Tuesday, February 20, 2018

lost in the crowd--the beginning

Last November I had the opportunity to speak to the St. Cloud Heritage Quilters. A woman named Jean Gilbertson brought this amazing quilt for show and tell that literally made my jaw drop...in the best way possible, of course!
If I recall correctly, this is at least a queen size quilt. It was truly stunning.
Each of the 4 patches finish around 2", so each individual square finishes at about an inch, I believe.
I was foolish and asked the only question that came to mind, which was: "how long did it take you to make that?" (I should know better. Hahahaha!) No surprise that her response was: "a long time". After seeing this EPIC quilt, I knew I had to make something inspired by it....someday. After a mandatory three month waiting period, I STILL want to make it, so....
...I pulled out some scraps and started sewing! I had a small bin of 1 1/2" squares that I had previously cut, so I was able to sit down and sew.....no prep needed. How fantastic!!! Of course I've already blown through my supply of pre-cut squares, but that means I'm making good progress! I made it a point to not overthink the fabric selection. I know that some day in the future I will look at some of these blocks and think, "what was I thinking", and other days I will think, "hey, those aren't bad at all". I waver back and forth, depending on the day, or my mood, I suppose. (Does that happen to anyone else???)
The pieces are small, but not unmanageable. That's a good combo! (Quarter in the photo for scale.)

There are a lot of things to love about this project:

-There is only one seam in the center to match up.
-Playing with fabric combinations within each block is a delight.
-They are small, so you can get away with finger pressing the seams during the block construction. (I  do press them with an iron once a bunch of blocks are finished.)
-They are addictive. As I was sewing, I found that I kept telling myself, 'just one more'.
-They are QUICK to make.
-It's easy to check the block for accuracy with a 2 1/2" square.
Did I mention that it's FUN sewing up scraps??? I'm having a blast!
A friend asked me, "how many blocks do you need to make?" I think this is one case where it's better to NOT do the math quite yet. Why take all the fun out of it so soon? Hahaha!
I decided to name my quilt "Lost in the Crowd", for a few reasons. One, because it would be really easy to camouflage ugly scraps and get away with it. Two, if you wanted to point out a favorite fabric to someone, good luck finding it!
Rarely do I have a name for a quilt this early in the game, so that's pretty exciting! I think I'm going to go sew just a few more blocks now. :)


farmhousequilter8 said...

I love this idea and I love scraps....might be a good leader ender project too. Paula in KY

Bernie Kringel said...

Amanda, this is crazy good! You will certainly attempt some tiny piecing-- the finished quilt that inspired you is wonderful. You're off to a great start. :-)

Carol R. said...

This looks like fun... but then, so does some of those scary rides at the fair/amusement park until you get on one. lol I think I'll just piece this quilt vicariously through reading your blog. :)

katybee said...

I can definitely see the appeal but wow that's a lot of little blocks. I can't wait to see yours. her colors are more muted than your usual palette and one thing I noticed looking at the whole quilt is that there more of an overall effect than a sense of different colors or patterns. I'm curious to see if it will be the same with bolder colors. Good Luck! It will be amazing.

Di~ said...

Love this! your colors are so yummy and so you!

grammajudyb said...

Love your name choice. Definitely a great way to hide ugly fabric. It is amazing how ugly fabric is not so bad when you cut it tiny! I've been cutting 2" squares and making 9-patches. I'm not counting the pieces until it is finished!!
You are my hero!

AnnieO said...

I’ve sewn a box full of this size 4 Patch for a quilt, they are getting triangles around for a square in square look. They are great leader-Enders and fun to make, as you say! Enjoy!

Miss Alissa said...

Wow! Just wow!

Theresa Morgan said...

This is a GREAT way to use up those scraps... Plus this is just beautiful!!!! Now my scraps have a pattern. I just can't say enough about this quilt....

Tracybug Creative said...

Amanda Jean! It’s so inspiring... per usual!

leanne said...

Bet you finish way quicker as they’re so fun !! Are you going to go with a light background ? I’m thinking it would be a fun way to use up solid scraps too !!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Amazing. You have a lot more patience than I do! When you named it "Lost in the Crowd" I somehow changed it in my mind to "Lost in the Cloud" - since you were in St. Cloud!

alison@the chainpiecer said...

Gorgeous blocks, glorious quilt - just my sort of sewing. I have lots of 1" square samples from the olden days when my LQS sent them out to customers for mail ordering purposes - I think I have just found the project, though they may be just too fiddly. Love your blog and your constant enthusiasm and inspiration. Thank you.

