Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Liberty giveaway

I've been on-line friends with Anna for years and years. We met in real life way back in 2010 (!!!) at Quilt Market in Minneapolis. She is a gem and she takes gorgeous photos. Today, I'm happy to team up with her to bring you a really fun giveaway! A giveaway that will cheer up any cold, dark, dreary January day. At least that's the hope! :)
Anna recently started carrying Liberty of London fabrics in her shop. If you are unfamiliar with Liberty tana lawn, it is fabric of the highest quality. If I had only one word to describe it, it would be "fine". It's really, really lovely! I've worked with Liberty fabrics in the past, and even though they are fine, they are easy to work with. I made a cute little mini HST quilt that currently hangs in my hallway. I also made this little mini (tutorial included) that now lives at Mary's house. It's the kind of fabric that you use every last bit. Oh wait, I do that with most fabrics. Ha!
Anna's goal is to make Liberty more affordable for everyone. Thank you, Anna! If you are in the market for Liberty fabric, be sure to check out her shop. You can buy it by the yard (starting with a 1/4 yard) or in bundles.
Now...for the giveaway! If you would like a chance to win a 10 piece bundle (each piece is 9" x 13") of Liberty of London tana lawn fabrics, please leave a comment on this post. In your comment, I'd love to hear what you are working on today. I will pick a giveaway winner in a few days!

As for me, I'm working on writing a pattern for my WIP bags...and the zipper measurements are kind of kicking my tail at the moment. :P Here's hoping for a break through soon!

Happy Wednesday!


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alyM said...

I am currently working on a baby quilt with words. I'm not confident with my FMQ to secure the letters--taking longer than anticipated. Oh well, keep on practicing. He won't care if stitching is not pretty .

QuiltLaughLove said...

Liberty fabulousness - I'm in love. There might be a small amount of drool on my iPad right now. I'm on a fabric fast for as long as I can hold out this year and those pictures are breaking down my willpower fast!

Tammy said...

I am working on a tool holder for a friend for Christmas Yes, I am a wee bit behind for this year. Thankfully my friend won't mind. :-)

kathy slaughter cummings said...

I'm making modern churn dash blocks in a sewalong.
I've only heard of liberty fabrics--- it would be heaven to win those!
Thank you

Georgia said...

Miracle of miracles, I am actually working on a quilt today - a half-rectangle tringle baby quilt. I haven't sewn anything in so long, so a baby quilt seemd a good way to get back into the swing of things

Anonymous said...

Love Liberty! I'm working on Ice, my annual quilt to raise funds to fight ALS. Thanks for the chance to win!

Tiara said...

I'm working on s scrappy dresden quilt from a craftsy class that I took. I've never seen Liberty in person so thanks for the giveaway!

sewhappy2bsewing said...

I am working on some paper piecing squares for my guild to use for a charity quilt.

Veronika said...

I am going to hand sew binding (my first ever) while I cozy in to watch downton abbey!

Pamela said...

Swoon! Liberty fabric is so gorgeous. I just finished a quilt, so right now I am just sewing the scraps from it into HST's for some future project. I love your mini quilts, especially the way they feature the beautiful fabric, and your perfect quilting stitches! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

WKane said...

Thank you! I am working on creating some paper piecing patterns. I want to make a quilt for my daughter, but haven't been able to find just the right ones. So...trying to make my own!

claudey said...

Hi!! I'd love to win! I'm working on a baby zig zag quilt. Fun!

Lynda said...

I am working on the Moda building blocks as a commission for a friend to hang in her shop. I am now into the 6" blocks - should go faster now.

Unknown said...

Tonight I've been working on an I Spy quilt for my sister's six year old grandson in Tampa. He really doesn't need a quilt to keep warm in Florida, but he just loves the I Spy books! I know he'll enjoy this quilt. The Liberty fabric is soooo beautiful. Thanks to you and Anna for the giveaway!

Velma T said...

Beautiful fabric! I am working on Gypsy Wife quilt and think these would be perfect to add.
I need to be adding borders to my daughter Jo's chevron quilt.

Sharon said...

