Thursday, June 17, 2010

a retreat for me and a treat for you

Tonight I'm headed out to go on a weekend quilt retreat at Gruber's Quilt Shop! Victoria set it up last fall and it's finally here! Yipee! It's so weird to be making plans to go anywhere all. by. myself. I'm sure I will miss my family as soon as I leave the house, but I'm planning to enjoy every last minute. Seriously, how could I not? I'm meeting up with fellow bloggers to QUILT for the entire weekend! I've got my pile of projects ready to go...probably about 2-3 weeks worth. Overkill is nothing new to me!

Speaking of retreats...I will be speaking at a few this year.

The first one is going to be in Grand Rapids, Michigan for Margaret's Hope Chest at the end of July. You can read up on all the details here. I'm excited for this one! I have designed a quilt pattern especially for them and I will be showing several options to switch up the basic pattern. I'll be talking about color and fabric choices with a little bit of scrap talk thrown in, too. Margaret's Hope Chest is spreading HOPE in Jesus' name. I couldn't think of a better cause to quilt for. The work party is FREE! The majority of the sewing time will be spent making quilt tops for MHC. I think there are 10 remaining spots left.

I'm also going back to Colorado this November to Inn at City Park, which is a beautiful Bed and Breakfast. More details on the retreat here. Of course, I am excited about this one, too! Tara is a fabulous hostess. Last year we had an AMAZING time. I know I gushed on and on about it already, but seriously, it was so. much. fun. It was my first quilt retreat ever, and it set the bar for all future quilt retreats VERY high. This year I will be teaching machine quilting: using both your walking foot and free motion foot. Last time I checked, there were only 8 spots left for this one.

Heather is considering putting together a retreat here (in Western Wisconsin-just across the border from Minneapolis/St. Paul) but is trying to gauge if there is enough interest before she jumps in. Leave a comment on this post if you are interested.

Ok, enough retreat talk...

I also have a giveaway today!!!
Up for grabs is a Roll Up in the Dark Colorstory, compliments of Robert Kaufman. I'm not going to gush about how wonderful Kona cottons are because I'm sure you already know. If you ask me, this would look lovely paired with Ash colored Kona cotton as a background for my quilt along. You know, in case any of you are still on the fence about joining in. :) Of course, if you are the lucky winner, you get to decide what to do with it! Leave me a comment if you want a chance at it. One comment per person please. I will announce the winner on Monday.

Happy weekend to you!


1 – 200 of 859   Newer›   Newest» said...

I've just started quilting, finished my first quilt 2 weeks ago and working on a table runner now. This would be such fun material!

Julie Nolte Owen said...

Kona Cottons in so many colors! I love it! Have fun at your retreat.

Rachel said...

The bright colors seem so appropriate now that summer is here.

Amber said...

Oh, I'd love the jelly roll!

2 dogs + 1 cat + 2 humans said...

I've just started quilting too, I have just about finished my first quilt (a baby quilt made of crazy nine patches), so much fun! I have my 2nd one planned out, just haven't figured out what colours yet - yours are beautiful :) Tho I guess the chance of sending to New Zealand is a bit far fetched!

Jessica Christensen said...

I must be stalking you to be 2nd (someone will probably finish before me, and then I won't be 2nd anymore). No, I'm trying to find something on my blog and you're linked on the side. How fun to be speaking and teaching so much. I have interest in Heather's/your quilt retreat, but I can't say for sure if it's in the cards for me this year. Hmmm. Anyway, I LOVE Kona. Of course. Have fun this weekend!!!!!

Leah Spencer said...

Happy Retreating! I've never had a jelly roll.

Jantine said...

Those colors are my favorite scheme, I can think up a quilt or two, maybe Amish style?

allanya said...

I can't wait to see who wins it.

beth said...

wishing....I could go to one of those retreats with you OR that I could win that lovely roll of fabric....
Have a great time this weekend!

thea said...

I would love to win the jelly roll! As a new quilter, I have a silly question -- how do I wash my quilts? what water temp? what setting? do I dry them in the dryer? (I made one for myself that I've been washing and drying when necessary but for those I'm going to give away, should I wash before I give?)

