Friday, January 05, 2018

Abby's sunset-a completed quilt top

Welcome to finish it up Friday!

I'm so excited that I have a finished quilt top to share today. This one has been in progress for quite some time-at least it feels like it to me! (I looked back, and I started it in September. I guess it wasn't that long ago after all....)
This is a variation of my hot and cold quilt, which is from my book No Scrap Left Behind. I used the same colors and the same general idea of separating the warm and the cool colors....but the layout is completely different.
I know that I've mentioned it before, but I do pin at each and every intersection. Sewing the rows together takes longer because of it, but I get the best results this way, so I continue to pin. Besides, if I didn't use pins, all of my beloved pincushions would be quite useless. Hahaha!  
Much like the first version of the quilt, I laid out all 1,147 squares before sewing them together. For the first quilt I used my design wall. For this version I used a piece of batting to lay out all of the blocks, then I placed a vintage sheet on top of the patchwork and rolled it up when I wasn't working on it. This method worked very well, especially since it was in time out for a few months!
I enlisted my neighbor girl to help me photograph the quilt. We both bundled up and went to the local park for the photo shoot. It was quite chilly, but we waited until the temperature rose to zero degrees. I was the quilt holder and she took the photos. (I realized that I really need to strengthen my arm muscles!) She did a great job helping out. Thanks so much, Lizzie! 
I absolutely love the bright and vibrant colors in this quilt! I also love how it looks pixelated at a distance.
I have such a hard time naming quilts, but this quilt reminded me of the sun setting over the lake. A year or so ago, almost every evening, as the sun was going down, my daughter Abby would say, "Mom, look at the beautiful sunset." I love how she would take time to enjoy the beauty of God's creation rather than rushing through the day, as I am accustomed to doing. It's so inspiring. Now, it's become somewhat of a tradition for her and I to pause and enjoy the beautiful sunset together. I love that so much!
Each square was (individually!) cut at 2 1/2" and finishes at 2" square. The quilt top measures about 62" x 74" and it's 100% scraps! I kinda love it!!! :)

Now it's your turn! Please link up your finishes for the week. Thank you, as always, for joining me for finish it up Friday! Have a great weekend!


Patty said...

Love the quilt top. And I laughed (and groaned) when you had to wait for the temperature to get about zero. Brrr.

Bernie Kringel said...

You are so brave to take quilt pics at zero degrees. My kids live in Vermont and they are also freezing these days. Yikes!
Clearly pinning at each intersection is worth the time because your seams match up perfectly. Great quilt Amanda!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Amanda,
All scraps means a 'free' quilt to me, since they are leftovers from another project. A beautiful finish but especially touching is sharing the sunsets with Abby. How sweet and wonderful is that?! {{Hugs}} That really brings a smile to my face. ~smile~ Roseanne

The Cozy Quilter said...

Great quilt top! Your idea for rolling the blocks up when not working on the quilt is one I might try.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

So sweet - the way the name for your quilt came about!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Beautiful color progression and I love that your daughter cultivated the gratitude of looking at the sunset. Your neighbor was a brilliant photographer, too!

Alison V. said...

This is so neat! It makes me think of a wave on a beach!

Angie in SoCal said...

Love it. You are so creative!

Leanne Parsons said...

What a beautiful quilt! And the story behind the name is even more beautiful :)

Christina said...

It is a beautiful, bold and happy quilt!

em's scrapbag said...

This is absolutely wonderful!

Kris said...

oh man oh man oh man I love that quilt and all the solids you used to create that design. Love

Bluebell Ridge Handworks said...

Oh how your sunset tradition with your daughter warms my heart ❤️ Beautiful quilt to go with this beautiful time spent with your daughter.

Rebecca Grace said...

This is so gorgeous, Amanda! And the photos are fantastic. I wish I had a snowy backdrop for quilt photos, but here in Charlotte we’ve just had horrid freezing temperatures with no pretty snow to make it worthwhile! I pin all of my seam intersections, too. It is worth the extra time when you open the finished seam and everything matches up precisely. Congrats on your lovely finish and thanks for hosting the linky!

piecefulwendy said...

This is such a fun, pretty quilt! I can't imagine doing the layout with all those 1,000-plus squares! Yikes! The outcome, however, is fabulous! I haven't ventured out in this lovely bitter Minnesota weather for a photo shoot yet, so I commend you and your friend! Stay warm and cozy today!

Sherry VF said...

Wow! Stunning quilt.

Tracie said...

Since sunsets on water are my favorite thing to photograph, I adore your quilt and story!

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

It's beautiful! I love the quilt and the story. Sunsets are one of my most favorite things in life.

Angela Atkins said...

It reminds me of a sunset over a mountain. Very pretty! You are always so brave to tackle those smaller scraps and make them into a beauty.

Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

Gorgeous colors and quilt!

the momma said...

