Monday, April 20, 2009


This is my 500th post, so I'm going to give away this set of 5 fat quarters of Katie Jump Rope fabric. Leave me a comment and I will draw a name to determine a winner. Like last time, leave me your name, where you are from, what your favorite work in progress project is. (Because I am assuming you all have a plethora of WIP's, like me.) :)

Here's an example: My name is AmandaJean and I live in Wisconsin. My favorite WIP is my son's orange and grey quilt. I love it not only because it is coming together nicely, but because he is eagerly awaiting it's finish. He asks me EVERY day if it is done yet. Love that.

Also, I picked a name from all the comments from Small Projects Week, and Katie K, you are my winner. You will receive a half yard of my favorite red polka dot fabric. Thanks to all of you who commented.

Have a great Monday!
edit: the contest is now closed.


1 – 200 of 845   Newer›   Newest»
Lift Up Your Hearts said...

I'm Emily from California. My favorite WIP is a quilt for my sister's baby. It's cute and I can't wait to see pictures of her with it!

Abby said...

This is Abby from Kansas. My favorite WIP is a boy scout quilt for my oldest son. I am backing it with flannel and I think he will love it.

Nancy said...

My name is Nancy and I live in Phoenix. My favorite WIP that I am working on right now is a baby quilt out of Heather Ross fabrics. Although I am about to start a table runner out of Arcadia fabric and it may become my favorite really quick. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Sue H said...

Congrats on your 500th post!!! I'm Sue from Minnesota (we're almost neighbors!). I have far too many WIPs, but my favorite is probably whatever I'm working on, which is my first original design. It's for a fabric challenge at the MN Quilt Show in July. Ricky Tims batik-like fabrics. Large motifs, very geometric looking.

Michelle said...

My name is Michelle and I hail from Montana. My favorite WIP is a box of felt french fries to go with other felt foods because felt food is fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Janey from New York and my favorite WIP is a quilt I started at a pj sew in. I'm ready to layer and quilt it and can't wait to see how it all comes together. I had purchased the fabric last summer while on vacation in Maine so it always makes me think of that.

Shelly said...

Hello, I'm Shelly from Iowa. My fav WIP is my son's southwest quilt. I love the kokopelli batik fabric I am using for it. Also it will give him a quilt so maybe he will let me have my Irish Chain quilt back! ;-)

Rachael Adele said...

I'm Rachael from Indianapolis. As in, the Indianapolis 500, so I should win! My favorite WIP is a quilt I'm making with Lotus, Good Folks, and lots of polka dots. Thanks for being so generous!

~Michelle~ said...

This is Michelle from LA-ish... My favorite WIP is the huge quilt I'm piecing (100x100) from Tula Pink's Flutterby line that will eventually be the quilt that lives on my bed! It's the project I work on in between others :)

Thanks for all of your wonderful inspiration - it all started for me with a google search for free-motion quilting, and I blame you for my quilt blog addiction! ;)

Martha said...

My name is Martha, I am an American living in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and I'm excited to start my baby zigzag quilt from the Purl Bee with white Kona cotton and stripes of brown and green. I can't wait to see my sister in law's face when she sees the quilt I've made for her baby! And I'm excited to meet that baby.

Unknown said...

My name is Nikki and I'm in San Antonio. My favorite project right now is a summer-weight coin quilt for my bed, although I really should be working on some quilts for my parents.

kangaroo said...

ooooh! how lovely, and congratulations on 500.

my name is laura, i'm in sarasota, florida, and my favorite works in progress are the bunk bed quilts for my boys, to be finished this month (spring to finish!). thank you!

Unknown said...

Hey there! I'm Misty from Missouri and my favorite WIP is a baby quilt I'm working on for a friend. Of course her baby is already here, so I'm a little behind but I'm making it out of a Nature's Chorus Jelly Roll and the colors are just so cheerful and feminine. It makes me happy to work on it!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

My name is Pat and I live in Wisconsin. My favorite WIP is my brown and tan Navajo Log Cabin. It's a quilt for my own bed that I have been 'thinking about' for 7 years!

Debbie said...

Hi I'm Debbie from Oklahoma. I have so many. I think my fav WIP is a brown and blue quilt for my son-in-law. He is not sure about a man quilt, but soon he will love it.

yvette said...

Congrats on your 500th post!

My name is Yvette, from Singapore. My favourite WIP is a Stack & Whack bed quilt for my son which I have 'sandwiched' and it is now waiting for me to machine quilt it. :>

ohnikki said...

Hi! I'm Nicole from Pasadena, CA. Where it is 90 degreees! My favorite WIP is a basketball inspired quilt for my hubby with Katie Jump Rope Fabrics and Joel Dewberry's Wodgrain. The best part is that it has one orange block to represent the ball!

Jodie said...

Hi there, my name is Jodie from Florida. My favorite WIP is my first ever bed quilt that is inspired by you. I have the top finished, but because it is so large a queen quilt, I am just not looking forward to trying to baste and quilt it. I so look forward to all your posts for inspiration, thanks for never disappointing. Have a great week! WWW.JUSTBECAUSEJODIE.COM

Renee said...

I'm Renee from the Hudson Valley in NY. My favorite WIP is a lap quilt in pastel colors (I don't remember the collection). It's a braid quilt from More Laps from Fats by Ellen Replogle.

Magnolia Designs said...

Hi from Winnipeg (originally from Marietta, Georgia)...I'm Kathy. My fav WIP is my unborn son's baby quilt using the Katie Jump Rope I would love to win your fat quarters! I love it so much because these fabrics really helped me wrap my arms around the fact that I was going to have a boy (I knew I was having another girl...2 already) and I fell in love with him so much more while cutting the squares! I also am in love with the stacked coin baby quilt I just finished based on your's a gift for my BF's newest baby girl...also made me jealous I'm NOT having a girl! Thanks for you your blog and all your beautiful projects!

Mary P said...

My name is Mary and I live in Chicago. My favorite WIP is my "Out of Line" quilt for my friends. It's a lot of work but I know the finished product will be worth it!

Deirdre said...

Deirdre here from Arcata, California. If I had to choose a favorite WIP, it would be the Alexander Henry placemats and rickrack-edged napkins(6) for my mom's birthday in June.

katy.hart said...

