Friday, December 30, 2011


Today I'm pleased to be hosting a little fabric giveaway, courtesy of Pat Bravo.
Up for grabs are two different bundles...(10 fat quarters each) in some of my favorite colors ever!
Aren't they so pretty? I know from experience that Art Gallery fabrics are super soft and great to work with!

If you would like to be in the drawing, please leave me a comment. One per person please. In your comment, I'd love to hear if you have any New Year's eve plans. Or else you can tell me something you are looking forward to next year. I'll plan to pick two winners on Monday.

I'd like to take the time to say a big THANK YOU to each and every one of you for reading my little blog, leaving such wonderful comments and for all your encouragement this past year. I appreciate it very, very much! xoxo

Hope you have a wonderful and safe New Year's!


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Stuff I Do said...

I love fabric bundles!! I don't have any big plans, just working an overnight taking care of a 98 year old woman. I don't mind though, I am not much of a partier. Also I will welcome the quiet because we have been a family of seven again for a few weeks. Have a nice New Year!!

Melissa the Barista said...

We're too burned out from Xmas and family to hold a party and none of our friends are hosting either so we're having our own film festival at the movie house - movies all night!

Love the colors of these fabrics - like a promise of spring. Thanks.

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

First, I love your blog, your projects, and ideas. Thank you for sharing!
Second, new years eve is up in the air, as I came down with a cold, and 3 out of 4 kids are at the tail end of a weird virus. It's looking like just us, some pizza, snacks and treats and movies and games at home. Still will be fun times. :)

Rosa said...

Happy New Year!
I`m plsnning on staying home sand we`ll have a party with family.
I^m looking forward to finidhing domr UFO quilt and BOM and a new quilt to my newborn niece.

Thanks for thr chsnce to win.

Ms. Cook said...

Our New years eve planes are going to church to play games and hang out together and pray about the new year and then watch the Ball drop! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!! Hope you guys have a nice evening and great new years,

Anna C.

Unknown said...

Your blog has inspired me to start quilting this next year. I have played around with quilt blocks these past couple of years but haven't been serious. After reading about your 36 block quilt and looking at your beautiful quilts, I knew it was time to get strarted. Another thing about your blog that inspired me was donating quilts to a charity. Thanks for sharing all the wonderful information about quilting. May you have many blessings this year.

VeeV said...

for new years eve, we're going to visit our surrogate "mom" in lac la hache.... a 5 hour drive away, and will be staying overnight... we haven't seen her for over a year now, so it's going to be great!!!
Happy New Year!!
WoW...what fabulous fabric...
I'd L-O-V-E to win!!!

Kelly O. said...

we'll be staying un for New Year's and having a Sandra Bullock movie marathon :)
yes, my hubby actually likes Sandra Bullock--I'm so lucky!

Cathy said...

Prime rib dinner @ home with DH, and then a puzzle - that's been our New Year's Eve tradition for about 5 years! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

Hannah said...

No plans for new years, except maybe some quiet quilting time.

Lori said...

Your blog is one of my favorites...thanks for sharing your gifts with us!
We're headed over to our friends' house for New Years...very low key.

Blogful said...

Happy New Year! We're heading to the beach tomorrow. Of course, I live in FL, so we can do that. :)
Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I think I will be spending New Year's Eve with my honey and his two sons. Lots of app-type snacks, movies and board games! Thanks for the chance to win! waterbaby(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

We will stay home for New Years and play "Christmas Story" (leg lamp movie) Yahtzee. Also, eat good snackie things before the diet starts! Love the fabric!

Steph F. said...

What beautiful fabric!

I'll be quilting up a storm on NYE, trying to finish a project before returning to work on 1/2.


Heidi said...

I just had a baby so I am excited for her to get older this next year and grow. New years will be pretty low key, staying at home!

Valspierssews said...

I hate staying up to midnight. I have invited mum over for lunch and we will break open a bottle of Robinvale Passion Grape juice drink and celebrate the change over a bit
early :)
I couldn't resist entering for the fabrics you have chosen. Such yummy colours.

Basildon Kitchens said...

I am staying home with my hubby - we are nibbling on cheese, crackers, fruit and watching some very old movies....

I hope to keep a better track of my ongoing projects and keep up with WIP posts and "Finish it up Fridays".

Wishing you and your family a great 2012 full of health, happiness and lots of quilting! :)

WandaFish said...

What gorgeous bundles of Pat's delicious fabrics - thanks for such a delightful giveaway!

I don't really have any plans for New Years Eve other than a little blog hopping and maybe some stitching :) I'm looking forward to clearing up some of my UFOs in 2012!
Happy New Year to you and thanks for being such a constant source of inspiration and entertainment :)

ruthianna said...

