Thursday, March 17, 2011

tour Ireland blog hop

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

To be honest with you, this isn't a day that I normally do a ton of celebrating, but I'm not opposed to it. :) Pat Sloan is doing a blog hop to feature her Tour Ireland book, and I'm happy to be joining in the fun. Tour Ireland is a book that documents Pat's trip to Ireland with a group of quilters. There are lots of gorgeous photos of Ireland included. (I want to go!) It's like a scrapbook and a pattern book rolled into one. It has some great patterns that I would love to make, scrappy style, of course.
This one is called Sheep's Feet. I think it's so clever. It's made from snowball blocks that alternate lights and darks. I don't think I've ever seen that before, and it makes the quilt quite interesting.
I just had to start one right away. I can already tell that I'm gonna love it.
I do love an Irish Chain quilt, and this version is great. I love the gradient color and the zig zag border. Such a nice touch. I'm still trying to figure out how to translate this one into a scrappy version, but I'm sure I'll find a way. :)
Pat is offering her book at 25% off the regular price through the end of March. You can buy it here. could stop at any of the places on the blog hop and try to win a copy for yourself!

Of course, you could leave me a comment here, too. In your comment I'd love to know if/how you celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I'll be picking two winners from this post that will each recieve a book compliments of Pat and Leisure Arts. I'll pick the winners on Saturday. Hope you have a GREAT day!


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Colleen Kole said...

Wear something green, wish everyone a little green cheer and have a great irish meal tonight. With a name like Colleen , how could I not share in the celebration! Happy St Patrick's Day everyone!

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

No celebrating here. When I was teaching, though, I had to be sure to wear something green or the leprechauns would let me know about it!
Thanks for the chance to win:)

Chris {frecklemama} said...

We just plain ole wear green. But I have a friend who puts green food color in her toilets the night before so the kids wake up to Leprechan pee evidence LOL!

Deb said...

Wear something green is about it. Not beer drinkers and not a fan of corned beef and cabbage. Would love the book though, really like the Irish chain quilt. Thanks

sarahbethe said...

We'll celebrate tonight with some yummy green beer! I'm wearing my green and am ready for the day! The quilting book looks amazing. I always wanted to go to Ireland.

Bonnie said...

Three of my favourite things all in one. Quilting, books and Ireland! We used to celebrate more but now its just an Irish meal and some green crafts for the girls.

rebecca said...

We celebrate with a corned beef and cabbage dinner. We even have the perfect spot to eat out!! Think Green!

pinsandneedles said...

Not much celebrating here but I wear green and eat some cornbeef and cabbage
Pat's book looks wonderful. Thanks for a chance to win!

SkippityDoDahQuilts said...

We have corned beef and cabbage, green beer, and some green felt crafts for the little ones :). We come from a VERY Irish family, so St. Patty's day is always a good time!

PatSloan said...

Ohhh... another fine Lassie on the Wearing of the GREEN day!!! And I ADORE your scrappy 'Sheeps feet'.. how clever are you!!

The irish chain with a zillion greens and blacks against a zillion cream and tans... mmm.... can't wait to see if you try one!

Good LUCK to all your readers!

Kathy B said...

I do two things on St. Patty's day - wear grean and cook corned beef and cabbage in the crock pot! That's it!

Karen said...

There were the days that I'd go out for the cornbeef and cabbage and green beer, but now I make my own cornbeef and cabbage sans the beer. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!

Terriaw said...

What a cool idea for a book! I love that Pat shared her travels along with quilt ideas. I love St. Pattys Day! I love to wear the brightest green shirt, and get a Shamrock Shake from McDonalds. We also love to go out to an Irish Pub to help celebrate. Mmmm, Guiness!

Anonymous said...

I don't do much celebrating for St. Patty's day, mostly wearing green so I can avoid being pinched...for some reason even adults still carry on with this!

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

I don't celebrate either. I actually forgot today was St. Patrick's Day until I logged on and started reading blogs this morning! Thanks for the chance!

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

we celebrate by having a tradtional Irish dinner of corned beef and cabbage!

Rachel said...

I wear something green and, sometimes, I bring in a treat for my students. Even though I do have Irish ancestors, we don't make a big deal out of it.

I visited Dublin last summer - my first trip to Ireland - and I loved it!

Ruth said...

I celebrate by wearing my shamrock earrings with sparkly green stones in them. I would love to win a copy of the book.

Kelly Coughlan said...

