Wednesday, July 07, 2010


me and my sister Clair

This past weekend I turned 35. You know how some people say that they don't feel their age? I'm not one of those people. ;) I celebrated with my sis, who also shares my birthday. No cake was involved (it's way too hot to bake) but there was LOTS of ice cream. I may or may not have had ice cream 3 times on Sunday, including my husband's favorite recipe. YUM! It was a good, good day.

In belated celebration of my official stance in the middle aged club, I'm hosting a give away. Today I have not one, but TWO roll ups to give away, compliments of Robert Kaufman fabrics. Thank you, Rob! (LOL!!!!!!!!!)

One is in the dusty color story, which is quite lovely.

The other one is in the classic color story. It's bright and fun and cheery.

Either way, you can't go wrong.

If you would like to win, leave me a comment. In your comment, tell me what your favorite flavor of ice cream is. My favorite flavor would have to be coffee....with a brownie mixed in. Mmmmm, mmmm!
I will pick two separate winners. Only one comment per person. I'll pick a winner on Saturday...after my garage sale. Oh, yeah, the fun never ends around here. :)


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Kris said...

Happy Birthday! It sounds like it was a good one. My favorite "ice cream" flavor is actually raspberry sorbet with chocolate chips... call me crazy!

Amy Sp said...

Pralines and Cream!

Heather Crowe said...

My favorite ice cream is Ben and Jerry's Imagine Whirled Peace. Caramel & Sweet Cream Ice cream swirled with fudge peace signs and toffee cookie pieces. Soooo good.

Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

I happen to live in Utah where I've heard we consume the MOST ice cream than anywhere else in the US. Who knows. Anyway, my favorite is banana carmel crunch from Coldstone. It is fabulous with banana ice cream too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Anonymous said...

My absolut favourite ice-cream "flavour" is vanilla with jello smashed up in it...weird maybe but it brings me back to my childhood.

If that was not an option I would have to say Orange float flavour.

Tennile B

Moneik said...

Vanilla with a piece of chocolate cake mixed in!

kathy said...

Happy birthday! My favorite ice cream flavor is Ben & Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Crunch!

Melissa said...

My absolute favorite, hands down, is my grandfather's handmade vanilla ice cream. There is nothing else like it on Earth...and I've tried hard to find a comparison! :-)
Happy Birthday!!

The Mellos said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Love the pic of you and your sis. As a summer baby, I appreciate a good ice cream celebration! As far as favorites, they change...often. My current fave is peach (with frozen peaches in it) mixed with Vanilla Bean. It sounds odd, but it's SO good!

Jacki said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite ice cream by far is Cookies and Cream by Breyers- it's the best!

eadaoine said...

Chocolate fudge brownie!

Lise said...

Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie...or a local Herrell's Burnt Sugar and Butter...or better yet, both together!! Happy birthday!

Michael said...

Chocolate fudge brownie!

~Michelle~ said...

Happy Birthday! I'm a huge fan of chocolate w/peanut butter chunks & cookie dough. Now I'm hungry! :-/

lorimu said...

My favorite flavor is mint Oreo. I used to only do Ben and Jerry's but recently I discovered a Dryers Grand that is delish! Happy Birthday!

sophie said...

Happy Birthday. It sounds like you had a great day.

Since moving to Texas, my favorite ice cream is Blue Bell's Moo-llennium Crunch, a vanilla ice cream with a combination of dark chocolate chunks, creamy caramel chunks, roasted pecan halves, chopped almonds and walnut pieces.

Terry said...

Happy birthday! Love the fabric, especially the dusty colorway. My favorite ice cream is vanilla with hot fudge on it! :0)

Shannon said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite ice cream is vanilla with choc syrup, choc chips, coconut and pecans mixed in and sometimes a banana sliced on top too!

Anonymous said...

definitely grape ice cream :)

Alison said...

Rhubarb crumble's truly scumpcious and of course totally good for you because of the rhubarb in it ;-)

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm-probably oreo but I do love a good vanilla

Meredith said...

Happy Birthday ! I love Breyers vanilla and chocolate.

