Thursday, June 13, 2013

the answer

Thank you so much for joining in my guessing game! It was quite fun for all of us here to read your answers. :)

The number of quilts is....


(I KNOW! That's a lot!!!! I was surprised by the total, too.)

Jenny was the closest with her guess of 93.

Rachel gets honorable mention for guessing that it is one BIG quilt folded very carefully for the illusion of many. :) Very clever and a little bit sassy. I love it!

Several questions were asked in the comments such as:

Where do you store them all?
We use several of them daily and the rest are stored in my quilt cupboard. It was a TV armoire that I eventually took over and filled with quilts. It's a happy, happy place!

How long did it take you to accumulate that many quilts?

13 years. That is the amount of time that I've been quilting, too. Hard to believe!

Were they made by you? Gifts?

Some of them were gifts, one is vintage (purchased) and the rest were made by me. No wonder my arms hurt most days. :P

LeeAnn asked how do you make folding fun?

Heh. It took awhile to refold everything, but it was fun to "revisit" each quilt. And as Debbie brought up, quilts need refolding, anyway!

Nicolette recalled that I did a guessing game very similar to this many years ago. I checked and it was way back in 2008! It was fun to look back at that post and see the totals then.

No one asked, but I'm sure someone is curious. I've finished 218 quilts in my day (as far as I can figure). That counts wall, baby and larger. Doll quilts, place mats, pillows and the like aren't counted in that number. So, the fact that I have 91 at my house isn't too bad. (Or maybe I'm in denial.)
Either way, I have a stack of quilts that I plan to sell (when I can figure out pricing and work up the guts to put myself out there) because I certainly don't NEED 91 quilts and I definitely want to keep making more!

Now, I need to get back to quilting.....ha!!!


Paula said...

wow! I was a long way off with my guess of 46! i'm not sure there's room in my house for 91 quilts, folder or otherwise. ;-)

Beth said...

Is the last photo the stack you are going to sell?

Michelle said...

Math never was my strong suit...I was way off ;-))) That is a LOT of quilts and lots of fun reading the responses!!

Diane said...

wow! I need to count my quilts, I quit keeping track a few years back. I really don't think I've made as many as you and I've been at it longer. It is fun to visit with them tho' isn't it.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

They are SO pretty stacked in your quilt cupboard!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Hmmmm.. I would love an Amanda Jean original :)

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said...

! Next time my husband questions the number of quilts in our house, I am totally going to drop your 91 tally in my defense ;)

Beth said...

I was going to guess but then just wandered off a bit. LOL I had way too many quilts around too so I started a cousins' project. I have 63 first cousins' on my Mom's side of the family. I am going to gift them all with a quilt. Have sent out 7 so far. Now I need to finish more and drag some out to mail.
Your stack looks fantastic!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Incredible! And I'm with Sharpie! :)

SarahZ said...

Amazing! 91! And such fun "facts"!

Anonymous said...

Frankly, you could build the fort of all forts with 91 quilts. So very cool.

Di~ said...

:) wow that's CRAZY! :)

Rosa said...

Do you sell your quilts and how much is one?

Anonymous said...

Wow. I should have doubled my guess. Then I would have been close. Were they or were they not all in the picture?

You should start selling some. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Anonymous said...

I am sure you could sell any quilt you wanted in not time at all - they are beautiful! Anybody who buys one will be very happy.

Charlotte Scott said...

Oh my - I needed to up my guess by a third! And I thought that 60 was a whole heap. You should change your blog name to crazy PRODUCTIVE mom quilts.....

Karen said...

Oh my gosh that's a whole lot of quilts! They look gorgeous in the quilt cupboard though! :o)

Tennjenny said...

YES! I felt so silly when I started reading back the responses and they were all in the 40s. But I was right after all!

Sara said...

91 I think I guessed 61---lots of quilts!!

Vikki B said...

So many quilts! And my husband was complaining about the 7 that are currently residing in our house (and has come up with a 1/4 rule - I am only allowed to keep 1/4 of the quilts I make, lol).