I love your scrappy sheep's feet start! Speaking of sheep--I have two and would LOVE to use their fleece as quilt batt. Have you ever done that? I haven't been able to find any resources to help which is strange since I would assume sheep fleece is the "original" quilt batt. Happy St. Paddy's Day to you--I LOVE your work, your flicker and your blog.

Ivona said...

Not much celebrating here either, but some people do, mainly those having family or friends in Ireland :-) But I like green and also movies that mention Ireland, like "p.s. I love you" or "The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns (TV 1999)". Greetings from Slovakia :-)

Michele T said...

I usually wear something green on St. Patrick's Day! This book looks awesome - would love to win it and dream!

Rustic Barnyard said...

I don't ever celebrated st patty's day, mostly since I never remember it till it's over. The most I'd do is try to wear green.

I've made a Irish Chain quilt before. I made the irish chain and star. I think I sent a picture to you once. It's all scrappy. I'd be happy to send you the pattern info if you're interested.


Meri said...

I'm not doing a lot of celebrating today, but I will be visiting Ireland in May...woo hoo!
I guess I need this book to "study up" on the country. Thanks for a chance to win!

Mary said...

Happy St Paddy's Day. Would love to win this book. It sounds like a great trip was had by all. The quilts look wonderful.

Bridget said...

Since we live in the way-out country, we will celebrate quietly. Perhaps a drop of Bailey's? Some Irish stew? Thanks for offering this book.

Carrie P. said...

thanks for a chance to win one of Pat's books. I just got to meet her this week when she came to our guild.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.

TheLazyQuilter said...

Love the book! Seriously want to get my grubby paws on a copy.

PS - I'm not even Irish, but the hubby is and any excuse for a yummy corned beef dinner is alright with me :)

Shauna said...

I always wear something green for St. Paddy's day. Looks like an amazing book - I also love Irish Chain quilts. They are so beautiful.

Lauren said...

I was up at 5 making Lucky Spinach Quiche I found online. I'll be making/baking with green all day!!
Beginning Quilter,

Andra Gayle said...

I would love to have this book. I keep looking at it and going home without it...

Beth Buning said...

Since I am not headed to Ireland anytime soon, I think Pat's book looks like the next best thing :)

Needled Mom said...

We always do a big St. Patrick's Day dinner with soda bread, corned beef and cabbage with all of the trimmings.

sissa said...

no celebrating here - and if someone didn't remind me that it is St. Patrick's day, I probably wouldn't have even remembered to wear something green today (I'll go change my sweater before I go out....) I also like the variation on the snowball quilt - alternating dark and light. Looks like a great way to use up some scraps.

Malin said...

Maybe I can provide some inspiration, I just completed a scrappy Irish chain, photo here: :)

We don't celebrate St Patricks day in Sweden, so I'm not very familiar with it.

Thanks for a lovely blog! :)

Caroline said...

Boy, do we EVER celebrate St. Patrick's Day! Everyone wears green (I made the kids outfits this year); we listen to Irish music all week; we have green eggs, green pancakes, and green orange juice for breakfast; we're having corned beef and cabbage, shamrock-shaped dinner rolls, potatoes, fairy cakes, and Irish cheese for our dinner feast. Tonight we're having some friends over, she's bringing her fiddle, and my husband will pull out the pennywhistle, and we'll sing "Wild Rover" a few times over. I'm also determined to find a school that is performing and watching some sparkly Irish dancers! We did that back home in Texas every year. My SIL and sister dance and compete all the time and I've missed all the crazy wigs and dresses since we've moved.

Yeah, we're a little nuts for St. Patrick's Day in our home.

By the way, I love Irish chains. I even did one (, but the one in the book looks so much easier than the monster I tackled. :)

Anonymous said...

I just love both Pat's and your blogs. Just make baked corn beef and cooked vegetables for dinner. Not Irish but love the meal. I would love to win the book. Sounds like a lot of great ideas. Thank you.

Sandi from Sonora, CA

Unknown said...

My 4 year old daughter is a reader now and loves the story of green eggs and ham. So we will make green food today. I know what she will say: "I'm not eating that". So she will eat her Lucky Charms and smile and say: "I like Lucky Charms". Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of Ms. Pat's book.

qltmom9 said...

Well, I hope I have the "luck of the Irish" and win!
We make sure everyone wears some green and have corned beef and cabbage (with some sauerkraut since we're a little more German than Irish).
I get to sew a bit today and am doing Bonnie Hunter's Criss Cross Applesauce in greens with scrappy redtones. LOVING the green today!
Your rag quilt is so pretty.

