Monday, October 15, 2012

getting ready for market

No, I'm not talking about quilt market. I don't have 12 super secret projects that I can't show you. I'm talking about getting our house ready to put on the market. My husband accepted a new job last Thursday and he started today. We are headed into transition (again) and we are going to have to move. I'm sure it will be alright in the end, but getting there will be a little painful. I'm not a big fan of change. (that's an understatement.)
This means that my sewing time has been replaced by....
painting trim. Fun. Times. I know that you are supposed to change your sewing machine needle after 8 hours of sewing. I wonder how many hours you can paint with a brush before you need to change it? I bet I'm due for a new one!
It's going to be a hard transition, but at least I have a pretty box of tissues. :)


Flaun of I Plead Quilty! said...

Good luck, Amanda! Where will you be going? Is it a big relocation, or just semi-local?

Rachel said...

Yikes! So, how far of a move? We are currently living in a constant state of will we have to? Maybe not? Well, could be? etc..on moving!

LizA. said...

Ha ha---since I've just spent the past 4-1/2 months doing just this I think I know the answer to that question. When your paint brush is no longer soft nd flexible when it dries--change it! My house lists tomorrow and then we get the joy of finding a rental until our new house is built. Since our move isn't happening until next year we are building and I will have the sewing room of my dreams.

Good luck with your move--trust me, you will have many, many sleepless nites ahead of you......and the stress is just beginning.

Heather said...

Congrats to your husband on the new job. Relocating is never easy, even if you have to do it every couple of years like we do.

Allison said...

good luck selling your home.
Don't you just want to turn that tissue box design in to a quilt? or is that just me :)

mascanlon said...

Well just know we are all here to listen when ever you need. Change..nope , I don't like it either! But on we march, mostly with a smile on our face.

Anna said...

Good luck with the house sale and move. The tissue box reminds me of a quilt that my friend made with rainbow colored solids.

Emma said...

I hope everything goes really well :) I have the tissues out here - hubby and I are maybe buying a flat so we'd be leaving our first home which we've loved so much for the last 3 years. Sob!

beth said...

Change is ALWAYS hard. Happy your husband has work and that he has YOU cheering him on. Is the move far away?

Tennjenny said...

I DETEST change. I don't even like to update my computer. But perhaps when you are settled, it will be for the best. Good luck!

Lynn said...

Either the tissue box design was inspired by a quilt or maybe it will inspire one!
Good luck with all of the prep work getting your move ready!

CJ said...

We are moving too! The thought of it is exciting, the actual work part...not so much.

Emily said...

Good luck on the move!
PS - I didn't know you sewed with a Juki - I absolutely adore mine!

Suzanne said...

I bet I speak for many when I say you can lean us to boost your spirits as you make your way through the transition.

Peace be with you!

Auntie Pami said...

Where are you going? I know it is hard, can't tell you how many times I've moved.

Angela Nash said...

GOod luck with all the house prep! What's such a big job. Can't wait to see what kind of fun space you set up for yourself when you settle in your new place.

Carol said...

I feel for you. We just moved from VA to TX. I was weeks without sewing time. I felt so lost. But on the bright side think of all the junk you will be unloading and how fresh it will be to start new.

Anonymous said...

It will be all right in the end , if its not all right , its not the end LOL !! Happy move

Cherie said...

Good luck with all the preparations. I'm sure it'll all work out in the end =D

Carmen said...

I'm not gonna sugar coat it... moving sucks. I'm sorry. :)

I'm sending good wishes for a peaceful and stress free move your way!!

Carmen said...

p.s. I pinned that tissue box as quilt inspiration!

Ann said...

Please tell me that your husband accepted a job closer to EC and you are heading this way??? PLEASE!?

Lee D said...

Any move is a big undertaking. I just did 5 months of renovations in the spring and I am still putting things away!!! good luck and just remember a home is where the heart and family is!

Di~ said...

Oh Wow. Hard. Are you moving very far away? I haven't moved for 24 years! The thought is scary, but it will come, I don't plan to retire here....

