Tuesday, November 02, 2010

flock block

Have you seen the website Quiltivate? It's a nifty website that makes it easy to design your own quilts. I've been working behind the scenes with Kacie (who has been an absolute gem to work with) to write tutorials for some of the blocks on their site. The tutorials are up and running as of today. You should go and play around on the site. Just don't blame me if you get sucked in. It could easily happen. :)

As I was writing the flock block tutorial (way back when), I fell in love with it so much that I had to make an entire quilt top. It's been promised to my son, who is anxiously awaiting it's completion. I'm trying to work up the guts to do some Diane Gaudynski treatment to it. I still get nervous when I start quilting a new quilt, especially if I'm branching out with a new-to-me technique. I'm trying to tell myself that it's nothing a seam ripper won't handle if things go bad. I'll keep you posted.

Also, 4 years ago today, I started this blog. It's been a crazy journey. I was reading back to some of my earlier posts last night. It was kinda weird to look back and see what I was doing then. It seemed like a (much) simpler time. Anyway, reading old posts always gets me all sentimental. Thanks to each of you for stopping by, reading and commenting. I appreciate it soooooooooo much!

I plan to pick a giveaway winner tomorrow.


Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Just jump right in and start quilting - it'll be great!

Jessy said...

I am absolutely dying, that top is SO beautiful! I can't wait to see it quilted. Also, a big congrats on 4 years, that is a HUGE milestone!

Libby said...

That is such a beautiful quilt!! I am SO happy that you started your blog back!!

Sarah Craig said...

That is a gorgeous quilt, but I think what I like best is the juxtaposition of the very geometric blocks in the center and the slightly wonky keys in the border! And the colors are fab! I'm headed over to check out Quiltivate.....

dutchcomfort said...

Congratulations Amandajean on the quilt and the 4 year blog anniversary! Much has changed indeed, but you’re still one of my sources of inspiration!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

That is going to be a beautiful quilt! I will have to check out the site tomorrow... when I'm bored at work. And congratulations on the 4 years!

Sara said...

Absolutely great colors for a boy! I want to do a quilt with blue,orange and grey soon!

Clair said...

4 years...hmm. So is life better with blogging or without?

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the link to Quiltivate. I've never seen that site but after checking it out I have a feeling I will spend many hours there!

Peggy said...

Yours is one of my favourite quilting blogs. I was sad when you told us you were closing it down late last year and delighted when I realised, some months later, that you were still going! More power to you, you are a source of real inspiration to me.

Trisha said...

Gorgeous quilt! I love the color palette you worked with and that you did it in solids. Love it!

Miss Hillbilly said...

I have been on the site before. I need to take some time to learn it completely. It is nice to have for those of us that cant afford that big expensive design program!! Nor know how to work it if we did have it!

Leeanne said...

Love that quilt!!!
I'm sure you make a fab job of the quilting, if in too much doubt, ditch stitch and when you are feeling more confident go back and 'play'.Now I will pop over to quiltvate.

Cheryl Arkison said...

That is so cool! Love the contrast between the border and the blocks.

NorahS said...

Wow! No wonder he is anxiously awaiting it! It is gorgeous.

Sherry said...

4 years of bolgin how much fun. I ahve onl been 1 and 1/2 years and have meet some wongerful bloggers out there and have a great time. Thanks to all the wonderful bloggers ot there and your one of them.

Terriaw said...

congratulations on your 4-year blogiversary! That is fun to look back and realize how much of your life is documented, isn't it? So happy you started your blog so we could become friends!!!

I have not heard of Quiltivate, and now I'm hooked already! I love all the cool features in offers, including the sample quilt plan. Kudos to you for doing ALL that work - you rock!!

Cindy said...

I love these color do you mind telling us what colors you used? I always feel a little guily asking. I love your blog also

Sue said...

I just love your work, have been following you for about two and half years, my daughter (30) introduced me to Sew Mama Sew and a whole new world of quilting opened up in front of me.
Just go with the flow with quilting the quilt you know you will enjoy it.

Amanda said...

That's a beautiful quilt!

Mary said...

I've been reading your blog for quite a while and rarely comment though you have inspired me immensely. Thanks so much for doing your blog.

Live a Colorful Life said...

Wow, four years. You inspire me with each and every post.

Amy said...

Congrats on reaching the 4 year mark! It's a joy to read your blog.

A Plain Path said...

Gorgeous quilt! Thanks for the link to Quiltivate. I'm off to check it out.

9patchnurse said...

Love that quilt top. Thanks for the Quiltivate link. So cool!

http://quiltsbagsgardens.blogspot.com/ said...

Beautiful geometry and use of color. You should be proud. :)

Mira said...

I can't believe it's been 4 years! Congrats!

Beautiful quilt!

Patricia Luck said...

Hi Amandajean. Here's Patricia, from Brazil. I just want you to know that you are a inspiration for all of us! I don't have time to quilt for 6 months now, my sewing machine must be very sad...

But I keep coming here to see beautiful things, and soon (if my routine allows) I'll be sewing again!

Best regards

Suzanne said...

I'm always so glad to see another post from you. Happy 4th...and many more!

Amy said...

Happy 4 years!

Tyler & Brenda said...

Gorgeous quilt. I am going to cheeck this out for sure. I love what you have done.