Lucy (in IN)

Thimbleanna said...

Oh, you lucky girl -- this looks a wee bit more exciting than thread ROFLOL! I'd love to win just to know some of the wonderful places to visit when planning a trip to Ireland!

Trisha said...

What fun to have this as a giveaway on St Patty's Day! I wear green and not much else. I am always tempted to buy a Kiss the Irish shirt and change it to Kiss the Trish with a little marker. LOL

Melissa said...

Are you kidding? With four kids I knew if I didn't sleep in green pajamas I would wake up to gleeful pinching! St. Patrick's Day is dead serious around here. Now I'm trying to think of a dinner I can turn green...

tarabu said...

I celebrate St. Brigid's day with more fervor than St. Patrick's, but it's a great excuse to wear my Guiness hockey jersey, sprinkle green glitter all over the house and trade gold dollar coins for the candy the kids leave out for the leprechaun. I've also been known to eat half a cake of soda bread all by my lonesome.

Sallie said...

We wear green on St. Patrick's Day. Thanks for hosting the tour.

Amy said...

I wish I could say that I do something really outlandish for St. Patrick's Day but my celebrations only includes wearing green.

The book looks like it has some really cool patterns in it.

bee*in*the*balm said...

planning on baking up some irish soda bread later today, we'll do a big family dinner together this weekend.

Mommarock said...

Gosh this book is just loaded with beautiful quilts!! I would love to win!

Quilter Kathy said...

I'll be wearing green to work today and tonight we'll go over to the pub and drink some green beer. Hope the luck of the irish is with me today!

JessicaSews said...

I have Tour Ireland with Pat Sloan on my wish list...I would be sooo happy to win this book!

Enjoy making your quilt from the Irish Chain pattern!

maggie muggins said...

I really don't celebrat St. Patrick's Day other than trying to remember to wear green, and I would drink a little mug o' green beer if it'were offered! I'd love to win Pat's book.

krisgray said...

I have to admit that we really don't celebrate other than wearing green. However, the cover of the book reminds me of an article from The Quilt Life and makes me want to watch The Quiet Man (one of my faves).

Ebeth said...

Just wearin' o' the green this year. New no corned beef or potatoes. ;(

Kristin said...

Since I'm half-Irish, I try to cook corned beef and cabbage every year but we're sick right now so no corned beef today.

Ladybug said...

I wear green and celebrate the St. Patrick's day baby in our family with cake and mint chocolate chip ice-cream.

Gill said...

Although we're English my youngest son is a big supporter of Irish rugby so he's wearing his Ireland rugby shirt today - but on Saturday we'll be cheering for England to win the Grand Slam!!

Abbybeth said...

I'm mostly Scottish with a tiny bit of Irish .... I usually do have a green beer :) it's also the birthday of one of my very good friends and she is most definitely also Irish, so I go out to celebrate with her!

annemarie said...

My Irish eyes are smiling as I sit here in my green outfit - love St. Pats Day.

Erin said...

I don't go too crazy for St. Patrick's. . . generally just wear some green and try to do something fun with some friends or find something green to bake! :)

Tessa H. said...

I don't really "go all out" for this holiday either. I do wear green, wish everyone a "Happy St. Patty's Day", and smile. I, like you, am not opposed :D My 3 year old and I will be making some green treats for when we have friends over tonight :D

tellad said...

I have something green on but am working so not too much celebrating! Love the Irish Chain - would love to make one...

Margaret said...

I made a scrappy Irish Chain ( Although I only finished it last year, I did all the cutting and most of the piecing 8 years ago when I was pregnant. I used a pattern in a book, "Quick and Easy Scrap Quilts."

Yumm yumz by patticakes said...

I am Irish to the core (or to my blarney bottom - lol) I celebrate being Irish every day! Lots of laughs, smiles, and constantly searching for the end of that darned rainbow!

Anonymous said...

The Irish Chain quilt in this book is so true to the many colors of green in the Irish countryside. It is a definite must do.

Alisa said...

It's my hubby's birthday today so that's how we celebrate. This year it's bowling and out for dinner.

Last year, my kids and I set out to figure out who St. Patrick really was and it is a really interesting story.

Cathy said...

Being Irish I wear green today and of course fix corned beef and cabbage but I leave the green beer to others. Thanks for a chance to win the book. See you tomorrow at the FNSI. Hugs

Anonymous said...

Normally I would be in the kitchen fixing a wonderful corned beef and cabbage dinner. This is the first year in 20 years that I have not fixed corned beef for St Patty's day. And it's my birthday as well.

