Monday, November 01, 2010

a blue giveaway

Happy November! Every month my family and I play this silly little game. We all try to be the first one to wish someone else a happy month. This morning I was greeted by my 7 year old (before I even got out of bed) with a "Happy November!" Not a bad way to start off the day.

November is my favorite month. I love fall. I love the Thanksgiving holiday. It's cooler so there are plenty of chances to wrap up in a quilt. It's a great time to make more quilts. (Well, it's always a good time to make more quilts, if you ask me.) I think November is good all around!

In honor of the first day of my favorite month, I'm going to give away a quilt kit to one reader. The quilt kit consists of 42 blue, black and grey kona cottons, so you can make your very own blue quilt. could use the pre-cut rectangles for various other projects if you so desire. Each rectangle is a generous 5.5" x 19.5" so the possibilities are endless! If you would like to win, please leave me a comment letting me know of any silly games you and your family play. If you don't have one, your favorite color would be a good substitute. Happy Monday to you!


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Mara said...

Those blues would go great in the quilt I'm making my boyfriend! It's a simple stacked-coin design. Making quilts for men is challenging, I think.

Fun-family games: we love to play pictionary! Except it's hard to be on my mother's team because when she gets excited about how close you are to guessing correctly she pokes you with her pen to prod you along. We're probably the only family that gets injured playing pictionary.

QuiltyBee said...

Ooo, what a nice kit. Even with teenagers, we like to a group hug with the dog, who will otherwise bark at anyone hugging me.

emily and logan said...

fun!! i'm making an all purple quilt at the moment. blue could be next!

Heather said...

I would definitely make a quilt for my blue-loving boy. In our house, we always shout 'special time, make a wish!' when the clock reads some pattern: 2:22, 12:34, 10:01, etc.

Unknown said...

Happy November!

I made up a game called, "Old White Honda", which is along the lines of Punchbug, except, you know, that you're looking for old, white Hondas (like my first car, a '91 civic.) It's not as easy to play anymore, and the kids in the car would also call it on other makes and models of car.

Mary said...

My husband and I are smokin' good at Pictionary. We were playing one time and I drew a picture, he guessed correctly, and the oposing team said "that's not what you drew!" Ha!

Tiffany said...

I loved your blue quilt! Any of the men in my family would love it as a gift!! :D

As a family, we like to put puzzles together. We leave them out, and do them a little every time we can. (homework always comes first, even when they don't want it to)

Happy November! XD

Anonymous said...

No silly games in my family, but my 5 year old is super-good at hide and seek.

Amy said...

Please enter me! I love your blue quilt.

trudys_person said...

I love blues and solids! I would have to make something from my City Quilts book ... My husband play "Punch Buggy" ... I think I play it all the time, and he plays it occasionally because I've been winning for weeks! Thank you for the giveaway!!

Amy R said...

What a great start for a quilt for one of my boys! So hard coming up with a good color scheme, and these would be perfect. Glad your day started off so well~ Nothing better than a cheerful 7 yo! Well, maybe a baby. . . or an adorable 2 year old. . . oh, they are all wonderful.

Anita said...

Okay so I'm not the first to wish you Happy November but Happy November. My favorite color is Green.

Quilting QB said...

We are greeted in the early A.M. on the first of every month by our 6-year old , who tells us it's "Calendar Day". He loves to redo the magnetic calendar and put on all of the holidays and activities.

(November and fall are also my favorite time of year. Gobble gobble!)

KristyMN said...

How fun! We love to randomly declare that "Today is I love you day!" and then we say "I love you" as much as we can throughout the day. I love those silly games. :)

ellenbrd said...

Beautiful blues!
Our favorite family games are a card game called Rage and hiding in various corners, behind doors and closets just waiting for the opportunity to jump out and scare one another! The three-year-old thinks this is the best!

Bea said...

Happy November to you! My family consists of me and the dogs and the cats. So games of fetch and soccer rank higher then anything else around here. I don't know that that counts, so I'll say I'm sorta scared of blue and my favorite color is orange.


Anonymous said...

Oh, happy! I LOVE the blue quilt, blue being my favorite color. Please count me in!

Ruth said...

What a great giveaway! My favorite color is green but a close second would be blue.

Sally said...

Not really a game, but my 2.5 year old twins frequently fight over who gets to have blue as their favorite color. "I like blue!" "No, I like blue!" "No, just one at a time!!"

RosaMarĂ­a said...

ohhh blue is one of my favorite colors!! I will be fantastic win those!
a silly game? well, we like play "loteria" is not a silly kind, but is always fun!

thanks for the chance and happy november for you too!

Maria Stahl said...

When I was young, every time we were on a long car ride and crossed a state line, we'd race to be the first one to say "Sure looks different" about the new state. I try to do that with my own family but they all argue with me.

Wendy said...

Hmm - I can't think of any silly games, I'm going to have to read the comments for ideas :) My favorite colors is green however!

Lisa said...

That is so cute!
In my Family we always wish each a happy holiday eve, such as Happy Halloween ever the night before and sometimes we get carried away and silly with birthdays, wishing each other Happy Birthday Eve Eve Eve...days before the actual birthday.

Erika said...

Blue is my husband's favorite color so he would love a blue quilt!

My family likes to try to slip the word avocado into random conversations. It always makes my sister laugh and pretty much ends any talking that was going on.

Susie said...

Cool giveaway.
All of our get together's are silly! We play 'Catch Phrase'.

Unknown said...