Michelle said...

i would love a chance to win this!!

MeganAnne said...

who wouldn't want a chance to win some yummy fabric?!

count me in!

Anonymous said...

If I was selected to win this, I know exactly which pattern I would use these beautiful colors for. What a great giveaway!!

Care said...

Oooooooooooo!! I want!! :o)

Enjoy your retreat!

Brenda said...

Have fun this weekend! What a great giveaway. Love the colors and solids mix so well with everything.

Chris said...

Ooh! I love Kona cottons! I've already cut my fabric for the quilt along but I'm positive I could find another use for it!

DianeY said...

Love jelly rolls-of course they look so pretty I have to stare at them for a long time before I can bear to open them!

EmileeHope said...

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, it sounds like a ton of fun!! I can't wait to see pictures of what all you got accomplished!!

(And please count me in on the giveaway...I have been considering joining in on your quilt-a-long and this looks like it would be fun to use for that!!)

Jennifer said...

winning this would definitely get me in on your quiltalong. :P

have fun on your retreat!

Jessy said...

What a great excuse to get away! I hope you have a fun (and productive) trip!
I am just finishing a quilt made out of my first purchase of Kona cottons. I ordered it from an etsy store since it's so hard to find here in Calgary, and I am loving it!
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

Oh retreats! How fun! Have a great time and what a wonderful giveaway. Thanks! Jenn

Jamie Lee said...

I am loving the quilt along! It's my first, and I just got my center 4 patch done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica said...

I went to a retreat this year and SERIOUSLY---you forget about the family the second the car door slams. I had a blast:) Enjoy!!! I hope you share all of the projects you finish up.

Lisa said...

Such a great giveaway. I love Kona Cottons, they are so beautiful.

Thanks for the chance!

Elisha said...

Yay for retreats! That sounds so fun!

I heart Kona Solids. ::sighs happily::


Stevens Family said...

I love the would be such a good excuse to add one more project to my pile and join your quilt along. Enjoy the retreat! I am so jealous!

4throse said...

This all sounds so fun. Thanks for the giveaway.

pippinsequim said...

Ooh, a retreat sounds awesome! Do you know of any resources/lists for finding quilting retreats? Or do you just have to catch them if you can?

Andria said...

The Kona solids are wonderful! Enjoy your retreat this weekend!

beth said...

You are so right - if I won - I would use this roll with some grey and join your quiltalong.... !! Beautiful!

Katie said...

Boy do I wish I had time for a retreat; I'm envious of yours!

Great giveaway, though!

Ariane said...

Oh! I love the kona cotton rolls. Thanks for the chance to win. Your retreat sounds like so much fun. I need one of those too. Have fun!!!

Sarah said...

Ooh, what a great giveaway! I would love this.

JD said...

Sounds like a great time! I can't wait to see if you post your finished projects afterwards.

Kim Q said...

Ooooh...those colors are drop dead gorgeous! What a wonderful prize!

Amy H said...

Please enter me! I'd love to win this.

Edige said...

Please count me in too!
Thanks for the chance,
Edit from Hungary

Christina said...

Love this!

Mandy said...

I am so glad that you're back!

the first thing I ever won was from you :)

I would love to win again!

Meri said...

Have a fun, quilty weekend! I'd hate to say "pick ME!", but I me some Kona fabric!

Monica said...

I'd love a chance to win the roll up! Thanks.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Have fun on your retreat! and thanks for the chance to win some yummy fabric!

Two Dogs and a Quilt said...

Enjoy! I didn't even know Kona came in Jelly Rolls. How great!

Needled Mom said...

Wow...lots of exciting retreat news. I know you will have a blast. I can't wait to read all about your fun.

Love all the Kona solids. Such luscious colors.

Unknown said...

Looks like a big ole' delicious lollipop! Just perfect for a summer quilt.

Sally said...

Add me in! My daughter would love this.


Angi said...

oh how exciting! I only recently found the jelly roll love and would love to win one!!!! And for it to be a Kona roll-- wow!!

