Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Liberty giveaway

I've been on-line friends with Anna for years and years. We met in real life way back in 2010 (!!!) at Quilt Market in Minneapolis. She is a gem and she takes gorgeous photos. Today, I'm happy to team up with her to bring you a really fun giveaway! A giveaway that will cheer up any cold, dark, dreary January day. At least that's the hope! :)
Anna recently started carrying Liberty of London fabrics in her shop. If you are unfamiliar with Liberty tana lawn, it is fabric of the highest quality. If I had only one word to describe it, it would be "fine". It's really, really lovely! I've worked with Liberty fabrics in the past, and even though they are fine, they are easy to work with. I made a cute little mini HST quilt that currently hangs in my hallway. I also made this little mini (tutorial included) that now lives at Mary's house. It's the kind of fabric that you use every last bit. Oh wait, I do that with most fabrics. Ha!
Anna's goal is to make Liberty more affordable for everyone. Thank you, Anna! If you are in the market for Liberty fabric, be sure to check out her shop. You can buy it by the yard (starting with a 1/4 yard) or in bundles.
Now...for the giveaway! If you would like a chance to win a 10 piece bundle (each piece is 9" x 13") of Liberty of London tana lawn fabrics, please leave a comment on this post. In your comment, I'd love to hear what you are working on today. I will pick a giveaway winner in a few days!

As for me, I'm working on writing a pattern for my WIP bags...and the zipper measurements are kind of kicking my tail at the moment. :P Here's hoping for a break through soon!

Happy Wednesday!


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Unknown said...

I'm still trying to finish up the quilt I made my boyfriend for Christmas. Hopefully it will be finished soon!

Terry said...

I have been wanting to get my hands on some Liberty Fabric. Winning this bundle would b a fabulous way to do that. I am finishing up the quilting on a long overdue quilt then on to binding.

Unknown said...

I've been cutting my pile of red scraps into more useable pieces instead of a jumbled pile! Would love to win this fabric!

Greg, Kari, Abby, Taylor and Ben said...

Zipper pouches and a geometric quilt are my latest projects. The material is so pretty!

Teacosy said...

I am workings on Sylvias Bridal Sampler.
Gruß Sylvia

Swedish Scrapper said...

Today I'm working on some Rocky Mountain Puzzle blocks in a color scheme that is slightly out of my reach, but they are going well. I love Liberty! It's true, we use up every scrap of it!

ScottishLepercaun13 said...

I'm working on finishing quilts made from my Dad's shirts and denim, also trying to organize my sewing area so i want to sew more this year. Thanks for the giveaway,

Cheryl said...

What an awesome giveaway! I am not working on any fun quilting today, I have to clean up my sewing room :(

erin mcsweeney said...

I am working on a queen size quilt for my cousin's son

ruthie said...

I am hand piecing a scrappy hexagon quilt. The Liberty prints are beautiful!

Sandy B. said...

Those liberty prints are just beautiful!! I'm working on a scrap quilt with brights and grays. Hopefully it will be queen size for my bed! thanks

lizathandsewnexperiment said...

I'm working on a block-of-the-week sampler and a scrappy Kansas Dugout quilt.

Therese said...

I am currently working on hemming a uniform skirt and a few other alteration projects. What I want to be doing is making a quilt for our newest grandson, Simon, born two weeks early! I have a Michael Miller fabric just waiting to become a heirloom. But the work needs to be done first, alas! Have made the quilt in my head numerous times, not sure which pattern will be used in the finished version. The fabrics are awesome!

Unknown said...

I am working on finishing a quilt top that has been sitting around for 3 years. Just need to put the blocks together. I will be happy to have another WIP finished.

Lisa said...

Just finished up a baby quilt. Never played with Liberty lawn, sure would love to win.

Unknown said...

I am working on small table runners of the month. I am doing January and February. They were designed by Kim Kristoferson of Logan UT. She works with her twin sister at My Girlfriends Quilt Shop. She is a very good designer and her patterns and material is in lots of stores. She has a whole set of cutie tablerunners for the whole year. One for each month. That is what I am working on today.

Unknown said...

I am cutting out a baby quilt for a friend along with crocheting a pair of mittens. What beautiful fabric! Love your blog and your use of scraps!

Karen said...

I'm working on a quick jelly roll quilt out of some impulse-bought fabric. thank you for this generous offer!

Linda said...

Today I am finishing a split nine patch totally of scraps, and I am loving it!