My name is Katy Hart, I'm from Waco Texas and my favorite work in progress at the moment I got from one of your previous posts. I'm working on a zig zag quilt and it is coming together nicely!! I can't wait to figure out who I'm going to pass it along too - I'm thinking about making two smaller quilts and giving them to a pair of sweet sisters I know!!!

Unknown said...

Michela, writing from Birmingham. Just finished my favorite WIP, so my new fave is a quilt I'm making out of thrifted plaid shirts.

Wood Violet said...

Hi, I'm Karen from Ontario, Canada. It is a gloomy, rainy day here today, but I am enjoying work on my most pressing WIP, a softie made to my 4-year old nephew's specifications. He wants it done yesterday :) I'm actually making two, one for him and one for a Toy Society drop. My nephew Quinn is especially excited about the toy we are dropping.

Guusje, said...

First of all congratulations with your 500th post. I find you have a great weblog.
Hello I'm Petra from Holland. My favorite WIP is An Angels Story quilt, I've discided to continue finishing her so Iám very busy with it.

Aimee said...

I'm Aimee, from New Hampshire. My favorite WIP is a pillow for my husband. Hopefully I'll finish it today!

Congrats on 500 posts!!

Seth, Sarah and the kids said...

My name is Sarah, from Missouri....and my fav WIP has to be my pin wheel quilt I am doing with Wee Play.... I love it. It is bright and happy....and that makes me happy!

Mindy said...

I'm Mindy from TN. My only quilt project (5+ years in the making) is a hand-quilted sampler quilt for my sister. In those five years I moved twice, changed jobs twice, graduated from undergrad, got married, bought a house, graduated from grad school & had a child. Now that life has settled more I'm hoping to get rolling on making more quilts so I would love to be able to put that fabric to use.
Just discovered your blog & am loving all the quilting/sewing inspiration!

Darci said...

I am Darci and live in Orange County, California. My favorite WIP is my Cottage Quilting Bee quilt that I have not yet quilted!

Vicki said...

My name is Vicki, from Baltimore MD. My favorite WIP is a BOM called Pieces of Baltimore. I am halfway through the blocks, it will be huge when it is finished, and will look wonderful on MY bed!Thanks you for such a generous giveaway.

elle said...

500 posts! Awesome. I'm Michelle, and i live in Alamogordo NM. My favorite WIP is a bento box that i'm making (after falling in love with yours) for my 1 month old. Congrats again for all the posts and thank you for the great inspiration.

Kriza said...

Hi, I'm Kristina from Budapest, Hungary. My favourite WIP is a wonky house wallhanging at the moment and a little something with bathing boxes I am doing for my next give away.
I made a polka dot skirt for my daughter last week and I thought of you because of your love of polka dots :-)

jenny said...

My name is Jenny and I have in Tennessee. I have several projects right now..but like you..I am working on a quilt for my son. He is anxiously waiting for me to finish!!

Brenda said...

Hi: I'm Brenda from Winnipeg and I'm working on a word quilt called Words Fail Me, which has about 36 different word fabrics in it. The top is done, and now I'm going to baste and quilt it. Thanks for a chance at your giveaway. Great blog, and fun fabrics!

Izzy said...

Congratulations on your 500th post. My name is Izzy (short for Elizabeth) and I am from North Carolina. My favorite WIP is a quilt for my niece. Thanks for the chance!!

MiChElLe said...

Hi! I am Michelle from Idaho. My favorite WIP is my brother's graduation quilt that is made from our dad's (that passed away) clothes. It has been soo fun to put together and will be fun to have that as a fun memory. Oh, and I LOVE your orange and gray quilts! They are soo cute!

Angela S said...

Hey I'm Angela from Amarillo, TX and I don't have any realy wips right now but I do have a pair of church pants that I need to him ;)

Amy said...

Hi Amanda Jean. Congratulations on 500 great posts. I've been with you since the start and enjoyed every one. Here's to 500 more. My name is Amy and I'm from NYC. I live upstate NY now. My favorite WIP is knitted - it's a complicated Aran style pattern that my mother started for my father in the 70's. She never finished it (although it's not far off) and recently gave it to me. It came in a beautiful knitting bag along with needles yarn and a yellowed pattern covered with notes in my mother's handwriting. It'll take some doing but I think I can pick up where she left off and get it done - it'll never fit my dad now but I think it may soon fit one of my boys.

Dayna said...

My name is Dayna and I live in Wisconsin. My favorite WIP is quilt being done with brocades and suiting fabrics. I love it because it is made from such diverse fabrics but they work so well together.

Thuy said...

Hi AmandaJean, what a great group of fabric. I'm Thuy from Lorton, VA. My favorite WIP is my son's CARS quilt. It's cut and ready to piece two years ago. And he asks me everyday if I've started yet, which I will this week for sure. :-)

Beck said...

I'm Beck from Philadelphia, PA not the one in Mississippi. My favorite and only WIP right now is a frenzy of 5" triangles in oranges, reds, and yellows for our guest room/office. This will be my 2nd real quilt!

Chelsea said...

Chelsea from Eastern Washington (Colfax). My favorite WIP is a quilt I have barely started, my charm quilt. I only have a few squares cut but I am already excited.

Unknown said...

I am Nichole and I live in Anchorage Alaska and the snow is finally melting! My favorite WIP is a disappearing nine patch quilt I made from Oh Cherry Oh charm packs. I have been working on it off and on for months with many other projects in between. I love how summery and cheery it is!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Susanne in Alingsås, Sweden. My now favourite WIP is a bag w many colours in small squares. I love it but it has been upsetting w all trouble on the way but slowly slowly I hope to finish it up soooooon.
Love, Susanne

Gretchen said...

Congrats on 500 posts! And nearly 500 quilts! ;)

My name is gretchen, and I live in Washington. My two biggest WIPs are bed quilts for my kids for our beach house. One is a top made by my grandma, to which I'm adding borders (to widen for his bed) and quilting. The other is a quilt I'm making from a duvet cover for my dtr's bed. I must finish these soon, for summer, she's a callin'.

Lotta said...

My name is Lotta and I live in Sweden. My favorite WIP is my new summer bag. It's taking me some time to make as I design it as I'm working. I love the fabric in it with owls and mushrooms.
Lotta in Sweden

Mariesa M. said...

I'm Mariesa from St. George Utah. I am currently doing a pink ragged squares quilt, which I got the pattern off your blog. Love it! Except I'm making it a twin size for my little girls bedspread. I'm almost done with it, just need to quilt it!

