Wednesday, May 11, 2011

design wall

I've noticed that my design wall ends up being a place for block storage rather than for designing. But I don't really mind. If nothing else, it's good to keep the blocks out in the open so I don't forget about them. :)

I almost always end up designing on the floor instead. It's easier to shuffle things around.
This was going to be the start of a kitchen sink quilt, but I wasn't feeling it. Yet. Rather than force the issue, I threw all the blocks into an orphan box and I'm letting it process a bit more. Maybe if I work it out in my head first, I'll avoid some major stitch ripping. Here's hoping so! I guess I have plenty of other things to work on until (further) inspiration strikes.


Carmen said...

Wow. That's an impressive wall! I spy with my little eye two awesome sewing machine blocks that I saw in progress!

Sara said...

Is that batting on the wall? How is it held up? I have a picture frame with felt inside and it is so big,but I like yours now-lol!

Karee said...

perhaps rename it:
my darling inspiration wall

fun to see the variety. thank you for sharing.

Shawn said...

I love it Amanda,so pretty to look at while you are sewing too!

Joyce said...

Your wall looks amazing. Makes me think I should delve into my parts drawer one of these days...

nettie said...

wow, what a pretty wall! I like to arrange on the floor too, but I don't even have a design wall, so who knows if I'd like that better.

Anonymous said...

I really like the sewing machine blocks! =)

Char said...

Wow, you design wall looks great! I'm so short most of my designing is done at the bottom of the wall or on the floor.

Cheerful Homemaker said...

Love your design wall! My sewing room was emptied out to make way for a crib. I'm sure my husband wouldn't appreciate me hanging quilt blocks all over our bedroom walls!

Bonnie said...

I only noticed those sewing machine blocks after reading the first comment! Love your wall!

Tif / Halu-Halo said...

what a great wall! i bet it helps just to keep it all together!

Emily said...

Wow your wall is Huge! It's impressive to see all your blocks up there. Best of luck getting all those wip's done. :) You could almost make a "kitchen sink" quilt with what you already have.

Idaho Quilter said...

I like you comment about the "kitchen sink" I know the feeling sometimes things just have to jell awhile. Your design was is great.

Live a Colorful Life said...

I used to have a design wall that size in my hallway, but it was too far from my sewing room. So now I have a teeny design wall. I'm envying the size of your big time!

Jess said...

I am intrigued by that yellow rose! It would be the perfect accent for a wedding quilt I am making for some good friends. Is that your own design? I'd be grateful for any tips. Thanks for all your sunny colors and inspiration!

Michelle said...

I am loving your design wall, it would be fun watching it change and evolve over time! It looks like a happy vibrate place to be!

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

You have the start of something wonderful there! let them percolate in the orphan box... I have a new silk one in the works... I started with a bang, and now they hang waiting....and waiting.... ;-)

Shannon said...

I love that idea. I am starting to get a nice pile of odd blocks that don't fit any quilt. I think I will make a quilt like yours.

Anina said...

LOVE your design wall! It's so happy-looking.

carol said...

Love, love, love your wall!!! I'd be smiling every time I walked in that room!

Brittany said...

I think it is not working well together because you have two color pallets there. You already have them divided. Most of what is on the wall seems to work together better. Of course all the blocks are wonderful and I know you will end up making a MAGNIFICENT quilt like always!

Suzanne said...

I'm happy to read you use a design floor. It's what I do too. It'd take me years to acquire that many orphan blocks!

PinkGranny said...

I like your design wall. The blocks are awesome, I will be interested to see what you do with them.

Timi said...

WOW!!!! Fantastic wall!!! I like it very much :o)!!!

Kristine said...

Oh, I think I want a design wall now. that looks better than hanging art. Love all those blocks up there.

Anonymous said...

You have a lot of great blocks up there! Very pretty.

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

I love the sewing machine blocks! Cool!

ME said...

I love the idea of a kitchen sink quilt!!! Thanks for sharing!

Valerie said...

Neat idea for orphans ---- have you made up any more of your band-aid blocks? I didn't see them in amongst your 'kitchen sink' creation and I liked the revamp with paper piecing! Also, just wanted to say that I've enjoyed your scrap-busting monthly quilts. I haven't made it yet, but Movin' on Up from February is on my radar. I've got a stack of 4" scrap squares that need a good home. {grin}

Cheryl Arkison said...

I loved staring at your wall when I was there.

Josie McRazie said...

Oh, what in inspiration looking at the blocks as you stitch away!!

Teresa said...

I would think of it as ever changing wall paper! So pretty!

Annie said...

What a lot of lovely inspiration - I always end up designing on the floor too.

Jen of ReannaLily Designs said...

I've only recently put a design wall in my studio. Maybe someday it will be as bright and colorful as yours. Great wall!

Katherine said...