I'm working on getting my new sewing studio set up. I was in a pretty bad wreck 4 months ago and haven't been able to sew until now. I love the feel and drape of Liberty fabric. I'd love to win a bundle. My email is

Dawn said...

I am currently working on some pet bedding. I have ferrets and their bedding in their cage is getting worn, so I need to make more. I had been putting it off, but now I'm not going to let myself sew anything else until it's done. Thank you for this great giveaway, have a wonderful day!

beth s said...

trying to tidy up my sewing room!! way too long overdue. ;) love that fabric!

SewPsyched! said...

OOh! I adore tana lawn!! I'm waiting for background fabric to arrive for a large quilt I'm making for the kid, so finally have time to make a bunch of little presents for the Neiceys and nephew, and some quilty friends. Giving a first try to pj pants, boho skirts, and some improv curves. Wish me luck!! XX!

Paula said...

I'm working on a string quilt for my daughter.

Marla said...

Today I'm practicing free motion quilting on some placemats. Love the liberty fabrics!

Erica said...

Sadly, I had no time to work on anything today, but I do have 2 tops waiting to be quilted, and I'm piecing two more tops as well.

Diane said...

I'm working on a wall hanging using some of the techniques in Cultural Fusion Quilts.

Alison said...

What beautiful Liberty fabrics. Thank you for the chance to treasure them!

I am working on my linen applique quilt - by hand, while enjoying our gloious summer here in New Zealand.

Unknown said...

I'm actually working on a chevron quilt using your tutorial! The fabrics in the giveaway are just lovely!

Anne said...

I'm working on a couple of projects. I'm knitting a sweater (for myself now that the holidays are over) and I'm piecing a quilt back out of scraps. I think I like it better than the front! Thanks for a fab giveaway.

Julia Hunt said...

Working on several projects at the same time, one of my projects is a scrappy style liberty of London quilt!!

Katharine said...

I love love LOVE liberty lawn.

I am working on,... Oh, placemats, and an alphabet quilt for my little guy...and two twin quilts for the girls because they are too hot under their duvets, apparently.

Tamie said...

I have been working on year end financial stuff and I needed a break so I've been catching up on my blog reading. Now, all I want to do is sew...

Renea said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. currently I am working on taming my scraps. I am going through all my containers and cutting my scraps into useful sizes.

The Seven Acre Wood said...

Making tons of HSTs for a dear friend's baby gift... She is due with Baby #6 soon!

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway. I am working on pieced cushion covers for the rocking chairs at our new mountain get away. Maybe a lap quilt to match?

blocksandmore said...

Finishing a sweet little baby quilt and starting to plan next little quilts.
New fabric would be a treat
Wink, wink.
Thanks for giving all a chance to win.

Lynn said...

I'm currently working on cleaning up my sewing room from 2014. I like to do this every January. I have a 18 month old, any tips on how to get anything accomplished?

Libmousa said...

I worked on my first embroidery project!

Katie said...

Beautiful fabric!

I'm hemming my son's pants today. Can't wait to get back to quilting!

kmodich said...

I worked on massaging, which is my job. I would like to work on a binding of a quilt I made for friends who got married... In July. I will check out this site. I have horded a couple of liberty prints for years. Sometimes I take them out and touch them.

kmcallister said...

The main thing I am currently working on is Bonnie's Mystery Quilt. Also finishing up a baby quilt to get it ready for quilting.


Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

This is the first time I have commented on your blog I think. I have your blog site on the side of my blog, I would love to win that material. Today I was working on cutting out a black binding for a lap quilt. Had a terrible time getting the binding sewn together but think I made it! Hope so anyway. Nancy

james and bess said...

I'm working on organizing my sewing space.... *sigh* but it'll be fun to get sewing once it's finished. :) Fun giveaway!


Rose M. said...

I'm working on a quilt top for my 6 mo. old GD.

DBrez said...

Finishing up Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt! I love Liberty fabric! Thanks.

Jackie Watson said...

I just finished a baby quilt and am ready to start a new quilt for a friend. I've made several Crazy Mom Quilts--love them!

Joyful Quilter said...