I am hoping to get in some great quilting time. I have not been in sewing room in a while!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower and would love to be entered in your gorgeous fabric giveaway. I always have the same resolutions: exercise more, lose weight and get more organized....That's what I'll try for again next year. :)

Wendi said...

I'm planning on being at church. Our church hosts a "no talent" night, followed by a service to ring in the New Year. Hope your 2012 is fantastic! : )

Holley said...

Ooooooooo what delicious colors. Will apend NYE watching football with Lord&Master (husband of 48 years) and dreaming of Spring.

Diane said...

Great giveaway! We are having a little get together at our house with some friends where we will celebrate Greenland time zone new years since we don't care to stay up till midnight to celebrate central time.

Shannon Wallace said...

Hi Amanda Jean! No plans but to stay in for New Year's Eve. In the new year, I plan on getting out of my rut and back into a good, soild routine. Rise early, spend time with the Lord, exercise, then get the day rolling with homeschooling and whatever else the day brings (quilting, I hope).

Art Gallery Fabrics are far superior to most out there on the market, and I agree...they are incredibly soft! I LOVE what Pat Bravo designs! :)

Amanda Jean, your blog means SO much to me! I have gained a plethora of knowledge, and have met many other bloggers in the quilting world, thanks to you! Thank you SO very much for your time and effort put forth for all of us! God's blessings to you and yours in 2012!!

Amy said...

With how close we are geographically, it would be great if I could one day run into you. I'm so thankful you came back to the blogging world this year :0) You were missed.

A lovely giveaway! I have three girls, and those colors are right up my alley.

Now that I'm caught up in Bonnie Hunter's mystery, I MAY just take part in another New Year's Eve mystery to lolligag that day away. :0)

Anonymous said...

We're planning on staying home and spending our first New Years as a family of 4 together! :)

Mama Said Sew said...

Lovely fabrics! We generally stay home on New Year's Eve. I am looking forward to starting a new job in the new year. My first "job" in 10 years! I'm retiting from being a full time stay-at-home mom to work as an Aide in the Special Ed class at the local middle school. Wish me luck!

Theresa Burich said...

I'll be staying home for New Year's and trying to stay awake with the kids. I have to be at work the next morning at 6:30 so I'll be trying to sneak a nap in there somewhere! Have a happy New Year!

Melanie Johnston-Butts said...

I have a babysitter and am going on a new year's date! I hope I win!

Karen M said...

I'm really getting old. I can hardly stay awake for the 11 o'clock news, much less make it to midnight. I will be sewing until I am tired and then go to bed. How boring.

SewingMom2Three said...

We don't really have plans for New Year's Eve this year. We will have 2 of our 3 young kids with us, so that limits what we can do. We'd like to go out to eat, but the waiting at the restaurants might be too much for them. It will be a good NYE if both my husband and I are still awake at midnight!

Anonymous said...

My family comes over and plays tripoly while bringing in the new year.

Have a safe and healthy New Year.


Cassie said...

Beautiful colors! Not much in the way of plans this weekend, we have to keep up the bedtime schedule around here :) But I am looking forward to a New Years brunch Sunday! Happy New Year!

Betsy said...

Thank you for the chance to win. I always enjoy reading your blog. I will spend nye at home with hubby. My plans for the new year is to finish my ufo's and work on some patterns I never got around too I 2011. Happy new year.

Kristyne said...

Ok, this may sound like I'm TOTALLY sucking up, but I popped by your blog today to tell you I just pre-ordered your book on Amazon. My husband said there was a sale and did I want anything.

Uh, ... YEAH!

So to answer your question, I'm looking forward to April 2012 when I finally get my hands on your gorgeous book. :)

Happy New Year, girlfriend!

HalfPint said...

I am looking forward to a new place to live in 2012!

AnnieO said...

No New Year's Eve plans, but plenty of plans to be more productive in my quilting and the usual renewal of goals such as lose weight, get organized, exercise :) Happy New Year! So glad you only took a short blogging break this time!

Lori said...

We are staying home and enjoying a little family time!

The bundles are beautiful! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Happy New Year!

Tricia said...

Happy New Year! No plans here. Just staying in with the newborn! Looking forward to the year ahead and all of the baby firsts!

Kristy said...

My parents are in town and we're going to dinner and then chilling at home (we have a 3 year old so that's as exciting as it gets ;) )

dwylie said...

Just planning on taking it easy and spending time with family.

Corey said...

I am starting a new college and a new major in January, and I'm really excited because I am enrolled in Interior Design and I'm the only deaf student in the program. I am super pumped and eager to start!

Happy New Years!

A Robertson said...