Natalie said...

Hello! I am Natalie from Victorville California! My current WIP is a quilt for my 1 1/2 year old, that I have been planning since before he was born. Since boy #2 is on his way, I am making a smaller crib version to match. And I am working on a charity quilt that I should be sewing right now!! Thanks for great inspiration!!

james and bess said...

congrats on your 500th post! i'm bess and i live in kentucky. my favorite sewing wip right now is a blue and green hourglass quilt top - so soothing! :)

Di~ said...

Whew cool! and who wouldn't want those great DS fabs.? I'm Diane, I live in western Idaho, my favorite wip is the paint box quilt. I'm about 3/4 done. Have you seen the grey with big orange dots Kaffe fabric? I noticed it on Sat. at the LQS. If you haven't seen it, need it, want it, I'll sent it...

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Becky from Michigan. I've just competed four bibs using your tutorial. Love them:) My favorite WIP is one of 6 t-shirt quilts I'm making as graduation gifts for my daughter's friends. They're like a scrapbook you can wrap yourself in...

Natys said...

Hey congrats, im Naty fron Argentina and my fabourite WIP (i have a lot) is a bed quilt and sheets for my niece who will be born in June

Claudia said...

Congrats on the production of posts and quilts. :D
My name is Claudia and I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I don't have a favorite work right now but I do have a orange and brown quilt that I can't stop thinking about because is not coming out the way I imagined it. I keep trying new things but I still haven't found the right organization for it. But I won't give up!

quiltermom2 said...

WOW your 500th post that is so GREAT considering I thought myself how to quilt via your blogs!!!! Well I am Erin and I live in the panhandle of Texas. I currently have many many many works in progress but my favorite a has got to be my sister-in-laws horse quilt. It has taken me the longest to produce but I have learned so much while doing it. It is all different blocks on it to represent things that mean the most between the two of us! Thanks for blogging lilke crazy for the people like me!!!! I'm goinng to get this quilt basted so I can start free motion quilting this evening!

Suzanne said...

Congrats on 500 posts!!! I'm Suzanne from Ohio. My favorite WIP is also my son's quilt. It's a plus quilt incorporating his favorite color, green.

Samantha said...

I'm Samantha from Louisiana and at the moment my favorite WIP is a sundress I'm making for my daughter. I've been in dress making mode lately, but I have a little quilt project brewing that will involve linen+patchwork and these fabrics would be a perfect addition!

Jessica said...

Hi, I'm Jessica in Virginia. My favorite WIP right now is the star quilt a long I'm making for my mom's birthday.

Mrs. JP said...

Hi I'm Susan from Tennessee. Congrats on your 500th post! My favorite work in progress is converting a tote my hubby got from work "with Logo" to my tote by quilting some squares I had but didn't want to put them into a quilt so they're being quilted on the outside of the tote and I'm going to line the inside and put pockets too. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Judy said...

My name is Judy and I'm in Texas. My favorite WIP is the chicken quilt from fatcatpatterns. I found some black fabric with little red dots and yellow chicken feet -- just perfect for the sashing/borders.

sachiko said...

Hi, my name is Sasha and I'm from Delaware. I've been following your blog for a while now, and always love what you come up with. My favorite WIP are some quilted pillow covers that I'm doing for my family room using a Moda "Sultry" charm pack.

Erin said...

Hi, My name is Erin and I live in central New York. My fav WIP is my shower curtain - pieced with different Tina Givens prints, and backed with muslin. It is patiently waiting for buttonholes - and everyone else is not-so-patiently waiting for a little modesty!

Jess said...

Happy 500! You are so great. I'm Jessica from Missouri. WIP is my yellow hand quilted hexagon quilt. (Like My Grandmother's flower garden, minus the flowers. Just yellow.) It will probably take me the rest of the year. Who knew hand quilting would be so soothing?

Rossie said...

My name is Rossie and I live in Michigan. My favorite WIP is my "low-volume" quilt because I'm so inspired by Malka (Stitch in Dye) and love playing with fabrics in a new way!

Regina Z said...

Regina from California COngrats on your 500th post. My favorite WIP right now is a purple and blue mix tape quilt I am making my mother in-law for her birthday

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Amber from PA and my favorite WIP is a bed quilt for my oldest son. I've already made one with the same fabrics for my youngest and LOVE how it turned out.

Meagan said...

My name is Meagan, and I'm from California but I consider myself a New Yorker living in exile (Alabama).

I have about 4 WIPs. I'd say my favorite is one that I'm designing as I go--it's for my 1.5 year old niece Kayden, who has just learned to say "thank you," and it's so adorable I want to give her another reason to make me squeal with delight :)

Isn't making things for little kids the best?! And happy 500th! Your blog is an endless source of inspiration, and I love your work, so I am very happy to celebrate, give-away or not :)

Holly said...

Hi, I'm Holly, and I'm from Philadelphia. My favorite WIP is 3 mini quilts I'm having trouble finishing! They're squares of almost my entire stash, but I'm relatively new to quilting. Love your blog, congrats on your 500th post! =D

Jess said...

Hi, I'm Jessica from California. My favorite WIP is a red and black quilt I am making for my best friend. I like it so much it may never leave my house!

Kat said...

Hi, I'm Kat and I live in Massachusetts. My favorite WIP right now are tote bags for a new tutorial I'm working on. They're so much fun to make, and I love making up my own designs.

DeannaHurley said...

My name is Deanna and I am from Tampa, Fl. My grandfather died in February, so I am working on quilts that are made from pieces of his shirts for each of us... that's 10 quilts! I have to be finished by Christmas!!!

Kerri said...

Happy 500th!!

My name is Kerri, and I'm from Washington State. My favorite WIP is my daughters wonky star quilt. Just need to get it quilted now. :)

Thanks for such a lovely giveaway!! I sure hope I win!! :)

Rich and Brianne said...

My name is Brianne, and I'm from Utah. My favorite work in progress is one I actually haven't worked on in years. It's a quilt top that my grandma gave me part of. I want to get better at quilting before finishing it.

Tina said...

Hi, I am Tina and I live in SW Ohio outside Cinti in Okeana. I love your blog....I read it often. My favorite WIP is my grandson Jacob's first quilt - he turned one last week....a Jacob's Ladder design-each block a different bright and fun color! DD's name is also Amanda Jean!

