Monday, September 29, 2014

250th quilt celebration!

This past summer I finished my 250th quilt and today I am happy to be hosting a HUGE giveaway to celebrate this milestone. This summer also marked my 14th year as a quilter and it has been quite a ride! I'm very thankful for my journey. I can't wait to see what happens next!
People always ask, "what do you DO with all of your quilts?" That is a VERY good question. We use them in our home, of course! We use lots of quilts on our beds. (Obviously.) I have a well stocked quilt cupboard, which stores the ones that aren't currently in use. The quilts stacked on top of the cupboard are my "work" quilts (ones that I take to trunk shows or have patterns for).
I have started rolling them up and putting them into baskets.
I have filled my quilt ladder as well. Spreading them throughout the house makes it seem like less of a problem. Hahaha!
They also make great wall art. For some reason I used to be opposed to hanging quilts on the wall. I have no idea why, but I got over it. (To hang them, I use heavy duty stick pins and shove the pin right into the sheet rock. Thankfully my husband doesn't mind!) I recently hung this one in my sewing room and I LOVE how well it fits in that spot. It makes me happy to see it every day.

In addition to that, I give some quilts away to friends, family and to charity as well, but I need to do more of that. Let's just one in my house has reason to complain about being cold. EVER. :)

Ok, now on to the giveaway! I have rounded up a fabulous selection of prizes from some companies and friends that have supported me along the way. I'm passing these prizes on to you!

A Beach House thread set compliments of Connecting Threads.
One 50 pack of Clover wonder clips in PINK! compliments of Connecting Threads.
A fat quarter bundle of Lion's Share Fabric by Cotton and Steel compliments of Connecting Threads.
A fat quarter bundle of Leo Lounge by Cotton and Steel compliments of Connecting Threads.
A fat quarter bundle of Calico compliments of Dear Stella.
A "Sewing Makes Me Happy" coffee mug compliments of Modern Textiles. (Heavily creamed coffee not included!)
 A splash rotary cutter (my favorite!) compliments of Olfa.
Wonderful hand made soap compliments of my friend Tara.
 A BUNCH of mini charm packs, compliments of Moda.
21 (!!!) charm packs, compliments of Moda.
And...a fat quarter bundle of the 32 NEW Kona colors, compliments of Robert Kaufman.
Those are some pretty great prizes, aren't they?? MANY thanks to Connecting Threads, Dear Stella, Modern Textiles, Olfa, Tara, Moda and Robert Kaufman for donating these fabulous prizes!!!

Here are the specifics. Please read everything carefully!
Because of the high price of overseas shipping, the prizes shown above will be limited to residents of  US, with the exception of the prizes from Connecting Threads, which are limited to residents of the US and Canada. I apologize for the limitations. However, I wanted to do something so everyone could win.
This may be a little bit crazy, but I'm going to do it anyway. :)
Everyone who leaves me a comment on this post will receive a free PDF pattern of your choice from here or here. In your comment, leave your pattern choice, your email address and also the country in which you live. To those of you who are in the US and Canada, your comment will also enter you into the drawing for the prizes above. I hope that all makes sense!! I need a writer to help me out with my disclaimer. :)
I will send the PDF patterns out via email. (It may take me up to two weeks depending on volume, but we will see how it goes!)
I will pick winners of the prizes shown above sometime later this week.

Thank you for celebrating 250 quilts with me! Here's to the next 250!!!

Happy Monday to you! :)

edited to add: thanks for all your fabulous comments! the giveaway is now closed. winners will be announced soon.


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Stacy said...

Thank you! I always love to see your new projects and what you are doing. Thank you for sharing your talent!! I choose the Tree Quilt pattern. Such an awesome quilt. I live in Arizona.

Jamie said...

I adore the Trees pattern! It's so perfectly Christmas!

whikerybasket [at] gmail [dot] com

I live in the U.S.

klstitches said...

Wow, 250 quilts, that is definitely a milestone! I would love the scrap happy purse, how very generous of you! My email is I do love following your blog, you are an inspiration!

Alicia said...

I love the scrap happy purse pattern. Congratulations.I love reading your blog because you sew what makes you happy. you don't appear to sew or blog to gain followers and you come across very genuine.

Unknown said...

Wow what an accomplishment ! Congrats to you! I love your Bright Birch tree quilt.
Thank you from NJ

Anonymous said...

I would love to win any of the beautiful prizes. I would enjoy a copy of the Waiting Quilt. Thank you.

GranChris said...

That's quite an accomplishment. Stack 250 squares of fabric or 250 quarters. It's a lot of fabric, time and love. What is the single most important thing you learned? I would love to have your Birch trees. I think my nieces would like that pattern. Have a cup of coffee and a chocolate and look back now on all you accomplished. Job well done.

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is so generous of you! Congratulations on 250 quilts - I love your work, especially all of the scrappy things. I would love to have a copy of the Bright Birch Trees Pattern! I always admired it and can´t wait to give it a go!
Thanks again!
Steffi from Germany
andrewandsteff @ live dot com

SonjaWP said...