Laura Riley said...

This evening I am getting together the Quilts of Valor projects that my quilt guild is presently working on. We are having a workday tomorrow and I am in charge of getting everything ready.

Shirley said...

Okay, I think I am comment 856... Lots of people must love Liberty, myself included. What am I doing now? I am finishing 3 baby quilts for friends of my daughter, yes, I am in THAT phase of my life. They are fun, two are for twin boys... Foxes on one and owls on the other in orange and greys.

Emily C said...

I am handquilting a bed quilt.

Trisch said...

I am finishing up a little trivet made from old blue jeans and some of my scraps. First attempt failed so I salvaged what I could from the original. Oh well, I guess that happens sometimes. Thanks for the chance to win.

Dona said...

I am working on another rail fence quilt to give away. A cowboy one for a little guy having some tough days. I love the liberty and have worked with it before. I even got some straight from London years ago.

Unknown said...

I'm working on two potholders made from two cotton fabrics left over in my Grandmother's sewing stash. She passed away in 2008 and I've wanted so make something she would make herself. She loved the red/white gingham so much, making many aprons from it. I decided to make oven mitts and matching potholders. I know she is smiling right now :) :)

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

I am working on organizing my UFOs today.

suzanprincess said...

Today I'll make two Bowl Cozies (microwave bowl holders) that I've sold to benefit my local Project Linus chapter, then an OR cap for a doctor friend. If time allows I'll redo the ugly binding on a quilt someone else finished off for Linus donation, and start on a scrappy bricks quilt that's cut and waiting.
If I'm fortunate enough to end up with some Liberty lawn fabrics they'll go into something quilty for myself!

Unknown said...

Hi, I am working on a wool applique quilt with embroidered embellishment. Very fun.

Tracybug Creative said...

What lovelies! Working on baby quilts, as usual. And hoping to make some headway on my TreesQAL today too!

Sandra J said...

I am working on a disappearing hourglass quilt. I was so proud of my husband. He went to the quilt shop and picked out fabric for my birthday! I was definitely surprised this year. He has great choice in fabric.

Terri Ann @ said...

Today I am working on not having a cold. No crafting for me today as work and some side work got in the way. I'll soon be starting and promptly finishing a Minecraft pillow for my brother for his birthday though!

Ellomee said...

Hi there! What lovely fabric! Bright and cheery!

I am currently working on finishing up a small wall quilt for a gift and also just finished a piece backing that incorporated some fun t-shirts.

Kristen said...

I picked up a cute vintage office chair at a salvage shop last month-I am finally getting around to making a seat cushion for it!

Susan4cats said...

What beautiful fabrics! I'd love to have some to play with.

Unknown said...

I love Liberty of London fabrics!! Such an awesome giveaway! I am just getting ready to begin a new quilt... a scrappy star one~ these fabrics would be a lovely way to begin!

jgalke said...

A birth announcement pillow!

jgalke said...

A birth announcement pillow!

kristyn said...

Those are gorgeous! I am working on a half square triangle quilt with gradient shade of blue. I am also working on a hexagon wall hanging for my cubicle to try and brighten it up. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I'm working on a batik modern quilt right now, but I do love floral fabrics too.

Anonymous said...

I'm working on a very pink baby girl quilt for valentine's day.

Trepmom said...

Hi Amanda Jean. What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance. Today I am sewing borders on a cross quilt top for my mother in law. I can see the finish and am so excited!

Mariel said...

I am working on the Bonnie Hunter " Wonkie Wishes" quilt. I'm also making a couple of log cabin quilts for my cousins on my grandmother's Singer treadle. I would love to feel/own these fabrics from Liberty! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

ittehgaps said...

Hand sewing bindings on a couple quilts during breaks from cutting and sewing new top made from a charm pack cut at wonky angles because just sewing simple sqrs together seamed to easy and boring even though I want to get this little quilt done fast. Would love to work with some Liberty Lawn Fabrics. I hear such good things about them. Cindy/

Allison said...

I'm working on two quilts- one for my dad and one for a friend (which will be Harry Potter themed).

Rickie said...

I'm cleaning my sewing room and sorting my stash. Seeing all those wip projects... Sigh. I think I need some Liberty Lawn fabric to cheer me up! :-)

Darlene said...

I'm working on a baby quilt for a coworker.

Sarah said...

