Here's the breakdown...

12 baby quilts

9 lap quilts

7 twin quilts

2 full
2 queen
2 king

for a total of 34 quilts.
27 of these were made by me
1 was bought (before I knew how to quilt)
6 were received as gifts (thank you Clair and Linda)
1 of these will be given as a gift
2 of these will be given to charity
So the surprise was that there are fewer than I expected.
Nana Nancy asked how many I have made total and how many I have given away. Total made is about 70. And out of those, I must have given away about 43 (soon to be 46).
My winners are:
dee (please send me your info, since there is no link)
country mouse.
Each will receive a set of the 10 fat quarters. (And I still have 1/2 yards of each, so I hope to make a quilt out of those same fabrics, eventually.)
Thanks to each of you that guessed. This was a lot of fun! I so enjoyed reading each and every comment. And thanks for leaving such encouraging words. They mean so much.
Congrats to each of the winners. I'm still drooling over the tall stack of quilts!
Congrats to the winners! They are all lovely quilts. I guess I had a dyslexic moment, I said 43, I meant 34, LOL!!
Oh my goodness, I can't believe I actually won!! I just sent you an e-mail. Thank you so much for such a fun guessing game, and sharing pictures of all those lovely quilts!
Thank you so much for sharing. I have awhile to go to catch up to you since I only have 3. Hrmph!
Congrats to the winners (holy cow by the way to the amount of comments!)
Congrats to the winners!
That is one big stack of quilts!
Wow! Totally crazy! (but lovely)
Ah...HAH....just as I have given away a LOT of quilts. Congrats to the winners!
That WAS fun ~ thank YOU! You have a very lovely and impressive stack of quilts!
Blessings to you and yours ...
OH MAN! Only 108 more and I would have won. Geez.
Wow! That is wonderful. I must have been on your "How Many Have You Made" Vibe.
Congratulations to both the winners and anyone else that will receive one of your beautiful quilts over the years.
All I can say is "wow!"
Beautiful stack of quilts! Lucky winners and lucky recipients of your quilt gifts. I wonder how many you will have this time next year?? hmmmm. . . .
I see that the four quilts that I made for you and your children are there. I should have know that you had such a good number (34) of quilts.
Congrats to the winners!! I want to know how you got that stack to stand up and not fall over. Or how many times did it fall before you got the picture? :-) Miss ya.
Wow... That is a lot! I am happy to know I wasn't too far off! I should have guessed my age huh! :)
Congratualtions to the winners.
I love that photo of the quilt stack- I would love to have it on permanent display - well until the first child jumped on it at any rate.
So close, just off by one! I must say that the pile is very impressive. Your family has no excuse to be cold.
I have never seen that many comments on any post! holy moly! you are a popular lady!
WOW!!! Congrats to the both of the winners! That was fun. I too wonder what the number will be next year.
Wow! What an accomplishment! You are very talented and a great inspiration (as my partly machine quilted second ever quilt sits behind me on his chair).
Congrats Dee and Country Mouse! I hope you'll show us what you make with the fat quarters :) Beautiful quilts you have made...what an inspiration!
What a beautiful display of quilts...congrats to the winner.
Congratulations to the winners! Dang...missed by just one!
Congratulations to the winners! Some lovely stash!
70 quilts made... quite an achievement!
what a beautiful pile of quilts, I hope you have photos of all the ones you've made.
wow, that's a lot of quilts.
Motivate motivate!
Wow. My unwritten guess was 33 so I wasn't far off.
I was so close with 32! They look so pretty are so close to filling your cabinet, eh?
That was way too fun! You are truly amazing, that alot of quilts!
Congrats to the winners.
Hi AmandaJean!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and leaving such encouragement about my first big quilt. It is very much appreciated.
Hey with all you've given away, my guess of 105 quilts wasn't THAT far off! LOL! That was a fun challenge.
I've got a question for ya. I emailed you, but I'm not sure if it went through. On the improv quilts that you've made, the pink one, that you call the girls I think. Did you sew ALL the scraps together at one time, or did you make little scrap blocks, and attach them together? Did you cut the scraps to the same width, or did you sew them all together different sizes and then square them up? I love scrap quilts and I want to make something like that. Just need a little more info, and I'm off to the scrap bag. Thanks! LOVE your blog! Oh-I'm glad you like my little red suitcase. I just can't seem to pass up anything that looks vintage and adorable! Feel free to email me if you can answer those few questions for me. THANK YOU!
Wow. That's a lot of quilting, my friend. You are also one generous quilter.
I was sorry to discover I missed out on your counting contest... what a fun idea! I do enjoy seeing the photos of your beautiful quilts. Maybe you'll have another contest where we can guess how many quilts you'll complete this year? ;o)
I am "sew"impressed with the number of quilts you have made :) You are so prolific! Have a great weekend!
That is a lot of quilts! :) I love the photo of the stack of all of them.
I'm happy for the winners.
All the best crazy mom, thanks to you i'm in on my way to my first quilt.
Thank you for the insparation!!
MarÃlia, Lisboa, Portugal
Congratulations to the winners!
Thans for the fun and what a big stack of nice quilts!
Hoorah! I'm sooo excited to be a winner!!! *doing a little happydance!!* My details are:
Thank you, thank you!!
What a beautiful stack of quilts!
holy cowl. you are my idol!
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