Anonymous said...

love vanilla, or chocolate peanut butter cup. Yum!

webmailaddress2 said...

My fave is cake batter ice cream. Coffee ice cream is tasty, but the caffeine keeps me up at night! Happy 35!

Carol said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite ice cream is Rocky Road.

E. said...

is it ok that it's not exactly ice cream? I just love raspberry sorbet!

felicity said...

Happy Birthday! I'm a big fan of chocolate almond ice cream.

Tarmy said...

Strangely, I only like ice cream when I'm pregnant and then Peanut Butter Cup is the best! I'd rather have a homemade chocolate chip cookie all the rest of my life.

Happy Birthday! Love your quilts!

Kelly said...

there's this ice cream company based out of santa barbara and they make the most amazing peppermint stick ice cream. i'm not a fan of peppermint candy, but this ice cream is just so yummy! once we move from LA i'm really going to miss being able to get it at the store.

but if i'm being entirely honest, i rarely thumb my nose at any ice cream. :)

happy birthday! i turned 30 a couple of weeks ago.

Trina said...

Yummm....homemade strawberry ice cream. I may have to stop by the grocery store on the way home.

Thanks for the chance to win!

amanda said...

Happy birthday! My favorite ice cream is kulfi. yum!

Claire said...

My mother in law's stem ginger with chocolate chunks ice cream is absolutely amazing. I am drooling just thinking of it.

Happy birthday!!

Stacey said...

right now my fave flavor is chocolate chip cookie dough, breyers brand. happy birthday!!!

resewn sally said...

Happy Birthday!

My favourite would have to be chocolate fudge brownie flavour, with some rum and raisin too! Love it.

Sal. X

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I love mint chocolate chip. Yumm!

Tong said...

Happy belated birthday!!! My all-time favourite ice cream is green tea, which my boyfriend thinks is disgusting... well, he doesn't know what he's been missing! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Coloradolady said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

My favorite is Peach...homemade of course!

Thanks for the chance to win!!

shellysquilts said...

Hey Amanda, Happy Birthday! Any day with ice cream is a good day. And my favorite? Chocolate, hands down! Have a great Birthday week!

Amy from Our Dish said...

I'd have to say Rainbow Sherbet. I LOVE IT! Happy Birthday!

susana said...

My favorite- Blue Bell homemade vanilla with raspberries on it!

Megan said...

happy birthday!!

my favorite is vanilla with caramel swirl. mmmmm

Dj said...

Depends on the brand. Central Dairy is our local ice cream maker and they make one called Birthday Cake. It's my favorite when I can find it.

beth said...

You are a twin? My favorite ice cream is a blueberry sorbet made in our ice cream maker with lots of blueberries and buttermilk!! YUM. I just looked at these jelly rolls this morning - drooling....

Meagan said...

Happy birthday :)

Hands down, my favorite is mint chocolate chip. No brand can get it wrong, so it will be reliably delicious for the rest of my life!

bee*in*the*balm said...


ktjane said...

my favorite flavor is salted caramel from molly moons in seattle.

happy birthday!

Radmall said...

My favorite flavor is a salted, burnt caramel ice cream. I had it once in Nice and my husband has managed to nearly re-create it (a little too salty still, but darned close). Sigh. I need some!

I'd love a chance to win. Happy belated birthday.

Mandy said...

Happy Birthday, you are in great age company ;-). I love either English Toffee or coffee fudge, yum :-) But it's a bit too cold here for that at the mo, I'll eat some cake for you. TTFN

Kristi said...

anything with chocolate!

fancystitching said...

My favorite homemade is rich vanilla... lots of eggs in it.

My favorite bought ice cream is Blue Bell coffee flavored.

YUM! Happy birthday!


Alexandra V. said...

Happy Birthday!

I think I have to go with cookie dough. It's the random chunks of delicious that keep you searching for more.

Kate said...


I love tart FroYo :-)

Frogdancer said...

Happy birthday! I'm not eating much icecream at the moment... It's the middle of winter here.

Steffi´s Candy Quilts said...

Happy Birthday! :-)
Ice cream? Definitively chocolate! My all time favorite!