I am working on sewing hot mitts in order to work on FMQ designs. This is a wonderful giveaway. Liberty of London fabric is very fine indeed! Thanks for the chance. Your blog always inspires me!

Unknown said...

I'm working on a scrap quilt, using leftover kids' fabrics from about ten different projects. It's coming along very well, though.

Vanessa said...

Hello, I'm currently working on a St Louis 16 patch quilt from fat quarters that I've collected for about 5 years. Thanks for the giveaway!

macbeaner said...

How pretty!

I'm currently working on a mystery snow day quilt from 2010

Andrea said...

Ooooh, I would love some Liberty fabrics - haven't bought any yet because of the price. No sewing today, but I did some fabric shopping and ordered some Aurifil thread on line, as well as the new Kona color card. And, I worked at rearranging my sewing space. :)

Paige said...

Unfortunately, I'm working on W-2s and not sewing at all! Liberty would certainly cheer me up!

Unknown said...

I am working on a houndstooth quilt right now. Love your blog! Thanks for the giveaway

Mom C said...

I feel lucky today. I finished putting together my Delectable Stars quilt top. It is 90x90. I didn't realize how big it was until I finished the last seam and put to on my bed. I may rest on my laurels for awhile. Until tomorrow when my DIL is coming over and we'll restart a quilt top she put away until morning sickness got better. The baby is 3 months old now, we need to get this quilt cranked out.

Katsmith said...

wow! This is some of the most beautiful fabric I've ever seen; thanks for sharing.

Beverly said...

I'm working on pineapples blocks, using your tutorial - which is great btw.

CyndyK said...

The fabrics are lovely. I'm currently working on a quilt top. I believe it needs 1 mire row.

Judy Ann said...

I can't even tell you how much I'd love to win this fabric! As for what I am working on today, the label for my little quilt so I can ship it off to QuiltCon.

DaisyLiz said...

I'm working on a paper piecing heart pattern right now... and hoping to have it done by tomorrow as my finish for this week!

Bonnie said...

Those fabric are lovely. I'm working on a applique design by Sue Garmen.

Lexie said...

I've been pulling fabrics for a new quilt for my 4 year old. He hasn't gotten one since he was a baby. Definitely in need of something bigger.

Betty said...

Hi, I am working on a Hedgehog quilt, just finishing the top now.

lej619 said...

Wow I love the liberty fabric.! I have been working on a quilt top for a friend. And a zillion others things!
Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful fabric

DH said...

Today I am working on some crazy quilt squares. I am learning some new embroidery stitches for the seams. Love the Liberty lawn fabrics!

Havplenty said...

I am quilt procrastinating while I try to finish up 4 holiday present robes and another fleece blanket.

tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Today I worked on a set of blocks for a row quilt thqt I am just starting. First new project of the year.

Unknown said...

The color and floral pattern combos of Liberty of London fabrics made me smile when I saw them. Would make a lovely quilt!
I am working on my second baby quilt.

Deairdre said...


Darlington Delights said...

Sashing up a sampler quilt. It's almost finished now! I love watching it all come together.

Moowee said...

I am charity chair for guild and i have the guild stash. I am working on making fabric bundles to share at guild. I am getting ready to help some newbies get started on some simple quilts.

Renae said...

I'm working on solid wonky blocks and keeping my house clean for 3 showings tomorrow. Cleaning is taking precedent unfortunately.

Carol W said...

I'm making a scrappy trip around the world quilt.

Unknown said...

I'm very excited to hear you are working on a pattern for the WIP bags! They were so awesome. I am finishing a UFO baby quilt. I really want to start a new project but I'm trying to finish up 6 UFO's in my sewing room. In August I made a list of projects to finish and I've completed 7 out of 13, more than half done. I am in love with Liberty fabrics! The lawn has such a wonderful hand to them. I have three small pieces and I'm saving them for the perfect project!

Patty said...

I am finishing a quilt for my grandson. He just got a new bed and I think a new quilt will make the bed extra special.

Jodi said...

I am working on a Layer Cake Sampler. my first quilt ever and I am loving it!

Gemma said...

I am Working at the quilt for my daugther.

jam said...

Thanks for the oppr to win the Liberty prints. Please put my name in the mix.
Today I am working on a red, white and blue quilt for Quilts of Valor. Should be able to finish it up in a couple of days and send it on to be quilted.

Arita said...

What a great giveaway. Would love to win. Didn't get a chance to work on sewing projects today but I hope to this weekend.

Rita said...

