Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Liberty giveaway

I've been on-line friends with Anna for years and years. We met in real life way back in 2010 (!!!) at Quilt Market in Minneapolis. She is a gem and she takes gorgeous photos. Today, I'm happy to team up with her to bring you a really fun giveaway! A giveaway that will cheer up any cold, dark, dreary January day. At least that's the hope! :)
Anna recently started carrying Liberty of London fabrics in her shop. If you are unfamiliar with Liberty tana lawn, it is fabric of the highest quality. If I had only one word to describe it, it would be "fine". It's really, really lovely! I've worked with Liberty fabrics in the past, and even though they are fine, they are easy to work with. I made a cute little mini HST quilt that currently hangs in my hallway. I also made this little mini (tutorial included) that now lives at Mary's house. It's the kind of fabric that you use every last bit. Oh wait, I do that with most fabrics. Ha!
Anna's goal is to make Liberty more affordable for everyone. Thank you, Anna! If you are in the market for Liberty fabric, be sure to check out her shop. You can buy it by the yard (starting with a 1/4 yard) or in bundles.
Now...for the giveaway! If you would like a chance to win a 10 piece bundle (each piece is 9" x 13") of Liberty of London tana lawn fabrics, please leave a comment on this post. In your comment, I'd love to hear what you are working on today. I will pick a giveaway winner in a few days!

As for me, I'm working on writing a pattern for my WIP bags...and the zipper measurements are kind of kicking my tail at the moment. :P Here's hoping for a break through soon!

Happy Wednesday!


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Cathy L Wilson said...

I am working on a quilt for my older daughter's wedding in March. King size! Gulp, deep breaths!!

Ellie said...

I'd love to win these yummy fabrics! Right now I'm working on finishing my Bonnie Hunter Gran Illusion mystery. I'm about half way with assembling the blocks!

bee*in*the*balm said...

a very wonky toddler quilt with lots of trucks and tractors.

Cecelia said...

I'm finishing up my first Sew Together Bag. I use a Moda Mixed Bag bundle of fat eights.

Carm said...

I working on quilts that weren't finished when my friend, Jean passed away. No one in the family quilts. So, two of us are trying to piece them for the family. They will be quilted by a long arm quilter the other lady uses.

Joy said...

Lone Star quilt!

Beth Diaz said...

Love this LIberty fabric! My Seattle daughter and I are collaborating on the Bright Birch Tree quilt as we use her scrap stash and mine from Memphis. I am sewing slabs today and planning to start on the fabric box project in Sunday Morning Quilts. It is just right for holding pretty burp clothes and makes a great gift for a new baby!

Unknown said...

I'm handstitching some little pants for my three month old, Alabama Chanin style, since I still haven't found the ballpoint machine needle, from our move just before the kid was born. It's chaos around here, but at least I'm making something!

Regina Diniz Outeiro said...

Oh beautiful fabrics.
I'm sewing a quilt with florals fabrics.

Ronda said...

I am working on my block of the month today. Thanks for the opportunity to win

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I love liberty of london fabric. I am working on the CQJP2015, and designing items for a blog hop with Madam Samm

Shelley said...

I was working on a post card quilt in pinks and browns until my machine died on me Monday. Got to get it fixed.

The Mom said...

Thanks for the give away! Not working on anything now. But planing for a vintage quilt 9348

Unknown said...

I'm working on a scrap quilt. Oh what a good feeling getting those scraps used up. I only have a FQ of Liberty fabrics, would love to add more

SallyC said...

I'm working on finishing a quilt top and a match pillow. I've read so much about Liberty Lawn I would love to try it. Thanks.

lydiatorres said...

Love those colors. I am getting a head start on Easter dresses or my granddaughters. Today I am smocking.

Cathy L said...

I love the quilts you made with this fabric. Thanks for a chance at the give-a-way. And, I'm so happy you are making a pattern for the zippered storage bags. They are adorable!

Unknown said...

These are such nice fabrics, would be wonderful to sew with them! I am currently sewing my Spool blocks in mostly pastels for a quilt that will be for me! I've made and given several in my 'less than two years of learning to quilt' but never one just for me.

dhoff said...

