Wednesday, October 06, 2010


A few of my neighbors, Diane, and I started a craft group last month. We've met twice now, and I'm so thrilled with our group. Last Saturday, despite a severe sinus headache, I learned how to sew curves. I was scared, because I had attempted curves before (without professional supervision) and it did not go well. At. all. This time was different, though. My neighbor, Marcia, gave me some great tips along the way and I am happy to delcare that I LOVE curves now. They are actually fun to sew and my mind is brimming with possibilities!

I'm not sure if I'm going to like this quilt or not. I chose these drab colors just in case it flopped. You see, I didn't want to waste my super pretty, precious fabric. (Don't you just love my confidence?) I have a feeling that I'm going to have to pull out some fancy quilting tricks to make this quilt sing, but I still have hope for it. :)


Miss Hillbilly said...

So...I am scared to do curves as well. Any tips?

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

It surely shows off some beautiful curves. Maybe you need red sashing to make it sing!

Cascade Quilts said...

I think it will be great - and good for a 'mans' quilt!

April Mae said...

I don't think those are drab. They remind me of a black rock on a beach. :)

Lee Ann L. said...

I'm scared to do curves too! Glad you had help, got over your fear, and are now enjoying it.

Wendy said...

{now secretly hoping you'll post a sewing curves tutorial}

Linda said...

Looks like you have done a fabulous job so far. I recently bought a template for the drunkards path block and have been slowly cutting out pieces for a scrap quilt using it. I figured I'd try it out with scraps first before cutting into the Kaffe Fasset fabrics I bought to actually use with the templates, LOL.

Regina said...

I like it! I'm afraid of curves too so I bought the Curve Master foot. That thing is awesome!

Mairi said...

Hi there! You should check out I agree with Regina on the Curve Master! Jaybird Quilts has posted this great youtube tutorial. Happy curving! Great job btw!

Angela Nash said...

I have some curves to sew - a thin double thing that I volunteered to do and am now afraid of!

I'm inspired to just give it a try.

And I can't wait to see your trickery for that drab circle!

Andy said...

drab? I love those colors - that palette is so calm.....soothing.... keep going with it!

Kacey said...

i'm with wendy...share your secrets! :)

Thimbleanna said...

Whew! I saw that title and thought you might be putting us on some crazy exercise program or something. ;-) Can't wait to see what you do with this!

Erica said...

I encountered curved seams on my first quilt (a sampler), and to this day, that block is my least favourite in that quilt. But my sister decided years ago that the quilt she wanted from me was a Drunkard's Path. I enlarged the pattern so I would have fewer seams to deal with...and discovered that I loved curved seams now ^_^

Also, I really like those greens.

Munaiba said...

Make a block with the same densities of lavenders, purples and blues and you will be amazed at how this green block will sing.

Quiltjane said...

I love curves too. I have done it the traditional way but found it faster with a foot like the Curve Master.

Amy said...

Reminds me of crop circles... I like it!

Bluebell Ridge Handworks said...

Maybe now you can teach us how...I have no idea how to sew curves. PS. I love the greens, they are easy on the eyes :o)

Darcy said...

More details about the craft group please!

Emily said...

Or you can just stop with one block and pull out the fabrics you LOVE for a whole quilt :)

Margaret T. Zenk said...

You can do blocks in various shades of drab. tans, reds, black, blues, etc. you could have some fun with this. and you will of course quilt the dickens out of it...

Jocelyn said...

I think your friend needs to share her secret. I don't do curves either.

Allie said...

Looks like fun--good for you!

Bug said...

I, too, was terrified of curves until I found a gorgeous tutorial here.
It's a very easy technique (you don't have to actually SEW curves) and I'm currently working on my second quilt using it. I'm wondering if you've ever tried something like this.
I can't wait to see how yours turns out!

Jan said...

Muted is just different! I like what you have so far.

Pat Sloan said...

if it is not a HUGE piece use it for a label or the start of a quilt back.. then dig into those pretty precious babies for some real quilt fun!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love curves! This pattern that you did your block in is a great pattern to fool around with - the arrangements for the quilts can be assume and so many different arrangements! Do a search on Drunkards Path and it will lead you to many arrangements.

Terriaw said...

Good for you for overcoming your fear of sewing with curves! How fun to have neighbors and local friends to get together like that. I think your combo with those soft colors is pretty. Your quilting can do wonders with anything so I have faith you'll make this piece fabulous too!

Barbara Sindlinger said...

