Friday, August 31, 2012

liberty scrap challenge

When Nova asked me to join in her Liberty scrap challenge (along with Jo from the Organic Stitch Co.), I just couldn't say no. Liberty fabrics are two ways about it. And you already know how much I love scraps! These are the cream of the crop.
For my project I made a little wonky whirlygiggle mini quilt with a little touch of hand stitching.
I do love it, even if it was a bugger to photograph! :)
It measures 17.5" x 22".

Here's a little tutorial if you would like to make one of your own.
First off, start with two little wedge shaped pieces. Make sure they are over 2" long and wide enough that when the two are sewn together they are at least 2" wide.
(For the white fabrics I used scraps of regular ol' quilting cotton. They mix just fine with liberty fabrics.)
Sew the two wedges together and press.
Trim the block to 2" square.
Make 4 blocks, then layout as shown.
Sew the top two blocks together, press the seam toward the right.
Sew the bottom two blocks together, press seam toward the left.
Nest the seams together and pin. Sew top and bottom blocks together.
Press. Starch a bit if you would like.
Trim/square up block to 3.5".
Repeat as many times as you desire!
I chose to make 12 blocks, and then decided to add some gray sashing.
From the sashing fabric, cut 8 pieces 2" x 3.5". Sew the sashing pieces in between the blocks as shown to make 4 rows.
Cut 3 strips of sashing fabric 2" x 12.5". Sew between rows as shown.
For the side borders, cut 2 pieces 3" x 17". Sew to each side and press.
For the top and bottom borders, cut 2 pieces 3" x 17.5". Sew to top and bottom and press. 
You mini quilt top is complete!
Baste, quilt and bind as desired.
I chose to hand quilt my mini with my precious Anna Maria Horner thread. (Thanks Tara!) It's the perfect compliment to this project!
It was a great activity to do while my kiddos were playing at the beach. :)
I bound it with a vintage navy dot that came from my grandma's there are lots of precious bits in this quilt.

If you would like to check out all the other Liberty Challenge Tutorials, you can find them all on this page and check out the flickr group here.
Be sure to check out Jo's shop for Liberty scrap packs, charms and fat 1/8ths. She is offering a 10% discount to YOU on your order for the next 10 days...just enter 'Challenge 10' in the checkout when you place your order.


If you would like to throw your name in the hat, I have a scrap pack and a fat eighth of lovely Liberty fabric to giveaway to one lucky reader (thanks, Jo!)...just leave me a comment on this post! I plan to pick the winners for both contests tomorrow evening. (I didn't plan on doing two giveaways this week, but I'm sure you don't mind, right?)

Happy Friday!

edit: the giveaway is now closed.


**nicke... said...

so so pretty amandajean! thanks for the mini tute too! xo

Nanette said...

I love Liberty fabric...and thanks for the tutorial! The blocks you made really suit the fabric well.

ashley said...

I love that mini! I might have to make a bigger version of this! Thanks for the giveaway!

Dhia said...

super cute!

Megan said...

I love fat eighths! Beautiful mini quilt!

Svetlana said...

your mini is so pretty.

Margery said...

Pretty fabric, and I love the quilt - thanks for showing us how. I'd love to win, too!

Sarah said...

Love those blocks! The hand stitching looks so good on them!

Micha said...

The hand quilting is really pretty and looks great against the grey fabric. Thanks for the tutorial, would make some great baby quilts for our church dedications.

Denise said...

It would be great fun to win this Liberty fabric. What a joy it is to work with. And your hand quilting is amazing. Thank you for sharing.

Diane said...

So simple and pleasing!

Emily said...

Very pretty!

Lori said...

Great tute. Thanks for a chance to win

Unknown said...

Two giveaways this week is awesome! Thanks!

Michelle said...

That looks wonderful! I have a bunch of triangle scraps I've been trying to find a project for. Maybe I can make them wedges hmmm...

Beth said...

Your quilt is awesome! Great way to use those beautiful fabrics!

Unknown said...

I love that your liberty project is different than any others I've seen. I have a small stash of liberty that i've been hoarding, I mean saving, for a rainy day. Sun's still shining, but I do like the whirlygigs.

Flaun of I Plead Quilty! said...