Would love some "fine" fabric- let me call it dessert!

Organizing fabric to prepare for a scrappy bear paw quilt while spending time with two grands. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Love, Love, LOVE these fabrics!
Am currently working on a baby quilt--just have the binding to go.
Would be TRHRILLED for the chance to work with this lovely fabrics.
Thank you for the giveaway.

Kathy said...

I'm working on giant floor pillows like the ones you made for your kids. They were supposed to be Christmas presents - I'm a little behind!

Dana said...

I'm trying to finish up a baby quilt that I am not very happy with - sure ruins one's motivation. I would so love to win some Liberty Lawn fabric. I've been thinking about breaking down and buying some for a really long time!

Unknown said...

I'm working on a mug rug for a swap that I'm in on IG =)

Terri said...

What a great giveaway! I've never owned any Liberty fabric or made anything with it. Right now, I am making a Sew Together bag for my sister's birthday. And I'm making a quilt with Bonnie Christine's Winged fabrics.

Mary Ann said...

I have been making clothes for my kids for our Disney trip in 2 weeks

Robin Hart said...

Today I am actually sewing on buttons. I dream of using my liberty scraps for a quilt one day and having more fat quarters will help!

Kris said...

Those are lovely! I am (supposed) to be working on quilting a demo quilt for the end of the month but I am doing anything but. :)

PersimonDreams said...

oooh ... drooling over this liberty fabric! I've never used it (or even petted it) but I would LOVE to give it a try!

I'm actually heading up near Eau Claire today to get prepared for the Project QUILTING Retreat that starts tomorrow! Should be fun!

Renee said...

Gorgeous fabrics! I'm working on a simple throw for my daughter's room that includesall my orange and white scraps.

Shelley McGoldrick, Pink Petunia Paperie said...

I am working on a quilt for my son and I just have the binding to finish. I would love my next project to be made with the wonderful fabric from Liberty. I was in London last February and went to Liberty. What an experience! It was so overwhelming, I only bought a pin cushion! It is my dream to make a quilt with Liberty fabric.
Thanks for all your inspiration.

Karen said...

I'm working on completing a mystery quilt top. Also getting ready for a quilt retreat on Saturday.

Ukka said...

I am doing lots of cotton applique.This fabric is gorgeous!
thanks for a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Oh how I love to see anything liberty! I made the Marcelle Medallion with alot of lil Liberty fabrics. I am currently working on the Penny Patch quilt, I am making it for my Aunt :)

Unknown said...

I've never heard of Liberty fabric and wonder how it would be to work with it. I'm currently working on a Tree Farm quilt for my husband. He loves lions so I had him pick out some fabric when we were on vacation this past year. He can't wait to see the finished quilt! ;)

Agent 99 said...

I am currently working on the last step of a jelly roll top, something new for me -- super quick and easy! Looking forward to your WIP bag pattern, just what I need to corral my piles of projects.

Lisa H. said...

I'm working on a UFO string quilt I started last year. This year my goal is to complete the UFOs I have marinating in my closet!

GeeMa said...

Today, I am actually expecting the installer to mount my new TV in my studio! It's my Christmas present from my DH.

While waiting, I am going to put a quilt on the frame that five of my friends collaborated with me to make. It is for a lady in our church who had a stroke and is now in assisted living.

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! The fabrics are so lovely and cheerful. I'm working on two almost finished quilt tops, one dark blues and reds and the other lots of white with coral, golds, and teal/light greens. Totally different and I love them both!

Lettyb said...

I'd love to win these! Today I'm working on finding a charm pack friendly quilt pattern to use with my Basic Grey Persimmon charm pack. I'm thinking of making a Charm Pack Cherry Quilt... Just love the fabric! ALL Fabric! ;D

lesleyana said...

unfortunately, i am working full time so i can't work on anything until weekends. (then i try to do way too much to squeeze it all in!)

i have some zipper pouches i would like to work on this weekend. i am new to sewing and am still learning, so we will see how this project goes!!

these fabrics are almost making me drool, they are so gorgeous!

Buncobuddy said...

