I have been tagged by Sarah P. and Syko.
1. I worry too much. If I could change one thing about myself it would be this.
2. I don't care for change, but my husband thrives on it.
3. My husband and I have owned both of our vehicles longer than we have owned any of our homes.
4. I tend to listen to my friends' advice over my husband's advice. It drives him crazy, and I don't blame him one bit. I wish I could change this, too.
5. I don't mind doing laundry but I hate to vacuum.
6. I have been told more than once that I should lower my house cleaning standards. (I think that is funny. I guess having a clean laundry room floor-even though it is bare concrete-is either obsessive or impressive.)
7. In kindergarten, I decided I wanted to be just like the school secratary when I grew up. In tenth grade I found out I couldn't type worth a hill of beans. Later, I worked for a printing company, sitting at a desk and realized that I nearly had my kindergarten dream job. The day I realized this, I wanted to run out of the building, screaming. A few years after that, I actually had a job typing at the same printing company. Looking back on all of this, I think it is hilarious.
I'm right with you on #1.
It's something I am trying to work on as well.
you made me smile on #7 :)
Makes me laugh...because I can relate to almost all of these. By the way...the quilt looks GREAT!! You're getting lots of therapy, aren't you?? :-)
I want to see more of that quilt! Beautiful!
Interesting stuff! #6 tells me its probably good you live so far away!! I don't remember the last time I saw my laundry room floor!! Your quilt is looking beautiful!!
Hate to vacuum? I'd much rather vacuum than clean the bathrooms, that's for sure!
Your quilt is lovely. Is it done?
I don't mind laundry either. I love to vacuum. I guess I love my vacuum cleaner and it has made my life easier. Now dusting and bathrooms??? I *hate* doing that!
by the way.....not tagging anyone else???
Hell, I DREAM of having someone tell me to lower my cleaning standards!!
I loved reading the first few, especially knowing that you're in the midst of a move. Makes me understand your situation that much more!
I had nearly the same experience as your #7. I used to think it would be so cool to be a secretary--all the filing and phone calls and officialness. Then I was one. Sorry, not a secretary, an Administrative Assistant. Not quite as glamorous as I thought it would be.
#1 and #2 could be on my list--even the part about the hubby! I am slow in making decisions, he it quick, quick, quick!
Those of us who are still at said "printing company," can relate very well to #7 and perform the running and screaming business daily (even if only in our heads).
We miss you here, also on a daily occurance.
Number 7 made me laugh! I am very impressed by your laundry-room floor! I hope mine will look like yours one day (you will have to come over and help me...)!
I have dreams of having to type a final--I've been outof college for more years then I'll admit and I CAN'T TYPE! (I never wanted a job where I have to wear nylons!)
Oh, I really love the quilt! And, well, I actually prefer vacuuming to laundry. Now, if I had a clothesline, I might like it more.
funny things. :)
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