Congratulations on mastering curves. I can do them myself but I avoid them if I can. I'm sure you'll think of something fantastic to make the quilt sparkle.

Heather said...

I have yet to try curves. Doing curves just seems to defy all i know so far. I guess I'm not there yet. :)

Melanie@Crafty Cupboard said...

Will you be imparting this precious curvy wisdom on the rest of us fraidy-cats?

Margaret said...

I actually like it, imagine it with a red top stitch.

Gillian King said...

It's good to try new things in the company of someone who has been there before.

I like these colours... very taupe-japanesey. Moody. Maybe masculine as others have said.

I'm sure you can pull off something with flair and style.

Theresa said...

You're a braver woman than me Amanda Jean. Well done. Drab as that fabric may seem, it's working!

anne said...

Wow this is sure gonna look awesome when it is finished.....please share your curve tips with us.....please please please

Unknown said...

Great job - someday I'll get around to trying these too

Yvonne said...

The colours are great! Subtle is beautiful. Lovely curves.

Floh said...

I like your circle - I just started sewing circles yesterday to but without professional help. Some are not realy circles, but it is ok I think. Maybe you want to look...
Greetings from Berlin

Kathy in FL said...

I'm loving those greens! If you don't like it, I'll take it off your hands.

Brandie said...

I wish I knew how to sew curves. Maybe you'll show us.

carol said...

You, afraid of anything? That sort of flips me out! Use enough pins and you can do anything!!!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Looks great, AmandaJean! Wish my curves came out that awesome.

Anonymous said...

Love curves; looks like the start of a Fun Quilts pattern which I just completed.


Anonymous said...

I had a pattern with curves that I opened to try on Sat. The instructions were abysmal. I opened a reference book and lo-and-behold- I can do it! This book says to mark the mid points of each section to be sewn by finger pressing at athat point, Clip the concave piece at 1 cm intervals just a tiny bit, place the pieces to be sewn together matching centers and ends and -voila! Joelle

Glenna @ Hollyhock Quilts said...

I love the direction you're taking with your quilts! They really grab the eye! Kudos!

Anonymous said...

Well, you could always leave the quilting to me! ;-)
I have some metalic green thread that would add some sparkle.

Lynn said...

Looks very good - I love grayed colors so if you don't like the final quilt you can always ship it off to me. Ha, Ha! You should share some of those tips as obviously they worked for you.

Amanda said...

Curves... very scary!! Great job- it looks wonderful! And I'm sure that the finished product will look amazing as always!

Working on my 3rd quilt now- friend of mine expecting a boy this month. I have WIP pictures up on my blog now. :-)

Anonymous said...

looking forward to a 'professional' circle tutorial from you! :)
thanks for sharing with us!

Fabric Fanatic said...

pretty please, tips? I'm going to be making a mariner's compass block and it will necessitate sewing curves to set the motif into a square...yikes! I've avoided it for lo these many years and now I'm caught!

Rhonda said...

Nice piecing! Yes, this pattern would have some great possibilities. :)

Dana Gaffney said...

So, what did you learn to make them lovable?

Kate said...

Curves are so much fun! I've recently discovered them too and it opens up a world of possiblities!

Bailey said...

I'm scared too! I recently won a giveaway by liking this facebook page (for ) I won $100 credit to her shop and found a lot of great patterns and templates. They're still sitting on the table, but I'm so excited to start using them!

Jackie said...

That's too funny! I started a craft group a few months ago, too! Isn't it fun!!! I'm using my blog to document it...

Anonymous said...

I actually think those colours are gorgeous. Then again, I ALWAYS gravitate to green, every last shade of it.

Kristin said...

Great curves always catch the eye!

Jen said...

I think these colors are great! Sea greens and blues, what could be better!

Retrogirl said...

How Exciting!! I always said never ever until the Curve Master came into my life (hear the angels singing?)!!

aSprinkling said...

I definitely want to know what you learned to make it so much better! I have a circle quilt on my "what I want to make one day" list.

Anonymous said...

HI: I should have sent this link to you earlier. Check the quilting on this pattern; circle quilting on each circle and then stippling around each circle. Mine turned out great.

Anonymous said...

Opps. Here's the link:

Anonymous said...

I'm with Wendy on this one...I'm having HORRIBLE luck with curves. I've ripped a quilt twice now, deciding to just applique. I've almost thrown the quilt! PLEASE post a tutorial!!!

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

This is a great quilt! I'm okay with sewing curves, but I have a question about the piecing. Do you add a seam allowance so the circle doesn't look out of round when the pieces are sewn together?