this was my first time using a layer cake (precut squares that measure 10") and a jelly roll (precut strips that are 2.5" wide). it made the quilt top assembly very quick. i used the pattern patchwork rendezvous and the fabric is oh cherry oh from moda.

all the time i saved in assembling the qulit top i made up for quilting it. i used almost 18 bobbins of thread! i still can't believe that i did that much quilting on this baby, but it was so worth it. i love the texture! i was hoping that this might become my signature quilting design, but it's way too labor intensive for all my quilts. i think my arms would fall off.
i used a red polka dot from the sweet line (also from moda) for the binding. i can't get enough red polka dots. I love them!

the backing looks embossed, doesn't it? this fabric is from joann's.

the quilt measures 62" x 76" after washing. it's a nice lap size.
i am so very proud of this one!
Oh Amandajean it's absolutely gorgeous!! I LOVE the backing and all the quilting, BRAVO!!
H E R M O S O !!! really beautiful!!! love the fabric you choose for back and the quilting is amazing!
Very cute quilt! And I love that you aren't afraid to tell people that you use fabric from Joanns.
Beautiful!!! I love this quilt! It's hard to pick a favorite from all of your quilts, but this one is definitely in the top ten. I love the backing... and the quilting!!! It's wonderful!
Is it me or do you make more quilts each year? This one is stunning as usual.
It's just wonderful!!! Love the quilting you did!
The quilting is very beautiful. You should be proud!
This is so cute! I LOVE that quilting stitch. I can't believe you've made 20 quilts already this year! The year is half over - are you going to make 20 more? LOL
VERY PRETTY! and your quilting is beautiful!
I love this! So fun who wouldn't want to cuddle up with this and read a book.
Very cute! I love the backing and the binding. 20 quilts, WOW!
Love the fabric, love the quilting, LOVE the polka dots, great work!
I can see why you love it!! It is beautiful!! Love the fabrics you used for this! The polka dots are just darling! Jeannette
Love the quilt - I have made the same quilt in Moda Urban Couture and Moda Gypsy Rose. I love them both but one became a prayer quilt and one is going to a charity auction. I now making the same pattern in Moda Posh. The pattern is so fun and easy. I love your quilting pattern. Keep giving us more ideas. You are so inspirational.
beautiful! LOVe the circles
Oh that is BEAUTIFUL! I can't even begin to imagine the time that went into that quilting, it's incredible, and I love those fabrics!
LOVE IT!!!! I have a few charm packs from that line and just love the colors. You do such beautiful work, you should be proud, love the binding and the backing is perfect!! All you need now is a book and something to sip on!! I would choose coffee!!
i am drooling over this quilt! love the pattern, the fabric and those polka dots- gasp! thanks for sharing!
Wow - it is gorgeous - I absolutely love it!! And your 20th quilt this year - that needs a Congratulations in itself. Kudos to you!
SO cute! Love the fabric. And the quilting is fantastic!
that quilting DOES look great!
It's beautiful. I can't believe you've finished 20 quilts. I'm lucky I've gotten one done!
Oh.My.Gosh.You.Are.Amazing! I bow to your greatness. It's Gorgeous!
20 quilts, you are a machine. I really like the quilting too. It is perfect on this quilt.
The quilt is beautiful! I love that line of fabric; it is so summery. The quilting is really cool!
wow 20 quilts, you rock! Oh I was just shopping at the fatquarter shop and they have these layercakes and jelly rolls on clearance. If I wasn't already making a quilt from this line out of a moda scrap bag, your quilt would have certainly had me buying some of this fabric!
well it may have taken a lot of work but it was WELL WORTH IT!!!
The bright colors are beautiful;) 100 years from now, people will know that you knew your stuff;)
You should be proud, it's wonderful.
hey amandajean,
your new quilt looks gorgeous! very, very nice! i just fell in love with the cherry-backing! great work! :-)
have a nice day,
Beautiful quilt! and I just love love the quilting, I´ll have to give this a go on my next quilt.
Another beauty!!
Oh my gosh, the quilting on this thing rocks!! Love it! Such fun colors!!
This is just gorgeous! You've inspired me to make this one next.
Gorgeous! I may have to get this pattern!
20th?!? You're a nut.
Love the quilt and the quilting and the back and the ...
i love the quilting! the quilt is beautiful. i smiled seeing this because i spent the better part of my day picking and pitting cherries yesterday! it's so very sweet.
Oh so cute! Jenn
Ohhhh so Lovely!
I sure wish I could touch it and feel the texture the pebble quilting makes. I think I may have to try this-on a crib size maybe?