Planning on staying in and sewing in my new space. Gave up my sewing room about 18 months ago to house a college student with no family in the states. Cried when he moved out and never regained the space until this past week. So excited. 2012, quilt every day (or at least some every week).

Read your blog all the time. Thank you for inspiring us and making record of your process.

Linda E. said...

Not planning anything but may invite our neighbors over. Really hope to organize my fabric stash soon. You are always an inspiration and I've learned a lot of techniques from you. Love both colors of your bundles.

Erin in MI said...

Ooooh, I love those fabrics!!! My new year plans include staying in my quilt room and getting something done in there! I started a new job just before Christmas and I'm starting to get quilting withdrawals! LOL

Heather said...

My husband works graveyard so I always celebrate New Year's alone. This year, I'm going to join Pat Sloan's UFO quilt along. Should be FUN (and less lonely)!! :)

Patricia said...

We are staying home with 2 of our 5 children and 3 grandchildren. We plan to have nachos and sparkling grape juice.

Anonymous said...

I'm planning on having my nieces and nephews and their parents over to play Just Dance on the WII(and eat HAHA) fun to bring in the new year :)

Kim said...

We will be celebrating New Year's Eve having food and drinks with friends. I am looking forward to more projects in my sewing room in 2012!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Planning on taking the kids to see the early fire works along the Yarra River in Melbourne. They don't normally stay up that late, so I'm hoping they don't get too grumpy an over tired.

Have a wonderful 2012!!

Erin said...

Love the colors. I am going to a friends house to celebrate with our hubbys and kids.

Anonymous said...

This year 2012 I am going to finish my studies, my dipolma is so close now after 8 years but there are always more quilts to sew and if I am feeling brave tackling the UFO collection.

ps My favorite color is green so please start 2012 off in style with a win of beautiful fabric.


Briana said...

I plan on doing nothing, and going nowhere. As a child, I used to have NYE parties w/my parents on the couch at home, then during my teens and twenties it was crazy parties or the occasional rave. Now, it's back to the couch, I am getting too old to party. :)

yogatofu said...

just hanging out with my hubby and our girls (23 months and 5 months) to ring in 2012. Love a relaxing night at home together!

Marjorie said...

Thanks for the chance to win some neutral colored fabric (lime & hot pink. yum) I will be staying home for the New Year, trying to finish the things I thought I was going to do over Christmas before I got distracted by bright shiny objects.

james and bess said...

happy new year! we'll be enjoying fondue and trying to keep our eyeballs open for the ball drop. no promises, though. :) fun giveaway!


VickiT said...

Those are such beautiful colors and fabrics. Very nice way to end the year for a lucky person.

We normally stay home and celebrate together. The boys are grown and out of the house so it's just us two now. I always make yummy snacks and usually I make enough to feed a small army. oops. Hey, I like options. haha But also the past few years we have sat in our hot tub which is on our enclosed porch watching the countdown from Times Square on our tv out there by the tub while drinking our champagne.

Odette said...

Un hermoso regalo para terminar muybien el año.... muchas gracias por su generosidad y felicidades y exito en este nuevo año 2012.



Kami Gimenez said...

No huge plans for my family this year, but we are starting a new tradition....chocolate fondue as we share fun memories from 2011! I also hope to get in a little sewing time on my dot quilt that I'm working on!
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

No plans for New Year's Eve, but I have a resolution! I MUST finish 2 UFOs for every new project started.. this should greatly reduce my number.

Laticia Carter said...

My New Years Plan is to ring in 2012 with family and friends. Lots of hugs and love.

webmailaddress2 said...

This NYE I will be anticipating going to work on January 1 :(. Hopefully, there will be some fun last minute plans tomorrow night though.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I'm always up for acquiring more fabric so count me in. Does a quilter ever have enough? I'll probably be staying home on New Year's and hopefully sewing on Christmas Lights, a pattern by Bonnie Hunter. Yeah, I know, I'm a real slowpoke.

Lisa G said...

Found your blog about Nov., and have gone all the way back to the beginning! Great blog! and such an inspriation to all. This new years eve will be spent at home under a quilt watching it in TV. Best wishes for the new year.

quiltmom anna said...

What fun looking fabrics- it is hard to decide whether I like the pink or the green color group better.
I am looking forward to getting some quilting done. We will have a very quiet New Year's Eve but it will be nice to spend some time with my spouse.
A very Happy New Year to you and your family.
Regards from Western Canada,

KrisR said...

Holy CRAP, you have a lot of comments! Good on you. LOVE the fabrics.