Oh, Mylanta, that's a sweet little quilt!

Renae said...

I'm really loving scraps lately.
Got some ideas in my head, so this would be a fun addition.

Laurel09 said...

Thank you for the fun combination of fun fabric/quilt pictures, a good tutorial, and a great giveaway! I have never used liberty fabrics before, but your description and your great use of them makes me itch to get my hands on some!

Olivia said...

I love that quilt! You are so talented!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

What a cute little quilt! I am starting to LOVE that fabric line too! Crossing my fingers!! Thx!! Jenn

KT said...

I've been wanting to do something mini for a while . . .

Kathi said...

Thanks for the mini tute...would love to get my mitts on some liberty!

Jennifer said...

I've never used Liberty. I love your hand quilting too.

Anonymous said...

I love the quilt and the hand stitching. Thanks for the give a way.

free indeed said...

I need to make myself a mini or two to hang in the sewing room...I love the handstitching you did to yours...perfect!

Alison V. said...

What an adorable little quilt!

Lynn F said...

I love the wonky pinwheels and that they are made of Liberty! Wonderful!

Carolyn S. said...

Love your wonderful little quilt, and thank you for the tutorial.

notrobb said...

I love whirligig quilts and all the more with Liberty prints!

Kim said...

Well that just shows how a little bit of Liberty can make a big impact even on a tiny quilt. it is lovely!
Would I ever like to win! thanks for the chance :0)
Have a Happy Labor day weekend and Happy Sewing

roxi said...

pick me, pick me ;)

Lynn M said...

Thanks for the chance, love your quilt.

Mary P said...

I have been in love with Liberty fabrics for a long time. Been to the store in London several times.

Beth said...

Beautiful quilt--love the hand stitching. Anytime you can incorporate something from a loved one it makes a beautiful project an extraordinary one! Thanks for the chance!

Liane said...

Beautiful quilt, would love to work with some Liberty fabric.

Jamie said...

I would love to win this!

Karen said...

What an adorable little quilt! I love the gray really sets off the white and the Liberty prints!

Will save this post so that I may refer back to the other Liberty tutorials. Thanks!

Have a great weekend!

Hugs, Karen

✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

Great tute! It looks like a twister without all the wasted fabric.

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful little mini quilt! It does look similiar to a twister quilt. Love the fabric and hand stitching also. Wouldn't mine winning too! :-)

Anonymous said...

I just love love love liberty prints! Their fabric is so absolutely soft and wonderful to work with. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Here's hoping.....

The New Mrs. said...

Love liberty!!! Would love to win. :)

Janet said...

Very sweet! Thanks for the giveaway.

Mama Pea said...

I know how much you love this fabric, and your quilt turned out just great. I loved that you used your precious thread and polka dots on it, too. How special this must be for you. I would love to be in the drawing, because you know I am just hurting for fabric. I need to fill up my craft room! LOL.

Melissa Corry said...

This is such a pretty mini!!! And those fabrics are just precious!!

krisgray said...

What a pretty way to show each print! One day I must try hand quilting with perle cotton, it looks so pretty.

Tennjenny said...

I love that Liberty and -- make no mistake -- I'd probably be screaming if I won the scrap pack, but I think that navy dot is my favorite part of the whole thing! Got to find me some tiny navy dot. :-D

CapitolaQuilter said...

The AMH colors go so well with Liberty. Your quilt is so precious.

Yorkshire Quilter said...

I love your quilt - what a great way to make a few precious fabrics go a long way!

Jane said...

Heck, I don't mind another giveaway. Go ahead!

Cassandra said...

I can see why you were excited to join in! Those fabrics are lovely!

Lauren said...

I love that Liberty fabric!
llsieg at earthlink dot net

Karen said...

Thanks so much for sharing your tutorial. The fabrics are lovely.

Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mina said...

I would love to work with Liberty fabric. Thank you :)

Emily said...

Holy stinkin' cow! I love mini's... Once again, you amaze!

Andrea said...

Liberty giveaway? Oh me, oh my! Count me in!!! Such a fun little quilt you made Amanda!

Marei said...

I would be thrilled to have some of that Liberty fabric. I'm in it to win it!! Thanks for the chance.

Dorothy said...