Kate Chiconi said...

Such a fun project. Do you have a plan yet for how you're going to assemble it - as you go along, make all the squares first, work from one corner outwards, etc? I'm interested because with something as intensive as this, my usual method is to work from the centre out, and keep going till I either lose the will to live or decide it's large enough!

Little Quiltsong said...

What a stunning quilt - love it! Hmmmm - this has given me an idea too. Love what you are creating. Thank you for sharing!

https://wednesdayscreationsstudio.wordpress.com/ said...

I can feel your excitement with this project and it's contagious!

Linda M said...

Sounds like a good ‘starts and enders’ project. I have to finish the one I’m on right now first though... this definitely inspires me! I wasn’t to sew!! I should probably get the kids off to school first. Lol

vincenzo126 said...

Wow! That is a gorgeous quilt! I can't wait to see yours as well! I may have to start my own version! Thank you.

Kris Quilts said...

How fun! I have a gallon zipper bag full of 1 1/2" strips... I wonder how far i could get with that? NO, I can't!

Sandal said...

Stunning wuilt! I cam nderstunderstand why you want to make it! These would be great as "leaders and enders" which just might make me want to tackle it, too!

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

Oh the original quilt is stunning. I can see how you needed to start one. I love seeing so many great fabrics all together.

Chris said...

I love it! Many years ago, I made a larger-than-king-size quilt (about 120 inches, I think?) from blocks that small, arranging them in 9x9 squares with 3-inch sashing. It was AMAZING. I gave it as a wedding gift and the couple divorced after about 2 years. I still wonder where that quilt ended up.

Donna said...

I love that quilt!!! I am going to make it too! This will use up a ton of scraps!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

Marie Atkinson said...

Now that’s a scrap buster! And a really fun perfect “leader and ender” project. And great for those days when you really want to sew but you only have a few minutes and it’s not possible to concentrate on a more complicated project. Happy sewing!

Sarah Craig said...

How fun! I've been cutting 1.5" squares as part of my scrap processing, without any firm idea of what to do with them - but now I have a plan!!! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!

Cindy said...

This is fantastic! Makes me wish I had a pile of tiny squares! And I don't do tiny...but I may have to make an exception! Yours look pretty against that aqua table.....That big quilt is jaw-dropping! Thanks for sharing with us!

...by CJ said...

Oh what fun!
I see you press to the dark, but do you press the center seam open or just pick a side?
Also, what color will you use for the plain block.
This will be a fun quilt to watch come together.
Happy sewing!!!

pennylanequilts said...

You are an inspiration, and I have a bunch of 1.5 inch squares already cut...😳

lalaluu said...

I currently have a project going that uses 1.5" squares in a 9-patch, but I like this quilt too, so I may try to do it using 2.5" squares. I usually save my 2.5" squares for leader-ender projects, and this would make a good one! Thanks for passing on your inspiration and inspiring me!

mangozz said...

OMG! I really love that quilt and the border is perfect too! I saw a similar one on Pinterest made with 9-patches which really made an impression on me. Now, after seeing this one, I know I need to start one soon. Thanks for the inspiration.

Cheryl C. said...

Pulled out my scrap bin and started cutting....the pile of squares and dwindling scap pile is a motivator...can't wait to start sewing.

1 quilter said...

Lovely! A great idea for those pesky small scraps you just can't throw away. And I too know the feeling of sewing squares together and rolling my eyes when I see them later! Onward!!
The quilt reminds me of the "Omigosh" by Susan H. Garman, distributed by Quakertown Quilts Inc, which I bought in 2006 and don't have the strength to even start it!

Melissa Corry said...

This is going to be Amazing!!!! So excited to watch the progress of this one coming together ;)

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

The inspiration quilt is just amazing and yours will be too. I agree that it's definitely better not to know how many tiny blocks you need though. Just keep sewing. Just keep sewing. : )

Got fabric? said...

Just love those modern fabric pairings! Part of me ( the insane part ) really really wants to do this too!!! But, gosh.... wow.

Bonnie said...

Amanda I had cut 11/2 inch strips for something else but guess what? I am going to start this quilt today. Thank you for posting the original quilt

ChezVies said...

OMG That's beautiful quilt!!!

Unknown said...

On my way to my sewing room to look at my bin of tiny scraps I couldn't throw away!

claudia said...

