Tuesday, June 04, 2013

camp stitchalot and a little progress

I'm excited to tell you that I am going to be teaching at Camp Stitchalot in August! There will be 3 other teachers that weekend: Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie Studio, Dan of Piece and Press and Rossie of Fresh Modern Quilts. Brenda of Pink Castle Fabrics is the host for the weekend. I'm excited that I get to teach at camp, but I'm beyond thrilled to be able to learn from the other teachers. What a line up!
For my class I will be teaching how to make a slab (improvisational piecing with scraps) based on the material in Sunday Morning Quilts. It's one thing to make a smaller piece (a single block) from scraps, but how do you take it beyond a block? I'll be covering how to use this technique to make a larger quilt. It's quite fun!!!
The solids above were sent to me so I could make a sample block using the slab technique. I started with Michael Miller Cotton Couture solids in Marine, Turquoise and Luna along with some Kona Cotton in Bone. I added in a few scraps of my own because I needed a bit more variety. (We were allowed to add scraps, so I didn't break the rules. No worries!) It was an interesting exercise to work with a limited color palette, but I also enjoyed the challenge of working within those parameters. It's good to stretch your skills! Speaking of stretching...I had to chop these up to make scraps in order to make my block. THAT was probably the hardest part! :)
This is my final block and it measures 20" square. I rather like it! It was fun to sew with fabrics that someone else selected. This block will go into a sampler quilt along with blocks from each of the teachers. I can't wait to see how they all play together!
If you are interested in going to camp, you can find all the details here. I hope to see you in August!
In other news.....quilting time is hard to come by these days, but I'm trying to be content with the time that I get. I don't always do so well with the contentment piece, but I'm working on it. :)
Currently in my machine....my leftovers quilt. I'm estimating that I have less than an hour of quilting time on this one. It's a big quilt, so I'm excited to have made that much progress. I'm looking forward to picking a binding fabric!
One more bit of progress...while my sewing room is still not organized, I have my cutting table cleared off. Woo-hoo! This piece was formerly an island in our kitchen, now the center of my sewing room. My husband teases me saying that I'm spoiled, but I think it's a dandy fabric holder/cutting station! I'm very thankful to have it! (By the way, gotta LOVE that billiard light above it, no?)
The island turned cutting counter (it's from IKEA) happens to hold a whole lot of fabric! Hurray!


Northern Deb said...

Congrats on being asked to teach! Love the quilt on that bed. Scrappy quilts are my favorite.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

You will be the star teacher at Camp and what a great topic! I hope you have a blast - it looks like lots of fun. Your center island/ pool table is perfect for your sewing room. Yes, spoiled as you should be.

Kimberly said...

That billiard light rocks! Now all you all need is a "Dogs Playing Poker" picture and you're set!

Ali said...

Love the scrappy block, and you are a lucky girl, not only that lvoely cutting island, but also all that fabric!

Smultronbo said...

What an awesome idea. That cutting island is just what I'm lacking in my sewing room. Currently I have my cutting mat on my desk which is a bit low for my back. THANKS ever so much for sharing this idea. I'll try to fit one in when I do a makeover in my sewing den this summer. <3

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Dandy indeed! Your quilting looks fabulous!

Glinda ♥ said...

I wish I lived in America!!

Anonymous said...

I won't be able to attend Camp Stitchalot, but I hope I get a chance to say hi when you are over this way.

Love your cutting island - it looks like a great sewing space too!

Marianne said...

A whole big cutting table! I can only dream!

MariQuilts said...

So much fun.....lucky you!!!!

Maja said...

I got a cuttingisland too!
The best thing ever!
Mine is an old bench vere they used to bake on!
Yours are better looking;-)
Thanks for beeing so inspirering!

Cheryl Arkison said...

I love my coordinating kitchen cabinet as cutting table!

Linda said...

Looks like you have made a lot of progress with getting things organized in your studio! Congrats on getting to tech at the camp. It looks like fun! I'm making a little progress on my unfinished projects list. :)

Jeneta said...

Yes - LOVE that billiard light! I think your sewing room is looking pretty good. I think I might need to visit Ikea...

Vicki said...

What a fantastic island you have in your oasis!! Love the brightly colored scrappy quilt.

Jenny Watson Blogs said...

All of these quilts are looking so colorful and adorable thanks for the sharing and just keep up the good work.

Italian Homes for Rent

Suzanne said...

I struggle with contentment too. Five minutes makes me feel happy but I think I'm like a crack addict. I always want more sewing time.

Kelly O. said...

I had a billiard light above my cutting station in our old house--it was fantastic! so much light! enjoy!

Diane said...

Have fun teaching!! Your sewing room is really coming together-love the repurposed cutting table, it looks like a custom one to me.

Anonymous said...

Camp Sitchalot sounds awesome! I wish I lived closer! Please come back & tell us all about it.

Hugs & prayers on the contentment front. I know that road very well. I've been trying to just take one day at a time...

CapitolaQuilter said...

The cutting table with all that storage is perfect for you and the billiard light's a classic. Have fun teaching.

Joan Whitsett Lowder said...

Love the idea of a kitchen Island and love the drawers. WOW, fabrics are so neat. Hard to get mine that neat when I have different quantities of fabric they don't fold so neatly. But do love the drawers.

elizabeth said...

you will have a fantastic time at the camp. I wish I could attend!! how fun would that be?
I love that you re-purposed your island for your sewing center. We are in the process of moving and i have been fascinated with your progress. We have an island similar and i may use for the same thing now!! Thanks for the fantastic idea!

Beth said...

Sure wish I could be there to take your class. I was just reading your book this week. I dropped it in the tub. No worries it dried out. It is a bit wavy now. :)
I love the block you made with the colors you got.
I love your cutting table too. I need one of those. ;)

Library Gal Quilts said...

I think I'll clear the dishes from my kitchen island and fill them with fabric. Now wouldn't that surprise the family!! NO, probably not! Great idea and love your block for camp. Wish I could go!

Anonymous said...

that block is gorgeous! Love your island...

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

camp sounds wonderful! love the island and nifty light above it.

Sophia1 said...

Just wanted to say hi! I will be at camp, too! I went to the one in May and had a blast! Looking forward to meeting you. I bought your book when I first started sewing because I loved the quilt on the cover.

Lana said...

Love this idea! and...you are not spoiled...that is an ESSENTIAL.

JHNickodemus said...

Love the island! And the blocks made out of fake scraps!

jlk said...

I have a repurposed island in my quilting room, too. And I'm also trying to be good and happy with my condensed quilting time. It's not easy.

Unknown said...

Couldn't believe it when I saw your cutting table - I have the very same one from Ikea!!!! Isn't it the best?! Stores sooo much stuff & a nice big top for cutting. Love, love, love it!!! And your quilts, too! :D

Michele said...

I wish I could go to camp! But the timing doesn't work for me this year. Drat! I do envy you cutting table.