I am squaring up bonus triangles I have been saving for a while...haven't decided what I'm going to do with them yet but at least they will be ready.

Ann said...

I am trying to finish my quilts from years past before starting new 2015 projects. Love liberty!

OhioLori said...

Today I have been working on a long fleece robe, for our Grangirlie's Birthday next week. Am also making a matching robe for her 18" a Doll Quilt & pillows for it.

Missionary Mom said...

I'm working on cleaning the sewing room up from Christmas. I'm then starting on 2 baby quilts. Thanks for your great give-a-ways.

Sew Happily Ever After said...

I'm working on a pattern test and also some workout pants for me. :) I'd some of that fabric!

Kristy said...

I have just finished 33 little wool strawberries to hang on my wire tree. Than I started a girl baby blanket for a gift next month. Next up a tablerunner. Funny today I just had a big discussion about my desire to get some Liberty of London fabric, as I have never owned any. Kristy

Beezus said...

I'm trying to finish the three roman shades for our living room. I just need to pick up a few more dowel rods (thanks partly to my dog, who thought they were toothpicks for her!) and sew on the pockets to hold them. Well, I guess I need to mount them, too, but I want to paint around the windows before I put them up. :-)

Unknown said...

I am working on cutting up old jeans, patching them, and then sewing them together to make the back of a really ugly quilt top I made nine years ago (thinking it was beautiful then) in order to turn it into a family picnic blanket!

Unknown said...

I love these beautiful prints. Working on a Crabapple Hill Christmas pattern. Either I am ahead or behind for Christmas.Shanna

stitchinpenny said...

Today's projects were completing the quilting and finding the binding for a charity quilt and washing and preparing flannel for a pieced baby quilt.

Unknown said...

So pretty! I'm a new quilter so I've not used any liberty fabric yet. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm currently working on a quilt for myself! Gasp! It's going to be Birch Farm in the Burlap fabric by Joel Dewberry. I'm just finishing my prewash and iron process so I'm almost ready to start.

the momma said...

I just started a black and white (modernish) dresden quilt for my baby brother and his soon to be wife :-)
(I would be over the moon with excitement if I won! Thanks for the chance)
tralou at

Chelsea said...

I worked on learning a new block today and starting to build the blocks for a queen size quilt my mom and I are making together!

I love Liberty fabrics, so lush!

Allison C said...

I'm hand quilting a black and white cross baby quilt

Lynne said...

I'm making some fun pillows for my dad's travel trailer

Di~ said...

I'm remodeling an embroidered pillow that I made for a friend many years ago. I saw it on her couch, grabbed it and asked if I could revive it for her? She is pretty attached to it, so I'm trying to do you hurry on embroidery? :) Thanks for the beautiful giveaway!

MissesStitches said...

I love, love, love Liberty fabric! I have to admit that I hoard the pieces I own. I would love to win this giveaway! Right now I'm working on hand-piecing a quilt top. Yes, I know it's going to take me forever! But I like handwork.

Debbie Faber said...

I am working on finishing a mystery quilt right now and still one more Christmas present :)

Mary Jo said...

Beautiful fabric! I have gotten much to busy playing with Zentangle, but I need to get back to work on a baby quilt for my soon to be here great-nephew!

Laura G said...

I am about to start a flying geese quilt with French General fabric. Thank you for the contest.

Ramblings from Randi the Wild Rose Quilter said...

Stitching the binding on my grandsons new bed quilt.

Patrick said...

I was hoping you'd publish a tutorial for the WIP bags! I am finishing up a hanging sleeve for a memory quilt for a dear friend. Thanks for the giveaway.

lindawwww said...

I'm working on a wall quilt with hand-applique floral blocks. What a lovely bundle of fabrics to win!


jenni said...

I woke up in the middle of the night with a quilt pattern in my head. I rarely wake up at night, and I've never had a quilt pattern pop into my head. Turns out it's going to be super cute!

eva said...

I`m working on a scrappy block in a block block.
hmmmmm kind of blocky???

anyway, it`s going good... i`ve got 224 of them made so far (4`` blocks).... many of them on my design wall already, and they`re looking good.

i hope for the giveaway...but....

green23 said...

