I'm happy to have the chance to review a copy of Modern Log Cabin Quilting, by Susan Beal. This beautiful book includes a brief history of the log cabin quilt, a section about choosing fabrics and materials, a quilt making basics section, and 25 patchwork projects. The projects are broken down into 3 sections: Quilts, Home Decor and Bags & Beyond. There are so many great ideas of what you can create using the log cabin block as your jumping off point. My personal favorite from the book is the quilt on the cover. I was smitten at first sight. After reading through the pattern, I think it's genius! I'm excited to make my own. It's simple and stunning...just my kind of quilt. :)
A few other things I loved in the book:
This inspiration quilt....made in 1865. Kinda looks like our modern quilts, eh?
I loved the simplicity of design and bold colors in the Straight Furrows quilt.
The starry night pillow is great, too.
The kind folks at Crown Publishing are offering up a free copy of the book to one of my readers. If you would like to win a copy, leave a comment in this post. In your comment, let me know what you are up to today. Personally, I'm going to go run some errands and pick up ingredients to make a huge kettle of soup. Yes, it's May 2 and it was SNOWING this morning! I'm none too happy about it, as you could probably imagine! So, I'm going to make some soup, hunker down with some quilting and try to make the best of it. After all, I do have a few quilts to work on. ;)
Happy Monday to you!
Oh, and thanks for all the birthday wishes for my daughter. I appreciate each and every one of them!
1 – 200 of 387 Newer› Newest»it's the last day of the school holidays here, so we've been out for icecream, and tonight I plan to mark out the quilting on my son's quilt, he wants a soccer ball pattern x
i'd love to win a copy! today, i am busy making pizza dough for our supper tonight!
I would love to win!
I work (from home) on Mondays, and then I'll be picking up a birthday gift for my husband :)
What a cool book! I love "modern" spins on traditional quilts!
I am cleaning and then I hope to make progress catching up on the photo album...I am only 2.5 years behind mow!
Working away and preparing for end of year evaluations (I work on a college campus) as well as trying to buy our first home!!! Lots to do!
Hi. The book looks cool, thank you, and believe it or not I have been sewing a log cabin block for a swap I am in!! Happy quilting C
I will be working on quilting a spring quilt.
I have grad school finals in two days! I'm trying to juggle work and studying and not throwing up from nerves.
In three days, I plan on getting out the sewing machine. I missed her.
today... I'm just working and then fixing dinner and cleaning the house a little for my parents' visit this comming weekend. Sounds like a terrifically Monday Monday.
Fun! This book is amazing.
I am making vintage magnetic paperdolls for my girlies and doing some laundry. Fun times!
leiselp @ gmail
I am canning my famous (okay, only sort of famous!) refried beans. My family starts to panic when there are only a few jars left. :)
Please don't send the snow this way! I've had enough!!
Today, I am working- and hopefully tonight I'll take some time to unpack boxes in my new sewing room! I have a sewing party to get ready for!
Today I'm just doing some cleaning, looking after my 2-year-old, and trying to finish up a t-shirt quilt for my niece. Why on earth did I ever tell her I would make her one??
For today when I'm done working, I'll be volunteering at the library for a bit, and then if I'm ambitious, I'll get some paint stripping done on a chair I'm refinishing. Thanks for the chance to win such a great looking book.
The book looks wonderful. I've done some grocery shopping, some Mother's Day shopping (where somehow I didn't get anything for my mother-in-law but found some great sales for myself) and now I'm moderating sibling fights!
I'm baking cookies for a care package to send to my son in college and of course, I'm quilting! Thanks for the chance!
Love log cabin patterns! I think log cabin was the first quilt I made many years ago and it still works for me!
Great giveaway, thanks! I am working all day, and then hopefully working on some sewing tonight (Mother's Day gifts!).
I'm working today (editing For Dummies books) and there's a stop at the library on my way home. Hoping to revisit a frustrating attempt at bias binding tonight!
I have this book on my amazon "wish list"! Today I am registering my daughter for school in Texas.
