Well, hello! Today I will share a simple (and fun) little tutorial on how to make a patchwork dish towel. The strip of patchwork is a perfect opportunity to customize for any holiday....or make one out of your favorite color scheme, as I did here. This is a great way to use up those mini charm packs that you may collect, but aren't quite certain what to do with. Scraps from the scrap bins are a great option, too. Always!
What you will need:
one flour sack dish towel (mine is about 30" square)
15 2.5" squares (number of squares may vary depending on the width of your dishtowel)
white thread
working sewing machine
All seam allowances are 1/4" unless otherwise noted.
Sew the 2.5" squares end to end to make a patchwork strip. Press seams to the side. Make sure that the strip is at least 1/2" longer than the width of your towel.
Align the patchwork with the edge of the towel. Pin in place.
Find the starting point for your seam. Start 1/4" seam from the top of the towel and 1/4" in from the right hand side. You may want to mark this point with a pencil or water soluble pen. (See photo for starting point.) Sew along the right side of the patchwork.
Stop sewing 1/4" from the bottom edge of the towel.
Press the patchwork strip away from the edge of the towel.
Trim ends of patchwork so they extend about 1/4" on each end. (My dish towel is a little wonky, so I'm just following the edges as they are.)
Fold the patchwork down and finger press the raw edges up about 1/4". Press seam with a hot iron.
Fold the patchwork strip back up. Tuck in all raw edges and pin in place.
Use a scant seam allowance to top stitch around the entire patchwork strip. I didn't sew on each seam within the patchwork strip, but you could if you wanted to! Back stitch a few stitches at the beginning/end of your seam.
The back looks nice and tidy because I used white thread....
and the front is pretty cute, too!
Here's a close up of the top stitching.
I would recommend making a bunch....some to keep and some for gifts! I can't guarantee that this will make doing dishes more fun, but it should make your kitchen a bit more cheery. :) I hope you have fun with this tutorial!
Oh, and this is scrap project #113. Yay!!
Happy Monday to you!