Congratulations on your 250th quilt! I love following your blog. I would love a Trees pattern. My email address is I'm from the US.

Stefanie said...

Congrats on your first 250. That's amazing! Here's to the next 250!
What a generous giveaway! I live in the US and I'd love your diamond pillow pattern.

gabbie said...

Wow! Congratulations!
I love the Waiting quilt.
I live in Canada.
My email is catholicfan
Thank you so much.

Sandra Coleman Clarke said...

Wow you do have lots of quilts and so pretty too! Pattern I like is Birch trees. Sandra Clarke US, Georgia. Email address is
Thanks for all your blogs, you do inspire me to get busy and make something!!!!

Skaapie said...

Wow, congrats on the 250. What a fabulous giveaway. So difficult to choose a pattern, but I'm going for Bright Birch Trees. franceshallATmagicmailDOTcoDOTza
And I'm all the way from South Africa :-)

Unknown said...

Oh wow I would love a copy of the waiting quilt as I am waiting for a new grandchild it would be a great pattern. I'm from Australia. Thank you.

Kari Nitzel said...

Congratulations on your 250th, what a great way to celebrate. I would love the PDF of trees! I am in the US.

Heleen Groot said...

Congratulations on your 250th quilt! And what a sweet give away! I would love the tree quilt pattern. My email is Thank you so much and here's hoping you'll make loads more quilts with equal pleasure!

Unknown said...

what a wonderful give away! And 250 FINISHED quilts! I would love to have the Little Connections pattern and thank you! USA I especially love your Friday blog because I can enjoy the projects all week long. Peggy Moreland

Momma said...

Thanks for sharing, your works of art are lovely.
The diamond pillow pattern would be my choice.

Esther said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts!! That is amazing! Thank you for the give-away! My email is, I live in Canada and I would love the scrap happy purse pattern.
Thank you!

Miggsie said...

Congratulations on such a big milestone, and thanks for the amazing giveaway! I'm in the US and would love your Thread Catchers pattern. My email is megan dot blomquist24 at gmail dot com. Thanks again!

Nikki said...

I just finished my 3rd quilt - what you've accomplished is pretty spectacular. Congratulations! And thanks for the fabulous giveaway. I love your Waiting Quilt pattern.

All the best to you --

Catherine said...

What a total- 250 quilts, amazing!
I have followed for a few months and love your work. The "Bright Birch Trees" is a fab pattern and I would love a pdf when you have the time. It's a really fun design.
ps. I live in the UK

EverythingscomingupRosie said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts. What an accomplishment! I quite like your Trees pattern and would love to win that one. Thank you for the chance to win such great prizes and best of luck with all your "quilty" endeavours.

Christine said...

Wow amazing 205 quilts in 14 years !!! Congratulations on such a milestone.... Thanks for the free pattern you are very generous. I live in the US and my email is

I would choose the pattern called " bright birch trees "

Thank you again for the pattern and a chance to win one of these awesome prizes !!!

Unknown said...

WOW! 250 quilts...unbelievable. I choose Waiting as my quilt choice. I live in the US and my email is: Thanks for the opportunity to win. Here's to another 250!

DeniseClaire said...

I would like the waiting quilt (and would love to win the Kona solids FQ bundle!). email denisegill73 at yahoo dot com. USA

Your Finish It Up Friday link-ups are my "happy place" to visit on my iPad just before I turn out the light each night. It is a blessing to shut out the ugliness going on in the world and let my mind rest on peaceful creative thoughts about quilting. So thanks for hosting it, AmandaJean!

Angela said...

Congratulations! 250 quilts is amazing! It's very generous of you to offer the free pattern. I live in Australia and my email address is I'd love the Bright Birch Trees pattern. Thanks again!

crafty prance said...

I love the bright birch tree pattern. I am in the US, my email is Thanks for the free pattern and the chance to win goodies!

Helen in the UK said...

Happy 250!! That is a great achievement. Loved seeing how you display your quilts ... showed DH the quilt ladder and said I 'need' one - LOL.
Thank you for your very generous offer to give all your readers a free pattern, I'd love to receive Trees!

excuseme23 said...

Happy Monday to you, shame I live in the UK as that is one generous giveaway, I'd be happy to pay postage myself. Otherwise I love your threadcatcher pattern. Congratulations on the milestone and I admire your blog.

DianeY said...

Wow! Congrats definitely in order! Thanks in advance for the PDF patterns. I think my fav is Bright Birch Trees

Vicki said...

Congrats on your 250th! The 'trees' pattern is great. USA quiltersmission at gmail dot com

Juli said...

Wow, you are so generous! I love to read your blog and take a look at all of the unique patterns that you come up with. The "Thread Catcher" pattern would help me a bunch to use up my scrap stash!

I am in the USA and can be contacted by:

Thanks a bunch!

suzanprincess said...

What great stuff, especially including your patterns! 250 quilts is a big accomplishment; be proud of your talents.

I'd love your scrappy purse pattern. I'm danceinfo2014 AT att DOT net, and live in the U.S.