C said...

Wow! congrats on 500 posts! I am Christina from Ontario, Canada. My favorite WIP right now is a nap time quilt i designed for my dad. It is called "A Herd of Turtles in a Mudstorm" which is what my dad always said when we left the house as kids, "And there off! Like a herd of turtles in a mudstorm!" The turtles are made from drunkard's path blocks in patterned fabric of various shades of beige, green, blue and orange, with a brown and purple batic fabric for the "mud". He is very excited about it, no one has made something specifically for him for a long time.

The Titmi said...

I am Kelly from Irvine Ca. I just had a baby 10 days ago so I finished up all of my WIP except the diaper bag I am working on for myself. Slowly but surely. . .

Annalee said...

I'm Annalee from Reno, Nevada. I'm working on a quilt for my bed. I haven't gotten anything accomplished on it for a couple of weeks because I'm in the process of moving into a new house, but it will be the first project that I pull out once I get my sewing stuff set up in my new home.

Brooke said...

My name is Brooke, I live in Utah, and my favorite work in progress is a quilt I am helping my 12 year old daughter make.

Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Betty. I live in San Diego, CA... at least until next week, then I'll living in San Antonio, TX (my hometown). Since we're moving, I don't really have too many WIPs... just a few Swing, Swing Smocks for my not-yet-born niece (my sister is having her today). I have a lot of WIPs in my head tho... a baby quilt, a little sundress, booties, and maybe a hooter hider for Momma. :)

smarti said...

My name is Sarah S. and I'm from Knoxville, TN. My favorite WIP is a lap quilt thank you gift for my momma. It has lots of hand embroidery on it (that I'm still working on).

I also have my first coin quilt in the works that I'm really digging.

JenT said...

I'm Jen (my name comes up as JenT - that's my first name and initial of my last name). I'm from east TN. You're right, I have several WIP. I don't know if I have a favorite. I like them all pretty much. Although I must say I prefer the actual sewing to the cutting out. I try to cut out a lot all at once, then when I have more spare time, sew up what I have cut out. Currently I have several jumpers to make. I have most of the ones for my 4 year old daughter cut out. I have tons of material for more projects. I have quilts to make, jumpers to make, doll dresses to make...and anything else that comes up. lol Now I just need the time!

Sara said...

Hi, my name is Sara. I live in Huntsville, Arkansas, and my favorits WIP is a whirly giggle made from charisma. It is going to be so lovely.

Meg said...

Howdy! I'm Meg. I'm from Pennsylvania but live in Raleigh, NC now. My favorite WIP has not yet been started. I bought the fabric and pattern this weekend to make a couple tops for myself. It will be the most complicated sewing project to date. Even if it turns out badly, I'll still be proud of getting up the courage to sew it. This is completely new to me.

For an actual WIP, it's a February baby sweater I'm knitting for my cousin's new baby girl. It's turning out really cute. It's also important that I make this for her because our parents do not get along at all. I want her to know that we are still family, even if our moms are a little nuts.

Vicki said...

Congrats on 500. My name is Vicki and I'm in Kansas. My favorite WIP right now is a sawtooth star quilt from House fabrics for my SIL, for Christmas. Like the one Elizabeth (oh fransson) did for a Sew Mama Sew tute.

Anonymous said...

My name is Kit, I'm from Ontario, Canada, and my current favourite WIP is another monotone quilt - this one in teal blue silks, sort of shibori inspired that I'm making on commission. Very exciting!

Natalie said...

Wow 500!! COngrats! My name is Natalie, and I'm from Missouri. My current WIP is a zig zag (your pattern) quilt that I am making for my son...he is very excited about it! Thanks for the chance to win those fabulous fabrics!

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday AmandaJean!
This is Peggie from Maine. I have been following your blog for about a year now and I have to tell you that you have been such a wonderful inspiration for me. I am just learning to quilt, but you have given me the confidence to just do as I feel! I thank you for that!!!

I am currently making baby quilts to donate to my local hospital. It feels so rewarding to know that something my hands have created will touch the new lives of others.

Lily said...

Hi! This is Lily from Utah. My favorite WIP is a baby quilt for my brother and sister-in-law who have been trying for a baby for a long time, so this is a special baby. I love Katie Jump Rope!

Andrea said...

I'm Andrea, I live in Sherwood Park, Alberta and my favourite work in progress is my blue and brown happy hour quilt I did in batiks. I haven't finished it because I originally bought oodles of a backing for it, that I don't like anymore. And I can't find a good match for it yet!

Holy moly on post # 500!! Way to go AmandaJean! Keep them keep me inspired everyday!

Kristy said...

Congrats on the 500th post!

My name is Kristy. I'm from Minnesota, currently residing in Italy with my US military husband. My favorite work in progress is the Lush lap quilt I'm making for my husband completely by hand. It's nearly all pieced together. This is my first all-by-hand project and it's really made me appreciate both the process of hand piecing AND the ease of using a machine (on good days).

Angela said...

I am Angela from West Virginia. My favorite WIP is a scalloped baby quilt for my new nephew. The pattern came from Amy Karol's bend the rules sewing book. Although the first draft is always challenging, it looks like it will turn out great! It has primary colors with an yellow applique star. I hope he likes it!

Unknown said...

I am Lynn from Massachusetts. My favorite wip is a pink and purple applique butterfly quilt and also the quilt I am helping my 12 yr old ds make! I love your site!

susan said...

Hi, I'm Susan from Cincinnati. My favorite WIP is actually something I'm making for myself (all my projects somehow turn into gifts). Its a purse/bag that gets some attention every once in a while.

Anonymous said...

I'm Lisa from Central Illinois and I'm working on a quilt with a huge applique and embroidered center square, a floral design that replicates the motif from one of the prints in the bordering patchwork!

Jeanne said...

My name is Jeanne and I'm from NE. My favorite wip is a red, white, and blue floral quilt that I am hand-quilting. It is my favorite because it is coming along better (and quicker!) than I thought it would. :)

J said...

Hi! Love your blog. Great giveaway!
I am currently working on a disappearing nine patch in blues, browns and greens. It is a wedding present for a friend.

Erica said...

I'm Erica. My husband is in the Air Force and are currently stationed in Biloxi, MS, but will be moving to Japan in a month and half!