I love this one! And I really like the bright quilt against the colorless winter backdrop. Zero? brrrr I thought 15 degrees when I photographed mine was cold ~ we were downright toasty compared to you ;-)

I'm curious why each square was cut on it's own?? (but then maybe that is in your book, which I have not yet read....)

My kids and I all enjoy sunsets and it's not uncommon for my oldest (married and living in another town) to text me to 'check the sky!'
We are building a house and my husband said "no windows on the West side." But I said, "how are we supposed to know when we need to go out and look at the sky?" I got one narrow window upstairs, and one down :-)

Wishing you many blessings this year, Amanda ~ Tracy

Judy said...

Love it!

Your lay-out has set my mind to working. Wonder what it would look like it if the colors swirled a little? CJ said...

Love, love, love this quilt. All the work paid off big time! Congrats on the finish! How will you quilt it?

Carie @ Space for the Butterflies said...

wow that is a gorgeous quilt - like sunset over a mountain! It looks amazing in the snow and I'm wildly impressed at all the pinning :)

Shelina said...

That is really beautiful. I would need a fusible to keep my squares in place - I'm horrible at keeping blocks in proper order. You will need even stronger arm muscles when the top becomes a quilt!

Heidi Grohs said...


Dar said...

That is just beautiful. I love how your staged the photoshoot too. It is so dramatic against that cold, frigid background. I have drawers full of 2.5" squares, but not sure that many in two color families. Stunning.

Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore said...

Thank you for sharing your construction method. I’m sure many people would just Sew the rows together with minimal pinning, but your extra work pays off with beautifully matching seams.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

It is beautiful! Love how those colours shine in the winter snow, great photos! It really does look like a pixelated sunset.

Sarah@123quilt said...

Great quilt! I love your trick of using batting and a sheet to lay out the quilt then roll it up. I'm going to have to try that!

Melissa Corry said...

Love, Love, Love this quilt!!! It reminded me of our beautiful sunrises over our snow capped Cedar mountain. I love to sit in my front room and watch it rise each morning as I send the kids off to school :) Thanks for sharing such a gorgeous quilt and wow, that is a whole lot of patchwork!! Just gorgeous!!

LoveJesus.Farm.Quilt said...

Neat! Love the story the most. Can relate to the beauty and example of children noticing, enjoying God's creation - love that God uses them to remind us big people sometimes. <3

Snowcatcher said...

Absolutely incredible! So much work went into that, and it looks terrific!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

I just love the placement of the warm and cool colors on this one. The story of the name is such a nice reminder to savor each day and the beauty of our world. Happy New Year.

Di~ said...

Love it Love it Love it!

Karla's Quilts said...

Love the photos! Perfect background to make your quilt top POP. Your words made me giggle several times--useless pin cushions, stronger arms, etc. Love reading your words. Beautiful quilt.

Shannon said...

What a gorgeous quilt! I love the movement it has! And I just adore that you and your daughter take a minute every day to appreciate the sun setting. The wonders of nature never cease to amaze and impress and it's good to take the time to pause and admire the beauty.

Teresa Palmer said...

Amazing! Your work is truly inspirational. Did you use a fabric cutter or did you cut all of the squares by hand?

Quilter Kathy said...

Beautiful quilt... perfectly named!

Nemo said...


tink's mom said...

Much like a real sunset, simply stunning.

Abby said...

That’s beautiful. I feel like it’s a quilt just for me (I’m an Abby too). I also enjoy just looking at the sunset with my daughter. She sees so much that I’m to busy to. I hope you stay safe in the cold while I swelter in 43 (110F) degree heat.

Miaismine said...

I cannot stop admiring your quilt. Rarely does a quilt so captivate me, but this one has. It is reminiscent of our precious Organ Mountains with a bright sunrise behind it! Stunning....

Julie Bagamary said...


Miss Daisy said...

Absolutely love All of your creations - just just can't think of a word to do all the things you create justice. I think it's so sweet that you and your daughter enjoy God's creation together. I know it's late but I'm going to try sunset quilt and here is why - I have gained weight so going through my clothes, can't afford fabric but this way I have plenty. It will probably be crazy looking because all of my clothes are hand me down. Should be interesting. Have a blessed and God filled new year. Wish I lived where it's not just cold but freezing.

pennylanequilts said...

I do so love everything about this quilt. The thought of arranging all those squares is mind boggling! You and her photo helper captured some terrific images!

Miss Daisy said...

What was your seam allowance?

Southern Gal said...

This is absolutely stunning. I love the effect!

Lynn said...

Wow, 1147 squares!! Even doing pairs or four patches has me in awe, but single squares, wow. The colours are so rich, amazing.

Lorna McMahon said...

Perfect name for this beautiful scrap quilt top. You and your neighbor were brave to venture to the park for an outdoor photo shoot. But it was so worth it! The pics are gorgeous!

Melanie said...

Love the sunset story (aka the naming of this quilt). And I am impressed by all those tiny squares. It will be an amazing quilt!

LynneP said...

What a simple yet spectacular quilt. Well done!!!