Love your design wall! What a beautiful and inspiring backdrop for your sewing space.

Terriaw said...

I have been using my design wall in the same way lately - for block storage. After a couple months, I still couldn't decide what to make with the hodge podge of blocks, so I took them down. Nice to have a fresh wall! Great idea to make a kitchen sink quilt. I hadn't thought of that - would be such a nice way to put those odd pieces together.

Anonymous said...

Love your wall! The little block that looks like a bowl and spoon really caught my eye though. Very inspiring!

Steph said...

How inspirational! I love it :)

Annalia said...

The term "orphan box" sounds SO mean!

Rachel at Stitched in Color said...

Oh, thank you for saying that designing on the floor is easier. That makes those of us wall-less feel a little better ;)

Needle little Balance said...

You could make tons of beautiful pillows ;-) One block for each pillow.

(I need a design wall- NOW! I always lay out on the floor or couch)

patty a. said...

I have two sections of design wall - an 8' x 8' section that I use for designing (and try not to use for storage!) and a 7' x 8" section that has become storage for ideas, work in progess, binding that I don't want to misplace and at the very top I display small art type pieces of mine and that I have collected. If I had more wall space it too would be filled up! A person can never have too much design wall!

Amanda Jean said...


It isn't batting, it's actually a king sized flat flannel sheet that I stapled directly to the wall.


Amanda Jean said...


The yellow rose block was kind of an accidental block. It's not really my design. It's a hybrid of inspiration from comfortstitching's recent quilt along tutorial and a little collection's ribbon winning rose quilt. Let me know if you would like the specific links! Basically, the block is constructed like a log cabin block with extra logs added to the corners of the blocks. Hope that helps!


LucindaM said... have a design wall and resort to using your floor. I use the floor and want a design wall!
Cute blocks!!

Teri said...

I love the sewing machine blocks too! So cute. I would love to make a wall hanging for my sewing room. Are they your design? Off to search the great web. Thanks!

Amanda Jean said...


Yes, the sewing machine block is my design. I improv pieced them at a retreat I went to in April. :)


audreypawdrey said...

I love seeing all those blocks on your design wall. They really do look fun all up there together, and I can't wait to see your kitchen sink quilt when you feel you have more inspiration. I wouldn't know where to start! I am still in love with your sewing machine blocks!

Cristin said...

I think your fabulous design wall is doing just what it should... letting you eyeball all your blocks at any time, and allowing them to be seen instead of forgotten in boxes, only to reappear in 3 years with half the zeal as they were started with.
Our house is on the market right now so I cannot have a design wall up - a few different sets of blocks are cozy in boxes, I really do miss seeing them!

Karen said...

Love your design wall - so colorful and inspiring!!

thea said...

ooooh, I want a design wall. Yours is so colorful and fun!

Clair said...

I like the design wall. The sawtooth stars helped me with my next quilt idea, too.

Chris said...

Your wall is really inspiring! Such great colors!

I like to use my design wall to check my quilts before I quilt them - I can stand back and squint to see if I have globs of colors somewhere (I make a lot of scrap quilts!)

Hanging it on the wall also gives me a chance to step back and think about the quilting designs.

Just a piece of cheap felt tacked to my wall - and I use it every day!


Jess said...

I guess blogger did do something weird -- but I wanted you to know that I saw your reply regarding the rosette block and have mine underway. Thank you!

Tonya Ricucci said...

I was just thinking I'd love to see all those blocks put together into one quilt. fabulous and creative design wall.

Karen said...

Great design walls. Love whats on your wall. My kinda colours and eye candy.

Anonymous said...

I don't really have room for a design wall, but I like being able to see all the different blocks on yours. I imagine it helps focus on what you want to do next...or finish next!

Go-Go Kim said...

What a FUN wall!!!!! I have a design board but no wall yet :o) I could just sit and look at yours all day...

quirky granola girl said...

how inspiring it must be to sit in front of your machine and see all of those pretty blocks. thank you for sharing a photo of your sewing space.

Quilter Mom of 3 said...

I LOVE the pic of your design wall!!

Kim Walus said...

I wish my design wall looked that happy and colorful! Thanks for the beautiful pictures! I loved them!

Steph said...

This is very inspirational! Love your wall :)

J.Lynne said...

The white, pink and green star? x? blocks in the middle are so pretty. Such a fun and springy color palette that works great with that block. Love it!

sl said...

I love your design wall. Can you share how to make one? thanks

Paisley and Lace said...

Sheesh! I love your design wall. What a lot of great creations on there :)

Denice said...

Ok. I had to follow the link to the kitchen sink quilt. Isn't it amazing? It makes me want to make an extra block or two from every quilt. It makes me wish I hadn't recently used all my spare blocks to make give away baby quilts. Oh well - we have another 10 years to get working on the kitchen sink quilt!