While my brother and I were growing up we didn't dress up and go trick or treating for Halloween. Instead we celebrated Reformation Day on Nov 1. As we've grown older it has become a contest to see who wishes it to the other first. The past few years he has been the one, but when I woke up this morning to no greeting I knew it was *my* year!

Deb C. said...

I love games and being silly. It gives you energy and keeps the mood light.
I can't think of anything that I do on a regular basis, but the most important thing is that we always have fun. My favorite color changes from pink to red. always have been fond of black. I also enjoy light medium toned greens and blues. I would love to make a green and black quilt for myself someday.

Elämäntapaidiootti said...

Oooh, too bad I never win... But that kit is beautiful! :)

My English is so lost today (or I'm too tired), so I can't find words for plays. Colors I still find, but I can't choose - I like them all!

nono said...

We always used slip love notes under the boys bedroom doors, while they were sleeping. They would wake up and find them. Sometimes, it would be a clue to where a special treat would be hidden. Now they are all grown up but they fondly remember those notes!

Suburban Stitcher said...

The "game" that my family plays...not really a game, but we make up new lyrics to songs. Kinda like Weird Al...but less curly headed and 80s retro?! Even my four year old son gets in on it. His lyrics are better than mine most of the time.

sariqd said...

Ooh! Lovely! We like to sing songs in different styles such as falsetto, cowboy, baby... it always gets us giggling! :)

WeeBonnieBabes said...

We like to play Uno, Egyption Rat Screw, and Scategories. It's funny you asked that question bc we were just discussiing it last night. What lovey fabric!

Potpourri said...

We always guess if the tide is in or out when we drive by the oceanside. It wouldn't be hard to tell if we consulted the tides timetable.
Lovely blues.

**MIGNONNE** said...

Thank you for this opportunity! I love your blue quilt.

My family loves to play Clue. It always cracks me up when the kids give away important information. I hope when they are older they can look back on those games with the same fondness that I do.

robin said...

Nice giveaway. My son thinks it's really funny to put the lid on the peanut butter really tight, so no one but he or his dad can get it off.

beth said...

nothing silly comes to mind - does that mean I am a bad mom??? or just braindead and coming down off the sugar? I, too, love FALL - although this month will start to feel rushed... LOVE the blues and was thinking of trying something like your blue quilt!

Judy said...

I need a boy quilt and those colors would be great. My favorite color is orange.

Andria said...

For now, it's just me and my husband, so there aren't many games yet. We do bust out in random dance moves to make each other crack up. My favorite color varies between red and blue. I would LOVE to win this!

Heather said...

My kids are pretty young, 7 and under, but they love to play "I spy", My 5 year old likes to tell the clue and then whisper the answer to my 4 year old so he always wins.

Love these blues!

knottygnome said...

well, my favorite color i can't really think of anything silly at the moment.

Lotte van der Linden said...

Blue is my favourite color, ever since I knew colours. In all the quilts I make is at least one piece of blue somewhere! I would love to win this lovely set of blues.
My family's best game is Trivial Pursuit with our own rules that change everytime we play it.

Leigh said...

We have a game we play on long car rides- We are each assigned two colors and you get a point for any car in your colors that's for sale on the side of the road (car lots don't count). My hubby and I have been playing it since before we had kids and now we all play!

Sheila said...

My Family and I start every month with three words "Lapin, lapin, lapin". It is the French word for rabbit. I am not sure how much truth is to the storey behind it but it is apparently good luck and will bring you wealth in the coming month. I have been doing this since I was a child, I learned it from my father, who learned it from his Grandmother, so I can only guess where it began. I find I am wealthy every day, not financially but with the gifts life gives me everyday, so I guess it works!
Happy November to you and I wish you lapin, lapin, lapin!

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

Our game is not so much silly as crazy. After the kids have emptied their plastic Easter eggs, The EGG WARS begin. Daddy starts throwing eggs at the kids and they all throw them at him and I try to video and stay out of the line of fire. It is hilarious!

I love blue and would love to have this fabric!

Jenny said...

thanks for a chance! i love the variety of the blues!!

Three Birds Inspired said...

My children are long grown but I do play games with my cat. It's more like I jump at her and then she runs like crazy. We do that for about 10 minutes and then she takes a nap. (It must be very difficult being a cat!)

My favorite color is blue.

Erica said...

I love these blues.

My family's silly game started out as one between my mom and her sister - they have differing opinions on how the toilet paper roll should be hung (Mom says forward, Aunt says back). Whenever they visit each other, they switch all the toilet paper around. It doesn't work when Mom comes to visit me, since we're on the same page, direction-wise, but my youngest sister and I carry on the tradition with each other ^_^

Michael and Rachelle said...

At bedtime we play the I love you game... I love you enough to fill up the ocean. I love you to the moon and back. I love you all the way to heaven...We love it. Thanks for the chance to win.

Elizabeth Stevens said...

Great blue colors! I don't have a family of my own yet, but my roommate and I lived in Vienna where we both taught at an international Christian school. I still live there and teach at the school. Without her, it's hard to play this game, but we sure have fun playing it when we're together. Since neither of us is fluent in German, when we're standing on the U-Bahn platform and hear an announcement being made in German, one will turn to the other and ask, "What did they say?" The other makes up an announcement with a slightly silly twist and we both end up laughing. It helps deal with the stress of being an outsider in a foreign culture!

Dresden Quilter said...

Right now, we like playing Monopoly. My daughter makes a great banker. Thanks for the giveaway.