We are going to a 70's costume party.....I have my poncho and maxi skirt ready and will start to 'fro my hair in a couple hours. My Mister has his bell bottom jean inserts (bright pink flowers) ready and I just need to put the finishing touches on his shirt. Round wire rims are cleaned and headbands are ready too. :o)

michelle said...

New Year's eve is mainly at home with the kids..ok my adult kids, but I may head up to Penny's for a quite Hi to the girls of the Fort Collins MQG!
Sorry I missed you the last time you were in town!

Shauna said...

I'll be at spending a quite night at home reflecting on 2011 and looking forward with anticipation to 2012. It can only get better!

Susan said...

Amanda Jean,
Thanks for the generous give-away; those fabrics are lovely. New Year's eve will be quiet at our house - finally! We've had company for 8 days straight. It was family whom we love dearly, but it was hectic. We will enjoy the peace and quiet. For next year, I have BIG plans to really learn to use my new sewing machine, and I'd love to try my hand at quilting - a pillow or two, a wall hanging for my grandson's room or maybe a quilt for his bed!

Larissa said...

Those colors are beautiful!

On NYE, we're going to a house party at the house of friends and bringing other friends who didn't have plans with us. Should be a blast, since we always have a great time at these parties!

Island Quilter said...

I will be cleaning and organizing my sewing room!

Chase and Amy said...

We're looking forward to finally buying a house... with a room for all my sewing stuff!

Nydia Kehnle said...

I am going to spend new years eve with my friends!

JustPam said...

These are beautiful. My DH and I are planning to watch a movie and drink some wine!

Anita said...

Happy New Year to you and your family! We are going to a Bunko party at my best friend's house. Although, we will be celebrating the East coast New Year as we are now old(er) and cannot stay up until our end of the country changes the calendar. :P

stitchinpenny said...

I will be at home asleep on new years eve and wake up to cook the traditional blacked peas, collard greens and pork roast on the 1st.

Anonymous said...

New Year's Eve will be nice and quiet for me...good food with family and lots of talk! Should be fun. I'm new to quilting and find your blog so inspiring. Thank you
Leslie Hancock

kristyn said...

Oh I love the green, all my quilts so far have green featured in them despite attempts otherwise.
Anyways, for New Years Eve my fiance and I are going to have a nice quiet evening at home and watching the festivities in a nice warm apartment. In 2012 I'm looking forward to graduating from grad school and starting to plan a wedding!

Jackie @ Fred-and-Cissy said...

Its my Schoolboy's birthday on NYE, so we'll be celebrating all day (he turns 7). Also, we always have a fancy dress party, and are working through the alphabet - I'm in the process of creating two Emperor Palpatines, an Executioner, Einstein and Eyeore as we speak!

BeeSewSweet said...

No big New Year's eve plans. I'll be home with my 2 year old while my husband works until 10, then we'll celebrate at 11 our time when the new year hits in another time zone! Sad, I know but my daughter is a really early riser!! Thanks for the giveaway.

Beth said...

Dinner and bowling with kids and neighbors and it should be fun.

Toni said...

Those fabrics are beautiful! My middle son turns three on New Year's Eve, so we will be having a very small party for him with his requested red cupcakes with sprinkles. Fun times!!

Anna @FreshDewDrops said...

Not much going on here this weekend. Dear husband works both days. Will play games and share some snacks and music with the children, good times. Happy New Year!

TDJ said...

Lovely Colors, love the way they play off each other.

My plans, sit up for the New Year's Ball goes down in N.Y. City, Eastern Time and watch it with my kids. I figure my 2 oldest may make it till 11pm (we are on Central Time) they are 9 and 7. I am sure the baby age 3 will not but he will be up no later than 7am, I plan on doing as much sewing as I can N.Y.Day.

Leila said...

Is watching a movie and eating ice cream a plan? :) If you are looking for new shows to watch I am hooked on Downton Abby and will probably be watching that.

Carol N said...

Hi Crazy Mom!
Just hit your link on Patchery Menagarie tonight and found these stacks of yummy pink and green fabric.
My husband and I will spend this New Year's Eve at home.

I'm hoping there's a quilt store in NH that has the pink fabric. I don't know the company but your description of the fabric as easy to work with encourages a search to find a piece.

Anonymous said...

The fat quarters are beautiful! They will make someone a special quilt. I will be spending a quiet evening with my DH and if I am lucky I will be able to spend some time sewing. Cathy in Kansas

jan said...

Looking forward to a three day weekend of sewing (but first doing some fabric stash organizing!) Thanks for all the inspiration in 2011!

EngrSandi said...

I'm planning to sew at home by myself tomorrow, then sew with my friends on Sunday. Probably won't stay up until midnight so I can get up at a reasonable hour on Sunday morning to so play!

trudys_person said...