Laurelle said...

Wow , congrats on 250 quilts! I don't feel so bad now at having quilts all over my house! Thanks for the generous giveaway. I would really love your pattern for the scrappy happy bag please :) I think they would make a nice christmas gift . I am in Australia :)

Jittina said...

Congratulations on your 250th quilt and 14 years of quilting!
And what a great way to celebrate!
I like the Trees! pattern. My email is vynidra at gmail dot com and I live in Sweden. Thank you very much for this great celebration.

Vicky said...

Wow, congratulations on the quilt milestone! You started this quilt journey about the same time I did. Always enjoy your blog and the inspiration. I would adore the trees! quilt pattern. Thanks again, Vicky

Vicky said...

Sorry, forgot to mention I am in Oregon, USA

Thank you, Vicky

Kay said...

Congrats on your amazing amount of quilts. The first quilt I ever made was Gumdrops form your book Sunday Morning quilts. I would love the Trees pattern please. My email is, and I live in England. x

patricia said...

How generous you are! I love the trees pattern.
I live in Greece

Pauline said...

What a fabulous collection of both quilts and prizes! You are amazing! I love the thread catcher and would choose that pattern. kenpauline at swtexas dot com.

lalaluu said...

I am both inspired and humbled by your accomplishment! (I am only on finished quilt #6.) Your "trees!" pattern is my pick. I kind of love the name as well as the pattern. ;) My e-mail is, and I live in the US.

Marianne said...

Wow, 250 quilts, and what an amazing giveaway! I live in Australia but I totaly understand! I would love the pattern for diamond pillow. Thanks! xxxx

Inge C said...

Thank you so much for your inspiration on scrap busting. I would be happy to try your pattern Bright Birch Trees, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Greetings from a fan in Denmark,

mjb said...

Thread catcher,, USA. Thanks and wow!

Dawn said...

Congrats on the milestone!
What a very generous giveaway! I would pick the birch trees pattern. Thank you1

Unknown said...

Wow, congratulations on all of that hard work! 250 quilts would take me about as many years to complete! Love the Bright Birch Trees pattern for its wonderful use of scraps. I live in the US and can be contacted at Thanks so much for all the great information on your blog and in your book!

Unknown said...

250 quilts - what an amazing accomplishment! I'm in TN and love your Birch Trees Quilt pattern. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

Maxine said...

I love your Trees pattern! Congrats on such a fun milestone. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Liz said...

Wow what an incredible response. I love your Trees! Pattern. I live in New Zealand but have a US shipping address. Congratulations on 12 years of quilting :-)

Unknown said...

Wow 250! I've managed 1 so far. I'd love to give your Trees! a try. I'm in Northern Ireland. I check in every Friday for inspiration. My email address is

ultraorganized said...

What lovely quilts and what a milestone - I love to look at the creations I have made and they are displayed as well -- thank you for the giveaway and thank you for the PDF of the quilt Waiting -- my email is - keep those quilts coming #!}

Momma2Three said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts! I would love to try my hand at the Trees quilt pattern. Thank you!
I live in the USA and my email is
Thanks again!

Happyhippo2412 said...

I'd love to have the tree pattern. I read your Posts with al lot of joy and think you have excellent taste! I'm living in the Netherlands, so I can't compeed for the great presents. But I love it that you make the effort for people further away! My e-mail:

Anonymous said...

This is truly amazing - 250 quilts in 14 years, I don't know how you could do it. Congratulations and thanks so much for the free pattern! My e-mail address is and I'm a huge fan of the "waiting quilt".

Patti said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts! You are amazing! Thanks for sharing with us, I would love to have your Scrap Happy Purse pattern! I live in Pennsylvania, USA.

Linda said...

250 quilts - that adds up to a lot of hours at the sewing machine and several miles of thread. Congratulations on your accomplishment. I would like the Diamond Pillow - thank you very much for the pattern. USA

Unknown said...

Congrats! I live in the US and my email is I would love the bright birch trees pattern.


Unknown said...

I love your blog! Amazing effort with the 250 quilts. May there be many more. I'd love the Birch Trees quilt. Thanks for your generosity.

I'm from Australia.

therese said...

Wow, what a wonderful giveaway ! Thank you.
I love the pattern'Little Connections'
Imagine all the fabrics that went into each and everyone of those quilts!
I live in Australia.

Peggy said...

Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment! Thank you for the generous giveaway also. I would love the thread catcher pattern. I live in the U.S. and my email address is

Unknown said...

yay!!!! I'm in the US. TEXAS ;)
I love your blog - 250 quilts is amazing I'm working on my first few. I would love to make - trees - Thanks

Lee said...

Wow! What an accomplishment and what a great giveaway! I would love your 'trees' quilt pattern. I live in the US and my email is
Thank You!

Zarla said...

Huge congratulations on your 250 quilts!! Wow! I am still yet to make my first quilt although I have a couple of finished tops done :) I'm in Australia and would love your diamond pillow pattern please! I loved it from when I first saw it but was waiting until I moved house and got my new sewing room set up to make it :) email is

margaret said...