*happy said...

We love a game we call Tickle Monster--the tickle monster chases the kids around and, when he catches a kid, tosses them on the sofa but suddenly realizes he's forgotten how to tickle. We do all sorts of silly rubbing and poking until our son or daughter reminds us how to tickle again, at which point some fierce tickling ensues. The kids beg for it every night!

We, too, greet each month but are in the habit of having the words "Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits" be the first ones out of our mouths. My great aunt started it when we were kids--I gather it's a British tradition?

DianeY said...

Back when the kids were younger & still at home, we'd make up silly limericks & would usually get stuck after the 1st 2 lines-I remember one that started "There once was a girl named Jane Fonda-She drove a little blue Honda". Never did finish that one!

FrancisMoore said...

I love all colors, but I suspect that Yellow is my favorite.

Beckers said...

Blue is my favorite! I have never done a solid quilt before.

Becca (

The Newfie Quilter said...

Blue! My favorite colour is Blue!!

Not really a game, but my kids love to be the first to wake up on Saturday mornings so they get the best spot to cuddle in our bed for Saturday morning cartoons. Being second is never fun 'cause by the time there are 4 of us in the bed it is no longer relaxing......

Happy November!!

Angie said...

My brother love to play punch buggy (yes we really like to punch each other when we see a VW bug) and One-Eyed Joker, where if a cars headlights were out, the first to yell it won.

My favorite color is purple with blues in second.

a Matula ikrek said...

Thanks for you show, how can the november be more lovely! :o)
We wish Happy Storm-day if the wheater is ugly, it was taken from Winnie the Pooh.
We love ALL colours! :o)
Please count us!

Happy November!

Jessy said...

I don't have any kids of my own to play games with but I am a nanny to 3 wonderful kids. I love to sing songs and play hand clapping games with them.
And just because, my favourite colour is green!
Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Abby said...

I would love that kit!

Our family plays raise your hand. When we are being silly, someone will say "Raise your hand if you love hot dogs." And those who do raise their hand. Then someone else will say "Raise your hand if you wish you were a fish" We've been doing it for years.

Dorothy Thornton said...

Our family loves to play any game. But our favorite game lately is the UNO Flash. We have a ball everytime it is brought out laughing at each other as we try to be first one to slap the button.

thanks for the giveaway

Michelle said...

the blue fabrics are a great choice for November.. as it's Diabetes Awareness Month, and blue is for diabetes!

my 9 year old son has type 1 diabetes, and one of the silly games we play, when he has to check his blood sugar (roughly 10 times a day!) is to try to guess what his blood sugar number is going to be... sometimes we base our guess on his mood, what he's eaten, how much exercise he's gotten, etc. whoever is closest to the actual number "wins", lol.

Quiltjane said...

When we were young my sister would stick rice bubbles to her lips and chase us around the house saying, "I am the rice bubble monster". Hmm, strange but very entertaining. I would love to win the blue solids.

Anonymous said...

As a family we get silly with our daughter and play dog-pile on the rabbit. We yell "dog-pile-on-the- rabbit, then quickly pile on top of each other on the bed, of course she's always on the bottom & we pretend to "squish" her, but we really don't put any weight on her. After she's "flat as a pancake" she jumps up and yells "dog-pile on the rabbit & with all of her force and weight she jumps on top of mom and dad--- we moan and groan exclaiming we can't breath, help, help. We laugh, she giggles because she thinks she's super heavy and she's flattened us. All in fun and nobody ever gets hurt, it's just giggles and cuddle time!

Anonymous said...

Blue is my favorite colour and there is no such thing as 'too much fabric'.

When I have one of my nieces on the phone (now 9, 9 and 11), we always play 'who hangs up first'. We count to three and the first one who hangs up, is the winner. We have been doing this for years and they are not too old for it yet!

Anonymous said...

When the kids are off of school, I set aside a few mornings for "secret breakfast". Each of the older kids gets a morning where they (w/ some adult help) get to make a special breakfast and surprise everyone with what it is. It is TOP SECRET... so there is a lot of guessing and sneaking. It is a lot of fun to see what they want to cook.

JulieAnn said...

When I was younger, my family used to play "if you love someone, hide their toothbrush". It went well until my brother hid my mom's toothbrush, bristles down, in the soil around a plant. I think we changed the game after that!

I'd love to make a blue quilt for my hubby - he LOVES the color blue. (It's very fitting as his name is a type of fish and he's in the Coast Guard!)

JHNickodemus said...

Blue was my mom's favorite color! While its on the top of my list I still think of it as hers!

Libby said...

Pretty pretty blue strips!!
Now remember, my two kids are older! One of my children asked for and recieved a "Slappy" doll for Christmas. Slappy is an evil ventriloquist doll from the Goosebumps books. Slappy is extremly creepy!!! We actually take turns hiding Slappy in places to scare each other. Places Slappy has shown up are: in your bed when you turn back the covers, in the passenger seat of your car when its dark outside, hanging from the closet and behind the shower curtain are some. Slappy has been known to peek in the windows at night while we think we are alone!!

Elias Punch said...

I don't have my own family yet, but a few years ago, I had some folks over for Thanksgiving, but I was just supposed to provide the space, and some other folks were bringing the food. The game we played was "find a bottle opener" since I don't drink and lacked related accessories. We went door to door, but the only people home didn't speak English and gave us a can opener instead. We ended up drilling out the cork and straining the wine through paper towel. I do love blues and greys though, and have a really tough time finding grey!