I have an extremely dull day planned, all because I have a dentist appt this morning. Then, because gas here is upwards of 4.50/gal, I need to do all those little errands I love so much that a trip to town calls for! Definitely not my favorite type of day-just one to get it all over with.
this book is on my wish list~ Today I'm stripping wallpaper in my 80s bathroom. Boo. :( I'm making myself finish it before I can quilt, hopefully tonight!
Today I am writing a final exam for my online calculus class. This sounds miserable, and it is.
So I'll also tell you what I'd prefer to be doing today: playing barbies with my 4yo, experimenting with piecing a zebra print pattern, making cupcakes and playing outside (no snow here yet, but it's threatening to!).
Happy Monday, and thanks for the chance to win!
studying and preparing for an oral presentation!
I would love to have this book!
I am getting ready for my Bible Study friends to come to my house on Thursday...cleaning.
I would love to have a copy!!
What am I up to today???? Well I have just posted the finished top for my teenage daughter, and another one(still working on that one, LOL) for my sister in law, so I guess the rest of the day I will just go around blogland for a couple of hours.....maybe work on a Baltimore block.
I'm folding laundry. Love to get my hands on that book!
Never been one for log cabins -- but lately I have been seeing such cool ones -- I MAY have to try one. Today...hmmm. taking younger daughter to gymnastics after picking her up from preschool, then older daughter to soccer in the afternoon after school. Have not had a chance to think about dinner yet, though I did pick up some artichokes and thought I might introduce them to my girls (with butter lemon sauce) YUMMM.
Cool book! I'm always struck on how we talk about "modern" quilting but it looks like the quilting that was done years and years ago. Today I'm at work (FYI -- I'm on a break!) and doing lot of mundane little tasks because I'm procrastinating on doing something I hate ... meeting minutes. I wish I was home working on a quilt :(
I have only completed one quilt so far, but am well into my second! I would love to give this book to my sister(then borrow it later) 'cause she's good at this stuff already. :)
Today I am finalizing the itinerary and site assignments for my service unit's spring camp-out. It's hot as heck, and we are under a burn ban. Should be fun!
Today, ran errands, cleaning the basement (ugh) and making a dessert. Thanks for the chance to win!
Going to look at a house. My hopes are not high. Winning would certainly brighten my mood!
Rainy and cold in Texas today and that means a day in the quilt studio. Was warm and sunny and the grandkids were here swimming on Saturday. I have a pot of cranberry beans soaking to cook. I plan to get out my Lady Liberty Karen Stone blocks and begin to work on the border blocks. The curved spire blocks were a challenge to me but as the border blocks have straight spires, I hope they will be a bit easier. But I thoroughly enjoyed her lecture and workshop and learned so much from her. She is a great teacher.
I would love a copy of this book! I've run all my errands for the day, now I'm trying to reclaim my house from 2 weeks of house guests! I really want to quilt instead of clean!
OH, you poor, poor dear. Snow? Really? I feel for you. Up in the Northeast it has FINALLY begun to feel like spring. Winter has just been TOO long. But as for what I am doing today, I have posted a blog post, worked at work, and will probably take a nice long walk in the woods with my dog when I get home. May spring get to you soon!!!
Thank you for the chance to win!
Today I planted out some peas and tomatoes, and some lovely fragrant (I hope) sweet peas ...
I'm taking care of all the things I've been putting off for the past week. No sewing for me today.
Looks like a great book! I love that the inspiration quilt is so old, yet it could have been made today!
Today I am just going to be doing a little grocery shopping and tidying up the house.
The book looks wonderful. Love the simplicity of basic blocks. I'm hoping to do some stitching and some chores. Both feel good in their own way.
I am hoping to get some new running shoes and run to the dollar store for thank you cards. not sure if I'll actually get either done.
We're not very warm here either. tomorrow is supposed to be 70, I'm pretty happy about that.
I'm on the waiting list at the library for this book, but I'd love to have a copy of my own.
that inspiration quilt is amazing considering how old it is.
It was the last day of the Easter Holidays here today. I have done some coursework. Nearly finished my Audrey Cardigan. Seen some friends and replanted my orchids.
I'm at work, but when I get home I'll be working on a baby quilt for a guy I work with - for their first baby. And I might get around to putting binding on my Grandson's new quilt too! 3 more hours to go....
What a great book!
I am working, doing laundry, and (shhh) already planning next weekend.