250 quilts that is amazing, your house looks so colourful. I live in the UK shame as there are some wonderful give aways you have there!! My choice of pattern would be the scrap purse/bag. Best of luck with the next 250 or more.

Saira p said...

Wow that's quite an achievement - not only making 250 quilts but using and storing that many too! Very generous giveaway, thank you. I'm in the UK and my email is I'd love the diamond pillow pattern, thanks.

jirons42 said...

I love the Bright Birch Tree pattern. I've had the pleasure of sewing with you at a couple of MHC sew-ins. What fun! Not surprisingly, I live in Grand Rapids, MI.

Pamela said...

Congratulations on your 250th quilt! I love reading your blog. It will be a long time before I reach 250 since I am only at 5 personal quilts and 8 charity quilts. Lucky #13. I live in the US and my email is and I love your scrap happy purse pattern most (actually love them all) as I have made many purses and smaller items learning this new craft. If I am sew lucky to win a prize too, coffee trumps fabric. Love the saying on the mug. There's a story... Hope our paths cross so I have a chance to share it. Wishing you the best on the next 250. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love your blog, your quilts, and prizes.

I'd like the waiting pattern.

leanne said...

oh my goodness - 1,117 comments - you are going to be so awesomely busy sending out patterns to everyone - crazy mom is right hehehe - congratulations on so many amazing quilts and thanks so much for sharing your journey with us - I love reading about all of the quilts you make ! I'm in australia so can't enter for the giveaway but what a generous giveaway too ! love the clover clips in pink - eeek - might have to find some of those :) I'm already extremely lucky to have most of your patterns but as you offered I'd love the waiting quilt - its another adorable pattern :) daisyandjack at

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great gift to celebrate your accomplishment

US - I would love to make burch trees.

I look forward to your blogs, please keep inspiring !!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! 250 quilts is really a significant number. I follow you and love your work, is a source of inspiration.
Feel free to choose the pattern, love them all.
My e-mail:

Blossom quilts & Crafts said...

250? wow, that is amazing, well done!
I'm french but currently lives in new-zeland and would love to do your tree pattern (I got given a full box of scraps). My email is:

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

Jeanne said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts. I like Little Connections pattern and thank you for it. email

Unknown said...

Congratulations! 250 quilts is really a significant number. I follow you and love your work, is a source of inspiration.
Feel free to choose the pattern, love them all.
My e-mail:

Plum Cox said...

250 quilts Amanda Jean?!? Wow! Well done you! So lovely to see them all around your house.
I live in the UK - and if you ever work your way this far down the list (there are a lot of comments!), then I'd love to have a copy of 'waiting quilt', please!
I live in the UK -
Thanks for such a great blog and such a generous giveaway!

liniecat said...

Many congrats! It's a bummer living in UK, buying your book and following your blog by email for ages lol but postal costs have increased your right.
This may seem a daft question, but are homes not centrally heated in any way in the US normally?
It would partly explain why so many american homes are filled with quilts, well, with so many quilts lol
Besides them all looking so wonderful whether on walls, in baskets and cupboards, or hung over rails, their colours and patterns would lift the spirits in any weather, in any case!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a great accomplishment! I would love to make the scrap happy purse!! You are so generous!
I live in the USA!


kt said...

Wow--amazing accomplishment and amazing giveaway! I really like the scrap happy purse. Thank you for your generous gift.
ktyoung1(at)gmail(dot)com in the USA

Francine said...

Congrats on your milestone! I currently have zero quilts for myself, but I am in the middle of rectifying that number! This one will NOT be given away! ;) I like Bright Birch Trees, USA,

Julie said...

I've been following you for awhile now and envy your ability to sew consistently beautiful and inspiration filled quilts. Congrats on you milestone and let me be one of the first to encourage you to create another 250! My quilt pattern choice would be Bright Birches.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much.
I love reading your blog, I don't need a pattern, justs wanted to say congrats!

In the UK!

Unknown said...

Congrats! Dang 250! That's so awesome! Ok I'm USA and is love to try the waiting quilt. (The name totally cracks me up and is so perfect. Lol)

sandrarumsey said...

250 quilts is amazing!
My choice of pattern is the Scrap Happy purse. I live in the U.K., and my e-mail address is

Unknown said...

Amanda Jean, your quilts are awesome, and visiting your blog always brings a smile to my day! By the way, your "Little Connections" quilt has now been repinned from my Pinterest board over 2000 (!) times. You've got a LOT of fans out here in blogland! Congratulations on reaching your 250th quilt milestone!

Unknown said...

I would love the PDF of "waiting". I follow your blog, love love love it! I live in Norway, but have one adress in pennsylvania USA to, and my email address is Thank you so much, and congrats!

RachelN. said...

Congrats on 250 quilts! And thanks for sharing your talents. I don't comment often but I follow at least weekly and have learned so many wonderful tips and tricks from your blog. I'm in the US and love the "Waiting" quilt. Thanks again,

Sherry said...