I believe you just gave new meaning to your blog's name! Crazy Mom Quilts!!!
That quilt is amazing! I can see why you would want to make one for yourself. In fact, I think you just gave me the itch, but we will see...I have a jillion other things to finish first.
I am looking forward to watching your progress on this one. I think it will be dynamic!

Jan said...

Wow! Love your idea of waiting three months, but I’m not sure I could wait on this one!

Kat Scribner said...

I so agree, don't do the math yet. lol It is a gorgeous project.

Anne D said...

Another great idea. This is the perfect leader and ender project as you can add background when finished all the blocks. I am starting one!

happyallthetime said...

Looking at the last picture, those four patches look so nice against the aqua.
I was ok avoiding the urge to make one until that last picture.
Now I have to make one, set with solid aqua squares!
Thanks Amanda!

SeeLifeMarvels said...

You make me laugh (always a good thing)! I’m all the years of reading your blog and seeing your quilts, I can honestly say I’ve never seen you use an ugly scrap. Maybe you have and I missed it, but I don’t think so.

PS. I love how you know your level of crazy. 😳😳

Teri said...

Time to come visit and I will share my squares. You know I have plenty for the both of us. It will be amazing.

Crystal_235 said...

Love this!!

Betty Lou said...

All I could think of when I saw this amazing quilt---------Wheres Waldo?

Teresa said...

Love this quilt!. I have a box of 2" squares I use as leaders and enders to get four patches. In a previous quilt I surrounded the four patches with a 1" neutral border and alternated these 5" blocks with 5" squares from a variety os medium-big size floral patterned fábrics. Now it's a WIP on the hand quilting stage.
After seeing your quilt inspiration I decided I will make a quilt like this. I think they will be a gift to two of my nieces.

Thank you for your blog!!

Unknown said...

I hope Jean follows your blog. Her quilts are amazing.

Angie in SoCal said...

Wow - what an outstanding use of those teeny scraps.

JoAnne in southern California said...

What an inspiration! I have hundreds of 2” squares, this would be a great way to use them. I think this is a lot prettier than a postage stamp quilt. A great name for it too!

Pam said...

Love this quilt. Thank you for sharing. I'm going to make it too!

Noblequilts@gmail.com said...

Oh boy, now I need to make one too. As I've been reading through the comments I have noticed how many other people want to make one too. Have you thought about making it a quilt along with some sort of link up??? Think about all the scraps that would get used up all over the world.

eileen said...

A beautiful QUILT, and a great leader ender project ! Count me in !

Teresa said...

Great idea!!

Linda Smith said...

I think the aqua table adds a lot! Use that color for the alternate blocks!

peek a boo said...

I think about 625 squares....sorry. Besides I don't want to work

Duchess B said...

1 1/2" is the absolute smallest I will save, intending to make a postage stamp quilt some day and it will have a little bit of everything that has passed across my cutting table.

cityquilter grace said...

love it...i often get bogged down sewing up scraps leaving my regular stash behind a bit...

Leanne Parsons said...

I love that quilt! I have a whole bunch of that size 4 patch made already and even more scraps cut into 1 1/2" squares to make more. I made them as leaders and enders for a couple of years :) Your blocks are looking fantastic and I love the name!

Unknown said...

Jean G is a very talented quilter...and a great friend. I was lucky to see it come to its conclusion over years! of work. and yes...she reads here with me. Amanda Jean...we love your work and your presentation was excellent in Nov!

beth s said...

You have definitely got me THINKING about little 4 patches!! ;)

I quilt 4 fun said...

Holy moly, I LOVE this idea. I keep thinking that the ideas I see for scrap quilts aren't really scraps - they all are picked to match. I could truly use my tiny scrap pieces for this!

mamina said...

magnifique!!! je vais sur ton idée le commencer merci pour les explications.

Unknown said...

Another great idea and yes, you are right about being able to use up some "ugly" scraps. There are so many color options with this quilt too! Light scraps with a really interesting colorful solid background....Thanks for sharing this Amanda!

Linda said...

Oh wow, I had a feeling I would see something like this after seeing your reaction to the quilt that evening. LOL It will be lovely!

Gale said...

I love this! And I want to do make this! Thanks for sharing.

Ratna said...

It's beautiful. I am going to make one as soon as I finish my king size quilt for our bed. Thanks for the inspiration. I am going to reduce my scraps by cutting them to 1 1/2" squares.

drquilter said...

I love how the white in between the 4 patches gives it a more up to date look and lightens the quilt. What a great way to use up some of my 1 1/2" squares!
I look forward to seeing the finished product!