I love them, and will keep an eye out for you selling some!

Liz said...

wow... that's all I can say ;) That is so impressive, I feel like I'll never get that many done, I've been dappling in quilting for 6 months and don't even have one finished yet :p

Rachel said...

Wow. That number is staggering.

Erica said...

What a legacy! Sometimes I feel bad about how many quilts we have in my house, especially since we are very limited on space and live in a moderate climate where quilts don't get a ton of use. But then I think about how much I enjoy making them and that it is a good legacy to leave around. There are so many great memories in each quilt, it would be ashamed if I gave them all away. Your stack is gorgeous, I hope I can have a quilt cupboard like that one day!

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd kept count of how many quilts I've made! I was pretty good when I first started quilting, but then... It's nowhere near 218 I'm sure :)

Jacqueline said...

Auction one off (for charity?), I would totally bid on one!! :-)

Vicki said...

Boy, I was waaaayyy off! That is an astounding number of quilts to have in one home.

Dora, the Quilter said...

Wow! That's a lot of quilts. Back in the day (decade) I began quilting, I pieced by machine but quilted by hand, and was lucky to finish one quilt per year.
Now that I put most of my quilting time into prayer quilts and quilt by machine, I accomplish more. But I never started a list, so now I have no idea how many quilts I've made in the last 30+ years. said...

I am completely awestruck by your talent and ability to have created so many quilts. And, they are all beautiful

Sharon said...

ha ha! my problem is that I continually make quilts that I love, and even if I want to give them away to clear out space, It is so hard to part with them!

Ali said...

Wow - and I was way out! Although when I first saw your post I misread the exclamation mark and thought you had made 911. After that 91 seemed very reasonable. I also told my husband so I had a good defence for making more!

Qltr89 said...

OMG! That is a lot of quilts under one roof. Now I wish I kept more quilts. Like Dora, I also hand-quilt my quilts. Because it takes me months to finish one, I started sending some of the larger bed quilts to a machine quilter. May you have 91 more quilts in your home 13 years from now. I don't blame you for keeping nearly half of the quilts you made because so much love and thought goes into making them.

Sowing Stitches said...

:) Keep up the good work! :)

Unknown said...

Did you step back and note the colors? MANY blue/pink

Get out of your box gal!

Thanks for sharing with us.

patty a. said...

I wonder how many I have? I have given away hundreds and hundreds of quilts - I have been quilting for over 30 years. I think I will have to a quilt count!

Suzanne said...

That pile was like a clown car. Very deceptive and loads of fun! Congrats to you for all those quilts. I know that when you put them up for sale, you will make many people very happy.

Anonymous said...

I would say craft fair, but how would you display them all? Maybe start an etsy shop? Good luck and I hope you rake in the dough selling them!

Christina said...

You are an inspiration! I agree, figuring out how to price a quilt seems challenging. said...

When I saw 91!, I thought there were 911 :o)

You make such pretty quilts though, if they were mine I think I'd need to keep them all. I used to think I didn't need three quilts out and about (I live in a studio flat), so thank you I now give myself permission to have a heck of a lot more.. brilliant.

Rachel said...

Awww, I love your quilts...I bet big money they would sell fast when you decide to "put yourself out there"...You are amazing with a wonderful and devoted following.

Lauren said...

I think selling some is a great idea! You have made some I am still drooling over - I would love to be able to buy one! Or, more likely, ask for as a family birthday/christmas present.

Gunilla said...

Amazing!!! Fun to read about as well, loved the idea of a quilt party!

Mama Pea said...

You are so prolific! Great job! I have made quite a few, but nowhere near that many. And I've given most away. LOL.

Gramma Quilter said...

So awesome. I missed the guessing game but was glad i didnt miss your blog! Would love to know the process you take to put yourself out there, which you deff should. I love your style of quilts. They exude being snuggled with and being loved! I have challenged myself to use scraps. A lot of money tied up if one never uses them. I am finding that it is exciting to see what can be made with what i have. Keep up the fab work and blessings on the stepping out!