Tuesday, June 30, 2009

i'm sooooo excited

well, excited isn't nearly strong enough...i'm ecstatic!!! i will be teaching at a quilting retreat in Colorado in November! i am also going to be putting together a quilt (to be given away at the retreat) from the fabulous fabric shown above. more details about the retreat can be found here. i have to say, that when i started this little old blog i had no idea the opportunities that would come about. it's pretty amazing. and wonderful. :)

and....the winner of the oh cherry oh scraps is Sara. thanks to all of you for playing along!
today is day 65 of the quilt along, in case you needed a little reminder. :)


Vicki W said...


HMaas said...

Isn't the blog world amazing!! Congratulations!!!

Jennie said...

W-O-W!!! That is SO cool! Congratulations!! ~ Jennie

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

congrats to sara! the retreat sounds like so much fun. i have never been to one. that's so awesome! i'm sure you'll have tons of fun.

Jocelyn said...

Wonderful news Amanda Jean. You are a quilting mom beyond compare :-)

heather said...

I'm sooooo happy for you!! Sounds like LOTS of fun. That line that you are using is VERY fun!!! I have a pack for a bag for fall. I used some of the fabric in my 9 patch.:) Congrats:)

Dianah said...

Congrats on the retreat! I am working on blocks 65 thru 70 now! This has been a fun project.

Sara said...

Yeah! I am so excited! And Thank you!!!!

And congrats on the retreat, I love that fabric and so wish I could come to the retreat!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Congratulations! Sounds like a great opprotunity!

dotti white said...

That sounds like so much fun especially since you are so happy about it! That will be fun! congratulations to you and also to Sara in the win of the scraps. Hopefully she will show us what she does with them....

connie said...

Congrats on the retreat. That is very cool. I am sure it will be incredible. Sara is a lucky girl!

WillowBean said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations...

Zully López-Romero said...

Excelent. Congratulations!ke

Nichole said...

that's pretty exciting! congrats! that is great fabric too! :)

Arnden said...

That is exciting! I live down the street (actually a neighboring town). Maybe I can get my husband to let me go as my birthday present. I will checkout the website a little more.

Lina said...

Congrats Amanda Jean - that is seriously awesome. How exciting!!!

Jessica said...

How EXCITING!!! I'm so happy for you! Congrats!

Sara said...

Congrats to the "other" Sara...

Amanda - if I lived close enough I would be there doing that retreat with you! But, I can't imagine trying to get there with fabric, sewing machine, and self from New Hampshire! Darn it!!!

Jodie said...

Congratulations Amandjean. Isn't it wonderful where this crazy world of blogs can lead....

One Flew Over said...

Congratulations Amanda! What alucky quilting retreat to have you there!

Jen said...

Wow! Congratulations! Though I'm not surprised at all...you have a very unique, beautiful patchwork style.

peaknits said...

What an exciting opportunity! I have really enjoyed your blog - and wonder - do you do retreats or teaching in Wisconsin? I just figured out we are in the same State. Though Colorado does sound fab-u-lous!

Mama Urchin said...

So exciting! Now I need to figure out if I could go, you know my sister-in-law lives in CO.

Suzanne said...

Wow! Ft. Collins is in my neck of the woods! (Longmont)
- Suzanne

Audrie said...

That's so wonderful! Congrats! :D

Jane said...

We used to live in Fort Collins every summer for almost 20 years and I absolutely LOVE that area.
Not only are YOU in for a treat to be in this area but THEY are in for a fabulous time with you as well!

Ammieloris said...

Congrats to Sara! Have fun at your retreat. *aaah* R&R&R!

jenericparent said...

I'm new to your site, and love the idea of the retreat! I'd love to make it, but since my c-section is scheduled for Oct. 9th, that would make me a die hard quilter, but a bad Mom to leave that early! Maybe next time!

Alissa said...

Congrats!! That's so great! I'm sure you'll be an amazing teacher!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Congratulations to Sara AND to you AmandaJean!! What a beautiful place to do a retreat..(I looked at the web site for the B&B) LOVE IT!! I sure wish I could get there, but I don't see that happening with 2 kids getting married in the next 9 months and the holidays too. I know all those that join you will have such a wonderful time learning from you, your site is always so inspirational and helpful! Take lots of pics so we can all see what fun you had! :)

Jessica Christensen said...

That's so great, Amanda! You will do such a great job. You're very organized and thorough, and your quilts are gorgeous. What fun it would be to go! Congratulations!

Kristin said...

Congrats Amanda Jean...you deserve it!

Leslie said...

congratulations on the retreat...i love that nouveau fabric, and can not wait to see what it becomes

CJ said...

The students will be the real winners in this case! You have some lovely fabric there to make a quilt with, I can't wait to see what you come up with.

AnyoneCanQuilt said...

Oh boy this sounds like so much fun! You're going to have a blast. Those fabrics are gorgeous!! xo

Roxanne said...

Congratulations on the retreat! What an amazing opportunity! I know you will do a fantastic job.

Mountain Home Quilts said...

Wow, what an honor! I'm sure they'll all love you at the retreat. Wish I lived closer so that I could go! :)

Kerri said...

congradulations amandajean!! how exciting!! i can't wait to see what you create out of those yummy fabrics!!

MadeByMeaghan said...