Lori said...

My sisters and I have always played the who can say Happy (insert whatever holiday) game. I love caller ID now, I can say it as I'm picking up the phone before they can get it out first!

Please count me in on your giveaway!

Mego said...

We play the SAME family game except we do it on Christmas Eve. The first one to remember HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE gets...A BIG HUG!!!

Very nice giveaway...blues/greys. Yum!

Stefanie said...

This is really sad, but a funny little "game" we play came about when my 16 year old was about 6. She came home from school one day and told me what she learned at school from her friends... Goes a little something like this...
"What'cha doin'?"
reply is "Eatin' chocolate"
"Where'd you get it"
"My doggie droped it"
"Where'd he drop it"
"In the sewer"
"What'cha call it?"
SO sad, I know... now our reply to each other to the question "What'cha doin'?" is always "Eatin' chocolate", but fortunately that is where we stop now that she is older!

Rosa said...

This kit is very nice.

Green ,is my favorite color.
Thanks for the chance.

Emillie Rose said...

My favorite color is pink! Would love to make a blue quilt for my hubby though!

Sheree said...

My family and I play a version of the slugbug game which has evolved to include hitting each other when we see slugbugs, boats, RV's and vans that don't have any windows. The vans became involved when my Fiance and I would commute into school which was located in an area heavily populated by service vans (i.e. comcast, plumbers, those sorts of things).

{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

I'd love to win these blues for my sons quilt!!
Hmmm silly family games... My boy and I play the "I don't want a kiss, kisses are disgusting" game Wich obviously means we want a kiss but don't want to lose our street cred by asking for one ;-)

Meagan said...

We play a fun game called Keep Chickens Off The Road, and Don't Eat That Sheep! :)

Jean Burke said...

The blue quilt is just terrific!!! Thanks so much for the opportunity! We do movie lines....particularly at dinner. You can't steer the conversation to the line - just has to fit in whatever we're talking aobut. WE also wish each other Happy Birthday Eve, Happy Halloween Eve, etc.....thank again.....piece....

Amy said...

My family doesn't really have any silly "games" but my 1 year old thinks it's funny to flounce down on my or my husband's stomach, to which we always go "uuugghhhhh" which sends Hunter into major laughs and giggles! Then he does it again!

Jocelyn said...

Happy November Amanda Jean! Can't think of anything silly, but we always did have a lot of fun when we traveled on the road. Singing songs, counting license tags, finding the "red" cars, counting stop signs. Anything to keep the traveling happy :) Thanks for the beautiful giveaway!

Laurel said...

we play a game called "reindeer." my then-two-year-old daughter made it up last Christmas... you put your index finger up in the air and touch the other fingers to your thumb. then put all those fingertips on a table and they are a reindeer's legs. your index finger is the head. the reindeer eat, talk to each other, etc.

Julie S said...

For the longest time, my husband had the most annoying ring on his cell phone. So my daughter and I decided to dance really weird each time his phone rang. It made the song bearable, but the game got old. I think he must have changed it, for we have not danced for a while!

Jessica said...

We like to make up silly songs to the tune of those we already know.

Angela said...

My kiddos are still little, so no silly games yet, but I'm sure there's plenty to come :) My favorite color is red.

The Fam said...

We get the silliest with "Daddy Monster" -my husband just has to growl and tickle and everyone goes wild running around the house!

shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Laura lok said...

oh cool. purple is my favorite color but blue is my son's. he has recently moved out of the house (sigh) and it makes me blue some days. would be fun to design him a quilt.

Marci said...

Thanks for your generous offer of the blue quilt fabrics! How kind of you. I'd be thrilled to find these in my mail box.

Marci at grandmassewing dot com

Karry said...

I would love to win this! My daughter and I love to play dress up games together, and I've started making lots of quilts (mostly for her)!

Oh Sew Addicted said...

Blue is my favorite color :)
What a wonderful game to play with your kids! My kids are all grown now... so we do not play any games! So I guess I will have to wait til I have grandkids! LOL

Chris said...

Blue is my favorite color - mostly sky blue...

I don't know if my husband and I play any silly games, but we're about to add a little one to the mix - due any day now - so I'm sure we will have some silly games in the next few years.

Michael said...

We have a rubber lizard that we take turns hiding for each other to find.

Jess said...

Love the blues. We don't do too many games just me and my husband play with the dog, if that counts.

Anonymous said...

I've taken a few years off during the throws of life with little ones, but finding your blog has inspired me to get back at it and I'm now machine quilting my first quilt in more than a handful of years - and one of your designs to boot! I just love your work!

As for silly family games...on long car rides we hold our breath under bridges. Out on the playground, the kids LOVE to play "hot lava monster" where we try to catch them, but we aren't allowed up on any playground equipment to get them.

- Sharon

Kelly said...

My favorite color is orange, which will go very well with blue :)

Can't wait to meet you at the retreat in Ft Collins!

Christie describeHappy said...

I am just finding your blog today via That Girl.. That Quilt! I have looked around a bit and can't wait to read more! As for a silly family game, the Mr. and I are always playing "I love you more than...(fill in the blank)" The things we come up with always make us break out in giggles! Thank you for the chance to win those amazing blues! Happy November!

ALG said...

Red is my favorite color and I have a lot of blue in our house to blend with it!

Jen said...

Oh, I love those blues. It feels like snow to me. We really don't have any games since it's just me and my husband. My favorite color has to be teal though.