We are spending the evening with special friends, having a fondue dinner. We've done this for several years in a row - it's lovely and low-key.

I love these fabrics - pink has always been a favourite, but bright green is a new favourite! Thank you for the giveaway!

Leslie at the Sugarhouse said...

We traveled to spend Christmas with my family in NJ. I am looking forward to ringing in the New Year with my hubby and children by a nice cozy fire at home.
I used your tut. for easy grid quilting and I was so happy with the results. I made a special pillow for my mom and she loved it!
Love your blog too. Have a Happy & Healthy New Year.

Diannia said...

What beautiful colors! I have been collecting greens for a green/purple quilt. No great plans for NYE. I have containers in my sewing room shouting at me to trim them down and get rid of the mess! Guess that would be a good choice. LOL

Christine said...

Thanks for the chance, I love your blog. I am looking forward to finishing a quilt my mom and I have been working on for a year already!

Shannon said...

Oh my! Either set would be lovely to work with!

I am looking forward to a more organized and less cluttered life in the New Year!

Diane said...

Love the fabrics!! :) Thank you for the chance!

We will be spending New Years Eve with friends ... just a small gathering but looking forward to a fun evening.

I am hoping I will find myself more organized, and less overwhelmed, in the new year.

Kylie Lloyd said...

My New Year's Eve will be spent looking after my sick son and sewing more of my sister in law's wedding quilt. I'm looking forward to sewing the evening away.

Ginny said...

Love the bundles, thanks for the giveaway!

New years eve I will be spending with my family, kids and grandson. Always a delight!

Momto3inIL said...

Work is my New Years!

momto3inil at gmail dot com

Annalia said...

Oh darn. Now I have to think of something to do for New Years Eve. :)

I think I'm going to watch old episodes of Bones with my hubby, while my kids play Wii. Not exciting, but fun.

fabric looks yummy, btw

Sarah Craig said...

We're just going to have a quiet new year's eve at home, but next year I'm looking forward to learning more FMQ skills on my quilting frame - branching out from just random meandering. And finishing up some of those UFOs!!

Andrea and Laura said...

love following your blog! planning on having friends and family over for a nice quiet(ish) new years celebration!

Cassandra said...

Thanks for a chance to win such pretty fabric. This next year my goal is to make a quilt for my 2 year old's bed. Some fabric would speed this up immensely because I hate trying to pick fabric. I always second guess my choices:)

Shanon said...

Oh I would love to have both bundles! I think for new years we are ordering Chinese and watching the ball drop at home. Last year we went to an English Gastropub 7 course dinner and it was a disaster with a lot of the wait staff calling in. It was fancy and expensive so this year I am looking forward to the low key new years.

Katie R said...

we're hosting a nice brunch tomorrow and then staying in with a pot of soup and a good movie tomorrow night. I am not looking forward to anything specific this year, but I am really enjoying where 2011 has brought us :) and looking forward to 2012

Kathleen said...

I am taking part in a progressive dinner New Year's Eve....thanks for the giveaway...

me said...

For new years eve I plan on working on a new quilt while watching my son and two favorite little girls play the day away, hopefully with snow falling outside the windows!

I'm looking forward to putting a hard year behind us and starting the new year with some hope.

And because I can't figure out my signature...

carla.meier said...

I'll be spending New Year's Eve at my niece's basketball game. Then its home to spend a quiet New Year's Day doing laundry. Doesn't that sound like a great way to ring in a new year?

Lesley said...

Love your blog. I became a follower and look forward to your upcoming projects. My hubby and I order Chinese food and watch a movie...a quiet night but a night we enjoy!

倩™ © said...

Gorgeous colors! just love it!
I wish to make more quilts for family and friends in 2012!!!
Thanks Amanda for hosting this give away again :):)

Venus de Hilo said...

I'm looking forward to sewing an aqua/olive/lime "summer quilt" for my own bed next year... those lovely green FQs would fit right in with the fabrics already standing by!

Dolores said...

We are heading off to the Legion with another couple on New Years Eve. It's sort of become a tradition.
Gorgeous fabrics.

Carol said...

No New Year's Eve plans. We like to hand around the house.

Susan Leininger said...

I am going to a glass blowing glass with my oldest son, this is my christmas present. Excited and nervous!

Emily said...

Fire in the fireplace, cheese fondue, feeling grateful. (last nye, both my stepd and I were recovering from surgery...) and that green bundle -- inspired!

Abi said...

Wow, 711 comments. I was googling New year eve art dolls for my blog post, and your blog came up!
Not at all what I was looking for, but I'm glad I did!

Gwen said...

LOVE the pretty pinks and greens. Thank you! NYE will be spent packing for a big move and preparing a pot of black-eyed peas!

