Wednesday, November 07, 2007

patchwork obsession: part 22

stacked coins quilted purse

I have been blogging for one year (and five days) now. Woo-hoo. I don't even want to total all the time I have spent here in the past year, but it's been great!

So that means it's giveaway time again.

Leave me a comment and include your favorite color (just because I think it would be fun to know) and I will enter you into a drawing for this purse. (It's much cuter in person, trust me.) I will draw a name sometime on Sunday morning, November 11th.

If none of you comment, I wouldn't be heartbroken, because I love this purse so much I really want to keep it for myself! ;)

Thanks for reading.


"Mrs. Formon" said...

Cute purse! Favorite

Melissa said...

I love this purse. I keep changing my mind on my favorite color mostly red but sometimes orange, other days green.

Teri H said...

I'm a new reader to your blog and love to see your pictures! Include me in the drawing please!

Teri in CO

Jen said...

I agree! Congrats on the one year - seems like longer. I've been lurking here for a while and am totally inspired by all your creations :)

My favourite colour is, by far, red.


Dj said...

My favorite color is usually a toss-up between green and blue. Although, pink is fast becoming a favorite.

CONNIE W said...

Great purse -- count me in on the drawing too. Favorite color these days is pink. Which is odd, as I used to dislike the color. Hmmmmmmm...
Connie W

Anonymous said...

um, you know you're ALLOWED to keep it, right? :)


Roxanne said...

Very cute purse! My favorite color is probably green, but I do really like them all. It's giveaway mania over here these days! Think you can top your last one?

Anonymous said...

Very cute, favorite pink.

Lorie said...

Super cute, purse! I love pink!

Kieny The Dutchlady said...

Congrats on your one year blog! I love the purse, you can count me in! I love many colours it depends on the situation what colour I prefer. For the last couple of years I seeem to chose green for my clothes.

Tracy said...

I love this purse! And how perfect is it that my favorites are pink and brown? And red. It's a three way tie!

Fabric Fanatic said...

Very cute purse....I'm feelin orange-y! lol

Beth said...

My favorite color is orange unless it's sage blouses or maybe lemon yellow dishes :o).
I love the bag.

dot said...

Very cute purse. My favorite color. Orange!!!!!! I am so happy it is back in style. I waited many many years.

Amanda said...

I refuse to give up. ;)
Favorite color is red. Passion. Love. Intensity.

Anonymous said...

in all its various forms

Kidding :O)

QuiltNut Creations said...

gorgeous purse! love the stacked coins pattern.

right now my favorite color is red, i'm using it everywhere :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a year, hope you are around in the blogosphere for many more.

Unknown said...

i love that quilt pattern i dont believe i have ever seen it before. the tote looks splendid.
oh and my fav color is green

Hedgehog said...

Congrats on reaching one year! Favorite color? All of them! I suppose if I have to choose, green. Love the purse!

Shannon said...

Another give away! you are too kind! gorgeous purse! My favorite color(s) are shades of green.

Jennifer said...

Love the purse! You do great work! Favorite colors - blues, greens, yellows,browns (I'm not hard to please). Thanks for the chance to win! Have a great rest of the week!

Kim said...

Oh! I just love pink with brown...just so happens it goes very well with my pink and brown clothes. Hmmm...I think you made that purse with all of us out here in blog land in mind! How could you miss with those perky pink flowers? I wouldn't blame you one bit for wanting to hang on to that bag...or is it "left holding the bag"? Hee hee...good job, well done! I certainly enjoy all that you share and appreciate your dedication to your fellow quilters. I leave feeling inspired. :)

May Britt said...

Happy one year blogiversary. Your purse is beautiful. Please do not count me in this draw because I'm waiting for my quilt that I won. I just wanted to say congrats and wish you many many years more with blogging.

dutchcomfort said...

Congratulations! 370 days blogging x .. hours = a whole lot of fun and inspiration! My favourite, all shades of orange combined with brown and in secondly all shades of blue/turquois with brown. And I’m a fan of all ‘natural’ colours.
To be honoust I love almost all colours.

syko kajsa said...

