To recap quickly, we are going to be using 4 1/2 yards of background fabric and 10 fat quarters, or 20 fat eighths, or 2 1/2 yards of printed or solid fabric.
If you are cutting from scraps, layer cakes or charm packs, you will need 490 colored squares and 490 background squares. Have fun with that! :)
Today we will be cutting up our fabric.
From the 4 1/2 yards of background fabric, cut one piece 65" x wof (width of fabric).
Fold the fabric lengthwise and cut into strips 2 1/2" wide.

Fold the fabric lengthwise and cut into strips 2 1/2" wide.
First, I cut 8 strips of fabric. At that point, I was nearing the crease of the fabric, so I flipped the fabric around, trimmed off the selvedge from the other side and cut 8 more strips.
This left me with this center piece of fabric as a scrap. I did this because it seems to me that no matter how much I iron the fabric, the crease remains. It's easier to just work around it.
Cut 2 down to 56 1/2". Use the remainder to cut 2 pieces 4 1/2" x 2 1/2". Label and set aside.
Cut 2 down to 52 1/2". Use the remainder to cut 2 pieces 8 1/2" x 2 1/2". Label and set aside.
Cut 2 down to 44 1/2". Use the remainder to cut 2 pieces 16 1/2" x 2 1/2". Label and set aside.
Cut 2 down to 40 1/2". Use the remainder to cut 2 pieces 20 1/2" x 2 1/2". Label and set aside.
Cut 2 down to 32 1/2". Use the remainder to cut 2 pieces 28 1/2" x 2 1/2". Label and set aside.
There will be 2 remaining pieces of fabric. You can set them aside as scraps, or you can substitute some of those for the next step.
There will be 2 remaining pieces of fabric. You can set them aside as scraps, or you can substitute some of those for the next step.
Now, from the remaining piece of yardage, cut 31 pieces of fabric 2 1/2" x wof. If you are using jelly rolls or yardage, leave the pieces as they are. If you are using fat quarters, cut them in half to make 62 pieces of 2 1/2" x 21" rectangles. You don't have to be exact or precise in the length here.
All of your background fabrics should be cut.
All of your background fabrics should be cut.
Next step, iron your fat quarters.

I wanted to save the selvedges, so I trimmed them off first. Make sure there is about 21" of fabric to work with.
I wanted to save the selvedges, so I trimmed them off first. Make sure there is about 21" of fabric to work with.
Cut 62 strips 2 1/2" x 21". I didn't bother squaring up my ends for these strips as we will be strip piecing them. If you are using yardage or jelly rolls, cut or select 31 strips to use.
I ended up having some cutting issues today, so I'm glad I had extra fabric. When it was all said and done, I had about 1/2 yard extra background fabric.
Next week we start sewing!
Please let me know if you see any errors or if you have any questions. Feel free to add your progress shots to the flickr quilt along pool.
Woooo Hoooo! Can't wait to set cutting!
I just found this and would love to join along. Hubby has been begging for a quilt for a while and I'm off work for the summer. I will probably be a bit behind everyone but it looks like a great pattern so I will probably head to the fabric store tomorrow. Can't wait to get started!
Woohoo! I'll be cutting tomorrow :)
Can't wait to get started! Been stalking your blog all day waiting for the first set of instructions. Thank You:)
I feel like Michelle on the previous comment - I too have been stalking your blog all day, anxious to get started. Dare I say I'm excited that my husband is working late tonight - kids are going to bed early - quilting time, here I come!
I just found your blog, I have too many projects going right now....but I think I will stick around and when I clear my plate a little maybe I will jump in with the next project?? Thanks for sharing your craft:0)
hmm, my hope valley jelly roll only has about 20 strips so off to plan B.
Amanda, I am confused on the very beginning. You cut a 65" strip but if it is the width of the fabric wouldn't that be 44" wide? Am I miss reading this? And then wouldn't it already be folded lengthwise? Please help me???
I've been waiting all day for these directions! Will start first thing tomorrow morning. I'm so excited!
Kept stalking your blog right from very early this morning.Now all excited about cutting it.Thanks for having a large HEART and sharing!
Don't have the bandwidth to add this quilt along to my project list :(. I'll follow along and just dream of making this quilt :).
So excited! I actually have free time tomorrow so I will be cut cut cutting away!
What Nan said. :s
I hope that I can start cutting on Wednesday evening. I wanted to use my Wonderland jelly roll but I don't have a good background color so I'm still trying to decide what to use.
Nan and CJ,
to clarify, cut a LENGTH of fabric 65" long. It will be 44" wide, that is correct. Open the fabric so it is in one layer. Fold it in half so it measures 44" wide by 32 1/2" high. Fold in in half again, so it measures 16 1/4" x 44" wide, making sure that the selvedges are even. From this arrangement, trim off the selvedge edges and cut the 16 strips 2.5" x 65". Does that make more sense?
Looking forward to starting cutting tomorrow! This is my first you expect to post a new "step" weekly, or more often?
Just wonderin'... I'll catch up no matter what. I'm SO looking forward to this!
Yikes! You cut into your Anna -- you're my hero!
at this point i'm planning on weekly updates. we'll see how it goes. :)
when you cut off the selvage... do you only cut off the side with the writing etc on it? Or do you cut both selvages off?
if both..... is there a way that you can tell WHICH sides were the selvage side??
This looks like such a fun quilt and I have an idea of fabrics to use for it, too bad I have classes the next 5 weeks! Maybe I can work on it later on when I have more time. Love your blog, you are so talented and creative and an inspiration to this new quilter!