Barbara said...

Wearing o' the green and serving up cabbage and potatoes with dinner.

Sonia B said...

It's my daughter's birthday, so all the celebrating is channelled through that route . . . but the birthday celebrating is all in green (I'm waiting for the day when she won't like that anymore.)
Thanks for the chance!

sndy1 said...

I'll be making corned beef in the crock pot. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

DianeY said...

We got a head start & had corned beef & cabbage last weekend. Funny, I visited Ireland for 2 weeks 6 years ago & never once saw corned beef & cabbage on a menu! I think it may be an American-Irish thing! I have my green on for work today!

Miss Jean said...

A chance to win the book on my favorite holiday!!!! Happy St. Patrick's Day

folksmith said...

We celebrate with an American Corned Beef dinner with Colcannon potatoes. Love it, Ireland is a beautiful place to visit. Love It.

Michele said...

We are wearing green and we made green rice crispy treats in the shape of shamrocks :-) I have kids, you know :-)

Lindsay said...

i'm 100% irish, so i love this 'holiday'. we don't really celebrate it in Ireland as much as the americans do... a couple of years ago, i made a huge shamrock shaped cake, and i deck my house with irish stuff - not just green!! i like to break out the irish recipes - potato bread (not like american 'potato bread') and soda bread, and a nice big pot of irish stew. i try to do a new irish themed craft each year to add to my decorations. i even knitted a little irish leprechaun. it one of the funnest days of the year for me. :)

GC&K said...

Well, my husband is of Swedish decent and I'm a mixture of Scottish and German, but we celebrate anyway with corned beef and cabbage in the crock pot. It is delicious and oh so tender. I also make soda bread and I'm pretty sure there will be a dark beer coming out as well!
Love the sheep quilt!

Amy DeCesare said...

I'm working today, and we're all bringing green food. I'm providing dill dip and crackers. (The crackers are in a green box, with an elf, which looks suspiciously like a leprechaun.) I miss the days when my youngest celebrated by building a leprechaun trap in his bedroom, with "gold" for bait.

Anonymous said...


Rita said...

Those sheep are adorable! We don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but I do always wear my green...

crickets said...

What a cool book - and a great giveaway - thanks! We celebrate by the kids waling up to tricking leprechauns having turned their breakfast green, or leaving them fun shamrock items to wear. Special school fun (those sneaky leprechauns turned some choc chip cookies green today in my daughter's class!) and then corned beef and cabbage for dinner.

Fun, fun FUN!

Marsha said...

DH loves corned beef, so I always make it for St. Paddy's Day along with potatoes, carrots, and cabbage of course. We'll wear green and hope to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow .... or a copy of this great book!

Rhonda the Rambler said...

I sure hope you pick me!!! LOL

Jane said...

Yes, I'm part Irish and my wish is to go to Ireland someday. A great book to read is St. Patrick's Day in the morning by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Jan Brett. You'll be hooked from the first page when Jaime climbs into a quilt covered bed with his brothers.

Would so LOVE to win this book!!

sandra said...

I don't celebrate it... but I've been to Ireland and loved it!

Jessica Christensen said...

March 17th is actually my grandmother's birthday, so we tend to celebrate it that way. Now that she has been gone a number of years, the celebration is in short supply, but I do still think of her often especially on her birthday. (And when I was younger I would always wear green, but now I forget.)

jenn said...

I took my mom to Ireland a couple of years ago for the trip of a lifetime, and one of her favorite parts was all the sheep. I would LOVE to win this book and make the sheep wall hanging for her for Christmas or her birthday to commemorate our trip and our wonderful relationship. I like to drink a Guinness for St. Pats- it will make you strong! Erin Go Bragh!

Quilt Monkey said...

We don't celebrate at my house, other than to TRY to wear green. I was already dressed this morning and had to change clothes because I almost forgot what day it was! Pat's book looks great - would love to win a copy. Fingers crossed!

Gidget said...

I try to wear a little green...Corned Beef in the crockpot..the leprechaun will visit our house while we are at work and school and mess it up!
So I'll have to clean house after dinner! I'll have lots of help and we will have loads of fun!

Lauren said...

We don't do anything. I used to when I was younger (I do have Irish ancestors), but I no longer have space in my head for stuff like that!

llsieg at earthlink dot net

Joelle said...

Green clothing, green earrings, corned beef and cabbage and green milk.

Laura K said...

Thank you for the great opportunity to win. It looks like a really fun book!