My favorite WIP is actually the vintage crochet blanket you showed a couple of months ago. I loved yours so much that I had to start one of my own. I think it might be a 2 year project for me as well, but I'm working on it. In fact, I just picked it back up again this weekend.

Amy Sp said...

I'm Amy and I live in Arkansas. My current favorite WIP is a zig zag quilt (using your no triangle tutorial) to use as a beach blanket. We are going to the beach next month, so I only have four weeks to finish it. I have all my prints cut, but I'm cutting my solid still, so I've still got a ways to go. Wish me luck!

Isabella said...

Wow...500 posts! Congrats!

My name is Jen and I am from Wisconsin. My favorite work-in-progress is a stuffed animal made from my own pattern. I'm still tweaking the pattern, so it's taking a little longer than normal...but I'm excited about it.

Alice said...

Alice From Brainerd, posted my info on doorstop by mistake this getting old is a stinker I am making a Jewel Quilt now thanks for your great patterns

Dresden Quilter said...

Hi, My name is Michelle and I am from Ontario, Canada. My favourite WIP is the zig zag quilt I am making from your tutorial. I like it because I love making baby quilts and because I love learning tips and techniques that make quilting easier. Congratulations on your 500th post!

Sara said...

I'm Sara and I live in NE Ohio.

My favorite WIP right now is my batik Thangles BOM. I love batiks and this one is lots of different batiks and black stars. I have all the inner blocks made, just have to do the outer block and setting blocks.

Unknown said...

Hi I am Jackie and live in CT. I am currently working on a Judy Niemeyer paper pieced quilt. I just love it because I find paper piecing very calming. I am also working on a Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt doing English paper piecing.

Amy said...

My name is Amy and I live in Mountain View, CA. Unfinished projects make me a little crazy, so I have just two right now -- a queen-sized quilt that is ready to be quilted. It's the Love Beads pattern from The Modern Quilt Workshop and is for my spare room. But my favorite is a baby quilt using drunkard's path templates to make circles that I am hand quilting. I hope I get it done before the baby gets here!

Vickie said...

Hello, I am Vickie Fitzsimmons from Lehi, Utah.
My wip is a small doll quilt called waste no want not and I am enjoying it because it is a small project and I will see results soon, also a king size quilt for my bedroom with pillow cases as well. I love your blog!

Jeanine said...

My name is Jeanine. I'm from NJ. My favorite WIP is the Chinese Lantern quilt. It started out as a project in my guild's workshop. I had planned on only doing 9 blocks. Now I have 12 blocks. I'm aiming for a total of 16 which may become 20! LOL.

Jennie said...

My name is Jennie, and I am from Illinois! My favorite WIP is my orange, green and white boxes quilt that I am making with Sandi Henderson fabrics... it's going to be so fresh and bright when it's done! ~ Jennie

Anonymous said...

Hi I am Sarah from WA state.I am working on quilt squares with heather ross dogs in blue and katie jump rope. I have never actually made a quilt so I kind of went out on a limb with the squares and learning as I go. its lots of fun

Kathy said...

My name is Kathy and I am in Havre de Grace, MD. My favorite work in progress is a quilt for my nephew - it was a free pattern - city lights or something similar to that. I have the front and the back pieced - only need to sandwich and get it quilted. The base background color is brown - with squares of blue and greenish fabrics on it.
Congrats on 500!

Alevin and Company said...

I am Alissa from Northern Minnesota. My favorite WIP is a quilt I started for my daughter 3 YEARS AGO! I finally have the courage to finish it: The top has been done for 2 years, but I had no idea how to finish it. It is a surprise and I know she is going to absolutely love it.

Amy said...

My name is Amy and I live in Utah.
My favorite WIP is a lap quilt, it will be my first quilt that I am going to machine quilt! Quilting is something I have just recently started, I ran across your blog and I love all of your quilts, they are beautiful!

Amy said...

My name is Amy from Texas. I love your site! My favorite WIP is a vanishing 9 patch quilt which will be my first true quilt to ever make. ....if I ever finish it!

Rebecca said...

My name is Rebecca and I'm from western Canada. My favorite WIP is my daughter's lucky stars twin quilt (design by Atkinson). I haven't found the right fabric to back it with but am looking forward to it being on her bed!

Jennie and Adam said...

My name is Jennie and I live in Michigan. My favorite WIP is thevalence I am sewing for myson'sroom. It uses some of the blocks from Michael Miller's transportation theme.

Karen said...

Hi, I'm Karen from Northern California. My favorite work in progress right now is my green Jared Takes a Wife. I just love how the green, purple, and dark orange are playing together. I like it so much, I'm taking it slow so I don't finish it too fast. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi. My name is Kerry-Lea and I live in Nebraska. My favorite WIP is a twin size quilt for my 3 year old daughter. I was able to get the blocks pieced into strips at a recent quilting retreat, and just found my border fabric, and eagerly awaiting some time to put it all together. I love it because it is so soft and girly, and b/c it means I will finally be finished the last of my 5 kids' quilts!! And the next one is mine.
Love your blog. Thank you.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

500!! Congrats. and Katie Jump Rope is my favorite fabric, thank you for the chnace.
My name is Jane, I live in Illinois and my favorite WIP is the one I am working on right now, it is a quilt for my 10 year old niece for Christmas. Thanks again for the chance!

Rachel Durazzani said...

My name is Rachel. I live in Utah. My favorite WIP is my daughter's twin quilt. It's my first and just got done being quilted. Now I need to do the binding and I'll be done. Thanks for the inspiration!

Eva said...

What wonderful fabric. The bright colors are lovely. My name is Eva. I live in Colorado. I am making these wandering sacks right now that I just can't get enough of. However, I am starting a big patch quilt for my bed..hope to finish it by the end of this year( I am a slow quilter because I am always knitting...)
Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Holly said...

My name is Holly, I live in Alaska. My favorite WIP is a quilt I am making using vintage pillow cases. I love your blog and get so much inspiration from your amazing designs! Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 500th post! Wow! What a great giveaway prize.

My name is Terri and I'm from Wisconsin too! (Verona) My current favorite WIP is a zigzag quilt with Goodfolks fabrics. It's a fun pattern to work on and fabulous fabric.

Rachael said...

I'm Rae from Tacoma, WA, and my favorite WIP is the hexagon quilt top. I like it because there's no rush for me to finish it, and I can work on it anytime, anywhere.