Tracy T. said...

Green Tea Ice Cream - Delicious!

Lauren H said...

Belated happy birthday to you and your sister! I, too, love coffee ice cream, but my favorite ice cream ever is from childhood - a homemade caramel ice cream that was made by a friend's family cook for the annual Fourth of July celebration we had at the lake! Wish I has a bowl now!!!

Angel said...

Happy Birthday!

My fav ice cream flavor is chocolate butter fudge...I grew up in a family that had the local dairy that packaged milk and ice cream and it was our specialty. (Look up Ritchey's Dairy in Martinsburg, PA if you are ever travelling through central PA!)

I spent years dipping ice cream in the local shop and I came up with some fun combinations with the if you mix chocolate butter fudge with orange sherbet it tastes like a tootsie roll. oh, ice cream...not the same since I moved away!

Greta said...

Happy Birthday! I use to think coffee was my favorite flavor but then Ben & Jerries started making coffee heath bar crunch and I am in love with it. Hope you had a great birthday!

Joan said...

Happy Birthday!! My favorite flavor of ice cream is Coffee with chocolate swirls...It is nice to see your shining face...

Amy said...

You're a twin? How fun!
I don't think I could possibly choose just one flavor. It all depends on my mood. Mint-chocolate chip, coffee, Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby. I could go on and cream is my all time favorite dessert. It never disappoints.

Katie Favara said...

Happy Birthday!

My favorite is plain 'ole vanilla... sometimes with caramel topping.

Malmbergs said...

Chocolate with brownie pieces. Yummy!
Happy birthday and enjoy the mid 30's.

Life on 4th Ave said...

Happy Birthday! I would have to day my favorite Ice Cream is White Cake Ice_cream with MMs, Snickers and Kit-Kat. Yes it's a very rich ice-cream, I only get it for special stuff.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I've got a couple of favorites - Tiger's Tail (orange with a dark chocolate ribbon) from a local ice cream shop, and Double Chocolate Malted Crunch - from Thrifty drug store. Does anybody remember the square ice cream scoops for a quarter? I think RiteAid carries this flavor now, since Thrifty is no more.

cnydalynn said...

happy birthday!!!!

vanilla bean with a warm brownie:) yummmo

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I LOVE ice cream but it would be vanilla !! With mini chips mixed in!!! OK hot fudge, whipped cream and a cherry!! But vanilla !!!

Tara said...

Happy happy birthday! How fun! My favorite ice cream is Blue Bell Pistachio Almond. We'll go have some when you're here in November! And, of, course, thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

homemade blackberry is wonderful.

Monica said...

Happy belated birthday! My favorite ice cream is definitely homemade dulce de leche gelato. I only make it a few times a year because it takes so long but it's worth it!

Now you have me wanting to make some...

Pam said...

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Twirl,but the company doesn't make it anymore :-( I miss it so! I had M&M icecream on the way back from the Lake today, and it wasn't the same!

Carrie L said...

Thanks for celebrating your birthday with us! I like plain ole soft serve vanilla. Now if I could get soft serve coffee-flavored, I might change my mind!
carrielucekc at

Bingaling said...

Happy Birthday!
My favorite ice cream flavor is cinnamon! I love it in the fall on top of something baked with apples (like apple crisp, apple dumplings, or apple pie). Yum!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite is Chocolate Hazelnut Gelatto...mmmmm!

Bree said...

Great giveaway!
I'm a fan of vanilla, because it doesn't clash with any toppings, so you can keep a tub in the freezer and add whatever your whim decides at a moment's notice!

Jo Chu said...

My favorite flavor? Ben and Jerry's Milk and Cookies! I hope you have a Happy Birthday.

Jessica said...

My favorite is mint chocolate chip...yum! Happy Birthday!

Nancy said...

My latest favorite is chocolate chip cookie dough.

CJ said...

Happy Birthday!!
My favorite changes pretty often but right now it would be Tillamook's Chocolate Peanut Butter. Mmmmm, big chunks of PB in there.

Holly said...

My favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. Just plain, delicious, good quality vanilla ice cream. Yum!