Yeeah! I'm in time! For me blogging has gave me so much. I have so many crafty friends that I can't count them all. It means so much to have people out there that knows what I mean. Oh and "my" colour is green. But I love all colours, I play with them all day!

Brigitta said...

great purse and fantastic blog!! I totally love the quilt you're going to make with all those strips of colour. My fave colours are purples and reds in all shades, I'm pretty new at quilting and your blog is pretty inspirational to me.

and yes please, count me in for the draw.

kindest regards from the Netherlands :-)

Karyn said...

Oh my! That purse is amazing! What a super-generous give-away! favourite colour is green (but I LOVE pink and brown together!!)

pinkchook said...

congrats on the blogging milestone, love the purse. Favourite colour without a doubt is pink. Keep up the good work :)


Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

Keep on blogging! Love reading your blog, and love the purse. My favorite color is dark green.

Caron in Michigan

antique quilter said...

congrats on your blog anny!
this bag is adorable! I am in a pink and brown phase for quilts right now this bag is perfect!
favorite color....
has to be yellow...just a happy color!

Carol said...

Very cute! Brown would be my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Very nice, brown and pink together !! Blue is my colour.

Anonymous said...

My favorite color varies right now shades of green and some purples.

I love your blog! You've made me want to start all sorts of quilts.

ajknight6 @

Anonymous said...

congrats amanda jean!

need i say it? green. and lately aqua and pink and smidge of orange.

but really, green.

you knew that.

Anonymous said...

congrats amandajean!
So happy I found your blog.
my favorite colour is red :)

Vicki W said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! Be sure to head over to my blog and leave a comment for my blogiversary blog drawing too! The post for the drawing is from the 6th. My favorite color is RED!

Anonymous said...

happy blogiversay (plus five days..)

cute bag. Brown and pink are good together.

My favourite colour is blue. And green. Can I have two?

Elizabeth said...

Yay on your 1 year! That purse is fantastic. You're so kind to offer it as a give away! Count me in on the play! My favorite color is yellow! Happy and bright, you know!

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

ooh, cute tote! i love the irony in the pattern name, too. my favorite color is green. i love sagey, earthy greens. and browns, and dark oranges, reds, soft pinks (new since having a baby girl), blues... color is great!

Mama Urchin said...

Green for me. although I also really like pink, and red, and just the right blue. Congrats on one year!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Pink is my favorite color, so this purse would be lovely!


Honey Bee Sweeterie said...

i love this purse! the pink and brown go perfect together!

- Alison Z.

Sarah and Jack said...

LOL, like no one was going to comment? By the time I got here there are already 45 people in the line. :-)

"Pink is my signature color."

Robyn said...

congratulations! you do amazing work and I love to read about it on your blog. Um, my favorite color is blue I think. But really, I think I like combinations of color better, like robin's egg blue and brown.

Katie Jean said...

ooh that purse is soo cute! And i just happy to loooove pink!

Congrats on 1 year! I just passed my one year too.. but it's time for a giveaway for me too!

Valerie said...

I don't know if I can pick just one color -- how about color combinations? Right now it is robin egg blue and red, hands down!

Nichole said...

No such luck getting no comments...your purse is too cute! Happy blog anniversary and thank for all your inspirational pictures and posts. Oh, and my favorite color is blue - almost any shade.

Anonymous said...

Green, for sure.

Congrats on your year of great blogging!

Kim said...

Congratulations on one year of blogging! I greatly enjoy reading your blog!
My favorite color definitely changes but consistently is green, with a close second of blue.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Yeah right! Like no one's actually going to comment on this! You're loony if you think we don't love your work just as much, if not MORE, than you do!! hehe. I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

YIKES! My favorite color...GREEN!

lera said...

I don't have a "favorite" color. I go through cycles of colors I like. Right now I like the aqua and red combo, but that's subject to change without a moment's notice.

Linda said...

That is such a cute purse! Congrats on a year of blogging, I'm getting close, too! Hmm, favorite color, not sure I have one, but I have been digging the aqua, peach, pink combinations lately.

Bunny McCoy said...