Just another Monday...homeschooling, laundry, flute lesson for my oldest. Might get some sewing done when everyone is in bed late tonight.
I'd LOVE to win this book, log cabin is my favorite quilt block!
Little boy with a double ear infection. :( Not up to much today, waiting on him hand and foot until he feels better! :)
I'd like a chance to win.
Today I am cleaning bathrooms and doing laundry. Everyone little girl's dream job, right?
Fab giveaway book!
It's the last of our Bank Holidays here & we've been having some family time together. We went to Harlow Carr - one of the Royal Horticultural Society gardens and enjoyed the sunshine, although it was a bit parky in the wind!!!
I'll be doing some upholestry sewing today. My husband and I are giving a make over to a pair of retro chairs in time for a good friend to give them to his wife for Mother's Day.
Sorry to hear about your snow yesterday. I know exactly what that feels like. I'm really hoping we've had our last snowfall and can finally get full swing into spring.
Happy quilting!
I love to get a chance to look at this book! I keep hearing good things about it.
Today I am taking care of two sick kids, one who is too young to aim, so I end up with multiple dirty shirts. Hopefully, they're almost over this.
I have been eyeing this book since I first saw it- very good stuff. I am making bread (my son's name is Ben , but our bread is from the Food Nanny), worked out, cleaned up diasters, and finishing up some very long over-due projects... why do I have so many of them?
Doing some yard work in the am and finishing a quilt for my sister this pm. The book looks wonderful would love to win!!
working on a modified bento quilt today for a dear friend's daughter - a request by her - right up there with an ipod!! i think this book looks amazing!
That book looks great! :) We have done school this morning, ran to the bank and the library, and need to get outside to weed the garden. No idea what to make for dinner! :) Soup might be a good choice!
I don't usually enter these kinds of giveaways. But the book looks WONDERFUL and I'd love to win it. Today I'm at work but when I get home I'm going to resume hand-quilting my Bonnie Hunter wonky project from the weekend.
The book looks fascinating!
I'm doing laundry and need to finish a quilt top for my daughter's high school graduation. I'm almost there :)
Hope your soup is yummy!
This book looks fantastic! Ive been seeing it all over blogland :-) I would love a copy of it!
Today I am a zombie trying to get my house sanitized. My 6 year old was up sick last night, so I'm trying to wipe everything down, do laundry, and pray that maybe, just maybe I can be lucky enough to get a nap today :-)
Here in the NW it's raining, I went for my walk anyhow. Now I am working on a small quilt 16 x 16 in scrappy 1 1/2" HST's using the square in a square method.
What a fantastic giveaway! Today, I'm going to sew a pair of pajama pants for my hubby's birthday. :-)
Today I am saying goodbye to my boyfriend until July, when he returns from Suriname. After that, I have to hit the books for the finals I have tomorrow and Wednesday.
I have already been out to eat with my hubby and run errands, but I have a headache from an annoying condition that I have. I am going to nap since that is the only relief, if I can get to sleep.
I'm at work... waiting for the 3pm mtg... then, methinks I'll go home and do something quilt-y!
The book looks great... would love to have a copy! Thanks for the chance to win it!
Today I'm going to be grading lab papers the rest of the day and writing a quiz for my cell biology students.
steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I've been working on my Toykoyo subway map quilt. Half way there! I'd love to win the log cabin book.
i'm going to lunch soon. then will hike in torrey pines at 2 pm. i might try my hand at free motion quilting later tonight. it's about time!
I personally love log cabin quilts. I used a pattern for the 2nd quilt I ever made. They just look cozy to me. :)
As for today, I am doing spring cleaning! Starting in the kitchen and gathering stuff for a yard sale. :) And even though I LOVE spring cleaning...I am a bit jealous you still have snow. I love cold weather! :)
Enjoy your soup!
I love the cover quilt too! Today, I am making banana bread to take to Bible Study tomorrow!
Enjoy your soup and snow;)
I’m stuck at work until 6pm, but then I get to go home and work on a quilt for my mom for mother’s day and work on facings and button holes for a vest.