Laurel said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you love the middle age club!
My favorite ice cream is Dreyer's Crunchy cone. yum....wish I had some. A good substitute(and much leaner) would be one of those yummy fabric rolls!

Live a Colorful Life said...

This is going to sound sacrilegious to admit that I never crave ice cream (don't make me into a saint or anything special--I crave LOTS of other stuff). Does that put me out of the running for prizes?

Okay,if I HAVE to choose, it would be something like Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia, or cake batter.

Haha, my word verification is chese (spelled wrong but close enough). Okay, NOW we're talkin'.

DianeY said...

Happy Birthday! And by the way, the definition of middle age grows higher the older you get! And you are definitely NOT middle aged yet!
My absolute favorite ice cream can only be bought in Hawaii, though they will ship it to the mainland by special order! It's called Haupia & it's a rich creamy coconut made by Roselani on Maui! It is truly scrumptious!

Laurie said...

My favorite is Blue Bell's Brownie Fudge Nut WHICH THEY HAVE NOT MADE FOR 2 YEARS! As soon as I get serious about a diet I'll find it.

Laurel said...

i'm going to have to go with chocolate. with some chocolate mixed in. maybe with some chocolate sauce on top.

ok, ok, sometimes i eat peanut butter. in my chocolate. or raspberries. in my chocolate. or mint. in my chocolate. =)

Needled Mom said...

Happy birthday!!! My favorite flavor would have to be Rocky Road. Yum!!!!!

Have a great garage sale!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love ice cream. Especially now that I am pregnant again :) (then I have an excuse to eat all I want. I think my favorite changes each time I try something new but as of right now I really like blueberry pomegranate with chocolate chunks. Yummy :)

Karen said...

My favourite is vanilla (made with buttermilk). Here is Australia we have a brand called Blue Ribbon and it is our family's favourite.

Wendy D said...

Happy Birthday to you and your sis!!! Me, my husband and My sister all share the same birthday! FUN!!! I happen to love Ben and Jerry's Coffee Toffee Crunch. I love ice cream!!!

Lynn said...

I love coffee ice cream!

LindaW said...

My favorite flavor would be vanilla with chocolate syrup but my favorite way to eat ice cream is as a dairy queen heath blizzard!

Andria said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite flavor of ice cream is cinnamon!! YUM!

Little Miss Shabby said...

Man, I recently had the best ice cream in Myrtle Beach--I think from a place called Fat Matt's. Some kind of wonderful peanut butter ice cream with peanut butter cookie dough and caramel. Oh my heavens, it was fab! =)

Thanks so much for such a great giveaway!

Betsy Lynn said...

Happy Birthday!
Mint chocolate chip!
Thanks for the chance!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday!

I don't think you can go wrong with ice cream, I'll eat just about any kind -- but if I *must* choose I'll go with peanut butter cup!

quiltmom anna said...

I love ice cream AmandaJean- I am not sure what my favorite flavor is but my favorite flavors are maple walnut, butter pecan, raspberry cheesecake and strawberry and vanilla ice cream with fresh berries. How is that for choices.LOL
I hope you have had a fabulous birthday - Our family tradition for birthdays is ice cream cake from Dairy Queen as none of us are big cake fans but love ice cream.
Thank you for the fantastic giveaway- the colors are really lovely- Your winners are going to have great fun playing with those rich colorful strips.
Warmest regards,
Hope the garage sale is a large success too.

Deb said...

Happy b day to both of you! I Love cookies n cream...yummm maybe I'll go get some now! :)

Helma said...

WHat a beautiful jellyroll.
My favourite flavor ice cream are pistache and bleuberry

Unknown said...

Happy birthday!

Fleur de sel caramel - swoon :)

Molly said...

Oh you just HAD to get me thinking about ice cream ... didn't you! My absolute favorite is at Coldstone Creamery coffee lover's only. Coffee ice cream with heath bar, caramel and almonds. Mmmmmmm ....

Happy Birthday! Thirty five is a great age!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday !!
ok, i'm in, my favorite icecream flavor would be "dulce de leche" [which would be milk cooked with sugar and vanilla over a slow fire for a few hours until it turns brown and with the consistency of a cream]
have a nice day...!