I'm working on an HST quilt for my daughter.
thanks for a chance to win.

Sally Hurst said...

I'm working on a Modern Maples quilt using large maple leaf blocks. It's a WIP kind of quilt for me that I am taking my time with--choosing fabrics carefully and not in a rush to finish.

Gwyn said...

Beautiful fabric. Have been making a scrappy block with in a block quilt top for Margaret's Hopechest.

Judy said...

I would love to try this line. Right now I'm working on my Wallflowers quilt and trying to figure out what to use for the Snapshots QAL with FQS. Thank you for the chance.
jlblvn at gmail dot com

Ettabug said...

Working on finishing up my sister's wedding quilt just in time for her 5th anniversary. Sadly it fits my modus operandi.

a Matula ikrek said...

We are working on a baby quilt made of checkered man shirts and on few funny backsacks. Thanks for the chance! :)

els said...

I am finishing a top made of tiny little baskets ( 2 x2 inch). It took me a long time to make them, but the result is very nice.
I love the colors and the softness of Liberty fabric, it's just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I'm working on a quilt for my sister in law's 60th birthday in March. It is black and white with pops of turquoise and I'm really happy with how it's turning out. Thanks for the giveaway.

DeniseClaire said...

Gorgeous fabric! I've got the fabric pieces all cut out to sew a new purse.

tvbleak said...

Today I am finishing a quilted bowl to fill with chocolate hearts for my grand-nephew and his girlfriend. They are getting married on Valentine's Day. Sweet hearts for the Sweetheart. :^)

Unknown said...

I'm working on Noodlehead's duffle bags for birthday presents.

Anonymous said...

I am working on one of my oldest UFOs and have only the border to finish before the top is completed!

Those fabrics are lovely!

Unknown said...

I have to complete a block for a beginner quilting club I belong to. It has circles (shudder). Thanks for hosting this great giveaway! Slc3897 at gmail dot com.

Gigi quilter said...

I love Liberty prinys. I like the feel and the completed projects.

Unknown said...

I love the colors in this fabric! I'm working on a Glitz quilt top at the moment and it will be my eighth one. Then I have to do the hard part, basting, quilting, binding. I love it though. Thanks for the giveway, I will definitely check her shop out!

tdkcarpenoctem (at) hotmail (dot) com

Barb said...

lovely liberty giveaway!
I'm working on applique blocks and also pieced boy blocks.

holly said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I am working on a quilt for my daughter, a triple barnstar.

kbzelazny said...

I'm knitting today! I would love to touch some liberty!

daniela said...

i'm just about to start quilting a sandwiched lap size quilt

deborah made said...

What a great giveaway! Have been eyeing liberty lawn for a long time now but the price has always made me put off getting until just the right project comes along. Right now I am helping my daughter with her first quilt, working on one for my Etsy shop, and selecting fabrics for a commissioned baby quilt! Awfully nice to be busy!!

debbie said...

I am working on a Train quilt for my grandson.

JoanG said...

I'm working on quilting a belated Christmas quilt. Would love a chance to work with Liberty fabric.

Tiffany.TF said...

I hope I'm not too late to enter. being sick and away from all tech really almost left me with missing this great chance.

Unknown said...

I am working on a batik table runner. I love Liberty prints and have a small stash that I would love to add to!

Cathy said...

What a fun giveaway!! Thanks for the chance.

Jittina said...

I love the look of Liberty fabrics, but way out of my price range.
Right now I'm working on a Boxy Stars quilt, a Bonnie Hunter pattern ( Just love working on it, just lacking the time (don't we all?).

Becca said...

I'm working on your Grass quilt, and am about to finish piecing the top, if the kids cooperate today. Those Liberty prints are gorgeous, and make me think of spring.

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I am working on a baby quilt for my 8th grandchild to be born in March. I would LOVE to work with these Liberty fabrics!!! Thanks for a chance to win!

Heather said...

I'm putting together a jelly roll quilt pattern I found on Moda Bake Shop. Almost done.

Janie said...

I am working on a rag rug using my scrap fabric.

Laura Bean said...

Beautiful! I'm working on a few quilts at the moment - new year's resolution to try to finish them up!

Sara said...

My current perpetual project is 1/2" EPP snowflakes - thanks for the opportunity to add to my Liberty collection.

Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches said...

Working on a ChrisW Designs purse sew-along and a QOV throw and wall hanging, oh and a cover for my new stand mixer

Carie @ Space for the Butterflies said...

