quilt.

Janet said...

I'm stitching the gazillionth leaf on my Susan McCord Trailing vines quilt and lovin every minute of it!! I'd love to win some Liberty fabric - thanks for the chance!

Susie said...

How funny you ask - I'm begging the Guinevere quilt for my mums 80th birthday in June. The original I believe was made by Judy Newman but I couldn't afford those so I opted for french general instead.

Unknown said...

I am currently making the binding for two crib size or wall hanging quilts I just finished. I LOVE the Liberty fabric line and if I won I would design and sew a special quilt from the giveaway bundle...gorgeous!

Beth said...

Today I'm working on something for ME! This is very rare, indeed. I would love to win some Liberty fabric. I've had the great pleasure of petting the tana lawn at the Liberty of London shop in London. I think that in heaven, all quilts will be make out of Liberty!

Jan said...

Today I'm making a little drawstring bag for my husband to store his watch, keys and loose change in when he's playing golf. I've made him a few things before as gifts but this is the first time he's actually asked me to make him something so I'm pretty chuffed. Needless to say, I won't be using Liberty - my little stash is way too precious! Thanks, Anna and Amanda Jean.

Amanda said...

What a dreamy giveaway! I am working on my Little Houses from Scraps quilt and a needle turn appliqué pills top! Love your WIP bags!

Suzanne Daniels said...

What an awesome giveaway. Right now I am finishing up on. Mini quilt for my daughter. I haven't decided what my next project should be.

Baa. xxx said...

Hmm..suppose to be basting a quilt but the sunshine and beach are calling here in sunny New Zealand...

Tina Short said...

I am working on getting my dog stabilized on insulin, poor baby.

Unknown said...

I am hoarding little bits of Liberty Lawn to make a spool quilt! Tonight I am going to try and finish the binding on a quilt that my youngest requested. How can you say no to a requested quilt? From your 10 year old boy? You can't!

Unknown said...

Beautiful fabrics. Company just left this morning and I am homeschooling the kids. Hopefully starting a red, white, and blue scrap quilt for Quilts of Valor tomorrow. Thanks.

Judy @ Sew Some Sunshine said...

I'm working on my free motion quilting by making some scrappy potholders and trying different designs.

Karen said...

I am knitting today. I actually put sewing away in the room, with the door shut to force me to finish a couple of knitting projects. Bargained with myself that i can start a new quilt with some japanese fabric i have been dying to use (once i get my kniting done!)
Funny the deals we make with self. Great give away. thanks for hosting. Mrscummings2u at Gmail dot com

Granny Maud's Girl said...

Today I am working on the test block for my stint as queen bee next month. Yesterday I was admiring a friend's Liberty quilt as she was sewing the binding on.

leigh7911 said...

I am working on a cross-stitch (or three)! Next up on the quilty agenda is a large throw for my mom's 60th later this year.

Maggie said...

One of my girlfriends and I are doing a swap - I'm making her a quilt and she's knitting me a sweater! I'm making her the Moda Splash Quilt from the HST bundle with the anchor. I'm so excited to have a handmade sweater, and she can't wait to be cozy :-) Thank you for being such an inspirational blogger. I love reading your tips and tricks!

Katherine said...

I'm working on a quilt for my granddaughter. What gorgeous fabrics!

Tracy said...

I should be working on a baby quilt! But it's on hold as my mom is in rehab after major surgery and my dad just passed away. Things are a bit in limbo right now.

Heather Bond said...

I'm working on a maple leaf quilt to snuggle under next Fall. Also taking a beginning quilting class with my sister next month (I've been quilting on and off for 30 years, she's never quilted) and the class will use Liberty Tana Lawn!

Miss Alissa said...

I had to work today :( I'm hoping to finish the binding on a quilt I was commissioned to quilt. Another finish!

Material Girl said...

I am working on 2 minis and a mystery quilt. Then, I need to quilt many tops.

marcella said...

I'm making zillions of half square triangles in pinks and reds. Using all my scraps and hoping to end up with something for Valentines.

Karen @runsewfun said...

What a fantastic giveaway! Today I'm working on a baby quilt for the first of our next generation! Exciting! Today I also celebrate the first anniversary of my blog. It's been a cold but fun day!

Bree said...