Kristine said...

Ben and Jerry's Half Baked.

KV said...

Oh man, my favorite ice cream is peanut butter & chocolate. These rolls scream BARGELLO!

ShillyShally said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite is Tiger (Orange and Licorice) but since I can't find that anymore I love Creamsicle ice cream...

Lindsey F. said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite ice cream is mocha fudge. I also love soft serve vanilla.

Ashers said...

I love homemade strawberry ice cream! My mother in law has the best recipe we have it almost every Sunday throughout the summer!! But Basically I love ice cream all together!

joyce said...

i'm obsessed with riesling poached pear at our local jeni's splendid ice cream here in columbus. **drool**

WendyLou said...

Hmmm ... I think my favorite would be praline. Yum!! Happy Birthday!!

nettie said...

happy birthday!!!

Kristin said...

Chocolate chip is definitely my favorite - and Graeter's ice cream is by far and away my favorite brand. I love the giant chocolate chunks!

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Ice cream! Yum! Is there a bad flavor? If pressed, I'd have to go with Hudsonville's Moose Tracks! Sorry, it's only found in Michigan!

Anonymous said...

I've never met an ice cream flavor I didn't like (except maybe the pineapple licorice one a friend and I made in high school). But if I had to pick a favorite, it would probably be Strawberry Cheesecake--yum! Anyway, happy, happy birthday!

Susan V.

Kristy said...

I'm gonna have to try the coffee ice cream recipe, you posted, for my husband. I, on the other hand, absolutely adore peppermint ice cream. the kind with the candies in it. I've only found it in the winter - Dreyers should make it year round :0) just for me! ha ha

Happy Belated Birthday.

RosaMaría said...

feliz cumpleaños Amanda!
that photo is great, and looks like a very lovely sisters who have fun together!
my fav fravor is cinnamon! ohh pure blis!

and many many thanks for the chance!!

Sue H said...

Happy Birthday, and oh, to be 35 again! Favorite ice cream? I looked at that recipe for the coffee ice cream and that sounds like a contender. I love homemade peach and store-bought bing cherry.

karen said...

Jamoca Almond Fudge from Baskin Robbins. It's got coffee, chocolate swirls AND almonds. YUMMMM!

Sara said...

mocha almond fudge :-)

Jessica said...

half baked---Ben and Jerry's. It is a combination of cookie dough, brownie bites, and yumminess.

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! to you and your sister. My favorite flavor icecream is Ben & Jerry's "Chunky Monkey"! Wooweeee!!!

hugz, Pam

beccaabug said...

Happy Birthday!
My favorite flavor of ice cream is cookie and cream.

jabeybaby said...

My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip! Baskin robbins has the best!

Alison Marie said...

Oh, I just celebrated my 35th birthday too! Happy Birthday!
I would have to say that my favorite ice cream is the homemade vanilla that I just made, but a close second is the Hershey's brand chocolate moose tracks ice cream I had while I was at home back east for my birthday.

Kelly said...

Pistacio, yummmmmmm

Happy Birthday!

Lynn said...

Happy Birthday you young thing!

My favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate.

Jewel said...

My favorite ice cream is Coffee Chocolate Chip (jamocha almond fudge doesn't count)...but I only know one place to get it, a tiny little ice cream shop in Capitola (that is south of Santa Cruz, CA. I don't get there often even though it is only an hour drive LOL

Nova said...

Happy Birthday :) I had a birthday too this past week :)
I love frozen berry yogurt but homemade shortbread on the side, yum.

Elizabeth said...

cinnamon, definately... when we lived in Chicago, it was definately the Oberwiess cinnamon!!!!

Happy Belated Birthday! My son celebrated his 8th on Jolly July 3rd!

Smeeker082 said...

Happy Birthday! my favorite this week is Cherry grandma used to have it at her house when we would spend the night so good memories!

Mary Lou said...

Cookies and Cream.

Happy Birthday

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Happy Birthday! My fav is a long forgotten flavor called Wild Berry Bumble Crumble...yummy!