Laura McGee said...

love this :)
we dont play too many games.. my son (who is 3) and i just started a game...silly face game. we make silly faces at each other and the first to laugh looses. well if you tell my kid not to laugh its like pushing a laugh button on him and it's contagious!

Nanci said...

That's a lovely little game and what a cool way to start a new month. I would love to start the month with some cool blue fabrics if I were lucky enough to win.

Aleisha said...

My daughter has just discovered the punch bug game and she thinks its fun to punch you in the arm as hard as she can. (she's 9) I've gotten to where if I see a punch bug before she does I try to distract her from it by asking questions so I don't encourage the punishment and bruises all of us in the car receive :)

Thanks for the great giveaway!

woolcat said...

We used to play all kinds of silly games - one of my favourite was the chocolate game. You take it in turns to throw the dice. Whoever throws a 6 gets to put on hat, scarf and mittens, pick up a knife and fork, and start to eat a (wrapped up) chocolate bar. As soon as the next 6 gets thrown, the next person takes the hat, scarf and mittens and gets to work on the chocolate. You hope that you actually get to eat a piece before someone else throws a 6.

Lovely blue fabrics and I loved your quilt!

(regier dot c at me dot com)

Blogless me said...

We often start a word by articulating one or two syllables and let the other finish the word - sort of "I can read your mind" game. My daughter loves it!
Just in case that is not silly enough, my favourite colour nowadays is aubergine. Love to eat the plant as well.

SpencerFamily said...

Among my husband's (and my) colleagues the game is to be the first to say "white rabbit" to each other each new month. Not sure how it started but I white rabbited my husband this morning (ha- usually he gets me first). This also goes for e-mails so you can white rabbit someone via e-mail too (but you have to have an actual reason for sending the message).

Love the blues and grays - in a house full of males this would go over quite well!

Sonia B said...

What a generous, beautiful giveaway . . . I love the quilt you made from this fabric! Our favorite silly game is animal charades. You act out an animal withOUT making its noise and people guess what it is. And my favorite color is blue ;) Thanks for the chance.

The Stewarts said...

It isn't really a game, but our family always says I love you when ever we talk to each other, on the phone or see them in person! Because you can never say I love you enough, to the people you love. And we are having our first baby in December and it is a boy, so this blue material would be great to make him a blue quilt!!!

Margaret in VA said...

We play, "The Floor is Lava!!". It's very hard on the furniture. I'd love those blues! My first Grandson is graduating to a big boy bed, soon and so I've got to get quilting!

Terri said...

We're in our sixties now, so no "family" around anymore, but we do play this little game... whenever he leaves he says " I'm Off." and I say "I know."
<3 Terri

kara said...

we play "I love you more than...." at bedtime. so i'll say i love you more than say ice-cream to one of my boys and they'll reply i love you more than toothpaste/socks/puppies or whatever springs to mind, we always have a giggle before they snuggle under their quilts

LT said...

One of my favorite teachers in high school played a similar game on the first of the month. If you were the first one to say "Happy Rabbit, Rabbit Day" you got all the luck for the month. Thanks for bringing back those fond memories! And I'd love blue so much!


Anonymous said...

Lately our favorite family game has been peek-a-boo at 2 am. My infant son isn't so keen on sleeping it seems. Great fabrics - love the blog!

Lynne said...

My favorite colour is yellow... with blue, fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway!

sko_G knits said...

as a kid we would play a card game called nertz. it's sort of like solitaire...but with multiple people. we all sat around a table or the floor and as you go through your deck, you put the aces in the center. you can start using anyone's aces to get rid of your suits and the first one to get rid of all their cards yells "NERTZ!". the other players get points for each card they have left and the goal is to have the least amount of points by the end of the night. it was fun and larger family gatherings and gets very crazy and fast the more people playing.

Rebecca S. said...

One day my husband, while playing with the kids, randomly said, "Boom goes the chicken!" All four of my children laughed so hard that it has now become a regular thing. (Note that all my little ones are under the age of 6.) So it's not really a game, but I don't think any other family will just shout out, "Boom goes the chicken!"

Oh, and blue is my favorite color!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

WOW - those would be a great addition to a "blue" quilt my mom is working on for herself. Cool give-away! Jenn

Unknown said...

My daughter loves everthing blue and I mean EVERTHING. Not only would I like those fabrics I NEED those fabrics. I have been wanting to make her an all blue quilt for two years. Other things always seam to get in the way. So I will be hoping and praying that I win.

Anonymous said...

Our kids are all grown but my favorite color is blue...hope that counts. : ) Thank you for this generous giveaway opportunity!
I enjoy your blog and your inspiration. I am glad you came back.
Beverly in WA

p.s. I will check back in daily to see if I might win.

Nancy said...

My family does silly stuff, but I sure can't think of a funny game that we play. Oh, but when my brother was little and we'd get in a "fight" we'd call each other names that were funny not mean- like "you paper plate" or "you hot dog bun" the goal was to get the other person to laugh.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
spackattak7 at hotmail dot com

Dree said...

I have 2 boys--blue is awesome!

We have a travel game we call Garbage Truck Derby. We came up with this during our first 2-week roadtrip, when the boys were 3 and 6, and we needed something to make the long days easier. Basically, the first person to see a garbage truck yells "Garbage Truck!" and gets a point. Keeping track of the points is half the fun. Finding a garbage truck yard in the middle of rural Oregon guarantees you win the day. The prize? Bragging rights for sharp eyes.

Anonymous said...