Unknown said...

What beautiful colors!

Have fun on retreat!

Anonymous said...

Love Kona cottons!

Colleen said...

I love those colors! And the idea of a retreat with you- Awesome!

RazakFamily said...

Fabulous! I would love to have this to do for some quilt designs that I have :) :) :)

Nancy V. said...

I would love to have the Kona cottons. Thanks for the giveaway. I get a lot of ideas from reading your blog.

Spice said...

Wow, cool colors to play and create with!!

I'm thinking of all the fun designs that could be made with it.

Denise said...

I said I was going to "be good" and not buy fabric this month, but winning is another story. Count me in.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win, thanks for the give a way.

Meredith said...

HAve fun on your retreat. I have not branched out to Jelly Rolls. That one is very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! I would love some Kona cottons to work with! And winning them would be perfect since I'm on a fabric purchasing fast!

Brita said...

What a terrific bundle for an Around The World quilt, yum!

Jenny Young said...

I have to say that I am so glad you decided to start blogging again. I love your blog. You do the cutest stuff. I would love to win and build up my stash!!

SarDee said...

I wish I could come to your retreat but it's just not possible right now... still, if I wish hard enough and whin enough my husband might, just might, send me away... OR, maybe if I have a nervous breakdown!!! Hummm, let me think on that one more... Anyway, while I am working on that please enter me in the giveaway!

Gale, Ky quilter said...

Enjoy your quilt retreat! Sounds like sew much fun! Love Robert Kaufman fabric - please enter me!

Aleisha said...

I love Kona fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win!

Melissa said...

I read about your Colorado retreat on the Ft Collins Modern Quilt Guild site, and I'm SUPER BUMMED! We will be moving from LA to Colorado the week after the retreat. THE WEEK AFTER!!!! Grrrr...I so want to come to your retreat!
I guess I'll just have to wait and get all prepared for the 2011 retreat. :o)

G'G'ma said...

I used Kona cottons for my copy of your "plain spoken" quilt. I want to make another using the same pattern. All of those beautiful colors would be fun to use in that pattern.

Lisa at Sun Naturals said...

Love Kona! Thanks for the chance and glad to have you back...enjoy your weekend!

Rachel O. said...

Ooh, such pretty colors!

The College Knitter said...

It sounds like you are going to have such a fantastic time. I am a brand new quilter and love looking at your blog. Enjoy your time away :)

shannon said...

have fun! don't do nuthin' i wouldn't do :)

*fingers crossed*

Jeni Baker said...

Have a wonderful weekend of quilting! :)

HRH Gigi said...

Hey, I've been looking for one of those.... The retreat(s)sound like so much fun. I think I may have to wait until my little one is a little less little. So I will live vacariously through you. Have a great time!

Ashley T. said...

Have fun at your retreat! Thanks for another great giveaway--I love me some Kona solids. :)

Joni said...

Love it! I could think of a couple things to do with this....thanks for the chance!
Have a great getaway!

babiesdoc said...

I would love some kona solids
I am also thinking about your quilt a long but,
summer is a time when my free time diminishes as everyone takes vacations and the work load is up

diplofam said...

Can't wait to see you in July! So happy that you have so many teaching opportunities coming up! Have a great time this weekend!

HisBeloved said...

Oh, count me in please! :D

Lisa said...

Drooling! Thanks for the giveaway :)

Kristine said...

I love the many colors in that roll! I wish I could take time for a retreat. But too many little kids at home, and no extra money. I get to work on my UFOs for a while at home instead.

Simply Sandy said...

Oh, the possibilities! :)

Beverly said...

~love the colors.

Marie-Andrée said...

lovely colors!
great giveaway!

Cindy Anderson said...

Thanks for offering a giveaway!

Barbara said...

I would lay down in the road and let a truck run over me for that gorgeous Kona !

and have a great weekend - that is one awesome lady Victoria with all her charity work - a real role model for me !

Unknown said...

Love Kona Cotton and these colors are great. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Bree said...

great giveaway!