Oh how lovely, Liberty print is awesome! I'm currently madly knitting a pair of socks for my Dad's birthday in every spare moment I find!

Unknown said...

Working on a quilt for a baby boy born yesterday!!!

Leah Spencer said...

Affordable Liberty? Sounds like a dream come true. :)

I'm working on a jelly roll quilt, no pattern... making it up as I go.

Beth said...

I am FMQ a queen size quilt. It is taking a long time!

Kathy L said...

Fabulous giveaway! I'm working on mug rugs as birthday gifts. Thanks for the chance to win.

mimi'sdarlins said...

Working on my Farmer's Wife quilt, love making these little blocks! Thanks for the chance to win these beautiful prints!

Paula said...

I'm quilting a small quilt for my granddaughter.

LindseyAnne said...

I've just made an iphone cover for my daughter in London. We'll have to organise a trip to Libertys to see the fabric in situ!

MyLittleBlueDog said...

Lovely fabric, sadly I am still working on little Christmas stocking decorations, hopeless!

We Travel Wright said...

I'm working on binding a denim quilt and crocheting a dish cloth. These fabrics are lovely!

julie said...

I am finally working on a quilt with charley harper birds for my DH. A year over due

Lindsey F. said...

I am working on a set of receiving blankets and burp cloths, then it is on to a quilt for my daughter's bed.

Rachel said...

I am working on some quilts for 3 little siblings. I was planning to gift a quilt to only one of them when I was informed its kind of rude to not give the other siblings anything. So I guess now I have to make 3.

cally98 said...

These are beautiful! I am working on a quilt top for my new niece.

Unknown said...

Working on helping my flu-bound nine-year-old feel better today, but will hopefully have time to sew up baby clothes quilts for a friend's twins this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Working on a mini wall quilt for a newly remodeled room. Liberty prints are so pretty and feminine. Would love to add some.

Lauren said...

I'm working on finding some fabric and a quilt pattern for a gift for my sister.

Caffeinated Cotton said...

I'm working on english paper piecing. Fussy cut hexagons. So addicting!

Annmarie said...

I am busy making quilted snowman hearts to hang on my friends doorknobs on Valentines day.

Emily Kim said...

Working on drawing out potential FMQing designs for a baby quilt for my sister!

Unknown said...

I wish I could be working on the of WIP quilts that I so badly want to finish. But because our house is for sale and all staged, I had to pack my quilting stuff away. Still, since I can't work on my quilts, I am working on organizing my fabric stash and adding to my list of quilting ideas - would love some Liberty fabric ! Thanks for the giveaway

Jeanmarie said...

I would love to try out some Liberty! Thanks for the giveaway.

Kristin said...

I'm finishing up a paper pieced star block for a new quilting bee I joined this month. That liberty is so beautiful!!!

Marianne said...

I worked on an outhouse quilt square for a collaborative quilt for a retirement gift! I designed it as a paper pieced pattern and it came out exactly as I pictured it!! Here is the flickr link!

susan said...

I'm working on a Jay Bird Quilt Night Sky quilt with Lizzy House Constellations fabric. Finally cut into my stash.

Rachel said...

I'm revisiting a granny square quilt top to finish it and quilt it finally! Also im working on a country chic patchwork quilt for my mother. The liberty fabrics are gorgeous!

snippy scissors said...

the odds aren't good (one of 981 at this point!), but i'm giving it the old college try anyway! working on completing my first friday finish with the binding on a baby quilt that's been on my worktable for a month!

Mad For Fabric said...

I love Liberty lawn and have a bunch of projects using my leftover scraps you can see at my blog The latest project I have in store is a Liberty fabric book.

Unknown said...

Hi Amanda Jean, love the fabrics! I am working on beach bags for my grandkids for our Family trip to Puerto Rico. Cute flip flops and the boys get sharks.:)

Four dogs and one quilter said...

Working today packing up my sewing room, moving in the spring and want the house to look neat and tidy when we put it on the market. Missing my fabrics already but they will be there to welcome me in my new house.

Unknown said...

I do like the Liberty fabrics. I am currently working on a baby quilt for a boy - in blues and greens.

J Barham said...

I am working on a Christmas table-cloth for a side octagonal table in my living room. I am using scraps and sewing them together in strips.

Unknown said...

I am working on a "new wave" baby quilt that may turn into a twin size. If so, I will have to make another baby quilt. I really could use a "win" today.