Can "BRIGHT" be a favorite color? LOL! Actually I'd have to say mine is red. I'm just drawn to the energy I think. :-) I only found you about a month ago, but I wish I'd been here to whole year! Congratulations.

Thimbleanna said...

It's beautiful!!! Um...Blue? Red? Brown? I love them all!

Anonymous said...

You always make the coolest stuff!! Favorite color hmmm...Buttery yellows and robins egg blue! Congrats on your year of posts! Keep it up, Please! Libby

Emily and Frank said...

Way to go on your milestone! My favorite color is blue- especially loving all the blue and brown combinations in products right now.

Rose Marie said...

Congrats for your anniversary. I'll pass on the giveaway (I have way too many bags now and am in the process of making more, so I realllllly don't need another bag, even though it is a great design). :o)

*~hj~* said...

Gorgeous! Favorite colors pink and green but have been broadening my horizons.... brown, gray, red etc.

beki said...

Girl, you're gonna get comments out the wazoo! Congrats!!
Let's see, my favorite color is red and any variation of it.

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

The purse is adorable, I'd love to win it!! My favorite colour is usually some shade of brown, or green, or pink. LOL It changes depending on my mood.

Alisa said...

Favourite colour? I love all colours, but right now my favourite is probably red.

Heather said...

Fave color of the moment is burnt orange. Love the purse and more importantly, the blog. Thanks for sharing.

Amy said...

Cute, cute!! My new favorite color (I change it all the time), is green. I love all colors of green!! I love to see all the cute stuff you make! Thank you!!

Shelli said...

Green and purple are my faves.

Anonymous said...

Love the purse! My favorite color right now is a pale aqua. Love it with brown.

Anonymous said...

Happy 370 Day Amanda! What a DARLING bag!

Emily Cole said...

Yay! Happy blog anniversary! I love so many colors it's hard to chose, but I have always said turquoise blue was my favorite ever since I was a kid. SO I guess I'll say that, althought I really also love many yellows and oranges... I love the purse and would love to be included in the drawing! Thanks, and many more years to come for you! Em

Leigh Ann said...

Cute purse! My fav color is PURPLE!

Three Birds Inspired said...

I don't need another purse (make just a few myself!) but wanted to comment that I really like this one. You are so good with using up scraps!

Becky said...

Cute purse, I'd love to win it. My favorite color is purple.

Nichole said...

I'm always amazed by how generous you are! My favorite color is purple! :)

Laura said...

My favorite color is green--spring leaf greens, deep ocean greens, shade under a maple tree greens, celadon teapot greens, mint gum greens, my cat's eyes greens, lime zest and avocado greens... the list goes on.

Love your blog--lots of cute stuff :)

Sarah said...

Well I guess you're out of luck on your super-cute bag, looks like 76 comments so far...

Congrats! I love, love, love your blog! You are so creative and talented, I can't wait to see what you make next!

Oh yeah, and my fav color is blue.

Anonymous said...

My favorite color is green! Your quilting and crafting is inspiring!

Diane said...

Holy cow, what a lot of comments, all well deserved. My favorite color is green. I'd love to win your purse.

Unknown said...

geez everyone wants this pretty purse, sign me up too!!!

Oh and pink (like you!)love pink

Pieces said...

Pink. Is there any other color?

The bag is lovely!

Team Sax said...

Hi! I'm begging my husband to get me a sewing machine for christmas. Sad, isn't it? At the moment I'm stuck knitting away!

My favorite color is emerald green- the exact shade of my sweet niece's eyes.

Susie said...

Oh well, I guess you'll have to make another purse for yourself cause there sure are lots of people here who want to win it!
Great blog

My favorite color is blue!

Kacy said...

What do you mean "cuter in person?!" It's already really cute!! And it has a lot of my favorite color: PINK! :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog is beautiful. My favorite color is green.

Katie said...

And you were worried about keeping it! :)


Sarah said...

I found your blog pretty recently, and just love it! So sweet of you to give away a purse...

Favorite color - orange, for as long as I can remember!

Kim said...

Great purse, I might have to copy the idea after I win it! : ) My favorite color is red.