Di~ said...

I plan to retire wherever Crazy Mom Quilts is living! We will definitely be neighbors!

Ray and Jeanne said...

Good Luck! Change is hard and usually work but also an adventure - I'm sure it will all work out for the best! ~Jeanne

Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

That box of tissues would make a great quilt!

Best of luck. I hope it's a great move for you all.

Kari @ The Purple Quiltapotamus said...

Good luck! Moving is so hard.

Karen said...

Good luck selling your home and finding another. Congrats to your husband on his new job.

stitchinpenny said...

I am wishing you a quick sale and the perfect house on the other end! That was a really fast transition, but sometimes yanking the band aid off hurts less. Don't forget to pack lots of good memories with your belongings and start to plan the making of new ones as you take breaks from the everyday thingsrequired before you move.

TDJ said...

We are looking at a big move this Summer. We plan on building in our new state, living at my parents during the Summer/Build. Excited to spend this time with my parents. I dread the transition, we are moving to be closer to family, not because we want to live in the new city. We plan to downgrade to a smaller house, with a bigger family. I look forward to the 'back to basics' cleansing, getting rid of the stuff we have collected but really do not need. (i.e. husband's pool table he NEVER USES).
Keep yourself navigating to the positives and the negatives/frustrations will be easier to ride out.

Mama Pea said...

Ugh. Hate moving. Good luck to you! I'm thinking of you!

Unknown said...

My mind locked on to one particular little smidgeon of this entry:

If you get a good quality brush, like a "Purdy" brush (which are about $25!!!) you should be able to use it FOREVER!!! Trust me, it's SO worth it. Not because you don't ever have to replace it, but because it paints like a dream! It's like a perfect extension of your hand. You do have to perform some maintenance, like making sure the paint doesn't dry in it, and when you clean it, use a brush comb and wash until the water runs completely clear. If you care to go this route I recommend looking up some brush care videos to be sure you're doing it right.


I swear I'm not a salesperson for Purdy! I just love a good tool. I'm also in love with my sewing machine. :P

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Good luck with the move! Moving closer into town?

bethanndodd said...

A big change and painting need a drink! Hoping you may be able to enjoy the ups and downs coming your way so you don't have to use too many of those tissues. On a different note, Is it just me or wouldn't that tissue box pattern make for a great quilt?! Smiles~Beth

Linda said...

Change isn't my middle name either! Good luck!

Diane Swett said...

congrats on your husbands new job, Moving can be hard but energizing. I wish you luck on finding a new home. too bad you just updated your new sewing room in the basement. at least you won't have to paint that room...

eva said...

oh you have to move far - as in a one time trip, or can you go back and forth a few times???

yes the "quilt" kleenex does help!!

carol said...

Are you moving closer to me? I hope!

Ranch Wife said...

Change is always hard for me too. The last move was heartbreaking, but God has blessed us abundantly and I pray that your blessings overflow as well. Hang in there and know we are cheering you on. If your moving to NM let me know, I'll come help! :)

Anne said...

Best wishes, hope you settle in quickly.

Jacqui said...

Yeah, feeling your pain there, I just finished up with the brush and paint for the night - tomorrow is more of the same plus prepping for wallpapering. Why didn't I do this ages ago so I could at least enjoy the results of my hard work?! Now the next owner will get it and of course won't realise how awful it was before. Good luck with the move!

Anonymous said...

Wish you the best, Amanda...

You could always make a couple of stitches if you get tired of the brush... while you say 'ooooommmmmhhhh' ;)

Big hug 4u and the best for the whole family ♥

Michele said...

Good luck with it all. We just moved last year and although it was very close to our old house, it was still a ton of work. But in this new house, I finally have my own sewing space and lots more room overall so it was a good thing. Think positive!

Cantinho da Aracy said...

Deus abençoe vocês neste tempo de mudança. Beijos

Anonymous said...