Maybe soon I can add "make a quilt from Modern Log Cabin Quilting" to my list!
thanks for the review and the give-away. I've been quite curious about this book, it would be great to win a copy. Today I'm working on a paper for school and thinking about the little sister I lost, she would have been 25 today.
this book looks great! Not up to much today since it is pouring outside and I have a restless toddler here.
I was just looking at this book at the store yesterday! Hmmm, I would love to be cutting for my next quilt today...but it seems I've gotten pulled into quilting blogland...
Full day of work today, followed by a Board of Trustees meeting tonight. With luck I'll be home between 8 and 8:30 and will have enough energy to work on some bibs I'm making for a baby shower!
I wish I was sewing, but today I will be painting my living room base boards . . . walls tomorrow and then new carpet!!! Thanks for the chance.
How nice of Crown Publishing! I personally LOVE all of your quilts. Your tutorials were so easy to follow that it took all of the intimidation out and I jumped in. Today I am running errands, turning torn jeans into shorts and using the remanants from the jean legs to turn into a denim purse.
What a neat book! On the agenda for today: errands, blog, sew binding on a quilt, pay bills, prep dinner and do laundry...all while caring for 2 1/2 YO B/G twins. Whew! :)
My goals today are to wash and blow dry the stinky little dog after our long afternoon walk, dust the pollen from inside the house, and clean the bathroom. If I do those things, I will be able to work on my "chaos" pattern quilt!
Nicole in Annapolis
What am I up to today? I am going through all of my children's (3!) clothes. So far, found out my daughter is wearing panties 2 sizes too small! Yikes! :) I guess I should quilt less and check my daughters undies more often! Heehee! But more patterns never hurt, either! Thanks for the giveaways!
Thanks for the giveaway! I'm working today, then will come home & make Creamy Ranch Pork Chops for dinner. After I eat, feed, bathe, and put down my baby, I plan to transfer the embroidery pattern for my MIL quilt into the fabric. :-)
I've hit 2 garden centers today in search of elusive white peonies, and of course bought a whole bunch of other flowers at each place. So hopefully some planting will be on the docket this afternoon, along with the usual school pickups, getting the toddler to nap, dishes, laundry, etc. If I find a free minute I'm working on a jelly roll quilt...but sewing usually falls off the bottom of the "to-do" list!
I requested this book as a Mother's Day Gift, but if I don't get it then, I'd love to win a free one!!!
Today I'm going to make a cuban black bean stew with our leftover ham bone, and go running because I've got a half marathon to run in a couple of weeks.
Today, I'm headed to the post office to drop off some orders, then I'm going back home to play 'Just Dance' with my son. For relaxation, I will sit and sew the binding on a quilt I'm working on for my baby girl. :) Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!
I am working today, but what I'm really doing is mulling the fabric I just bought & the pattern I've picked out:)
Today my 4th graders just finished a week oftheir state testing. Now we are having a relaxing rest of the day at school :)
I just got back from my Zumba class. I love creating log cabin blocks to use on pillows, tote bags, etc. Would love to have this book for inspiration.
Today, I'm scrambling to finish preparations for my town's Crane & Sheep Festival (happening this weekend). This involves a lot of brochure-folding, making calls to various people who said they would help out (to make sure they're still helping ^_^), and just general headless-chicken running around. When I finally go home, I will do some more work on the Cowboy Quilt I am making for my sister, and just relax.
Election day here, so I voted. Worked on some applique, played with the toddler, and we will be making breakfast for dinner - maple sausages, yum!
Please, Please, Please let it be me! I have a stack of fabric for my son's first mommy-made quilt and an itch to make a quilt for my own bed and these would be perfect!
As for today so far I've done about 4 loads of laundry, feed the baby, changed the baby (multiple times), managed a trip to the grocery with baby, cleaned up the house and have only been up for about 4 hours (not counting the two night feedings since 12am) and still have to go in a work a full 8.5 hour day and come home and love on my son a little more...
Monday is cleaning day, so I am procrastinating mopping my floor by reading blogs. I hope to get some quilting time in somewhere today as well. Thanks for the chance to win the book - I am loving that cover quilt as well and am anxious to see the rest.
i am moving today. the truck comes at 5:00 and i'm not ready. what am i doing commenting on blogs!?!
I'm at work. Blah. Your blog is much more interesting!