Hi Amanda Jean,

Congratulations on the great accomplishment of 250 quilts!

I wish I had kept count of the quilts that I have done.....but I don't know if I have done quite that many.

Your TREES pattern is lovely and one that I would like to make. My email addy is: crazyquiltpatcher. AT. yahoo DOT. Com.

Thank you for the generous giveaway.

BTW, when is your next book coming? I love the first one.

Sherry V.

the amazing jelly fish said...

You are truly an inspiration. Congats on 250 + all the other things you do and in only 14 yrs I really don't know how you get it all done.
Could I please have thread catcher.
Thank you for your generOsity

Christi said...

I would love the pattern for trees! All of your quilts are amazing. I am from the U.S.

JoyceLM said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts. Wow!! I'd love the Thread Catchers pattern - living in the USA - jleekamitchell(at)yahoo(dot)com. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

GypsyQuilter said...

Came to your blog via another blog that was written in German - glad I found your site! I love the birch trees pattern. I live in the USA, email address is gypsyquilter "at" gmail "dot" com

margot said...

Wow! What an accomplishment! I had such a hard time deciding which of your patterns I liked most. :) but think the scrap happy purse is just what I need. and I live in the US.
Thank you so much for so generously sharing your celebration with us!

Marijke said...

Congrats on your 250th quilt, so many.... I would love to own the pattern for the waiting quilt. I live in the Netherlands, but I do have a US mailing address....
Thank you so much, Marijke

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'd love the Trees! pattern. I have a US mailing address, although I live in Zimbabwe.

LynneMcL said...

Congratulations on 14 years of quilting and 250 quiilts! That's a really impressive accomplishment. I'm a blog follower from wester Massachusetts. I love your Bright Birch Tree Pattern.

nalaha3 said...

WOW, you are gonna be one busy lady! Congratulations on your milestone. I would love to make the "waiting quilt". will find me in Auckland, New Zealand

sewhappy2bsewing said...

WOW! You are so generous. I love your Birch tree pattern- so modern. Thanks again. Celebrate your achievement.

Kelly Riley said...

Congrats on the 250!!! I would like the little connections pattern. I am from the US. Thanks!!!!

Anita said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts.
I live on South Australia & would love the thread catcher pattern. My email address is

Unknown said...

Congrats. Love your blog. Happy purse pattern is my favorite. Email

Cascade Quilts said...

Congrats on 250 quilts! That is an amazing feat in such a relatively short time!
What an amazing giveaway! Thank you so much! I would love a PDF of 'Waiting' :)
I am in Washington State, USA
My email is
Thanks so much for the chance to win some fantastic prizes!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! the number of quilts is truly amazing! and just beautiful! i love all the quilt patterns - but i'd love the scrappy purse pattern. looking forward to the next designs and quilts!i live in michigan!

Born4Travel said...

Holy Moly you have quite a give away! Thank you for being so generous! I would love the Trees! pattern. Seems like a good one for Christmas time. Congratulations on your 250th Quilt. :)
bcjsborn @ Yahoo . com
~ Carol from Michigan.

Joyschoice said...

WOW 250 quilts! Makes me want to count how many I've made! I would love the 'trees' pattern -- I love the photos using the nontraditional colors! I live in Fort Lauderdale Florida in the USA!

kate said...

Wow, what a milestone and thanks for the giveaways. I have always loved the Bright Birch Trees quilt and would love a copy. Email is kate93 at I live in the US.
Thank you.

Melissa F. said...

Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment! I have always been very envious of people who could just bang out their projects, I wish I had more of that dicipline! I have always loved your "Trees" pattern, so soft and modern feeling! Thank you so much for your generosity!

Trees pattern
Colorado, USA

Nancy said...

Wow!! Congratulations to you! I love to see how you've got them displayed! Thanks so much for your continual inspiration, and for your generosity. I would really like the Trees quilt pattern please! :o)
I live in Canada and my email is

remareis said...

Wow, thanks for the chance. Congrats on the 250 quilts and 14 years. Many more.
I like the wishing quilt

Barb said...

What an accomplishment! I never thought to count the number of quilts I have made, or takes pics of them all, but it certainly is not 250! I pick bright birch trees, thank you. I live in the US, email:

PeggySuesMom said...

Your scrap happy purse pattern really gets to me! it truly is HAPPY! And please dont stop blogging - I need your inspiration!
United States

Cheri said...

Congratulations Amanda! 250 quilts is an amazing number! I love "Little Connections"

Suzanne said...

Whoa, Amanda Jean! If ever a person could foster a love of quilting and be an encouraging cheerleader, it would be you. I am so happy that you are celebrating your successes. I'm glad we are friends. I keep dreaming about the handbag. Every single time I think about it, I add it to my list of to do make items.

Bless you for sharing your love and for your generosity..

I'm a Hoosier and my email pops up with the reply.

Big hugs. I'm sewing today because of you.

Mary Ellen said...

Bright Birch Trees is my favorite pattern. 250 quilts. Wow! I have no idea how many I have made, but I doubt it's anywhere close to 250. Congrats on the milestone. Fab giveaways!

mlisshouston said...