Laurel said...

you've got my imagining juices flowing!

sherri said...

I am new to your site and have thoroughly enjoyed reading tips and comments. Just recently I have fell in love with sewing again. thanks for keeping me motivated.

Anne D said...

Yes we all love Kona Cottons. Thanks for the giveaway.Have a great time at your retreat.

Winona said...

Oh, love these colors. Sounds like you have a full summer plan. Have fun at your retreat. Winona

Morgan said...

Those are gorgeous colors! Thanks for the giveaway!

Nova said...

Have fun at the retreat :)
Gorgeous Kona colours
Thanks for the chance

52knit4 said...

So glad you are back.........I missed you and your wonderful blog.

Katherine said...

Have a wonderful time at the retreat! Will look forward to seeing what you get accomplished with a whole weekend for you to use for quilting ('cause you get more done on a daily basis than seems humanly possible!!!;o)
Wahoo! on teaching at those upcoming retreats - that's so awesome.
Um... I can't rave about the Kona cottons because...hanging my head here... I've never used them. Pretty scandalous - isn't it? Maybe you could help me out??? ;o)
Seriously, thanks for the chance to win, Amanda Jean. Now go quilt up a storm this weekend!

Andrea R said...

I would love a chance to win these and make something awesome!

Annalee said...

Oooh... pick me! =)

Kala said...

Hope you get a ton done at your retreat. What fun! Thanks for offering a fun giveaway1

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

If I win I'm definetley joining in on the quilt along using that fabric.

Betsy Lynn said...

Wow, I'd love to win!!

debra lynn said...

Awesome! I'd love to win the roll up and then I'd love to join in the quilt along, I still may even with out it :)

Erin said...

I concur with the ash background! What a beautiful roll of color!

nettie said...

i've got to get looking into that colorado retreat!! it'd be just my luck to not make it in...

have a wonderful time at the retreat.

Linda Lee said...

Have a great time at your retreat! Even if the weather may be raining there--perfect weather for quilting! I would love the jelly roll! Enjoy yourself. I will watch for any retreats you may be at in Northern Wisconsin.

RosaMaría said...

that is great!!! I'd love the jelly roll! many thanks for the chance!

rachandcarl said...

i'd love this jelly roll!

Melissa K said...

Mmmmmmmm... Kona. SO yummy!

Wendy said...

I would love to win these gorgeous fabrics. thanks for the generous giveaway.

Vicki said...

wow, great giveaway! I'd love to win!

Jane said...

Pretty jelly roll!

SharonQ said...

I would love to win a jelly roll. I would also like more information on a WI quilt retreat.


Melanie said...

Have fun at your retreat!

I would love to try those cottons (very difficult to find them over here)

Anita said...

Hope you have a great weekend, I'm so envious! I haven't sewn in almost two weeks!

Claire - Matching Pegs said...

Wow, the colours look so delish!

Have a fantastic retreat, don't forget to sleep occasionally - not much sleeping happens when our guild goes on retreat).

Linda said...

Yay! Excited to see you tonight!

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful! I love working with solid colors, they make things so vibrant.

Suzanne said...

Have a wonderful time at the quilt retreat!! Sounds like fun!

kathy said...

I'd love to win the jelly roll!

Have fun on your retreat.


Marie said...

gruebers -- you lucky woman!!!! at the retreat center ..... even better!!!!! hope you hit the show too.....

Kelly O. said...

I so wish I could go on a retreat! maybe when I'm done nursing babies I can think about it!

Chris said...

i'm new to quilting and this giveaway is amazing... it would beef up my paltry stash and get me going! i might even be able to add some into the star quilt i'm making based on your old quilt-a-long. cheers!! christina

Pam said...

Glad to hear you're coming back to Colorado. Ft. Collins is a great town. My daughter went college there. Enjoy your stay!

Hannah said...

I keep meaning to start using kona cottons :-). What fun!!

Melissa said...

I've been wanting one of those fabulous roll ups for a long time now... thanks for a chance to win one!

Katharine said...

oooohhh... so pretty.