Today is our busy day: school carpool, Pre-school carpool, dance, TaeKwonDo, and ZUMBA! Thank goodness today is also our take-out dinner night :)
I would love to win a copy of this book! Love some of the patterns you've shown from it!
Today is a relaxing day, taking a break from my niece's quilt and spending the day with my son.
I would love to win such a wonderful book! My Monday plans - errands and cleaning up after the weekend!!!
This morning I went to class and the rest of my day will be spent cleaning my apartment. It's much more conducive to studying when it's clean. ;)
It is a Bank Holiday here in the UK & I spent it doing some sewing & visiting with my In-Laws.
I had this book on My Christmas list but didn't get it so I would love a chance at winning...thank you for the chance to win!
Amanda x
Back at work today after a glorious four day weekend. I am basking in the glow of completing 2 quilt tops yesterday. I feel like I have 20 quilts to finish, I need to count!
I would love to win that book -- I'm a big fan of log cabin quilts. Today I've been working on a couple table runners for spring. Just finished the quilting, now it's on to binding. The colors are so cheerful they make me smile. And thank goodness we didn't have any snow here today. We had way too much of that this winter! You have my sympathy.
I live in Canada, and today is our Federal Election! So I voted this morning, and have to take my son to soccer practise this evening. Thanks for the chance!
Cleaning the kitchen. I would love to win the book. Thank you.
I am trying to recover my home after two weeks of in-law visitors!
Today I am cuddling my 2 week old little girl and enjoying my mother visiting. I would LOVE a copy of that book. It's my kind of quilting too!
Today I am being thankful that we don't have snow! I'm also scrubbing and hosing off our porch from top to bottom - not very fun.
I'm just trying to be a mom today. How's that for an activity? Cleaning, cooking, doctoring [taking out splinters of a 2yr old], nap time enforcer, and crafter.
Ooh, I still need to check out this book!
Today is one of my weekend days, so I went on a long walk around the pond. Saw lots of tree swallows!
Today I am working - trying to get back into the swing of things after a very crafty weekend!
What a fun book! It is drizzly here today and I am cozied up to my sewing machine. I have triangles cut for my scraps....I'm just as crazy as you! Well, maybe not, I don't have as many quilts to my name!
Would love to win --- I've run out of "renews" on my copy from the library and share a little of your 'none too happy' about that! [grin}
I cleaned the house and accidentally vacuumed up a bunch of tiny legos - (don't vacuum while you are turned around talking to your four year old!), had lunch with a friend, and now am going to go get some more quilting done on my round and round quilt!
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I'm off to feed my 16-day old baby and hopefully have a nap. Small steps around here. I hope to be quilting again soon.
Today I am...
~making a practice box pouch for the Pretty Little Pouch Swap
~trying to keep my 5 year old buy & entertained. He had a friend over earlier, now he's on to playing a little DS.
~listening to music on Slacker.
~enjoying all the birds that have been eating all the food in the feeder.
~dreaming of a WARM place. It's just too cold to be May.
That quilt on the cover has been taking over my mind lately. I must make one!
I had to take my baby to the dr this morning (ear infections in both ears), then some baking, and cleaning this afternoon, and bible study tonight! Looks like a cool book!
Sadly, I'm working today, and then going to have my summer tires put on the car. I'd rather be doing something crafty!
I'm shopping today for ingredients to make a nice big lunch for some senior citizens tomorrow. My friend and I serve about 20 people twice a month at our church.
Oh I would love to win.. Today babysitting grandaughter..Have a stacked coins quilt ready to be free motion quilted...Cannot decide what to do free motion or lines..Still not confident in free motion...I have had a lot of practice just not confident..
Today I had to go to the grocery..blech...then plan on cutting out more of my Fig Tree Parasol quilt...it was in the 90's at lunchtime yesterday and in the 40's now...and I live in South Texas, crazy weather! Lisa in Texas
I've been admiring this book in blogland! Today I am busy prepping for being out of town with the hubby for a week away from the kiddos. Yikes!
I just came home from my first of three AP tests :) Love to win the book!
today is miserably boring - work, grocery store, laundry.