I'm working on healing my left index finger after cutting off half my fingernail while chopping cilantro on Monday. But I've got some quilted placemats in the works for my Mom & Dad's guest houses.

Lorraine said...

Ooh! I do love Liberty of London fabrics.
I have a small collection and winning this bundle would be a nice complement to it!


Sally said...

I'm getting ready to quilt a Double Disappearing 9-Patch. It was fun to make.

Robin said...

I'm working on cutting fabric for a quilt top. I've made quilts for everyone else in my family, so this one is finally for me!

jmj said...

Wow is there anything prettier than Liberty fabric!!!!

cynthia said...

I basted and started hand-quilting my version of Denyse Schmidt's Proverbial Quilt today.

Linda said...

I'm working on a baby quilt, 7th one in 8 months. Everyone I know seems to be having babies! I love Liberty of London fabrics, the florals are just so sweet.


Kristin said...

I'm working on a HST pillow! Made of scraps :D

Jennifer said...

I'm not sewing today :(. What a fantastic giveaway, I live Liberty!

OurKookyLife said...

i'm currently working on 3 quilts (a jelly roll rainbow, a pinwheel and a chevron) - and a few dresses for the nieces as birthday gifts

Unknown said...

I am laughing at myself. I designed a block to go on the back of a memory quilt for a graduated senior, and it is supposed to be two "K"s that face each other and also make an "M" ... her initials. And it does ... until you see that it ALSO makes an Imperial Fighter ship ... and now that is all I can see. She isn't the least bit geek-souled, so she won't see that, but I am cracking myself up!

AnnieMac said...

Love your blog, I pick up so many tips and hints from you. I am working on a quilt that has been hanging around for a number of years and I'm happy to say it's almost all together. Thanks for the chance to win some liberty fabric (it's the most Devine fabric that I could just sit and feel all day).

Unknown said...

I would love to win some Liberty fabric!
I've been working on Valentine's pillows. So far have a sprocket pillow, a crazy quilt heart pillow, and one more will be a cross my heart pillow--3 hearts appliqued on a rectangular pillow.

GO STARS! said...

I'm currently working on some baby quilts for great nieces due in March. I had some Kitty Cucumber panels that in using. A little different than my norm but very cute.

Lyndsey said...

I love the liberty tana lawn, it is fabulous to work with. I made a dresden plate quilt with it. Today I have been working on my cross stitch.

Amy from Our Dish said...

So lovely! Thanks Anna!

Rachel said...

Love, love, love this giveaway! Tonight I am hoping to work on a belated Christmas present - a Star Wars Rowan hoodie, and my soon-to-be nephew's baby quilt (Star Wars, steak, and dots)!

Stephanie said...

Love the bundle! I am binding a quilt today. thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

I'm piecing a back for a quilt top recently completed for my daughter. This one is long overdue to be completed.
I absolutely love working with Liberty Fabric - in love with the lovely soft feel! Thanks for the opportunity!

Rachel @ Quiltineering said...

Fab giveaway! I've never owned Liberty but I've always admired them from afar!

I'm working on a paper pieced table runner. Can't wait to see it come together!

Unknown said...

I am working on two Christmas quilts, and no I'm not late for last year, I'm early for this year. At least that's the story I'm sticking with. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Love Liberty Lawn! I have memories of a blouse my mom made me to go with a blue suit she made me. I am currently sewing together churn dash blocks I pieced sometime last year. The top is almost complete. Would love to win this fabric.

Judith, Belfast said...

I adore Liberty too! I'm currently turning some tiny Liberty scraps into epp hexies for a round floor cushion. Thanks so much for the giveaway! Jxo

Unknown said...

I am alternating between an I-Spy quilt and the Love Letters quilt. It's so much fun being able to choose what to do :)

Unknown said...

Hello, I am working an a PIRATE quilt at the moment for a 2 month old baby up the road. I have finished the quilt. He won't need it until winter time here in OZ.

I just L O V E Liberty Fabric, but it is very expensive here in Australia. I would love to win some!!!


Jennie in GA said...

Working on a Dresden Plate using blue scraps. Lovely giveaway , and glad to find a good source for Liberty fabrics.

Liane Radford said...

I'm making backing for my quilt from Sunday Morning Quilts! Can't wait to have it completed. I would love some Liberty fabric!

Michelle @ From Bolt to Beauty said...