Finishing up this year's mystery quilt from Bonnie hunter quiltville

Susan McG said...

I am working on pinwheel blocks for a quilt top. Would love to try the Liberty fabrics.

lindaroo said...

Right now I'm working on business for the quilt guild, but the finished blocks upstairs are calling out to be sewn together into a quilt top! Then, it'll join the pile of "need to be quilted" UFOs!

Sandi said...

I am learning how to do HSTs for a quilt top I am beginning for my Mother-in-law. Wish me luck!

maybe said...

I am currently working on a mid-sized quilt on a slightly modified Native Art pattern for my soon-to-born grand daughter. I am including some flower appliqués on the central pane and my reaction on seeing these pretty flowers was how gorgeous they would be and it would be like spring after a harsh winter. I would love to win them.

Rita said...

How beautiful fabrics!! I'm working today on a four seasons Quilt.
Thanks so much for the great giveaway! Rita

Unknown said...

Gorgeous fabrics! I'm trying to get the bindings on the last 7 quilts I just picked up from the LA lady :)

JenV said...

What great fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway!

GranChris said...

I am squaring up 160 Flying Geese for a quilt in between ironing 140 pillowcases a group of us made for Children's Hospital.

Cynwood said...

Working on a sew-together bag! Love the Liberty fabrics!

Jeneta said...

I thought I'd try my hand at submitting a quilt design to the Moda Bakeshop. So I've been playing!

msmissy02 said...

I'm not actually currently working on anything right now, but entering for my Mom. She is makes beautiful quilts. Thanks for the giveaway!

Susan said...

I am working on my 6 year old's monster truck quilt. :)

Skaapie said...

I'm working on a baby quilt for my new niece! What a cool giveaway.

Andrea said...

I worked on piecing a quilt back from stash fabric today. It's pretty scrappy, but I was using what I had. Thanks for the giveaway!

Skootchover said...

I'm working on the first rosette for the New Hexagon Millefiore quilt along

Sandra Coleman Clarke said...

I am working on a quilt for a young girl who has lots of health issues. She loves jungle animals and that is fabric I am using. Love your project holders.

Julie said...

Currently I am cutting out an basting fabric to templates for my first EPP projects. I'm of on holiday soon and want to take some hand stitching with me. Thanks for the chance.

katybee said...

Oh be still my heart! I would love to win some Liberty Lawn. Thank you for the opportunity. And I can't wait to check out Anna's shop. And I'm working on a basic checkerboard quilt - white alternating with mostly 30's reproductions.

sandrarobben said...

I'm working on the last of my Swoonblocks in Tilda fabric. I would love to try these beauties next.

Yorkshire Quilter said...

Oo I love Liberty Lawn! I'm working on an EPP quilt with 3/4" Liberty Hexies. Small but lovely!

Ailsa (Cape Pincushion) said...

I'm working on my leftover scrappy 2-by-2 quilt in the evenings. Its going to be a baby quilt for a friend.

Dawn said...

I am making a black and white chevron pillow for my husbands co-worker. She's a chevron nut!

Miggsie said...

I'm working on a baby quilt for a good friend who just had her first baby. Thanks for the giveaway!

ivana said...

Bye Amanda, actually i'm working on a BOM that I invented and that I'm publishing on my blog. But as soon as all quilters I'm working on other projects and WIP.

Unknown said...

I am making a pillow for my son using Japanese open weave fabric and linen. Way simpler than I usually do-- his choices-- and it's lovely.

Juli said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! I've been working on my crazy quilt block.

Unknown said...

Beautiful fabrics. They sound just lovely. I have been finishing a quilt, currently working on the borders.

kms handmade said...

Wow! That's very generous! I've wanting to try working with liberty lawn, but haven't been able to jump the price hurdle. I'm currently working on a clam shell quilt (Glam Clam pattern) and waiting for fabric to arrive for shirts and pants. Thank you for the opportunity!
Kelly dot Sarles at gmail dot com

Heleen Groot said...

I am stitching together the top of the mystery quilt I made during the whole of last year. Loads of my fellow mystery stitchers have finished theirs already!