Today I'm organizing fabric!

Cindy P. said...

What lovely colors in the bundle! I'm working on a quilt called "Owlivia" that has applique, embroidery, and pieced blocks! It's promised to my great niece.

Renee said...

WHOA a Liberty giveaway!! I'm working on a Flowering Snowball quilt in Liberty with various creams as background. Thanks for introducing Anna. Her prices are the best I've seen. Ordering today.

Mad Cat Quilts said...

Today, I'm trying to get the last pics for my Q! finish wish list. I'm also trying to put a label on a quilt I need to gift today. Thanks for the chance to win some lovely fabric! I've never had any liberty!

Unknown said...

I am learning how to use the Log Cabin Curvey Ruler. Lots of constant trimming. Would love to win some Liberty Fabrics though! Mary

Christine S said...

I'm going to be working on an Enchanted baby quilt

Anonymous said...

I am working on an Amish quilt with Cherrywood fabric.
Thanks for having a give away.
Love your blog.

Snow said...

Well right now I'm at actual work, but when I get home from that I'll be working on Pat Sloan's Hip to Be Square challenge.

Helen said...

I'll be sandwiching a sweet, warm flannel quilt for my friend's new granddaughter born in Michigan. Gotta get it shipped off soon.

SuzyMcQ said...

What a lovely bundle of dreamy Liberty fabric! I'm working on the planning of a mint-colored quilt at the moment.

Quilter Kathy said...

Such a popular giveaway! I love Liberty fabrics, but have only had small bits to enjoy in the past.
Today I am machine quilting!

Meg said...

Oh, delicious fabrics!

Right now I'm working on finishing the last fussy-cut economy blocks for a quilt that a friend asked me to make for her first granddaughter! I'm seeing pink and white fabrics in my sleep! :)

Lisa Cash said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Would love to win the Liberty bundle - beautiful patterns!! Today I'm working on actual work - but this weekend I hope to start piecing an easy twin-sized quilt for my guest room - not sure if it will be HSTs, strips, or squares yet. :)

Dixie Torrech said...

Baby quilt in progress.

ConGhin said...

I had the opportunity to go to London on a theatre trip about 10 years ago and one of my favorite stops was the liberty store. I've cherished and used those fabrics in a variety of projects since then. It is wonderful that Anna is making them more available and affordable in the US. Thanks for coming together to bring us this giveaway.

claire said...

I'm working on labels for all my un-labeled quilts that are going into our quilt show!

Grammy said...

Great Liberty fabrics! I'm having a blast making some quilted bibs for our darling grand babies! Danette

Wendi said...

Presently I am trying to design a modern wallhanging that has a large red flower in the center.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I am working on a scrappy baby quilt trying to use up my stash

cathy said...

LOVE the small patterns in this fabric!!

I have been working on "finishing up" a tshirt quilt that my daughter started for my son, quilting a flannel quilt and quilting a tree skirt. Also sewing 2 dresses and a coat for myself - they are all cut out and ready to sew!!! So many projects and not enough hours in the day!

Love you blog!!

Anonymous said...

I am working on the last five blocks for my Moda Building Blocks quilt. I hope to sew them all together this weekend.

Kay said...

Liberty is my favourite fabric, I even use tiny scraps for EPP. I am just about to start a new sewing project of a bag for my sil's birthday which will be made out of EPP hexagons. Thanks for a lovely giveaway. x

Rebecca said...

I promised myself that when I finished the Moda ABC Read with me quilt that I would make the slipcovers for the dining room chairs... With that in mind I have managed to avoided sitting down at a sewing machine for 4 days!!

Ms De said...

I LOVE these fabrics! I'm hopefully finishing the binding on my son's 30th birthday present (he turned 31 a week ago :)) and quilting a top I pieced with a mystery quilt along!

Jayne said...

Beautiful fabric! I'm working on a Postage Stamp quilt today. It has been sitting in the closet for a couple years now...better late than never!

I am so excited for your WIP tutorial! Those are kick ass bags!!

GenevaBear said...