Annette from Ostfriesland said...

We used to celebrate St. Patrick's Day when we lived in Hannover, but here deep in the countryside of Northwestern Germany there are no Irish pubs nor Irishmen to celebrate with around.

Thanks for the inspiration in your blog.

Anonymous said...

I usually don't do much, but tonight I'm having corned beef!

Irish chains are one of my favorite patterns!


tlufkin (at)

Kate said...

Always ready for a book with pretty pictures and quilt projects besides. The best of both worlds!

JoAnna said...

Truthfully I don't celebrate St. Patricks's day. But I love the quilt and the book anyway!

Beth said...

We used to celebrate with my Mom's clan...the McNamaras. Lots of green. Now My little cousin does Irish step and her school performs at a bit Irish party at her elementry school. Bagpipes, dancing, Irish music, Irish food.
Would love to get Pat's book.

Deb said...

I celebrate by wearing a little green, making corned beef and cabbage, and listening to irish music while I quilt. I'm German so I am not sure why I celebrate, but it is fun! Winning this book would be awesome!

Jen said...

Now that I'm getting older, green margaritas and Bud Light is no longer an option that appeals to me. So instead, we are making Sheppard's Pie and drinking some Guiness (for him) and Killians (for me). I love these sneak peeks quilts. So pretty!

Liam Clarke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica said...

We will be wearing our green and thinking happy thoughts!

BeachQuilter said...

Working at a school allows me to have lots of fun with St Patrick's day, I have the shamrock pins, socks, earrings, even some extra little green items to give to the kids that don't wear green that day!

Karen said...

My husband's family is Scottish, so we don't do alot of celebrating LOL!!

Liz Clark said...

We celebrate of course by wearing green and make sure we have an Irish beer with dinner!
I am still working on my first quilt But I have hopes to make an Irish chain quilt in the future. I would love to get the book!

Lee said...

My daughter plays in her colleges Celtic music orchestra/band and we go and here them play! thanks for the review of the book - congrats to Pat - its looks wonderful!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for joining us on our tour. We had a great time and the projects are so much fun!
Cheryl at Leisure Arts

WvHmmngbrd said...

Beautiful pictures! Thanks for the chance to win!

Cyndi said...

I would LOVE to win this book. I am of Irish descent and my hubby and I are planning a three-week trip to Ireland next would be fabulous to have this as a "tour guide" of sorts. I'd also love to give several of those quilts a try!

As far as celebrating St. Paddy's Day...I live in Cincinnati and there is a large Irish population here. We always attend the St. Patrick's Day parade downtown, then head over to our favorite Irish pub, Claddagh's, for corned beef and cabbage...and of course, green beer!

Thanks so much for the give away and the chance to win! Erin go Bragh!



Anonymous said...

No special celebrations here, but we do try to wear something green. Usually this is done subtly so that we can fool others into thinking we forgot :) Just a bunch of kids at heart lol

Heather said...

Last night we set up a Leprechaun trap. Today I'll make green lemonade and green rice crispy treats shaped like shamrocks for the kids. And of course we wear our green. said...

It's about time I made a quilt using the classic Irish chain.

Unknown said...

St. Patrick's day is big in my house. We eat corned beef and cabbage with new potatoes every year. YUMMMM

Melody said...

I always make corned beef and cabbage - which my kids can do without so that leaves just that much more for me. Days worth of corned beef sandwiches too!

Ann said...

Wow I am ready for the day. I have my green t-shirt with a shamrock on it, on . i going to the pub for green beer and wings tonight, cannot wait it will be a great evening with friends. Enjoy your day all. Now the best part would be to win a book. hummmm

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Want that book. Top o' the Mornin ta ya!

Ashley Probst said...

My roommate is crazy in love with St. Patrick's day, so my other roommate and I decorated last night when she was asleep. We hung green streamers and left her a bag of gold foiled reeces for lunch. We also colored the water in the toilets green (I figured we might as well go all-the-way). She absolutely loved it. :) We also have plans to make green jell-o for dinner. It's going to be great.

Delores said...

I used to wear green when I worked in the school system - but no celebrating here today,
I've always wanted to visit Ireland - this may be the closest I get!!
Love to WIN!

Debby, crowefan0517 said...

I am not the least bit Irish (I remember I used to wear orange on St. Patty's Day when I was a teenager, as a form of Italian rebellion), but I've outgrown that, thank goodness. I celebrate by making Irish Soda bread which I did make for breakfast this morning. And of course, cute St. Patty's Day paper plates & napkins to eat it off of:)

Chester, NY

Emilie said...