When I was little my sister and I would play a game of who could wake up dad first. See my dad has gotten up at 4am every day since I can remember, work days, weekends, you name it he is up. However, on the all too important holidays (ie Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, First day of fair(b/c in our house fair is a holiday) he wouldn't be out of bed and nothing can start until dad was up, so we would try to get him up. Bragging rights to the winner!

P.S. Blue Fabric would be amazing! My wheels are turning!

Betsy Lynn said...

Wow, blue IS my favorite color!
These would be great to win!
Uno is one our favorite games to play.
Thanks for the chance!

quiltercaroline said...

Hi - wow what a great giveaway. Thank you. I guess our favourite game at the moment is peek a boo. This is because my niece is only one but loves it, we adults enjoy it too because she is so funny when she tries to hide before the boo! Many thanks. C

marieke said...

the silly game we have here is to call eachother bad names.

It started that my little girl was calling us stupid. When i told here that wasn't nice we decided that if you think someone is not so nice we call eachother something to eat.
you are a pickel when you are not so nice and your a cupcake when you are sweet and so on.
The educating thing is that she has to think things because you can't say something double.

cupcake > apple > pumpkin> marshmallow

gr marieke

Anonymous said...

Well, with a house full of teenagers, any misspoken word or silly mistake takes on a whole new meaning. They won't let you forget it, and never stop reminding you you of it. It's all in good fun and we get lots of laughs. My favorite color right now is green. I would love to make a blue quilt however. The colors looks so relaxing. Thanks for the chance.

Monica B said...

Thanks for doing a giveaway! We don't have any games we play yet, since our only child is 17 months old, unless you consider chasing her around the room a game. =) She loves that. I love blues, greens and purple - can't decide which is my favorite.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

What a coincidence - my favorite color is BLUE!!

julia said...

oh, what a beautiful generous!
I'd definitely make a quilt for the man in my life...similar to the beautiful quilt you made.
Not quite as cute as your family game, but my family has an Easter "tradition": Easter egg throwing competition (with cooked eggs). The, whose eggs last the longest after several rounds of throwing, is the winner. :)

Valerie said...

*grin* If we want to play games as a true family, my father will only play games involving dice. Two of our {or rather, his} favorites are "Fill or Bust" and "Farkle" {that name alone produces immature giggles from the peanut gallery -- particularly when someone busts out the "Spicy Farkle" version). My husband and I love to play Bananagrams ---- it's portable Scrabble on caffeine!

Kati said...

I can't think of any games at the moment, but my favorite color this week is green.

Nici said...

Happy November!! I would love these blues (which happens to be my favorite color). My family plays a games called Cranium. My favorite memory of playing this game is when we were all playing and my husband's team were creating with the clay and he dropped the ball of clay onto the table and his partner shouted TURTLE and he was right!! Talk about a LOL moment! :o)

Reenie said...

I have no more blues in my stash. These would b perfect. Thanks for the opportunity. Reenie

Libby said...

Blue (turquoise actually) is my favorites color, then red.

We've just started to incorporate "family game night" into our routine. Sorry is a favorite since everyone can play. My 3 year old much prefers the old "52 card pick up" game. Me? Not so much!

Thanks for the chance to win!
Libby2Loo at yahoo dot com

MadeByMeaghan said...

We have a lot of silly little routines around the house that make normal tasks seem a little more fun. I love these fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anna said...

I like your month game! I don't know if it's much of a game, but my sister and I used to make a HUGE deal about each others' half-birthdays, often times celebrating them harder than our actual ones.

debby said...

one silly game that i love to play with my sisters is, "what if this were dancing?" it's about what it sounds like - silly spastic movements followed by the question, "what if this were dancing?"

Jenn said...

Love blue! Our "silly" game would have to be just scaring each other or hide and seek--you know, mommy will count and then in a few minutes after I have had some peace, I'll come find you!

Megan said...

growing up i shared a bunk bed with my little sister. she'd love it when she would be laying in bed with the covers all the way over her head. i'd come in the room with a big pretend yawn and wonder a loud where she was. i'd have to ignor the giggles from the covers and say nice and loud, "I guess I'll just lay down right here". then i'd proceed to lay right on top of her and smash her. then complain about how bumpy the bed was until laughing she'd poke her head out from the covers and beg me to do it all over again.

Anonymous said...

Slug bug is still making its rounds in our family. Punching each other is a pretty silly way to have fun :0}

Michelle said...

Can't think of any silly games...

My favorite colors are the blues & yellows in Van Gogh's Starry Night.

Anonymous said...

I'm all about the blue these days!

As for games: we like to play road games while we drive, kinda like bingo. We have a list of things to spot - silly things like "man in a red hat" and "polka dots" but whoever spots someone picking their nose wins on the spot! it's silly, keeps them occupied and talking and we have fun!

wendy_d23 said...

Love the blues!

The kiddos are still little so we get a lot of fun out of just hiding under blankets all the time.

thea said...

My favorite color is actually blue so I would definitely love, love, love to win. One game we play at our house, maybe not so silly, is high-low (got it from "The Story of Us" with Bruce Willis and Michelle Pfeiffer). We go around the table and each person says their high and low for the day (week, month, year). Kind of a nice way to find out what's going on with everyone (my kids 21, 24, 26, 27, and 30).

Mary P said...

My favorite color is blue. I don't know that we have a special family game, other than dancing in the kitchen a lot (my husband and I met through swing dancing).

The Calico Cat said...