Congratulations! 250!!
I am in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada.
My choice is The Waiting Quilt.
email address is
Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Wow! On your accomplishments and your generosity! Love the scrappy bag pattern. 250, how on earth! Thank you. Would love to win something but my track record says otherwise so thank you

Jacque. said...

Congratulations, Amanda Jean...250 quilts is quite a lot, I'd say...looking forward to your next 250. I have read every post you've written since I started quilting in 2009 and I have learned so much from you. Keep up the good work!

I would love the 'waiting' pattern.

Thank you for the pattern and the opportunity!

Gretchen Wylegala said...

Congrats on the milestone! I love your quilts, your projects, and your blog! I would love a copy of the scrap happy purse pattern. What a great way to use up scraps and make something useful!


Suzyquilter Duval said...

Congrats on your accomplishment of 250 quilts! You are an inspiration to me as I have been quilting for just a year. I am totally addicted to quilting now! I would love the birch trees pattern, live in Maine, USA. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

Wilma Lee said...

wow!! Wish I had kept count of all my quilts! I would love the pattern for Trees.

donna said...

I like "trees" thanks. U.S.A. , , Donna.

Helen said...

I have been lusting after your bright birches pattern ever since I saw it the first time! Please and thank you!
Congratulations on an AWESOME accomplishment!!

Helen Thomas

xxx said...

Congratulations on 250! You are an inspiration to those of us who just started and were thinking "agh 10 quilts...what will I do with all of these?" Now I can say to my family "well...there's a lady who's made 250!" LOL

I would love to have the Waiting pattern. My father passed away and I have some of his shirts in an assortment of beautiful blue shirting materials. I think this would be a nice pattern for a memory quilt , don't you? It would please him, I know. :) Thank you.
oops...forgot to include my email:

JanetD said...

Congratulations!!!!!! Loved seeing your storage ideas! I'd love the bright birch tree pattern. Email is Thank you for your generosity! What a great way to celebrate!

Eleanna said...

Congrats on 250 quilts!
I would love the scrap happy purse pattern. Thanks, this is a very generous giveaway.
leannebanane [at] gmail [dot] com
Eleanna from Greece

Teri said...

I was admiring your cupboard, then I realized mine is very similar if I just paint it a cool color. I also love your ladder. Looks like I have my first 2 painting projects for next summer planned. Congrats on completing so many projects. I am getting ready to start your football pattern. I have been eyeing the tree pattern for a long time. Thanks for the offering (along with the great sponsor prizes) I am from the USA and my addy is tjfritch at mchsi dot com.

Unknown said...

Wow! 250 quilts is amazing! Congrats! I'd love to have the Bright Birch Tree pattern, please... and one of the prizes, too!

Jen said...

250! WOW! Hope I can get that far!

Trees! pattern please
jenbyrnes at gmail dot com

KareBear said...

250 quilts.....amazing!!!! ��
I am in New Brunswick, Canada.
My pattern choice is the THREAD CATCHER.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Amanda. I have and love your book! I live in Canda and my email is I would love the birch
tree pattern.
Thank you and take care,

alison@the chainpiecer said...

You are sooooo generous, Amanda Jean. Your scrap happy purse pattern would make me happy. I live in the UK - You are my favourite blog and I always enjoy your posts and your beautiful quilts.

Carol C said...

250 quilts! Amazing! I can only seem to get tops done. This is an amazing giveaway too. I would love your scrap happy purse pattern. It just looks fun. My email address is and I live in the U.S. Thank you for the chance to win and the free pattern.

the 8th child said...

Wow, such a generous offer. I love the bright birch trees pattern and live in the US. opitts AT gmail DOT com

Teresa S. said...

250 quilts is an amazing number! Congratulations and thank you for your generous giveaway. I'd love to have the Bright Birch Trees pattern. My email is

KarenB in OR said...

Wow, 250 quilts in 14 years! That's an impressive accomplishment! Congratulations! And thanks for sharing your story along the way. Your blog is one of my absolute favorites. All the patterns are great - my top choice is the Bright Birch Trees. (I am trying to branch out, pun intended.) My email address is
Thank you for your generosity. and thanks for the opportunity to win a prize.

Therese said...

Awesome accomplishment, wish I would have counted mine over the years. I have your book and when I first purchased it, I just carried it around with me, loved it so much. I just dream of doing what you do. Congrats on all your work. I have looked at your "LittleConnections"quilts many, many times, so that would be my choice. Thank you! I live in Kansas. Email

Nancy said...

Congrats on 250!!! What an accomplishment. Thank you so much for such a generous giveaway. I would love to make some thread catchers. It was really hard to choose!

A Typical Woman said...

Congratulations on this HUGE milestone! Thank you also for your generosity, not just with this giveaway but also for the information you share on this blog. You taught me how to quilt!

Reapwhativesewn at gmail
Bright Birch Trees

Thanks again!

Gwen said...