Jocelyn said...

Wow 500 posts!
My name is Jocelyn and I live in Florida. My fav WIP is my Australian quilt, made from a pattern in the Australian magazine. If I ever get it finished it will be beautiful. I love the colors and the challenge it pressed on me. I don't send out to long arm quilters, but this one may warrant it. We'll see :-)
Thanks for the giveaway, and as always your super creative blogs!

Michelle said...

My name is Michelle and I live in Alaska. My favorite WIP is a quilt I'm making for my mom for Mother's Day. I'm using fabric scraps from my grandma that she never got to use before she died. It's great because most all the fabrics my mom remembers what her mom made from it; Easter dresses, shirts, jumpers, etc. Everything but the small hexagons is white (inspiration from you actually) and I'm designing it myself which I'm loving. It's even more fun because it's a surprise!

The Davies Family said...

Hello! My name is Joyce. I live in Calilfornia! My favorite WIP is a quilt top that I am so close to finishing made mostly out of Sandi Henderson's Farmers Market. Enjoy your week!

aSprinkling said...

My name is Jennifer and I'm from Georgia. The only "real" WIP that I have is a wonky log cabin quilt for my little girl's big bed. I don't know when she will get her big bed, but it will have to wait for the quilt to be finished! :)

Nici said...

Hi!! I'm Nici and I am currently living on Hanscom Air Force Base in Massachusetts, soon to be living in Cheyenne, WY. My favorite WIP is a Patriotic table topper/runner. I am using scraps from my first quilt to make it. I love all things red, white and blue!!

Thanks for all your inspiration, Amanda Jean.

nici826 at yahoo dot com

Kelly said...

oooh, I love the Katie Jump Rope fabric! I'm Kelly from Michigan. My favorite WIP is a prayer quilt that I'm making for a teenage girl that is away from home due to an illness. Trying to get it done in the next couple days so I can get it in the mail to her!

Jenn said...

Yeah for 500!! I love your blog & am amazed at the things you are able to get done! I'm Jenn from So. California & my current project is getting ready for my MIL to come this weekend :(. My 3 y.o. & I just finished a Spring banner...

Mary said...

Hi, I'm Mary from Indiana. My favorite WIP is a whirlygig quilt inspired by your fundraiser one from a while back. It's a gift for my mom's 60th birthday next week. I embroidered the names and birthdates of all her grandkids on the backing. I just finished quilting it this morning and will start binding it this afternoon! Thanks for the awesome inspiration and the giveaway too. :)

Denise said...

Hi AmandaJean. I'm Denise and I live in the S.F. Bay Area and my favorite of my WIP's (and there are MANY) is my Dear Jane quilt. I'm about half way done.

ang :o) said...

I'm Angee from Idaho. Oh How I love Katie Jump Rope!!! I am currently working on my very first quilt! I joined a quilting class. I am so excited to finish so I can make the modern ones I love so much.

JenniMac said...

Hi! I'm Jenni from Texas! My favorite WIP project is my baby boy's bedroom. I made his crib bedding(something I've never done before) and decorated but as he grows and toddles and changes, I am constantly thinking of changes, improvements, and modifications I can make to make his room even more fun. Right now, I'm thinking of adding some fun embelishments to the quilt I made him(my first quilt), like some little leaves, ants, and caterpillers.

Whitney said...

I'm Whitney from VA. My favorite WIP (I'm new to sewing and already I have so many WIPs!) is a mother's day pillow I'm making for both moms from my son.

Emily and Frank said...

I'm Emily in Northern Kentucky. My favorite WIP is a quilted Christmas tree skirt- been working on it off and on for almost 4 years, but I'm determined to finish it for this Christmas!

rachel griffith said...

oh how fun!!!
congrats on 500 posts!!!

even though you already know i'm rachel and live in current fav wip is my bee inspired quilt. {the virtual quilting bee i host.} i'm only 2 blocks shy from having them all and i can't wait to let my quilt come to life.

spanks for giving away katie jumps rope...i SO hope it's me.

Ali said...

Ali from PA and I am working on piecing together a coin quilt. Congrats on 500!

e.c said...

Amazing give away for a tremendous accomplishment. So many helpful inspiring posts; thanks!

My name is Emily, I live in California (but I am from Oregon) :)
My favorite LONG time WIP is a large quilt that I have been learning to quilt on. My stages of learning are very obvious when looking at it, but that's part of why I like it. Also, I started it with my husband in mind before he even liked me. So it's also sentimental.

tina said...

This is Tina and I am from Toronto, Ontario. My favourite WIP is a mushroom quilted pillow case! It's super cute but since I am hand quilting it, it is also taking forever.

knottygnome said...

Congrats on 500!

my name is Sara from New York. my only quilting WIP is the beginnings of a stacked-coin-ish quilt that i've cut out scraps for. i'm a very slow quilter (and have only made 2 so far) so who knows how long it will take me to finish.

karen said...

I'm Karen, from Hawaii. I have a beautiful colorwheel quilt that only needs binding. it's been done and quilted for months..... shame on me. It's gorgeous.

hollymade said...

This is Holly from Chicago. my favorite WIP is a baby quilt I'm making for my baby due in September. After making several baby quilts for others, it's fun to be making one for my own little one!

Shanna said...

Wow! 500 already?!? My name is Shanna and I am from North Carolina. Right now my favorite WIP is my Pack Your Bags quilt husband gave me that jelly roll for my birthday because I have always wanted to go to Europe someday! Right now it is just a quilt top, but I do have the backing fabric ready to be put together!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 500th post! You are such an inspiration--wish I could be as productive as you are! My name is Linda and I'm from Washington. My current favorite WIP is a log cabin-style quilt.

Anne said...

My name is Anne and I live in Huntsville, AL My favorite WIP is a queen-sized black and white blooming nine-patch that is done except for the quilting and binding.

Ruth B said...

My name is Ruth and I am from Minnesota. My fav WIP is a center medallion block that I am doing using needleturn applique. It is for a round robin that I joined and I love the fabrics I am using and the design.

Dianna said...

Congratulations on reaching 500 - what an achievement!
I'm Dianna and I am in the UK. My favourite WIP at the moment is my first ever quilt. I'm making it for my daughter's bedroom, which I plan to decorate in the summer so it is a real 'little girl's room'. I'm hoping the quilt will finish it off perfectly.