Oh Amanda ~ praying for all to go smoothly. We have moved many times too. It isn't easy. Try to have some hand work to work on if you can, that always helps me. When we moved from GA to IN I worked on binding a quilt. A few stitches each evening was my Zen time. Can't wait to hear about your adventures ~ and yes, treat yourself to a new paint brush! and LOVE the kleenex box! Maybe an inspiration for a quilt to mark this transition. ;) PS....hope you are moving to Indiana!

Amy said...

Best wishes with the sale of your house and moving/finding a new home! We just moved to a new state for my husband's job this summer. We rented our house and found a new home after a long search. GOOD LUCK!!!

Amy said...

Best wishes with the sale of your house and moving/finding a new home! We just moved to a new state for my husband's job this summer. We rented our house and found a new home after a long search. GOOD LUCK!!!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

Congratulations on your hubby's new job and good luck with the move!!

Laura said...

Good luck! I know how you are feeling. This past June I left the city I had lived in for the past 22 years and moved 2000 miles back to my home state in order to marry my HS sweetheart. The transition was rough, but was made worse by the fact that I often focused on what I had given up versus what I now had. So my advice is to mourn the loss of what you are giving up and then focus on the positive aspects of your new situation. It might sound silly to mourn the loss of your plans, etc. in your old location, but it really works. Moving is stressful enough without adding more stress to it.

Anonymous said...

still not settled from our summer move, thinking of you as you get ready to pack it up and take off

Timi said...

Moving is not easy...But you are right: it will be alright in the end!
I wish we could be neighbors, so I could help you in moving! :o))) But I know it's tooo far...sigh...

Heather said...

Moving is a lot of work, no doubt about it. Here's a short cut: Don't worry about packing anything on a hanger. On moving day, after the truck is loaded, just take everything out of the closets, still on the hangers, and lay it on top of everything else in the truck. I generally lay a blanket on top of all the boxes first, then lay the coats and clothes on top. When you get to the new place, that will be the first thing you unload. Simply take it all straight to a closet in the new house.

Hope all goes well and that you have a good move. It totally uproots your world for a time, but it also gives you a chance for a fresh start. Plus, think about how much fun you'll have decorating your new home! Best wishes to you and your family!


Terriaw said...

Congrats to Kevin on the new job. The idea of moving sounds daunting! Especially after being so settled in your current home. Think of it as the next adventure in your family's journey.

Anonymous said...

Keeping you in my prayers! I love a good adventure, but it is a lot of work getting a house ready to sell. Deep breath... the other side will be worth it.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Maddie is right about the Purdy brushes. They are amazing! And their painting videos are good too. Now that you are done with the trim... but you might need to paint in your new house. :)

retstickan said...

I don't like to move but there is some advantages. With all the things ( junk) I tend to save I need a reason to get rid of things I actually don' t use. Moving is a really god upportunity to do so.
God luck with your move and I hope the whole family likes the new place!!!

retstickan said...

I don't like to move but there is some advantages. With all the things ( junk) I tend to save I need a reason to get rid of things I actually don' t use. Moving is a really god upportunity to do so.
God luck with your move and I hope the whole family likes the new place!!!

retstickan said...

I don't like to move but there is some advantages. With all the things ( junk) I tend to save I need a reason to get rid of things I actually don' t use. Moving is a really god upportunity to do so.
God luck with your move and I hope the whole family likes the new place!!!

Pat said...

Move? Uggh! Are you moving far? Could you move to Maryland, lol?

Good luck with everything.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on such new and exciting things for your family!

Good luck with all the house selling/packing craziness :) It will be worth it when it's all over :)

Jessica Christensen said...

Oh, I so feel where you are at. I wish I could come help you pack. Give me the skinny. I hope you're at least moving someplace warmer.

Jessica Christensen said...

Oh, I so feel where you are at. I wish I could come help you pack. Give me the skinny. I hope you're at least moving someplace warmer.

Jessica Christensen said...

Oh, I so feel where you are at. I wish I could come help you pack. Give me the skinny. I hope you're at least moving someplace warmer.

Anna said...

Where to lady? Please tell me La Crosse!?!

Lea said...

Wow! Lots of changes, hope all goes well!