I love that quilt on the front also. It is overcast and snowy here also. I was planning on going up to my sewing room, but I'm afraid I've been sucked in by the internet. My husband is working late tonight so I think I'll take the kids out for dinner so I can sew instead of clean the kitchen after they go to bed.
Great giveaway!
I'm home from work today with a grumpy toddler with a slight fever. He's sleeping the day away, which means... sewing time! I'm currently alternating between blogland and my sewing machine. It's quite glorious for a monday. :)
I love the look of the quilts you highlighted. Wish I had my own book so that I could find just the right project to make at my leisure. I hate it when I check a book out from the library and have to return it.
The book looks wonderful! I'm currently getting ready to bind 3 Log Cabin blocks for use as potholders. I LOVE the Log Cabin block! I also have to work on my science class lesson for Wednesday.
What a beautiful book! My to-do list today includes hanging out with my baby, who has a cold, and knitting some socks.
This looks such a great book!
Here in the UK the weather is fabulous so I've spent the day gardening!
What a beautiful book!
I'm making a toy owl for my newest nephew-to-be and washing a hat I knitted for him yesterday.
We have slightly overcast weather today. But today I am planning a family reunion for this summer and making a menu and grocery list for the entire month of May.
This book looks interesting and I love log cabin patterns. I am just on my way to have a much deserved massage. We awoke yesterday to about 2 inches of snow but today the sun is again shining and hopefully that will be the last of the snow until Xmas.
I love book giveaways. Today I am unpacking from a quilt camp weekend in Kennebunk Maine. It is beautiful sunny and warm day in Boston. Just returned from my walk. Thank you, Mary
Today I got to do two special things. I took my last child to her Kindergarten Orientation and got started on two teachers quilts. She's my third and last child so it was wonderful to be able to do this with her too. Also, nice to get back to quilting.
It is pouring rain today and I am going to refashion an old khaki skirt from the 90's, make a travel pillow for my daughter's friend and take the girls to swimming lessons. As per usual, there are no plans for dinner :)
We're finally recovered from a week of sickies so today I'm going to try and straighten up the house. My ten week old is napping so I'd better get to it while I can! I'm also thinking about a quilt top I'm trying to finish before my nephew is born.
Today - nothing special! My mother in law babysat for a few hours and I worked some more on my bathroom repainting project. Ahh.. so glamorous right? :)
I will be taking care of my baby today.
Mondays are always just so exciting (not). Did the laundry and quilted two charity quilts. Knitting until it's time for chores, then comfort food for supper 'cause we got the same snowflakes this morning. Maybe there's hope for Tuesday?
Today: appointment with the vet to get daughter's horse's teeth floated, then cleaning, laundry, meal preparation. Would love to win the book! Thanks for the chance...
It's rained so much here in Indiana that it's been declared a state of emergency, but my house & basement are dry. School is out because of flooding, so my kiddos are home. The UPS man just delivered some fabric I ordered from the Fat Quarter Shop, so I figure I can declare it a good day. I have a dry house house, my kids, and electricity.
I am eating chocolate ice cream and checking out my quilting blogs. :) But I have to leave to go pick up my friend's daughter. Tonight, I plan to work on my Dresden plate!
I think Log Cabin quilts are my all time favorites. I'd love to try out some more!!
Hoping for a chance to win.....
Don't think that my first attempt posted -- I'm trying to get the house in order and a swimsuit ordered for a (long overdue) Florida vacation. Would love to be reading this book on the beach!
After a very congested trip to the store (doh! first Monday of the month!), I have just put my first rhubarb-custard pie in the oven, and am emptying the dishwasher. I was going to make something a little crazy for dinner, but I'm not sure that I have the will after cleaning up all the sugar my son spilled.
Thanks to you (and Crown Publishing) for the opportunity to win this book. I'm not doing any quilty things today, but am trying to put the finishing touches on a cross stitch picture so I can call it done!
