Saturday, August 11, 2012

jump for joy

I'm back home again after speaking and teaching up at Gruber's quilt shop on Friday and Saturday. It was fantastic. I typically don't sleep much on weekends away because I have a hard time shutting my mind off. I should clarify...that issue really isn't reserved for weekends away. It's a way of life for me, but I digress. :)

Last night I remembered a story related to the book that I wanted to share. When I was in the thick of book writing and quilting (while trying to keep life at home somewhat normal) my daughter, who was 4 at the time, and I had a conversation. I don't remember the exact details, but she was probably asking me to either play with her or to do something with her. I was in the middle of a big project, so the answer was "not right now, Mom's working". And then I told her that when the book was done I was going to jump for joy. As you may know, kids have a knack for remembering obscure things. Or at least my kids do. Sometime later (I'm not sure if it was days, weeks or months) when the book was actually done she asked me if it was time to jump for joy. I recall the day (and the exact spot in the living room) where her and I literally jumped for joy. It was a sweet moment, to be sure. And one I hope I never forget.

I'm so thankful that I get to do this....speak, teach, write, QUILT, meet and make connections with so many other quilters. It's amazing. It's a ton of work, and I don't sleep nearly enough, but it's so very rewarding.

I'm so thankful that Nancy March took time out of her life 12 years ago to teach me how to quilt. What a difference she made in my life! I was delighted to dedicate the book to seemed so fitting, so right. I was thrilled when I saw her come into the dinner on Friday night. It had been way too long since we had seen each other (because life gets busy, you know) and it was a such a sweet surprise, so touching.

The response that Cheryl and I have gotten (and continue to get) from the book has been fantastic. I would like to say thank you to each and every one who bought the book. Really. Thank you. Thanks to those who have supported me over the years through my blog. Thank you to those who leave kind words of encouragement via comments. Thanks to those of you who come to have dinner with me and those of you who take my classes or come to my retreats. Thanks for being a part of all of this. It means so much.

I'm jumping for joy all over again.
(even in my extremely tired stupor.)


Andrea said...

Amanda, I love reading about you jumping for joy with your daughter and I LOVE reading expressions of joy and gratitude. Thank you for sharing!!!

You are wonderful!

Tennjenny said...

Thank you for sharing with us!

Di~ said...

You are the best! :)

Lynn said...

What a lovely and gracious post, you've provided us with so much inspiration and have really built up a community of quilters from so many newcomers and beginners. It seriously is a pleasure anytime a post of yours pops up on my reader and I can't tell you how often I turn to your tutorials and faqs for help.

Cute story about your daughter. My little girl went off to college today (sniff). It happened too fast.

Rachel said...

You deserve that jump and that joy!! LOVE the book!

Camille said...

That is so cute! Moments like that make your heart so full you think it might poop.

Tara said...

Haha, I was gonna write something really sweet and then I read the other comments and I can't stop giggling about your heart "pooping!". I must be tired too! Can't wait to hear more!

Chelsea said...

What a cutie and a great reminder to celebrate!

And I'm a little jealous of your ability to cope on barely any sleep. If I don't get my 8 hours I'm useless and will literally fall asleep standing up in the middle if the day! Obviously I'm not a mum!

Emily said...

Thank you!
I'm pretty sure that when I was first starting off quilting it was your blog that I frequented - to help me learn how to do it all! :) Thanks!!

Schulz Family said...

We all thank the person that took time out to teach you to quilt. But I am also sure that lots of us would like to thank you for taking time out to teach us. Cheers Karen.

Pieces of Cotton said...

Well, I just want to thank you for paying it forward. When my friend introduced me to quilting, yours was one of the blogs she recommended. I very much feel like you taught me how to quilt, and I really appreciate it!

Theresa said...

I lost my front teeth really early...I'd had some accidents whilst being bounced on my Dad's knee and another one whilst playing on the rubbish bin over the fence (well....that's how my Mum relayed the story). So my big front teeth fell out early and showed no signs of coming down. My Mum said that she 'would throw a party when my tooth came down'. I turned five and I was accompanying my Mum to the ballet at the Opera Theatre...that's how I remember 20 minutes being a really long time, but that's another story. At the same time, my big tooth came down and I asked about 'that party'. My Mum responded that she'd taken me to the ballet. I was gob-smacked. There was no way I would have committed to the ballet to risk a party (that we never seem to have). But there you's an example of what grown ups say and what little ears hear. You 'jump for joy' and my Mum 'throws a party''s all the same to me!

Jocelyn said...

As a long time follower Amanda Jean, it has been fun and inspiring to see how you have progressed over the years. Thanks for taking us along on the ride.


Linda said...

As someone who has known you quite literally since before you took up quilting, it has been amazing to watch you grow and change, not only as a quilter, but also as a person. You are so blessed with talent, and I could see that from the very beginning. It has been fun to really see you hit your stride with quilting. I don't know how you do everything you do. You are a gifted quilter, a great mother and homemaker, and I know that K adores you. I am so glad that I got to meet you 15 years ago and that I can call you my friend. <3

charlotte said...

Thank you Amanda Jean...for the book, the inspiration and all the tips you give us. I have learned lots from you and I have been quilting for 20 years. I hope to never stop learning. I was thinking the other day that your and Cheryl's book is a very important book to have in a quilt library. I can't think of anyone else who taught us what to do with all our scraps. Our SMQ Bee is really having fun with it.