Great job-again.
Rebecca O
20 already this year? You make the rest of us look really bad! ;)
Love this quilt! That quilting is amazing!
It's beautiful! I love the quilting 18 bobbins - wow! 20 quilts in 6 months - you puts us all to shame :) You keeping this one!?
So so pretty! And the quilting - wow!! I'm going to have to give it a shot on one of my quilts - it's so beautiful!
Beautiful! What a sense of accomplishment you must feel.
You continue to inspire us!
What a bea-ut! It's stunning...
You are amazing! I love seeing your work!
20 quilts this YEAR?! I'm impressed (as usual). I love the colours in this one - fabulous!
That is so cute, great job!
What a wonderful quilt! So cute!
The backing is gorgeous! The quilting really pops! It' so cute! Beautiful quilting! love this one!
Wow...it is amazing!
LOVE IT!!! I just got some of the fabric..it is gorgeous. Your quilting is truly wonderful!
It's beautiful!SO cute! Quilting is fantastic!
Wow, this quilt is simply dazzling! Love the pattern and the fabrics you used. The quiting is stunning, but obviously very time consuming. Your poor arms!
You should be proud of doing such a great job!
I wanna be a fly on the wall in your house so I can witness how all those moments of quilting happen.
I love the circles of the quilting echo the cherries.
so pretty!!!! love the quilting!
Eighteen bobbins of thread! Yowza! And, yet again, I'm wondering how you get so many more hours out of a day than a mere mortal such as I. You're crazy productive!
This is amazing!!! I can't imagine how much work it is, but it is certainly worth the effort. Good job! And, wow on finishing 20 already this year. you rock!
Lovely, very lovely. I like that backing! When quilting, do you do the smaller circle first or the bigger circle first?
AJ, this is stunning! The quilting looks so pretty - you have every right to be proud, it is gorgeous!
Yay - 20 quilts! Great job!
d spack,
it depends...sometimes i did the smaller circles first and sometimes i did the larger circles first. depending on how much space i had to fill up.
I lOVE this quilt! Beautiful work as always! :)
Wonderful! Love the fabric - I can't wait until we get moved and I can get mine out of storage...
i just love the quilting. looks fantastic.
I love this one too! And your quilting is beautiful. . .my arms would fall off! I'm a big fan of red polka dots, as well~there's no such thing as too many red polka dots! The backing is a very nice fabric too, our JoAnn's doesn't have quite the selection as yours must. Nice work, it's beautiful.
Ouch- my finger got a cramp scrolling my mouse wheel down through all those comments! :p I can see why that took up so much thread but the quilting is GORGEOUS! I recently tried free motion quilting for the first time on a baby quilt and that was almost enough for me. But this quilt has me thinking I can give it another go!
It's beautiful! I can't believe you've put together 20 quilts this year -- especially with all the quilting on this one. Keep up the good work, it's inspiring to the rest of us!
20 quilts in the first 6 months? Does that mean you have 20 more to do this year?
THIS ONE is gorgeous!
It is very pretty and I love the quilting. 20 quilts so far?! That is just awesome!
Maybe I could try that on a SMALL quilt sometime, it looks really cool but wowsers on the 18 bobbins!
Congrats on #20! You're my quilting hero! I must say I really like your quilting on this one it was worth it. Good job.
It looks amazing! The quilting is so cool - makes me wonder if there would be another, similar quilting pattern that could give that look without the HUGE amount of time.
#20 is a perfect summer time quilt!
My arms and shoulders ache for you, girl. I love the look. I'm not sure I would be up for it, though. Too time intensive. I'd probably give up, knowing me. My SIL did a baseball quilt with a bunch of different-sized circles on it. It turned out so cool, but she warned me off of ever trying it. How long (hours) do you think it took you? You're my hero!
I only wish I was as productive as you are!
You should be proud- that just looks fantastic! :)
Stunning quilt.
Can't believe you've finished 20 already.
You are a MACHINE!!!
Andi :-)
Great job. It looks FANTASTIC!!! That is a really fun line. They make great quilts.
oh, be still my heart... this quilt has it all, Amandajean. Love the fabrics and your gorgeous quilting.
Your quilt looks wonderful!! I absolutely LOVE the Oh Cherry OH Line :)
That is so you! Is the quilting continuous? I can't tell.
Wow - I love the quilting. And 20 quilts already - Way to go! They're always so beautiful too.
Beautiful! Your quilting is perfect:)
Wow - I'm blown away! The quilt is gorgeous, the quilting perfection! And 20 quilts??? You officially are the Quilting Goddess.