Jean said...

I'm doing lots of sewing for TWO grandchildren on the way in March and April -- one boy and one girl. Exciting times, and my machines have been humming. Thank you for the giveaway -- I'd love to win!

Juanita from TN said...

I'm making some vinyl bottom bags for various people in my life, including me!

pam said...

Great looking fabric.
Sadly, I am not working on a thing right now. I did go into the sewing room and look at the mess. I then left the room and shut the door. :)

Gran said...

I am working on putting a BOM from 2014, Jen Kingwell's Gypsy Wife. Would love some new Liberty to add to my stash.

Jenny L said...

I have just finished and teepee and am now making a lacy bra. Quite eclectic!

Unknown said...

Currently working on polishing off a glass of wine but also getting stuck into a new classic block quilt.

Sherron said...

Lovely colors! I'm quilting a quilt that I made out of scraps from a quilt that I made this fall. I used the "bright birch" pattern for inspiration!

suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

Liberty! How lovely! I've always wanted some but never have had an opportunity to get some.

ben said...

I LOVE the liberty fabrics!! Right now I'm working on scarves and headbands for my next craft sale!!


Addie said...

Ohhh!!! The Liberty fabrics are beautiful!!!! Right now I am finishing up a crochet afghan as a gift. Then I will be ready to dive in!!!! Love all your work.
The floor looks great...we are doing the hall way.
Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Anne said...

I am working on a quilt for my niece with very fine quality Asian Snow White fabric I bought at the Houston Quilt Festival 2 years ago......pick me pick me!!!!!!

Nancy said...

The Liberty is beautify. I have never worked with Liberty but would like to try. I am just finished a flannel UFO snowball and 9 patch Christmas quilt (late for this year). And am now working on a UFO square in a square in greens and aqua's.

Unknown said...

I am working on half-square triangles, lots of them!


LONA said...

Today, I am working on a quilt for my niece's 1 year old daughter. It is a happy, fun quilt! Thank you for the chance to win these fabrics! I enjoy your blog.

Anna said...

I am working on sashing my blue, white and black bee blocks that I received well over a year ago.

eva said...

wow liberty giveaway....YAY...
i am working on 4 patches, to be used as the border around a box in a box quilt.

Dondi M said...

I'm very happy to hear about a great place to get some Liberty fabrics with US shipping prices. Thank you so much! I'm working on too many things. A twin quilt with orange and grey Denyse Schmidt economy blocks, a twin sized quilt with Densye Schmidt charm solids, cutting a quilt from a Connecting Threads kit, sewing a pillowcase for my Hub's gigantic feather pillow, and knitting another woolen cap. What I am accomplishing is another subject altogether. Ha ha.

Messy Mouse said...

I'm halfway through a windmill star quilt with 1930's fabrics... thanks for the giveaway!

Ashley Probst said...

I love the liberty fabrics! I'm currently working on a granny square crochet pattern for my niece's first birthday, does that count? lol

Kristen said...

I'm working on my schnitzel and boo mini quilt swap

Burgess said...

Those are gorgeous. I'm working on a disappearing nine patch in flannel - winter themed flannel with vintage skiers.

Kathy Davis said...

I am working on a I SPY quilt that I will donate to the Down Syndrome Awareness Buddy Walk.

Debbie said...

I am working on a hunting themed quilt for my son.

felice said...

Liberty fabrics are so delicious! I am working on fmqing a quilt I had put pause on for months and months. Fingers crossed I will finish it some day soon. :)

Mina said...

I have never worked with Liberty fabrics before. How pretty. I am currently working on scrap projects - a spider web, scrappy houses,

AnneElizablog said...

I am quilting a quilt with Perle cotton (first time I've used it). Hope I win!

Alison said...

Hi. Great giveaway. I would LOVE to sew something with those. At the moment I'm working on a pair of cushion covers for my sister's birthday.

Nicole said...

I'm working on a demo quilt for my quilt guild for this year's Sampler quilt along. I hope this giveaway doesn't crash your website!

Wendy said...

I am putting a binding on a bird quilt for my grandson. I love Liberty. Thanks for this opportunity! Wendy

Unknown said...

I am currently piecing an all plaid top. I have never worked with just plaids and am excited with the results so far.

Quilt Knightly said...

I'm working on several little zippered bags to hold various items on an upcoming trip.

Unknown said...