I'm making some pillow cases for charity today -- OK, and two for me! : )

Jusmom1 said...

I'm working on a surprise quilt for my son. Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Susan Holman said...

Liberty fabrics are a favorite of mine! Currently I'm playing with making a "weighted" quilt. It has 1/4 c of plastic bean bag pellets in each 5" square of a quilted grid. I ran out of beads so need to go get more tomorrow. It is turning out really neat!

S Staum said...

How exciting! I own a small little stash of Liberty prints- 8 fat-eighths that I am hoarding! It's great to know a good source lot get more! I've been working on a wonky star quilt made from gnome fabric! Gotta love a gnome!!

Beth Strand said...

I'm working on wonky star blocks to use up my drawer of scrap triangles! Pbstrand@

DeniseMarie said...

Wow - those are some of the prettiest Liberty fabrics I've seen yet!

Today (unfortunately) I'm working on Physics and Calculus homework. But this weekend I'll be working on my Fair Isle quilt again!

Maryjo said...

Oh my what a huge response! I have never worked with or seen these fabrics but sure have heard about them! They must be awfully special....hope I win! I am currently finishing up my block of the month from the Fat Quarter Shop. My goal is to finish up more projects! Love your blog!!

Lori V. said...

Oh. My. Goodness! I am currently planning out a quilt for my mom and dad, two grad quilts and two wedding quilts! Adding these beauties to my stash could alter the plan!

Serena @ Sewgiving said...

I'm working on some Liberty butterflies to make a border for a quilt at the moment - thank you for the opportunity to win!

pingraham said...

I am working on a quilt for my very first grandchild - a little girl who would LOVE to have something made from this beautiful bunch of Liberty cottons! They are gorgeous! Thanks for this give-away!

JD said...

I'm working on binding for a flannel scrap quilt. The Liberty fabrics are beautiful. Thanks.

Pamela Lynne said...

today is a banner day! I just finished FMQ my FIRST quilt, made for my little grandson who will be one in a few weeks. I LOVE liberty - and can't wait to work with the stash I have - I'd love to add your bundle to it!

Jamie said...

How beautiful! Once I kick this sinus infection, I will be making some PJ pants for my toddler and starting a quilt for my parents.

Quiltgal said...

I am currently working on a Blooming 9 patch. said...

I am working on an applique piece for a blog hop, the Aurifil block of the Month for December, and the Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt by Bonnie Hunter. Lovely give away, and I am off to check out her shop.

Lee said...

I worked long hrs today and hopefully will be able to do some handstitching on a binding for my nephews Eagle Scout quilt! thank you!

heatherly said...

I am working on a panda quilt for my oldest daughter. I have always wanted to try these beautiful liberty fabrics but could never justify the cost. :-)

kay said...

(Those Liberty fabrics are so colorful and happy!) Today I'm I'm trying to finish a UFO I started 7 years ago!

Anonymous said...

I'm planning a plus quilt with a wonderful bundle of Terra Australis fabric I bought before Christmas. I keep planning it because I'm having a difficult time cutting into it! It's so pretty! When I finally do cut and sew, it will be mine -- all mine!

cathy said...

I am working on a summer block of the week from Primitive Gatherings. It's taking a long time but I love it. Quite different from Liberty fabrics, but I enjoy both styles.

Patti said...

Such lovely fabrics! Today I am quilting a quilt for a good friend of mine. A wonderful top with cherry reds, lime greens and turquoise. I love it!

Hiromi said...

Hi Amanda, I have been a big fun of your quilts and blog for years. I love your color scheme and crispy design. I just finished a kiss lock frame purse for my Valentine sale.

Deb said...

Row Along, mitten row.

Anonymous said...

I am working on an HST quilt for Quilts of Valour

Anonymous said...

I'm making a wedding quilt for a friend.

Unknown said...

I am making a small medallion style quilt using florals and spring like fabrics.

Little Penpen said...

I'm sewing the binding and label on the quilt for my daughter's first baby! :) :)

Becki said...

ONE of the projects I'm working on is a quilt made from batik layer cake and charm pack squares. A friend and I are making the same quilt at the same time. I guess that's a mini quilt-along, huh?!

Unknown said...