Tara said...

Beautiful! I especially love the border.

Angela {fussycut} said...

that quilt is absolutely amazing. i love the solids. Can't wait to check out that site.
Happy 4yrs!

bethanndodd said...

I have NO doubt you will do your son's quilt justice :) Happy 4th anniversary!!

Mrs A said...

Wow thats fabulous, the quiltivate is a fab idea, is the price calculated on the size? Also love the work of Diane, she is amazing, and four years is great, happy blogversary!

Hands Sew Full said...

Wow! That quilt is wonderful! Congratulations on four years of blogging! I am a blog baby (just started in August), but I am loving the journey. I am off to Quiltivate to see the tutorials too.

Melanie said...

Just jump right in and quilt it! No matter what you do it will be fantastic! Congratulations on the four year blog anniversary. I found your blog the first few weeks I was home with my baby last year and it made me fall in love with quilting all over again. I can't thank you enough!


Fabric Warrior (aka Amie) said...

Thanks so much for the link. I had so much fun designing.

Your quilt is so pretty, but then again, they always are.

Jewel said...

Kacie is in my modern quilt guild she is a sweetie.

Lisa said...

That quilt is a beauty. Yes, four years have gone by so fast and yet it's amazing what has been accomplished in that time. Congratulations. ~~Lisa

Kristin said...

When someone in the family has big news to announce (like an engagement or pregnancy) we put a bottle of champagne in the fridge and wait to see whonotices first.

Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

Oh, I'm blaming you for getting me hooked. My seven-year-old is now begging me to let her design another quilt. So much fun!

Needled Mom said...

I can see why you wanted a whole quilt with that block. It is awesome. The quilting will, of course, be stunning.

WoolenSails said...

I have a quilt program for macs, but I still haven't figured it out yet. I need to spend some time playing with it. I will have to check out that site.

The quilt is really beautiful, love how you bordered it.


badlandsquilts said...

Love those blocks!

Carla said...

Thank you for sharing the site! Love your quilt!!

Care said...

G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. quilt top!!

Congrats on four years! So glad you decided to "come back" to blogging. :o)

Deb said...

Oh my, I LOVE that quilt top. The colours just pop on it.

Quilting Memories said...

Congrats on the four years! It is amazing to look back on were you started. I know I look back and think about how hard I thought a technique was at the time that now I feel so confident in doing now. It is quite amazing.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the anniversary - you will have helped many people come to grips with quilting so far and this new venture will surely help many, many more (off now to check it out)
Your son's quilt is simply delicious and I'm so glad to see that you plan to branch out with your quilting - this is a journey I'm currently starting myself at present, yes it is daunting but worth it each time you see something change from a sandwiched project from what could be a lovely quilt into something simply amazing and stunning, that makes you stand back and gasp 'I did that?' - so go for it and as I say 'jump in with both feet flying'

Annie said...

I love seeing what your are up to - your blog has been an inspiration to me.

tarabu said...

Flock Block is awesome - I was so tickled with it when you posted the first bits and it's just a treat to see how it's all come together. I'm looking forward to seeing the final result, too. Well done!

Anonymous said...

That quilt looks so great with all those beautiful solids! No wonder your son is impatient!

Anonymous said...

gosh I love that quilt!! Such beautiful colours. I think I'd be impatient to see it finished too if I was your son ;)

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I love the color combination.

pam said...

beautiful quilt

Paula said...

I love the colors of that quilt, it is gorgeous.

Sew Many Mamas said...

congratulations! Sorry I haven't been here from the beginning but sure am glad I'm here now! Beautiful quilt btw!

KulaMom said...

Absolutely splendid quilt, really. Can't wait to see it quilted! And I do love the border. Your blog is my "must see" every day. You have been a great source of inspiration to me because your quilting is so fun and makes me smile. That is priceless. :) Thanks!

claudey said...

Very nice! And happy blogaversary!

Trudi said...

well you know the well know saying don;t you! "Just do it" Go on, you know it makes sense! LOL jump right in and have a ball! You'll be surprised at how easy it is and how addictive it can be!

Katherine said...

Wow! Quiltavate looks great and I can definitely see the potential and the danger(um... not getting anything else done around the house because of the fun of quilt designing online ;o).

Hey! It's been that long already? Congrats on four fantastic blog years, Amanda Jean!

Andrea, the little collector said...

Do it! Do it! Do it! Anything that comes to you while lifting weights comes from a place of power!

Glad you are here in Bloglandia these four years later!

Dandelion Quilts said...

What a striking quilt. LOVELY.

Phyllis said...

I wanted to say thank you. I got into a "bind" this morning and used your binding tutorial. It was so much help. Also this is a very lovely quilt.

VickiT said...

What a great site! Super easy too from the stuff I just played around with myself. VERY COOL!

Anonymous said...

i'm sooooooo glad that you blog!!!! :)
thnaks for all the inspiration!!!

Sharon said...

I don't know exactly when during the 4 years I started visiting your blog but I'm so glad I did. So glad you decided to continue. Thanks. Beautiful quilt!

Anonymous said...

I love this quilt. The border is so cool.

Rebekah said...

Happy 4 years of blogging!

Your new quilt design is beautiful! I love the colors you used.