Angie said...

I would love to have more Kona Cotton! Enjoy the retreat!

Karen said...

I'd love a chance at your Kona cotton giveaway. Have wonderful time at the retreat and get lots of sewing done.

Anonymous said...

Love the solid colours!

Cardygirl said...

Gorgeous colors...amazing inspiration.

Duzza Bear said...

I've already got a quilt planned in my head for one of those roll ups! As soon as I finish making some summer clothes I'll be back to quilting and I can't wait! Have a great weekend!0

Renegade Quilter said...

Oh how I would LOVE to win this!!!!

Betsy said...

I would love to win. Thanks for the chance. Have fun at the retreat.

Ms. Fine said...

You had me jealous at the word retreat--and at the planned 2-3 weeks of projects. Sigh. If only I were that organized (and didn't work so much!)

I would love a chance to win. I actually have never tried the Kona cottons but really think I need to break down and give them a shot... your lovely roll would be a great icebreaker introduction ;)

FrancisMoore said...

I love Kona fabrics. I use the white Kona fabric over and over.

Suzanne said...

I wish you were coming to Indiana! Have a wonderful quilt getaway.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I love Kona roll ups. I have used a bright and dusty one before but not this palette (sp?) before. So nice and rich. Thanks for the giveaway!

Heather at Mad Rose Creations said...

I hope you enjoy your retreat. And please count me in for the giveaway. Cheers!

stitchinpenny said...

Oh the possibilities.

Unknown said...

Oh I would love a chance to win! Kona cotton is my favorite! It is so soft! Thank you for a great giveaway and for coming back to blogland!

Amy from Our Dish said...

I would love a chance! Thanks!

Dresden Quilter said...

It is so wonderful to hear that you are going to be teaching some more. Enjoy your retreat! Thanks for the giveaway.

felicity said...

Oh very striking! Thanks for the giveaway and have a great time on retreat!

Ashley said...

Enjoy your time away!

Dawn N. said...

Those fabrics are beautiful! Have a great time this weekend!

Paola said...

What a great idea!
I can think of many projects!

The Paisley Abbey said...

I am starting my second quilt and this would be very helpful!!

Kim said...

I'd love to win that beautiful fabric!

Katie R said...

woot! :) Have fun!!!

Sara said...

oh wow, have fun at your retreat! sounds heavenly :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the beautiful fabric so I could join in the quilt along! Have a great retreat!

anne said...

Enjoy your retreat, look forward to seeing what you got up to on your blog. Those colours sure would brighten up my day. Happy Stitching

Taya@TypeB said...

Have a great time at Grubers. Such an amazing shop!

Anonymous said...

love it!

Amy F

Megan said...

Oh, lovely! I'm trying to build up my stash of solids and I love love love the richness of these colors!

Have a great time at your retreat - sounds like heaven!

Terriaw said...

Cool giveaway! I have been eyeing those solid jelly rolls for awhile now. Can't wait to meet you on Friday and sew till we drop this weekend!

connie said...

Oh, I love solids and I don't have any like this. I hope you have a great time on your retreat. I am envious. :-)

Andrea said...

Yes Please!!! I would love to win those beautiful fabrics. Thanks for sharing!

Amy Friend said...

I'd love to play with those fabrics! I probably wouldn't use them up all in one place but a little here and a little there.

Hannah said...

Have a fun retreat! That jelly roll would be fun to work with.

badlandsquilts said...

Hopey you have a great time and that you make it safely, the weather is quite nasty tonight!

EJ said...

I would love to win this!

Eleanor said...

Have fun at your retreat!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Shannon said...

Wow, that retreat sounds wonderful! I would love to win the treat!!!

Jorie said...

Oh how I would love a getaway where I could just sew and quilt all day! The hubby and son are taking a vacation soon, though so I will have 10 days to myself to do just that if I want!

And how generous of you for a giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity :)

Anonymous said...

Oooh I love Kona and I've been "on the fence" about the quilt along too. Have fun at your retreat!!

Amy said...