Congratulations! And thank you for
the free pattern! I'd love a copy
of the Waiting Quilt. You can reach
me as gmarceline333atgmaildotcom.

Sheryl said...

Congrats and thanks for the free pattern. I would like the waiting quilt pattern. I live in the US.

Caryn said...

Wow! Congratulations on 250 quilts! I love all of your work. I would love the Scrap Happy Purse if I am lucky enough to win. I am in Australia and my email is

Mama Spark said...

Congratulations on your 250th quilt!! You are an amazing quilter and an even more amazing person. I am blessed to call you my friend! I love your Trees! quilt pattern. Here's to your continued success in quilting and in life!! xo

Unknown said...

Boo hoo! I'm from Australia so I cannot enter the comp. But I love the scrap purse pattern, my email is Thanks

Unknown said...

Congratulations! That is a lot of quilts! I would love to get the pattern for the scrap happy purse. Thank you!
Slc3897 at

Unknown said...

How generous of you!!! I love your blog (probably my favorite), love your book Sunday Morning Quilts (finally purchased one after wearing out the library copy), love the colors you use for your projects and all the your ideas and tutorials! You are one busy woman! I live in the USA and would like the Birch Trees pattern. My email is Thank you! Deb

Unknown said...

Wow! Loved seeing the pictures of all of your quilts stacked, rolled, layered & hung, it's brilliant! I love the trees pattern and live in the United States. Thank you for all the inspiration!

Unknown said...

The Waiting Quilt please. Thank you. Congratulations on your milestone and you really will be a crazy mom after this give away.

curious said...

250! Wow! How lucky is your family to benefit from your creativity and hard work. I live in the USA and I love your Trees pattern. Sincerely, Paula K.

Paige said...

Congrats! 250 Woohoo!
Trees pattern, please and thank you!
From the USofA, ptalexander19 (at) gmail dotcom

Barb L said...

Congrats on 250 quilts and thanks for all the inspiration your blog inspires. You have a true gift! I would choose the Bright Birch Trees pattern as I've loved it from the first photo you posted. My email is and I live in the United States.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a milestone! Congratulations! And what a generous giveaway! The prizes are awesome and your patterns are amazing! :) I live in the U.S. and would love your Scrap Happy Purse pattern. Thank you so much for sharing your quilting talent with the world! My email address is

Linda said...

Your work s amazing, Amanda. Congratulations on your huge accomplishment! Little connections is the pattern for me. Thanks so much!

C. Jaeger said...

I LOVE this! 250 quilts...that is so awesome! I check your blog before I go to work, and your posts always make me want to stay home and SEW!
Pattern choice: Scrappy Happy Purse

raggedy amy's said...

Wow! I don't know how you do it! I'm impressed 😊
Amy mckee USA
I would be thrilled with anything.
Congrats 👍

Mimi's Quilts said...

Congratulations on 250! I love your blog and viewing your quilts. The colors make me happy.
birch trees please

Unknown said...

Wow....what a generous giveaway!! I live I. The US and would the Trees quilt pattern. Thank you! Blessings, Karen / spetzie at att dot net

Unknown said...

Congratulations and thank you! I live in the U.S. Email is kdlane73 at gmail dot com. Trees is a lovely pattern!

paperscissorsink said...

Congratulations..250 is AMAZING. I would love to have your bright birch pattern - THANK YOU! I live in the US (Washington State - we need quilts). My email is Thank you for the chance to win!

P11otter said...

Congratulations on making so manny quilts! I love your quilts, the give me so much inspiration. For me the trees patren please.

Kate O said...

Big congratulations on your quilting milestone(s)! What a lovely giveaway as well!! Thank you for putting this together. Hopefully this is one I can't lose ;)

Unknown said...

Congrats on hitting this marker! What an achievement. I have several of your patterns already so I think I would choose the Trees! one. It has been sitting on my wish list for a bit! Email address is:

Karen said...

What an accomplishment! I maybe have finished 50 quilts, but most of them have been gifted. I like your Scrap Happy purse pattern.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on reaching a monumental completed quilts! I have been following your blog for a while and am impressed with your creativity and "productivity". I'd love to make the scrappy happy purse. Thank you for sharing your ideas and the wonderful goodies.

Unknown said...

#1220 comment WHAT! 8) I'll let someone else win he he but congrats with the finish and what a super generous give away...gonna be some lucky winners.

Kate O said...

Congratulations! I would love the Bright Birch Trees pattern. I have been admiring it from afar for months! Posting from Minnesota, USA.

Nicole @ Patchwork Duck Designs said...

Congratulations on such an amazing milestone! I would like the Thread Catcher pattern. My email is, and I live in the US. Thanks!

CrazyCatLady said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts! Wow, that's quite an accomplishment. Thanks you so much for the free pattern -- I like the bright birch tree quilt.

Sandy said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts! Thanks so much for the generous giveaway. I'd love the pattern for "Waiting". I live in the U.S. and my email is

Anonymous said...

Wonderful accomplishment! I would like the pattern for "trees"..thanks so much! I live in Kansas USA

Andrea said...