Well, I don't really celebrate. I do love corned beef and cabbage, but we usually have that after the day, since it is on sale!

Kala said...

The Irish Chain is one of my favorite quilt patterns. I've never made on. Having this book may be just what I need to give it ago!

Sunnymay said...

Pretty quilts and the fields in Ireland, what could be a better setting? Thanks for putting together another great book.

Tina Craig said...

Not much celebrating in my house, but I do enjoy a little corned beef. I don't like cooked cabbage, so we have sandwiches and cole slaw. Yum!

Quilting Grannie said...

The Irish Chain quilt is very pretty. Would like to make one some day. Am I celebrating St Paddy's day?? Not this year. Just returned home from being away, had some water problems to deal with, then found out we had computer problems on our desk top, all the laundry.... need I say more.

ritainalaska said...

happy st. patrick's day! we always celebrate the day .... it's my birthday! that gorgeous green double irish chain quilt is fabulous - just have to make it!

Catherine said...

Happy St. Paddy's Day!!

I used to celebrate the day in Chicago and if you've never experienced it then all I can say is DO IT. Now I spend the day on shop hops & blog hops and our city's little 2-block long Wee Parade. Oh, and of course I'm wearing green!

This book looks so fun and I'm glad that you showcased the Sheep's Feet pattern. I love Snowball blocks and I, too, had never seen one using alternating light & dark centers. Looks like fun!

Marcia W. said...

We will celebrate St.Patrick's Day with our traditional supper of corned beef and vegetables. I would enjoy winning one of Pat's books. Thanks for hosting the blog tour stop!

Jopsy said...

we talk about it in my class of 5 year olds, and i wear something green-alto atm it clashes with my purple hair! many thanks

Anonymous said...

We don't celebrate this day, but i would love to win the book :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks for participating in the blog hop!!!

Travel, quilts, Pat's new book, what more does a quiler want??? More of each, of course!

Cynthia said...

Sheep's feet!!! hahah. That's funny. I like that name better than "Snowball".

RoseMary said...

Love Tour Ireland. Sheep Feet is perfect for a baby quilt, found out today that our 9th grandchild is a GIRL, maybe one for her.
Thanks for being apart of this.

Karee said...

I celebrate being VERY Irish and the green I wear every day... my sparkling green eyes!

Katie said...

I made some Irish soda bread and will enjoy it with my dinner of soup while wearing a pretty green top.

Jittina said...

Too bad we don't have St. Patricks day in the Netherlands.


Nancy said...

I love the idea of a quilting and travel book, so much beauty in both. Wearing my green today although not Irish....

Lynn said...

I'm Irish and married to someone Irish. But we both were traumatized as kids by our mothers corned beef and cabbage dinners it's tacos for us tonight!

Janet Hoonard said...

Wow another person in the world who starts things as soon as they cross their path. . Looks wonderful . Keep up the great work.
Oh and if you feel like sharing you can tell Pat her book looks wonderful too.

Rhonda said...

No celebrating here but I do have some Irish in me. My grandfather was welsh/irish and when he came to the USA he brough the shire workhorse over with him. He had quit a few here in the early day's of Oregon. Would love to win a copy of the book and prayfully someday be able to actually visit Ireland. I may not want to come back. LOL

Pat V. said...

Usually wear green & cook corned beef and all I need is the Guiness! Obsure factoid: Did you know that 13 MILLION Guinesses are drunk on St. Patrick's Day?

Anonymous said...

With no kids at home there is no one to give me a pinch if I forget the green:)
I celebrate by enjoying Celtic music all day, but then again that is what I enjoy everyday.

Janet said...

This looks like a fabulous book. It might help me to develop some St. Paddy's day traditions. All I do is wear green. I didn't remember this morning but thankfully there is green in my jacket. Thanks for a chance to win.

Wanda said...

I always wear green and even have been know to drink some green beer. I also celebrate my Irish heritage and spend time with family. Very proud to be of Irish descent.

Karen P. said...

I dressed my daughter in green & put green bows in her hair! she thinks it fun!

Anonymous said...

Just another day here. Love the one with the zigzag border.

Brenda in Winnipeg said...

Wish I knew how to add a picture, because I made a triple irish chain quilt which is very similar to the one in the book, and I'd love for you to see it. I've not been to Ireland, but would love to have a copy of the book!

Karen in Tucson said...

I would love a copy of the book. I wear green and play Irish music all month and especially today.