Leanne said...

Mmmm now let me think green it is so hard to choose - Congrats on 1 year blogging doesn't time fly - love the bag.

Anonymous said...

This bag is fabulous!! My color changes but I would say that it seems that green would be my favorite color.

laura capello said...

you mean i could have that bag WITHOUT making it myself? awesome!

and happy one-year mark (blogiversary is such an ugly word)! :-)

Kristi said...

that is soo cute! blues and greens are my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! My favorite color of the moment is blue.

Anina said...

Pink, of course. P-I-N-K!

a friend to knit with said...

oh, congrats amandajean!!!
it is beautiful........
oh, colors are always so hard for me to they are always changing. right now? hmm....i guess i would have to say grey.
is that weird? :)

Anonymous said...

congrats on a year... i am totally hanging out to see how your "slice of my stash quilt" ends up... i'm checking back constantly top see what you will do with all of those sewn up strips :D

Anonymous said...

lovely purse! Can't imagine it being any cuter,
but if you say so.....
Favorite color= royal blue
A year in blogland...goes by fast
doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Please include me in your drawing. I love reading your blog and love the bag. It is beautiful. My favorite color is turquoise, like the color of the ocean in Hawaii. Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I love this purse, Amanda! I am really liking the pink and brown combos on everything now. My favorite color has been blue in the past but I am slowly moving toward the pink colors.

Donna Baker said...

this purse is too cute! my favorite color is pink

sulu-design said...

Congratulations on a wonderful year of blogging. All of us readers are the better for it. My favorite color? Blue. But please don't include me in the giveaway, as I am already the proud owner of so many of your wonderful creations. I just wanted to wish you another happy year of blogging!

Sarah said...

That is beautiful! It should go to me because my favorite color is pink! :)

Susan said...

Oh, I love the purse! Thanks for being an inspiration.

Sarah said...

my favorite color is green. But I love the pink and brown combonation of the purse. So pick me ! Pick me!!

My Happy Turtle said...

I'm commentor number one-oh-five. Looks like there is no chance you are keeping it for yourself! :-) It's lovely, by the way. And, my favorite color is now, and always has been, red.

Holly said...

Wow, you have really great giveaways!
Blue. Love it. :) - Holly

dottycookie said...

Wow, a year! Congratulations! And how could that purse be cuter in real life - it's really lovely now! My favourite colours are brown and pink. Often together ;-)

Danijela said...

I love your blog and I love this purse. Let it be mine.....
My favourite color at the moment is red to orange.

Oiyi said...

Too cute! My fave color is purple.

maggiegracecreates said...

I love all the variations of stacked coin patchwork. HAve a great day.

Clair said...

Cool purse. My favorite color is red, but you already knew that. Grandma Agnes liked that color too.

Richelle said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary! Favorite color is red.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sister! Ok, this is just adorable! and my favorite color is still PINK! Are you sure you don't want to keep this? It would be such a great match to carry the mug I sent you..kee-kee! Love ya buddy...

Gamester said...

My favorite color is blue....Tracy

Katherine said...

This is so pretty, Amanda Jean! I love the scrappy goodness and your whimsical quilting on this beauty.

My favourite colour for many years has been blue - but I'm finding myself loving red more and more for some reason.

Carrie said...

Great tote!
My favorite color?? PINK!

Boysnberries' Brambles said...

Your blog is so great and inspiring! Thanks, Amanda! My favorite color is red. ~Bethany

Berber said...

No comments?? Too bad for you ;))

I love your bag and my favorite colour today is... green!

Kristi said...

I really like your work!

My favorite color is red!

Anonymous said...

I love the purse - it would be perfect for my niece! You also have a great blog - congrats.

Betsy said...

I love your chinese coins bag so much I want to make one. Can I inconvinience you to send me the measurements of the strips I need to cut?

Chara Michele said...

I am too late for the giveaway, but that is a nice purse! :)

My favorite color at the moment is dark grey... normally it is blue though:)

Badecca said...

I love the quilting on this! Current favorite color - and I can't believe I'm saying this - is purple. Because purple is the new black.