Love your mini. I'd like to win some lovely Liberty!!

Brooke @ little b quilts said...

I would love to try out some Liberty...I've never even seen it in person :-(


Caryn said...

I really love your quilt. I'm all about scrappy too and I love quick project ideas that use little bits of lots of fabrics.

Martina said...

Your mini turned out so lovely. Fresh and sweet!

Jane T said...

Beautiful fabric! I love the complexity of the florals.

Jennifer said...

Those fabrics are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win

Kim C. said...

Lovely quilt and lovely fabrics too. Scrapquilts are my favourite.

Anonymous said...

Cute mini!

Lynn said...

What beautiful fabrics. It's the kind of fabric you just want to admire lovingly. Your whirly giggle really showcases it well!

Jane S. said...

Sure, I'll throw my name into the hat! I've never seen Liberty fabric in person before, only admired it online. :)

Dresden Quilter said...

I love the hand stitching that you did. Thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I really like your hand stitching!


Live a Colorful Life said...

this is SO sweet! I just love the hand quilting. Liberty scraps would be awesome to work with.

Susan said...

Your mini is so sweet! I'd love to add to my meager liberty scraps!

Beth said...

I don't think my last comment took. Thanks for the chance to win. Beth

Jane said...

This little mini so impressive! I am really inspired to do some hand quilting now too! Would so love to win these lovely Liberty fabrics!

Darcy said...

I love this mini quilt so much, I am making one as a doll baby blanket for my 2 year old grand-daughter! I'm using scraps from the quilt I made for her when she was born... LOVE your tutorials!
Thank you!

Glynette said...

I've never made a mini quilt---I think I may just have to try!
Yours is great!

M. said...

Whirlygigs, I like it! Haven't really thought of those before!

Marga (MarPie) said...

Love this one a lot.
Thank you and Jo for the give away.

Kind regards,

bets said...

I even bookmarked this it. Hope I win....thanks!

Jolie said...

I love your mini quilt! It's such a cute design :)

Clair said...

I should make a whirlygiggle quilt...but with bigger blocks and a bigger end result.

lindaroo said...

Liberty scraps sound heavenly! Your hand quilting sets them off just right, too.

Amanda said...

oooh, liberty. I love their delicate florals. They're just pretty.

Emily said...

It's fun to see how people are using their scraps. The hand-quilting is lovely!

debby said...

such gorgeous fabrics! I love how your quilt turned out.

Mrs A said...

What a lovely little quilt, and a simple design, many thanks for the tut!

Lynn said...

Nice quilt, I admire your handstiching! Love, love Liberty fabric, despite the price. I would love to win this.

Frieda said...

I would love to win some Liberty scraps or fat eighths. I love the feel of Liberty fabrics. Thank you for giving us the chance to win.

dortha said...

Would love to win. Such pretty fabric.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Beautiful! Liberty fabrics are so gorgeous and that's a great quilt to use up scraps!

Tiffany said...

Cute mini and nice tutorial. THanks!

Valerie said...

I've never had an Liberty before, I've heard so much about it though, I'd love to feel it myself.

Lea said...

So darling, I can't get over how sweet hand-stitching is on that mini-quilt. Thanks for the tutorial info, and for the chance to win!!

Carolyn said...

Thanks for doing another giveaway! Liberty fabric rocks!

Unknown said...

Amanda I love the gray, it makes your blocks pop. Would love some scraps to play with, thanks. Nancy

Bunny said...

I'm a scrap quilt gal too and always appreciate getting more scraps.

Wendy said...

Thanks for this chance. Wendy

Heather said...

What a cute mini! I'd love to see one done full size as well...yum! And grey was a great choice to set off all of those lovely liberty fabrics!

Quilt n Queen said...

Amanda Jean, I would like to throw my name in the hat...believe it or not I do not have any Liberty fabric. Your Liberty fabrics are so pretty...makes a cute mini. Enjoy your weekend Amanda Jean

Lullaby said...

What a cute little quilt! And hand stitching fits right on! Love it

ThreadCatcher said...

Thanks for the tutorial on your whirlygiggle...the name is fun if nothing else! I appreciate the chance to win some scraps, thanks fo the chance at your giveaway.

Jackie said...

What a great way to display Liberty at it's finest!