I love Liberty of London....I fell in love with the fabric in 1982, my sister made me a top/blouse for a trip I was going to take. I wish I still had it. Anyway, I am working on a Fall Forest quilt kit and I want to substitute some of the solids with Liberty. Thanks for a chance to win.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I'd love to win those pretty prints! I'm working on a table stand quilt that I'll show at the end of the month.

Jill said...

I am working on getting a new machine, which is exciting and sad at the same time. I love my old machine, but it's time for a new one.

Tracy said...

I'm basting my Sawtooth quilt from Denyse Schmidt's book, thinking about how I'd like to quilt it!

Beth said...

What am I working on at the moment? Healing from knee surgery so only a couple of knitting needles in my lap - the sewing room is upstairs and I can't quite maneuver the steps - LOL - but every day is a little better. Winning those wonderful Liberty fabrics would motivate my PT!

Unknown said...

I am finishing up a baby quilt.

Unknown said...

I am working on my scrumptious quilt as you go quilt. I would love a chance to work with those Liberty Lawn fabrics! Thanks! cherisetoweratgmaildotcom

becka said...

I remember liberty print clothing from when I was in college. I'm about to start in on an apron for my daughter who is a professional baker.

Dora, the Quilter said...

I love Liberty fabrics. About 30 years ago when I was making all my clothes, I splurged on a Liberty print for a blouse. Loved it!
Today I'm working on a prayer quilt for a cousin who was stricken with a virus that put him in the hospital and rehab.

Angela said...

Binding a quilt for my aunt and piecing arcs for a DWR quilt. :)

Unknown said...

I'm working on a triple Irish chain block for a baby quilt!!

Marie said...

What a lovely collection - so full of the promise of Spring! Thanks for the giveaway. I'm working on finishing the quilting on a quilt for a very dear friend that has been in the works for so long I'm amazed that she's still my friend :). I'm on the outside borders though and that's a HUGE breakthrough so the end is in sight!

Unknown said...

I am working on refashioning a dress I bought from a thrift shop to bring it into this decade and also on a mini quilt of lovely blues and grays with a hint of orange.

Leigh said...

I am working on a large quilted pillow for a friend's baby. I love your blog!

Kathy E. said...

This is a gorgeous collection of fabrics! Right now, I'm working on a block-of-the-month project, but it's getting difficult to keep up when I'm working so many hours. the weekend will be busy!

What Comes Next? said...

Oh so pretty! Today I'm working on finishing a baby quilt - binding, and the possibly starting another one!

Rachel said...

I am working on a layer cake quilt. Basting away!

Laura said...

I'm working on Bonnie Hunter's latest mystery, Grand Illusion. The center and inner border are on. I hope to completely finish the top this week.

Marti Taylor said...

I am currently working on a scarf for my mother-in-law, her birthday is Saturday, as well as making binding for a different project.

Kimberly said...

I've been making chicken stock and chicken vegetable soup and longing to sew a binding on a queen size quilt so I have something to do this weekend in my downtime. I'd love a chance to see Liberty Fabric in person; thanks for the giveaway offer!

Shari said...

Especially love looking at the Liberty fabrics this winter; they seem to promise that spring is coming! Looking forward to your pattern for the WIP bags. Too many WIP's, always looking for improved organization. Your blog always inspires, thanks!

Patricia said...

I have always wanted to make something using Liberty fabrics but they are not readily available here in TN. I am currently quilting a quilt for my granddaughter to give as a HS graduation gift. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

Patty said...

My local quilt shop has a block of the month club. With December now over I have my 12 completed blocks and it's time to decide on which colors/fabrics to use for my sashing and borders. I love doing a block of the month because it challenges me to sew up quilt block patterns I normally wouldn't ever try.

LizA said...

I am working on a "picnic" quilt for my grandson's first grade class fundraising project. when the top is completed we will go shopping for the backing fabric--and he gets to chose whatever he likes!

Shannon Wallace said...

Hi AmandaJean! WOW, those are gorgeous fabrics! Thank you for showing those to us...I've not heard of them before. Unfortunately, both of my machines (only ones that I own) are at the sewing machine hospital, in preparation for our move across the blue ocean. Thus, I am not working on anything! I guess I could start cutting out fabric for a project, though. ;)

Quilter Bridget said...

I'm working on a baby quilt, but not in pastels! The mom to be loves psychedelic colors, so I'm using bright colors and the predominate fabric is a wonderful tye-dye print. I love brights, so this is a fun one to work on.