Heather said...

I'm working on a spool blocks for a long term project. Kitting up fabrics to make them as leaders/enders.

Therese Marie said...

I am slowly collecting Liberty for a quilt I am planning. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
Currently I am quilting a quilt for my daugther's bed. It has summery and warm colors, which is so nice to work with this time of year.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful chance - I have never tried Liberty fabrics. Thanks to you and Anna for the give-away!

Clement said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I'm working on a queen size pinwheel quilt for my bed.

http://thankfullga447 said...

Super Super, Liberty is so so beautiful. I am working on a table runner.

Unknown said...

I am still working on my first quilt. between hospital stays and quilting I am awfully slow

Rhonda D. said...

I am working on a periwinkle quilt. I'm making 326 blocks, 6 inch for
our king sized bed I have 10 rows done, and 8 more to go. Thanks for the chance to win!
wigglypup2(at) yahoo(dot) com

Twórcze Wytwory said...

Beautiful fabrics! I'm working on the navy blue skirt for my daughter.

CDC said...

They sure would brighten any day. i am just starting a Dear Jane project and these little beauties would work a treat.

Kristy said...

Today I have been working on a set of pillows made with mini charm packs of Doe. I love them!

I would love to get my hopes on some Liberty fabric. So beautiful!

Dionne Matthies-Buban said...

Today I made hexies for an EPP quilt

jirons42 said...

I am working on a baby quilt for my grandniece who at 39 and many tries is having her first child. So happy for her!

Unknown said...

Not sure if my comment went through? I've been sick however when I'm better I'll be making new cushion covers for our lounge room. The Liberty fabric looks so colourful and pretty. Lovely giveaway

Anonymous said...

I'm making Dresden Plates to use in a quilt for my sister. Now, I'm wishing they were in Liberty lawn. I used to love spending quality time in the fabric department at the store when I lived in London, just stroking the fabrics, drinking in the colour and inhaling the atmosphere. Winning these would be not only a dream for what I could make with them, but a wonderful nostalgia trip. And I'd happily pay for postage to Australia to experience them both!

sandrarumsey said...

Really adorable fabrics. I am working on some coasters at the moment, using scraps. Thanks for the chance

Unknown said...

Finished Lynn Hagmaier's easy pinwheel quilt, and
gave instructions to my quilt group. Yesterday at show
and tell, I showed my finished 4-patch posie top.
Looking forward to doing your Choose Joy Christmas
quilt! I'm on a Quilting Roll!

SewLittleToSay said...

What a great giveaway. I'm working on a EPP project with half inch hexies mixing Liberty lawn with a modern metallic print.

Jenny Wren said...

Oh I love Liberty of London. Their shop is something I never miss out on when I go 'to town'.

I've got two quilts on the go (!) and in my mind I have another two quilts planned. Love it!

Great giveaway.

SussiT said...

Lovely fabric! I'm working on baby quilts, my friend is pregnant with twins:-)

Crafty Tokyo Mama said...

I quilted a lap quilt for my father's birthday today, and even washed and dried it so it's all ready to go in the mail!

Unknown said...

I'm working a quilt As you go 😄. Greetings from Italy

Saira p said...

I am in inspirational limbo at the moment, so a lovely bit of liberty would work wonders, I'm sure!

kt said...

At the moment I am working on knitting slippers for my daughter. Thanks for the chance to win some Liberty--I've heard so much about it, but have yet to try it.

Sunanda said...

I am working on a series of oh fransonn " Hazel the Hedgehog" pillow for my daughter in warm colors. Perfect for the dreary winter we are having on the East Coast. I would die to win that package of Liberty fabrics.

amcar said...

Today I am machine quilting a star quilt. Great way to spend a chilly January day, covered in a quilt.

Anonymous said...

My current project is making pillowcases for the nieces and nephews. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

charlotte said...

I am trying to get my Fair Isle quilt quilted and bound before my surgery. I have a week and a bit left. I may just make it.

Unknown said...

I'm making the second of two contact pillows from your tutorial using Moda scraps.

Lucy Daniel said...