Today I am not doing sewing -altho I wish I were!! I'm going shopping for clothes for my boys. They're growing so fast, it's hard to keep up sometimes! I've been doing quite a bit of crocheting lately but I'm so ready to get back to my sewing :)

Unknown said...

thank you for the chance. I am getting ready and packed for a quilting long weekend. I am going to sew with scraps all weekend. Hoping to get a queen top done.

Helen said...

I'm working on a few late Christmas gifts that didn't get finished in time!

SarahZ said...

Oh my! Such a sweet opportunity! Today, I am working on my house...expecting house guests over the weekend! But between times, hand quilting my Grt Grandmother's Dresdens <3 Thank you for the happy chance!

Karen said...

I'm working on knitting socks today - but waiting for my fabric to arrive to make my first quilt! It will be for my daughter - who is off to college next fall.

Ilana said...

I'm working on pillowcases today. I'm going to do a magic pillowcase demo at a friendship group meeting next week so I want to have several pillowcases to represent the various stages of construction.

Susan Brehm said...

I'm picking out a few long lines of machine quilting on a Star Wars quilt for my grandson. I tried sewing the whole thing right sides together and turning before quilting. Um... no. Sigh.

The Stalcup Journey said...

i would love to win this bundle!! i am working now on my first quilt, and I am soooo excited about it

juliehallfeldhaus said...

Such pretty fabric!! I have some office work to do this morning and will sew this afternoon!!! Thanks for asking:)

Barb Neiwert said...

Wow - 700 comments. Shows you how much everyone loves (covets) Liberty! Today I'm working on a Craftsy class on foundation paper piecing (new skill for me) and finishing up the quilting of a large quilt. Oh - and checking out Anna's shop!

Susan said...

I'm working on the bonnie hunter mystery quilt!! It's lots of fun!!

Laura said...

I'm working on about 385 different projects....but aren't we all?

Give me Liberty or give me death!

Wait, I meant to say...Give me Liberty or else I'll have to use up some of the regular stuff in my stash!

Renee said...

Just enjoy craft

Unknown said...

Lovely fabrics! I'm working some little zip bags to take traveling to sunny places!

Phyllis in Iowa said...

Loved your pineapple quilt! I am creating one with white with black fabrics and brights. Thanks for the inspiration.

lyonmom said...

I am working on the quilt top to an ohio star pattern and a mickey mouse baby blanket. My husband thinks I should finish one project completely before moving on to the next. But isn't good to have projects in different stages? YES!

Sara said...

I'm working two quilts right now, trying to finish up a Christmas Quilt,for my daughter and a scrapy quilt for me. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.

Quilt Lady said...

Cleaning up scraps. Hst, hour glass and 2x2. Love working with that last bit of a piece of fabric.

Vicki said...

I'm using up some leftover jelly roll strips to do a striped chevron quilt.

Jill said...

Liberty fabric is, as you said, lovely! At comment #709 I doubt I have a chance but I'll try anyway. Today I'm going to start my first Sew Together Bag. The one with all the zippers.
Thanks for the Liberty chance!
Jill said...

I'm prepping the fabrics for a baby quilt for my newest granddaughter due the end of March!

StellaLou said...

My plans are to start an I-spy quilt but once I start looking through bins who knows what will happen. I love Liberty and toddler dresses!!

Anonymous said...

I am working on a set of couch pillows that were destined to be a Christmas (2014) present for my daughter and her boyfriend. Patchwork flannel from a tutorial by Rachel Gander. They are kicking my butt, and I am trying to kick

Thanks for the chance to win. I do LOVE Liberty of London's Tana Lawn....sigh.

nancym said...

I am working on sewing kits for a wonderful charity called Days for Girls.

Jan Baker said...

Ok don't laugh. I am trying to finish up my Christmas stockings. Maybe the will be ready for next year.

Unknown said...

I'm hand appliqueing my Magic Vine quilt. Love this Eleanor Burns pattern. So excited to have a source for these lovely Liberty prints. I've been hoarding the small pieces I bought in London a couple of years ago.

jill said...

I'm starting a baby quilt for a sweet girl I've know since she was two. She's having her first baby. I have always wanted some Liberty.

Nicole said...