Unknown said...

I worked on a "plus" quilt this morning. Now, just have to decide on my background - am leaning toward a colorful solid. Thanks so much for the give away and chance to win. I have never seen Liberty fabrics in person, only online.

Hayley said...

I am wearing a Liberty top today. And it is lovely and very touchable! I just started cutting a baby quilt for a colleague - it's going to be a scrappy Union jack

scottylover said...

I am not currently working on anything. I just finished making two iron caddies, piecing a lap size top and started a BOM so I am taking a little break until the weekend. The projects are swirling around in my head, though!
Sandy A

Carol said...


Kay said...

I'm working on a selvage project...I enjoy reading your blog...and I would love receiving the gorgeous Liberty fabrics!!! Thanks in advance.

Renee said...

Working on an angel mini quilt for the #igminiswap!

Brittany said...

I'm working on my 2015 quilty goals, starting with a t-shirt quilt.

Machelle said...

oh my those are lovely!!! Today I am working n the first round of a round robin( I am excited !! Never have done one like this before.) and piecing a gift for a dear friend who will be retiring in February- Better get a move on!

Cara said...

Thanks for the great lead! I want to make a shirt out of that tana lawn fabric and now I know just where to buy it. Just as soon as I finish up the two baby quilts that must get done...

EmileeHope said...

I just finished a bag (free tutorial from Noodlehead) to use as my hospital bag for baby #3 due 2/3! So to finish up the rest of the things for the nursery including a quilt!

Linda Smith said...

I am working on my original pattern for the quilt I am making for my son's college graduation. He's a mathematician and the quilt will use the Fibonacci series with big curves of Kona solids in his favorite colors.

Claudia said...

Beautiful fabric! And I love that Anna wants to make Liberty fabric more affordable. Mostly working on charity blocks so far this month. I've got four more cut and ready to assemble.

Janet Ann said...

I'm working on a Sashiko and Appliqué quilt. Thank you for the opportunity to win Liberty fabric.... Your right it is "Fine"!

Cassandra said...

Today, I made another mini quilt. These are gorgeous fabrics!

DeborahGun said...

I am working on a plus quilt for my youngest son.

Cappy said...

I'm working on a crossover bag by Marlous Designs. Tying the slip knot and it's done. I'm a big Liberty fan.

Unknown said...

I am working on cleaning up my sewing room (not sure why!) before I start on two baby quilts.

Simone said...

Today I am at work, boo (but I guess I need to earn money to pay for fabric and the mortgage lol) but tonight I hope to work on creating some sense in my craft room and cut our a couple of purse/bag patterns.

Unknown said...

I am working on a quilt top using Sweetwater's BoatHouse fabric. Love reading your blog!

wobblybobbin said...

I just pulled and played with fabrics, planning for a trail tote - but too sick to do much else :)

Diane said...

Oh those fabrics look beautiful
Today I was quilting on my HQ and suddenly was inspired to re arrange where my ironing board and second machine are located- works so much better!! Why u didn't think of it earlier and why it just struck me at that moment is beyond me😄 but I'll take inspiration whenever it hits!
Thanks for a great winter giveaway and I'm sure you'll get that zipper thing figured out real soon.

Unknown said...

I'm working on a quilt using Sweetwater's Boat House fabric. Love reading your blog!

Crafty Hippy said...

I am working on some one inch epp hexies with 30's repro fabric. I have always wanted to try some liberty hexies and I like the idea of more affordable prices. Great give away thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I just finished a quilt, & I'm starting scrappy log cabin. Thanks for a beautiful giveaway!

Ashley Calder said...

Wow, thanks for this great give-away chance. Today I'm working on cleaning up my creative space! Not very much fun. :)
Off to check out her store!

Sarah Craig said...

Today I'm working on my third 16-patch sample quilt for the Sweet Sixteen quilt along on my blog. Trying hard to keep ahead of the pack!!

Kathleen said...

Quilt bee blocks

Cheryl @ Simply Shoeboxes said...

I am working on skirts for girls in need. I am working on designing an elastic/drawstring waist combo.

Elizabeth said...

I'm working on a Baba Yaga quilt for my great grand-daughter. I'm closing in on the finish, but was getting tired and re-tired to the computer.e

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