I'm FMQ on my granddaughters scrappy quilt.

Would LOVE to win thIs FABULOUS lil bundle. Thank you XO

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous fabric! I just finished a Minecraft creeper quilt for my son and about to start a rainbow coloured lap quilt for my daughter :).

Ciff said...

Thank you for hosting this give away. I just finished three bunk bed quilts for my grandaughters last week. I have been finishing up a baby quilt this week. I am intriqued by this beautiful fabric and will definitely give it a try. Appreciate your opinion on fabric!

Patti said...

I'm working on my UFO list. Next up is a jelly roll race quilt that I only half started!

Ali w said...

I am working on a lap quilt design called Indian Blanket. I am using Cotton & Steel and Brambleberry Ridge fabrics. Love Liberty and would use these to make a pretty table runner

Unknown said...

Ooh it would be lovely to win some of this gorgeous fabric! I just made a little projecy bag, french seams and a little hanging hand that doubles as closure for some crochet to take to work..gotta run!


stitch quilt knit said...

Right now I'm putting together Summer Breeze quilt by Melisa Corry and Triple Star by Kim Brackett!! mmm those liberty fabrics are so yummy!!

Anonymous said...

What lovely fabric! I am currently working on tote bags. I made a grocery tote with a cross body strap for my step daughter. She is in college in NYC and walks 7 blocks each way to the store.

Jane L. said...

Those Liberty fabrics are exquisite! I am working on a baby quilt for a coworkers grandchild. Then on to a snowball block quilt for my daughter.

Carol said...

Love the colors of Liberty Fabrics. They are so vibrant and true. I am working on zipper bags and a Liberty bag would be so lovely. Thanks for the giveaway!

JanetD said...

I'm finishing up quilting a wip for a charity quilt. I made a schedule for each month up thru July as to what I wanted to finish each month- my goal is to be done with most of my wip's by the time I go on my quilt retreat in August so I can work on new projects then. Live those liberty fabrics!

Unknown said...

I am working on the Old Abe Pattern by Paula Barnes and making in-laws colorful mug rugs in between breaks. Beautiful fabric collection, thank you for sharing giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Good morning! Lovely fabrics. I just finished a project university of Kentucky quilt for best friend's son starting his freshman year. I'm in process of preparing fabric for new project to work on at Feb quilt retreat

elana613 said...

I've got several things in the works at the moment: trying to choose the borders for a "fish" quilt I am making with my granddaughters, deconstructing neckties for a silk tie quilt, a HST quilt, and meeting with a friend to sew together.
I have always loved Liberty fabrics, but they're too expensive for my budget, so I would love to win the bundle!
I love your blog... and your quilts.

Debby said...

I am mostly working on organizing my scraps, but as I go along I have been pulling a few pieces of fabric I know will work for the Harry Potter Project of Doom QAL on Fandom. Of course I am already behind on it because I am trying to get organized.

Sue said...

I am making smallish placemats from one of my layer cakes! They are turning out nice, just sort of randomly piecing together fabrics. Thanks for the chance at some gorgeous Liberty prints!!!

Stacey said...

I'm working on a charcoal gray and white "plus" quilt.

Trina Gallop said...

I'm working on finishing my #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap - time to get that in the mail!

Marla's Crafts said...

Beautiful pieces. I am working on next yearsteps Christmas pieces. I am doing couple of lapeople quilts ND some Christmas quilts. A good time of the year to work on such things.

mac said...

I am finishing a baby quilt in brights for a friend who had her baby today.

sandi s said...

I am working on a baby quilt for donation. Your fabrics are gorgeous! Thank you both for the chance to win some of them! Hugs,

~ Toni ~ said...

I was not familiar with Liberty of London fabrics, so vibrant and lovely. I have been stitching lately but I pulled two quilt tops out to piece the backs together so they can go to one of the longarm quilters. Then I should sew some bindings on a couple of quilts that I quilted last year. Happy Quilting!

Unknown said...

Looks like perfect patterns to be included in my Grandmother's Garden Quilt.

Peggy said...

