Saturday, June 12, 2010

a quick fix

well, it's officially summer vacation.
i've made it through the first 3 days with the kids home. (yay!)
this probably goes without saying, but my sewing time is taking a hit.

today i needed a quick start to finish project.
this is my friend's camera strap...

i made 2 at once, so my camera is sporting a pretty new strap well.

taking photos of it was the hardest part.
(blogging it wasn't easy, either. blogger is being a pain.)

man, do i love a quick project. and a useful one to boot!


Tracey Jacobsen said...


I need to do this too. Did you quilt it directly to the strap? How'd you get it so cute at the edges? It almost looks like you sewed it under the vinyl-y part on the end???

Beth said...

Such a great idea. So much prettier than the straps they come with.

connie said...

You know I have been thinking about doing this to my camera strap. Thanks for the push... :-)

Strlady said...

So.. Love this! I like it better than the covers you can buy. I love teh finished look it has. I imagine you had to dismantle the original strap, correct? Thanks for the show n tell.

kclily said...

This is wonderful. Please tell us how you did this if you can.

Liz Jimenez said...

Must get over my irrational fear of picking the stitches out of my camera strap and just do this!

Remind me, did you put any batting in the middle, or is just fabric?


The Knitty Gritty Homestead said...

So very cute! I'm similarly obsessed with covering household items with knitting...but may take out the sewing machine to do this! Wonderful idea, marvellous fabrics!

stitchinpenny said...

Love the camera strap covers.

Blogger has been giving me fits with pictures. Not a happy time. No pictures today.

Katie @SwimBikeQuilt said...

This has been on my list for a while. Looks great!

beth said...

quick. useful. and cute too!

Leslie said...

this looks great...i have been wanting one for my camera

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I've seen these other places but yours are really nice ones! I want to make one like YOURS!! Thanks for sharing...t

Sarah Craig said...

Very cute, and I'd make one, but my husband might take offense - it's his camera, and he isn't ready to start sporting patchwork yet!!

Jocelyn said...

I have been having some real issues with blogger this week. I was not able to post any pictures yesterday at all!!! Your camera strap is very cute. Love the colors.

Jan said...

I would *love* to make me one of these! If you feel like sharing a simple tutorial, that would be awesome :)

Vivian said...

Never thought of making a camera strap. That will be a project when I get back from vacation.

starry said...

what a neat idea and it turned out so well.

Q @ JAQS said...

Yeah I need to do this to my Canon. The straps that is came with is just not flattering.

Yeah Blogger is not behaving these days. They're going through all sorts of issues. I'm hoping it'll improve - but who knows...

Laurel H. said...

Ahem, um, the process, AmandaJean?!! lol just kidding! If not you, someone has blogged about it elsewhere! Very nicely done, as always. :)

Regina said...

I love it! I seriously need to set some side aside to do this!

Melanie said...

I need to make one of these too. A tutorial would be fantastic :)

Stella said...

please please please do a tutorial for those of us who are creatively challenged! My nikon strap is butt ugly and could use some fabric loveliness!

Kristin said...

I LOVE that strap!

Jennifer said...

Very cute. What a great idea. I need to do that myself. What a difference it makes..!

April said...

Man, another cool idea for my long list of things do sew. I've seen these online and thought it would be hard, but if you say it's quick and easy to do, I believe you! :)

Juli said...

I have been looking for camera strap cover ideas for a while now and this is by far the nicest one. Tutorial please.

Shanna said...

I love it! You did a great job on it!! BTW--soooo glad you're back :o)


sallgood said...

So cute! I'd love a tute on this too!!

paisley and lace said...

Love the strap, and would love to see how it's done... but go enjoy the kiddos & summer first!

Cindy said...

Yep, I've been wanting to make one too. I need to lengthen my strap. I think it'll be more comfortable if I wear it across like a messenger bag.

Anonymous said...

I love how it isn't just a cover that slips over the strap. It looks lovely!

Hrönnsa said...

I´ve been wanting to make a strap for my canon for a while now but its a little scary I tell ya, I´m sure there are tutorials out there somewhere in blog land, enjoy the summer and I´m oh so happy that you are back here!!

Sandi D said...

Love it!
I hope you post a tut to get us through...I have to do one for my daughter's guitars! :D

KateKwiltz said...

I've done a cover for my camera strap, but what I really want is one of THOSE. How'd you make the ends? Or where did you find them? Do tell!

Tahoe34 said...

Beautiful! Your finish work is first class!

Thimbleanna said...

Very pretty CrazyMom! Now you'll be stylin' while you're taking pictures. And what IS up with Blogger -- it's been a pain for us commenters too!

Craft-aholic said...

I just made a camera strap cover for my new camera this weekend. I am not sure I am in love with how it turned out, but they are so easy to make, I can whip up another one! Love yours and the way you quilted it.

Coffeebean's Dailies said...

love it! want it! tutorial please? the pressure is on, not!! i don't have a fancy schmancy camera; just a little one. I like Sandi D's idea of making it for her kid's guitar!! I have a kid and she has a guitar!! Woo hoo! Amanda Jean, as always, you rock!

Nell said...

Lovely! I too think this is better than a slip cover (although they are very nice too!). I'll second the tutorial please! :) Did you manage to buy the 'end' or did you dismantle your old strap?

Rudy said...

Blogging is a pain and pleasure. But it's never a pain reading blogs, especially yours. Please don't stop.

genie said...

I can’t wait to make a cover for my ugly Canon SLR camera.....your idea is so cute...thanks..Genie

Yesterday's Tomorrow said...

LOL - this is another project I too need to do! I even told a couple people I'd make them one, just to put some "DO IT" pressure on myself. {fyi - it didn't help}
yours looks great! :D

Anonymous said...

sew awesome! love it. can't wait to do it myself

Katherine said...

Picture perfect. ;o)
Must do this for our new camera.

Annette said...

Love your strap covers! I just made my first guitar strap for my son. Yours looks so much lovelier than mine. You can check it out on my flickr page: Hello Rayne. I'd love to hear your feedback

Shelly said...

Wow, I didn't realize that I was getting to see THE camera strap live and in person! I feel so honored. It was GREAT to meet you and get to sew with you all weekend. I really really hope we get to do it again. Keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

I have a canon rebel and would love to make one of these. Could you please put up a tutorial? Thank-you!

lej619 said...

I love this idea. couple of question.. i guess only one really
did you take the "leather" part off and then resew it back on?? why I ask is that I do not see any stitching going across where the strap and the "leather" part come together. I have 2 other tutorial's saved. but yours looks like it came that way.

Chris Daly said...

What a great idea! Love your color pallet

Mama Pea said...

Amanda Jean, I just e-mailed Terri, because I thought it was her strap I saw at the retreat, and she said it was yours. I just got a new DSLR camera and want to make a pretty new strap. I found a tutorial for a "sleeve" I can make, which might be nice, because I could take it off and replace it. But I sure like how yours looks. Did you happen to post a tutorial for this? Or did you use one online? Thanks for your help!