Live a Colorful Life said...

have been thinking of you a lot lately. I LOVE the status quo so I get that changes are difficult....and I need to find that kleenex box!

Unknown said...

I wish you all well.. and hoping you are getting closer to Michigan! Good Luck, and congratulations!

tahoe34 said...

Everything happens for a reason, Amanda. Embrace the change and have an attitude of gratitude that your husband has work. My prayers are with you for a smooth transition!

Unknown said...

That IS a pretty box of tissues! I'll need one in the future of course... until then, we need to make some family dinner dates and maybe a non-family(kids) date!!

Annette - MyRoseValley said...

Hello Amanda Jean... Well I can't give you any good advice on WHEN to change your paint brush but what I can do is to THANK YOU for a wonderful and inspiring quilting book. I just received yours and Cheryl's Sunday Morning Quilts and I am loving every page of it. It is so fresh, the design is really user friendly, it is easy to take in and just a great inspiration. I am now looking forward to sort my scraps and get started with a scrappy project. Wonderful.

Kris from Duke Says Sew What said...

Oh change is tough...but exciting! I hope you are coming to WA!! Ha! And I need that Kleenex box, too!

Smultronbo said...

I know the feeling about changes. *shrugs*. But there is good things to it also as you get to clean out stuff that you dont need anymore and give it away for charity or just throw it in the dumpster. ;)

Anyway GZ to your husband about the new job and GL with the move. Here is a ton of strengthening hugs to help you survive and get through the transition ok. *1000xhugs*

Anny said...

hermoso tu blog
te sigo por mail
mi blog

Dawn Brown said...

Wishing you good luck on your move. Change is always scary but I have found also rewarding (after a bit). I'm sitting here typing from a house we moved to a little over a year ago from a place I thought I'd never leave. It was a hard move for me and though I understood the reason (job) and even encouraged, it has taken me this long to call this place home. I've learned a lot about myself and though sometimes painful, am a better person for it and now for my family. On the bright side, new fabric stores and new people to share your quilting gifts with!!

Kris from Duke Says Sew What said...

By the way...I happened across that Kleenex box at Target, and got two!

Sandra said...

It's a spring-clean; of your stuff and your life. Hope you are blessed with people to share the burden of the move.
Just imagine all of us there, with paint brushes in hand and the work will be finished in no time.

Shauna said...

Change is never easy - I know, just recently made a move myself. Just think of the many blessings yet to unfold for you. :) Remember one step at a time . . . I'm wishing you all the best with your move. Enjoy the journey and by all means take that bright and colourful box of tissues with you!

Amanda said...

Oh, moving is hard. We moved recently too and it was hard. A little easier than some moves because we were moving back to family, but I still really miss the community that we left after 1.5 years. But the new community is good too. Good luck! (And I love the tissue box. When I first saw the picture I wondered how you were able to make the quilt so crisp.)

Sarah Craig said...

When you go to get a new brush, go to Lowes and look for a short, blue handled brush with a slanted brush part. The handle is flexible and very easy on your hand, and it is hands-down the best brush I've ever used for painting trim and cutwork. I've done a lot of painting around my house and this brush is my favorite - takes all the pain out of it! I got to the point where I didn't even need to use tape to do cutwork - the brush is tapered on the tip so that you can get a very clean line. I wish I could remember the brand, but I'm not at home so I can't go find one of mine - so sorry! And yes, they do wear out - so if you're doing a lot of painting, buy several!

mammafairy said...

I believe that paintbrushes 'learn' how to do the job. So, if you look after yours, it will only get better with time, and may be used for many years!

happy house selling, and hopefully an even better house in the new place!

nettie said...

we are doing the same thing! Put our home on the market a week ago! It gives me some peace of mind knowing someone else is doing the same thing as I am. It's so hard to uproot your kids. I am struggling with that. Especially with my oldest who is flourishing at school and has such a little niche of friends.

We are moving back to texas.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Just catching up on blog reading. Continue to wish you peace in your transition. Please call if I can do ANYTHING. MMQG meeting tonight and I'm going!