My husband and his high school friend, Scott, have recently re-connected. They both are funny individually, but together they are HILARIOUS! It's like having my very own comedy show in my living room when they get together. I love it. Last weekend Scott came down to visit because he and my husband are in the process of getting a musical group together again. We got to talking and he requested a quilted guitar strap. At first I thought he was just putting me on, but he was actually serious. He said that the choices at the guitar store are pretty limited: skulls, leather with studs, etc. Certainly nothing that suits him. He bought a plain black strap, which I ripped apart and replaced with a quilted strap. It turned out pretty dandy, if you ask me! Getting it reassembled so the strap was adjustable again made my head hurt, but after a bit of time, I figured it out. All the fabric is all from repurposed shirts. We kept the tag on from the store just as a joke.

Isn't it handsome?
Here it is on one of his guitars.

He was excited. I love it. My husband has put in an order for 2 for himself. I've added them to my never ending list of things to make someday! I appreciate a small project like this because it's nearly instant gratification, unlike the plethora of unfinished quilts I am working on.
I notice that you don't have your list of WIPs on your sidebar back up. It can't possibly be worse than mine!
I love this idea! When I get my courage up, I'll try it on my Guitar Hero strap, lol!
it looks great, amanda jean.
That turned out cool! Jenn
Ooh! I should try one of these for my husband's many guitars and basses!
Awesome. I know how you love it when your kids are fond of your craftiness, so it must be nice to make something so appreciated by your husband's friend and soon by your husband, too. Rock on, boys.
What a lovely treat -- It is so wonderful to be appreciated isn't it. Really unique!
So.Very.Cool Ms. Crazy. Don't you love it when we can do something fairly easy for the men in our lives? That's a great project!
Very cool. Love the tag.
I have been collecting the red Levi's tag from jeans, to use in a quilt for my grandson, Levi, of course.
Love it when quilting makes the useful, beautiful!! Bet it is comfortable too!
process pledge, please. I'm still trying to figure out how you did that camera strap a while back, and now this. In particular, I'm confused about how you attached the quilting to the strap...
This would be such a cool gift for my guitar playing son!! I love it when I find things I can make my boys. I'd love a tut!!
that is too stinking cool! Love the fabrics you used.
Would love to know how you attached it to the strap.
nice this looks awesome
Oh my heck--my sweetheart would love this! Now I've added it to my own never-ending list of quilting projects.
Please Please Please how did you do this! I really want to make one for my ugly camera strap!
really neat! Have you seen the new jam session fabric? I'm thinking of doing the same thing with my guitar player ;)
Great idea! It looks awesome!
It turn out very nice and unique.
Very cool! I love that you used old shirts for the patchwork. I do that too - buy something just to take it apart and figure out how to make it myself in colors I want to wear. So you're saying Kevin and his friend aren't into skulls and studs?! LOL! Well done with this one!
You are so clever! I loved it.
So crazy that you posted this! I just bought some fabric to make my husband one! I many be e-mailing you for pointers! Awesome!!!
How cool is that. I think my daughter will probably request one! Feel like putting together a tutorial? Lovely.
Fantastic! I'd better not let my guitar playing hub see this, OR he will want one, THEN I'd have to try to make him one, THEN, I'd have to ask you to....:) well you get the idea...
That just proves my theory that a girl can quilt anything if she puts her mind to it. Well done!
That looks great! I made my boyfriend a purple velvet guitar strap; it's very over the top, but he says it makes him feel like a rock star. :)
Did you make a completely new strap or add quilting to a plain one? I really like this and would love to make my boyfriend one. Thanks!
Great idea! I may need to try this for my guitar. My strap actually scrapes my neck and your idea may soften the it looks pretty sweet!
Awesome! Looks great with that guitar! And way to figure out the adjustable part. :)
Rock on girl!
I love it, I was needing a project for my husband for his birthday. YAH!!!
Awesome gift idea for my hard-to-buy-for son-in-law!
That turned out great! I love small projects. I have to throw one in every now and then in order to stay inspired. Of course my list is LONG. I still hope to make a camera strap one of these days. You know...after Christmas. Which at my rate will be when I finally get past week 7 of the quilt along ;)
very neat. Well done
It's doubly gratifying to make something that a guy loves, they're notoriously picky :)
Rockin! Totally Rockin!
BTW, the word verification word is "emazzled", which I firmly believe can be defined as "bedazzled in a strictly masculine way". Appropriate for this post.
Hi, AJ! Just catching up on your blog after a glorius week in MN (not Gruber's though!) Your blog is interesting about 1% of the time (giggle, giggle, snort...) Mys sister would say the same about mine, I'm guessing!
My sweetie and my brother both play guitar, may have to borrow your idea for gifts...
I LOVE it!! I want to make one for my guitar...but I am fairly certain this will go into the "to make someday" pile that is longer than I want to admit!!
That is way cool!
I love it! My step-dad is a musician, so this would be something cool I could make for his guitars! :)
That is extremely cool!
It's so manly!
With 2 guitar players in the family, I've got to try this! Thanks!!
I love the guitar strap!! That's such a great idea. :-)
Please add my vote to the list of those asking for a tutorial! This would look so cool made in a variety of fabrics.
Thank you!
great idea for something for my son for Christmas!! Any details you could share on the making of this would be great.
THIS is amazing! you must've known how many musicians there are in my family :) i see at least 3 xmas gifts that need to be started...
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