I am working on the Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt in Civil War prints currently. I finished your Bright Birch Trees quilt pattern about 2 months ago. It is beautiful and will be auctioned off at my granddaughter's school fundraiser. I had so much fun making it in those bright colors.

Cheryl said...

I've a goal to finish up some wip. 2 down and 2 to go-everything is becoming a baby quilt!

April said...

I'm drafting a paper-piece friendly version of Grandmother's Fan for a wedding quilt. :)

Unknown said...

I am putting the binding on a quilt. Lovely fabrics in this giveaway. Thank you.

Susana Neiger said...

Thanks for a wonderful blog and a fun giveaway! What am I working on today? Today, I finished up a Minecraft quilt made of T-Shirt fabric, and it's sitting on my lap keeping me cozy!

Maria said...

I love Liberty London fabrics! I was lucky enough to visit the London store last August. I'm working on hand binding my latest friendship quilt (made from several French General lines).

Susanna said...

Liberty Tana Lawn makes my heart sing. I managed to buy some years ago when the regional Liberty shops were closing in England and brought it home to Australia. I make Liberty handkerchiefs and have used it for smocked baby dresses and an assortment of sewing projects. I am dreaming of a Liberty quilt for our sofa. This weekend I am sewing koala bear cotton mittens for the poor bears who had their paws burnt in the recent bushfires in South Australia.

Rachel said...

I'm working on finishing my first quilt. I keep making tops but have never finished one! I love Liberty fabric.

Sew Much For Free Time said... goodness that's a lot of comments! No wonder! Such a lovely giveaway! Although it's already 8:30 on a Friday evening, I will be heading to the sewing room to knock out two more "little letters" for baby quilts, and maybe putting the last two borders on a disappearing nine patch I'm making for my mom. Looking forward to a weekend full of sewing!!

Beth B said...

Oh, I would just love to win! Working on a quilt top with jelly rolls. First time I have used them. Now off to check out your friends shop.

Unknown said...

I just finished cutting fabric for my first full size quilt. The fabric has been sitting in a tub for over a year...I need some of your WIP bags for "to be started" projects, too :-)

Megan Collins said...

I just got my first small amount of liberty recently and its as good as you say. :). I just finished a baby quilt for a friend and am working on a scrap quilt!

Courtneysews said...

Beautiful!! I'm finishing up several bags and pouches I have started. Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway!! I would love to win some Liberty fabrics. I am currently working on make a a baby quilt for a fundraiser in my town. The benefit is for a family whose father was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. The quilt I am working on will be going to the silent auction at the benefit. Thanks for the chance to win!

Naomi said...

I'm working on a minions bath towel for a sweet little baby's welcome home shower tomorrow. :)
wayneandnaomi at yahoo dot com

pwofford said...

I'm working on a lamb quilt --a baby quilt commissioned by a coworker. Love the liberty fabrics

Dawn Brown said...

I have a new grand nephew, working on a sweet baby quilt for him!! Orange and navy - what a great color combo for boys.

Joan H. said...

I am working on a quilt for our expected great grandchild.

Anonymous said...

Working on two quilts currently: flower girl from thimbleblossoms with hard to find marmalade fabric and 1/2 " hexi handwork using Liberty Lawns so currently trying to build on my small collection. I particularly like the quality of this fabric.

Rineke said...

I'm searching fabric and deciding on a pattern for a quilt fot a baby boy . This spring we'll have a new nephew!

Nancy said...

Today I worked on arranging and sewing a scrappy back for my Sunday Morning quilt.

Thank you for offering the beautiful fabrics.

debrarae said...

Today I am working on knitting a nice warm jumper and planning a patchwork draught excluder as it is pretty cold here right now!

Unknown said...

Working on 3 baby quilts, some mug rugs and 2 table runners.. Just had Spinal Surgery on Wed and got home earlier this evening, so can only work on quilting sparingly the next 12 weeks :( But not letting it stop me, will just work on cutting pieces a bit every day. Should have everything cut out when I'm released lol Love the Liberty fabric! Its gorgeous! Would love to find the perfect pattern for it! Thanks so much for the chance to win!! Have a great weekend!!! <3

Two Wednesdays said...

I'm cutting out fabrics for a disappearing 9 patch for my dear MIL - non scrappy though!

Kendra Watson said...

I'm working on my Schnitzel and Boo mini quilt, trying to find a balance between speed (I'm already a little late) and creating a good finish for my partner.

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