Yay for this giveaway. I would like the Trees! pattern, my address is and I live in the US. Thank you very much and Congratulations!

Deb said...

You are an inspiration! Congratulations on your first 250 quilts! I'm working on my first 10! (have #7 and #8 nearly finished, and fabric for the following 6!) I would love your Scrap Happy purse pattern; thank you so much! My e-mail is:

Sfrench said...

Congratulations!! What a wonderful giveaway. I love your birch trees design, and would enjoy making it here in US. Thank you so very much, and if the next 250 get to be too much, please send some my way. :-) my email address is sarahfrench.sf AT

Unknown said...

Love your blog, love your quilts. Congrats on 14 years! Don't stop!!!
Jennifer USA
Bright Birch Trees--LOVE said...

USA! I haven't made many quilts but I spread them around, Birthday gifts, non-profit fundraisers and my home. Thanks for the giveaway. Any one of these would be great.

Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Wow! What a great accomplishment. What a great giveaway. I enjoyed hearing you speak at MN Quilters earlier this year. I would love the Scrap Happy handbag pattern. I have just the handle, and of course, the scraps!!! I live in the USA. Bekedams at yahoo dot com

Janet M said...

Congratulations on your milestone of 250 quilts! Your Sunday Morning Quilts book was my introduction to 'Modern' quilting. Still love it and your blog which I check every day! I've long admired your Bright Birch pattern so that would be my choice if I win. I live in Michigan and my email is:

River Gril Quilts said...

Congratulations on your wonderful milestone and thanks for such an awesome giveaway. I would like the Waiting pattern. I live in the USA My email is

plrbr1120 said...

Congrats on 250! Trees is calling me from Florida.

Anonymous said...

congrats---Waiting---Ohio USA
java4mom@gmail,com not sure if my first post posted!! Thanks for your blog

Unknown said...

What a great achievement...250 quilts. I love your fresh, modern quilts. Thank you for your generous offer of a pattern. I would like the scrappy bag, thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would love the trees! pattern :) Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

250 amazing accomplishment. Thank you for your generous offer of a pattern also. I would like the scrappy bag pattern please. I live in Queensland, Australia.

Vicki H said...

Congrats on 250 quilts!! Thanks to your awesome sponsors for the giveaway. I like the trees quilt pictured in the snow. vlhill3459 at sbcglobal dot net

barbaradougherty126 said...

I love the Bright Birch Trees pattern. So lovely. :) Thank you!
Congratulations on all the beautiful quilts. :)

Stepfordmom75 said...

Congratulations! Your quilts are beautiful!! My email is, I live in the USA and I'd love to have the bright birch trees pattern!! ~JKS

Barbara said...

Such a great giveaway! Thank you for the pattern offer..waiting quilt would be my choice.

Sally said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I would love the bright birch trees quilt pattern!
I'm in the US.

Congratulations on 250 quilts!

PeachPatchQuilts said...

Congrats on the milestone.
I love the thread catcher, i use the one you gave me at the margarets hope chest sew in all the time! time to make some more. What a generous giveaway.

Thread Catcher Pattern please!
USA (Ohio)

Dhia Peach

Amy said...

Thank you for a great giveaway! My pattern choice is bright birch trees. I am in the United States.
abcsemartin at yahoo dot com

Lisa R said...

Congratulations! 250! I'm just working on #5... Your Birch trees quilt is on my to-do list for sure.
Thanks so much for the opportunity.

Kaycesews said...

What a great give-away contest! Thanks! I love the "Trees" pattern as it clean and simple (in appearance, that is) and looks like I'm looking out my own window, here in Nova Scotia, Canada

Rhonda said...

Wow 250 quilts!! That's an amazing accomplishment. I have loved the look of your quilts and would love the Birch Trees pattern.

SewSewJenner said...

Congratulations on your 250th quilt! What an amazing giveaway as well. I would love the Waiting Quilt pattern, and I live in the US. Here is to another 250! Thank you.

Sheilaf said...

Love your Blog and the quilts you make, you inspire me. I would really love the Bright Birch Trees Pattern, I live in sunny Florida. craftybritatverizondotnet

Rachel said...

Congratulations on 250 quilts!! That is amazing! I'd love to make your thread catcher pattern. My email address is and I live in the US. Thank you so much for your generosity! I have loved following your blog through the years!

mkjmc said...

WOW! 250 I am only on my 5th baby quilt and one full size The LIttle COnections loooks simple enough for a beginner like me Thank you so much. Just beginning to build my stash

Lana said...

I love the Trees! my address is
I love the giveaways...hope one comes to me!!!

Unknown said...

Ooh! I've wanted to make the Scrappy Happy purse pattern ever since I first saw it! That would be my choice! Congratulations on your 250th! Thank goodness that's quilts and not birthdays!

Debbie said...

I love the bright birch trees pattern. Amazing giveaway. I live in the US. My e-mail is Congratulations on your milestone.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great giveaway! I would love the Bright Birch Tree pattern!
Love your books and blog! live in the USA.

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