Diane Hitchens said...

I'm Irish but I don't celebrate. I use to go out for corned beef and cabbage but since I don't eat beef I don't even do that :( how boring....maybe I'll stop somwhere for a turkey ruben, that's Irishish :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day to ya!

EG said...

All celebrations are about food for me (that's healthy, right?).

Stacia said...

I thought St. Pat's was tomorrow, so I am glad I checked your blog! Time to go put on some green and make green eggs for dinner.

Jill Warren said...

I am ready to quilt green! I need to win this book to make a quilt for my husband the leprechaun named Patrick.

Sally said...

I'm wearing green and hoping to win a book.

Alberta said...

Amanda your quick start! Looks like a fabulous book...adding it to my wish list!

Julie said...

I celebrate because it is my birthday.

Kirsten and Tracy said...

I'm with you, I'm going to have to start on that snowball quilt right away!!!

I don't really celebrate St. Patrick's day, but I do wear green because I am opposed to being pinched!


Bonnie said...

About the only thing we do now is wear green. When I was little my family always had corned beef and cabbage but my family doesn't like it. I miss it! lol

Nancy said...

We don't celebrate St Patrick's Day, but I love the book! LOL!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Judy said...

I'm Irish and semi retired. I try to wear green and give thanks that my Mom was Irish. I would love to go there someday.

Wendyb said...

Yep....always go 'green' friendly day!!! but really.....dress green, eat green (well Irish!.....corned beef and potatoes!!!!)
I'd love to 'read green' as well.
Thanks for the chance....I do love that Snowballs quilt...and the Irish Chain......looks lovely in GREEN!
sugary hugs
Wendy :O)

Julie Murphy said...

We do the whole boiled dinner at our house. My Mother-in-law is from Ireland so we go all out. I made Irish soda bread one year but it was so hard we could have put it in the garden! i read your blog often and your a very talented gal!

Karen K said...

I'm with Colleen (my mom's name) and my middle name of Kathleen, you HAVE to celebrate St. Patty's Day. I think it is required. Wishing you all the luck of the Irish!!!

maryc said...

Celebration is pretty much limited to wearing green and delivering baskets of homemade St. Patty cookies to friends.

Anonymous said...

I wear green and wish people a Happy St. Patrick's Day, but that's about it.

LOVE the quilts you showed from the book. Thanks for a chance at winning a copy.

Anonymous said...

I always wear green and a "Kiss me, I'm Irish" button at work and go out to eat corned beef and cabbage while drinking green beer and listening to Irish folk music.
Thanks for the chance to win one of the books.

The Quilter in the Abbey said...

I am listening to Irish music and planing my next Irish chain quilt.
Thanks for the inspiration, Pat.

Bonnie said...

Just wearing a little green and husband is cooking the corned beef and cabbage for dinner. The book looks great. Thanks for the chance to win.

JustPam said...

My celebration of St Paddy's day is limited to wearing green if I remember and making something with cabbage for dinner.

Grammasheri said...

We celebrate my mom-in-law's birthday every year. She is 90 today so I think that deserves at least two Guinness beers, don't you?

Happy St. Patty's Day! (And MIL's birthday, too! And Pat's new book...)

Clair said...

I have had people over for green (mint chocolate chip)ice cream some years, but mostly nothing. Now I have a friend that has a birthday so I try to do something for her.

Alyssa Grace said...

Well this year we celebrated in washingtoN DC! It was soOooo fun!

Beth said...

Paddy's Day was the birthday of a dear friend. Now that she's gone, I mostly spend the day gathering sweet memories of her and sharing them with her mom.

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Silvia R said...

Love Pat's Ireland book! Would love to win it and remember good times in Ireland!

Sue said...

We spend the day with friends, going to the parade and eating at the Coney, listening to the bagpipes.

Mary said...

This year I celebrated by going to turn in a bunch of Quilts for a Quilt show and wore my Green. I'll enter a Shamrock quilt in an online contest later today.

Sewcando said...

Can't say I really celebrate but it's fun to enjoy with the kids. Thanks for sharing tidbits from the book.

Pam said...

I don't celebrate it and am very happy that I don't have to eat corn beef and cabbage ...I sat at the table begging my mother to let me skip supper!

I do love Ireland though's such a beautiful place!

janie said...

Ohhh, I hope the Luck of the Irish is with me !!

Sarah @ FairyFace Designs said...