Your 20th!!! WOW! What a busy quilter you have been :)
I've been thinking about using this collection for a quilt and there's no doubts anymore! It's gorgeous! And I love the quilting you did on it... although, 18 bobbins? Yikes! Haha!
gorgeous!!! I want to buy it :)
Wowza, 20 quilts by June?! Awesome!! It's a beauty for sure. Thanks for the continued inspiration.
wow! i love the quilting on this one, and the quilt is great too! 20 quilts!!! You are amazing.
I love this one!
That is stunning! I have some oh cherry oh sitting around. Now I want to make one too:-)
20th of the YEAR?! I feel like such a slacker now! Very pretty quilt -- love the quilting design. The entire quilt is very appealing.
I love it. You are so prolific - what an inspiration to us all! Aren't jelly rolls fun? I love your backings, too, by the way.
i love it.... i made an oh-cherry-oh table runner and its just such a bright and fun line!... you'll be hooked on layer cakes now.. they are my favorite!! and the quilting...so worth it!! it rocks!
Spectacular, Spectacular! Really adorable quilt <3
that is stunning! i love the quilting, and that cherry fabric on the back! love this one.
I love the quilt and the quilting is what I like, fairly dense with texture.
What's left to say? It's wonderful! It's marvelous! It's just delicious! I love that quilting and have got to give it a go soon!
Love your quilt! Love your blog!
Those colors are so vibrant and beautiful. Great job!
Wow! Twenty quilts! Way to go!
Wow, that is so beautiful! Love the backing, and I love Oh Cherry Oh! I'm gonna use a charm pack to make a fun patchwork apron for myself :)
Love it, love it, love it!! Have the Oh Cherry Oh in charm squares and layer cakes; now just can't wait to get started on something! Yours is very sweet, just love it!
What a beautiful quilt! I adore that fabric line and your quilting is stunning!
20 quilts this year already! Amazing. You are my quilting hero. :) I work at JoAnns and love that backing fabric.
and you should be proud. amazing!!! the quilting is fabulous.
Love the quilting-- crazy amount of thread!
I cannot believe you have made all those quilts so far this year that really is a lot of quilts. I love the lates quilt the colours are very pretty and the actual quilting is beautiful you have a right to be proud.
I love this quilt! Gorgeous!
You should be quite proud, it is a beauty.
Love this quilt I want to snuggle under it. You are very talented. Take care Carol
congrats on your 20th! its adorable!
18 bobbins! Thats incredible! I practiced that same quilting design
-on paper- during my long ferry ride, looking forward to trying it.
I too get stuck doing the same quilting designs...
Your quilt is beautiful! I am really getting into polka dots and cherries, myself... I am still working on my first quilt, though... ha!
Great job, though! Very sweet!
Fantastic!! I love the quilting!! Did you use a longarm machine or your regular sewing machine?
Wow, you are one amazing person...and I love the quilt.
You are just a real motivation. Love the fabric in this one. Great work.
Your quilting is beautiful. I love all of your creations!
Beautiful. Great work. You really are very proud. hugs from Brazil.
Yoru quilting is wonderful, and I love the quilt. I am busy making nine patches!
Twenty! Congrats!!! I can't wait to see the next twenty (wink, wink, nod, nod)
Gorgeous! Simply beautiful! I have that pattern but I haven't used it yet. I think you've given me inspiration! And the red polka dots for the binding.... love it! I think I need a yard or two (or three!) for my stash!
I love this quilt. Come to think of it, I love all of your quilts.
This is oh, so, beautiful! Amazing work!
i quilted it on my home sewing machine.
My name is Sarah, and I'm from Oklahoma. If I won these scraps, I would use them to make the most adorable quilted pincushions!
faithinhim (at) gmail (dot) com
this is so lovely! and i'm totally in awe of the quilting - i can't even imagine how long it took!! very beautiful!
Your OhCherryOh quilt is gorgeous! Jut the right sort of pattern for those fabrics! Beautiful quilting, you must be very pleased with it!
LOVE everything about this one - the quilting, the backing and binding fabrics - WOW! 20 quilts? You rock!
This is an awesome quilt! I have a cherry oh jelly roll and a charm pack and haven't known what to make.
Your quilting is amazing too!
It is so stunning. I love the backing and the way you have quilted it.
Wow! 20 quilts so far this year?! You are a quilting machine. This is gorgeous!
Your 20th of the year?!?!?! You're a work horse! Looks beautiful!
I can't remember if I commented already, but even if I did, ah well ... I love the backing. I have a shirt in that cherry fabric.
hey so if you did this with fat quarters instead of a jellycake how many would you need?
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