Packing fabric for a quilt retreat!

Becky said...

Wow. I've never owned any Liberty. Maybe I will now. I'm working on a smocked Easter dress for my granddaughter and a coming-home dress for her baby sister due in June. Those patterns are lovely. I'll go check them out.

Karen said...

It's my day off today and I am hopeful to piece together a backing for my Nancy Drew quilt at long last. The top has been done since July!

Unknown said...

I'm finally finishing my first quilt, which is an English Paper Piecing. Thanks for the chance to win.

Pattie said...

What a fun opportunity! I'm currently working on a hand-sewn English Paper Piecing mini-quilt, and would LOVE the chance to try using Liberty Lawns in an EPP project. I bet they'd be lovely to work with!

Liz said...

I'm taking a short break from modern designs and making a two-color traditional block quilt.

Glenda said...

Hi, I'm working on my entry to the Wee Quilt Challenge at McDougall Cottage.
Thanks for dangling the lovely Liberty in front of our glassy eyes. Such a generous draw.

Sandra from NC said...

I hope to work on piecing some more rows for a flimsy I started last week. I've been sick this week and haven't been able to sew :(.

Nancycim said...

I'm working on one of your mini charm pack pillows. What beautiful fabrics!

Anda W said...

I am currently working on a four patch civil war lap quilt and love the way it is turning out! awolk at rogers dot com

Michelle McCray said...

Just finished some mending, next up is finishing the quilted quiet book for my grandson's first birth day! Lovely fabrics!!

lfrihart said...

Love Liberty fabrics. I'm working on a wool project (penny rug/wool applique. Have to finish prepping and then the buttonhole stitch begins to bring it to life.

Ann D said...

Today I will be taking a class on bindings. I still struggle with getting the ending done correctly.
I'm also trying to finish a small quilt in time so that it can be hung at my local quilt guild show which is happening in March.

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

Beautiful prints! I love them! Right now I am working on a Mickey Mouse baby quilt for what will be my first cousin twice removed! (My first cousins, daughters baby due in April!) Thanks for the giveaway!

Ann Tomko said...

LOVE those colors!!!! I'm working on EPP hexies today! -Ann T.

Patti said...

What beautiful fabrics. Although I am working to finish my Scrap Attack quilt by Katy at I'm a Ginger Monkey, my priority is to finish curtains for our daughter and son-in-law's new home.

Judy in Michigan said...

I am working on quilting a baby quilt for my soon-to-be born greatgrandson - our first great grand baby. I need to hurry up!! Hope I win - thank you for the chance - wow 1 out of 740.

Ramona said...

Unfortunately, I'm working at the paying job today. ;-) Ten of us are in a traveling quilt bee that is just coming to a close, so I'm working on my last quilt top that I will soon mail home.

Loving your WIP bags and plan to make some for myself. Neat, tidy, and the project is Visable! Win, win. Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful Liberty Lawn

Serendipity said...

Those are really pretty fabrics together! I'm caring for a sick child today. I hope to get a little quilting done on my son's quilt between nap times though.

Grüne Socken said...

Right now I'm working on a backpack for Kids for the kindergarden....

mumbird3 said...

Working on a paper pieced Orchid that I have wanted to do for years!!!

quiltzyx said...

I'm working on a small quilt for my Guild's "Once in a Blue Moon" Challenge.

Roz said...

Gorgeous fabrics. Thinking of a bag I could make with them. Today, I hope to finish a Superman pillowcase for my youngest grandson, and cut out shopping bags that my guild is making for a charity project.

Donna W said...

I am finishing up the quilting on an old UFO. Finally getting some of those UFO's completed.

Unknown said...

I'm still working on my Baby Life Quilt (the one that says Eat. Play. Sleep. Repeat) that Vanessa Christenson of V and Co. had on Moda Bake Shop. I made the quilt two years ago and decided I was going to do the quilting myself---First time ever. Now I'm on the ripping out and trying again step.
It's going to be so cute, but I hate the removing stitches.

KnicKnitsnQuilts said...

I am starting a new quilt today. So off to the cutting table for me. Thanks for the giveaway!Nichole

MCA said...