Oh, I think this book should actually go to an Irish quilter and!!!! ;-) We had a lovely day here, brought my 2 kids to the parade and then to visit their grandparents, they wore the badges they made in playschool. This was the first year they really understood the celebrations :-) Please pop over to my little blog and say hi I'd love to win this book, it looks gorgeous!!

Evelene S said...

I celebrate by wearing green and cooking corned bee and cabbage. I'd love to win this beautiful book and of course make one of Pat's lovely quilts. bimbi9 at verizon dot net

Evelene S said...

So you must be wondering what corned bee is well that's a Mexican version of Corned beef with salsa:-) just kidding -just a typo. bimbi9 at verizon dot net

GerryART said...

I celebrate my Irish heritage by reflecting upon the hardships my great-grandparents went thru to immigrate in the 1850s.
Soooo, I'd love to win a copy of Pat's book, especially after watching her two videos. I wanna go to Ireland.
Irish Hugs,

StuffandThings said...

St. Patrick's day was lots of fun at school today. Some naughty leprechauns messed up the classrooms, but they also left us chocolate so we couldn't be too upset about the mess. The primary age students had a lot of fun designing Leprechaun traps, but nobody caught one. Maybe next year!

janice said...

I don't do alot of celebrating on St. Pat's day. But I do wear green. hehe

Anonymous said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that I win this book. This book looks like a great one!!

Birdena said...

This book looks amazing...pick me!!!

Karen said...

OK, 2nd try posting here!

I love the "Sheep's Feet" quilt! So, I guess I'd like to win Pat Sloan's new book!

Thanks for the opportunity to win this.

P.S. I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day...used to when the kids were young and we made green iced cookies which they loved. Oh, and I wore green.


Kathy said...

We have corned beef and cabbage for dinner. I slow cook it all day, which gives me less prep time and more sew time! Thanks for the giveaway!

Patty said...

Happy St Patty's Day! thanks for the chance to win the book.

Anonymous said...

I don't do much for St. Patrick's Day. Maybe because I'm German, it just doesn't interest me. However, I do work in an elementary school, and wearing green is a must around that place. So today, I wore a jade ring. In the past, I usually leave it to my green eyes to save me from a pinch or two. Though I'm not crazy about corned beef, it is on the menu at my house, along with red potatoes and cole slaw. I don't like cooked cabbage.

Jo Anne said...

Well, personally, I don't really celebrate this day. However, my grandchildren wake up to a treasure hunt leading to a pot of gold, green water in the toilets, and green breakfast.

Jill said...

I want to go too and I want to win.

Busy Quilting Mama said...

I put on my green, go to work and pass out green stickers so my students don't get pinched. Do some St. Patrick's Day word puzzles. Not usually much more than that, but I have always wanted to visit Ireland also.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway, but I don't really celebrate the day, although I wear green if I remember!

Carlie said...

I hope it's my lucky day to win Pat's book! Just think two great things...Pat's designs and Ireland.!!

Cindy said...

Will be celebrating with friends tomorrow.....big dinner and loads of laughter. We have teeny bits of Irish blood so one must party! :)

Thanks for the book give away.

Tamie said...

I'd love to look at this book. Thanks for the chance to win.

skenn said...

I loved being in Ireland, got to met some wonderful ladies there.
Sherri Kennedy

Clairellen said...

Hi Amanda, so happy to discover your blog, thanks to Pat's fun idea. Today I wore my shamrock-covered knee socks and a dollar-store green charm bracelet to celebrate, and we enjoyed a yummy corned beef dinner at The Flour Garden, our local cafe. Thanks for askin'!

Laura said...

We don't really celebrate it, but we do have corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day.

Kristin said...

It's about the food. corned beef and cabbage. lots of mustard. some irish beer. and wearin' of the green.

kjshowalter said...

I love that you had to start making your own quilt right away. No matter how many projects i have started, if I get a new pattern I want to start it NOW :)

karen said...

sheeps feet, that's awesome. I love the snowball block for so many reasons.

Anonymous said...

Just finished the corned beef and cabbage and sat back down at the PC. Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone, and happy anniversary (33 years) to me and himself! What a wonderful book! Thanks to Pat Sloan for sharing her trip with all of us!
Jacque in SC

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing that my dear friend was the first to comment! Our family all wore green today, but we have to wait until tomorrow night for our corned beef & cabbage dinner. I'm actually first generation American with all my extended family still living in Ireland - and not a one of them (there are many!) ever eat corned beef & cabbage! I have many other meals that are much more "irish" that we enjoy regularly!
- limivadygirl

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