Shelly G. said...

My name is Shelly, I am from Missouri. My favorite work in progress is my very 1st quilt, a stacked coin quilt for my niece who will be born on May 21st!

Congratulations on reaching the 500 posts mark!

Sarah said...

Hi, I'm Sarah from Ohio. My favorite WIP at the moment is a log cabin pillow case I'm working on for our nursery. I'm due in 2 days, so I guess I should get working on it, huh?

Lynn said...

Hi Amandajean - I'm Lynn from Cary NC. And oh geez - because my favorite WIP (I have several) is the same one from the last time you did this - my crazy mom quilts star quilt along! But... it's my favorite because the top is almost done. I put it away for a couple of weeks but got it out last night and worked on it all morning waiting for the rain to stop to take my walk

Mitzi said...

Hi there -

I'm Mitzi from Georgia. I don't know if its my favorite WIP but my current WIP is the Saving Grace quilt I am making for my bed. I want to finish it already!

Reg said...

My name is Regina. I live in Indiana. Currently, I'm working on a jelly roll project with Swanky from Moda and I REALLY love the colors! Congrats on 500 posts! I've read most of them!

Malin said...

Hi My name is Malin and I live in Sunderbyn, Sweden.
My WIP right now is a puzzel, for kids. The first one I did I gave away this weekend when my husbands nephew was baptist. He liked all the colors and shapes.

Lee said...

I'm Lee from Michigan. My favorite WIP is a shirt dress (Butterick 5315) using a really pretty brown from the Twiggy line by Sanae. I haven't been able to spend nearly enough time with with it so it is taking a very long time.

Betsy said...

500!!! Rock on! My name is Betsy and I live here in the great state of Texas in the charming town of Mansfield. My fave WIP is also my son's quilt for his new big boy bed. We just did the transition and it is working great!

Mara said...

Hi! My name is Mara. I live in California. My favorite work in progress right now is my first jelly-roll quilt. I'm making a wall hanging for my friend who is getting married next month. It's her wedding shower gift. I enjoy this project because despite the trials and tribulations of making it, I know it will go to a loving home!

Jess said...

Hello, it's me Jesse from Wisconsin. My favorite WIP right now is a skirt I'm working on for myself for the spring, if it ever comes and stays since 2 days ago it was 65 and sunny and today it's snowing. Also my other fav would be my first ever quilt that will of course be for myself (who else should deserve the honor of my first quilt?)!

Unknown said...

Hi my name is Sarah, I'm from Pennsylvania. My favorite WIP right now is probably a messenger bag I'm making for myself.

Lavinia said...

Hello and congratulations on your 500th post! My name is Lavinia, I´m from Argentina, my favourite WIP is a rail fence white and blue quilt for my boyfriend.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Meagan said...

Congrats on your many posts :)

My name's Meagan, I live in Canada and my current project is a quilt for my father in law!

Carrie Haughey said...

My name is Carrie. I live in the beautiful Central Coast of California. My favorite WIP right now is the ginormous knitted blanket that I have been working on for a year and am almost done with!! also, my very first apron (sewn not knitted)! (my mother would be so proud)

Mrs. H said...

i'm kelly from indiana. my favorite WIP is my son's (he's 5 months already!) baby quilt out of some blue/tan/yellow amy butler fabrics. i started it before he was born, but he came early...and there hasn't been much craftiness!

Michele said...

My name is Michele and I live in Pasadena, CA. My favorite project is a red and white quilt I am making for my mom. I've never given her a quilt before and I've very excited.

Me said...

Hi! I'm Marcella from California. My current wip is my colorwheel quilt.

Thanks so much!

Bison Girl said...

Erica here! From Bismarck, ND. My favorite WIP is my improv. pieced red/black/white wall-hanging because it's almost done! I will be quilting it this week.

CB said...

Wow! Congrats on your 500th post!

I'm Christin. I'm from Northern CA. My favorite WIP right now is a quilt I'm hoping to wrap up for my mom for Mother's Day. My dad found a very simple tied blanket they made while my mom was in nursing school. It's tattered in some places, but my dad asked me to repurpose the fabric for a quilt for my mom. I'm so eager to finish it! :D

Julie S said...

Hi! I'm Julie in WA, and my favorite WIP has not been started yet! I have a layer cake of "Harmony" by Moda's Jan Patek just waiting to be made into a basket quilt. But there are other items on the TO DO list that have higher priority...costumes for a Shakespeare play. Fun, but not as anticipated as a quilt in progress!

Nichole said...

Hi there! I'm Nichole in wittmann, az. I do have many WIPs, but how do you get motivated to make quilts when it's going to be 100 degrees tomorrow! Yuk! My favorite is a girly Forrest quilt for my daughters bed & 4th birthday next week. Thanks for the giveaway, and congrats on 500!!!

silversmith said...

my name is jennifer and i'm from texas. since i'm participating in the "spring to finish challenge" my current project list is getting smaller...until i add more...:) my favorite work in progress is probably the illustration of some cymbidium orchids that i started months and months ago because it's the first in a series that was inspired by a valentine delivery from my now-hubby. then, it's a baby quilt i'm finishing since it's just that darn cute!

Jessica said...


This is Jessica from Arizona. My current WIP is your ragged squares quilt:) I love the quilt and I'm a beginner. I have some really great moda fabric that I love. Navy and lime are the colors, and the prints are from flowers and swirls to damask and dots. I'm so excited to see the finished product and snuggle up in it when I'm done. Thank you for sharing all your work and inspiring me to become a quilter!

debra lynn said...

Oooh, how exciting! I'm Debra from Minnesota, I'm working on a baby quilt for my yet to be born (anyday) nephew. I'm using the white Alexander Henry spotted owl fabric with lots of woodgrain mixed in which will make it very boyish and a brown minky back. It's exciting since it's only my 3rd quilt and I can't wait for my little sister to have her baby!

Cherold said...

My current WIP is a twin sized bed quilt for a grandaughter...the give away fabrics are happy!


Emily said...

Emily from Utah, working on another surprise quilt. This one is for my husband. A quilt I promised him way back in college in the colors of his alma mater. Its only been 10 years, but I think this year will be the year it finally gets done. He's going to love it!

Lisa said...

My name is Lisa and I'm from California. My favorite project is a little quilt for my new niece Brooklyn. It'll be a fun surprise!

Jane said...