Michele said...

Our good friends live in the next neighborhood, and they're having a small party we'll attend. Doubt we make it to midnight since we're up at 4 am each morning. I don't like being on the roads New Year's Eve. We live in a big city. It's best to stay put or not travel very far. Happy new year!

Nicole said...

Rather than New Year's Eve, I am planning to celebrate my 12th wedding anniversary on Jan 8. Also, I am looking forward to making a quilt for my daughter this year and painting her bedroom to match!

Tessa H. said...

I am looking forward to my husband's work schedule to go back to a normal one. :D

Anonymous said...

Working on my baby clothes quilt and hanging with my little girls!! Thanks for the chance!

Stephanie Ellis

Charleen said...

My New Year's Eve plans are to being doing something that I hope I will be able to do all year. So this year it will be planning quilts and organizing my work area!

Leah said...

Love a healthier 2012 for my whole extended family.

roxi said...

I'm freakin' out cause I still don't know what to do for new years. We don't have to babysit the grandkids & my husband isn't working.... I really need to find something to do fast!!! Thank you Amanda Jean for all your inspiration this year & bring the love of quilting back into my life! Happy New Years :)

Lesley said...

Love your blog and just became a follower. On New Year's Eve, we order Chinese food and watch a movie. The fabrics are beautiful!

Dana said...

Nothing special going on at our house for New Years, but I do plan on spending all day Sunday and Monday sewing on some quilt projects! The pink and green fabrics are yummy!

Anonymous said...

New Years menas a bbq with friends - we have been getting together for a new Years bbq with this group for the last 20 years. Numbers and families vary from year to year but great food and conversation blklman at xtra dot co dot nz

Joyful Quilter said...

I'm planning on unquilting the quilt I tried to quilt today...bad tension, big loops, so sad, oh well. Happy New Year!

Lisa said...

I am excited to start a new year with new projects and new finishes.

January said...

I'm looking forward to learning more quilting techniques in the new year since I just recently learned to quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.

Beth said...

We are going to a friend's house for a party. It is a crazy hat party. I am wearing a flamingo hat! I hope I win a prize!

Anonymous said...


We usually go to church on New Year's Eve, however, this NYE we will bring in the New Year at home, a bit quietly.

Patty said...

As I type my message I see you already have over 700 comments. Wow, you sure have a large following!

For New Year’s Eve my plan is work, work, and more work. We are fixing to move into another house so some major remodeling can finally be done to our home. The temporary house needed a lot of repairs and painting done. We started all the work towards the end of summer and we are just about finished. So, to me, working tomorrow night instead of celebrating is just fine.

As for my 2012 plans, I have many. On the top of my list is to get more creative with my doll clothes. I created several new styles this year but would love to do more in the upcoming year.

I really love reading your blog and looking at your sewing projects and quilts. It’s fun to look back through your archives and see how you have progressed. You just keep getting better and better and I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Happy New Year!

LizA. said...

What beautiful fabrics! No plans here. My husband's on call and actually has to make a network change at 11:00 pm....thankfully he can do it from home.

Cindy said...

Amanda - Thank you! Your blog is the one I've been reading the longest and the first one I refer to for advice. Our plan for tomorrow night is to hang out with the neighbors, enjoy the fire pit, have a drink or two, and watch the kids squeal with delight when the fireworks begin. All the best to you and yours. Happy 2012!

Linda R. said...

I am hosting a New Year's Eve get together with 2 other couples at my home. I am looking forward to my daughter's wedding this September!! Thanks so much for a chance to win these gorgeous fabrics!! Happy New Year to all!

Dollwood Farms said...

I am planning on staying home and being with family. That is what I enjoy the most.

cakegirl said...

My husband and I are staying home nursing our shared cold. I do hope to indulge in a bottle of good bubbly! Many thanks for a great giveaway and a happy healthy 2012 to everyone!

Shannyn said...

I get FOUR whole days off this New Years; so I get to spend the time with my boyfriend (we have a long distance relationship) and we plan on attending the free New Years' Eve party in his community. Yay! Happy New Years' To you all!!


Penny from S.C. said...

No plans for New Years! Hope to get out of debt, learn my new job, and be a blessing to others....

quiltgrammy said...

We will be staying in on New Year's Eve,maybe try to get a jump on the UFO's I would like to finish in 2012 lol,same goal every year but the UFO pile just seems to increase!!!!

Would love to win one of those yummy bundles,thanks for the chance.
Happy New Year!!!!!

needlenurse said...

Thank you for having such a wonderful blog. I've learned so much from you. You are such an inspiration! Please enter me into your drawing. I plan on a quiet evening at home with my husband.