Amy H said...

I love giveaways! :-D My favorite kind of ice cream is Peanut Butter and Chocolate from Baskin Robbins. Yum!!!

mean sarah jean said...

mmm ice cream .. pistachio, chocolate, burnt almond fudge, tin roof sundae, fried ice cream, mint, pumpkin, mocha, double fudge brownie, death by chocolate, rocky road, etc, etc. .. pretty much any flavor is my favorite flavor :0)

Meryl said...

Happy Birthday! Two favorites - coffee and mint chip!

pippinsequim said...

Mmmmh I like blackberry and cashew icecream (Baskin Robins has it sometimes as a special) So good!

Prairie Girl said...

Happy Belated! How is it that WE get something for YOUR birthday? Lucky us :)

Fav ice cream - depends on the day - it's either tiger tiger or some sort of coffee flavoured one. Though mint chocolate chip has had a recent resurgence for me.

Andi said...

I love ice cream with surprise bits in it.
Sometimes, I'll buy a tub of good vanilla ice cream, let it soften a little and add some cookie dough, chopped up chocolates, maybe some marshmallows, and anything else I can think of. Then re-freeze (its nice in a mould) and serve as a dessert.

Cindy said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Eating ice cream with your sis sounds like a great way to celebrate! (& a giveaway is nice too!)

My favorite ice cream would probably be mint chocolate chip...yum!

Carrie Haughey said...

Thrifty rainbow sherbert! Mmm brings back memories of riding my bike to thriftys and getting an icecream cone, when it was less than a dollar!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday! I don't feel my age either - it's just a number.

Strawberry Cheese Cake!!!

Tammy said...

Happy Birthday Girls! My favorite ice cream is Ben and Jerry's "Coffee Toffee Crunch"! So bad but oh so good!

Corrie said...

Mocha Chip. Yum. Happy Birthday!

Jorie said...

Happy Birthday!!

I have two favorites! My main one is a kind that I have only found made by the generic company that supplies to our local grocery store. It's "White chocolate raspberry Truffle" and is amazing! Just enough sweet, fruit, and chocolate with out being overwhelming!

If I can't find that one, i love Spumoni :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!
My favorite ice cream is my husband's nutty coconut homemade ice cream! Super yummy!

Sara said...

Butter pecan is the current favorite. . . .but when I was a kid, Dad would get out the old churn , buy a block of ice, smash the ice in a burlap bag with the side of the ax, and then we would CHURN. Best in those days was the homemade strawberry. . .maybe partly because there wasn't enough but for a small portion.

Colleen said...

Happy birthday! I cannot pick just one ice cream. Chocolate, vanilla bean, peanut butter, mint, coconut, cake batter, fruity. I LOVE ice cream (as in we served it at our wedding instead of cake). I will take a pass on your favorite, though- not a fan of coffee.

Fabric Fanatic said...

OOps...I forgot to mention my favorite flavor of ice cream....I love BlackRaspberry Chocolate Chunk made by Graeter's in is my downfall.

Cherie said...

Mint chocolate chip...and happy birthday!

Anna R said...

Definitely homemade strawberry ice cream!!

And 1975 was a very nice year...LOL...I just turned 35 two weeks ago. Happy Birthday!!

oversewn (Raven) said...

Mint Chip forever!!

Kay said...

Happy Birthday Amanda Jean & Clair.
My favorite ice cream is coffee with chocolate syrup! Yummy. I will be celebrating my birthday this Sunday with my sister Ann, we also share the same day - we're twins.

Amy said...

Congrats on your birthday! Thank you for celebrating with us. I know it is boring but just regular chocolate ice cream is my favorite.

nolandm said...

My favorite has to be Peach!
Rusty Miller

Cascade Quilts said...

My favorite ice cream is licorice! I love it when you can find it at an ice cream shop in pink, but I won't pass it up if it's black, hehe. It's worth having black lips and tongue for! Hope you had a great birthday!!!

Taya@TypeB said...