I love that Nouveau fabric and haven't seen it around much in "blogland." I'm making my mom quilt with it for Christmas, so shh! Can't wait to see what you do with it - I'm sure something fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Hi AmandaJean, congrats! I'm feeling really happy for you, half way across the world. I've been a fan of your blog for what, 2 years now? And It's really amazing to see how your blog and quilting have progressed! The participation by others through the comments, quilt-a-longs, etc have come such a long way.

Thank you, once again, for sharing your skills, info and joy in crafting!


Lorraine said...

Congratulations Amandajean
love your blog !

mariarrosa said...

It sounds wonderful!

Bluebell said...

Well done you, no wonder you are excited you must save us all the details so that we can enjoy it with you. These blogs are lovely and the people on them even lovlier.

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

That's so cool, Congratulations. You deserve it.

Aimee said...

Wow, that is awesome!! Congrats Amanda Jean!

Unknown said...

You know as I have said before, you started me quilting about a year and a half ago. There weren't so many comments then, but lots more than most of us ever get.
I started January of 08, looking for fingerless gloves...remember that blog? There you were with a tutorial on the right side of the blog about quilting...and I thought...that looks like fun...well I quilt...
I am happy that you have done so well. Your success is a tribute to the wonderful work you do and your tutorials are second to none.
Is the workshop sponsered by MODA?
Wonderful, wished I lived close by.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations AmandaJean. I sure wish it were close enough for me to attend. It sounds great and I sure would love to meet 'crazymom'. Can't wait to see what quilt you design for the giveaway.

Annie said...

That's great news - you deserve all the rewards as your work is amazing!!!! Well Done

Sherry said...

Congrats to Sara on winning the scraps. WooHoo for you on the retreat...that's great news!

jacquie said...

how totally cool is that! you are going to have a ball and what lucky participants!!!

Linda said...

Congrats to you my friend! Look at you go! You sooo deserve this and I couldn't be happier for you! And those fabrics are gorgeous too! And to think.... I knew her when.... ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Amandajean

I'm so glad for you! Congratulations!!!

I would take some classes with you, if I could.... :)

Your friend from Brazil


BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

How exciting for you! And .. all those lucky people that will get to be in the class (yep, I'm jealous). I got myself caught up on the 9 patches last nite! Woohoo!

Laura said...

That's so exciting! I'm sure it will be a wonderful class and a fun retreat.

Needled Mom said...

That will be so great for you. You deserve it as your "lessons" on the blog are awesome.

Judy said...

Wow that looks fantastic, if only it wasn't so far from VA!

Unknown said...

hmm 6.5 hours to Fort Collins from here . . . Nov in the mountains - you never know!

I'm really excited for you!!! That will be so fun -- happy quilting :)

Renee said...

How exciting!!!!
I wish I could attend your retreat! I'll be there in spirit and heart.

sandra said...

Congatulations! The only negative side is that I'm far, far away... I love having you as a net teatcher, imagine in person...

beth said...

That's so Great! Wish I could go.

Candela said...

How I wish I could attend your classes in Colorado! Congratulations!

Chara Michele said...

Congrats! That is so exciting! :)

Julie said...

I live in Colorado! What retreat? When, where??? Would love to meet you/take your class - all other things permitting. Congratulations!!! I will look at previous posts to see if you already answered these questions.

Trisha said...

Congrats! I am making a windmill quilt out of a few Nouveau charm packs. I love that fabric line!

Anonymous said...

This give away is so cute. I am Charnetta and I live in Israel. I would like to use these with the selvages that I have started to save. I'd like to make a hand bag or tote bag with them.
Thanks so much.

Elizabeth said...

Well, that is wonderful news! Congratulations to you! I look forward to reading all about it!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news about the retreat!! Go get em!! Teresa K.

Di~ said...

That is so awesome! If they let you take your girl with you, I'll come and tend her while you do your thing!

Tif said...

how awesome! congratulations amandajean!!!

Thimbleanna said...

Ooohhhh, that IS exciting! Congratulations CrazyMom!

Philigry said...

good for you, amandajean! that is great!

Bekhy said...

Congrats! Amanda, I just got a flickr account (for the ORBC quilt-along LOL) and I posted the quilts I made based on your 2 prior quilt-alongs. Thanks for all the wonderful work you put in on your blog. I bet you are going to have a blast at the quilt retreat. Take lots of pictures :). Now to get working on 9-patches...hrm...:)

Carolyn said...

that's awesome news, AJ!!! you'll be great!!

Clair said...

Maybe I should take a couple days off and come along...to Colorado.

Rebekah said...

Sounds like an amazing opportunity! Congrats and enjoy it. Love that fabric you're using and can't wait to see how the quilt turns out!

susan said...

Wow! Neat! Though I have to say it's hardly a surprise to me that people in the quilting community would peg you for a teacher -- I've learned so much from reading your blog.

Ashley said...

congratulations! i'm so excited for you - sounds (and looks!) like it will be fabulous! (wish i lived closer!)

shanna said...

I love moda fabric!!

G'G'ma said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is such exciting news...sure wish I could attend. You will do a marvelous job. I've been thinking for sometime,"That girl is going places", and this is just the beginning. When will your first book be published??!!

Anonymous said...

Lucky retreaters to have you teach them! Thank you for holding your breath in for me!! My FFA arrived yesterday, so it works!!!

sulu-design said...

You rock. Congratulations on the teaching gig. You're going to be so awesome - I'm so glad this came along for you. Totally deserved.

Andrea said...

Wow, what an incredible opportunity! I'd sign up if I were in/near the area! It sounds like it will be fun....congratulations!

beki said...

wow, what a fabulous opportunity!