Saturday, October 16, 2010

i cleaned my house so i could mess it up again

 I have a friend visiting for the weekend. Boy, oh, boy, are we having FUN!
We have fabric messes that would make Victoria proud.
Fabric is flying.
Backs are being pieced.
We are inspiring the next generation of quilters. (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
There's still lots to do. Namely, basting 5 quilts. (For crying out loud!)
Super cute pincushions in use. (LOVE!)
Including this awesome one from Cindy. (LOVE!!!)
And I can't tell you how fun it is to see projects in real life rather than on screen.

Hope you are having a happy weekend, too!


Sara said...

I spy Terri:) Looks like ya'll had a blast!!!

Kim's Treasures said...

Looks like a great time!

Brandie said...

Looks wonderful!

Jessica Christensen said...

I love those long, messy, productive weekends where you just crank out projects left and right. I need me one of those for sure.

Tamera said...

Looks like you're having fun!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful time you are having, enjoy every minute


Anonymous said...

It is like a scrapbook crop for quilters. I am soooo jealous!

Anonymous said...

At first, I couldn't understand how you managed to get my purse in your post...then I figured out who was sewing at your house! :) I have that pink bag! Looks like you two had a blast!


LOL...I just did a blog on my mess!
When Finaly turned on my Husky to start my son's quilt...I could smell the dust burning off the light...OMG I give up...luv your projects.

Catsngrams said...

Amanda I love your blog. I just read the how to label you quilt tutitoial. Thanks for all the info you share.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Have fun! Wish I was there but I did get to hold and kiss the new grandbaby today!

Toni said...

I'm so excited and jealous you two are sewing together!!!! I'm determined we'll all have our weekend too!! :-)

Gretchen said...

Have you ever used 505 Basting Spray to make your quilt sandwiches? I do love that stuff. So easy and doesn't gum up the needle.

Victoria Paige @ Boutique Uniquely said...

I know what you mean about cleaning just to mess it up!

Looks like you had a fun weekend. I need to find some quilters in my area.

Live a Colorful Life said...

I am so not kidding. I'm using my airmiles to come have a sewing weekend with you...

P.S. happy you like the pincushion!It was fun seeing it being used.

Gina said...

Look slike you are having a great time

Love and hugs Gina xxxx

the lady in red said...

Even the title made me happy :) Raading about your adventures never fails to inspire me, thank you xo

Karmen said...

Wonderful fun! Karmen

Denise in PA said...

How fun! We all need weekend like that every so often! And to do it with a friend just means double fun!

mascanlon said...

My retreat weekend is coming up soon. I am so excited, it will look like this times 5 quilters. Lots of food too, of course.

Angie said...

This is my constant battle -- clean, make a mess, and repeat! I just can't imagine what would happen if I didn't do the clean part -- it would be an explosion of mess!

Angela Nash said...

Looks like you and Terri are having a fabulous time!

Cheryl Arkison said...

I'm glad you guys are having a good time!

WesternWilson said...

Have you guys tried spray basting? I watched a YouTube video on that and went out and bought my own spray can of 505 basting spray! As soon as I get the back pieced, I will try out the whole spray-basting thing (I usually hand baste a la Sharon Schamber).

Linda said...

Yay! Looks like a lot of fun. I have Monday through Thursday off this week. I am hoping to spend some quality time creating. :)

holly k said...

I think sewing is 100x better when there are friends sewing together! :)

Terriaw said...

Duuude... we sure had fun, didn't we?! I was sad to leave but exploded with excitement when I got home. I have so many ideas swirling in my head from all our brainstorming and your fresh ideas. How do you say in your country, "Can't wait to do it again soon!" LOL!

Andrea, the little collector said...

Why oh why do I live so freaking far away??? Sigh.

Becky said...

In the 4th picture down, the piecing backs photo, who made that beautiful flower print? I'd love to add some to my stash.

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

looks like fun! the only thing better than sewing is sewing with a friend. and teaching your daughter to sew. i love doing that.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Hahaha!!! Ooh! That's my kind of mess!!!!
:-) looks like you two had a super to
Time!!! Ab's is getting so big!!!

Sherri said...

Lucky both of you---I'd love to have a sew day with you both!

Doris said...

What fun! Can I come next time?

Amanda Jean said...


the floral fabric is from Sandi Henderson's farmer's market line. I just bought some at quilt home (an on-line store). hope that helps!