Happy Birthday! It IS hot out there, isn't it? Favorite flavor - or flavorite - Strawberry. Classic, simple, delish!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Ok, I have to pick just one? I guess I'll go with mint chocolate chip. Or chocolate chip cookie dough. Or... :-) Thanks for a terrific giveaway!

Patricia said...

My favorite is Chocolate Almond with Hersey's Fudge Sauce and more almonds on top!

Lee D said...

Happy birthday to you and your sis! Favourite ice cream flavour you ask? that is so hard to choose, there are so many, but one of my all time favourites is Tiger, vanilla and black licorce.

Brenda said...

chocolate mocha....and happy birthday!

Becky said...

I have a killer recipe for pistachio ice cream - love it! Happy Birthday!

Me? A Mom? said...

oh man. i turned 35 this past january. at the time i didn't about the whole middle-aged thing but now that you say it...oh man.

Fav ice cream? Strawberry. What can I say? I'm a simpleton. :)

Barb said...

Happy Birthday! My favourite ice cream is strawberry. I'm a classic kind of girl! Thanks for the chance to win.

Sarah R said...

Chocolate Chip with Cookie Dough!!

JustCindy said...

Happy belated birthday! The roll ups are beautiful. My favorite ice cream is German Chocolate. Yummy

The Kaonohi's said...

Anything with chocolate is my fav. Happy Birthday by the way.

Robin said...

Ice cream 3 times in one day? Sounds like an awesome birthday to me! My favorite ice cream has always been Baskin-Robbins Daiquiri Ice. I remember getting it for the first time when I was about 5 years old because it was blue. :)

Jenna Brand said...

Wonderful! I love mint chocolate chip : ) Thanks for the giveaway and happy birthday!

Kendra said...

Happy Birthday! :) Ice cream 3 times in one day sounds like a graet way to celebrate! :)

My favorite ice cream is banana. YUM!

Jeanne Lobsinger said...

My all time favorite is Rocky Road...but it HAS to be Blue Bell Rocky Road, nothing else compares!

Happy Birthday

MJ said...

My favorite flavor of ice cream is Raspberry Lemon. Yummmmm.

SusGus said...

Happy birthday! German Chocolate Cake by Tillamook is my favorite - although most of the other suggestions sound pretty good right now!

bedelia said...

Butter Pecan. so good!

thea said...

Happy Birthday! I too am one who is feeling my age, but it is 51 and not 35 ... I love all ice cream but today I'm thinking Coffee Heathbar Crunch (Ben & Jerry's).

Unknown said...

I'm an equal opportunity ice cream eater and love lots of flavors but my favorite lately has been caramel swirl.

Katie said...

My favorite is Moose Tracks!!! Happy Birthday - thanks for writing such an inspiring blog!

Tapestry Tree said...

my favorite is chocolate with walnuts...yum!

Sarah said...

Happy birthday! My favorite ice cream would have to be chocolate moose tracks, but chocolate chip cookie dough is a close second.

Julie w said...

My favorite ice cream flavor for in a cone is licorice.

Kristine said...

You are talking about my FAVORITE subject! ICE CREAM! My absolute favorite flavor was Graham Slam by Mayfield - it was graham cracker flavored ice cream with chocolate crunch pieces - I say "was" because they no longer make this flavor. I still look for it every time I pass by the ice cream in the store, though, because one time it made a very brief reappearance! My new favorite flavor is Triple Brownie (Kroger's Private Selection).

Happy birthday! Middle aged? Nah, you're just 20 with 15 years of experience! =D

Georgia said...

Happy Birthday Amanda Jean!!!
Those roll-ups are lovely, especially the dusty one.
Ice cream...mmm...I like coffee too, and when I have a nice creamy vanilla I always think that it just can't be beaten, but my very favourite is peppermint choc-chip. Yum!

Leigh said...

Not to be a copycat, but my favorite is coffee too-- But I'll see your brownie and raise you- a scoop of Nutella!!! To. Die. For.

Emily said...

Happy, happy birthday! Thanks for sharing with us!
As far as ice-cream goes, we love vanilla with ovaltine and butterfinger mixed in.
Sounds weird, but it's just plain delicious!

Allison said...