Our silly game is called "nice." (My cat's are great teachers, they always enforcing the rules of this game.) My son even says, "nice" as he pets them. When he is not nice - they let him know.

Chris said...

November is my favorite month too. I love everything about it.
Please add me to your drawing.

pklaw said...

We played charades at my granddaughter's 6th birthday and I realized how perfect it is for all ages! We had a lot of fun! Love the blue fabrics - you are so generous!

Deb Robertson Writes said...

There's some fierce doodle jump competition going on in my house, oh my! even the 18month old knows how to make the little man go wheeee! I've decided that my favourite colour is yellow. Which really surprises me. But I LOVE IT! really I do.

Julie said...

I don't really have a family. I live alone and my family lives far away.... But I love to watch football games with my friends, during half time we play in the backyard.

IamSusie said...

Blue is one of my very favorite colors and I have always wanted to make a blue quilt. My kids are getting too old for it, but my husband and I love to play Mum in the car. Maybe you played it too. Its the game where kids are not allowed to make any sound for a specified amount of time decided by an adult. When they were little, my kids thought it was awesome and were quite competitive about it, but now that they are older, they are wiser. My teenaged son likes to play, "Who farted? Not me!"

patty a. said...

What a lovely giveaway! I live alone and my son is grown so there are no games silly or otherwise at my house. When it comes to making quilts and buying fabric I like rich, clear, saturated colors. I like everything from black, to taupe, gray, yellow, red, lime green, turquoise and orange. It is hard for me to pick a favorite!

sntbosch said...

my favorite color is yellow.

ZenMuffin said...

Off the top of my head I can't think of any little games that my family and I play, but I can sure say that BLUE is my favorite color. I always gravitate towards it in the fabric store. Thank you for the giveaway!

Nana said...

Blue has always been my favorite color. Not really a "game" but when our two sons were young, as we would travel from our home to visit our parents in Oklahoma, my husband and I would break out singing "Oklahoma" (very badly) as soon as we crossed the state line. The sons are now adults and still expect us to sing as we enter Oklahoma. Connie

Deirdre said...

My fiance and I don't have a family yet, but when I was a kid we had Cuddle Tickle time with my baby brother on my parent's big bed after dinner. We'd toss balloons, read books, 'swim' around on the sheets, and just have a good time until bedtime!

Marie said...

thanks crazy mom !!! silly games...does fabric shopping count .... but alas I'm on a fabric diet 'til after Christmas...

fancystitching said...

My favorite color IS blue, so this would be a wonderful addition to the stash.


Fabric Fanatic said...

Oh man, I have the perfect project in mind and these blues will fill the bill. I'm crossing all my fingers!

Zibu said...

I have a game my 3yo. I ask him, "who does mamma love?" and he replies with a crazy made-up name. Then I ask him, and who does [insert crazy made-up name] love? And he replies with "[crazy made-up name]mamma." The trick is in repeating his crazy made up name back to him perfectly, which gets tricky when it is over a dozen syllables long!

Lennice and Katie said...

Our favorite silly game is to sing There Was a Duke of York and bounce on my legs. I have a toddler and baby boy, and they both crack up when they go bouncing up and down. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sara said...

Would love to win those to make my own blue quilt.

Since it's the cat and I - we don't play any silly games - so I guess my favorite color would be turquoise (at least this week - it is!)

Yvonne said...

My favorite color is blue and those fabrics have me drooling!

Coffeebean's Dailies said...

Love the blues! I love color. Just made a pastel 2.5" and white quilt top that need borders and another 2.5" quilt top with just scraps. Love it and my stash is not moving!?

We love to play Skip-Bo in the evenings. We also like to play Scrabble with the family on weekends. Sometimes we play Apples to Apples too!

Give me several hours as it is night time here and in the morning I will post pics of these quilts! Need some input please!

Emily said...

Those blues look like so much fun. I can't think of any of the silly things that my family does, so my favorite color is pink.

Fabric Fanatic said...

oops, I forgot to mention the game...we played a game in the car we called stink-pink, we had to say two words that rhymed...goofy game, but fun.

Britley said...

Blue is my favorite color. We squish my son in a "family sandwich" each night when he is going to bed.

Michelle said...

Blue is my favorite color! Oh we have lot's of silly games... While traveling in the car we are always on the lookout for our favorite cars and the first one to see it and yell 'mine' gets it for the day! Usually a Audi TT or a Porsche it's been a great way to relate to my boys especially! Or we have to guess what each car is! Lot's of yelling, by the way did I say my favorite color is blue!

Unknown said...

My favorite colors are red/pink, but I think a blue quilt would be perfect for my 9 year old son! He keeps asking when he gets a new quilt!

Wilma Lee said...

The only game played in my house is my husband pretending he can't do anything, lol. My favorite color is blue.

Anonymous said...

Favorite color - blue!

Jenny M said...

What gorgeous colors! My toddler son loves kiss attacks from Mom and Dad. "Look, it's a bird! No, it's a plane! No, it's a....kiss attack!" He always used to look surprised and upset as a little baby, and we said 'oh, he'll learn to love it.' And he has!

Natalie said...

my husband and I don't have any silly games yet but I've always thought the one my mom and step-dad play is really cute. They try to be the first to tell the other that he/she is the love of her/his life. The winner brags here and there throughout the day. It's just their cute way of saying "I love you".

April said...

Being a mom of boys- my 3 boys (husband and 2 sons) love their 'superhero' time. Which usually consists of jumping around and wrestling on our king sized bed. :) Always fun to be had!