MellieWo said...

The hand stiching is adorable and how awesome that you got to use the navy for the binding! Thanks for sharing and for both fantastic giveaways :)

Momto3inIL said...

So pretty!! Love the hand quilting also! momto3inil at gmail dot com

Lynne said...

Very cute mini. Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful fabric!

Dawn Brown said...

Big Libery fan here and I love the patter you chose. Thanks for the mini-tutorial!!

Sarah Craig said...

Lovely quilt, Amanda Jean - and thanks so much for the tutorial!

Unknown said...

I love your quilt! I absolutely adore Liberty fabrics but have not yet added any to my stash. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. Love reading your blog!

Anne's House said...

How pretty! I LOVE it!

Linda Kay said...

We don't mind at all! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Beezus said...

Ah, sweet liberty prints. They are gorgeous, aren't they? :)

Jill said...

Beautiful mini! Thanks for a chance to win

EmilyC said...

I'm in awe of your ability to just throw together a wonky pattern like that. I'm still working up the nerve to work with HSTs...but I'm getting there!

Anonymous said...

Cute quilt! Nyla-Jean

Shanna said...

Love the mini!! These fabrics are so sweet!

Diana said...

Great tutorial, love the fabrics.

Jessica Young said...

I love what you did with those busy fabrics. The great sashing works perfectly to balance it out. The colored hand stitching looks great! Thanks for your frequent blo posts. I'm a newer reader and I love seeing your projects :)

Kay said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty!!! Who doesn't love Liberty. Thank you for an incredible giveaway.

Melanie said...

Super cute mini quilt!

Gunilla said...

Lovely! I will have to try out the wonky pin-wheels, they look adorable! Thanks for the tutorial, now I know how to make this!!!

Nova said...

scraptastic!!!! Thanks so much for being an awesome challenger & playing along xxx

Katie said...

Always looking for new scrappy quilt ideas. Love this one. Thanks.

Ellee said...

I like the gray you chose -- just the right shade. ... soparkaveataoldotcom

Shirley Gonzalez-Day said...

Just happened on your site through Etsy. Love the idea of not wasting precious fabric. What a bonanza your book appears to be.

kimmie9503 said...

I love minis! said...

Very creative idea, I love it. Looks great, maybe I should also try to do next.

annemarie said...

How pretty - would love some Liberty scraps!!

Kate said...

I'd love to win! We just moved, and I'll be unearthing my machine today. A lovely, quick little project would be just the ticket!

linda said...

beautiful quilt and the hand stitching gave the wow factor. Thanks for chance to win a give a way.

Denise in PA said...

I would dearly love to get my hands on some Liberty fabric! What a cute quilt - and thanks for the tutorial! Love the method. Thanks so much for the chance to win! o:)

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see any Liberty in any of my local shops. It would be neat to get to get my hands on some.

claire said...

I'd love to make a Liberty mini. Thanks for the chance to win.

Beulah said...

Thank you so much for the whirlly gig tutorial! This is a great quilt for using treasured scraps!! If I ever get caught up...this is now on my to-do list of new quilts.

sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

Ruth said...

I am definitely going to give this a try, I have some gorgeous blue and yellow fabric scraps that I was looking for the perfect pattern to use them in.

Margaret said...

I have never used LIberty fabric. I would love to try it. Thanks for the chance to win some.

Jamie @Terrabyte Farm said...

So pretty! I would love to get my hands on some Liberty!

beeps said...

Wow, what a great way to make pinwheels without having to worry too much about cutting! Make and trim - I can get behind that! Cute quilt and thanks for the giveaway

Carla said...

Oh count me in please ; )

Unknown said...

I just love the hand quilting! Beautiful job!

Beth said...

Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have some Liberty! Thanks for the chance to win!


Gwen said...

I love your mini-quilt; it's so cheerful! I've never worked with liberty prints before and would love the chance to win this pack and give it a try.

Ms. Cook said...

Cool I really like your mini quilt; is so cute. I think I might try one myself maybe even put a little hand stiching in it! Thanks for the chance to win.

themissymom said...

Really cute quilt. I like the hand stitching with the colored thread, too.

Unknown said...

So cute! Love those prints!

Diana said...