Had to put the quilting away and work on the banner that will be strung up in the tent for my daughter's wedding in February. It will be an outside wedding and I had to add color to the white tent!

next door Laura said...

I am working on re-doing a pink flannel and rosebud flannel quilt top that my mom started many years ago. Un-sewed, re-cut, re-pieced to make a baby quilt for, I hope, a future great grand child of hers. I am the hopeful, would-be grandma.

Love Liberty!

Iris said...

I am basting a baby boy quilt. What a lovely ambition to make Liberty more affordable to all, who would disagree with it?

Unknown said...

Hello Amanda,
right now I'm working on some raw-edge-appliqué-postcards and I am enjoying the process very much! More and more ideas for motives are popping up while working. LOVE the liberty bundle and would LOVE to win it!
Greetings from rainy Sweden

maggyprime said...

Working on some hand embroidary. Visiting my son so have hand work. Love liberty of London.

Marti said...

Love Liberty fabric. Right now I am working on a quilt featured in this month's Quilty magazine. Plus making a bunch of pinwheels for a spring table runner.

Barb said...

Today I am going to take a step to conquer my fears! I signed up at a local quilt store to take a class in modern free motion quilting. I have all my sandwich squares ready. I love Liberty Lawn!

Julie said...

I'm working on a Christmas quilt for a donation to our local education foundation. I'm using Kate Spain's Solstice collection. It is beautiful!

knittingmaryly said...

I am working on some coasters made from scraps. Thanks for the great giveaway!

SonjaM said...

I am working on a real tree king size quilt. An old friend found me and wants me to make this for her son and to be wife for a wedding present. What an honor since I have only been quilting almost 2 years!!!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!!

barbaradougherty126 said...

beautiful fabrics! Today I am cutting...and cutting...and cutting fabric for my sisters quilt! It is going to be her birthday present!

Linda Nelson said...

Those are such lovely fabrics! I am finishing a knit top with a Vogue pattern, then I plan on making a new quilted iPad case.


nancyjean said...

Did someone say "Liberty giveaway"? I'm in!
I'm having a frustrating time, trying to learn FMQ on a machine that won't behave. Time to take her in and work on some designing and some hand stitching!
Thanks for your delightful blog!

RockinHairBabe said...

I am working on a strip quilt. I bought the jelly roll years ago and kept moving it down the to do list as something else struck my fancy. So excited to finally see it coming together. The liberty is beautiful. I really need to purchase some. And those WIP bags..... squeal....... so excited I will definitely need that pattern!!

Claudia said...

I'm working on something unusual, a cover for a stand up paddle board. I'm recycling fabric from an RV cover. I'm not sure if I will be able to make this work but I'm giving it a try.

Tracy said...

My parents have a great room in their home and they have an 8 foot
long table and I am making a runner to fit. It was made with charm packs.

Linda said...

I'm working on blocks for a quilt that I intend to give to a friend who is getting married. I love the liberty fabrics. I always regretted not buying some when I was in London 7 years ago.

Anonymous said...

lovely fabric. I am starting a tumbler picnic quilt. the fabric is bandanna prints. Cant wait until Saturday

Lovay said...

Would love a chance to win some Liberty of London fabric said...

This fabric reminds me of my Grandmother. I am still working on a Christmas gift. I know, I'm terrible. I think I have quilters block. Other works are a mystery quilt and jelly roll run quilts.

Teresa Palmer said...

I am working on Pat Sloan's stash buster challenge for the month while I'm home with a sick child.

Beth said...

Today I am working on an Irish chain quilt for my bed. It is my favorite colors and I am so excited to see it finished!

Aliceart said...

What beautiful treats! Such loveliness, and so generous to share with us - thank you!
Sadly, I will not sew today: I have a funeral to go to, but thanks for a light moment to start my day.

Taryn V. said...

I am making a baby girl quilt today, using the Fussy Fairytales pattern. These fabrics are so beautiful!

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm practicing and practicing and practicing and PRACTICING....trying to learn how to free-motion quilt!
I have huge hopes of "getting it"!!!! ; )

Lauralynnescott said...

I'm working on a quilt I started twenty five years ago. It's practically vintage! Thanks for the chance to win.