Lee Ann L. said...

I will be spending New Year's Eve with my oldest brother. But, not much else is planned including partying! That is what happens when we get old. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to making Jay Bird's "Chopsticks" pattern for my Mom - some dark Kaffe Fassett prints with some warm caramel kona cotton! She will be surprised!
Lalexander733 (at) gmail (dot) com

zarina said...

Most likely resting and quilting at home. Can you imagine that we have three weddings to attend today - all between noon till 4? Sheesh - what a way to celebrate the New Year.

Patrick said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I am planning on not sewing at all for a few days. The Christmas push took a lot out of me :)

Anonymous said...

First time commenter, but long time lurker. I will be spending NYE celebrating my birthday, then attending an NHL game (Go Kings!)

Plans for the new year include getting married - just got engaged at Christmas so no official date yet.

Love the colors in the green bundle especially.

Stacey T. in Los Angeles

Toni said...

Pretty fabrics! We've had SO much activity and house guests the last week or so that we're spending NYE at home, on the couch, with some movies. Probably won't even make it to midnight.

Aleisha said...

No real plans for New Year's Eve, my husband has to work. Although, I might to go my sister's house because her CRAZY neighbors like to run up and down the street shooting fireworks at each other. It really is funny to watch! :) Thanks for the great giveaway and I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

Cecelia said...

My favorite colors, what a lovely combination of fabrics! We are planning on staying home, no plans, just watching TV. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

On New Year's Eve I plan to load up the car for the first 'hubby and me' roadtrip since our twins were born 5 years ago! First stop - meeting my partner at SeamedUP for the first time ever - I can't wait!

In 2012 I look forward to watching the twins turn into 6 year olds, watching SeamedUP become everything it is meant to be, and getting my home and my sewing studio organized!

I am so surprised that those are Pat Bravo Prints! They are a big departure from her usual large scale flowery excellence - but they look just as yummy! Thanks for the chance.

Sara said...

Thanks for the chance to win beautiful fabric. New Years Eve will be spent with some dear friends. New Years Day will be my day to put away the holiday decorations and do some sewing.

Anonymous said...

New Year's Plans? Chocolate fondue with friends and family. And hopefully some sewing on New Year's Day. Blessings! Nyla-Jean, Kingston, Ontario

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, and your quilts. No plans for New Years Eve, will probably fall asleep on the couch, and then wake up at midnight and go to bed. Big woop!

KWILEY said...

No firm plans yet - this is the first year in a few we won't be chaperoning a youth group all nighter. So maybe i'll get some sleep this year. Would love to win some new fabric. Got a new rotary mat and ruler - now just need new fabric for cutting. THanks for a chance to win!

Unknown said...

Loving the green bundle. MY NYE plans include watching some fireworks at the local Elks club.

Anonymous said...

Look at those lovely fabrics! New Year's Eve is gonna be quiet at my house. Spend some time with family & cozy up next to the Babylock!

Stephanie said...

New Years plans... I might finally swiffer the floor or clean the cobwebs from the ceiling downstairs! :)

Adam Yoeckel said...

I would love to be put in this drawing for these bundles. New year's eve plans are bleak: coat check at a party. However, I might be able to afford more fabric for the many, many quilt patterns I have dreamed up in my head.
econdly, thank YOU for sharing your quilting adventures with all of us.

Laura said...

We are going to a friends house to play games and eat treats!

Abbi said...

Love your blog! Our New Year Eve plans include chocolate fondue and a 1000 piece puzzle :)

Kelly G 12 said...

Great colors. They are perfect for a little girl's quilt. I recently started a quilting project for our bedroom. It's been years since I last quilted and I have missed it. My plan is to make our new granddaughter a quilt when ours is completed.
We are spending New Years Eve with our closest friends and their Mother who has come to visit for the holidays. They will spend the night and enjoy country life!

Quilter Kathy said...

Happy New Year!
I plan to bring in the new year with sewing a mystery quilt!

Trisha said...

Staying in with my husband.

Maria said...

OH what yummy fabrics. Love both bundles. thank you for a chance to win one.
My New Year Plans are to sit quietly and watch the Festivities on TV. I love all the Fireworks at Sydney Harbour Brige. As I am a Western Australian I can't be there. maybe one year.
Wishing you all the best for 2012.

Jen said...

For new years, my friend reserved a local gymnasium and we are taking the kids and going to run them tired! thanks for this giveaway!

fabrications2B said...

It's our first nye as official empty nesters...and we are going out! The first time, like , ever I think! We usually hang out at friend's with kids. Which i loved....As for Pat's fabrics..I "like" them...on fb...but love the two color ways! A happy and ever healthful new year to all!