I love your blue quilt! Such inspiration!

The Vegetarian Hunter said...

My family and I do not really talk - which makes me blue, but my favorite color is purple.

Jen Marie said...

My mom and I play a game with a paper butterfly that winds up via a rubber band. We twist it up and then hide it somewhere that the other will find it... but maybe not for a while. It should always be an unexpected surprise. We try to position it so that when the other person opens something the twisted-up butterfly unwinds and "flutters." We've been doing this for years and continue to play it when we can even though we're on separate continents.

S. Anderson said...

On road trips, my husband and I always say as we enter a state "The people of welcome you." It has become quite a tradition!

Great giveaway!

Tami said...

We've made bedtime fun at our house! When the kids are ready to head up to their beds we make it a race... Ready 1..2..3..go go go then we chase them and laugh and tickle when we reach them half-way up the stairs. It's not a calming game before bedtime, but both our our boys love it, and we don't have a problem getting them down. (Even our 17 month old gets in on the action with laughs and giggles!)

And, just for kicks, my favorite color is PURPLE!! Although, I'd LOVE to make a blue quilt to match my family room!

Teresa said...

Right now my kids are really into "Last One to Wherever is a Rotten Egg!" At first it was a way for my husband to try to get them upstairs for bathtime, but now my son uses it every time we go up and down the steps. And it never gets old!

nicole said...

awesome, made my november to see a giveaway from amanda jean. hope i win!

Andrea said...

Oooh, thanks for the great giveaway. My favourite colour is blue, of course! :-)

Me? A Mom? said...

At night, I like to get down on the floor with the girls and tell stories under the quilts. They hang on my every word and help me with the story.

Meg said...

My brother and I play an INTENSE version of the license plate game. To the point where it's carried over into our friendships. I've even called each other for a second opinion on the rules when he and his wife were playing!

Leila said...

Every time I tell my husband the baby needs to be changed he says, "Changed into what? A cat/dog/blanket/goose?" He thinks he is pretty funny. :)

What beautiful blues. Thanks for the giveaway.

Cathi said...

My fav color is blue. What a nice thing for you to do.

Gena's Garden said...

We always find funny ways to wake each other up....... the singing "filet-o-fish" fish, clappers, marbles or pennies that have been in the freezer...

My husband and I thought an air horn would be funny, but then we decided it wouldn't be so funny if the children found it. :)

Patrice said...

My favorite color is pink. We don't really play any one game. We play whatever game my four year old thinks of that day. Love your blue quilt!!

Nancy said...

We played the ABC game with our kids (find letters of the alphabet in order on billboards as we are driving, first one wins..) and now we play with our grankids...

Love the Blues....

elizabeth said...

Love the blues, but fav color is purple. My children are young adults so our games have changed. One silly thing we do is whoever gets to a restaurant first hides behind the menu when the others arrive : ) Their dates think we are pretty crazy!

Helmus said...

We always play the "Would you still like me if..." game. Dumb, but we can get pretty creative with the conditions. :) What a generous giveaway!

Erin Marie said...

My husband is king of silly. He does all sorts of silly things with our 2-yr-old. The current favorite (other than potty jokes) is to change the words of familiar songs. She's getting pretty good at it, too.

Artsy Aut said...

My kids are still really small, but they love to do fake whispers. Even my one year old fake whispers in my ears to make me laugh. I love it. And my favorite color is Yellow! A good complimentary color to blue ;)

Cori said...

The quilt is great and what a great giveaway. My family silly game is to guess the next line in a movie. We can be so annoying when we watch a movie.

Trina said...

My family makes up our own songs- incessantly. Everything is an excuse to sing our own silly lyrics loudly and badly. My husband's improv comedy is to blame. My five year old tops us all with her extremely silly and extremely silly songs.

Jenn said...

Love the colors! I'm currently teaching myself to sew and haven't tried a quilt yet but I'd LOVE to. So far, just some simple tote bags and a reusable sandwich bag.

Lately my kids and I have been playing "dance party". Once my boys (3 years old and a 14 month old) are in their pajamas for the night, my husband will put on a CD with some kids dance music and we all rock out! It's hysterical and it wears the kids out before bed.

Sara said... silly games here, but when I was little my mom would always tell me to "Have an all A day" before I headed to school. I tell her that now since she is a teacher:) The blue fabrics are lovely!

Kelly said...

What a lovely giveaway! Our family likes to play Chutes and Ladders, Go Fish, and Lava. Lava is generally played when I'm cleaning the couches and put the cushions on the floor. At that point I'm usually innundated with small yelling boys screaming "look out for the lava, hot! hot! hot!" as they jump from cushion to cushion. Who could resist jumping in on that game?

Bethany said...

We don't particularly have any silly family games. We play ordinary games. :) My favorite color right night seems to be yellow! I wouldn't not have claimed it except that I seem to gravitate to all things yellow: clothes, shoes, fabric, you name it.
Thanks for the great giveaway. I would love to make a blue quilt!

Kirsten said...

My favorite color is pink! :)

**nicke... said...

wellll... my favorite color is blue so this would be the perfect giveaway for me to win!

Erica said...

What wonderful blue colors! I have been planning on making a quilt for my brother with blues and grays, but I haven't quite saved up enough pennies, so this would be so perfect!

Anonymous said...

purple, definitely purple.

Bev said...

Since I have raised 3 gigantic football player sons who are "super cool". We don't play silly games. Love them though. My favorite color is red.

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