I'm deciding on fabric for my first mini quilt swap. Can't make up my mind!

Clair said...

I am working on a hand sewn potholder and my Spanish language skills.

Darlene Fel....... said...

I am working on a fire truck rag quilt (Simplicity pattern!) for our grandson's 3rd birthday! certainly more work than I thought it would be! Thanks for the chance to win.

Karen N said...

I'm straight line quilting a project that's been sitting around for a few months. Time to get it done!

Jennifer said...

I'm working on cleaning and purging my sewing room. Thanks for the chance to win.

NebraskaNative said...

I'm working on a "Crazy Eights" quilt for my son's upcoming 8th birthday. Incidentally, he is my LONDON boy, born just a few blocks away from Liberty! Cheers!!

tbear said...

To win Liberty of London fabric would be a dream come true. I'm choosing colors for my daughters quilt today :) thx for the chance to win

Unknown said...

I love Liberty fabrics and was able to purchase some in Italy many years ago. I have quilt projects in my head but want to make some little dresses first.

Unknown said...

I'm going to finish a baby quilt today!!!! Yay!!! I love to hand bind and be finished!!! Thank u for the chance to win!!

Angie in SoCal said...

I'm working on two WIPs today - adding borders to both. I want to get these out. The First one has been around since 2012 and the second one I started last year. Thanks for the chance! Love Liberty Fabrics, so I will be sure to go see Anna's shop.

susan fuller, fuller by design said...

Ooooh Liberty is so lovely to collect - there are so many gorgeous colors and patterns!

I'm working on a dress for myself! I'm taking a tiny break from commissioned work to make some clothes for myself - it's a nice treat!

Nita said...

Good morning! Today I am going to baste a quilt sandwich and also sew the borders on a flimsy!

Jennifer said...

ugh, I'm working on a report for work. Though I do have my knitting with me for brief breaks.

Carolyn J. said...

On this chilly January day in Pennsylvania, I'm fussy cutting patches for an I-spy quilt.

Thanks for the opportunity to win these "fine" fabrics.

Unknown said...

No sewing for me today, but first thing in the morning I will be starting a quilt for a long time neighbor who is moving away.

Laurel09 said...

Well, I'm working on work at my office job at the moment, but at home sitting out on my sewing table I have a stack of Kauffman shott cottons that I am cutting to make quarter log-cabin blocks for a HUGE quilt for my mom (for her king-sized bed!). I'm just getting started, and this is going to be a very long project!

Safeer said...

I have been working on a row robin with the last one being "vintage" themed. I decided to make my version of Granny Squares! (Maryam)

Lesley said...

Nice giveaways! I'm working on my Leny Hobo Bag

Unknown said...

I love the Liberty fabrics, but today I have to keep my foot up so I will be working on an English paper pieced hexie I Spy quilt for our youngest grandson who is six. Nancy A:

Crafty Coffin said...

Lovely fabric, I've always wanted to try Liberty. I'm currently working on a pieced back for a quilt - trying to perfectly match the motifs so it looks like one giant piece of fabric.

O'Quilts said...

Just wow...we all love liberty

coastal gray said...

Today, I'm pin basting at the dinning table a large modern, all solids, greens/blues, Kona cotton wedding gift quilt for my daughter & son-in-law's best friends..... They were in each other weddings and its a surprise.....

Brianna S said...

I think if the Quilt Gods were only going to let me win one giveaway ever, this may be the one I want! I am working on a quilt for my new Nephew, due in February, with Acorn Trail fabric :)

frau z said...

Though I have a cold, I just knit some socks. Thanks for this giveaway! Are international entrys welcome?

nest full of eggs said...

Today I plan on sewing a girl's skirt.

Bonnie said...

I'm not doing anything quilty today because I am at work. But as soon as I get home I will continue the hunt for the fabrics for another charity quilt. Thanks for the chance to win those beautiful fabrics.

Shauna said...

I am working on a test quilt for a designer. I need to do some ironing and assemble all of the block.

Unknown said...

