Just out of curiosity, how many of you are caught up?

cut in half on the diagonal twice, to make 4 quarter square triangles

cut one square 6.5" from the background fabric

cut 4 squares 3 1/2" from the background fabric

cut 2 squares 4 1/4" from a dark print

cut each square in half, twice, on the diagonal, to make a total of 8 quarter square triangles

cut 2 squares 4 1/4" from a medium print fabric

cut each square in half, twice, on the diagonal, to make a total of 8 quarter square triangles

layout as shown
if you are using a striped fabric, as I did here, make sure to place the stripes carefully so they all go the same direction.

sew together

and square up the block to 12.5".
Isn't it pretty? I really like this block. And fairly simple after the star in week 5.
Any questions, I'll attempt to answer them in the comments.
Also, there is a nifty tip here, on how to center your triangles for a square in a square block, thanks to the bear creek quilter. (Especially helpful for the block from week 5.)
I really like this block, too, and can't wait to start on it. I am caught up (except for this one) and have done all my spacer blocks, too. I've even started putting them together in rows. How's that for an overachiever!
I have blocks 1-4 done, but that's on purpose. I like to have 2 to cut out and work on at a time, so now I'll be doing 5 and 6!
There has to be one slowcoach in every group. I am still finishing a few other tasks and am started in my head........but alas that does not count.
Lovely block!
I’ve made the first 4 blocks and a setting block. Block 5 is on the cutting table. I always like to make more at once, so 5 and 6 will be ready in a blink!
I love this block and want to make it now! But, I do not have any striped fabric in the color I'm using. Would it be OK in a print?
I have completed block 5 and love the look of it.
Thanks for all your help, Amandajean!
Hi Amandajean, over the weekend, I have sewn blocks 3, 4 & 5 and also prepared the fabrics for the setting blocks. Now I'm chain-piecing the patches :>
So, incredibly, I have caught up! Can't wait for this quilt to be completed and already I'm looking forward to a 'next-one'! :>
I'm caught up with the stars. Had to order some fabric for the setting blocks. Tried one this weekend, but didn't like it with the fabric I had. The stars are so pretty. You made great choices! btw I think I'm embracing triangles after that last block!!!
Another wonderful block.
This past weekend I got all caught up and I am ready for this block. I even have my alternate blocks completed. Not sure I like the green ones so I just might do them again and put the green ones in another quilt. I will know when I finish.
Thanks for the great quilt instructions.
I got some color coordinating straight pins for the pin cushion you gave me..... It is in the upstairs sewing area and I enjoy using it and knowing that somewhere you might be stitching along with me.
nana karen,
you don't need to use a striped fabric, I just wanted to add a little tip about the stripes in case someone was using them. (to hopefully save someone from lots of stitch ripping.)
I LOVE this block. And now thanks to Bear Creek Quilter, I'm ready to tackle block 5, too. I need to do block 5 and 6.
Hi Amanda Jean, I started your Quilt-A-Long this weekend and am having a lot of fun! I cut out weeks 1 to 5, sewed weeks 4 and 5. Your photo instructions are very clear and easy to follow. Thanks for a great project! Here is the link to my new blog.
Okay so I'm dragging my feet for last weeks block but ready for this weeks. I think I need personal help on last weeks! This is a nice block!! Thanks again for taking the time to do this. You amaze me!!!
Thanks for your answer Amandajean! Since hubby & I have promised ourselves to cut back (on gas mostly), we aren't driving anywhere until Weds. which will be our errand day. So, I'll go ahead and make my block without stripes, although it does look really nice!
After a little adventure with my block number 5, I am all caught up. Fabrics for block 6 are cut, and waiting to be sewn. I just love the blocks you have chosen!!
I'm all caught up at the moment but my last block was a misshapen disaster so this weekend I'm going to sit down in a nice relaxed kind of way and re-make the last block, make this one, and do some more setting squares. - I really like this one, thank you again
Carie (knittedbear.blogspot.com)
Nope, I'm behind but planning on getting caught up today. (And maybe even make a couple of setting blocks.)
I'm all caught up. This block was fun and it went together fast. Looking forward to next week. Photos on my blog: http://luv2quilt929.blogspot.com. Have a great week. Keep the piece. Renée
Yes, I have managed to stay caught up.
I must be manic or something, because when I see the newest star up, I have to do it THAT DAY. So I am up to date on the blocks, even today's. But I haven't found just the right fabric for the setting blocks yet....
This is a very pretty star.
Not only am I not caught up, I am on hold. I thought I would get right on this one but it's not going to happen for a little while. Don't anyone wait on me :) I'm watching and taking notes. I've seen a lot of really pretty starts out there.
Oops - after starting with such good intentions - I have fallen a little behind. I have three stitched and two cut - and now this one to complete. That will all be rectified over the weekend - here in Melbourne Australia we have a 'long weekend' - Monday is a public holiday. So I will make amends over the weekend - and I vow to not let it happen again :-)