Congrats on all the speaking engagements.
I haven't actually worked with Kona cottons before, but would love a little sampler to get started with it.
Have fun on your retreat!

Michele said...

I LOVE Kona cottons. In all colors!

Wendy said...

I have never worked with Kona cottons, but I can see the colors are beautiful.

Tina H. in California said...


I would love to win the Robert Kaufmann jellyroll. Heck, I'd love to win anything at all! I use the whites and have just started buying small amounts of the solid colors to try them out.

Glad that you have returned to blogging. Your offer great inspiration!

bruinbr said...

Love the dark colors! Have fun at your retreat and thanks for the giveaway!

Kristine said...

I might have to join your QAL if I win! =D

Amy said...

Hope your retreat is just lovely!!!

The Wilson's said...

Would love to try Kona cotton, I have heard so many wonderful things about it! Thanks for the chance to win!

Lise said...

Have a great time at the retreat! And thanks for the chance to win. :-)

Amy said...

ooohhhh luscious! I wanna win! I wanna win! :) Have fun at your retreat!

Nathalie said...

I have some Ash Kona waiting for this to come to my house! :)

Karen said...

Hope you have an amazing time at the quilt retreat this weekend. Sounds heavenly to me!

I LOVE Kona cottons and would be thrilled to win some.

Hugs, Karen

Jess Millson said...

I'm smitten over that jelly roll...


Alisa said...

Oh, I really need some solids. The Dark Colorstory is beautiful. Thanks for the chance. Enjoy your retreat!

Unknown said...

Those are so lovely! I'm jealous about the retreat! Have fun :) Now I need to find some here in Arizona.

Liane said...

Love the Kona Cotton roll ups and have a bunch already, but not the dark colorstory. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Lynne said...

Fabulous! Enjoy the retreat! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Sara said...

Enjoy all your speaking engagements you lucky girl you! Thank you for offering up some great Kona solids. I could always use some solids.

Anonymous said...

oh that's so beautiful!!!!
love that jelly roll. hope you have a great time on your retreat.

The Girl in the Pink Dress said...

Oh my GOSH! I just realized you were back!
So yes, this is really late, but this made my day. *silly grin*
Going to read all the new posts now. YAY!
The Girl in the Pink Dress

Ruth B said...

Oh yum....a rainbow of pretty.

Tong said...

Have a great time at the quilt retreat!! And thanks for the giveaway, I love Kona roll ups! said...

Such a yummy jelly roll.

Marjorie said...

I live for Kona's. But I do really wonder where the name came from. When I was in Kona, I consumed great beer and some Kikin' Mai Tais. I did buy fabric (that's the way I roll) but certainly didn't see a fabric company.....

AMessWorthMaking said...

mmm Kona. I NEED some more kona in my life. I love solids. Have fun on your weekend!

Sue H said...

What a lovely give-away -- please count me in. And I'm so jealous, I LOVE Gruber's!

Leanne said...

those fabrics are amazing. I wish we had retreats here in Nova Scotia, Canada... i'd love to experience one.

Pam said...

I LOVE Kona Cottons! I can't wait to get my hands on some more!

webmailaddress2 said...

Retreat sounds like fun! I love your giveaway. I have the best time searching for distinct fabrics, but I'm realizing the importance of having solids to balance the loudness of my fabric!

Anonymous said...

I love Robert Kaufman!! Heather C.

The Tucker's said...

I just finished my first quilt that was an inspiration of your ragged squares quilt and this give away would be great to start my next project.

Anonymous said...

Would love this to add to my stash.

berylthepearl said...

I have heard so much about Kona cotton, so I just had to buy some for one of your patterns. I love it! it is so lovely I wonder why I didn't buy it before this. I would love to have a chance at your giveaway - thanks so much

Keriann said...

Oooo ooo oooo pick me! pick me!

Terry said...

Nice treat! I love those colors! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

Korbi said...

I just finished a quilt uising Kona cotton and I will never use another cotton and THIS IS WHY I NEED TO WIN!!!!

Emily S. said...

What a pretty rainbow of colors! Have a great time at the retreat!

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