My name is Jane and I live in Wisconsin. My favorite WIP is the Dear Jane quilt I've started. I love it not only because I feel attached to Jane herself and all the other "Janes" out there making this quilt, but because I do all my hand-piecing in the evening and it is my favorite time of day to sit in my chair and watch a little TV and stitch to my heart's content.

Tara said...

Hello. My name is Tara. I am from Smoot, WY (a small community in Star Valley WY near Jackson Hole). My current work in project is a Thank You quilt for my daughter's awesome orchestra teacher who will be moving in just a month. I only have the top done, but I still have 3 weeks so all is well. tara at svwy dot net

Anonymous said...

My name is Diane and I, like you, live in Wisconsin. Right now my favorite UFO is an antique grandmothers flower garden, which is a kit quilt from the 30's. I have it quilted and now I just need to finish the binding. Oh yes and blog about it.

Ashley said...

500 posts - wow! That truly is amazing! I'm Ashley and I'm from Vermont. I'm currently working on a spring colored queen sized quilt for our bed. I'm also attempting a few spring clothing items... though thinking that maybe I should stick with quilting!

Kathy said...

I'm Kathy from Raleigh, NC. My favorite WIP is my first ever queen sized quilt, that I have named "Seaside". I am using blues & greens (water) and beige, white, yellows (sand).
Thanks for the giveaway!

mom2three said...

Congrats on 500 posts- wow!
My name is Christine, I'm from New York and my favorite wip is a stacked coins quilt for my family room. So far all I have is the fabric for the coins, but even looking at that makes me smile! Also, one of the prints you are giving away would look great in the quilt!

Anita said...

Hi I'm Anita from the San Francisco bay area. Congrats on your 500th post! Your blog is so inspirational, thank you! I'm working on several projects but I think my current favorite is the quilt kit that I bought from a local quilt shop. It is from the Sew Pretty Homestyle book. I just picked up fabric (on sale!) for the back of this quilt. I'm going to try hand quilting on this quilt. It will be first and hopefully not last hand quilting project.

Barb said...

Hi, I'm Barb from British Columbia Canada. My favourite WIP is my blue and green wonky log cabin quilt. I love it because it is my first improv piece and it is just for me. Thanks for the giveaway!

Ceci said...

Hi AmandaJean!! My name is Cecilia and I´m from Argentina, so far away!!! My favorite WIP is the "Angel´s Story" Quilt which is my current work. I love it because it combines my two favorites : broderie and patchwork and it´s a beautiful quilt.
Isn´t it wonderfull that people who lived as far away from each other can be so close!
I love your giveaway!! Please count me in!!!
And forgive my English, my mother language is Spanish
Mi mail:

Robin said...

Wow! 500 posts, in those I am sure you have inspired more people than triple that amount..and I am one of them!

My name is Robin, I live in Hertford, NC. My favorite WIP right now is a bag, checkbook cover and debit card holder using Wonderland fabrics.

Kama said...

I'm Kama from Texas. My favorite WIP is my actual first quilt that I'm making for my 6 month old son. I have finished another smaller quilt, but his is the first one I've done... Does that make sense?? :)
Congrats on post #500!!

Anonymous said...

I'm Alisa from Southern California. I'm working on a cute little owl pillow for a friends very first grandchild. 500 posts. That's incredible. Congratulations!

Shannon said...

I'm Shannon and I live in Illinois. My favorite WIP is my zig zag quilt (following your instructions!) because it's the first time I've really had to be very careful about lining things up just right. It's so satisfying to see those perfect zig zags come out!

Stéphanie said...

Hello, My name is Stéphanie. I generally live in the south of France but I am in San Francisco for the semester. My favorite WIP is a quilt I did for my nephew with the David Walker collection and its robots and rockets. He loves it and says me thanks each time I have a conversation with him on the webcam!! it make me happy.

kristyn said...

Wow that's awesome...

My name is Kristyn and I am from VA and my favorite WIP is similar to your vintage kitchen quilt except with different colors of polka dots. Hopefully one of these days I will actually be able to finish and have a new quilt for my bed.

jenni said...

Hi Jenni from Hershey Pennsylvania! I just got done with my first coin quilt top but I am having an awful time on deciding on a backing fabric. It shouldn't be that hard but I love the quilt a lot more than I thought I would so I want to keep loving it.

Christine said...

Hi! My name is Christine and I am from Maine. My favorite work in progress is actually a quilt my grandmother started. She embriodered all the beautiful squares. Now I just have to get over my fear of ruining them and turn it into a quilt.

AngieK said...

I'm Angie from Wisconsin. My current fave WIP is a small disappearing 9 patch quilt for my soon-to-be born baby girl :-)

Celeste Creates said...

My name is Celeste and I am from the Houston, TX area. I love your blog. My favorite quilt that is in progress is my disappearing nine patch made with Woodland Bloom fabric. Thanks!

roseylittlethings said...

I am Jennifer and I live In North Carolina. My favorite WIP is my unborn baby girls crib bedding!!! Congrats on 500 posts, heres to 500 more!

Chris said...

I'm Chris from Surrey, UK. My favourite WIP is a log cabin flannel - it's wonderfully soft and warm - will get the final stitches in soon - may be this should act as an incentive!

Sherri said...

I'm Sherri from southern Nevada...and my favorite WIP (out of over 20) is making a wall-hanging out of three Dresden plate blocks made by my great-great grandmother!!! And I love Katie Jump Rope...and it's not in stores any more!!!

Mary-Kay C. said...

Greetings from Windsor Ontario. My name is Mary-Kay and I love your blog and th quilts upi make at record speed! My favourite WIP is the Music Quilt which is a donation quilt to the music program at my son's high school.

Emily said...

Hello, my name is Emily from UT. I have so many WIP right now, but my favorite is letters to go above my sons crib. I love your blog, I love your color combinations, they inspire me!

mandalei said...

I'm Amanda, from Upstate NY. I am working on a pinwheel quilt in red, black, and aqua for my toddler for when he gets to have a big boy bed. Maybe it will be enticing enough to keep him in it!

Ariane said...

Hi, My name is Ariane. I'm from Ontario, Canada. I love the little baby quilt I'm working on right now. I'm using a Beatrix Potter print in it and its a gift for a special person that I cannot name. I love the colors (aqua & brown). I really like how it is coming together. Thanks for the giveaway!!

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