Friday, September 14, 2012

really random Friday

My friend Cindy hosts a really random Thursday link up each week. Isn't that a fun idea? I never seem to hit it on the right day. So, rather than try again next week, I'm chiming in a day late and posting on Friday. (You should check out her super cute selvage box, too.)

Are you ready for some random???
There are still a few spots open for my Scrap Management workshop in November retreat in Fort Collins, CO. This is our 4th year doing a retreat!! Tara and I are working on plans to make it the best one yet. The quilt shown above (my long division quilt) will be one of the prizes this year! You can read more information about the retreat and how to sign up here.

My friend Stephanie wrote up a wonderful review of Sunday Morning Quilts (thanks Stephanie!) and is giving away a copy of the book. If you don't have a copy of the book yet and you want to throw your name in the hat, go check out her post here!
Just this afternoon I finished the tiny stippling on this quilt. I'm so excited I could do a little jig! It WAS well worth it. Now, to pick the perfect binding....
After making about 200 quilts, most of them with warm and natural or warm and white as batting, I'm ready to try something new. (Can you imagine!?!?) I bought a package of Quilter's Dream batting a few weeks ago to try it out. I used it in my most recent quilt and so far I LOVE it. I'm planning on doing a side by side comparison of Quilter's Dream vs. Warm and white after I do a bit more testing. You know...washing, drying and using the quilt a bit.
I did a bit more hand stitching on my tiny liberty quilt and now it's just. right. That's making me so happy!

And last but not least, I'm going to Jacquie's trunk show in Minneapolis tonight. I can't wait! I hope I remember my camera. :)

Happy Friday to you!


Aliceart said...

So jealous for both your retreat, and Jaquie's trunk show. I admire her, too. Have fun! My retreat is in October - can't wait!

Shannon Wallace said...

Thank you for sharing your projects! I love the little liberty quilt. :) And thanks for the info on the giveaway! I want your book so bad!

CapitolaQuilter said...

Quilters Dream Select is really nice but I like their bamboo/silk when I can't get my hands on Winline 100% Bamboo. It's hard for me to go back to W&N now. Your liberty is sweet.

Gemini Jen NZ said...

I always find your work so inspiring and lovely to look at. Went over to Stepahnie's blog and loved the photos there - made me get right onto ordering my own copy of your book, which I have been meaning to do for ages but (nicely for you) it was sold out the last time I tried! Congratulations on the success of your book. I can't wait til mine arrives! I am keen to start with the ticker tape quilt! Have a good weekend!

Clair said...

Lots going on there. I need to get started on a quilting project.

Anonymous said...

Quilter's Dream Cotton is my go-to batting. I especially like the way it looks after it's been washed and dried.

Di~ said...

I'm ready for new batting too, warm and white is so so thin. You and Jacquie?! how fun! I'd love to be there with you two! I'm loving the Liberty stitchin'.

Mama Pea said...

Thanks for the shout out!

Have you tried wool batting yet? I just got my first quilt quilted with wool. It's so light compared to cotton, and so "drapey." Interesting. I like it!

I can't wait to see that last quilt all done. I love those little pinwheels. :-) Have a great weekend!

Lynn said...

Oooh, Quilter's dream is my favorite batting. Sadly the shop that carried it locally has closed.

Live a Colorful Life said...

Ooh, such pretty photos! And please link up to Really Random--I know it says "Thursday" but the linky is open for like five days or something! You and Jacquie--fun. Have a fun time! And thanks for the shout-out!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

I've never seen the new batting. I've been using Warm & Natural.

Unknown said...

I absolutely love Quilter's Dream batting. I used to only use Warm and Natural and decided to branch out too.. I tried a few different ones (Hobbs Heirloom, Tuscany Collection..) but came to love this one. Hope it turns out well for you! :-)

Mar said...

lovely works!!

Catherine said...

I love your tiny Liberty quilt - and the fact that it was bound with fabric from your grandma. That makes it a "proper" quilt:-) I will be really interested to know how you compare the Warm and Natural with the Quilter's Dream

Margaret said...

Long long time blog follower.... I am visiting NZ and saw the new quilt book 'Sunday morning quilts' in a sewing store. I wanted to do a little Amanda Jean jig !!!

Suzanne said...

I LOVE the liberty quilt! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! I'm delighted you finished the stippling on your quilt and I can't wait for a review on the batting and photos from the trunk show. I know you are not supposed to touch quilts at shows, but fondle them for me please. :-)

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

I'm anxious for your review of the Quilters Dream batting. I'm done a few smaller projects with it, mostly gifts but have bought some for a few bedsize quilts in process...the quilt shop here in town recommends it highly.

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

I usually use warm and natural too but last year tried quilter's dream cotton for my SIL's quilt. It was really nice. Every time I see close ups of your stippling I study them. The stitches are so good! said...

I am a complete Quilters Dream convert, I just can't use anything else any more, it quilts beautifully and it's so soft and snuggly.

Unknown said...

Oooh, I like that long division! I might just have to check that out!

Anonymous said...

Love the liberty quilt.

Carol E. said...

Jacquie was in Mpls????? Crap! I would have gone! I gotta start paying attention. Glad to see you are finishing the chopsticks quilt. Looks great. My guild prez said maybe we could invite you for a meeting in the spring. We better hurry and book a date, I'm guessing.

Gene Black said...

I really wish I could come to your retreat. I need some scrap storing therapy. Ha ha. Sadly I was too late for the book giveaway. I will put in on my wish list.

Dora, the Quilter said...

I absolutely love Quilter's Dream Batting. While our prayer quilt ministry uses Warm 'n' Natural, I much prefer quilters dream request--it is much more fun to use and the finished quilts are much nicer--at least to my way of thinking.

Judi said...

Hi all,
I am a new quilter and am in the market for a new sewing machine. I was hoping some of you might offer me some advice. If you care to, please email me @
Thanks, Judi.