Would love to win a copy! Today I'm finishing up week 6, and hopefully week 7 of your round and round quilt along as a wedding gift for a friend. My first quilt, hoping to do may more :O)
A totally different end of the spectrum! I'm busy grocery shopping for a week at Edisto Beach, SC with our WHOLE family, husband, three daughters, their husbands, and 2 precious grandchildren! I'd love to win this book and relax at the beach reading it. thanks for the chance:)
I'm with you - I love the quilt on the cover of this book! Mondays are my busiest day. After I'm done teaching, I run out of the building, race across town to my daughter's school, pull her out for a weekly therapy session then on to gymnastics. Next stop is my great-niece's daycare. Pick her up and take her to music class for a half hour. Drop her off to her mother, run home to pull something very quick together to feed my 14-year-old, then back to gymnastics to pick up my daughter. Very few papers get graded on Monday nights and almost never any sewing! Can't wait for summer break to catch up on all of my quilt dreaming.
I'm currently taking some classes, so I've been studying all day long!
I would love to win and I make a version of that quilt on the cover! Today I'm painting our bathroom - a fun project to tackle on a Monday.
Thanks for the chance!
When does the book come out? I can't wait to see more!
I don't intend to do much today, I have the day off from work. All I feel like doing is being lazy and getting some much deserved rest!
I love that Starry Night pillow!
Today I'm working, then I'll spend part of the evening playing with my daughter. When she goes to bed, time for a frenzied cleaning of the house.
This book looks so inspiring! I am so over the cold weather. It has been snowing here off and on for the last three days, and I am so ready for spring. The good news is that it is supposed to be in the 70's by the end of the week-bring it on!
My kids are out of school today; it's rainy and cold outside--I just don't understand--it's MAY for Pete's sake!! So to preserve the peace, we made a run to the bookstore and picked up a birthday present for hubby and a new book for my Nana...and stopped for (I kid you not) ice cream! Thanks for the chance to win an awesome book. Happy quilting and stay warm!!
I am going to finish my last final (a paper for class #4) and then take a loooooong nap!!! :)
I spent the morning running errands including visiting my LQS of course! Now this afternoon I am watching my 3 yr old granddaughter and sewing some hexies! Thanks for the chance to win. Log cabin was the first quilt I ever made and I think that book looks so interesting.
Today I
did nothing.
As a workaholic this upsets me.
But I have to be honest. I think I just needed a day of "mental break."
Back to the mines tomorrow! :)
I agree with you I love the quilt on the cover! I just got home from work and am enjoying my 15 minutes of relax time before I start dinner and laundry!
Laundry! I'm not sure I can handle all the excitement.
I am quilting today!
Drop off kids. Doctor. Dentist. Work.
I'd love to enter your contest. It looks like a great book. Today I'm trying to cope with a sinus cold. Not fun, but even worse since I'm pregnant and I can take nothing. On the bonus side, I'm taking time to read blogs today.
1st day back to school after Spring break. Planning on making fajitas for supper and then finishing the binding on a wall hanging for my mother.
Heading out to ballet this afternoon with my girls.
So much can happen with a log cabin block! Great idea for a book.
Today I cooked for three hours so that when we return from our late afternoon training bike ride we'll have a lovely meal. I also posted to my blog and am now going to work on a graduation quilt!
looking longingly at fabric for my new quilt...but writing a paper instead! I love your blog and am just getting started quilting. thanks for all the fun ideas here!
Such a beautiful book. It's Monday so we're cleaning... Oh, and voting (there's a federal election in Canada today). I love being an active participant in democracy but honestly this time around the cleaning is almost more fun.
Today it is sunny, so I am enjoying that. I am about to start quilting on a small tote and then it's Dancing With the Stars while I eat pizza! {grin}
I would love to have a copy of this book!!
I love this book!
I would LOVE a copy. Log Cabin quilts are my 'new' ambition and I would love to have this for inspiration. Thanks for the chance!
I am sewing yoyo's today, trying to make a dent in the hundreds I need for a quilt.
Today I am cleaning and doing laundry and I finished sewing on the binding of a quilt. Thanks for the chance to win and great book.
That sounds nice - lucky you, I'm off to work to make mothers day cards with 80 preps - I'll be tired tonight
Awesome giveaway-- you reviewers are doing your job, because each one I read makes me want this book more. I am already home from work for the day, and I plan to finish up sewing my sister's birthday present tonight (her birthday was yesterday, but we're celebrating next weekend). ~Kate akmajor (at) gmail (dot) com
I am feeding, burping, and changing my newborn baby. We also went for a walk!