Have you tried Eddy's (Dryer's in the west) French Silk? Its hard to find but its mocha with big fat chocolate chunks......the best. :) Happy b-day! -Al

Amber H. said...

My absolute favorite flavor of icecream is cake batter with cookie dough mixed in and caramel.

Great, now I want Cold Stone! On the bright side, we're planning on buying an icecream maker so soon I'll have all the yummy icecream I could ever want!

Leisel said...

I LOVE cookie dough ice cream. . . mmmmmmm! Happy Birthday!


qltmom9 said...

My birthday was SUNDAY!
I like daiquiri ice (I am lactose intolerant), or frozen banana smoothies.


Crafty Christina said...

My favorite ice cream is Half Baked by Ben and Jerry's. It's vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream with cookie dough chunks and brownie chunks.

Good grief, I'm on a diet and now I'm hungry! ;)

Happy Birthday!

alyse christine said...

Happy Birthday, Kinda weird, but my favorite ice cream is Birthday Cake Ice cream. Complete with sprinkles.

Karen said...

Happy Birthday. And 35 is definitely not middle-age. That would make 60 old age. :) My favorite ice cream is chocolate mint with Mocha Almond Fudge running in second place.

berylthepearl said...

Happy birthday, enjoy. My favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip, a green color, used to be made by a local creamery that I think has gone out of business. I used to buy it in 5 gallon containers! Thanks for the giveawayl..

Bingham family blog said...

I live in cincinnati and love the black raspberry chip-yum declicious. Sounds like you had a great birthday. life just gets better with age and so do our quilts.

krisgray said...

Happy Birthday! My fave is chocolate, preferably w/ a tablespoon of peanut on the side.

Jessica said...

My absolute favorite ice cream is Haagan Daaz Caramel Cone. It's caramel icecream wit crispy chocolate covered waffle cones inside. Um . . . to DIE FOR!! :)

littlebluebirdie said...

Happy birthday!! I love (almost) all flavors of ice cream, but my all time top of the list favorite is mint chocolate chip. lately though, I've been digging vanilla with a dash of cinnamon and caramel. yum.

Kim Walus said...

Happy 35th Birthday. I hope it was special for you. My favorite ice cream that comes out near my birthday (December) is Peppermint Stick Ice Cream by Dryers then I add crushed Oreo Cookies on top. YUM! YUM!

AMW said...

I'll have to go with Ben & Jerry's Creme Brulee!

amy said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite ice cream flavor is blue moon, much to the chagrin of my husband, who has a much more sophisticated palate than I do. :o) And 35 is NOT middle-aged! I'm 31 so I don't want to think that I'm that close to it!!!

Annalia said...

Happy Birthday! I'm turning 34 next week. It seems like it'll be a fun year.

Haupia (Hawaiian coconut dessert). Sadly, I think you can only get in in Hawaii - at Dave's....their peach is pretty tastey too.

Jenn said...

Happy Birthday to you and your sis! How fun! My favorite would have to be Strawberry! Has been since I was a little girl!

Christine said...

Happy Birthday! 35 is a great age. I am an old 35. You are a young 35. My favorite ice cream is Chocolate Coconut. Ginger and chocolate are tied for a close second.

beanie g said...

My favorite ice cream flavor is a toss up between Final Four Fudge Dribble, which is vanilla ice cream with whoppers in it; and Omer Tracks, which has m&ms and chocolate covered waffle cone in a vanilla and caramel ice cream. Both are products of the Michigan State University Dairy Store. My husband and I both work there. I'm fortunate (not in the waist size) to work for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, where said Dairy Store resides. And, yes, sometimes I get free ice cream (much to my pants' dismay). Thanks for hosting a giveaway! And, happy birthday! (35 isn't really middle aged, neither is 39 which is what I'll be for the rest of my life!)

Megan said...

Happy Birthday! Our whole family looooves Umpqua peanut butter chocolate ice cream. But my hands down fave is my homemade Mint Junior Mint. I'm salivating a little as I type's that good! Thanks for the chance to win - I'm just starting to get more adventurous with solids and all the kona colors are so beautiful.

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