I have news.
we are moving to wisconsin. my husband took a job there, so we have to say goodbye to michigan and all our dear friends here. we have only lived here 2.5 years, but it has been so good. I love it here.
so I am sad. I was visiting with my dear amy jo today, my first michigan friend. we have so many good memories for such a short time. the reality of moving is hitting me hard.
we will be moving closer to our family and dear friends in minnesota. that is good. but for today, I am sad.
and I just found a wonderful quilting group last Friday. doesn't that figure?
I thought balancing blogging and home life was hard before....now with having to sell a home in a crummy market and three kids, I am wondering how it is all going to work. but I am too hooked to give it all up completely. so if I am scarce, you know why. I'll be checking in whenever I can.
I have started the bib tutorial and need some help from my husband before I post it all. Hope to have it done sometime this weekend.
edit: this is why the patchwork obsession posts have temporarily stopped.
Oh, that is hard amandajean. I am sending you a hug.
Good friends are hard to find. I have never moved, but most of my close friends have moved away from me, including my dear sister.
Psalm 121.
We seem to move about every two years!! There is a lot to be said in it's favour - no having to stay on committees you hate for decades, all the annoying junk mailers lose you, the kids take ages to track you down..
You know that I'm wishing you the best luck possible with the move. I hope that you find friends and make memories in Wisconsin the way that you did in Michigan. And I bet they've got lovely quilting groups there, too!
I live near the Madison area so if you move around here I might be able to give you a list of good quilt shops!
I found you due to my recent obsessive googling of quilting blogs (as a result of a new obsessive quilting thing) and I am moving too, so in a moment of moving anxiety sisterhood, I just wanted to delurk and say -- I hear you. I don't want to move either and I am moving.
It will work. For both of us. Gah.
Oh, I know all about moving. But I firmly believe it's all in the attitude. This is an opportunity to make a whole bunch of new friends. and with three kids it won't be hard to meet people. Kids are the greatest social tools.
Good luck with selling the house - but just think how much fun a new one is going to be!
Moving is so hard... it really take a toll on you emotionally. I'll send you nothing but good happy wishes for the next few months! Congrats on your husband's new job... a new chapter for you all :)
I know that this has been a long tough decision for you and Kevin. I'm sorry that you are having a sad day today. Know that J and I are thinking about you and praying that all goes well for you. If I know you, you'll do well making friends no matter where you are. J and I will only be an hour and a half away, here if you need someone. (Maybe we should meet at Khan's for dinner every now and then :)) I've said it before, but it bears repeating. I know that God has nothing but good in store for you wherever you go. Keep trusting Him, He knows what He is doing. Hugs to you all.
good luck with all that this decision entails!
moving sucks!
my friend amanda....i am so torn.. i am so happy for you - i know that this is the right decision for you and your family...but for purely selfish reasons....i wish it wasn't happening. and it's ok to have sad moments, but we have to remember that we are blessed to have met in our little ole' library that day - and for the many hours after at McD's! i always said you were amazing for being able to leave your family and move here, and continue to think your amazing....not only for moving back, but for many, many other reasons as well. we still have lots of fun memories to create and i will definately being coming to see you in "the cheese state" - though if you have that on your license plate - i may have to rethink it:) be strong, be happy and just think, you'll get mail from me now!!!
I'm sure you'll find a "home" in WI too. Luckily crafting is wherever your sewing machine and fabric are.
I've tagged you, but it sounds like you'll be too busy to play.
Good luck! I'll be thinking of you.
I love the picture of all the quilts.
I am sad and happy for you...moving is hard, but you will be closer to your family and some of your friends like Erin, Lucy, Nancy, and Linda.
I'm sorry you're sad! I'm sending you a big warm hug over the ocean!
Wow, for some reason I thought that wasn't a possibility anymore. I hope a virtual hug helps.
Thinking about you and hoping that all goes well with selling the house, buying a house and those little decisions in between. Moving is hard stuff, but you will find your place wherever you go! And because I am curious and most of my family is in WI, I am wondering where you will be....Best of luck!
All the best! I know everything will work out. And just think, that the hiccups you may experience will be good fodder for stories later on. Let us know when you land back on your feet. I look forward to seeing your renewed patchwork obsessions in Wisconsin!
I wish you peace and lots of good luck through this transition.
Moving can be fun... just keep positive thoughts!! It must be kinda of fun though to think about decorating a new home once you get to WI!! Just think, some people are stuck in the same house all their lives!! You get to change scenery =)
As another fellow Michigan resident moving away, I can totally relate. Leaving friends behind is hard, and packing is such a pain. But Wisconsin is great, and I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time.
I don't need to tell you moving is SO stressful! I wish you sanity and smooth sailing through this transition!
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