Today I am cleaning house and timing contractions....waiting for baby #6 to make it's arrival.
Hmmm... the better question is, what am I not doing today? I'm organizing an exchange student program from Spain, long-arming a little, trying to finish setting up my new laptop, and of course Dancing With the Stars is on tonight, after I get the kids in bed. Oh, I'm NOT doing laundry, even though I should! Thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you for the chance to win this awesome book! Today I was on the phone all morning making doctors appointments for my kids and this afternoon it was the park and Target!
Worked out at the gym for an hour, made napkins to match a table topper and then my great niece Jordyn came over to play!
Thanks for the giveaway! I went to quilting group at church today.
Laundry, acquiring vintage dishes, squaring up some quilt blocks, and taking care of my little baby. :)
Today? I've been glued to the computer a little bit, due to the national news. Taking care of my kids, too. Chatting online with two brothers-in-law who are IN Afghanistan (U.S. Army), and fixing dinner ...
Yahoo! A giveaway! Well, I would like to be giving birth to my second child today but if that doesn't happen then I will be cleaning house & cuddling with my first born! :)
I finished binding a quilt for my mom to give as a wedding present and then I am going to finish some blocks I am working on for a quilt for my mom for Christmas. I am also going to make a cheesecake for dessert after dinner and tutor. It has been a nice day here in Utah, but the first in a long time! I hope it is going to start trending to be nice for all of us! I have been very proud to be an American today also! I hope you choose me! I love your blog!
I had to work and now and working on cleaning the house, via reading your blog. :)
Today: Painted primer on baseboard. After I feed the animals I plan to put sleeves on 2 wallhangings to finish them.
I spent the day being pampered! I cashed in on a free makeover that I won playing minute to win it like games!
+well the weather was brilliant today and i am just off to bed,would love the giveaway fingerscrossed :))
I have this book on hold from my Library! Today I substitute taught at the Elementary school in Music! I loved it!
Would love to win the book. I am going to hang out in blogland for a bit and then go home to walk in this chilly weather. The sun came out this afternoon, so it is much improved from this morning.
ive read other reviews of this book and it look so awesome! i cant wait to get a copy! today I voted for the first time, its federal elections in canada, and simce im 19 now it was my first time!
happy monday!
I'm sorting a million (slight exaggeration) foam letters with my 4-year-old, I'm going to try to sneak off to Costco. Exciting, don'tcha think? Hey, it beats cleaning (sadly, my entire weekend).
I'm glad to hear that the cover quilt is a brilliant pattern, because I LOVE it!
Good morning all. In Australia its Mothers Day this coming weekend so today I will be parcelling up a gift for my mother who lives in Canberra, our National Capital. Its a 9 hour drive so I dont get up there as often as I'd like to, but I'll be thinking of her on Mothers Day. I'm also planning on making some more strippy triangles. Have a great day!
Well my middle child was to have a baseball game, but with more rain and more rain then we know what to do with, his game was cancelled.
Today I worked on a block for the P2 QAL, and listened to the Osama bin Laden KIA newscasts.
Today was grocery shopping day (three kids four and under - yuck!). We made soup too, even though it was 80 here. Now it's almost bedtime and mom time :) Thanks for the giveaway!
Tuesday morning - raining and cold, it is autumn here so I am having a lazy morning under the quilt reading blogs.
The plan for the day is to sew, I'm in a few block swaps and all the swap partners have been assigned over the weekend sew it is time to look at fabric and blocks and have fun
I'm stuck in bed after a bout with the stomach flu... Good thing I have my quilting blogs to keep my spirits up!
Thanks for the giveaway AJ! That book intrigues me!
I had a dental appointment this morning (yuck!!!), homeschooling my three kids, and a baseball and softball game for my two youngest this evening.
The book looks awesome!
I teach school so I worked all day. Now I am reading quilt blogs and then heading into my sewing room! Thanks for the giveaway.
I just left a "cat" quilt to get long arm quilted by Kathy at The Tamarack Shack. This is for my three year old granddaughter for Xmas. I won't mind doing the binding, love that part. Yes, we have had snow off and on too, but can count our blessings as our weather hasn't been adverse as in other parts. Love your blog. Cynthia
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