I am working on a Drop in the Pond afghan (by BethinTx1 on you tube) for my sweet friend's daughter. My friend brings her little girl to my house when she comes to visit me or takes me to my doctor appointments. Her daughter LOVES to touch and cuddle with all of the blanket that I have made. She was particularly found of this pattern and goes to it every time she comes over. So I am making one especially for her in her favorite colors. :)

Cyndi said...

I love liberty fabric and actually went to Liberty of London when there 2 years ago and bought some. They are Great! Right now working on a Layer Cake Log Cabin.

Jenny said...

well ive already bought some fabric from Anna's shop, but i sure would love to win some too!

Donna Bridges said...

I'm working on the binding for a quilt I made my daughter. For some reason I decided I needed to do it by hand (you know, to do it right)but it's a large quilt and it's going to take me a while. TV time, right?

Laurel said...

I've taken a break from quilting to make a beautiful(I hope!) white dress for my new grand baby .
Love this fabric! It looks so soft and pretty

Kimberley Barrett said...

Thanks for the lovely opportunity. I'm working on a Fancy Fox quilt, which would be absolutely gorgeous in Liberty fabrics.

anotheryarn said...

Today I am binding like a mad woman. I need to finish hand sewing the binding on one lap-size and do all the hand sewing on another lap-size quilt. Today. It must get done. Augh!

LethargicLass said...

Sadly I am not working on anything right now as I am in the midst of a tennis elbow flare up

Unknown said...

I'm working on a Disappearing Windmill quilt. The Liberty fabric is gorgeous and would make so many fabulous projects.

Libby said...

I am working on a turtle quilt through our church for a foster kid.

JanineMarie said...

Oh, beautiful fabric. I'm supposed to be working on a design for a bed quilt for my son and daughter-in-law, but this week, I'm mostly snuggling my newborn grandson (my daughter's new baby) and playing with his big sister.

Unknown said...

I'm working on a pair of placemats made of canvas, muslin and an old muslin sugar sack. Am binding with twill tape, but starting to regret that design choice!

Corky said...

i am working on a few projects, an English PP wall hanging, a Civil War era quilt called Lincoln's Cabin and a Kaffe Fassett house quilt made of friendship blocks. I don't think I have a favorite genre yet!! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I would be the happiest girl with these Liberty prints!! Today I am working on constructing a very tailored handbag. It's a departure from quilting, and an adventure in uncharted territory. EEEK! :)

Unknown said...

I am working on state reporting at work today…
Hoping to start a jean quilt this weekend….

Unknown said...

I love it! It look like the French prints I was wearing when I was a kid. I am working on my blog today making a blog post about my personal night skincare based with aloe vera and coconut oil.

Ioleen said...

I am working on the latest Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt.

Quilts and Such said...

I'm working on a memory quilt for a young lady in Texas in memory of her mother and just started the piecing. Love your project bags! I have been reading your blogs for several years but with my new MAC I am getting the courage to try commenting on posts as well as blogging myself.

Denise in PA said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I will definitely check out the shop! I am working on a commission quilt right now - an applique eagle wallhanging. I am thrilled with how it's turning out!

Cindy said...

I'm working on some blocks for the Downton Abbey mystery quilt along I'm participating in. :)
Love Liberty!

Susan said...

I'm working on Carolyn Freidlander's Aerial Grove quilt. I'm using Liberty Tana lawn for the small circles. Love the stuff!

RosieGma said...

I am working on a jean recycled redneck apron for my daughter...

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I'm working on the finishing quilting on the current sandwich I have here. . .and then afterwards some binding. yey!

annabelle said...

I'm working on organizing/cleaning a few things, homeschool studies with the kids and washing clothes. Oh and this

Lynn K. said...

I'm working on a "wild animal" for a SAQA exhibit.

bvcope said...

I have still never used Liberty fabrics...thanks for an opportunity to try them.They are all so beautiful. I am currently working on a Fair Isle Christmas Quilt.

Abs said...

I should be orbit on mug rugs and cup cozies for Valentine's Day.

Patty R said...

Beautiful fabrics!!! I just finished a Valentine themed charity quilt. Love your blog - you have inspired me to use more solids.:)

The Domestic Intellectual said...