Love the little wonky whirlygiggle mini quilt, great colors and the gray is a fabulous finish. Would love to win the Liberty scrap pack, such gorgeous material.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Jess said...

Love that windmill. And I've heard great things about Liberty, though I haven't had the chance to use it yet.

Karen's Vegan Kitchen said...

Very cute! I find it interesting that of all my UFOs none are miniature quilts. Perhaps I should just stick to those! LOL.

Mary5 said...

little whirly quilt! Bravo!

Karilee said...

Thank you for the chance to win the lovely Liberty fabrics.

VickiT said...

Great little tutorial. I would love to win this from you so that I can see what everyone is loving so much about Liberty fabric. Thank you very much for the chance.

Candias said...

I absolutely love this version of a pinwheel, they are my favorite all time pattern. Would love to win these fabrics also. Would be fun to see what I could create. Thanks.

SewLisa :o) said...

I have been drooling over all the projects that people are making with the Liberty scraps. They are gorgeous! Love what you did with them, too. Pinwheels are too much fun.

WeaslerQuilts said...

Thanks for the tutorial, it's a great quilt! :)

Shelley said...

Love your mini quilt! I have never made one but is on the "todo" list!
Thanks for the chance to win. I have never seen Liberty fabrics that I know of. Will have to find some so I can find out what all the fuss is about! ;)

GSGC StrongFamily said...

Love the mini quilt, and Liberty fabrics are beautiful...would love to play with some!

Thanks for a chance to win some!

Sabrina S

Caitlin at Salty Oat said...

Your mini quilt turned out beautifully. I think the hand-stitching adds a lot! I picked up a small pack of Liberty fabrics while I was in London last March, and I'd love to do a similar project!

Andi said...

Pinwheels and a rainbow color scheme...exactly what I am working on today! Love those Liberty fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway.

JaideyBug said...

I love that quilt!!! The hand quilting is beautiful, and I love the fact that the binding is vintage! I bet it's even more amazing in person too! Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway, I would love to have a scrap pack! THanks, jacy468 at aim dot com

Kate said...

That's an adorable little quilt! Thanks for the chance to win.

Barbara J said...

Liberty fabrics are creme de la creme of fabrics. I've only admired them from afar. Thank you for the chance to own some.

Kristin said...

I have never actually touched a liberty fabric and would love to so so! Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win!

Sandra said...

I love Liberty fabrics, *I am from the UK*
Thanks for the giveaway.
Are the wedges a certain size; I am thinking I would like to do this with charm squares.

brendaj said...

Have always admired Liberty fabrics! Keeping my fingers crossed :)

paige13d said...

Very cute! Thanks for the tutorial.

katja said...

i am currently hoarding libery scraps and this looks like it might be worthy of them! so cute...

Kristy said...

Quilting Liberty fabric is like quilting through butter.....scrumptious! You little quilt is darling. Kristy

Marilyn said...

L-O-V-E the Liberty...and love the whirlygiggles;-) Thanks for the tutorial and for a chance in your giveaway!!

Brynn said...

Such cute fabric, and such a cute quilt! Thanks!

Tracybug Creative said...

Oh I love it! so fun! I have two shirts that I got for my girl when Target did Liberty fabric clothes a while back! I plan on reusing the fabric once it's outgrown! Adding some of this fabric to it would be so FAB!
mrstracymartin at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

This tutorial was super! I am going to make one, too! Can't wait to go pick out some scraps. Thank You! Paula from Alberta, Canada.

Tamie said...

Oh I'd love to have some of these scraps to play with. Thanks for the giveaway.

Sally Langston Warren said...

Hope I'm not too late for the drawing...I love Liberty cottons. I've always loved them...even before I knew what they were! My mom often wore dresses made of Liberty fabric back in the dark ages of my childhood....Love the whirlygig pattern. Thanks for simplifying it! Sally at jspwarren@aoldotcom.

CathyH said...

What a cute project!! Thanks for the chance at a giveaway.

Susana Neiger said...

Cute Mini, and fun giveaway! Your easy instructions have got me wanting to make one of those!

Annalia said...

I just LOVE the hand-stitching! I've been trying to do more of it too...I guess the sweet AM Horner threads would be a good motivator. Might be forced to buy some. :)