Kind regards - Dawn
I've done all 5 weeks worth of blocks + 6 setting blocks + 3 extra blocks ahead (those that seems easy enough to do). I'll make this one tomorrow. I'm having trouble taking pictures of all the blocks lined up together, though. The baby keeps walking all over and wrecking the nice composition.
I caught up this weekend and I'm half way done on the setting blocks. I'm looking forward to the coming weeks of blocks.
I will be caught up after block 6. Even have the setting blocks done. Thanks for doing this.
I do like the block. I am not doing the quilt a long.
I've done blocks 1,2,&3 and 2 setting blocks. Will get caught up within a couple of days as I just returned from 2 weeks in Hawaii! :-D
Since I found your blog a few weeks ago I have (almost) completed the first quilt-a-long and am now caught up on this one! Woohoo! I am learning a ton from you. Thanks a bunch! Can I be added to the list of quilt-a-long names? Anna E. (no blog)
I'm ready for week 6 and have 6 joining blocks done.
Eep - not caught up! I have week 5's star cut, though, and will be working on that when I have the house to myself this evening!
I really love how you used the stripes in this block! Thanks for the inspiration!!
I'm not quilting along, but I love the fabrics you chose for that block. I especially like the stripe.
I am caught up (except for this one!) I need to make 2 setting blocks this week as well. I am glad that other people had trouble with number 5 because I opted not to do it based on my trouble with number 4! I have made a different one using different fabric and am counting that as number 5. I wish I could figure out why my points aren't always as point as I want them to be!
This week's block looks like it is just right for me! Can't wait to get started.
Hi Amanda Jean,
I am up to block 5 and now add to that block 6, where does the week go!!!! But I have cut out all the fabric for the setting squares ready to sew and have also started cutting the fabric for another star quilt-a-long in blue. A bit ambitious :(
I really love star blocks and am really enjoying the piecing. Thanks for organising such a great quilt. BTW I have posted photos on my blog on my star quilt and have started a slide-show through picasa web albums. Learning lots of new skills. Thanks again.
Take care and kind regards from Liz
I am caught up and I have about 4 setting blocks done. I try to do the star and one setting block a week. It is working out pretty good. Week 5 turned out awesome for me. It was pretty hard though.
Hi! Looking at all these comments about how "up to date" most are... I haven't started yet!! I just printed out all the directions! Shall have a go at block number one tonight!!! I have ALOT to catch up on!!!
I just finished block 6, so I am quilting right along.
Yep, caught up with number 6 to go. I'm really liking the way the pieces are working out.
definitely not caught up here, but by the end of this quilt along you may have me convinced to try one of my own : ) love the double stars here today
I've fallen behind, but I'm working on two of these beauties (one for each DD!) as well as paper-pieced Mariner's Compass blocks.
Thanks for your clear, concise directions!
I have all the setting blocks done, but I'm a bit behind on the weeklies... I have last week's cut (not sewn). Hopefully I'll get caught up soon!
I finally got in on this, finished block 1 and 2.
Am having a great time!
How do you get your corners so neat? I would love a tutorial on that someday! This block is lovely, as they always are.
I have three of the six done but I think I will redo them. I'm getting a new 1/4 inch foot.
I'm a little bit behind, and I had been doing so well! I hope to get weeks 5 & 6 done by the weekend.
Just enjoying watching these come together. Lovely!
I finally got caught up this last weekend-- so now I have blocks 1 through 5 done, and all of my setting fabrics cut and ready to go. Hopefully, I'll be able to stay on top of it all! :)
This is so much fun-- thank you so much for all of your work making it happen!
I have made one setting block (all the rest cut out) and blocks 1-5, although something happened with 5 and I have to redo it. It ended up a lot bigger than it was supposed to. Too generous with the seams, I guess. Thanks for all the work!
I'm a little behind! I need to do blocks 5 and 6 this week, plus a few more setting blocks...
Hi Amandajean, After watching so many other quilters joining in on this quilt along, I've decided to jump in as well. I've just printed out all the blocks and hope to make a start on them shortly.
I finally finished blocks 5 and 6 and have posted the pictures!
I am pretty happy with it all.
I am ready to do block 5 and 6. I keep thinking each one is my favorite! Thanks for this wonderful tutorial! I think I am improving. I do love the stars and am working on getting better and better results as we go along.
Hi Amandajean. I'm just starting but hopefully I will be caught up in the next week or so... Hello from Australia! I'll have my progress on my blog. Kind regards Rachel
I have joined in and am also learning to blog...
I will be attempting to post some of my work pretty soon, so check it out. I am really enjoying this information AmandaJean!!! Keep up the good work. I have 1 setting block completed and star blocks 1-4...
I finially got block #6 done. I still haven't decided on color for my setting blocks yet.
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