Rey C said...

I'm working on papercut of foxes (incidentally, I actually got into papercutting because a friend who knew I wanted to try quilting gave me a self healing mat!)
This fab fabric ('fab(ric)'?) would give me a boost to put down my scalpel and pick up my rotary blade!

Unknown said...

ich packe heute meinen Koffer für 3 Wochen Urlaub.
Aber leider ohne Nähmaschine. Oje.

Keela said...

Love liberty! Today I'm attacking my scraps and making a chevron scrappy quilt all for me....yay!

Anonymous said...

I am working on finishing up projects I started a year ago! Today's is a small heart table runner.

Unknown said...

Starting a log cabin quilt for my older bro' s 50th birthday. My first log cabin quilt.

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

This is the coolest giveaway ever! I will check out her shop because I'm collecting liberty for two quilts!

I'm working on a surprise baby quilt for a guild member:)

Lauralynnescott said...

I'm working on a quilt I started more than twenty five years ago. It's practically vintage! Thanks for the chance to win.


Unknown said...

I am making two appliquéd quilts for my 2 y/o twin grandbabies. Cars for the grandson as he is hit wheels crazy & piggies for the granddaughter since she won't go anywhere without her stuffed pig. Just finished a Frozen quilt for their big sister who is 5.

Stitchin At Home said...

Pretty. I'm finishing up Bonnie Hunter's grand illusion.

Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I'm working on a baby quilt in flannels, using a pattern called Lemon Pepper. bekedams at yahoo dot com

Karen H said...

Wow, love the fabric! What am I working on? Binding a quilt, Film at 5 by Wedding Dress Blue, it's for my sister's 90+ mother-in-law.

Shirley said...

What beautiful fabric! I am currently working on a flower basket quilt, using up LOTS of scraps!

Mam said...

My great niece requested a quilt in purple, pink, blue and green. Having fun sewing a block in a block pattern.

Mama Spark said...

I would love to win some Liberty! I always wanted some to work with. I am working on finishing a charity quilt for Mott's Children's hospital and a swap mini quilt. I also need to cut out a wedding quilt for a retreat weekend in 2 weeks. I still have not put Christmas away so that may get my attention this weekend before sewing. Thanks to you and Anna!

Susan McG said...

I'm working on some pinwheel blocks for a quilt top. Would love to try some Liberty fabrics in my next project.

Amy said...

I am working on some flannel stuffed Dinos for a friend who is opening a store. I love Liberty. I actually have a 1/2 yd in my stash that I just don't want to cut into yet. :)

Barb said...

Love the giveaway. Right now I am knitting a cowl but I have 3 quilts to bind....that's next.

Nancy L said...

I am working on an illusion quilt. I wasn't thinking very well, and now have to do a lot of ripping....not my favorite thing!!

Unknown said...

Two WIP progress right now..finishing some binding on little Christmas quilts for next year, and knitting a cowl. I am seeing Liberty all over Instagram and would love to actually have some!

Have a blessed day.

Unknown said...

I am finishing up the fourth of four quilt tops for three young girls and their mom who lost their 40 year old dad quite suddenly this summer. The quilt is made from his t-shirts. I'm planning on giving them the quilts on Valentine's Day. It's been a real labor of love.

Diane Beavers said...

Quilted walker bag for sis whom had recent surgery . using your pinning method for my quilt sandwich ..and machine quilting diagonal lines too:)
Tana lawn looks exquisite :) thanks for sharing

Jeannine said...

I'm happy to say that I'm working on quilting my no. 2 son's high school graduation quilt. I'm ashamed to say that he graduated in 2010. Better late than never, but still shameful! Thanks for all you do and share.

Liette said...

Oh my gosh! These fabrics are beautiful! I have the whole day to play with my fabrics for a turquoise and red pixelated heart quilt. Thank you for the opportunity to win these gorgeous fabrics!

justinemalinski said...

I am working on a bag using your Scrap Happy Purse pattern. Thanks for the chance to win!

justinemalinski at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I am working on a snowball/semi-irish-chain quilt for my mom from christmas fabric she bought me a couple years ago.

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