Mama Masek said...

Thanks for the giveaway! We are taking our 7 year old son to a Husker basketball game!

Milkshake Baby said...

My husband and I have good friends in town for New Years Eve! But we are looking forward to 2012 because we are praying this is the year that we get to be blessed with another beautiful borrowed angel from God.

TG said...

Love your blog, looking forward to seeing all your projects for next year. Will try to participate in your Finish it Friday!

Sara said...

The apartment complex I live in has a New Year's Party where we bring snacks - so I'm going to head down there...

Emma said...

Beautiful fabrics - thanks for the giveaway!

I will be spending new years at home. I just moved into a new house, and I'm in "nesting" mode!

Lucy said...

On new years eve I will go to bed as usual! (3 children 4 and under!) and next year I'm looking forward to hopefully getting 5 hrs of sleep in a row at least a few times!

Bonnie said...

OOOOOO, those colors are gorgeous! Nothing exciting going on for New Year's Eve but the new year will bring new babies.

Ang said...

I love your blog - thank you for all the tutorials and sharing! We will be hanging out with friends on NYE!

Vail said...

Love those lucious fabrics. I am in TX visiting my son and his family do the new year.

Vail in TN

Anonymous said...

We are going to my brother and sister in law's house, and helping them break in their newly remodeled basement! thanks for the opportunity to win fabric, the colors and design are fun, perfect for the baby girl quilt I am designing for my sister who FINALLY has a girl (after 5 boys!!!!)


Melissa S said...

We are having a New Years Eve celebration at church. Food, fun and fellowship should be fun! Thanks for your blog, I have learned a ton from you and just love seeing your work! God Bless! Melissa S

Tricia C. said...

No plans for NYE except to hang out with family and wait for my oldest to come home from a party safely. I'm looking forward to a year without an institution looking over my shoulder. My daughter's adoption was finalized this month!

KC said...

No plans for New Year's Eve. Hubby is deployed to Afghanistan.

Beautiful colors.

Tamie said...

You have a lot of comments. We have no New Years plans except my husband and I hanging out in our little cabin in the mountains. Great fabric bundles.

Kristy said...

We will probably go out to dinner and a show. Looking forward to playing with my ner accuquilt in 2012!

Rachel said...

On New Year's Eve I'll be hanging out with my family, brother-in-law's family and parents-in-law. Eating snacks and playing games.

gatofish said...

My husband and I will be spending it with our three week old first child. :)

Mariel said...

I'm planning on staying home and watching the "ball drop." I am drained from all the Christmas celebration and looking forward to nice quite evening. Thanks for the giveaway. Happy New Years!

The Paisley Abbey said...

The fabrics are beautiful! I love both sets! I am just hanging out with the hubbie at home for New Years Eve.


Unknown said...

Hey there,
We aren't doing much for New Years this year as I have to work.
I'm looking forward finishing more projects this year!

Lynn said...

Lovely fabric, I will be spending NYE with family and pets, hopefully not too scared pets when the fireworks start!

Deon said...

Love the colors! I'll be home being boring on new year's least I'll be with family!

Kathi said...

Dinner and a movie on New Year's Eve. We probably won't ring in the new year. Planning to make more time for quilting in 2012!

Lee said...

We're having a couple of friends over and spending the evening drinking wine and playing cards. My favorite kind of NYE celebration! Happy 2012, thanks for all the inspiration!

Jules said...

pink and green, were our wedding colours!.
New years eve will be spent at home with my husband and 18 month old daughter. eating some good food hopefully and watching the ball drop.

Fran said...

My in-laws are in town. We will be watching the Peach Bowl to cheer on the Auburn Tigers!

sbsudbury said...

Happy New Year to you...all the best to you and yours in 2012. My hubby and I will be dancing till the wee hours with some dear friends and bringing in 2012 surrounded by people who bring great joy to our lives.

Thanks for the opportunity to win these great FQ's.

Stephanie said...

Love the fabric, love your blog. I plan on spending New Years Eve with Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin. I love their NYE show. Please enter me in your drawn. Happy New Year to you and your family.

Linda t said...

Enjoy your New Year's giveaway - my plans include hosting again. There will be 11 adults and approximately 20 kids. I'm glad we've all decided to not make it a late night!

JeniceD said...

We will be staying at home with a nice cozy fire to keep us company.

I love your blog and am so happy that you decided to come back!

Allison C said...

I'm REALLY looking forward to buying our first home. I'm sick of our slacker landlord. I can't wait for a functional oven, a yard, and the choice to do whatever we want with our space!

Kathrynn said...

I think that this may be the first time my husband and I will be alone for New Year's Eve since the kids were born

Stephanie said...
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