Since I'm already working on what seems like 7 other WIPs, I'm going to lurk and hover and spend all my time drooling over that fabric. I can't believe I have to wait until July - A WHOLE MONTH - before I can get my hands on that line! You are a fabric tease, Amanda. :)
nan and cj asked exactly what i was wondering, too. your answer was perfect! thanks! i've started cutting, but have much more to do. this is my first full size quilt, so this is definitely a learning process for me. :)
I started cutting a few days ago as I´m using scraps, lots of fun, can´t wait for next week :)
I'm gonna start out behind, cause I just ordered a Hope Vally fat quarter pack and it'll be arriving this week! So I need to choose my colors and still save enough for the shams--so I'll use 15 fat quarters? Wow--that's a ton of math!
Such pretty fabric. I'll be starting later as soon as I can afford my background fabric.
What a fun quilt along...I won't be able to join because I'm leaving town next week but it's going to be fun to follow your progress each week. Maybe I can catch up when I come home!
I just finished cutting! I can't wait to get sewing!
I ordered fabric online and am anxiously awaiting it's arrival!!
One thing I'm not sure of.. when using fat quarters, you say to cut the the strips in half. Wouldn't they already be 21" x 2 1/2"?
Oops... just went back and re-read that again and I figured it out. You are cutting the background fabrics by WOF and, IF you are using FQ's for your colored pieces, THEN you cut the background strips in half (not the FQ's)
what a pretty pattern!
I'd be delighted to see the lovely quilts that are going to crop up soon. Have fun! :)
Just finished cutting! I decided to go with some Christmas fat quarters that I had for a few reasons. One being that I'm not totally confident I can ACTUALLY pull this off so I don't want to use my favorite fabrics and the other being that IF I manage to make this work it will be a Christmas present. Now time to go see if I can upload a picture or two *runs off to grab camera*
I finally picked out my fabric (couldn't make up my mind) and I'm excited to get started!
Wouldn't you know it! Just when I was ready to get started, I get a quilt commission. I'll be starting late... again...
Im gonna start next week because I am traveling this weekend. Cant wait!
OK, I'm ready! Yards of muslin cut off the bolt, fat quarters of Nicey Jane are ironed. Set up a cutting table in front of the TV. Time for the DVR and some fabric therapy! :-)
when you cut off the selvage... do you only cut off the side with the writing etc on it? Or do you cut both selvages off?
if both..... is there a way that you can tell WHICH sides were the selvage side??
Okay so how bad am I?...I was going to make this a stash busting project. Went to buy my back ground fabric today and my local quilt store had pre-cut 2 1/2" white on white strips, and these darling rainbow pastel strips. My stash busting went right on out the window. Can't wait to get sewing. I hope I bought enough strips....This is my first quilt along, thanks for sharing......
Angie (love sew special)
Oh how BADLY would I LOVE to do this!!! hmm... wonder if I could handle it? I absolutely {LOVE} the fabric you ~couldn't pass up!~
I bought my background fabric yesterday and cut it out today. Your instructions were very clear (once I figured out the 65"x wof part). That did confuse me at first being more used to instructions like 2 1/2 x wof. The Jelly roll I purchased doesn't have enough strips so I will either have to buy another one or return it and get two packs of fat quarters with the same fabrics. I'm not really thrilled with the fabrics in the roll but they will do (in that they match the room I want to use the quilt in) but I'm going to try another store this weekend to see if I can find something I like better.
Got my fabric, have it cut out, and am anxiously awaiting next week!
are you talking about cutting off the selvages off of the entire piece of yardage? If you are, i would only cut the selvages off the 65" long piece. you will be chopping that up into strips so where the selvage edge won't be an issue. i like to keep the selvages of my fabric intact as long as possible to prevent fraying. if you are concerned with cutting on the correct grain line, i wouldn't worry about it.
if that doesn't answer your question, please feel free to email me. :)
thanks amandajean
i kind of wondered (afterward) if perhaps you only cut the selvages off....WHEN you are going to use a fabric... and only from the amount-ish that you will be using for that particular project - so you know where the selvage WAS as you are using/cutting the fabric.
love your blog!!
glad you're back!!
Following along! I found it easier to print out the measurements so that I could take them into the sewing room with me.
I made the cutting instructions into a downloadable pdf for anyone who wants it. You can find it on my blog. Of course, it gives you (Amanda Jean) full credit and the URL to find you. :)
Thanks for leading us in this quilt along! I cannot wait to start piecing.
I'd like to use scraps of various background colors. I can manage the 2 1/2" width and make strips out of them but no way I have enough for 65" long. Is there another option for cutting background fabrics?
Since we are cutting 2 1/2" strips of the white, can we use a jelly roll for that too? I realize I would have to piece some of the white strips together, but would that be ok?
Did you use all 20 fabrics? or just 10? just wondering. Can't wait to get started.
if you want to make the background scrappy, you could just piece strings end to end to make the length 65" long.
if you are using jelly roll strips for the white that should be just will need to piece some end to end, but you will need 2 jelly rolls to get enough strips to complete the quilt.
yes, i did use all 20 fabrics in the quilt.
I'm so excited to start my first quilt along! I have a Hello Betty Retro jelly roll that I had been holding on to for just the right project and this quilt will be the first one I keep just for myself.
im just starting my cutting. i have two options i am deciding between. if i use my charm packs, what size do i cut them into? 2 1/2 in squares?
I'm quilting along too! This will only be my 2nd quilt ever, so hopefully it all goes well. Thanks for doing this - it's so great to be able to follow along and get so much help :)
Wow, makes me want to get started on y projects!
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