Vee said...

I have started quilting quite recently so I have been buying books whenever I can. I got your book as soon as it was released and am LOVING it !! I love your blog too.
Thank you for sharing !

Rebecca said...

You're just fabulous! Thank you for sharing such a lovely story.

carol said...

I'm thinking you deserve every bit of this fanfare. Look at how many quilters you've inspired! I remember a few years back when wrote to you and asked where you lived and if you'd teach me. We've both come a long way since then! Get some sleep, my friend!

Quilter Mom of 3 said...

I saw this and it made me think of you...

Aliceart said...

I jumped for joy when I got my book! Kids are great for reminding us to really live. So miss that now that mine are all grown up.

cath said...

I love your blog , your books and your quilts ! I start to quilt "modern quilts" after reading your blog
Thank you for sharing

excuse me , I don't speak english, I hope you can understand me !

Cherie said...

That's so sweet that she remembered! How great to be able to literally jump for joy ans share a special moment with your daughter =D

Maja said...

Amanda Jean, You are such a source of inspinspiration.
I think i jumped of joy the first time I found your blog!

Sarah Craig said...

I started blogging and quilting in January of 2010. While visiting blogs, I found a link to one of your blogposts, and checked it out! Eureka! Great stuff - so I looked to see what else there was, and was HORRIFIED to find your blogpost saying that you were no longer going to be blogging!! I was absolutely woebegone that I wouldn't have access to what was obviously a wonderful quilting mind - so you can imagine my joy when you posted "Coming Back Soon" on April 19th, 2010! I'm so glad you came back and can't wait to see what you come up with next! Thanks for enriching my quilting life so much!!

Mary Jo said...

I am rather thankful that you and Cheryl wrote this book. So thank you and also thanks for taking the time to share your quilts and time with us. So enjoyed seeing you and your lovely quilts.

Carolyn said...

Dude. I jumped for joy the day I got a quilt made by you in the mail. It's so awesome to be a witness to your journey. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank YOU for all the pleasure and inspiration you contribute to all your readers (blog and book) and the quilting community!

Suzanne said...

I'm still hoping to join you at a retreat or across the table for dinner someday. It's not a pipe dream. It's a reality that is yet to happen.

Shelina said...

I took the book with me when I was getting my sleep study done this weekend, and it was nice and relaxing. The title Sunday Morning is so refreshing and sets the perfect ambiance, and all those gorgeous quilts - I feel like I want to make every single quilt in the book.

Tracybug Creative said...

Amanda, I think we all jumped for Joy when the book was finished too! All of us extremely excited to have even more access to the creativity you have been blessed with and so freely share here in your blog! You are a generous and encouraging I am hoping my husband actually listened and got me a copy of your book for my birthday :) if not I'll be ordering it very soon for him!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I'm so lucky that I get to be one of the ones sharing dinner across the table and retreating with you three years in a row. Hope it's just the beginning! Keep jumping for joy with your daughter - you never get too old to do that!

Mary Marcotte said...

I wish I lived somewhere near Wisconsin. Ah, to meet you or take a class with you, or just have dinner. Any of those would be wonderful. As it is, and because I live in the South, I just have to enjoy your book and your blog, but I am very grateful that to have both and appreciate that you are so gracious and giving of yourself. Thanks for such a lovely post. But please, take some time to go jump with your daughter!

Donna said...

You are such an inspiration. Years down the road someone will be thanking you for getting them started on quilting.

I purchased your book. Now I have to decide which project to make first.

Keep up the great work. Jumping for joy with you.


Anonymous said...

I just finished my first quilt top from your book. I LOVE it! Thanks so much!

bethanndodd said...

Thank YOU for taking the time to share so much of yourself with us. You are truly an inspiration to me and I am sure many others. Keep on jumping! Smiles~Beth

Linzee said...

A super-sweet post.

Kelsey said...

This was just the sweetest post! Your happiness was honestly contagious when reading this. I felt like jumping for joy along side you! What a wonderful feeling for you, congrats for completing something so rewarding.

Kelsey /

Anthony and Sharon said...

Hi Amanda Jean-
I just finished a "ragged rectangles" quilt that I did from your ragged squares tutorial. I don't have ANY quilting tools or experience (I live in Asia...but plan to get some rotary tools when I'm in the US again!) but I wanted to share my finished quilt with you as you helped me with it :) I cut big huge rectangles bc that's way easier (and shows my mistakes less) than all the little squares. I did more quilting to help make it look more detailed and that was my favorite turnout from the whole project. I'm planning to do a big rectangle for a pillow sham. It'll be going on my daughter's bed when she moves into a big-girl bed.

I know it's nothing spectacular, but I'm glad to be done! Thanks so much for tutoring us all!

Ralitza said...

This s lovely touching story! Kids remember mail stones. Like moments of joy. You did make me imagine how you jump and this is what makes life a miracle.

I tend to steal time out of daily to-do-s for a blog indulgence like this post and your blog has always been like a day-spa /or midnight most often/ for me. Thank you!

amy smart said...

I loved everything about this post, Amanda Jean. You are an inspiration to me in many ways beyond even quilting and blogging.

I'm so thrilled that your book continues to get rave reviews. :)