Today I am teaching and I have class, so I don't have a lot of time to craft and see. I am hoping, though, to possibly start making dinner fabric necklaces. Been pinning options and have a few good ideas.

BTW, these prints are gorgeous and would really brighten my stash :-)

eva said...

Ah, que tecidos lindos! Perfeitos pro meu trabalho atual; uma "paisagem" toda feita em tecidos- alguns estou tingindo- usando apliqué, log cabin, trapunto, crazy, etc. Por aqui é muito difícil achar tecidos tão lindos! Feliz 2015!bjssss

hapa cooking said...

Hopefully working on some pillow case dresses for a coworkers adorable daughter =)

sandi s said...

I'm working on a baby quilt for a donation. I love your fabrics. Thank you for the giveaway. Hugs,

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

I have been working on a scrap buster...Sophie's windows, but am taking a break right Hawaii!! (couldn't pack my sewing machine!)

Marle said...

I`m working with some puoches.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Lovely Liberty :) I am working on my StarPlus quilt.

Michiko said...

I am working on the lone star quilt. I finished the top last year, but added applique by hand on four corners last week. Today I am quilting the feather wreaths around the appliqued flower.

nathalievan said...

I'm knitting a cable hat for my daughter ! But I usually work on a quilt !

O'Quilts said...

Wow..we certainly love our Liberty do we not??

suemac said...

I am working on a pink Liberty tana lawn Hexie quilt.

Vanessa said...

Hoping to get some ebroidery designs tested today :-) Thank You!!!

Coser Tejer Crear said...

Right now im working on my Liberty of London Swap 2. So this giveaway is great to replenish my very small stash of Liberty! I love the texture and the prints. Im keeping my fingers crossed.

Teressa P. said...

Those are so pretty! Sadly, I'm at work wishing I was working on my scrap quilt as you go quilt. Thanks for the chance to win :)

Mary Jo Weber said...

I'm quilting a baby quilt today. Needs to be finished very soon for my daughter's baby shower!

Katie Squirrel said...

I am hoping to start on the bag of the month companion bag

JanAngel55 said...

I am currently working on finishing up a veratical chevron made with Essex linen and Kaffe Fasset fabrics. There are likely 100 different Kaffe's in this quilt and it has been very fun to make. I can't wait to get to the quilter! I love the fabric chosen for the giveaway--I love to sew with high textiles.

Svarta Malin said...

I'm working on a quilt for my fathers 70 birthday - it's today and the party is on saturday.

Quilting Nonnie said...

The colors are supreme! Right now I'm working on my first RSC challenge block in blue. This pattern is going to be a courthouse square speed block.

Sandra W said...

I have a stack of WIPS that I am trying to catch up on. There are 7 in the to-do pile--the ones I favor at the time--and the other WIPS are in what I call my ho-hum pile.
I did visit her site and the prices are very good. I placed a small order but will be back for more.
I would love to win this to add to my small stash of Liberty.

JanAngel55 said...

I am working on a vertical rows chevron quilt using Essex linen and about a 100 different Kaffe fabrics. I have loved making it and it is turning out just beautiful. I love these fabrics you are giving away--they are beautiful, thank you.

Catrina said...

Hi, I am starting to collect liberty fabrics, well, if two yards is "starting." I am working on three quilts right now, including Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, two mini quilt swaps and a Patchwork City QAL with Intrepid Thread (Juile Dueck)

Catrina said...

Whoops that was FOUr I am working on!

sewok said...

Today, I'm working on a costume for the grand daughters presentation in a program. Tonight I'll work on Crazy quilt blocks most likely. Hey, I've also made a coconut pie today! Thanks for the chance to win such fabulous Fabric

JMM said...

I'm working on a "wiggly whimsy" quilt using california girl charm pack for my sweet daughter's birthday!

chris said...

I would love to win this giveaway as I long for some liberty fabric, but have yet to indulge myself!

I am working on a chopsticks quilt for my SIL.

nana54reading said...

I have a strip quilt that I had cut out for my niece before Christmas and as soon as I get over the flu, that is my next project. I love the soft colors of the fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.

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